Wishes for a good day in your own words. Pieces of mood for every day

On the eve new year holidays I share my collection of positive phrases. can be used for wish box, fortune cookies, etc. Some of them are a bit individual (especially song quotes), but I'm too lazy to edit and generalize...

  1. Do not look for external enemies: to understand what hinders your development, look inside yourself.
  2. Remember that true partnership can only exist between whole individuals.
  3. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
  4. If the well is clogged, then it's time to clean it.
  5. The gain comes from what you have to part with.
  6. Act according not to old authorities, but to what you think is right for you.
  7. It's time to end the old and start the new.
  8. If you do not want serious shocks, analyze your attitude towards your own personality.
  9. Let go of your past: it has exhausted itself.
  10. Don't expect too much and don't think about the end result.
  11. Finish what you started.
  12. Be patient, and if your decision is correct, the Universe will support it.
  13. Don't get emotional.
  14. Take a look at your health.
  15. Enjoy your luck and share it with the people around you.
  16. Focus on the present.
  17. Be persistent in the battle with your own selfishness.
  18. Go with the flow of life without judgment or trying to understand it.
  19. Do not overestimate your strength: this can lead to overstrain.
  20. Trust what happens to you.
  21. It's time to act, even if it requires you to jump into the void.
  22. Don't try to stubbornly show your WILL.
  23. Open up and let the light into that part of your life that has been a mystery until now.
  24. You are blown by the wind of wanderings.
  25. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  26. Be vigilant!
  27. Wait for change.
  28. New spring, new love.
  29. Don't miss important news.
  30. Wait for the budget replenishment.
  31. This week you risk falling in love.
  32. The stars are favorable to you.
  33. You are waiting for a meeting with an important person.
  34. If You take the initiative, success will not be long in coming.
  35. Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations.
  36. Important news will come very soon.
  37. The answer to your question has to do with some man, perhaps well known to you.
  38. in your life will go in something new that will significantly affect your personality.
  39. You hope not in vain!
  40. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
  41. Time will dry all tears and heal all wounds.
  42. You are on the right track!
  43. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
  44. The problem is not where you think it is.
  45. Forward and only forward: the cause you are thinking about is right!
  46. Your goal is achievable. Believe in yourself!
  47. Time must pass from the sowing of grain to the harvest.
  48. The darkness in which you have lived until now has dissipated.
  49. Fairy fairy will give you a magical dream today.
  50. Soon a new true friend will appear in your life!
  51. All your wishes will surely come true.
  52. Soon you will have a new interesting contraption.
  53. A fun journey awaits you on vacation.
  54. You always have an alternative - to become a hedgehog trainer.
  55. Unexpected news awaits you.
  56. Look in the mirror and you will see a pretty face.
  57. Someone will buy you ice cream today. Ask ;)
  58. When it snows, you will grow one centimeter.
  59. Your wish will come true this week.
  60. On Friday, be careful - an interesting event awaits you.
  61. “Well, you see, you can, of course, teach a hare to smoke... Nothing is impossible for a person with intellect.”
  62. "To live well! A good life is even better!"
  63. “Here I am walking beautifully along the street, and the men around fall and fall and fall ... And they themselves stack in piles !!!”
  64. “I will command the parade!”
  65. “The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury, the ice has broken!”
  66. Congratulations! You are on the right track
  67. Having conquered one mountain, start storming another ...
  68. A surge of energy will help you cope with a large amount of unplanned work.
  69. Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.
  70. It's time to act!
  71. May the world be filled with peace and goodwill.
  72. Work on your diplomatic skills - they will be very useful for implementing ideas.
  73. Think and don't rush into action.
  74. Romance will take you in a new direction.
  75. From now on, your kindness will lead you to success.
  76. Today is going to be a beautiful day for you.
  77. Seven times measure cut once!
  78. Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.
  79. Nightingales are not fed with fables.
  80. Focus on family and harmony with the outside world.
  81. A happy life is right in front of you. Full speed ahead!
  82. Now it's time to try something new.
  83. Patience! You are almost there.
  84. He who knows is rich enough.
  85. Those who do not expect gratitude will never be disappointed.
  86. Luck guides you through all the hard times.
  87. Pay special attention to old friendships.
  88. Physical activity will greatly improve your outlook on life today.
  89. Good time to finish old beginnings.
  90. Good news will come to you by mail (maybe even e-mail).
  91. Well done is better than well said.
  92. Even though some try to stop you, you will still achieve your goals.
  93. Man is never old to learn. New knowledge will bring you success.
  94. Whatever is done - all for the better.
  95. This is the time to move. Your mood will improve.
  96. You have to consider an unexpected offer
  97. Do what your soul and body asks
  98. Don't give up and you'll get what you want
  99. Someone needs your support
  100. Let everyone smile at you, The mood rises, And everything works out in life!
  101. In simplicity lies great beauty. Simple is close to Truth.
  102. follow your moral principles- means to discover a limitless resource of spiritual power.
  103. Every day, give yourself and others positive feelings and good wishes, so you will create a bridge that will help you get through a difficult part of life.
  104. If you do everything with a feeling of happiness, then nothing will be difficult.
  105. Be happy. To a lucky man no one and nothing can resist.
  106. May the smile always be with you. A smile helps to quickly cope with any difficulty.
  107. Today you are absolutely unpredictable!
  108. Play today and you will win.
  109. Spread your wings!
  110. Good time for dancing! Cheer up!
  111. Inspiration will come to you today! Open the window...
  112. You are a charmer!
  113. You are smart!
  114. Make this world!
  115. Make this world a better place!
  116. May the sun smile on you :)
  117. You will be lucky today.
  118. Smile:)
  119. ♫ A gloomy day is brighter from a smile, a rainbow wakes up from a smile in the sky, share your smile, and it will return to you more than once!
  120. ♫ Captain, captain, smile, because the smile is the flag of the ship, captain, captain, pull yourself up: only the brave conquer the seas!
  121. ♫ Let everything be as you want, let your eyes burn as before ...
  122. ♫ "We are the champions - my friend, And we" ll keep on fighting till the end, We are the champions, We are the champions, No time for losers Cause we are the champions of the world"
  123. ♫ "Don't waste your time Or time will waste you."
  124. ♫ "During the struggle They will pull us down, But please, please Lets use this chance To turn things around And tonight We can truly say - Together we" re invincible!
  125. ♫ "They will not force us, They will stop degrading us, They will not control us, We will be victorious!"
  126. ♫ "Best, you"ve got to be the best, You"ve got to change the world, And use this chance to be heard .Your time is now."
  127. ♫ "Life is ours, we live it our way, All these words I don't just say, And nothing else matter"
  128. ♫ How you look will decide what you see
  129. ♫ And I look like a new Icarus, And I have the same smile.
  130. ♫ Viruses are friends of love. And love is stronger than immunity.
  131. ♫ Girl with a paddle, stop the plane, enter the burning house. For a girl with an oar, gulls dance a quadrille, dolphins sing: “Shalom!”
  132. ♫ The tenth kingdom, Kudykin mountains - why go so far? We will get there ourselves when our storyteller Ole-Lukoil fills us up.
  133. ♫ I know one thing - Do not stop the flying word, And everyone you loved so much, You will definitely meet again ...
  134. Lead ordinary life in an unusual way.
  135. ♫ "No one"s gonna take me alive, The time has come to make things right, You and I must fight for our rights, You and I must fight to survive."
  136. To love is better and more beautiful than to be loved. This feeling gives a person something for which it is worth living and for which he is ready to die.
  137. The mind, once expanding its boundaries, will never return to the former boundaries. - A. Einstein
  138. Happiness is good health and bad memory.
  139. To be able to express how much you love means little love. — Fr. petrarch
  140. Never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially for those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves! — Bulgakov
  141. The only limit to our tomorrow's accomplishments will be our today's doubts. — Franklin Roosevelt
  142. Live as if you will die tomorrow; learn as if you will live forever. — Gandhi
  143. Freedom is worthless unless it includes the freedom to make mistakes. — Gandhi
  144. An optimist sees opportunity in every danger; a pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.
  145. Once you reconsider the usual views of the world, and you will be able to achieve what previously seemed unattainable
  146. The best proof of wisdom is a continuous good mood
  147. If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, but observe for yourself and delve into
  148. The world belongs to optimists, pessimists are just spectators
  149. Being positive means looking positively at the negative
  150. "I can't do it" never achieved anything. "I'll try" has always worked wonders
  151. The art of living is the harmony between actions and our way of thinking.
  152. People who cannot find time for rest will sooner or later be obliged to find time for sickness.
  153. Time is a precious gift given to us in order to become smarter, better, more mature and more perfect in it.
  154. Life is an opportunity and every day should be lived like a small life
  155. Every soul is measured by the immensity of its striving...
  156. We find in life only what we put into it.
  157. A person achieves something only where he believes in himself. — Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach
  158. The main thing in life is not to rise above others, but to rise above yourself.
  159. Respect and take care of your dreams, and one day they will certainly come true!
  160. If a person does a difficult job and does it well, he will never lose respect for himself. - Bernard Show
  161. Sometimes you want to become a bird and fly high, high ... at least so that no one shits on their heads.
  162. Beauty is power, and so is money, and so is a loaded gun…. — Chuck Palahniuk
  163. Women think that all men are the same, and this is their strength; men think that all women are different - it ruins them.
  164. A person is like a joker: you don’t know in advance what card he will become. But almost always this is determined by the combination of cards with which he lies next to ...
  165. Ready for anything, don't be overwhelmed by the inevitable. — Valery Afonchenko
  166. God help me to be what my dog ​​thinks I am. - Ya.L. Vishnevsky
  167. If someone says “impossible”, then he simply has not seen it yet.
  168. If you notice that you are on the side of the majority, then this is a sure sign that it is time to change. - Mark Twain
  169. The first man did not feel alone, because he did not know how to count. — Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  170. Self-knowledge is the foundation of all virtues.
  171. When I went to school, I was asked what I want to be when I grow up. I wrote - "happy." I was told that I did not understand the task, I said that they did not understand life.
  172. The state of happiness is not achieved when everything is perfect. And it is achieved when you have learned to look through imperfection.
  173. Everything will be fine in the end! If it's not good, then it's not over yet!
  174. Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity!
  175. The worst mistake you can make is to be afraid to make a mistake!
  176. Let's make better mistakes tomorrow!
  177. If something is not happening, it does not mean that it will never happen, it means that you are not ready yet!
  178. Most of the things you worry about will never happen!
  179. Past. It's done, it can't be changed. Move on!
  180. Do you know that when people appear in your dreams, it means they want to see you
  181. If you don't like where you are, move! You are not a tree!
  182. There are few unattainable things in the world; if we had more perseverance, we could find a way to almost any goal.
  183. A truly serious desire for any goal is half the success in achieving it.
  184. A purposeful person finds means, and when he cannot find them, he creates them.
  185. One “take” is better than two “I will give”.
  186. Closer is not that to which the distance is less, but that to which the striving is greater.
  187. True optimism rests not on the belief that everything will be fine, but on the belief that not everything will be bad.
  188. Let your goal be greater than your possibilities: then your business today will be better than yesterday's, and tomorrow's better than today's.
  189. The best definition of a goal: a dream that must come true by a specific date.
  190. I hear and forget. I see and remember. I do and understand. — Confucius
  191. You need to learn to be happy in moments of rest, when you remember that you are living, and not in moments of stormy life, when you forget about it.
  192. Fate is fate, but the choice is yours!
  193. To reach the goal, you have to go. - Honore de Balzac
  194. By losing seriousness, you will not really lose anything, in fact, you will become more healthy and whole.
  195. To make life happy, you need to love everyday little things.
  196. Miracles are where they believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
  197. Give the world the best you have and it will return the same to you.
  198. If you want to feel like a rich man, then just count what you have from what money cannot buy.
  199. Play a cheerful melody, and cheerful dancers will come running to you.
  200. A strong positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success in life.
  201. If you don't want to think positively, that's your choice; but just banish all negative thoughts from your mind, and what remains will be good
  202. If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first.
  203. Who believes in luck is lucky.
  204. Imagination rules the world.
  205. Your well-being depends on your own decisions
  206. People are lonely because instead of bridges they build walls - Stanislav Jerzy Lec
  207. Seize the day.
  208. Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you catch it, the more it slips away. But if you turn your attention to other things, It will come and sit quietly on your shoulder.
  209. The great science of living happily is to live only in the present
  210. If you want to be happy - be it!
  211. You sit - and sit for yourself, you go - and go for yourself. The main thing is not to fuss in vain.
  212. Happiness is the best cosmetic!
  213. Our present is the result of our thoughts in the past.
  214. Perhaps your mistakes are what the universe needs.
  215. Don't worry about yourself. In fact, the Universe values ​​you too much for you to be wasted.
  216. Do only what comes easy to you, but do it with all your might.
  217. If in doubt about the road, take a companion, if you are sure, move alone.
  218. Give is easy, Lose is easy, Say goodbye is easy.
  219. Do not strive to be stronger than your opponent, but look for where your opponent is weaker than you.
  220. The world is sophisticated, but not malicious.
  221. When you let go of what you are, you become who you can be.
  222. Contrary to popular belief, an artist is never ahead of his time, it's just that most people are far behind.
  223. We have no right to consume happiness without producing it.
  224. At least 7 people love you in their own way.
  225. Your smile can make even those who don't like you happy.
  226. Every night SOMEBODY will think of you before going to bed.
  227. For someone you mean everything!
  228. When you think that life has turned its back on you, look at it from a different angle.
  229. There is nothing richer in its possibilities than emptiness.
  230. Life is too complicated to be taken seriously.
  231. Everyone knows from childhood that this and that is impossible. But there is always an ignoramus who does not know this. He makes the discovery
  232. Only man resists the direction of gravity: he constantly wants to fall upwards. — Frederick Nietzsche
  233. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors. - Charles de Gaulle
  234. If they dig a hole for you, don't interfere... if they finish, you'll make yourself a pool!
  235. Close your eyes and see
  236. The smarter and more cultured a person is, the more subtle he is able to deceive himself - Jung
  237. You can't turn back time. That's why it's so hard to choose. You have to choose the best. Until the choice is made, EVERYTHING is possible.
  238. If you dream about something alone - it's just a dream; if you dream about it together - it's a reality.
  239. There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time.
  240. People who are not distant condemn everything that is beyond their understanding.
  241. Reality exists independently of you, as long as you agree with it.
  242. Each dream is given to you along with the forces necessary to make it come true.
  243. All the people, phenomena and events in your life came into it because you attracted them. Now you have to choose how to deal with them.
  244. Follow your path and let the people say whatever
  245. Two things prevent a person from being happy: lack of confidence in what he is doing, and anxiety about it.
  246. Let it be bad to fulfill your duty on your own, much more important than someone else's super excellent
  247. You are where your thoughts are. Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be
  248. If you wash a cup - my cup. — Chinese folk proverb
  249. It is better to take a small step towards a big goal than to run towards a small one.
  250. Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses. Don't measure today by tomorrow's yardstick. Do not believe in the coming or the past minute. Believe the current minute, be happy now!
  251. Do not be afraid, friend, today's adversity! Rest assured, time will erase them. There is a minute, give it to fun, And what comes next, let it come!
  252. Life will fly by like one moment, Appreciate it, draw pleasure from it. As you spend it, so it will pass, Do not forget: it is your creation.
  253. It is known that in the world everything is just vanity of vanities: Be cheerful, do not grieve, there is a light on this. What was, is past, what will be is unknown, So do not grieve about what is not today.
  254. All that we see is only one appearance.Far from the surface of the sea to the bottom. Consider the obvious in the world unimportant, For the secret essence of things is not visible.
  255. Anything worth doing should be done slowly. — Mae West
  256. Make mistakes, make more mistakes, make better mistakes. — Beckett
  257. I'm not crazy, I'm bold - Don Quixote
  258. Most main man in the world - the one who is in front of you. — folk wisdom
  259. One head, but many thoughts - you can't keep track of everyone. — folk wisdom
  260. Estimates of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But no more.
  261. For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you have to work hard like a horse.
  262. If a person knows what he wants, then he either knows a lot or wants little.
  263. When someone reproaches you for something, he shows something that could be your advantage.
  264. Life differs from theory only in that it will do everything in its own way anyway.
  265. The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  266. Don't be afraid to bite off more than you can chew.
  267. Do not be afraid to disrupt the course of events - show the world its weak point.
  268. Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of inspiration.
  269. Miracles happen, but it takes a lot of work.
  270. Break the rules! Farewell quickly! Kiss slowly! Love sincerely! Laugh uncontrollably!
  271. It's better to do and regret than to regret what you didn't do.
  272. Anyone who sensed the wind of change should not build a shield from the wind, but a windmill.
  273. Work brings joy and peace when you know that the right thoughts and the right efforts will inevitably produce the right results.
  274. "Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a successful person"
  275. "A positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible"
  276. Always rejoice. There will be no room for darkness in your heart and mind if joy settles in it.
  277. Remember that money has the ability to multiply.
  278. If we used our abilities to the fullest, we ourselves would be amazed at the results obtained.
  279. Life is like a department store: you find everything in it except what you are looking for.
  280. Life is the art of drawing comforting conclusions from disappointing premises.
  281. Wherever you can live, you can live well.
  282. Sometimes you have to make people laugh to distract them from their intention to hang you.
  283. He who laughs does not get angry, because to laugh means to forgive
  284. Let them laugh at you rather than cry.
  285. It is pleasant to smile, it is physically pleasant. It's even better to laugh. And laughing is just a pleasure!
  286. Laughter is the gaiety of the mind, a smile is the gaiety of the heart.
  287. Life is not easy, and the first hundred years are the hardest.
  288. If you want life to smile at you, first smile at life yourself.
  289. Never say:"I made a mistake" better say: "Wow, how interesting it turned out ..."
  290. You never know how many brains a person has until you start collecting them from the carpet
  291. A real optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel in Malevich's painting "The Black Square".
  292. If something in life does not stick, drop the glue and go to the nails. Forget everything and live happily!
  293. What kind of an optimist should a person be that, sitting in the paws of a bear, shouting: "boys, I'm holding him!"
  294. In order not to step on the same rake - number them!
  295. Life is a game! The main thing is to choose an excellent role!
  296. The best decoration for a girl is modesty and a transparent dress.
  297. We should not bend under the changing world, let it bend under us.
  298. Smile J
  299. I'm a small stone, but I can fly!
  300. Someone rushed, falling off their feet, swimming against the current, riding a red light Just to say that everything will be fine, that everything is not in vain
  301. More positive: if you have already been sent, at least feel like a messenger!
  302. No one can be sad when they have a balloon!
  303. When everything is bad and you just want to cry, there will definitely be a moron who will cheer you up...
  304. Everyone is shouting "Bring back Summer .. I want SUMMER" .... but I don’t want ... I have a cool autumn jacket))))
  305. Happiness is like a boomerang - the more you throw it, the more it comes back.
  306. SMILE... If the rain outside the window does not end... SMILE...
  307. SMILE… if something doesn’t work out… SMILE…
  308. SMILE… if happiness is hidden behind the clouds… SMILE…
  309. SMILE… even if the soul is scratched… SMILE…
  310. SMILE… and you will see… then everything will change SMILE…
  311. SMILE ... and sadness will pass away ...
  312. SMILE... and the soul will blossom!!!
  313. Still, heels are an extraordinary thing! Put on - a chic woman, took off - a happy man.
  314. If you can't be a good example, be a dire warning.
  315. And remember - there are no unattainable goals - there are high ratio laziness, lack of ingenuity and a stock of excuses.
  316. If you want to see a rainbow, you have to wait out the rain!
  317. In this world, there are still many rakes that humanity has never set foot on!
  318. The more sun in the soul, the brighter life around!
  319. The main thing is not what you said... the main thing is how you said it! And even more importantly, who and how understood you!
  320. When cats scratch their hearts, pet them and give them milk!
  321. In my soul, then falling leaves, then snowfall, I’m waiting for the starfall to go - I want to make a wish.
  322. Always go to your goal, if you can't go, crawl, if you can't crawl, lie in its direction.
  323. Not all wheels have been invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit idly by.
  324. One metaphor is enough to make the distance to the target much shorter.
  325. Take any situation as a material for creativity and make candy out of any material!
  326. Since everything that is done is for the better, we are satisfied with any result!
  327. How much do you know about dreams? And not just dreams, but the dreams of an idiot?!
  328. And no one said that the dream should be reasonable.
  329. If you really dream, then do not deny yourself anything, right?
  330. Dreams create believers and believers create.
  331. Plans are the dreams of knowledgeable people.
  332. Look how beautiful this world is!
  333. “Seven are not waiting for one,” the nurses said and began the operation without a surgeon.
  334. If you can solve your problem, why worry about it? If you can't solve your problem, what's the point of worrying about it?
  335. "Don't go there, trouble awaits you there. - Well, how can you not go there? They are waiting!"
  336. ... The bear cub spoke and spoke, and the Hedgehog thought: "Still, it's good that we are together again."
  337. Every morning is a time to start life again.
  338. Life is good, it's when on Friday evening you leave the house for dinner and just in case you take a passport
  339. Psychologists say that for a good mood, you need to hug 8 people daily. Well, or give one in the face ...
  340. Whatever the rake teaches, but the heart believes in miracles ...
  341. Today is non-refundable and non-exchangeable!
  342. - Believe me, Carlson, happiness is not in pies ... - Are you out of your mind! And what else?
  343. The most pleasant thing is when you don’t expect good, but it takes and happens!
  344. Don't expect a miracle. Wonder yourself!
  345. A wardrobe for a woman is a medicine, but you can’t save on health!
  346. If you have done good, move to a safe distance. So that the shock wave of gratitude does not catch on.
  347. Never be afraid to do what you can't. The ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic.
  348. You can’t be fluffy for everyone - they’ll drag you to the collars.
  349. Shoes can change your whole life. Ask Cinderella.
  350. Bypassing the laid out rake you lose precious experience.
  351. If you replace the word "problem" for yourself with the word "adventure", then life becomes much easier and more interesting.
  352. If happiness has not yet come, it means that it is huge and goes in small steps...
  353. Tell yourself that life is beautiful! And smile very sweetly. And it will become clear to everyone in the world that you have everything hurt!
  354. Chin up!
  355. - Look, Faina Georgievna! There is a fly floating in your beer! “Just one, honey. How much can she drink?
  356. Everything will come true, one has only to lose desire ... - Faina Ranevskaya
  357. When a jumper has pain in her legs, she jumps while sitting. - Faina Ranevskaya
  358. Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad moods. - Faina Ranevskaya
  359. Women are not the weaker sex, the weaker sex are rotten boards. - Faina Ranevskaya
  360. While you are flying off a cliff, bushes can still grow below.
  361. Any depression must be met with a smile. Depression will think you're an idiot and run away.
  362. I'm paranoid in reverse. I suspect that people collude to make me happy.
If this post violates someone's copyright, just write and I'll fix everything... The selection was made more than one night, I can't remember all the sources...

beautiful wishes Have a good day in prose they are able to surprise a person, amaze him and charge good mood all day.

Therefore, it makes sense to bring such wishes if you want to please someone. Believe me, there are no wishes that would be unpleasant. Attention always flatters us, and if we see that someone sincerely wishes us a good day.

We are on our website website collected the best beautiful wishes for a good day in prose, so that you can please your acquaintances, friends and relatives in the morning.

The most beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

A new day has come, it carries something unexpected. So let this unexpected be pleasant. He carries worries, so let them be successfully resolved. It carries communication, so let it be only positive. Have a nice day!

I don't need an alarm clock to wake up. I have your love, which easily lifts me up in the morning, because I look forward to every new day to spend it with you. Have a good day, my beloved man.

A wonderful day, just like you. Thoughts of you fill me with unearthly joy. I send you an air kiss and wish you a successful, interesting and colorful day.

I would like to wish you a successful and pleasant day that will bring joy, success and many pleasant emotions into your life that will amuse your soul for a long time after that. Let the day start cheerfully, in the company of nice people, and with a wonderful warm atmosphere. Let the sun send you a boost of energy for the whole day, and the day will be filled with pleasant surprises. Have a nice day!

Let the day start with a smile, throw all unnecessary problems, worries out of your head, and just enjoy this wonderful day, let only beautiful people and the world gives a charge of vivacity for the whole day. May your eyes shine with happiness and sparkle with beauty. All the work goes like clockwork, and the day will go just fine. Have a nice day and good mood.

Best wishes for a good day in prose

My love, I hasten to wish you good, clear, kind, successful, fruitful, have a nice day. I hope it will be full of bright emotions and confident victories, pleasant words and successfully completed deeds. Kiss, hug and send a breath of inspiration!

My favorite person, I wish you good morning! Let a sweet smile play on your face from the very morning, and sunbeams lift your sleepy mood! Have a nice day, my soul! May the world give you much delight and joy today.

I want to wish you good, successful, kind, bright, cheerful, interesting, amazing and have a good day. May you manage to reach your goal together, may everything be within your reach today, may your love help you move mountains and create an eternal paradise for two.

So this wonderful night ended, and a new interesting and promising day has come. I want him to bring something special and beautiful into your life. To understand how beautiful our life really is. Just look into the sky and see how the clouds are floating, how the birds are singing and how the sun is shining and it will feel so good in your soul! So let every new day bring you happiness and joy. Have a good day.

I wish that you have such geographical discoveries on this day - a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, an ocean of love, peaks of success, rivers of profit, a peak of popularity, a lake of hope, a waterfall of emotions and a volcano of passions. Let the globe of life spin only in the direction you need!

Beautiful wishes for a good day in prose

I wish you a wonderful day, my joy, kind and sunny, interesting and successful, may it give you a joyful mood and positive, surprise you with pleasant surprises and unforgettable surprises, may this day embody your ideas and find time for friendly conversations and for our meeting with you .

Have a nice day, my joy! Start it with a smile, then everything will work out perfectly. I wish that today your dream becomes more real, a few steps closer. Let the meetings of the coming day be pleasant, work will bring joy. I love you and I'm always with you in my thoughts!

Have a good day! I want to say today. And yesterday I wanted to, and two days ago, and three ... This is happiness - waking up, thinking about you and knowing that I will fall asleep in the cozy embrace of your hands. Have a good day! I want to be there every minute, remove everything unnecessary, gloomy, gray from your soul, protect peace. Have a nice day, my happiness!

I wish you the best morning and clear day despite the unpredictability of the weather outside! Let your eyes shine with joy, and a positive mood rolls with its bright waves. May everything be fine and wonderful today!

Sun, open your eyes. The night is gone, giving way to a new day. May it be filled with light and warmth. I give you my smile so that it illuminates your path and saves you from difficulties. May your day be filled with bright emotions and joy. If you suddenly become sad, then remember that I am always there, thinking about you, and I will always come to the rescue. I believe this day is special and will give a lot of happy moments.

Read at your leisure.

Wish a good day and a good mood in your own words, as well as postcards and pictures to your family, friends, relatives and acquaintances, using our cheerful blanks.

Beautiful wishes for a good day in your own words

I wish you a sincere, interesting, pleasant, fun, successful, cool, exciting and good day! May it be full of interesting and memorable events. Let all ideas and plans come true.

Each new day is fraught with some kind of zest. So let this highlight always be something pleasant. If worries and problems await you today, let them be resolved in a way that is successful for you. Do you need to communicate a lot today? Let all conversations and negotiations be in a positive way. Have a nice day and good mood to you!

May on this good day the sky, the sun, clouds and all nature, as well as the people you meet, animals, even insects, in general, all living and non-living things in this world smile at you, and you smile back!

Yes, today you will have a difficult and eventful day, but this does not mean at all that it will be bad. On the contrary, having closed all the tails and completed all the tasks, you will experience incredible satisfaction. And no “ifs”, you will do everything today, and I will help you with this!

I wish you that all your assigned tasks are carried out easily, simply, naturally and with one left heel! Make your day yourself, let it be good and memorable. Show them what you are capable of!

Let your day start with a smile to yourself mirror reflection. Look how awesome you are! Well, that's another matter, because you have no reason to be sad!

Good luck in your business, pleasant interlocutors, good mood and a good day! May it be filled with goodness, enthusiasm, positivity, inspiration and endless luck!

May this wonderful morning flow systematically into an equally good day that will bring good mood, a lot of pleasant surprises, funny situations, great news, but it all ended with a good evening and a very good night.

I wish you inspiration, creativity and a surge of energy throughout the day! May your efforts not go unnoticed and bring serious and long-lasting results!

I want all nature to sing for you today, so that the authorities do not scream, and give out bonuses, so that passers-by have faces, not faces, so that there are no traffic jams on the way home. In general, I want you to have a good day!

Each needlewoman has things in stock for alteration. They lie and wait for their turn, when the inspiration of the hostess reaches them.
Here I have the remains of various fabrics. And in the kitchen there was a curtain from the previous owners of the apartment. And in no way could I find the curtain that I would like to hang instead of the old one.

And here is spring! I want the sun, lightness, fresh warm wind and delicate colors!

And since I’m sitting at the hospital with my daughter, a lot of household chores are being redone, everything is being washed, polished, and my hands have finally reached the kitchen curtain. Only there is only one problem - you won’t go shopping from home with a child with a broken arm, you won’t go looking for a curtain.)))

Where ours didn’t disappear)) I took it out and took out various leftovers, cut it, chopped it up and voila!
My spring curtain!

It was sewn from a piece cut off from the length of another curtain (with a pattern), a piece left from my mother's tablecloth that I sewed for her (green), a piece cut from another curtain to shorten it (white without a pattern), a piece left from Eva's clothes ...

With warmth from Astrakhan.

Christ is Risen!
Another package just arrived for me. I was only waiting for a shirt for my son. But miraculously, with the hands of Lena the Crocodile, the parcel was filled with a bunch more gifts)))
Lena, what kind of blog you have become fashionable: o

A very nice shirt. The fabric is interesting and pleasant to the touch. It looks like cotton, but it can be seen either processed or with the addition of something.

Comforter. Charming))) He is very squeezing, pleasant. And the muzzle is pretty.

And the pom-pom tail is lovely!

Needle bed. The other one I use was also given to me. I already miss her. How it happens I don't know. But the needle is very handy!

The needle bed itself is already a gift, but there were more gifts in it!

Ribbons, rhinestones, owl, buttons and stripes.

Astrakhan comb and magnets. One magnet, as I understand it, is with views of the city. Lena herself is from Astrakhan. And the other with the most important holiday - Easter.

Stationery and prescriptions for children. Everything is very necessary.

And a very pleasant, kind and sincere letter written by hand. It was very nice…
