Biography. Order cream pop group Via cream group composition

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Cream- Russian female pop group. The group is the winner of a number of awards, such as “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Golden Disc”, etc. Known for the song “I Will Love”, and also as one of the many performers of the song “Where Childhood Goes” , which sounds in the movie " Vesnukhin's Fantasies", and according to the song "Clouds", which sounds in the cartoon "Shake! Hello! » [ ] .


At the end of 2002, Darya Ermolaeva was suspended from work for health reasons. For some time she was replaced by soloist Evgenia, then Alla Martynyuk. In 2003, Ermolaeva returned to the team.

In 2006, "Cream" voiced the main characters in the Russian version computer game"Bratz - rockstars".

In August 2008, the group hit the news reports in connection with the detention of its members at the airport of the Moroccan city of Casablanca for smuggling counterfeit banknotes. Later it turned out that the simulated banknotes- part of the props "Cream".

In 2008, one of the participants left the group due to pregnancy - Regina Burd (stage name Michel), wife of the lead singer of the Russian pop group “Hands Up! » Sergey Zhukov . Instead, Evgenia Sinitskaya was accepted into the group.

In early 2011, Karina Koks left the group and signed a contract with the label Black Star inc, but left that label in 2012 as well. Together with Karina Koks, Evgenia Sinitskaya also left the group.

In mid-2012, Veronica left the team and decided to devote herself to her family.



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An excerpt characterizing Slivki (group)

“But you can’t wait, prince, at this moment. Pensez, il u va du salut de son ame… Ah! c "est terrible, les devoirs d" un chretien ... [Think, it's about saving his soul! Oh! this is terrible, the duty of a Christian…]
A door opened from the inner rooms, and one of the princesses, the count's nieces, entered, with a gloomy and cold face and a long waist strikingly disproportionate to her legs.
Prince Vasily turned to her.
- Well, what is he?
- All the same. And as you wish, this noise ... - said the princess, looking at Anna Mikhailovna, as if she were a stranger.
“Ah, chere, je ne vous reconnaissais pas, [Ah, my dear, I didn’t recognize you,” Anna Mikhailovna said with a happy smile, approaching the count’s niece with a light amble. - Je viens d "arriver et je suis a vous pour vous aider a soigner mon oncle. J`imagine, combien vous avez souffert, [I came to help you follow your uncle. I imagine how much you suffered,] - she added, with participation rolling his eyes.
The princess made no answer, did not even smile, and went out at once. Anna Mikhailovna took off her gloves and, in a conquered position, settled down on an armchair, inviting Prince Vasily to sit down beside her.
- Boris! - she said to her son and smiled, - I'll go to the count, to my uncle, and you go to Pierre, mon ami, for the time being, don't forget to give him an invitation from the Rostovs. They invite him to dinner. I don't think he will? she turned to the prince.
“On the contrary,” said the prince, apparently out of sorts. - Je serais tres content si vous me debarrassez de ce jeune homme ... [I would be very happy if you would save me from this young man…] Sitting there. The Count never once asked about him.
He shrugged. The waiter led the young man up and down another staircase to Pyotr Kirillovich.

Pierre did not manage to choose a career for himself in St. Petersburg and, indeed, was exiled to Moscow for riot. The story told at Count Rostov's was true. Pierre participated in tying the quarter with a bear. He arrived a few days ago and stayed, as always, at his father's house. Although he assumed that his story was already known in Moscow, and that the ladies surrounding his father, who were always unfriendly to him, would take advantage of this opportunity to annoy the count, he nevertheless went to half his father on the day of his arrival. Entering the drawing room, the usual residence of the princesses, he greeted the ladies who were sitting at the embroidery frame and at the book, which one of them was reading aloud. There were three. The eldest, clean, long-waisted, strict girl, the same one who went out to Anna Mikhailovna, was reading; the younger ones, both ruddy and pretty, differing from each other only in that one had a mole above her lip, which made her very pretty, sewed in a hoop. Pierre was greeted as dead or plagued. The eldest princess interrupted her reading and silently looked at him with frightened eyes; the youngest, without a mole, assumed exactly the same expression; the smallest, with a mole, of a merry and humorous disposition, stooped down to the embroidery frame to hide a smile, caused, probably, by the upcoming scene, the amusingness of which she foresaw. She pulled down the hair and bent down, as if sorting out the patterns and barely holding back her laughter.
“Bonjour, ma cousine,” said Pierre. - Vous ne me hesonnaissez pas? [Hello cousin. You don't recognize me?]
“I know you too well, too well.
How is the Count's health? May I see him? Pierre asked awkwardly, as always, but not embarrassed.
“The Count suffers both physically and morally, and it seems that you took care to inflict more moral suffering on him.
May I see the count? Pierre repeated.
“Hm!.. If you want to kill him, kill him completely, you can see. Olga, go and see if the broth is ready for the uncle, the time will soon be, ”she added, showing Pierre that they are busy and busy reassuring his father, while he is obviously busy only upsetting.
Olga left. Pierre stood for a moment, looked at the sisters, and, bowing, said:
- So I'll go to my place. When you can, tell me.
He went out, and the sonorous but quiet laughter of the sister with the mole was heard behind him.
The next day, Prince Vasily arrived and settled in the count's house. He called Pierre to him and said to him:
- Mon cher, si vous vous conduisez ici, comme a Petersbourg, vous finirez tres mal; c "est tout ce que je vous dis. [My dear, if you behave here as in Petersburg, you will end up very badly; I have nothing more to tell you.] The count is very, very sick: you don’t need to see him at all.
Since then, Pierre has not been disturbed, and he spent the whole day alone upstairs in his room.
While Boris entered him, Pierre walked around his room, occasionally stopping in the corners, making threatening gestures to the wall, as if piercing an invisible enemy with a sword, and sternly looking over his glasses and then starting his walk again, pronouncing obscure words, shaking shoulders and arms outstretched.

The sensation that spread all over the information space yesterday touched the hearts of fans of the once popular group"VIA Cream". "The pregnant ex-soloist of the trio Daria Ermolaeva is seriously ill and lives in poverty in Brazil," - without understanding the situation, they circulated in in social networks artistes who are not indifferent to the trouble. Actress Teona Dolnikova spoke about health and money problems, calling for help in raising funds for a colleague. However, according to her husband, who, as it turns out, has been a "former" for several months, lies and fraud lies behind the high-profile headline.

According to Teona Dolnikova, "Dasha married, it seemed, a normal guy from Moscow. Who eventually forced her to sell native home in Moscow and move to live for some reason in Brazil. He simply took half of the money from her, and for what was left they bought a wreck, because they didn’t have enough for anything else. With half the amount, he ran away and abandoned his own child a month before his birth, leaving Dasha in debt and in a ruined house, where there is nowhere even to lie down.

Life managed to contact 30-year-old Denis Gatalsky. IN exclusive interview the man for the first time denied not only this information, but also dubious statements about the illness of his ex-wife.

This is all an absolute lie, which was invented and implemented thanks to Daria's old connections, in order for the audience, who believed in this story, to transfer money to her; in other words, a person thus earns. Firstly, I have never been to Brazil: I am a former military man, and, accordingly, I still have the status of travel restrictions. But she, on the contrary, literally raved about moving. As a child, Dasha did not live long in Brazil, when her parents worked there, probably since then she has kept warm memories of this country. So, she decided to buy real estate there. She was able to realize her plans with the money from the sale of the apartment in Moscow, in which we lived after the wedding. But Daria's brother forced her to sell, since he was the owner of a 50% share of the apartment. One day he demanded his share. We moved in temporarily to our mutual friend, who kindly offered us a free room, since my apartment was occupied at that time. In 2014, for the first time, Dasha was going to "reconnaissance" in Brazil - to find out what conditions and prices are there. She knew that I was not allowed to leave the country, but she did not care, she believed that if she wanted to, she could circumvent the law and go with her. Man thinks only of himself! Even the word of an elderly father is not authority for her.

Did you break up after that?

Yes, you can say that. I found out that Dasha cheated on me. In Brazil, she had an affair with a local. Although at that time we were officially married. Her trip lasted much longer than she had promised. She returned back only because, according to the laws of the country, she could not stay there for more than six months. There was nowhere to return, because she had sold the apartment. I took pity on her, accepted her - do not leave her on the street. Around the same time, she became pregnant.

Your first son, right?

The only son. She is expecting a second child not from me, but from that young man with whom she had an affair. But I would like to prove that the first child is really mine, to have the rights and duties of a father. Understand, I took care of the pregnant Dasha and firmly believed that this was our baby, I was waiting for his birth. She flew to Brazil to give birth. She said that she hates Russia and the people living here. Like, there is a desire - come and live with us. She knew that I couldn't do it.

Have you tried to get the child back?

We divorced in the middle of this summer, and when during the divorce I announced that my child lives in Brazil, they told me that without documents I was nobody to him. And they really don't. At birth, the baby automatically becomes a citizen of the country in which he was born. According to the laws of Brazil, if the father does not appear for registration, then a dash is put in the paternity column, the child receives the mother's surname and she is considered a single mother. Our passport stamps and marriage certificates have no validity there. So to the child, I'm officially nobody.

How long have you been married?

Four years. If you remove all her trips to Brazil, then a little more than two years.

Why is she sick?

You know, I never saw her diagnosis anywhere, it's worth considering. In any case, I wish her good health and children. As already said, this is a completely fictional story with the support of Teona Dolnikova. Perhaps she really has problems with money now, since a person has never officially worked in her life and is not going to do it. All our life together we lived only on my means, plus my parents helped. Now, probably, in her life happened critical situation, since she decided to make money in such a dirty way. Once again, the published information has nothing to do with reality, except that she lives in Brazil, and according to own will, and is expecting the birth of a second child from the current local young man.

In the 2000s, there were no those who had not heard of the Slivki group. The team became famous thanks to such hits as "Where Childhood Goes", "Funny Boy" and "Clouds". Girlsband has always been a trio, but the members themselves have changed from year to year. Only one soloist remained permanent - Karina Koks. But in 2010, she decided to leave the group. For some time, Karina was part of Black Star Inc., then collaborated with sound producer and DJ ChinKong. In recent years, Cox has practically disappeared from the radar. We contacted the artist and found out how she lives today.

The Cream group, which became famous in the 2000s, fell in love with the public for simple and romantic songs, many of which have not lost their popularity to this day. For ten years, its member Karina Koks remained the face of the team. However, in 2010, the girl decided to start solo career and set out on her own. Karina managed to work with Black Star Inc. and sound producer ChinKong, but then less and less information about her began to appear, and after that she practically disappeared. the site got through to the ex-soloist of the once popular girl band and found out how her fate turned out.

“Shortly after leaving the Cream group, I got married. Now my husband and I have two wonderful daughters, so my family is my priority. I want to spend more time with children - thanks to them I develop, discover something new in myself. I would like to have a third child, but a little later - the youngest is only one and a half years old, ”said Karina.

Karina has been a vegetarian for 11 years already - special food preferences have become for her not just a principle of nutrition, but a way of life. Today, the singer helps people who want to become vegetarians and shares her experience with them.

"When I get free time, I speak at events dedicated to vegetarian nutrition and healthy lifestyle life. In addition, I organize meetings with various specialists (psychologists, doctors) in the club for young mothers. I myself am responsible for the culinary classes at these meetings. I am also very proud to have created a brand of children's organic clothing. It is named after my eldest daughter Camille is Comet Ka,” Cox added.

Of course, we could not help asking if there was a place for music in Karina's life.

“As for music, it has not completely left my life. When I am invited, I take part in concerts with pleasure, sometimes I record in the studio. I don’t want to limit myself to some kind of framework and live strictly according to the schedule, otherwise it will develop into another stress. I create by inspiration,” the singer summed up.

It all started with parties in nightclubs, where trendy DJs played. Karina wanted to take part in a project with music in the style of R "n" B, Hip-Hop, Jazz. Classes at the law faculty faded into the background. And together with her friends - a professional dancer Ira and Dasha, who also sang well and looked spectacular on stage, Karina began to actively rehearse and perform.

VIA Slivki: Biography of Karina Koks.

Date of birth: 12/20/1981

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Project VIA "Cream".

Dasha - dancer, backing vocals

Best of the day

Ira - dancer, backing vocals


Alexey Pushkarev - trumpeter, arranger

Appa - guitarist

Cream is Fortune's favorite

Girls, according to "Inveterate Scammers", are different. Moreover, it would be inappropriate not to trust the trinity of charming scoundrels from St. Petersburg in this matter, since we will talk about the St. Petersburg team "Cream", which includes three charming girls. "Cream" was born a little over a year ago. In addition to the three vocalists - Karina, Dasha and Ira - there are also three talented musicians: Alik Avakov, Alexey Pushkarev and Appa. But the "face" of the team, of course, is girlish.

VIA "Slivki" grew out of the St. Petersburg team "Discovery", which specialized in club music and performed songs on English language. Despite the lack of musical education of the soloist of the group (Karina), the musicians managed to work quite successfully in clubs. - For me musical education is life in London where I hung out with jazz musicians, went to clubs, talked, - says Karina. - When I arrived in St. Petersburg, I wanted to create my own project. I started writing songs in English and singing. I was very lucky: I met girls and guys who turned out to be exactly those who were needed.

If we take into account that the name of the then formed group - "Discovery" - can be translated from English as "gaining fame", then this team fulfilled its historical mission: its members became "widely known in rather narrow circles". But this did not at all correspond to the scope of the ambitions of the beginning stars. It took them a little bit of luck (meeting producer Evgeniy Orlov), a bit of self-sacrifice (rejecting the former name) and a bit of common sense (transition to the Russian-language repertoire) to achieve Big Success.

Fate brought us together with Yevgeny Orlov, - says Karina. - He happened to be at our performance, and he really liked us.

In the history of their meeting with the producer, there is both a fortunate accident and a completely natural predestination of the development of events. However, Evgeny Orlov himself, as man of sense, speaks rather prosaically on this topic: they say, this is how the circumstances developed.

When I met the girls in one of the St. Petersburg clubs, I actually came to see the performance of another team, - Evgeny recalls. - A lot of young talented musicians come to me and invite me to their performances. It so happened that "Discovery" was performing in front of those who invited me, and I liked them much more than the others. True, it turned out that they sing only in English, because the lead singer of the group, Karina, who had lived in London for five years, had no idea how it was possible to sing in Russian at all. She was brought up on other music, adored soul. I really liked their performance and I asked them to make a song in Russian.

They took my advice. It turned out very well, because now many performers can copy foreign hits, make versions of songs foreign performers and they are doing great. But as soon as they begin to sing in Russian, it is impossible to listen to it. And in this case everything turned out great, and I really liked the song.

From that moment on, the group "Discovery" ended its existence and the history of VIA "Cream" began. To the credit of Evgeny Orlov, he did not change the composition of the team: - I have such a practice: never break an already established team. If, for example, " Inveterate Scammers"They initially gathered in a certain composition, they will work in this composition, with all their shortcomings and advantages. Together they have already experienced some kind of trouble, found mutual understanding; they were able to starve together, play for a penny and rehearse in the basements - which means they have already gone through some kind of school, they can adequately appreciate everything that other people are doing for their success. original composition The team works with maximum efficiency and the highest quality. Having behind him a successful experience of working with such a stellar team as "Inveterate Scammers", Orlov began to masterfully implement the proven technologies for achieving success:

I spend at least a year for the team to mature, for the repertoire to appear, so that the project participants understand what their image is, work together in a new capacity, get used to the repertoire and their own in a stage way. And we've been doing this for almost a year. In the image of "Cream" you can find "an inveterate fraud", and this is completely natural: having in common " godfather", these groups really have similar features. There is something "hooligan" in the "creamy" girls - though, for the most part, reminiscent of a childish love for pranks and practical jokes. Any of the vocalists of VIA "Cream" is distinguished by a certain extravagance and "combines incongruous". So, in Karina there is something from an absent-minded "disheveled genius" (it is she who writes the lyrics in the team) and from an "exotic girl" (she loves Japanese poetry, as well as oriental cuisine and mulattos, i.e. swarthy young people). Ira, being in fact the group's choreographer, she is both the "face" of the group (it is she who is most often recognized in public places) and the "smartest" (due to her penchant for philosophical reasoning, as well as being the only student in the group). - Dasha - manages to magically combine the features of Carroll's Sonya with eccentricity and explosive temperament. Here's what the members of "Cream" say about themselves ... Karina: - My songs are mostly coming t to me in a dream. So I wrote the songs "Stay with you forever", "Spring". I’m also very absent-minded, so during tours I constantly forget toothbrushes or some other little thing in hotels, and something constantly topples over me - today, for example, I spilled juice on my clothes. The only way I can justify my absent-mindedness is my focus on work. I just don't allow myself to be distracted by other things.

Ira: - And I really like to indulge in reasoning where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

Dasha: - Moreover, sometimes it is simply impossible to stop it.

Karina: - And Dasha is the most windy and amorous with us. True, it passes quickly ...

Ira: - She is able to find an idol in any city. She can be left for two hours, and after these two hours she may well announce: "Girls, a terrible thing happened - I fell in love!"

Nevertheless, neither Karina's absent-mindedness, nor Dasha's stormy temperament, nor Ira's penchant for oratory do not prevent "Cream" from confidently moving to the top of the charts and "giving out high-quality music to the mountain". On this moment they are perhaps one of the most promising young Russian bands:

The ARS company signed a long-term contract with the group, since they really liked the work of Slivok, - says Evgeny Orlov. - And when we shot a video for the song "Sometimes", the result exceeded expectations. It was quite a bold move on our part to start with a funky disco house with jazz elements, since it's not the most commercial musical style in Russia. But we went for this experiment, and now no one regrets it: neither I, nor Slivki themselves, nor the ARS company, which agreed to finance this risky experiment.

In April, the debut album "Cream" called "First Spring" was released. The name is explained simply - this year came the first spring of the millennium and the first spring in the history of the group.

Our today's heroine is the beautiful and talented singer Regina Burd. Her biography is of interest to thousands of Russians. you too? Then we recommend that you read the article as soon as possible. It provides up-to-date and correct information.

Regina Burd: biography, family and childhood

She was born on October 8, 1985 in Moscow. She comes from a decent and respected family. Regina's father, Vladimir Refulievich, at one time was an employee of the capital's sports committee. And in the period from 1996 to 2003 he was an inspector of the Professional Football League. Her mother, Taisiya Fedorovna Tatarovskaya, worked for many years as an employee of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

Burd is real name Regina. Fans are sure that she has French roots. But it's not. The father of our heroine is a purebred Jew, and her mother is Russian. It turns out that she is a mestizo.

Regina grew up as an active and sociable girl. She managed to combine her studies in general education school with visits to various circles (drawing, dancing, needlework). In high school, she mastered such an instrument as a guitar.


Where did Regina Burd enter after graduating from school? The biography indicates that she chose the Institute of Physical Education. The girl could become a good coach in a sports school. But Regina had other plans for her future life.

VIA "Cream": Regina Burd

Since childhood, our heroine had a dream - to get on big stage. And soon she began to implement her plan. For several years, the girl worked as a dancer in the ballet of the Infiniti fashion club, owned by A. Tolmatsky (father of rapper Decl).

And in 2005, Regina learned that in girl group"Cream" required new soloist. Our heroine went to the specified address. As a result, she was accepted into the team. True, she performed under the pseudonym Michelle. The girl always surprised the audience with her plasticity and sense of rhythm. And male fans went crazy with her languid gaze and plump lips.

Regina Burd, whose biography we are considering, participated in the recording of two albums of the group - "Above the Clouds" (2005) and "Zamorochki" (2007), as well as in the filming of several clips.

In 2008, the beauty announced her departure from Cream. Her place was taken by Anna Poyarkova.

Personal life

Regina has never had problems associated with a lack of male attention. Both guys from ordinary families and representatives of the "golden youth" looked after her. But the girl did not take them seriously. She was waiting for a big and pure love.

In 2005, she met with the soloist of the popular group "Hands Up" Sergei Zhukov. The singer courted Regina for a long time and beautifully. And at some point, the girl realized that she loved him with all her heart. The couple began to live under the same roof.

In December 2007, they got married. The celebration took place in XIX style century. The outfits of the bride and groom, the interior of the restaurant, the table setting - all this was simply magnificent.

Family happiness

In 2008, Sergei and Regina became parents for the first time. Their tiny daughter, who was named Nika, was born. The young father could not stop looking at his blood. The soloist of the Hands Up group bathed and swaddled his daughter himself.

In May 2010, another replenishment took place in the Zhukov family. Regina gave her husband an heir. The boy got nice and unusual name- Angel (translated as "angel").

In September 2014, our heroine became mother of many children. She gave birth to a third child - the son of Miron. Now the family lives in a spacious Moscow apartment.

Several times a week, Nika and Angel visit the sports and rhythmic gymnastics. They are additionally taught by an English teacher.

The Zhukov family often travels - to the USA, Bulgaria, Spain and other countries. Our heroine and her husband take them to aquariums, museums and zoos.


We reported where Regina Burd was born and studied. You now also know her nationality. We wish the wonderful Zhukov family financial well-being and great happiness!
