Grandma's birthday script. Grandma's birthday is an unforgettable holiday

Let them sound today

Congratulations a hundred in a row.

There will be dances, there will be songs,

Jokes would be good here.

Let's celebrate a birthday together

Everyone needs to pour into glasses!

Eastern wisdom says:

Grandma's birthday script

Leading:"My anniversary is a bright holiday especially for you."

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:"I'm glad to see you all here."

Grandmother:"I swear"

Leading:"Eat, drink, be merry, I won't count."

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“Remember that we will meet more than once.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:“For you, I am always ready to remain as beautiful.”

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:"Just as young."

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:"Same energetic and fun."

Grandmother:"I swear."

Leading:"Young heart and pure soul. I swear three times!

Grandmother:"I swear, I swear, I swear!"

At the end of the evening, you need to take out a huge cake with the inscription "To your beloved grandmother." It can be decorated with candles. To the song Happy Birthday to you, the birthday girl makes a wish and blows out the candles.

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Anniversary script (80th anniversary) - favorite holiday

We are offering to you original script grandmother's anniversary. This script is written for the celebration of the 80th anniversary of grandmother Katya.

Please note that all rights to the publication of this text belong to its author. It is forbidden to reprint any part of the text! However, you can use this anniversary script when preparing and organizing your family holidays.


(Baba Katya's 80th birthday)


The guests sing to the motive of a song about pilots from the film "Heavenly slug".

Today is Christmas, a festive bright day,

Today, we celebrate Katya's anniversary.

We are gathered here at the table

Glasses full pour,

And we will sing for her song:

It's time for us to celebrate

And meet this day

Let you not twenty or thirty, let it!

Don't lower your vigor!

We will strictly follow

You can't hide from us, you know!

Tonight, tonight, tonight

Without our dear hero of the day, there is nothing to do!

We'll drink one, we'll drink two

For jubilee affairs

But don't have a headache tomorrow!

It's time for us to celebrate

It's time to celebrate, celebrate a glorious anniversary!

And meet this day

IN big company relatives, friends!

Let fate sometimes be cruel to us, let it be!

In response to her, you let go of your jokes!

Follow the same strictly

Do not allow despondency around!

The song is performed to the melody of I. Krutoy "an unfinished novel ..."

Talent and beauty do not meet so often!

Oh, God, how your spring suited you.

Let the years pass

You are young at heart.

You are so energetic and cheerful!

We watched Baba Katya,

And we read with fascination.

That full of life and good romance

About a hard fate.

May happiness smile upon you!

We want to wish you now

To be clear and cloudless

In your family!

Today is the anniversary.

Which one is hard to say!

We know you did great.

Most of the way!

Lovely family,

Colleagues and friends

Even though you're over thirty!

We congratulate you today

And from the bottom of our hearts we give you

We are congratulations, wishes

From friends as a token of love!

So that this holiday makes you happy

And at the same time we would be remembered,

Our work, our holidays,

Our SE LA VE! .


For the anniversary we are Katya's women,

Everyone in this room has gathered.

Congratulations on her birth

Haven't gotten drunk yet.

Health to dear grandmother Katya,

We wish with all our heart.

Receive our heartfelt greetings,

And pour us a big glass.

Chorus: We will not say anything for Odessa,

After all, Odessa is far from us.

We all congratulate Fedorovna,

We acknowledge it now.

And after winter comes summer

Look at life cheerfully

Always keep your tail with a gun

The sickness has gone to hell.

Your skill, experience, knowledge

We always need.

We want you to be with us

For many more years.


Time is running fast, you won't even notice

Already old age - the anniversary has come.

And we gathered for the anniversary banquet,

And this chic table invitingly beckons us.

Chorus: We must believe without a doubt

In your happy starry hour.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore!

That fate is a turkey, everyone knows that

And that life is a penny if you're not lucky.

Pour intoxicated wine into your glass,

May this anniversary year be successful!

To the motive of the song "A Stream Flows"

Your anniversary has come

And you grew old

And on the face the seal lies fatigue.

Today is your holiday

Forget the years

And Baba Katya is young again.

A stream flows, a stream runs

Youth would be longer.

A stream flows, a stream runs

The years go even faster.

You grabbed everything, you wanted to do everything,

You can't sit still right now.

Though life is not affectionate, it does not indulge you

Let it make you happy again and again.

Let it run, the stream flows,

Your bright anniversary has come.

Water flows, water runs

Your friends are here.

A stream flows, a stream runs

Pour us a cup soon.

We will drink - vodka is not water,

For happiness for many years!

To the motive of the song "Heart, you do not want to rest"

We don't know where the years go

How quickly time flies by.

And we are celebrating our anniversary.

That we are getting old, alas, alas, at least cry!

But without touching Fedorovna,

Years pass by

She, without changing her soul,

Everything remains young, yes young!

Oh, Baba Katya, our dear colleague,

Oh, Baba Katya, we all came to congratulate you,

Oh, Baba Katya, and today is your birthday

We wish you happiness, we wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Baba Katya is at work for us,

Will always help in difficult times.

And welcomes us here

She welcomes us with an open soul.

We wish you today

Always be young at heart

And let adversity and sorrow

Bypass you all side, yes side.

Let your joy visit your heart,

Sadness does not leave a place you.

Let the children never grieve

Colleagues love, give gifts and flowers!

Today more than one milestone -

What a joy to live!

Only you peace

Everyone loves to talk.

Life is so good

What is moving forward.

Restless soul

Calling to beauty.

We wish you on your way

Don't be sad about the past

new, fresh

See the big world.

Away with sorrow!

Good health!

Not soon the night

You are kept by love

You are 80 years old - what years!

You are familiar with the course of history.

Human destinies, countries and peoples -

How much you have learned about everything!

We appreciate you. You are our wise source!

For us, your advice is like a priceless gift!

With a clear smile, let the morning begin -

And let the heat of the heart not be impoverished!

Let health vivacity

Will give you!

In business, let luck hurry to you!

Let the dream beckon you, as in your youth!

And we will love you from the bottom of our hearts!

If you want to talk about this original anniversary - put a link to this page.

If you liked the work of Lydia Petrovna Kolomiets, and also if they were useful to you when preparing holiday events, you can express your gratitude to the author.


The scenario of the anniversary of the grandmother, who is in her prime. holidays. leisure and hobby.

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My mother recently turned 55 years old. She couldn't have imagined a sadder date. Imagine what it is like for a beautiful, full of strength, working woman to officially become a pensioner? She wanted only one thing - to hide in a corner away, turn off the phone and not see anyone, let alone hear two words - "anniversary" and "pension". But relatives and friends were actively interested in advance what to give her, how she would celebrate. Therefore, it was impossible to get away from the feast. And then I came to the rescue, my husband and girlfriend.

We decided to triple real holiday. Brief 55th Anniversary Scenario (partly our fantasy, partly a mix from the Internet).

Preparation. We ordered a cafe in advance, chose a menu for 25 people. This is the most expensive part, but cooking at home for so many people ... They brought a music center to the cafe, connected microphones (2 pcs.) to it, the center was with karaoke, and the cafe had a TV, they also connected everything. In advance, they drew a poster in the form of a road with photographs - "The life path of the birthday girl", posted photos from birth to the present day, tried to make sure that all the invitees were present in the photo. The guests looked at the newspaper with pleasure while everyone gathered. It was also necessary to sign from what moment the guests appeared in the life of the birthday girl. The word "pension" and the number 55 were banned. The word "anniversary" was used in a limited way.

The format of the holiday "Flight on an airliner". They sewed caps for me, my husband, and made shoulder straps. Incoming guests were given pre-drawn air tickets with seat numbers (they corresponded to the seats at the table). It is possible without seats, but then you announce a charter flight.

Finally, everyone sat down. A poem to get everyone's attention and test the microphone. Eternal Omar Khayyam

Ten minds, nine tents

Eight levels of heaven

Seven wandering stars

I read six sides like a book:

God five senses and four supports

triad of soul in two worlds

crowned only once

Creating you!

Good evening, Dear ladies and gentlemen! Today you are not invited to the anniversary, today all of you are passengers of our airliner called Ivanova (birthday name) - 25 (or 18). Our airliner flying from ___________ (the name of the cafe where the evening takes place) to your apartments with a long flight over the territory of the Abkhazian United States. Flight time within 6-10 hours. The temperature outside the liner is up to -25 degrees, the temperature inside the liner can rise up to 40 degrees. The flight will take place at a height of 1.5 - 2.0 meters from the floor level.

And now I will acquaint you all with the rules that must be observed during our entire flight:

  • everyone must fasten their seat belts during takeoff and landing
  • during the flight they are allowed to unfasten for a plentiful reception of treats
  • when taking off and landing, bring the backs of the chairs to a vertical position; during the entire flight, it is allowed to tilt your chair towards your neighbor with his permission, but not 90 degrees
  • there is no flight attendant call button, so with all questions, please contact me verbally and writing
  • the doors of the emergency and main exits are located in the same place as the entrance to the cafe
  • restrooms are located at the tail of our ship, farthest from the entrance
  • getting up and going home during the flight is allowed only with the permission of the ship's commander
  • during the entire flight you will be offered soft drinks, cold snacks and a hot dinner.

And now everyone stay in your places until the full climb. The crew of our liner once again introduce the passengers to the commander of the ship (name of the birthday girl) and hand her a symbolic key to the airliner (we hand over the key made of cardboard, drawn in advance). The ship's commander and crew wishes you a pleasant time. While our liner is gaining altitude, we fill our glasses and raise them to the commander!

We give everyone time to eat.

So, dear friends, our airliner has gained altitude. The evening continues, you can unfasten your belts, you are allowed to get up, but not everyone at once, you are allowed to walk, but no further than before the hero of the day. On this significant day, a group of friends decided to present a commemorative medal to our hero of the day. (One of the guests who was informed in advance reads out the award sheet for the medal, which is then hung around the neck of the hero of the day, then the rules for wearing it are read out and a toast is made.) We made the medal itself from a CD disk, decorated it and tied a ribbon to put on around the neck. The award sheet was also pre-printed on a printer on a special form (found on the Internet). Award list for the medal "For Jubilee Merit, For Great Services to the Fatherland, as well as Childhood, Adolescence, Youth, Maturity and Wisdom, For a great contribution to improving the demographic situation, as well as for deposits in Sberbank, Detibank and Dachabank, For personal courage, manifested on the personal, as well as on all other fronts, For high achievements in raising the yield of vegetables, legumes, melons, citrus fruits and other useful crops, For the endless desire to be always everywhere and in everything in its place. Russian Federation together with relatives, friends and colleagues decided: to award (full name) with the medal "For Jubilee Merit". Prepare and present the award immediately. Insert the award sheet into a frame and hang it over your favorite sofa. The award should be worn in all public places until the next anniversary.

Dear friends, our flight continues, the temperature inside the liner will gradually rise. And one of the passengers wants to say a toast. (The one who wants to congratulate the birthday girl says).

Oath of the guests. Replaces the rules of conduct on the liner. The glasses are all filled. (Several copies were printed in advance and distributed to guests before the toast).

We swear by gifts that from a pure soul,

The beauty of all the ladies that are so good

We swear by toasts that we will hear again,

We swear by drinks that invigorate the blood,

We swear by a big flower bouquet,

What is there! We swear by salad, pate,

We swear by hot stewed potatoes

We swear by the plate, fork and spoon,

We swear by everything that we see around:

(You, hero of the day, are a true friend)!

Just click - and we will respond,

Let's drink to that!

Dear passengers! The crew of the ship notifies you that our airliner has gained maximum altitude, the crew also decided that it was time to present another little present our aircraft commander.

(We bought in advance beautiful flower in a pot, separately bought a beautiful pot for him, earth, gloves, a spatula. They rolled it all out to the center of the hall, and the birthday girl and her husband transplanted it together. So symbolically gave life to a new creature. By the way, the flower is still growing on our window and reminds us of the holiday).

Dear passengers! Our airliner has landed at Break City Airport for refueling, and you all have the opportunity to warm up a bit. (a break is announced).

(Here the guests were ready to start dancing. We had recorded a CD with dance music in advance).

Dear guests, colleagues, as you all know, our hero of the day loves men very much, and men naturally love her. A word to our dear men. (We had three men take turns toasting).

Competition and quiz. Spent among the guests while they ate and drank. As a gift for each correct answer, they gave a lollipop. The one who scored the most chupa chups received a small bouquet of flowers. I didn’t know the answers to some of the questions, even though it was my mother. Therefore, in advance, the birthday girl needs to find out the answers to questions.

In the year of which, according to the Chinese calendar, was the birthday girl born?

What is the height of the birthday girl?

What sport did the birthday girl do?

Name the day of the week when the birthday girl was born.

Where did this event take place?

What was the time of day?

The most favorite toy of the birthday girl in childhood.

What grade is in physics in the matriculation certificate?

What education did the birthday girl receive?

Where was the first day of work?

Favorite dish birthday girls.

Favorite hobby.

How many acres does the summer cottage of the birthday girl occupy?

What trees and shrubs grow in the country?

Birthday girl's first toy?

When did the birthday girl get her first paycheck?

What flowers does the birthday girl like?

What is the birthday girl's favorite song? They also learned their favorite song in advance, found it in the list of karaoke songs, and put it at the end of the quiz, and all the guests sang to her birthday girl. We had the song "For me, you are not more beautiful."

To understand that our ship commander is an experienced pilot, let's get acquainted with track record. So let's drink to that!! The toast is pronounced by the one who has been present on the route of the life of the hero of the day for the longest time. (We showed this the newspaper filled at the beginning of the holiday).

The word is given to the commander of the ship.

The hero of the day will only have to pronounce the word "I swear" in time when his confidant will read the prepared text. At the same time, the right hand of the hero of the day should lie on the heart, in extreme cases - on a bottle of champagne, which can also be a symbol of the importance of the ongoing festive action.

Confidant: My anniversary is for you!

Anniversary: I swear!

D.: I'm glad to see you here!

YU.: I swear!

D.: With you I am full of happiness!

YU.: I swear!

YU.: I swear!

D.: I swear three times to stay young with my heart!

YU.: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Dear passengers! Our airbus has arrived for landing at Stilyagi-jazz airport, we ask you to leave your seats to warm up both lower and upper limbs. Thank you. Aircraft crew...

Dancing. Bring out hot. Toasts, gifts, wishes. by mood. Outdoor games. We have to present moment everyone was already tired and full, and the competitions did not go. But the toasts and presentation of gifts - with a bang! Then tea, coffee and cake were brought out.

At the end of the holiday, the lights were turned off. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to you.

Here is such a scenario. It is not difficult to implement, but it turns out very colorful and fun. I think it can be used for any birthday, anniversary, holiday.

Scenario for our anniversary / script for Sophia's birthday

"), "touch")" > Write

message Delete from

friends Invite to

Friends withdraw

invitation Make the best

girlfriend Remove from the best

girlfriends Accept

invitation Refuse

invitationsQuestionnaire Children Girlfriends Journal Photo Community What's new Guestbook The last notes

At the beginning, when the guests had not yet sat down for festive table I gave them a questionnaire with a small number of questions about Sophia. Today is a very big holiday: the sun of our family, Sofyushka, celebrates its first birthday. In the lives of our next guests, a lot of things have also changed - for the first time they began to be called grandparents. And there is folk wisdom, which teaches you to love your grandchildren because they will take revenge on your children for everything.

Grandmothers have a lot of different troubles, Grandmothers have many different worries, Our dear grandmothers, There is no you better, sweeter and more beautiful! So, the floor is given to the grandmothers. After the congratulations of the grandmothers, they were given the following diplomas as a keepsake:

We love to play and frolic with grandfathers, And we don’t mind a ride on a typewriter! Pamper our grandpa's girl, So we grow up a little capricious ...

So, the word is given to grandfathers. Likewise, grandfathers were waiting for their diplomas

The rite of "Postrizhiny" And now I want to invite our godparents to conduct the ancient Russian rite of postryzhiny. (A chair is placed in the center of the hall, we put a pillow on it, we put the baby on it. We give scissors to the godfather, a plate with a napkin to the godmother. The father should throw some money on the pillow so that the child is rich and happy. Godfather symbolically cuts the baby's hair strands crosswise, puts them on the godmother's plate. These hairs should be wrapped in a napkin and saved.)

Those very beloved ones who baptize the baby, Contribute to the development and growth slowly. Godfather Sasha and godmother Irina, Do not forget, dear, as usual for a long time, you will be the first to cut your hair anyway! (We have such a tradition, the godparents cut the first curl of the baby) God-parents they cut it off, cutting off a small, completely symbolic strand from four sides of the head, as if symbolizing the cross. These hairs were kept in the house behind the images. It was believed that while they were behind the icons, nothing would happen to the child. The girl was given locks of hair on the day of her marriage so that her daughter would leave forever parental home, i.e. created its own happy family Godparents were waiting for their diplomas:

Next were the competitions: 1. Chamomile contest And now let's check how well you know the birthday girl. Here is a chamomile - questions on its petals. Take turns tearing off and answering! "0. Number of the maternity hospital in which Sophia was born? 1. What time was she born? 2. What weight was Sophia born with? 3. Height at birth? 4. In whose year Sophia was born? 5. Sophia's zodiac sign "6. When Sophia was baptized? 7. At what age did the first tooth come out? 8. Sophia's first word and at what age? 9. When did she go? 10. How many teeth does Sophia have now? 11. Weight now? This is how a daisy turned out: 2 Fortune telling On the table in front of Sophia they laid out: - a spool of thread (symbolizes long life), - a book (knowledge, mind), - a marker (ability to art), - a coin (prosperity), - garlic (health), - keys (well-being), - a chocolate bar (sweetie) ( sweet life), - a ring (successful marriage). my daughter looked for a long time and thought what to grab, she chose a chocolate bar from us - so what awaits her sweet life.

3. The game of "Fairy Assortment". You need to guess which fairy tale the phrase is from. Is it warm for you, girl, is it warm for you, beautiful (“Frost”) Well, eat, now you can sleep ... (“Thumbelina”) I’ll sit on a stump - eat a pie ... (“Masha and the Bear”) A goat comes back, knocks on the door and he will sing ... ("The Wolf and the Seven Kids") I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather ... ("Gingerbread Man") Grandmother, and grandmother, why do you have such big ears? ("Little Red Riding Hood"). I am a mouse. And who are you? (“Teremok”) Eat my forest apple - I’ll say (“Swan Geese”) The mouse ran, waved its tail, The testicle fell and broke. ("Ryaba Hen") Do not drink, brother, you will become a calf! ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka") Who was sitting on my chair and broke it? ("Three Bears")

The guests liked this contest so much that they even shouted “come on again”, I had to improvise and invent on the go, as a result, a very funny contest turned out

4. The game of "shifters" - "Guess the name of the fairy tale." Square (Gingerbread Man) Green Slipper (Little Red Riding Hood) Frying (Frost) Hundred-meter (Thumbelina) Palace (Teremok) Saucepan of cabbage soup (Pot of porridge) Dog without a hat (Puss in Boots) Like a cod wanted (By Pike's command) Toad-Homebody (Frog -Traveler) Chistopluyka (Cinderella) Sprat in tomato ( gold fish) Invigorating Scarecrow (Sleeping Beauty) Cockerel Scallop (Chicken Ryaba) Serorodozhka (Snow White) the horrors of the log (the adventures of Pinocchio) chicken ducks (geese-swans) Pumpkin (Turnip) Vanya and the hare (Masha and the bear) Sparrow - a wooden comb (Cockerel - golden scallop) By bird's lack of will (by pike command)

having guessed all my shifters, the guests decided not to stop there and continued to guess the shifters to each other, they were even surprised by the number of fairy tales they know.

5. I printed out a congratulatory telegram like this. In the spaces, together with the guests, I came up with adjectives and I wrote them out there, it turned out to be a very funny telegram.

6. Message to the future. the day before I made a box (decorated with gift paper) They put in the box: - the first pacifier - a strand of hair - a tag from the maternity hospital - the first booties - the first sliders - the first cap - scratches - a rattle - messages from all the guests (questionnaires) - a congratulatory telegram from the birthday - a candle in the form of a number one from a birthday cake

Anniversary of our little happiness

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Your grandmother is celebrating a round date, you need to congratulate her - what is the best way to do this? Grandma's anniversary script, invites you to present congratulations in an original way dear person, she will be pleased to hear toasts in the form of poems, songs, she will be able to participate in games, watch interesting scenes.

Grandmother's anniversary script - the beginning of the celebration

Step aside, friends, step aside
Smile at this moment.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one with the Jubilee.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Granny!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star on them.
So let your rays continue to endow us with affection,
And it seems to us life is big fairy tale.
To extend this fairy tale to us,
At least for a little
You are not in a hurry, manage to pass
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one clue.
Get up on the star track
And guess at least something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers.)
(The godfather gives a bouquet of flowers.)

2. To remember later your biography,
We will make this now ... (photo.)
(The subject is taking pictures)

3. From now on, pamper your daughter more often,
After all, she gives you her ... (kiss.)
(Daughter kisses the birthday girl.)

4. For all the heroes of the occasion
At such moments,

5. We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause.)
(Guest applause.)

6. And it's time to honor these minutes
We hear the anniversary here ... (salute.)
(crackers explode)

You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)
Undress and enter the room

In winter, when the cold and the nose are frozen,
There are different amazing demand for holidays.
And today we celebrate grandma's anniversary
I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
(Fanfare sounds) Theme ball pops
The reason we have today is simply wonderful - exactly eighty years ago this amazing woman, an affectionate mother, a caring grandmother and great-grandmother, was born!
May your soul bathe today in the pure dew of the kind word of all the people dear, dear and close to you who came to congratulate YOU on an amazing holiday - your anniversary!

It's time to proclaim a healthy toast!
So that laughter, fun and smiles
Didn't disappear until the morning
Let's shout without a hitch

In honor of the birthday girl "Ura"!
The anniversary of eighty years in a woman's life is a grand event that turns the birthday girl into a legend, regardless of whether she was famous, whether she performed a heroic deed or created something outstanding. It is enough that she was able to live such a huge and, in any case, difficult life.
Eighty years is like a prize medal for longevity. And it's certainly admirable.
Presentation of the medal


News of the Anniversary
It spread throughout the area.
The one whose holiday we celebrate
At the head sits a table.
This is my grandmother
Picked up everyone today.
For the guests I will say alone:
This is her success!"
Our dear grandmother!
We are very grateful for ALL
Can't keep silent anymore.
We love you, respect you
Like mother-in-law, grandmother and mother!
Let's all move the glasses together,
And we will dedicate this toast to you alone!

(Guests drink.)

5. Getting to know the guests

Now I suggest we get to know each other a little ... I ask everyone to think of a number from 1-5
I ask you to get up who has guessed
number 1 - Applause to the most beautiful guests of our wedding!
Number 2 - Applause to the most dancing guests!
Number 3 - Applause to the most cheerful guests!
Number 4 - Applause to the sexiest guests!
Number 5 - Applause to the most elegant guests!

And now Dear guests I want to present you a basket, but not a simple one, but a fabulous one.
we will fill it now to the brim, dear guests, with your good wishes,
your bright postcards, your rays of happiness, from which our birthday girl will shine, sparkle, smile and enjoy every moment .... today's holiday ....

And so we begin


relatives, dear
For those who have been around for years
With whom adversity is not terrible.
Behind whom, like behind a stone wall, granny
Of course it's mommy and daddy

Mom's song
Diploma IM


We gathered for the anniversary -
Favorite holiday of kings!
And in honor of a wonderful event
We are waiting for great discoveries:
Treasures are allowed to open!
There are so many treasures that it is not counted!
Treasures - wonderful words!
The glare makes them dizzy.
And every smile in them is a diamond.
For you, ma'am, for you!
Today, here and at this hour
We'll take the crown for you!

To the fanfare the crown is carried

For such a queen, we can only say thanks to grandmother's parents
And I think the time has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think people will agree

TOAST Mikhailovs
And now congratulate brightly
Family of the grandson of the hero of the day

Moderator: And now I have the first task:
Who will come up with the best continuation of the well-known saying "between the first and second ..."
For example, "Between the first and second
another liqueur with caviar ....
skip a glass of water...
kiss with ...... TAMADA!

Mama toast

Grandchildren toast

(Sing a song to the motive “From a smile it will become warmer for everyone ...)

My grandmother's birthday
With the first ray today we woke up
Let's run to grandma
What would she be the first to smile at us.

Your birthday is your holiday
Have fun and sing songs
Let caring hands rest
For you, we are the whole crowd
They baked a big pie.
All children and grandchildren congratulate you.

You live dear for many years
You and I are not afraid of even ice and cold
We send you warm greetings.
We really, really need your wise advice.

May your days be long
In happiness, joy, love,
And health fails too often
We will visit again
Let's start the song again
Let sadness bypass your house.

I'm singing a song
Max invites granny

Arina's dance "if it's fun today, do it this way"
Musical break, dancing

I ask you to take your seats
And continue our feast
Have fun dancing

And now let's try to make it even hotter with us ....

Everyone raised their hands together
They waved their right hand.

well and left hand goes down until
On the knee. Not yours, but your neighbor's.

Right hand hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

Swayed left, right.
You are rocking great! Bravo!

Now let's stroke your belly.
Let's smile to the fullest.

Let's push the neighbor on the right.
We wink at the neighbor on the left.

We continue the fun
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!

A glass so as not to sweat
Clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with a neighbor opposite,
Support the team!

Let's shout loudly: "Congratulations-la-eat!"
And we drink to the bottom!

T Masha toast

Masha, can you tell us about your grandmother?
Do you have a good relationship?
Can you say you understand each other perfectly?
Can you communicate with gestures?
Let's check?
Show me what mood you are in. IN

And is everything perfect in English?
How did your bosses threaten you?
And how did you meet your grandmother at work?
Well, the main gesture of the holiday
Let's have a drink, shall we?
More friendly at the table

The most charming and attractive.
Two people are playing. Each is given first one sucking caramel (such as "Barberry", "Mint"). The first player puts the candy in his mouth and says these words:
"Vera Vladimirovna is the most charming and attractive woman Yekaterinburg".
The second player does the same. After that, take a second caramel in your mouth. And so on in turn. The one who last uttered the cherished phrase won.


Knowing how grandmother takes care of each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience. And most importantly, behind all these troubles, she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to always be in motion and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, but we immediately dedicate a song at the table to her. A song resounds
Song to the motive of "Grandmother-Old Woman"

Who treats sausage every time usually?
Who has a nut in their hands to see us accustomed to?
Who so much by heart different fairy tales knows?
Let each of you here guess the hour. (2 times.)

Today we all came to grandma for dinner,
Because we all need this day.
Heart-to-heart conversations and memories.
They give grandmother and us only exclamations. (2 times.)

Grandmother, grandmother - not an old woman at all,
Grandma, grandma, you are our friend!
We love you, we appreciate you, we respect you.
Until such years sometimes we dream to live. (2 times.)

Gargana's toast

toast Krivyane

Host: Friends! The birthday girl celebrates her birthday in the year of the Horse. This suggests that all illnesses and troubles will rapidly rush into the past, and they will be replaced by happy cloudless days.

Probably no coincidence this year
Three horses are standing at the gate.

(Music with bells sounds. Three guests play the role of horses. Raising their legs high, they burst into the room. Their manes develop (long hairpieces), To the song, the troika Valley dance

1. Coffee
You will be cheerful and energetic
And therefore all a year will pass Great!

2. Tea
You are the minions of fate, which means
You are waiting for success and good luck.
Celebrating your good luck
Stock up on more tea!

3. They say money breeds
if it really happens
you are very lucky oh la la.
let the KOPEK give birth to you from the RUBLE.
To keep money flowing and not transferring,
Separately store, do not waste - save!
money box

4. They can press a note to the door,
to remind you of something
and you can just stick them like that
to fill an empty wall.
(Fridge magnet)
5. Cookies
You have friends, familiar sea,
And everyone will be visiting soon.
Prepare tea and refreshments.
Here are some cookies to get you started!

6. Cocoa
Who will get this wonder
Live happily all year!

7. The prize is the best this week
Latest Pocket PC

8. Soap
And you household chores,
Lots of homework to do.
But in the family and in personal life
You will do great!

9. When guests come to the holiday
and the meeting will be hot,
let him give comfort at the table
you lit a CANDLE.

10. Photo frame
your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
Since then you will continue
Everything is getting better and younger!
.No need to get bored in the toilet now
You get a collection of jokes
(Toilet paper with jokes)

Fate will turn into happiness today
After all, you get a roll of bucks
(Toilet paper with painted dollars)

Your winnings is a roll of rubles,
and how many thousand do you measure yourself
(Toilet paper with painted rubles)

12For power outages
you won't care
with such a bright light reflection
you can look for a needle in the hay.

13. Candy
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Work is your main destiny.
We do not promise you peace
We treat you with candy!

14. Making an effort
Create an opening day
AND ALBUM for drawing
This is your prize today.
(Album for drawing)

15To be in life
all without delay
you get
cute little angel
(Figurine of an angel)

16To always be healthy and strong
You don't get candy
Big and juicy vitamin
Here is an orange for you

17Write, draw
Anything is possible
Can you tear off a leaf?
If he is unsuitable

18You can put business cards in it
and you can discount cards,
it is convenient to carry and store in it,
checked repeatedly.
(small card holder)
19 As advertised,
this is the most important tool
to make teeth
cleaner, stronger and whiter!

20And you, my friend, how old are you,
we will give a CALENDAR!
Looks great
and the benefits are undeniable.

(The soundtrack of the ambulance siren. Dr. Aibolit (Ira), a nurse (Max in disguise) with a suitcase in his hands, two nurse mice (their role can be played by children) hurriedly run into the room. Everyone line up in a semicircle to greet the guests.)
Dr. Aibolit:
We have heard about the anniversary for a long time
And "ambulance" immediately drove.
I'll introduce myself as my upbringing dictates,
Before you is the good doctor Aibolit.
I have two nurses next to me.
We call them in the ambulance - "Mice".
I have an intern.
Meet the nurse!


Today is very twirled
But they managed to get the vaccine.
So that the table does not double in front of you,
Now we will give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes out a vitamin from the suitcase:

And we need a double dose already,
To better lay down prose on poetry.
(Mice are served by medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)

Dr. Aibolit:

You, grandmother, are like God's dandelion,
Always fresh and good-looking.
Now let's look in our suitcase,
To support your image today.
For sickness, we exclude all causes,
When we prescribe these vitamins.

(The nurse takes out the cream from the suitcase)

So that you surprise the whole world with health,
Take from us a magical elixir.

(The nurse hands over an elixir bought at the pharmacy.)

I'm sure you'll dance hopak
When you get a five-star cognac.
(Mice bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)
Dr. Aibolit:

Making an accurate diagnosis
It's called an anniversary.
You had an urgent departure,
So accept (a letter is awarded)!

(Guests drink. The feast continues.)


Scene with Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga appears. He sings to the tune of ditties "And the locomotive ran, the wheels rubbed":

My broomstick is all dusty...
You didn't expect me, but I came!
Are you celebrating your birthday here?
And you don't notice anything around!
And I hid a present for you!
She didn't even print her fingers!
They will remain in memory of all Yaga,
And the birthday girl will not get it!

Host No, grandma! We do not agree! Better drink with us for the health of the birthday girl and have a bite!

B. Ya.
Fathers! She lived to be a thousand years old, but she had never seen such a table! Well, thank you, respected the old lady! (drinks a glass of wine)
So be it, I'll help you find a gift! Here's your first hint:

I swear I'll be old and stooped
If there is no note on the leg ... (chair)

The presenter gives the candy to the guesser and invites all guests to look for the note. The one who has a note tied to the leg of the chair is given a candy.
The note contains the following text:

The guesser gets a candy and brings a note with a rebus:

On O to, then SNOW without the first and last letter

* * i.e. ON THE WINDOW)

The one who deciphered the puzzle gets a candy. The birthday girl is again handed a gift lying on the window.

B. Yaga is going to fly away.

B. Ya. - Oh! Completely forgot!
Koschey flew with me
(koschey enters)

Kashcheya - congratulations!
Sings to the melody of V. Dobrynin's song "Plantain Grass":
Where the stitch is broken
Overgrown with swan
We walk in love with you, -
Me and Leshy young!
Plantain grass! Sofushka, listen
We will reveal our main secret to you:
Eat a rejuvenating apple -
And shine with beauty even up to a hundred years!
He takes out a ruddy apple.

- Could not give me a millennium! Well, nothing, I will rejuvenate with you!
After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all the wines turn into an elixir of youth! So, we pour everything, drink ...
Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is seventeen years old!
Baba Yaga removes her nose with glasses and a scarf.
- Well, here I am rejuvenated, thanks to your birthday girl!

dance break

Baba ya ha brings everyone into a round dance
Well, not only an apple will help to become young
And still need a magic spell

We will lead a round dance,
And the Anniversary in the center to be,
At the beginning of 80 compliments,
For emotional moments

We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all seats at the table.
(Guests take a seat at the table.)

And now, guests, pay attention!
Show your diligence
And give your applause
In honor of this wonderful moment.
(A phonogram sounds. They take out a cake with candles. Applause from the guests.)

Dear birthday girl!
Anniversary cake boldly cut
And treat your guests with a smile and laughter to tea.
(Music. Tea party.)
And in order for my granny to laugh, I prepared ... ..
Competition: "Anniversary ditties."
Ushanka tray and scarf
I passed by here
And smelled the wine
And let me empty everything
But congratulations to you!
I don't know a better gift
How to sing a ditty loudly
Let it be hot in the heart
But only not to burn!
Everyone is drinking today
And of course, for you
Raise your glass too
To drink for us too!
The hero of the day is super
Impossible to take your eyes off
I wish you a Cooper car,
And dezhek not to count!
Lopez, Angelina Jolie,
Can't compare to you
You are much better at 60
And there is nothing to be ashamed of!
Happy Anniversary
beautiful woman,
And in "60" we wish her
Love big, passionate!
So what, that 80 syat?
So what about grandma?
All the same for us - girl
And for the muchin - okay.
I'll give everything for my dear!
Forget the whole world!
There is nowhere so beautiful!
You are alone and there is no better!

Next to this hero of the day
I think I was born again.
As he looks with a passionate look,
So the blood boils in the veins!

We will sing about the anniversary
About love and beauty.
Guests will be impatient
You will be on top!

Choose a big spoon
Open your mouth wide.
All faster and bolder
Eat a huge sweet cake!

Anniversary, so anniversary,
We have more fun every hour!
Do not regret wine and vodka,
Pour for our health!

Anniversary on his birthday
We send a warm hello.
Love - the sea, happiness, money
And health for a hundred years.

Happy Anniversary
Our anniversary,
We wish you happiness, joy
Don't ask about anything else

What will I say for the anniversary
Pour me a glass of vodka!
Then I'll sing to you
Let me tell you the whole truth!
Here I look at the hero of the day,
I can't look!
Invite me to dance
I will gladly go!
Congratulations on the anniversary,
And I wish you well!
Never hurt you
Be happy always!

We waited for the anniversary
And you do not regret the years!
Usefully let them go
They bring a lot of joy!

I came to the anniversary
Drink fast!
They tell me to eat
And you can't get drunk!
Anniversaries - congratulations,
And give them gifts.
It is a pity that the years
They run too fast

How old was she -
It's not a secret at all!
She will always be twenty years old,
Even at eighty!

Outside the window, the blizzard is angry
And a mess of snowflakes.
Well, when you are 80m,
Well - when winter.

There are many anniversaries today
Anniversaries too,
But we congratulate
Who is dearer to all of us.

Fun lottery with tasks for guests for the anniversary

Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka soon!

Have a glass of wine
For a rosy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
A stack of vodka skillfully!

You, my friend, have the right
Smack on the cheek of a friend on the right!

compliment now
Birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song soon!

Good guests today
Throw away your shyness
Tell a joke
This is what people want from you!

We'll have fun
If you get up now
In the pose of a swallow, my friend,
Toast telling us a small!

Birthday girl with us
Feast for the eyes, just class!
Come to her, hug
And smile at all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don't play too hard!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss, standing back
Forget for a while
About chondrosis, my favorite!

Describe a circle with your right foot
Knocking on the tummy with the left hand,
At the same time, you try to drink a glass,
Not a drop should be spilled!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing love to the birthday girl
The order of the toastmaster is the strictest law,
You speak without hesitation!

This scenario is intended for holding a holiday in a close circle, although it is also suitable for those who decide to celebrate their grandmother's 70th birthday in a big way. Warm congratulations, interesting, not at all vulgar, competitions and an unusual atmosphere - all this carries the script.

The program will make the grandmother's anniversary a real family holiday!

Before the event, everyone's favorite songs that are enjoyed by all family members should be played to create a festive atmosphere.

When the table is already set, you can meet your grandmother in the room to loud applause and cheerful Irina Allegrova's song - "Happy Birthday!"

All relatives create a living corridor and everyone, embracing, says a compliment to grandmother.

Approximate compliments:

  • Grandmother, dear, the best with us! We give you congratulations at this hour!
  • There is no tastier than your pies, But the anniversary cake is ready!
  • You are beautiful with us, the best with us, And so we will say together: just class!

The grandson or granddaughter of a grandmother who has sufficient charisma can be the leader.


Dear guests, hello! Grandma dear, hello!

Everyone knows that we are not gathered here by chance?

Then it's time to call the reason! Our dearest and most beloved grandmother has a birthday today!

Not just a day, but an anniversary! Therefore, today we are waiting for a lot of the most beautiful and kind congratulations and the most useful gifts for our beloved grandmother!

And let's raise the first toast to ensure that our grandmother is always healthy and cheerful! We love you very much and are always there, and you please us with your activity and optimism, do you agree?

Pour, drink.


And now we will hold a mini-quiz, let's see who knows the most about our dear birthday girl.

So my questions are:

  • In what year was the birthday girl born? Well done, everyone knows how to count!
  • How many grades did our grandmother complete?
  • What is the education of our grandmother?
  • What was our grandmother's job?
  • Grandma's favorite color?
  • Grandma's favorite flowers?
  • What dish does our grandmother make the most delicious? Of course, everyone! And what is the brand name?
  • Who does Grandma talk to the longest on the phone?
  • Well, the last question: what songs does grandma like and does she like music?

Of course, our grandmother loves to sing and songs very much, so right now we will all sing a remade song to granny together!

All relatives sing a song to their grandmother to the tune “You are so beautiful”:

Every centimeter of the pie - I'll eat it boldly,
Whatever you want - choose
Everything that I wanted!
Grandchildren for a week, phone
Ile TV
And of course we will give a super spirit quickly!


You are so beautiful, unbearable
Our granny to be unloved,
We congratulate you on your anniversary
We wish you happiness and health forever!


And songs are pouring, wines are pouring. Without a glass, there is no vocal!

And we sang so well that we simply have to raise our glasses again to our granny!


And now the most pleasant time has come when everyone has the opportunity to congratulate grandmother personally!

And the first word - to the children of our hero of the day! I give the word for congratulations ...

Names the children in turn. Everyone says congratulations and toasts.


And now I propose to play a little!

Does everyone have a fork?? And who is ready to win the competition with her help?

So here's the lucky one! Right now we are blindfolded, and the task of our player is not very simple. We will put dishes from the table in front of you, and you will have to feel and name what is in front of you.


We heartily congratulate you, grandmother!
Patience, longevity we only wish you!
You smile a little, wink at your neighbor!
You are young with us, even grandfathers know!

Let's drink to your youth, which, despite the summer, you carried and give to everyone around you! For you!

Pour, drink, eat


We pretty much sat, it's time to dance!

The dance break is on! But first, let's warm up!

The competition is called "Seated Dancing". We will include different music, and you, without getting up from your seat, must dance to it!

Ready? Go!

Dance break - 15 minutes.


Hungry? And, I suppose, did you miss the toasts?

Then the time has come to congratulate the grandmother and our friend

(name of relative)


Grandma, you are the smartest, most beautiful, but there are many more compliments that we will give you!

The contest is called "The Most-Most". Everyone at the table must say what our grandmother is the most.

Are the conditions clear?

Then let's go!


And now - a toast from the smallest participants of the anniversary, from the grandchildren of our grandmother, who prepared a surprise for the hero of the occasion.

Congratulations from the grandchildren:

And our granny has a real anniversary,
Many wonderful guests gathered in the apartment (in the house / cafe)!
We sang for grandmother, danced from the heart!
And now you hurry to remember the poems from your grandchildren!
We wish only health!
And good luck, earthly blessings,
To please the grandchildren
Their most mischievous!
You are beautiful and wonderful, let's say in spirit!
Our grandmother is wonderful. That's why I love it!

Beginning: reworked song Bremen Town Musicians

There is no one better in the world
Than the grandmothers of our dear this
We congratulate grandma together

We will not forget your calling
And do not be afraid, ailments are not terrible

Eastern wisdom says:

Pour glasses to fill up,
And he will not drink for a year,
that flew away forever
And he will drink for every year, Grandma's Birthday Scenario
Beginning: reworked song of the Bremen Town Musicians
There is no one better in the world
Than the grandmothers of our dear this
We congratulate grandma together
We wish you happiness in life (2 times)

We will not forget your calling
You bring laughter and joy to people
And do not be afraid, ailments are not terrible
When such grandchildren are nearby (2 times)

Toast: Oriental wisdom says so:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses to fill up,
And he will not drink for a year,
that flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future
And the fuller and more often you drink,
The more years you can live!
For the dear birthday girl!

Board games:

1. The life path of the birthday girl.
So now I'm going to talk about life path our grandmother. And you, birthday girl, will help me. Your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: "Why don't we have a glass of wine?" This should be done after the words "And says ..."

There was a birthday girl. Curious was - passion! It used to be in preschool age She walks up to her parents and says...

Not really! She says, "Where do babies come from?" or “Why doesn’t the sun fall?”….
And parents dig into books, but explain, explain.
But time passed, and at the school, on the ruler, the director comes out and says ...
(Why don't we have a glass of wine?)

Yes you! He says that each student will participate in some kind of Olympiad, and Katyusha will participate in all at once! And participated, even won first place. Therefore, on last call she takes a response from all the graduates and says ...
(Why don't we have a glass of wine?)

No, she says: “Thank you for participating, I received such hardening in the struggle of life.” ... Then the institute, sessions, term papers. She came to work to get settled and said ...
(Why don't we have a glass of wine?)

No, she asks: “Do you need specialists?” And the head of the personnel department says ... (Shouldn't we have a glass of wine?)

No, he says, "Get started with tomorrow". She started, and every year on her birthday she says ...
(Why don't we have a glass of wine?)

Now that's right! Note that the birthday girl herself suggested! ... Pour and drink to her health!

2. Gifts from the parcel.

From far from Siberia,
From remote taiga places
A parcel has been sent to you.
There is even a description here.

Garlic and onion
You are always friends with them.
Cherish this friendship.
And they will save you
From all diseases and ailments!

Living water (brine)
If the feast lasts at night,
And in the morning my head hurts
A glass is another such water
It won't hurt you at all.

All vitamins are in vegetables.
This one goes ahead.
Smooths out all wrinkles
And the blush will bring.

Hairstyle make-up, outfit
You have a badass look!
To always be like this
Use it sometimes.

You are preparing just a class
We ourselves ate more than once,
With the inspiration of a poet
What do you add this to.

200 grams of sweets.
If sadness has crept up,
There is no place for fun in the heart,
Sweeten your life like this -
Eat 200 grams of sweets.

In general, you do not listen to us,
Smile and create
And in spite of any adversity
Shine with creative light.

We raise a glass for you
Let's drink it to the bottom!
Happy birthday to you
You are the only one with us.

Let's try together, all together
Say congratulations not in prose, not in song,
And with a simple creation folded into a rhyme,
Such a limitless little performance.

3. Competition and quiz.

In the year of which, according to the Chinese calendar, was the birthday girl born?
- What is the height of the birthday girl?
What sport did the birthday girl do?
- Name the day of the week when the birthday girl was born.
- Where did this event take place?
- What was the time of day?
- The most favorite toy of the birthday girl in childhood.
- What grade in physics is in the matriculation certificate?
- What education did the birthday girl receive?
- Where was the first day of work?
- The birthday girl's favorite dish.
- Favorite hobby.
- How many acres does the summer cottage of the birthday girl take?
- What trees and shrubs grow in the country?
- The first toy of the birthday girl?
When did the birthday girl get her first paycheck?
- What flowers does the birthday girl like?
- Favorite car?
- What is the birthday girl's favorite song?

4. Poems dedicated to grandmother from grandchildren:

Grandma, listen to me!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
I wrote poems for you for three days!
If that's not the case, I apologize to everyone.

Just look at her!
Well, who's to say that this is a grandmother?!
Effective, full of strength and cheerful,
Beauty, and smart, and cute.

Grandma is my adviser, my guru!
I run to you with joy and with troubles,
And just like that I hurry to the light,
And I will please the first with victories.

I wish you at least a hundred years to live
Without bitter encounters with misfortunes and torments,
And I can reward you
Snub-nosed funny great-grandchildren.

But seriously, I'll say:
Let the years rush, stay the same
So magical and simple
And kind, and affectionate, and gentle!

Seems like yesterday
I hurried to you on vacation,
Played naughty in the yard in the evenings,
Dogs neighboring with joy teased.

I grew up, you haven't changed
The same as many years ago.
You still know what happened to whom,
All the same look with sparks.

I want to live for many, many years
Still love. And believe
What is better than your signature cutlets
There is nothing in the world.

Happy Birthday,
Grandmother, my dear!
So that you live up to a hundred years,
Sorrow not knowing.

I wish from the bottom of my heart
Health to you, happiness.
To visit us
More with grandpa.

I love you dear!
I know all your secrets.
You are my magician, golden!
I need your wise advice. ©

Congratulations dear grandma
Happy birthday to me today!
I wish you happiness and good
To be always healthy!

You showed me how interesting the world is
And how to look at him
Learned how to understand and forgive
And what fun to fly forward!

I love you grandma, and you would,
To erect a monument during his lifetime!
Because you are the best!
And I won't hide it! ©

My grandma dear
I wish you today
So that at 60 yours, as before,
Gives life the warmth of hope
May the birthday that came
Everything will be very good
And all your dreams are beautiful
Life is regained with renewed vigor!

Similar information.

News of the Anniversary
It spread throughout the area.
The one whose holiday we celebrate
At the head sits a table.
This is my grandmother
Picked up everyone today.
For the guests I will say alone:
This is her success!

(Guest applause.)

Our dear grandmother!
For this we are very grateful
Can't keep silent anymore.
We love you, respect you
Like mother-in-law, grandmother and mother!
We will move all the glasses as a friendly family
And we will dedicate this toast to you alone!

(Guests drink.)

(Musical pause 3-5 minutes.)

Dear guests!
We want to say one thing about the grandmother:
With her next to us cozy and warm.
And even if there is bad weather outside the window,
Here the climate is constant year after year.

For affection, for cordial warmth
We must raise more glasses!

(Guests drink.)

Dear guests!

What does our grandmother like?
Possibly chat
With all our family
What can be gathered in an instant.
What do grandmas love?
Probably baking cheesecakes.
They are also attracted
Perky ditties.
About what grandma loves
We think, we guess
And on the anniversary day
We give her gifts.

(Congratulations to the guests. Presentation of gifts.)

Host: Dear birthday girl! Let gifts delight you day after day, reminding you of today's holiday. Let everyone who sits at this table be the most desirable, the most dear to you. I invite everyone to raise their glasses to this!

(Continuation of the feast.)

Host: Knowing how grandmother takes care of each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience and wisdom. And most importantly, behind all these troubles, she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to always be in motion and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, but we immediately dedicate a song at the table to her.

(Guests are given pre-printed lyrics of the song. A phonogram sounds. Mass performance of the song.)

Song to the motive of "Grandmother-Old Woman"

Who will treat you with pancakes every time usually?
Who has a ball in his hands to see us accustomed to?
Who knows so many different fairy tales by heart?
Let each of you here guess the hour. (2 times.)

Grandmother, grandmother is not an old woman at all,
Grandmother, grandmother, you are our friend!
We love you, we appreciate you, we respect you.
Until such years sometimes we dream to live. (2 times.)

Today we all came to grandma for dinner,
Because we all need this day.
Heart-to-heart conversations and memories.
They give grandmother and us only exclamations. (2 times.)

(Guests raise a toast to the "young" age of the grandmother.)

Host: Friends! The birthday girl celebrates her birthday in the year of the Horse. This suggests that all illnesses and troubles will rapidly rush into the past, and they will be replaced by happy cloudless days.

Probably no coincidence this year
Three horses are standing at the gate.

(Music with bells sounds. Three guests play the role of horses. Raising their legs high, they burst into the room. Their manes develop (long hairpieces), the bells woven into them notify everyone of the arrival of the troika.)

1st horse:

Hurry up for the anniversary
That steam comes from all nostrils.

2nd horse:

And the sweat flows like rivers.
Mistress, give me some water to drink!

3rd horse:

We beat the fraction with a hoof,
Lost a horseshoe somewhere...

1st horse:

Kohl dropped here - for good luck,
And if not, then here's the problem!

2nd horse:

On it are all our wishes,
Tips, facts, exclamations.

3rd horse:

So that we do not rush to you in vain,
Find us a horseshoe.

(Guests find a souvenir horseshoe placed in a conspicuous place in the room, to which cards with wishes are attached, and read them out in a certain order.)

In the year of the horse, we want to wish
So that the birthday girl was frisky again.

Even when you're alone
Her strength always accompanies her in business.

Endurance will be the same as before,
Let him remember that our salvation is in hope.

Let it be better to ask us all for help,
And he already carries anyone.

We hope that in anniversary year
This horseshoe will bring happiness.

(Presenting a horseshoe to a birthday girl.)

1st horse: All the guests coped with the task successfully, we will definitely fill the glasses!

2nd horse: For a horseshoe for happiness from three horses, we ask all our guests to drink!

(Guests drink.)

Moderator: The circle of our guests is growing today. And, I hope, the birthday girl is only happy about it. After all, her hospitality is widely known outside of this house.

(Ambulance siren soundtrack. Dr. Aibolit, a nurse (a disguised man) with a suitcase in his hands, two nurse mice (their role can be played by children) quickly run into the room. Everyone line up in a semicircle to greet the guests.)

Dr. Aibolit:

We have heard about the anniversary for a long time
And "ambulance" immediately drove.
I'll introduce myself as my upbringing dictates,
Before you is the good doctor Aibolit.
I have two nurses next to me.
We call them in the ambulance - "Mice".
I have an intern.
Meet the nurse!


Today is very twirled
But they managed to get the vaccine.
So that the table does not double in front of you,
Now we will give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes out two syringes from the suitcase and hands them to the Mice. They, in turn, fill the syringes with juice or lemonade and inject a few drops into each guest's mouth.)


And we need a double dose already,
To better lay down prose on poetry.

(Mice are served by medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)

Dr. Aibolit:

You, grandmother, are like God's dandelion,
Always fresh and good-looking.
Now let's look in our suitcase,
To support your image today.
For sickness, we exclude all causes,
When we prescribe these vitamins.

(The nurse takes vitamins from the suitcase and hands them to the birthday girl.)

So that you surprise the whole world with health,
Take from us a magical elixir.

(The nurse hands over an elixir bought at the pharmacy.)

I'm sure you'll dance hopak
When you get a five-star cognac.

(Mice bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)

Dr. Aibolit:

Making an accurate diagnosis
It's called an anniversary.
You had an urgent departure,
So welcome guests!

(Continuation of the feast.)

(A cheerful children's song about Carlson sounds. The Housekeeper appears in the room with a towel in her hand. Waving it, she tries to catch up with the fleeing Carlson, who is holding a jar with the name “Sweets” in his hands. The Kid barely manages to follow them (this may be a child playing the roles of the Housekeeper and Carlson.) The whole trinity stops in front of the guests when a certain passage of the song ends.)


I run this house
In the know about all sorts of things,
And for everyone I know
I notice chaos.
Dear birthday girl!
How did I know that there are mice here,
I drove him off the roof
Brought it here
To drive them away from you.

I am a man in my prime
I'm bored all alone.
Because for free
I brought the crowd with me.

(Pointing to the Kid and the Housekeeper.)

I know you will treat me with jam,
Cake, tea and cookies.
Because on the anniversary
You love to receive guests.

Congratulating grandmother Anechka,
We'll fill this jar
Only delicious words
What will we remember about her?

(Guests, having received cards, write down on them “ delicious words”Related to the birthday girl and lower the card into the slot in the lid of the jar. Variants of words: warm, sweet, tender, airy, fresh, copyright - juicy (i.e. in the juice itself), lush, fragrant, etc.)

Dear birthday girl!
Get this bank
Treat all your guests!


What a horror is going on here!
Carlson decided to get drunk!
Next to you, baby,
Come on, shoo from the bottle!
Give me 100 grams
Otherwise, I will take revenge on all of you!

(Glasses are filled for Carlson and the Housekeeper.)

There is a lot of "lemonade" in the mugs,
For the anniversary we need a drink!

(Guests drink. The feast continues.)

Finishing the holiday, I want to say now,
That years, oddly enough, we have nothing to count.
The most important thing is how you behave in life,
And your relatives will respect you.
We are ready to confirm to our grandmother today
That we will, as before, idolize her.
Happy birthday, relatives! Happy anniversary!

(Music sounds. Tea drinking begins.)
