Card game rules.

It is called KICKER , or high card. That is, if none of the players has a combination of cards, then the oldest one wins - starting from the ace. Ace, king, queen, jack, 10, and so on. Example: the river is 2, 8, 9, jack, king. You have an ACE and a QUEEN, your opponent has a 10 and a 6. You have an ace high. You have won the hand. Then comes PAIR. Any pair of cards, of course, is considered by seniority. Example: on the river 2, 8, 9, jack, king. The opponent has 3, 10. You have 5 and the King. You have top pair - two kings. You have won.
Further - TWO PAIRS . That is, on the table are 2, 5, 9, jack, 6, and you have 5 and Jack in your hands. You have two pairs. If the opponent does not have two pairs, then you win. But if he has, for example, 10 and Jack, then his two pair is higher (10 is older than 5). The next combination, as it is easy to guess, TROIKA . That is, three cards of the same value. Example: on the table 2, 5, 9, 6, Jack. You have a pair of Jacks. Compare with the fact that on the table - you have a three. The opponent has 10, 3. You win.
The next one is a little more difficult. It's called STRAIGHT (order). This is a combination to increase cards. From low to high: 2,3,4,5,6 or 10, jack, queen, king, ace, or 6,7,8,9,10, jack. The only combination that does not immediately lend itself to logic is Ace, 2,3,4,5 (just the case when Ace is considered the lowest card). There should always be five cards, starting with the lowest. Then there are cards by color - FLASH (suit) - collect the same suit, the order is not important. Example: there are 2 clubs, 9 spades, 6 diamonds, 10 spades, 4 spades on the table. You have the queen of spades, 7 of spades. The second player does not care what (well, not really, but in this case), but there is no color. You have won. I repeat (although I got you with this), if the second player has at least the king of spades and the second spade suit, then he won. It is always considered by seniority. My lovely - FULL HOUSE . Full house. Very often, when you have this combination, you win (we will discuss the details later). These are three cards of one value and two of another (or, to make it easier, a triple and a pair). Example: on the table 9, Jack, 8, 9, Queen. You have a jack and a 9. That is, this gives us two jacks and three 9s. Three plus two. Like a classic Soviet film. Logically, the next combination KARE - four cards of the same value. For example, four aces, kings, no matter what. It comes out very rarely. So, if you took it - almost 100% you took the bank. Only two combinations can kill four of a kind. This STREET FLASH (suit in order). Cards of the same suit, in order. Example: there are 9 of spades on the table, jack of spades, 8 of diamonds, 10 of spades, ace of hearts, you have 8 of spades and queen of spades. All. Bingo! Straight flush. Even if the opponent has two spades (that is, just a flush), you win. Very interest Ask- whose suit is higher. But if you think a little, you will understand that two straight flushes cannot be. Therefore, this is a stupid question. And the last combination. ROYAL FLASH . The highest cards of the same suit in order - from 10 to the ace. I got it twice in many years of playing. But beginners are lucky, tell me later. She will kill everything. But it comes up very rarely.

The combination of Straight in poker begins combinations in which all five cards are used, that is, there is no kicker. Above set stand Full House Flush Kare Street Flush Royal Flush, and lower High Card-Pair-Two Pair-Set. The combination stands almost in the very middle of the hierarchical ladder of combinations, in the Russian version it is pronounced as Straight(street), but this is not entirely correct. The original English says Straight(straight - order), but Russian-speaking players prefer the first way of pronunciation.

The combination itself is quite strong, with proper play and a bit of luck, it can bring the owner a significant bank. Poker players love the Straight with an ace - a special direction of the combination, which can be both the highest and the lowest, depending on the face value of the cards. Why does this happen and what are the secrets of a set with an ace?

General characteristics of a straight with an ace

A straight consists of five cards following each other in nominal order, the suit of the elements does not play any role, it can be different. If all cards are of the same suit, then it will be another combination - Straight Flush. A combination, for example, might look like this: 6 of hearts, 7 of diamonds, 8 of spades, 9 of hearts, 10 of diamonds. The seniority of the set and the name is determined by the highest card included in it. In this example, the designation will be Street from ten.

The combination of a straight in poker with an ace can be formed in two ways:

  1. 10, jack, queen, king, ace.
  2. Ace, 2,3,4,5.

And if everything is clear with the first case: this is the oldest Street, nominally the highest card in it is an ace, then many beginners have problems with the second option. It is not clear to them what place it occupies in the hierarchy and what is its strength.

In all cases, the Straight from Ace to 5 occupies the very first rung in the seniority ranking. The ace here acts as a unit, the combination is called the Straight from the five, it is inferior in strength to other sets in the combination.

Controversial situations with a straight with an ace

With hand rankings, things become clear relatively quickly, with controversial cases at the poker table a little more difficult, but if you delve into it, there should be no problems.

  • Two or more poker players have a Straight with an Ace in the variation - 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. Since the combination is the oldest, and kickers are not provided, the pot is divided in equal parts between the applicants.
  • Dropped Straight in the variant - ace, 2,3,4,5 for two or more players. The situation is similar to the first one, the winnings are paid to poker players in equal parts.

Beginner confusion sometimes occurs when both types of Straight with an ace are at the table at the same time. You need to firmly grasp: The straight with the highest cards is always higher than other ways of making a combination.

How to use the combination correctly?

The answer to the question - can a straight start with an ace - is yes. This is the youngest combination in the "family", if it fell out, the drawing should be carried out carefully, the combination is still not the strongest in poker. Professionals advise to sensibly comprehend the situation at the table, experienced players, most likely, they will "bite" the owner of the Street. And if they have stronger cards, they will try to withdraw the largest possible pot, if they are weaker, they will simply fold.

The combination, as a rule, is given out by elements on the table lying in a row, the poker player will have the missing links in his hands. Recognizing them is not so difficult, so only with full confidence in success should you go on the attack with a Straight with an ace in your hand.

jack, queen, king, ace

Alternative descriptions

A kind of drawing of the surface of the Earth, any celestial body or starry sky

Each of the dense sheets that make up the playing deck with figures or points of four suits depicted on them

Form to fill in any information

Obsolete Postcard

Deprecated Same as: menu

Form to fill in some information

In Latvian mythology, one of the three goddesses of fate that determines life path human

Always born in a shirt

Tablet refill (song)

Playing, geographical

She hides in a deck

Fuchs' tool of labor, which came to Captain Vrungel

Essential tourist guide

sprawling globe

Scythian large iron sword, which is an enlarged copy of the akinak

Component of the house (game)

A country without people, cities without houses, seas without water (mystery)

Topographic mapping


Drawing of the earth's surface


Information imprint of the territory

Tale Russian writer L. S. Ovalova "Operative ..."

Field of action for big-minded people

Atlas drawing

Where are countries without people, cities without houses, forests without trees, seas without water?

. "your... bat!"

Plan for a treasure hunt

One of the deck


The whole world on the wall

Both the king and the five

Orients the tourist

ten clubs

Jack, ace

Starry sky drawing


. tourist guide

A lady to be beaten

Restaurant wine menu

. "CLASS" geographical picture

What is 32 times thinner than a playing deck?

ATLAS geographical

What is thirty-two times thinner than a deck?

A trump card in the hands of a treasure hunter

. "tucked into a tablet"


Chassis of the player's deck

The scheme of the location of the treasure

Scheme of a tourist and a treasure hunter

Slab of concrete, stone or other building material

Playing deck sheet

Map to help you avoid getting lost

Ace or Jack

. token for ATM

Terrain drawing

Lady in a shirt

Queen or Jack

Earth surface drawing

The plan for looking for treasure

. crucified globe

Geographic atlas unit

Scheme indicating the buried treasure

Part of the house

Geographic contour

Earth surface drawing

Scale image of the area, drawing

In Latvian mythology, one of the three goddesses of fate

. "Token" for ATM

. "Filled in tablet"

. "Cool" geographical picture

. "guide" tourist

. "Crucified" globe

. "your... bat!"

She is not alone in the deck

Where are countries without people, cities without houses, forests without trees, seas without water

G. a drawing of any part of the earth, the sea, the firmament of heaven, a geographical, topographic (private and detailed), sea map, etc. A flat sea map, which is drawn, taking the surface of the globe onto a plane; Mercator, in which degrees of latitude and longitude increase gradually towards the pole, for mutual proportionality on flat paper. List of dishes, painting dishes. Lunch on the map. Playing cards, glued, small paper sheets, with the image of points in four suits and figures; their goes to the deck, and two decks make up the game. The reverse side of the card (shirt, shirt) is covered with a speck; but marked cards means: marked, for a card game. A dark card, closed, lying face down. Maps pl. a deck, for the game, having printed it out, shuffle it, let it be withdrawn, hand over and open the trump card; walk with hands, beat or cover. Put on the map. Cowards don't play cards. Hops love cards. Blame cards brothers. Who plays cards, he notices the suit. plays cards, but does not know the suits. It’s bad to play cards, but not to know the suits, the trump cards. All put on one card. a big price will go if the cards lose. cards do not peek. He spends the night in other people's cards. The card was stretched (when shooting the deck), so retake it, otherwise there will be misfortune. Smart as a pop (or like ours) Semyon sold books and bought cards. The card will detract. glued, or hard paper, a small piece, a piece of paper, with some kind of inscription, note; ticket. Pass, visiting, commemorative card. He is playing with cards. Card, to cards related. Card Factory; house. Card matting, analysis of Vetluzh (bonfire) matting. Card maker m. card master. Cartege m. Passionate game of cards. There is an eternal kartezh. Cartege, relating to cartege. Carte, gamble, passionately, play cards a lot, for money. Gambler m. -nitsa w. who passionately indulges in the game (see also karda). Gambler, peculiar to players or gamblers. Cartouche m. old. vignette, a picture at the end, beginning or head of a section of a printed book. The potato a sheet of cardboard, glued paper. marine a paper circle on a compass needle, divided around the circumference into rumba and degrees. Cartouche, -shkovy, -shchechny, related to the card. Cardboard m. thick, glued paper, from several sheets; box of the same paper. Cardboard paper bag; drawing in draft, on thick, hard paper. Cardboard, related to cardboard. Cardboard worker m. working what out of cardboard

They are looking for treasure

The story of the Russian writer L. S. Ovalov "Operational ..."

Which is 32 times thinner than a playing deck

What is thirty-two times thinner than the deck

Page in a geographical atlas

Every novice player first of all asks what game combinations there are in poker and how they are ranked among themselves. And this is the right approach, because the essence of all poker games is based on combinations and seniority of cards. And today we'll cover everything card combinations poker "Texas Hold'em" - in the most popular version of this wonderful game. In other types of poker games, card combinations may differ slightly, we will also talk about this in our article, where you will also find pictures of poker combinations.

We will consider the combinations of cards in poker in order, starting with the lowest and ending with the highest. The winner in the distribution is the player who has collected a combination of cards better than opponents. In disputable situations, when two or more players have collected the same combinations, the kicker is taken into account.

The lowest hand in poker is the highest card (high card), sometimes it is also called "Empty". The highest card can play only if neither you nor your opponents have collected even one pair. Then the one with one of the pocket cards that is higher than the others will win at the showdown. For example, you have an ace and a nine, and your opponent has a 2 and a queen. Ace over 2 and queens, so you'll take the pot. If there is an ace on the table, and you have a king and 2, the opponent has 7 and a queen, then you will win, because you will have a king - the second most senior card after the ace.

The next most important poker hand is considered to be couple. For this combination, it is enough to have 2 cards of the same rank and any suit, for example, two aces or two deuces. One card may be your pocket card and one card may be on the board, or both cards may be pocket cards. If both cards of this combination are on the table, then your kicker will play the role here.

A kicker is a pocket card that is not involved in making a combination of cards in poker, but can play a role in determining the winner in disputable situations.

Two pairs (two pairs)
- 2 cards of the same rank and 2 more cards of the same rank, while the suits can be any. If two or more players make combinations of "2 pair" cards, then the one whose pair is higher will win (the combination of cards two aces and two deuces is higher than two kings and two queens). If both pairs match for two players, then the player with the highest kicker will be the winner. For example, one player has an ace and a king, another has an ace and a three, and on the table there is an ace, two deuces, nine and a jack. In this case, the first player will win in the distribution, having collected a combination of 2 aces, two warriors and a king, which in this case will be the senior kicker.

Set (set, triple, three, trips, tripple, three of a kind)- this poker combination means 3 cards of the same value, for example, three kings or three deuces. It is most commonly referred to as a set or trips, and the differences between the two names lie in the way the combination of cards is collected: a set is 2 pocket + 1 card on the board, and trips is 1 pocket + 2 cards on the board. If two players hit trips, the player with the highest kicker wins.

Straight (straight, straight)- to collect this combination of poker you need to collect 5 cards that go sequentially according to their value, the suit of the cards can be any. For example, 6-7-8-9-10 or 3-4-5-6-7. In Texas Hold'em you can use 1 or both of your hole cards to make a hand. Also, a combination of "street" cards can be on the board, in which case the pot will be divided equally between all participants in the distribution. In this case, an ace can form two combinations at once: 10-jack-queen-king-ace and ace-2-3-4-5 (the second sequence of cards is also called the "wheel").

- this is a combination of cards of the same suit, the value does not matter. For example, ace of hearts, deuce, four, jack and eight. The order of the cards is also not important and can be anything. A flush is considered higher than a straight, pair, set, but is inferior in seniority to a full house, four of a kind, straight flush, etc. If two or more players have a flush, then the winner is the one with the higher flush. For example, on the table 2-5-9-jack of hearts, player number 1 has an ace of hearts, and player number 2 has a king of hearts. Player number 1 will win the hand, since the ace is higher than the king.

Full House
- to get this combination of cards in poker, you need 3 cards of the same value and 2 more cards of the same value, for example, three threes and two jacks. The suit of the cards can be any. If two players collect a full house of different denominations, the winner will be determined by the seniority of three identical cards. For example, three deuces and 2 aces are inferior to three kings and two deuces.

Kare (Four of a kind)
- all four cards of the same value, for example, four kings or four deuces. If two players hit four of a kind (which is extremely rare), then the poker player whose four of a kind is higher wins (for example, quads of aces are higher than quads of kings). If all 4 four of a kind cards lie on a common board, then the winner is determined by the kicker.

Straight Flush
- a very rare layout of cards in poker, a combination consists of five cards of the same suit, going sequentially in their rank. For example, 6-7-8-9-10 of spades or ace-2-3-4-5 of hearts. Royal Flush is one of the varieties of Straight Flush, but it is considered older than it.

Royal Flush
- the oldest, and at the same time the rarest combination of cards. To compile it, you need to “catch” 5 cards of the same suit of a specific value, namely 10-queen-jack-king-ace.

Card combinations in other types of poker

In this section, we will consider all card combinations in poker in other disciplines of the game.

Omaha (Omaha)

In this type of poker, the rules are very similar to Hold'em, but players receive 4 cards face down, not two cards. Combinations are played similar to Texas Hold'em, but there are also differences in card composition. If in Hold'em you can use 1, 2 or even none of your cards to make combinations, then in Omaha you must use two hole cards and 3 community board cards to make combinations.

There are also 2 types of Omaha: Hi and Hi-Lo. The first type plays according to the standard rules, that is, the pot is taken by the highest combination. In Omaha Hi-Lo, the best and worst hand. The worst hand is usually called 5 cards of different denominations under nine and different suits. For example, 7-6-5-4-2 offsuit. The lower the cards used to make a combination, the better, so 6-5-4-2-ace will beat the hand in the example, and the “wheel” (5-4-3-2-ace) will be considered the strongest combination, which also has a chance to take both parts of the pot (as the strongest combination, and at the same time as the weakest).


This is a type of draw poker that is fundamentally different from classic poker varieties such as Texas Hold'em and Omaha. It differs in the first place winning combinations kart:

Seven low (perfect seven, seven low)
- this combination is the highest in the game Lowball, and consists of 5 cards of different ranks and suits, the highest card must be a seven. Example: two, three, four, five and seven. Instead of any of these cards (except for the seven), there may be a six. If two players collect the “Seven Low” combination, then the poker player with cards of lower value will win. For example, a two, three, four, five, and seven combination is stronger than a two, three, four, six, and seven. In the event that all cards of the combination are of the same suit, then this will no longer be a low seven, but a flush, which is considered one of the weakest layouts.

Eight low- any five unpaired cards of different suits under nine. For example, 2-3-4-6-8.

Nine low- any five unpaired cards of different suits under ten. For example, 2-3-4-6-9.

The Ace is the lowest card in poker games such as Lowball, Stud, Razz and Badugi and counts as one.

Razz (Razz)

As in the game of Lowball, here the “wheel”, or from ace to five, is considered the strongest card combination. But unlike the above game, any other combination of cards can also act as a low combination, if it is lower than that of your opponents. For example, you can win even with cards that include a queen (will be called a low queen) or even a couple of cards.


It is rightfully considered the most unusual type of poker. Here, poker combinations are made up of four cards that are dealt face down to each player at the beginning of the game, then these cards can be exchanged for others from the deck. There are no common cards, unlike other varieties of poker disciplines. The goal of the game is to make a combination of the lowest ranked cards of different suits.

The best combination in Badugi it counts as two-three-four-ace offsuit (the picture of the poker combination is shown on the left). This nut gives the player a 100% chance of winning the hand. It is customary to call combinations according to the highest card: for example, 4-5-6-7 off-suit will be called “badugi seven”, and 2-3-4-5 “badugi five”. If two players have collected very similar combinations with the same highest card, then the second highest card different from the opponent's hand (or 3, 4 cards) will also appear in the name. So, if player number 1 collected 4-5-6-7 (seven-six badugi) and the other 3-4-5-7 (seven-five badugi), then player number 2 will be the winner.

In combinations in Badugi, it is unacceptable to use pairs and cards of the same suit. Thus, if you get 10 spades, 9 hearts, 3 hearts, 7 clubs, then your combination will look like this: 10p-5h-7k-x (you have two hearts, only the lowest of them is taken into account). Such a combination will be called "three card five", that is, 3 cards (the fourth is not taken into account in this case) and five (the lowest card of three). If you have a jack of spades, 4, 5 and 6 hearts in your hands, then the combination will be called “two card four” (only the jack of spades and the lowest of hearts - four are taken into account).

The seniority of card combinations in Badugi poker is determined as follows: first 4 cards of different suits of different denominations, then 3 cards, then 2, and the worst combination will be 1 card.

Slang names for card combinations in poker

Above we talked about all the main combinations of poker and their most popular titles. You can also often find them on the Internet, or hear from other players their slang names. Let's figure out what they mean.

Gutshot (gutshot)- this is an incomplete combination of a straight, in which one card is missing. Gutshot can be called, for example, such a combination: 3-4-6-7 (there is not enough five here).

Mariage (from French mariage)- literally translated as "wedding", and in poker they call a queen and a king of the same suit.

Hooks (or fishhooks, hooks)- such a nickname was acquired by the jacks for the similarity of their designation (J or Jacks) with fishing gear.

Cowboys- a pair of kings.

Lady- ladies are sometimes called ladies, as well as cowgirls, by analogy with kings.

TNT- dozens have such a name.

Backdoor, runner-runner (backdoor, runner-runner)- a situation where a player needs two cards to come out on the turn and river. For example, you have 7, 8, and there is a jack on the table. Your backdoor will be nine and ten.

snowmen- such a nickname received eights for their shape.

Maverick- sometimes they call the jack and the lady.

Boat or full boat- one of the names of the Full House combination.

Wheel- you can often hear this name in the address of a straight from ace to five (ace-two-three-four-five).

Dead man's hand- pocket ace and eight.

Phil Hellmuth- pocket 9 of spades and 9 of clubs.

Kojak- this is the name of the king and jack cards in the player's hand.

Big Slick (big slick)- pocket ace and king.

rockets- 2 aces in hand.

Doyle Brunson- pocket tens and deuces.

Double sided street is a straight, to complete which you need to deliver a card at the beginning or end. For example, you have 5 and 6 on hand, and 7 and 4 on the board. Eight or three of a kind will help you complete this open-ended straight.

controversial issues

All card combinations in poker are quite simple to understand, but players, especially beginners, have a lot of questions about this. Let's look at the most common of them.

    • Can an ace be used in a combination of straight 5-6-7-8 and the like? After all, it is put to 2-3-4-5.

No you can not. The ace appears in only two straight combinations: from ace to five and from 10 to ace.

    • I made A-A-8-8-8 and my opponent 8-8-J-J-J. Why did he win the hand when I have a full house with aces?

In a full house, seniority is determined by three cards, that is, in this case, eights lost to jacks.

    • I collected 3 pairs. What combos can I win?

None of the poker disciplines has a combination of cards "3 pair". Only two, the older ones, will be taken into account.

    • There are 2 kings, 2 jacks and a three of a kind on the table. I have a three and a seven, my opponent has an ace and a deuce. Who won?

The winner in the hand will be the player who has an ace, since in this case the winner is determined by the kicker, and the ace kicker is higher than three.

    • What is the difference between a set and thrips? Are these different combinations?

These two names have the same meaning - 3 cards of the same value. The difference is only in the way this combination is formed: if 2 pocket cards + one on the board are used, then this is a set, and if 1 pocket and 2 cards from the general table, then thrips.

    • Who will win the hand if there is a straight on the table?

In this case, the pot will be divided equally among all players who have not left the game until this moment, provided that one of the players does not have a card with which to get a stronger straight. For example, on the table 3-4-5-6-7. If one of the players has 8, he will take the pot.

    • Who will win the hand if four of a kind is on the table?

In this situation, the winner will be determined by the kicker (wipe card in hand). If the table is 8-8-8-8-10, and the players have K-2 and 7-6 in their hands, then the one with the king wins.

    • What does the combination "Four Flush" mean?

This is a regular flush, which is formed using one player's pocket card and four cards from the community table.

So, we have examined in detail all the card combinations in poker, and also answered the questions of novice players about card combinations. As you can see, there are a lot of them, but they are all quite simple. To better understand how certain combinations of cards are formed, pictures of poker combinations presented in the article in abundance will help you.

We wish you a successful game!

Hood is a term used in a picket. This means taking all twelve tricks without giving the opponent any. There are two hoods: announced and random. The former is worth twice as much as the latter.

Carte blanche - in a picket means not to have a single piece in hand until the demolition, which is of particular value, or when all the cards are in the account, i.e. when the player does not have a single card in his hand that would not be counted by him .

A quarter is four cards of the same suit in a row. There are five different quarts: quart major - ace, king, queen, jack; quart from king - king, queen, jack, ten; quart from ladies - lady, jack, ten, nine; quart from jack - jack, ten, nine, eight; quart from tens - ten, nine, eight, seven.

Quint is the same as five and fifteen. A fifth is five cards of the same suit in a row. There are four fifths: fifth major - ace, king, queen, jack, ten; fifth from the king - king, queen, jack, ten, nine; fifth from the lady - lady, jack, ten, nine, eight; fifth from jack - jack, ten, nine, eight and seven.

Trump is the highest suit in the deck. The suit in which the game is assigned is called trump; the game without the designation of suits is trumpless.

To trump - to walk with a trump card.

Deck set playing cards, which are divided into four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. A large, or full, deck consists of 52 cards and includes: two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king and ace. The average deck consists of 36 cards, it does not contain twos, threes, fours and fives. The small deck consists of 32 cards and does not have twos, threes, fours, fives and sixes.

The end is the middle of the table on which the players place their bets.

Coking is a preferred term. A penalty corresponding to the number of tricks not taken by the player, which is recorded by the whistler and the dealer.

The king is the second highest card. The king covers all cards except the ace. In screw and whist it is considered honorary.

The king is part of the piquet game.

A crown is a group of cards in a row in any suit from an ace, with a number of at least three, that is, an ace, a king and a queen. Crowns can be five, six or more cards: ace, king, queen, jack, etc.

Cross-screw expression. A cross is a passing sign X.

A hen is a type of remizov in preference.

Leve is an expression used in screw, whist and other games. Each trick made in excess of the legal six is ​​called a leve.

Leza - in a picket means to receive more than six bribes.

A Lovevist expression meaning nothing, i.e. nothing on hand.

A false card is an empty card discarded to a suit that is not in hand.

Major is a picket and bezic term. There are third major, fourth major, fifth major, sixth major. This means that cards of the same suit are consecutive from the ace. Ace, king and queen - tertz major; ace, king, queen and jack - fourth major; ace, king, queen, jack and ten - fifth major; ace, king, queen, jack, ten and nine - sixth major.

Marriage is an expression used in card games sixty-six, one thousand and bezique. Mariage is a king and a queen of the same suit.

Suit - The deck is divided into four suits: spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts. Each suit contains a certain number of cards, that is, in a large deck it has 13 cards, in a medium deck - 9, in a small one - 8. Spades and clubs are black, diamonds and hearts are red.

Mizer - in preference, a game without bribes for its intended purpose.

Silence - A player who has made an assignment out of turn (in a screw) or who has taken more cards for himself (in a picket) is deprived of the right to negotiate.

Navet - means to hit with a trump card from both sides, which is sometimes also called crossfire.

Appointment - announcement in the screw of your suit, true bribes in the passer and aces.

Table card - any card opened by any of the partners, other than the dealer, during the deal, after the deal, or during the play. This rule exists only for screw and whist.

Finishing - In screw and whist, the side that finishes the first game or rubber adds to its score the agreed figure "for finishing". Therefore, the ending is great importance in these games.

Oners - five senior cards in a trump suit: ace, king, queen, jack and ten. They matter in few games: in screw and whist.

Open card - see table card.

Points - the cost of cards: two - 2 points, three - 3 points, etc. up to figures that are valued differently. In some games, figures are counted as follows: jack - 11 points, queen - 12, king - 13, ace - 14; in others: jack - 10 points, queen - 10, king - 10; thirdly: jack - 2 points, queen - 3, king - 4, ace - 5; in the fourth: jack, queen and king - 10 points each, and ace - 1 point.
