I can't decide what to do with the ass. I can't decide what to do with my ass Effective exercises from a celebrity

The performances of the actress and singer Shakira constantly gather crowds of people who want to enjoy her talent and seductive look live. At almost every concert, she demonstrates all the charms of her figure, a special emphasis is always placed on the buttocks. By her example, the singer shows her fans that such results can be achieved through the right approach to yourself, regular training and a strong desire.

Shakira's exercises are mainly built on dance rhythms and are suitable for those who do not like boring static movements, and there are quite a lot of such women. Belly dancing, which Shakira loves so much, allows you to effectively work not only the abdominal muscles, but also the hips, chest and buttocks.

Effective exercises from a celebrity

Figure eight drawing

The next exercise is done using any improvised support. It can be a table, a doorknob, a wall, etc. Stand on one leg and try to maintain balance through support. With the other leg, which “floats” in the air, begin to describe the “eight” in such a way that the upper circle ends completely in front of you, and the lower one behind the body. Gradually increase the size of the figure in order to load the muscles more due to a different range of motion. "Draw" 10-20 numbers with each foot.

Vertical torso

For achievement good results the exercise below should be done at intervals of 2-3 times a week for the same number of approaches. Each set should contain 8-15 reps. The exercise is as follows, stand in a straight stance, feet shoulder-width apart, shoulders and back straight and straightened. Push your right leg back and bend the knee composition until the plane of the lower leg and the floor become parallel to each other. In this case, the lower leg of the right leg is kept perpendicular to the floor.

Effective Exercises buttocks at home

Stretch in this position and return to the starting position, do the required number of times and change the orientation of the legs. Repeat the same movements for the left leg. Such a movement will be especially useful for people who spend most of their time at the table, at the computer. It will not provide any difficulties to get up once an hour and do several similar backbends right at the table.

body weight game

Take a straight stance, legs together. Lunge with your right foot, leaving your left foot in the same position. Gently transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, when this happens, tension will be felt in the hips. Lock in this position for a few seconds and return your body weight back to the starting position. Then a few more times, changing the orientation of the legs, and similar actions with the other leg.

Gymnastics in the water

Physical exercise in water will help to tighten the necessary muscles better and faster and make the process of losing weight more pleasant for psychological perception. To complete the classes, you need to buy a subscription to the pool, without it it will be difficult to do anything. Stand facing the side, the water level should end at the waist. Bend your left leg at the knee and lift it to the extreme possible point to the side, then begin to unbend it and at the same time take it back. The heel in the final position should look at the ceiling. Then the leg is brought back forward. Similarly, I do another 14 repetitions, and then the same number, only for the right leg. It is important to note that the stomach must be kept drawn in, the posture is even, the arms are at maximum extension from the side. Otherwise, the load will be transferred to completely different muscles. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, you must practice a fast pace.

And finally, the last exercise in a series of recommendations from Shakira, aimed at working out the inner thigh. It is also performed in the water, only here you need to take care that the level reaches the shoulders. We stand straight, put two hands to the right and take four side steps to the right. With each step, the arms move towards the direction of the legs. At the end of the step, they return to the original.

After the birth of her second child, Shakira quickly got into shape, which helped her, of course, her perseverance and determination, as well as personal trainer Anna Kaiser, who shared the secrets of her star client's appetizing buttocks.

How Shakir did it work like that? Her personal fitness trainer and author of AKT inMotion Anna Kaiser says that, first of all, the singer leads an active lifestyle and does not lie down on the couch, twice a day she devotes at least 60 minutes to training, and also successfully combines cardio, yoga, dancing and strength exercises. By the way, the most effective, according to Shakira, an exercise due to which it is moeno to work out a maximum of muscles - “scissors” - simultaneous lifting of arms and legs in a prone position.

In addition, he adheres to a healthy diet. The singer's breakfast consists of a slice of whole grain bread with avocado and tomato + a cup of black coffee. After training Shakira drinks coconut water and a protein shake. The star dines with vegetable salad and 100 g of chicken or fish. After a couple of hours, a snack follows - beef jerky, cucumber or a slice of melon. It does not do without dinner - it's either steaks or fish with vegetables + a couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

To get the same seductive ass as Shakira Anna Kaiser advises:

1) Exercise every day. No matter what - even if you do not get enough sleep or suffer from a hangover. You simply have to devote at least 15 minutes a day to your figure.

2) Do not drink alcohol. Well, at least limit your sugar intake. alcoholic beverages.

3) Move, move and move again. Shakira's coach advises to lead an active lifestyle - walk a lot, dance or take light jogs in a forest or park.

4) Stylish sportswear. Anna is sure that if you have a stylish tracksuit from fashion brand, you will want to wear it more often, which means that there will be motivation for training.

5) Workout should be comfortable. You should not choose a fitness club on the other side of the city, it is better to have it right next to your house - so you will not waste time on the road, leaving it for more thorough workouts. You can also practice on your own.

6) Sport as a way of life. Turn fitness into your lifestyle, don't force yourself to lose weight, relax and just enjoy it. Look, the effect will not be long in coming!

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll (Shakira)- Lebanese-Colombian singer and dancer, songwriter, composer and music producer, was born on February 2, 1977 in Barranquilla. As a child, she was the favorite of the whole family. On different languages her name is translated in different ways, in Arabic it means "Woman overflowing with grace" and in Hindi "Goddess of Light". The girl grew up surrounded by music and precious stones and books, because her father was a writer and also kept a jewelry store. She grew up as a very developed child, at 18 months she knew the alphabet, and at 3 she knew how to read and write, at 4 she was ready to go to school. Some experts conducted the texts and it turned out that Shaki is a child prodigy.

Shakira could become both an artist - as she masterfully owned a brush, and a writer - after all, from the age of 4 she composed poetry. She could become a famous dancer because the girl's flexibility could be envied. But at the age of 8, everything changed - her parents noticed her wonderful voice, and prophesied her the future of the singer. But her talent did not affect her childhood, she also played robbers with children and was even the talker of the "pack". In addition to talent, the girl was also beautiful, confirming this by winning the "Child of the Atlantic" contest.

When Shaki entered college, there was a confusion, she was not accepted into the choir. Also, one of the teachers said that her singing sounded like a goat bleating. But at the age of 14, she still proved her talent by becoming the most famous singer in the city, winning all the awards. Ricky Martin himself, being on the jury of one of the competitions, said that he had never seen such a gifted girl. At the age of 15, she already had 2 albums behind her back.

A little later, millions of her discs were sold in the World, but her fame was overshadowed by tragedy. In connection with the speculation of tickets for her first big concert V hometown, several people died. The girl found out about this later, already at the hotel. If she had known about this earlier, she would have canceled the concert, the tragedy affected her so much that at some point she wanted to quit her career. In 1996, she was named "Woman of the Year" and "Person of the Year". She has hundreds of awards in her arsenal, including "Eres", "Billboard", "Lo Nuestro", 22 gold discs, 55 platinum discs, as well as "Diamond Prism".

She is recognized the best singer Last year, the video for her football anthem Waka Waka crossed a billion views on the Internet, and it was thanks to him that pleasant changes touched the singer's personal life.

Cheating on her long years the boyfriend gave way to a new one - the Barcelona football player Gerard Pique, with whom the girl met on the set of the video for the world-shaking hit. Shakira officially announced her breakup with her ex in January - less than a month before her 34th birthday, which she recently celebrated with her new love. True, Shakira is in no hurry to talk about an athlete who is exactly - day to day - ten years younger than her.

I want longer legs

- You seem to be breathing unevenly for football. Was at the World Cup. How was it?

- It's unforgettable. I was pleasantly surprised by the warmth and cordiality of the South Africans who were the hosts of the championship. But one thing, of course, could not please me in any way - the absence of the Colombian Championship (Shakira's mother is a Colombian with Spanish and Italian roots. - Ed.).

Most men find you very sexy. What does it feel like to feel so desired?

“I, like all women, spend my time criticizing myself. This is very painful. For example, would you like to have more long legs. And when I don’t saw myself, I get out of the situation by putting on high-heeled shoes that I love - this is how I lengthen myself. But I'm not satisfied with my hips either - I want them to be smaller. As for the butt, I haven't decided yet. Sometimes it seems to me that it should be a little smaller, at other times - on the contrary, that it would not hurt to be bigger. And so - constantly ...

- Is that your biggest concern?

- If! I have been going through therapy for many years, which I had to turn to because of the early onset of fame. It happens that I talk with my psychologist for an hour every day. Now I have finally begun to accept my body as a woman, before that I had big problems with this.

– You make very hot clips. What did your friend Antonio say about them before you broke up with him?

- I must admit that he was very often shocked by the result. Was on the verge or beyond the edge of jealousy. He hated if I hugged someone according to the script, and simply if another man appeared next to me at the behest of the director. Plus, I had the feeling that my friend could not stand it when I showed my body. I just couldn't accept it. But I couldn’t do anything either - that’s how I assert myself.

- Are you jealous?

- I was very jealous in the past, now things are much better with this (smiles). It must have come from my childhood. My father very jealously guarded my mother with her hot temperament. It's part of our family culture.

Marriage is boring

- You spent 11 years with Antonio de la Rua, the son of the President of Argentina. Why didn't you become husband and wife?

“I wanted us to remain lovers as long as possible. It must be very pleasant to wear beautiful White dress. Probably almost every girl dreams about this, but the fact that you seem to conclude a contract with each other has always bothered me. My loved ones know about it. If I get married one day, they'll all ask me if I'm expecting a divorce soon. I think marriage is boring. Just don't ask me why we broke up. So it happened.

- Is it true that for three years you have been enrolled, but do not go to the University of Los Angeles?

- This is true. Before, I studied history and Western civilization. But in order to go to university, you need to learn everything anew. To be honest, I already forgot everything. I signed up because I wanted to try free student life again. At that time, I wore a huge cap, an even larger backpack, sneakers and baggy pants.

“It's hard to imagine today.

- And then, I think I did everything to look like a kid. But, as it turned out, my efforts were not enough - the guys still did not stop staring at me, - Shakira told Entrevue. - It's funny, but none of them had the courage to start sticking to me.

- In the end, answer: do you remember what you bought yourself with the first money you earned?

- Certainly! It's hard to forget - I bought a car. I could not deny myself this, although at that moment I was only 15 years old.

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She was born on February 2, 1977, in the family of William Mebarak and Nydia del Carmen. Her father was the owner of a jewelry store on San Blas. A Lebanese father and a Colombian mother with Spanish and Italian blood gave her a name, which in Arabic (Arabic sakira) means "grateful", and in Hindi - "goddess of light." Shakira - last child in family.

She spent her childhood in Barranquilla, in the apartments of El Lemoncito, among books and Latin American rhythms. After some time, she began to show interest in music and literature. At the age of three she learned to read and write, and at the age of four she already aspired to go to school, but the inflexibility of local educational laws did not allow her to do this.

At the age of four she began to write poetry. Parents at first thought that their talent would become a poetess or artist. At school, the teachers saw her as a ballerina, because she often danced. Belly dance remains her favorite dance to this day.

At the age of 8 she wrote the song “Your sunglasses"("Tus gafas oscuras") under the impression of Don William's optics.

Musical career

Shakira recorded her first album, Magia, at the age of 13, signing a contract with Sony Discos. She was always drawn to rock, but the producers believed that the title of a pop singer was more suitable for her. This album was not successful. The second album, Peligro (Danger), also did not make Shakira popular, yielding in terms of sales even to the previous disc. The record company Sony Discos, which initially signed a contract with the singer for three albums, gave her last chance, to which Shakira set the condition of non-interference in her work.

The release on October 6, 1996 of a new album under the auspices of the Colombian producer Luis Fernando Ochoa - "Pies descalzos, suenos blancos" ("Bare feet, lofty dreams") was a breakthrough for Shakira both at home and on both American continents. The album was a mixture of pop rock and Latin American rhythms, and brought the singer an extraordinary success in Latin America, selling 4 million copies. Two versions of the video were filmed for the song "Estoy Aqui" "Donde Estas Corazon". Shakira goes in 1995-1997 on her first tour of South and North America, and gives 59 concerts in 43 cities.

To consolidate her success, she releases the next disc on September 29, 1998 - "? Donde Estan Los Ladrones?" (“Where are the thieves?”), which is still considered the best of her entire Spanish-speaking career. [source not specified 178 days] Many songs from this album were and remain popular. In 1999, for the songs "Ojos Asi" and "Octavo Dia" he received Grammy awards. Clips for the songs "Ciega.Sordomuda" "Tu" were at the top of popularity in Spanish-speaking countries. Your first song on English language"Inevitable" Shakira performed on the famous show "Rosie O Donnell" on January 28, 1999, the song was extremely popular. In the same 1999, Shakira decides to organize a live acoustic concert "MTV Unplugged". In 2000, having released videos for the songs "Ojos Asi", "No Creo", Shakira went on the second mini-tour called "Tour Anfibio" from March 19, 2000 - to May 13, 2000.

In 2001, Shakira released a completely English-language album "Laundry Service" and dyed her hair in a light tone. Shakira achieved world recognition in 2001 thanks to the hit “Whenever, Wherever”.
Shakira at a concert in Rotterdam with the "Tour of Mongoose" tour.

After the release of the album in 2002, Shakira went on a grand Mongoose tour, over a million people attended her concerts, and later in 2004 the CD / DVD of this tour “Live & off the Record” was released. Also in 2004, a live video for "Poem to a Horse" was released.

In 2005, another studio album in Spanish "Fijacion Oral Vol. 1". Closer to the fall, Shakira releases a video for the song "No", the video is rotated exclusively in Spanish-speaking countries.

In November 2005, Oral Fixation Vol. 2" in English. In June, Shakira goes on the next Oral Fixation Tour, over 2,300,000 people will attend her concerts around the world, she gave 150 concerts in 100 cities in 37 countries around the world. In 2007, the duet of Shakira and Beyonce with the song "Beautiful Liar" received an award at the MTV VMA 2007. At the end of the year, Shakira wrote two songs that were included in the soundtrack for the film "Love in the Time of Cholera". On one of them the clip "Hay Amores" was filmed. In May 2008 Shakira takes part in charity concert"Alas" in Argentina, she sang the song "La Maza" along with the famous singer Mercedes Sosa, Shakira also sang songs in a duet with Gustavo Cerati and Carlos Vives.

After a long silence, in October 2009, the singer released the album "She Wolf". The Spanish-language version, titled Loba (She-Wolf), aired on radio stations on June 29. The song differs from the previous work of the singer by its electronic dance sound. In an interview with one of the foreign radio stations regarding musical style Shakira explained that in the recording of the new album, she continued to mix the music of various countries - Indian, Colombian music, etc. The singer also said that the album will have 10 songs - seven in English and three in Spanish.

In October 2010, Shakira released her seventh studio album "Sale el sol", most of whose songs are in Spanish. The release of the album will take place with the beginning of the world concert tour of the singer under the same name Sale El Sol, which she began on September 15, 2010 in Montreal, Canada. The tour will run until 2011. The first single was Waka Waka (This Time For Africa & Esto Es Africa), which was recorded in collaboration with Freshlyground for the FIFA World Cup Song 2010. The song became the most successful World Cup anthem in history with over 2 million singles sold and 220 million views. on Youtube.com. The second singles was Loca ("Crazy"), which has good success and energetic pace.

Actor career

Shakira starred in the 1994 Colombian television series El Oasis. She was also offered a role in the movie Zorro, but she turned it down.

Personal life

In 2000, Shakira began dating Antonio de la Rua, the son of the then president of Argentina, Fernando de la Rua. In March 2001, Antonio proposed to her. The couple planned to get married in September 2001, but in an interview in September of the same year, Shakira denied this information as an unreliable rumor. Nevertheless, she continues to meet with Antonio, citing the fact that she likes being an "eternal bride" rather than an "eternal wife".

Shakira: - “I went into the restaurant, saw him and at the same second thought. This man is made for me, this man of my life, although he doesn't know it yet. I looked at him without stopping until we met. And then later I just trusted my intuition and everything worked out by itself. To be honest, getting to know Antonio that night was like winning.”


In 1997, Shakira founded charitable organization Fundacion Pies Descalzos (literally "Bare Feet Foundation"), whose main activity is to raise funds to sponsor schools for children from low-income families in Colombia and other countries Latin America. Shakira also became the inspiration behind the ALAS (Artistas Latinos En Accion Solidaria) Foundation, which was established in 2006 and brought together many Spanish-speaking performers, including Alejandro Sanza, Juanes, Miguel Bose and others. Shakira is also the youngest UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

The International Labor Organization (UN employment agency) awarded Shakira a medal for many years of helping Latin American children from poor families. The award ceremony took place on March 3rd, 2010 in Geneva (Switzerland).

Interesting Facts

Sometimes Shakira performs on stage barefoot, and everywhere except for important meetings, she also appears barefoot.
