Beef leg jelly: recipe. How to cook jelly beef legs? Beef jelly - transparent yummy

I love jelly very much, for me this dish is always associated with a holiday. Even though the process itself takes a considerable amount of time, learning how to cook aspic is very simple. I will tell all readers how I cook jelly from a beef motorbike.

How to cook jellied beef leg

Beef contains vitamins A, D, group B, as well as macro- and microelements. There are many tendons in the knee joint of cattle, a source of gelatin, thanks to which the broth is not only tasty, but also freezes well.

Kitchenware: pan for 5-6 l; plank and knife; skimmer; sieve; gauze or clean cloth; cold molds.


  • All products must be fresh, so buy chilled beef. Take a look at her appearance: meat should be Pink colour, no stains, plaque.
  • Can't keep it in the fridge anymore three days, otherwise the meat loses beneficial features and spoils.
  • I always drain the first broth. I do this so that the aspic is transparent and clean.
  • For flavor and spiciness at the end of cooking, I add ginger root.

Cooking steps

  1. I spread the meat on the bottom of the pan and fill it with water. The weight of my beef leg was 3.5 kg.
  2. I put it on fire and bring it to a boil.

  3. As soon as the water boils, I drain the primary broth, and thoroughly wash the meat and dishes.

  4. I put the washed meat in a clean pan. I cut one large onion into pieces and add to the meat. I also send one peeled carrot there. I cut it in half.

  5. I fill it with water so that everything is covered. I put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat to a minimum. I leave it to cook for 5-6 hours.

  6. When 40 minutes remain before the end of cooking, I add a couple of dry dill stalks and 5-6 pcs. black peppercorns. I clean the ginger, cut it off somewhere around 2 cm and, cutting it into thin slices, add it to the broth, put 1 tbsp. l. salt.

  7. When the cooking time is over, remove the pan from the heat. I take out meat and vegetables.

  8. Using a sieve and a clean cloth, strain the broth.

  9. When the meat has cooled down a bit, I begin to disassemble. Separate from the bone and finely chop into strips.

  10. Skim the fat off the broth with a tablespoon. I taste it and add more salt.

  11. I put the chopped beef in plastic molds. I level with a spoon.

  12. Gently pour the broth over the meat.

  13. When the jelly has cooled to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator, covered with a lid.

I serve the finished dish on the table, turning it out of plastic. We use it with mustard or horseradish.

video recipe

The whole process of cooking jelly perfectly demonstrates the video. The broth freezes perfectly, tastes great. Take a look and see that making jelly at home is not at all difficult.

  • In no case do not cook jelly over high heat, otherwise it will be cloudy and appearance get worse. Many housewives cook "jellied meat with gelatin". I do not add it to the dish, the broth solidifies perfectly and does not require additional ingredients.

You can decorate the dish if you wish. Add a boiled egg, cut in half, to the bottom of the dish before pouring it, or make figures from boiled vegetables, such as carrots. You can put fresh parsley or dill leaves on top.

  • Such a dish will not leave anyone indifferent and will become the main decoration of any holiday table. It turns out very tasty - aspic from beef tongue -.

Beef shank jelly

More often I cook jelly from beef meat. It seems to me that this way it turns out not very fatty, fragrant, and low-calorie. The benefits of eating beef meat cannot be overestimated - the active substances contained in meat are of vital importance to us. It has a high content of collagen, and it, in turn, prevents the erasure of the cartilage of the human body and slows down the aging process.

I will tell you another recipe for beef jelly with the addition of a shank (lower leg).

Cooking time: 6-7 hours.
Servings: 10-12.


  • Of course, for jelly it is better to choose the meat of a young calf. It is rich in shades with light, almost white fatty layers. If the veal is dark red, it is most likely the meat of an older animal. I purchased a beef leg weighing about 1.5 kg.
  • Thoroughly washed and cleaned it. To fill the future jelly, I took about 1.5-2 kg of beef meat. Beef jelly will be delicious according to the same recipe.
  • I add the onion in the husk, after rinsing with water and cutting off the roots. Due to this, the future aspic will acquire a golden hue and a pleasant aroma.
  • For spiciness, I add a few cloves of garlic.

Cooking steps

  1. I put the washed meat in a saucepan and fill it with water.

  2. I put it on fire and bring it to a boil. I remove the foam, leave it on low heat for 6-7 hours.

  3. After the specified time, I add 2 onions in the husk to the meat. I don't cut it all the way. I put 4-5 bay leaves, as well as 8-10 pcs. black peppercorns and 1.5 tbsp. l. salt.

  4. After 30 minutes, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  5. I spread the meat and let it cool. I turn to the analysis of meat products. I separate the beef from the bone and cut into small pieces.

  6. Finely chop 5-6 cloves of garlic, mix with chopped beef.

  7. I shift everything into a jellied container, I have plastic molds.

  8. Strain the broth through a strainer into molds.

  9. I let it cool and put it in the refrigerator.

After 2-3 hours, the jelly will harden and it can be served at the table. I cut it into portioned pieces and carefully spread it on a plate. I serve mustard with cold. Decorate with fresh herbs.

video recipe

All stages of cooking this meat dish can be seen in the video. Look at the incredibly beautiful view of the jelly, you will lick your fingers!

  • You can substitute the beef leg for the pork leg, but the broth will be a little more cloudy and greasy. Pig ears, tails and marrow bones will do. If you love poultry, add chicken legs, necks, wings. All these parts make the broth viscous and sticky.
  • Choose meat according to your taste. If you like pork, cook "pork knuckle jelly". But the most delicious is obtained - jelly from pork and beef - different types meat make the dish more saturated and it freezes without any gelatin.

Jellied beef leg, pork and chicken

For those who do not really like beef, I offer a recipe for aspic with chicken and pork. There are so many tendons and ligaments in the shank that they are quite enough for the broth to freeze. And chicken is considered dietary meat, it contains a large amount of easily digestible protein.

Cooking time: 6-8 hours
Servings: 10-12.
Kitchenware: plank and knife; pot; sieve; cold container.


  • As I wrote above, the meat must be fresh. I took a pork knuckle, weighing about 1.5 kg.
  • I added a beef leg, this was quite enough for the jelly to freeze.
  • Thoroughly washed, cleaned the skin of mucus and cut off all unnecessary. Did the same with chicken. If there are hairs on it, they need to be burned on a gas stove.

Cooking steps

I let it cool and put it in the refrigerator. The jelly is ready in 2-3 hours. Carefully cut into portioned pieces with a knife and serve.

video recipe

You can see how the aspic is prepared in the video. The jelly is transparent and freezes well. It is very tasty due to the fact that I put three types of meat.

You can pour jelly into beautiful corrugated molds, after laying green peas on the bottom. Make decorations in the form of flowers from boiled eggs, inside which put a ring of boiled carrots. Or make flowers from lemon circles. If you know how to make figurines, cut out piglets or swans from eggs. Put them on top of the cold. Let your imagination run wild and decorate the jelly to your taste.

How to cook delicious aspic: six important rules.

Delicious transparent jelly from pork, beef or chicken, with horseradish or mustard - even those who count every calorie on the plate are unlikely to refuse such a dish.

However, not every housewife will be able to cook a delicious jellied meat. Some are afraid that it will not freeze. Others tried to cook jelly, but instead of tasty, appetizing, transparent, it turns out to be inconspicuous in appearance and inedible.

Nevertheless, there are a number of rules, knowing and following which, you can easily cook delicious homemade jelly. So let's get started

Rule one. Choose the right meat

One of the main ingredients of jelly is pork legs, and more specifically, their lowest part, the one that ends with hooves. It is these nondescript pork "spare parts" that serve as a guarantee that your jelly will harden properly.

Add the rest of the meat to your liking: it can be chicken, turkey, pork (an excellent option is a knuckle), beef on the bone. It is better that the meat is with veins and with a skin - this will also contribute to a better solidification of the jelly. But pork legs are a MUST anyway!

In this case, certain proportions must be observed. For a pair of pork legs weighing about 700 grams, take no more than one and a half kilograms of other meat parts. Too much meat, oddly enough, can harm your jelly - it simply won't freeze.

Rule Two.Before cooking, be sure to soak the meat

This procedure is necessary in order to remove the remains of coagulated blood from the meat. In addition, pre-soaking the meat softens the skin, which can then be easily peeled.

To soak the meat, take a pot in which you will cook your delicious jellied meat. Pour the meat with water so that it is completely hidden by water and leave to soak for at least three hours, and even better overnight.

After soaking the meat, carefully scrape the pork legs, removing the sooty spots. In the same way, clean the skin (if any) on the rest of the meat parts. It is most convenient to use a small "vegetable" knife for this purpose.

Rule Three. Drain the first water after boiling the jelly

Some housewives neglect this procedure, believing that descaling with a slotted spoon is enough to get a clear broth. However, draining the first broth, you will not only ensure the transparency of the jelly, but also reduce the number of calories in the finished dish and get rid of the specific greasy taste.

After pouring the first broth, rinse the contents of the pan under running water - this will remove the small remaining coagulated proteins that have stuck to it.

Pour the washed meat again with water. At the same time, pay attention to its quantity - it should be two centimeters above the level of meat. Pour more - the jelly will not have time to boil away during cooking, respectively, it may not freeze. Pour less - you will have to add additional water during the cooking process, which, again, will adversely affect the solidification of the jelly.

By the way, in order for the jelly to be transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensively. You need to cook aspic on a quiet fire for six hours, no less, only in this case it will turn out delicious and freeze perfectly without adding gelatin.

Rule four. Add herbs and spices the right way

After your future delicious jelly has been cooked for five hours, add a whole peeled carrot and onion to it. It makes no sense to add vegetables before - all their flavor will disappear during the cooking process. By the way, do not peel the onion from the outer husk, but simply rinse it thoroughly - this will give the finished broth a pleasant golden color.

You also need to salt the jelly after four to five hours of cooking, in no case at the beginning. Otherwise, the jelly can easily be salted, because during the cooking process the broth boils away and becomes concentrated.

Add bay leaf and peppercorns to the jellied meat half an hour before the end of cooking.

Rule five. Cut meat properly

After you finish cooking your delicious aspic, remove the meat from the broth with a slotted spoon. Strain the broth itself through a colander. Throw out the onion, carrot.

Carefully separate the meat from the bones with your hands, helping yourself with a small knife. Cut the meat with a knife (do not use a meat grinder or food processor) - this way you will definitely not miss the small bones. But the garlic is better not to cut, but to pass through the press. In this case, it will be distributed in the meat mass more evenly.

Do not throw away the skins and cartilage - they will give strength to the finished jelly, cut them finely and mix with "good" meat.

After spreading the meat mass in trays, fill it with broth. Stir very gently so as not to stir up the broth.

Rule six. Ensure the right temperature

In order for the jelly to freeze well, it needs the “correct” temperature. In the kitchen, even on a cool windowsill near the window, the jelly will not freeze. To the balcony / loggia winter time it is also impossible to endure it - frozen jelly irrevocably loses its delicate texture, as they say, “stops off” (an exception is a glazed insulated loggia).

In view of the above the best place for solidification of jelly - the middle shelf of the refrigerator. Trays with jellied meat can be stacked on top of each other to save space, of course, after cooling them at room temperature and covering each tray with a cutting board. If you did everything right, the jelly will harden in four to five hours.

By the way, if you cover the jelly with a lid, wait until it starts to “grab”, otherwise the lid will stick to the frozen jelly and remove it without violating the integrity ready meal, will be impossible.

And further. Do not immediately remove all the melted fat from the surface of the finished jelly - it will protect the jelly from "winding".

In principle, these are all the basic rules, following which you will be able to cook delicious jelly. As you can see, there are few of them and they are all quite simple. good luck with this delicious dish!

Preparing beef leg jelly is quite simple, because it takes a long time to cook on its own, and you need some patience and at least minimal supervision. The jelly will harden without problems if you buy the right ingredients and fill them with the required amount of liquid. Our advice will help you.

When choosing ingredients for the future jelly, you first need to buy beef legs. It is they who will give the jelly viscosity, and it will solidify perfectly without the addition of gelatin. Put a small piece of meat in the jellied meat.

A large amount of pulp will not contribute to a good solidification of the meat broth. Keep proportions. Take beef legs - 1 part and about 2 parts of meat.

It is necessary to cook jellied meat for at least 7 hours. It is good to put onions in it, peeled from the top layer of the husk, carrots. A good addition is peppercorns, bay leaf. All these components will make the meat broth tastier.

But they should not be put immediately, but at the end of cooking. Carrots with onions for 2 hours, peppercorns and other spices for half an hour.

You can make a taste in a bag. To do this, fold the gauze in three layers and make a bag out of it. Inside, put a pinch of peppercorns and allspice, 3 cloves of garlic (you can not peel), 3 cloves, a small sprig of rosemary (fresh), a sprig of thyme, a good bunch of leaf parsley. Tie a bag with a thread, lower it into the broth. By the way, tie the free end of the thread to the handle of the pan, then it will be easier to get it out.

Salt not earlier than 60 minutes before the end of cooking. The fact is that the liquid boils away during the cooking process and there is a danger of salting the dish. You can season the already prepared jelly. In this case, salt a little more, given that the meat will also absorb salt.

Classic recipe

In short, the classic recipe for jellied meat is to put beef legs and meat in a saucepan, cover with a lid, bring water to a boil, periodically removing foam and cook over low heat for at least 8 hours. An hour before the end of cooking, add vegetables, a little later bay leaf and peppercorns.

Step-by-step method of cooking jellied beef legs:

Step 1. Beef legs must be singeed, scraped and thoroughly washed with a brush, then cut into pieces. Soak beef bones in cool water. Enough 3-4 hours.

Step 2 Put the meat, legs in a saucepan, add water, it should be eight centimeters higher than the food. Cook over medium heat until water boils.

Step 3 The first water must be drained, the legs should be rinsed again, pour clean water. When the foam appears in the pan, reduce the heat, carefully remove it.

Step 4 When the foam stops forming, you can do the taste of jelly. Two hours before the end of cooking, put peeled carrots and onions in it. When the jelly is almost cooked, you can throw a couple of bay leaves into it, but not more than 15 minutes. Taste for salt, adjust if necessary.

Step 5 Remove meat, legs, vegetables from the broth. Vegetables are no longer needed, they can be thrown away. Cut the meat into pieces, disassemble the legs, removing the bones from them. In suitable forms, lay out the meat base for the jellied meat.

Step 6 Strain the broth through cheesecloth. Pour it into the meat molds. First, cool on the table, then put in the refrigerator to solidify.

How to cook jellied beef legs with gelatin

If beef legs are used for jelly, giving a viscous broth, then gelatin should be taken half as much as indicated on the package.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of prepared beef legs;
  • 1.5 kg of meat;
  • package with gelatin - 1 piece;
  • jellied mixture - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic - 20 g;
  • bay leaf, peppercorns, salt - add to taste.

You will need 7-8 hours. In one portion - from 150 to 200 kcal.


  1. If the legs are fully prepared for cooking, fill them with water anyway, leave for 30 minutes. After that, rinse again with a stiff brush;
  2. Put the chopped beef legs into pieces in a saucepan, pour in water. After boiling, the first water must be drained;
  3. Pour the legs again with water, bring to a boil, reduce the heat. Boil for 3 hours, then dip a piece of lean meat into the broth, add a little salt;
  4. When the ingredients are ready, remove with a slotted spoon, cool and manually disassemble the meat into fibers, do not use a blender to grind. Disassemble the legs, remove the bones, chop. Combine with meat, mix, put in prepared containers;
  5. Add gelatin, a mixture of spices for jellied meat, chopped garlic to the broth, salt to taste. Mix thoroughly, then pour over the meat pieces. In order for the jelly to freeze, it must be removed in the refrigerator;
  6. Cut the finished dish into portioned squares. Separately serve gravy boats with mustard and horseradish.

Multicooker cooking method

In a slow cooker, jelly will not boil, but languish like in a Russian stove. With slow languishing, the legs and meat will give everything to the water, so the dish will turn out to be rich, fragrant and then freeze perfectly.


  • beef legs - 1 kg;
  • half pack with chicken thighs;
  • 2.5 liters of cold water;
  • peeled onion;
  • a small head of garlic;
  • peppercorns - 15 pieces;
  • salt - to taste.

In a slow cooker, the dish is cooked for 8 hours. A serving contains 190 kcal.

How to cook jelly beef legs in a slow cooker:

Step 1. Burn the legs, scrape with a knife. Rinse thoroughly with a coarse brush.

Step 2 Put in a saucepan, pour clean water, leave for 2 hours.

Step 3 Chop the thighs into pieces;

Step 4 Peel the onion head. Put chopped beef legs and thighs, peeled onions, spices, salt into the multicooker bowl, pour water up to the maximum mark;

Step 5 Turn on the "extinguishing" mode, on long time, better for the whole night.

Step 6 In the morning, remove the meat from the multicooker, remove the bones, chop.

Step 7 Crush the garlic (clove) with the blunt side of the knife, add to the finished broth.

Step 8 While the broth is infused, decompose the meat into different forms, filling only half the volume, salt if necessary.

Step 9 Pour the meat with broth, filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth. Cool down on the kitchen table. Refrigerate for further hardening.

How to make jelly transparent

The jelly should be transparent. And the most transparent broth will turn out if you cook it from beef legs separately from other types of meat. Another principle: do not add water to the cooking broth, so it must be poured into the pot with a margin, given that cooking takes eight hours.

First of all, before cooking, soak the legs in water. Of course, they must first be washed, scraped, even singeed if necessary, then poured with chilled water and left untouched for three hours. This procedure will help remove blood clots. After 3 hours, drain the water from the container.

Put two pans on the stove, put beef legs in a large one, pour in cold water until salt is added. There should be a lot of liquid, but not to the very edge, but at least 10 cm below. Wait until it boils and drain the first water. This procedure will also help to prepare a transparent jellied meat.

Rinse the legs, pour water again. On medium mode, cook until boiling, not forgetting to remove the foam. Then turn the fire down to the bare minimum. The slower the jelly is cooked, the better.

It should quietly "gurgle" and not boil. Remove foam all the time. Place the prepared piece of meat in a smaller saucepan. Pour boiling water over it, immediately add salt. Wait until it boils, reduce the heat and let it cook.

So, summing up, we can briefly describe the whole process of preparing jelly: singe the beef legs, then cut them into pieces, soak in cold water. Cook in a large saucepan over low heat.

The jellied meat will be cooked for a long time until the cartilage becomes soft, and the meat can be easily removed from the bones. As for spices, everyone chooses them according to their taste. In addition to them, whole vegetables should be put in the broth. It can be carrots, onions. All!

Bon appetit!

Aspic, or jelly, is one of the best traditional dishes. You can cook it from pork, fish, lamb. Despite the fact that there is an opinion that jelly is prepared exclusively from pork legs, beef jelly is no less tasty. With the right approach, this dish will be rich, fragrant and very nutritious.

Another beef jelly is called a budget snack. The reason is that even an ordinary soup set is suitable for its preparation. Well, for a special sophistication, the hostesses add to the jelly fragrant seasonings and spices.

Such a homemade dish as jelly has a lot of benefits for the human body. Even our ancestors tried to use it after festivities and holidays. Scientists today attribute to him the effectiveness in the fight against a hangover.

No less useful jelly for joints. Even doctors recommend it for the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis.

Another one positive trait dishes - a large amount of glycine, collagen, phosphorus, iron, calcium and sulfur. All these components improve well-being, relieve fatigue, relieve depression. Collagen helps to smooth the skin.

What meat is better to take?

Understanding the question of how to cook beef jelly is not enough. In order for the dish to turn out to be really tasty, you need to choose the main ingredient - meat.

The choice of meat is the most important point. It is best to take it not frozen, but fresh.

If possible, it is better to cut it into pieces right on the market. In the case when the meat is bought in a store, you will have to chop it yourself. Otherwise, the ski or shank will not fit in the pan.

When preparing jellied meat, it is desirable to filter the broth. This can be done through ordinary gauze. If you do not strain, a good jelly will be spoiled by bone fragments.

Preparation of ingredients

Depending on what type of jelly is planned to be cooked, it is necessary to prepare the ingredients in advance.

They may be:

  • meat;
  • dill;
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • pepper - both peas and black ground.

If the dish is classic, except for beef, no other meat is required. You can cook an appetizer from several types of meat, with pork knuckle or with chicken.

Due to all sorts of combinations of meat proportions, meat varieties, types, the culinary fantasy of each housewife allows you to cook favorite dish just the way you want it, and according to any recipe. Here are just a few of them.

Classic beef jelly


  • leg and shank - about 3 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • garlic - 5-6 cloves;
  • salt;
  • water - 4 liters.

The prepared shank and leg are washed and scraped off. It is not necessary to remove the film, only bone fragments. Then it is placed in a deep pan, water is poured. After boiling, it is necessary to remove the scale.

Beef jelly is cooked within 5 hours exclusively on a quiet fire. At this time, you need to prepare carrots with onions. Vegetables are not cut due to the fact that after cooking they are taken out. You just need to wash.

After 2-3 hours have passed, you need to put salt, onion and pepper in the container and cook further. Literally half an hour before cooking, lavrushka and finely chopped garlic cloves are placed in the pan. Bay leaf with onions, on the contrary, must be removed.

Now the jellied pan is removed, the meat is removed from the bones and cooled. Carrots are cut into stars or curly cuts.

After that, the meat is placed in a container or molds and poured with broth, after filtering it. Then all this is covered and put in a cool place, for example, a refrigerator.

Jellied meat in a multicooker

If you want to cook a delicious transparent jelly, but there is not much time, you can use the slow cooker. This recipe calls for 2 types of meat, beef and pork. The result is quick, tasty and very useful!


  • a pair of pig legs;
  • beef on the bone;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • 3-4 bay leaves.

First, the pork legs are washed, put in a saucepan, filled with water and kept in it for 4-5 hours. After the water is drained, and the legs are additionally washed. Then the beef is also washed, and the carrots are peeled.

In the container from the multicooker, you need to put all the meat, carrots, peppers, salt, bay leaf and fill it with water. All this is cooked in the "jelly" mode.

After cooking, all the meat is cooled and separated from the bone, then laid out in molds into which the broth is poured. At the end, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic on top and remove to harden.

Recipe them three types meat is often called celebratory. Such a jelly is not ashamed to be served both in the family circle on an ordinary day and on a holiday.


  • 1200 grams of pork knuckle;
  • 1 kg beef shank;
  • 1 pork leg;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • celery;
  • a couple of large bulbs;
  • salt;
  • peppercorns.

The meat is soaked for a couple of hours, then washed and scraped. Then put in a saucepan and cook for 4-6 hours. For maximum transparency, you need to descale from time to time.

About 1 hour before cooking, add the carrots, celery, and onions to the pot. Aspic is salted and peppercorns are added.

As soon as the meat is cooked, it is laid out along with the vegetables. The meat is cleaned and laid out in forms. After that, you need to carefully pour the broth into the molds and put it to cool.

With pig's feet

Although this recipe is called “With Pork Legs,” it also includes beef. From this, he does not lose his piquancy and becomes even tastier.


  • pork legs - 1 kg;
  • beef - 800 g;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • salt;
  • bulb;
  • 1 carrot;
  • seasonings (ground black pepper and cloves).

The soaked and cleaned legs are placed in a saucepan along with the beef pulp. All this is poured with water, salted, peppered and put on fire for 3 hours. You need to cook aspic until a film forms. Then the meat is cooled, cleaned and laid out in containers into which a rich broth is poured.

Like classic jelly, it must be placed in a cold place to set.

with gelatin

Usually jelly is prepared without gelatin, but with it there are many delicious recipes, here is one of them.


  • 2 kg offal;
  • 400 grams of beef;
  • salt;
  • mustard;
  • egg;
  • 1 carrot;
  • gelatin - 10 grams;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • root parsley;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • peppercorns and bay leaf.

First, beef is chopped, then bones and offal are soaked in water. Bones with offal are put on fire and boiled for about 3 hours, after which meat is added there.

Approximately 30 minutes before cooking, you need to pour salt, pepper and other spices with vegetables. At the same time, meat, offal and bones are removed and cooled. After the pulp is finely chopped, it is sent back to the pan and the garlic and gelatin mixture are added.

How to cook jelly beef with pork knuckle? There is nothing easier!


  • beef shank;
  • pork legs - 2 pcs.;
  • pork knuckle;
  • medium bulb;
  • large carrots;
  • spices to taste;
  • salt;
  • parsley root.

The soaked meat is cut. Then it must be placed in a saucepan, poured with water and boiled for about 4 hours. After that, you need to add the entire set of ingredients to the container and continue cooking for some more time, about an hour.

After cooking, all the meat is cleaned of bones, crumbled and placed in cups. They need to slowly pour the broth into them. The finished mixture is placed in the refrigerator until completely cooled.

With Chiken


  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • beef - 500 g;
  • bulb - 1pc;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Chicken and beef are pre-cleaned and laid out in a saucepan filled with water. It is necessary to cook jelly within three hours, then add all the spices, vegetables and seasonings and cook for about an hour.

After the meat is cleaned, finely crumbled and laid out in cups. Then finely chopped garlic is poured on top and the broth is poured.

The curing time of jelly with chicken is 24 hours.

in Ukrainian

Cooking jelly in Ukrainian is similar classic recipe. The difference is only in the details, but due to this, the dish becomes incredibly tasty.


  • beef brisket - 1500 g;
  • pork legs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • celery;
  • salt;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • bulb.

Prepared meat is laid out in a large container and filled with water. You need to cook the jelly for 4-5 hours, then add the carrots and onions. Keep on low heat for about an hour, salt, add garlic, celery and bay leaf.

After that, the meat is taken out, cooled, finely cut and laid out in shapes. The resulting jelly will be tastier if the meat is not just cut, but divided into fibers.

The broth is poured into the laid out meat and sent to cool for 6-7 hours in the refrigerator.

How to decorate aspic?

Every housewife wants her dish to be not only tasty, but also beautiful. For example, you can use slices of lemon or lime as decoration.

A special sophistication can be achieved by adding capers and gherkins. You can also create a beautiful look with thin slices of bell pepper.

No less impressive on the table looks aspic or aspic with cranberries, peas, beans or corn. In the case when you want simplicity and elegance, you can simply sprinkle the appetizer with fresh herbs.

In order for the famous appetizer to exceed all expectations, it is recommended that you follow some tips when cooking.

  1. The meat must be taken fresh.
  2. It needs to be soaked for a while.
  3. Descale regularly.
  4. Salt, pepper and add other seasonings are best before the end of cooking.
  5. It is better to cool the dish in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  6. In order for the jelly to freeze for sure, you do not need to pour a lot of water.


You can choose any delicious beef jelly for your table. In any case, the main thing is to treat cooking with soul and imagination. The right approach, ingenuity and the right ingredients will help make this dish a favorite for the whole family and for any occasion. Bon appetit!

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Step-by-step recipes for natural beef jelly, with gelatin, tongue, chicken, pork legs

2018-04-16 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

11 gr.

8 gr.


1 gr.

117 kcal.

Option 1: Classic beef jelly

It is not necessary to choose pulp or tenderloin for jelly. On the contrary, this dish is best prepared from pieces with bones, cartilage, tendons. We select all those parts that cannot be twisted into minced meat, used for chops and cutlets. Shanks, tails, ribs are excellent.


  • 3.5 kg of beef with bones;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 2 laurels;
  • pepper, salt.

Classic step by step recipe beef jelly

Thoroughly wash the pieces of meat, chop if necessary. Sometimes it is soaked for several hours in cold water to get rid of the ichor and get a clear broth. Put all the meat in a saucepan, add water. Pour 2.5 liters, some will leave with foam and boil away.

Bring the meat to a boil over the strongest heat, no need to delay the process. Then we carefully catch all the foam, cover and cook for 3.5 hours over low heat.

We clean the carrots and onions, do not cut them, just throw them into the pan with the meat. At the same stage, we introduce a spoonful of salt, laurel, peppercorns. Cooking beef for another 1.5 hours. The total cooking time should be at least 5 hours. Then we take out the meat, cool it. We filter the broth. Throw away the onion, and carrots can be used in jellied meat, cut into pieces.

We pick the beef from the bones, cut it or just break it into small pieces with your hands. We clean the head of garlic, chop and add to the meat, stir. We shift the beef into bowls, but do not fill to the very top.

The strained broth is a must try. Undersalted jellied meat is tasteless, it is even better to slightly oversalt it, as is the case with sausage. Pour the broth over all the meat. Cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours. During this time, the jelly will harden.

According to the rules, the ratio of liquid and main products is a maximum of 1: 1, you can add less water, no more, otherwise the jelly will not harden.

Option 2: A quick recipe for jellied beef with gelatin

There is not always time to cook meat for 5-6 hours, and then wait the same amount of time for beef jelly to harden. In this version, everything is prepared much faster. For beef jelly with gelatin, you can even take pitted pulp, in any case, everything will work out.


  • 1.2 kg of meat;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • onions, carrots;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • laurel;
  • 4 peppercorns.

How to cook fast

We make the simplest meat broth and you don’t even need to limit the amount of liquid, but you don’t need to pour too much either. We wash the beef, fill it with water so that it covers two or three fingers. If time is short, then first cut the meat into pieces. Let it boil, removing the foam. Reduce the fire, cook for an hour.

After an hour of low boiling, we start carrots and onions, you can add some roots, often celery, parsley. Now cook the beef until completely soft, it should be easily separated from the bones. At the end, salt, for about half an hour, add laurel and pepper. Then you need to scoop out 200 ml of broth.

We cool the broth, which we scooped up and combine with gelatin, leave to swell. While we take out the meat, chop, mix with garlic. We filter the remaining broth and measure out another 3-4 glasses for this amount of gelatin.

Gelatin is either simply added to the hot broth and stirred, or heated separately, but not boiled, added to the broth. It would be useful to try pouring on salt. We spread the meat in bowls, send the broth to it and remove it until completely solidified.

In fact, a quick jelly can be made even from soup broth, you just need to cook a little more meat.

Option 3: Beef jelly in a slow cooker

One of the most simple ways cooking jelly in a slow cooker. We take any meat with bones, as the recipe does not contain gelatin. Carrots are not on the list, but you can add if necessary.


  • 2.5 kg of meat on the bones;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 allspice peas;
  • 1 small laurel;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook

Put the washed beef into the multicooker bowl. Immediately we throw whole onions, peppercorns and a small laurel. Fill with water, pour a tablespoon without a slide of salt. Close, set the extinguishing mode for 7 hours.

We take out the meat, it should already be cooked by this moment. Cool, cut into small pieces, discard all excess, add garlic, stir and distribute among bowls.

We filter the broth, salt more, and you can pepper it. We pour the meat. First, leave at room temperature, cool, then put in the refrigerator for eight hours.

No need to try to speed up the freezing of jelly by placing it in the freezer, from low temperatures the quality of the dish suffers, gelling abilities decrease.

Option 4: Jelly beef without gelatin (with pork legs)

Recipe for mixed beef jelly without gelatin. But it still freezes beautifully, as pork legs are added. You can not put them later in the dish, but you need to cook them together. It is advisable to pre-soak the legs, if necessary, scrape with a knife.


  • 1.5 kg of beef;
  • 3 pork legs;
  • 1.7 liters of water;
  • small bulb;
  • 1 tsp peppercorns;
  • 20 g of garlic;
  • salt.

Step by step recipe

Rinse the meat and transfer to a bowl. Add the washed (and soaked) legs to the beef, pour water and put to boil. As usual, remove the foam, and then reduce the heat to a minimum. If the meat for jelly will actively boil and gurgle, then the broth will never turn out to be transparent, it will not please with beauty.

We cook the legs and meat for about four hours, add a small onion, salt and season with peppercorns, boil for another hour. Cool, strain the broth.

Break the beef into small pieces. Pork legs (what is left of them) can also be added or simply removed. Add minced garlic to the meat.

Pour beef with saturated broth, stir a little so that the liquid soaks and holds all the pieces together. We remove until completely solidified in the refrigerator.

If you don’t want to get fatty jelly, then you can cool and keep the broth for several hours in the refrigerator, remove the frozen layer of fat, and then heat the broth and pour the prepared meat.

Option 5: Beef and Chicken Jellied (with gelatin)

We can say that this is a dietary version of jelly. The dish contains very little fat, is simple and relatively quick to prepare, you can add any boiled or canned vegetables to it during assembly.


  • 1 kg of beef with bone;
  • 2 legs;
  • 2 spoons of gelatin;
  • 1 carrot;
  • spices, garlic.

How to cook

We put the beef to boil, pour about 1.5 liters of water. We remove the foam, reduce the heat and boil for an hour and a half.

Add washed chicken and carrots, salt, cook for another 1.5 hours. Pepper, laurel and other spices to taste. We take out the chicken and beef, filter the broth.

Soak gelatin in a glass of broth, prepare 3 more glasses, measure. We cut the beef and chicken, mix, season with garlic, pepper.

We heat the gelatin, you can do this in the microwave. Mix with the rest of the broth, pour the poultry and meat, put it in the cold. After 4 hours, the jelly will harden.

Gelatin should not be soaked in hot broth, it will seize in lumps, but cold liquid should not be used either. We take a warm broth or room temperature.

Option 6: Beef jelly with gelatin and tongue

A chic version of aspic for a festive feast, we take meat with bones. In addition to beef, you need a tongue, one small piece is enough. We take regular or instant gelatin, it does not really matter.


  • 2 kg of meat with bones;
  • 1 language;
  • water;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • onions and carrots;
  • garlic, salt.

How to cook

We lay the chopped and washed beef in a pan, select the parts with bones. Add the washed tongue, fill the water level and cook for two hours. Then we take out the tongue, it should already be ready. Add onions, carrots to the meat, cook for another 1.5 hours, salt, add pepper towards the end. As soon as the meat begins to easily separate from the moslov, turn off the stove.

Pour a glass of broth, cool and soak gelatin in it. From the moslov we pick all the meat, chop finely, mix with grated garlic and arrange in bowls. We clean the tongue, cool it, it is best to send it to the refrigerator.

It is advisable to strain the broth. We mix it with melted gelatin, but not all. For this amount, add about 3.5-4 more cups. Salt to taste and pour the meat, but only according to its level. We do not add extra. We remove the jelly for 2-3 hours to solidify.

Cut the tongue into thin slices, lay out on top. The remaining broth with gelatin is slightly heated, only to melt. Stir, pour pieces of tongue on top. You can decorate with boiled carrots. We remove to freeze for another 4 hours.

Such jelly can be decorated with bright green peas, olives, lemon slices, all this is laid along with slices of boiled tongue.

Option 7: Beef jelly in a slow cooker

Another way to cook jelly in a slow cooker. In addition to beef, you will need a couple of turkey wings. They have a lot of cartilage and fibers that will help thicken and solidify the broth.


  • 2 wings (0.5-0.6 kg);
  • 800 g beef shank (chopped);
  • 1.7 liters of water;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 0.5 bulbs.

How to cook

Put the beef and wings in a slow cooker, add water, close, set the “Stew” mode for exactly five hours.

After two hours, add onions with carrots, salt. Close and cook until the end. Remove meat, cool. Add chopped garlic to the hot broth.

Disassemble the meat into small pieces, the wings can also be crumbled. Pour broth with garlic, put in the refrigerator to solidify.

You can use chicken legs instead of turkey wings in this recipe. With them, the jelly also freezes perfectly.

Option 8: Twisted Beef Jellied

Such a jellied meat turns out to be small, homogeneous, somewhat similar to sausage. Very often it is bottled in plastic bottles to give the shape of a loaf. If you do not use a lot of broth, then the jelly can even be cut into circles.


  • 2.5 kg of beef with bones;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 sprigs of dill;
  • laurel;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 peppercorns.

How to cook

Chop the meat, pour water that barely covers it. Put on the stove, boil for a couple of hours after boiling. Add the onion and salt, pepper, boil for another three hours.

We take out the beef, remove the meat from the bones. We twist it through a meat grinder along with garlic. Add a little strained broth, salt more if necessary.

If desired, we pour the jellied meat into bottles or simply use bowls. Cool at room temperature and refrigerate until set.

If there is not enough beef, then you can boil and twist any other meat, poultry, liver or any other offal into the total mass.
