Anniversaries of writers for a year. List of significant dates in the world of literature

Among the writers-anniversaries of 2018 there are many big names. These are people who left a bright mark in history and literature.

Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir - one of the first diplomats, poets, satirists. 8 September he turns 310th birthday ( 1708) . In literature, he is known for having developed a syllabic system of versification.

Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky (Tredyakovsky)- an outstanding poet of the 18th century, became famous for his translations and improvement of the Russian language, the syllabo-tonic system of verse composition. March 5 - 305 years.

Mikhail Matveyevich Kheraskov - October 09, 2018 marks 285 years studied versification and dramaturgy. He glorified the Age of Enlightenment in Russia. He finished the period of classicism and moved on to sentimentalism.

Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin (07/14/1743 - 275 ) – eminent state and public figure, writer and poet.

Anniversary writers of 2018 who lived in the 19th century

Vladimir Konstantinovich Istomin06/18/2018 - 170 years old (born 1848). Writer and magazine publisher Children's rest”, where the works of L. Tolstoy, I. Zabelin were published.

Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov (Pechersky)- Date of Birth - 11/6/1818, anniversary - 200 years . Participated in ethnographic expeditions and left highly artistic fiction notes.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev - 11/09/1818 - 200 years since birth - a classic of Russian prose, created literary masterpieces unsurpassed in skill. He died in 1883 on 03.09. - 135 years since death .

Evgeny Mikhailovich Feoklistov (date of birth - 04/26/1828 - 190 l.) - prose writer, journalist who worked in the Sovremennik N. Nekrasov.

outstanding prose writer-realist, philosopher, educator - was born 09/09/1828 - 190 -anniversary. In 2018, the anniversary of the writer and the most notable things in his work:

  • 155 years since the beginning of the creation of "War and Peace";
  • 165 years - "Anna Karenina".

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (07/12/1828 - 190 years) - one of the greatest materialist philosophers, writer, encyclopedist, critic of literature, author of the novel What Is To Be Done?

Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) is among the writers-anniversaries of the 2017-2018 academic year. Was born March 28, 1868 - 150th anniversary. He wrote stories (“Old Woman Izergil”, “Makar Chudra”, etc.), a / b trilogy, novels (“The Life of Klim Samgin”, “Mother”), essays and articles.

Nadezhda Andreevna Durova(pseudonym Alexander Andreevich Alexandrov) - September 28, 2018 - 235 years old (born 1783). Participant Patriotic War 1812 Author of the memoirs "Cavalry Maiden", highly appreciated by A. S. Pushkin.

Kozma Petrovich Prutkov - collective pseudonym under which A. Tolstoy worked, br. Zhemchuzhnikovs, authors satirical stories. Birthday - 04/11/1803 In 2018 - 215 years.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev - famous poet-philosopher, diplomat. Was born 12/05/1803 - 205 years.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sollogub- an official who wrote prose, poetry and plays for the theater, the creator of family memoirs. Was born 08/20/1813. 2018 marks 205 years .

Nikolai Vladimirovich Stankevich (born 10/09/1813) - 205 years. Organized a circle of like-minded people under own name, which included prominent writers, poets, critics.

Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich (30.03.1843 – 175 years) – wrote fascinating stories about the life of military sailors.

Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (October 25, 1843 - 175 l.) - a writer who worked closely with L. N. Tolstoy.

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (born July 27, 1853) - 165 years old. Known for stories, magazine articles, journalism.

Fedor Sologub (F.K. Teternikov)– symbolist poet, prose writer, playwright, author of articles on literature – was born 01.03.1863 155 years .

Alexander Serafimovich (Popov) - 01/19/1863 - 155 l. representative Soviet era, author of the famous story of civil war"Iron Stream".

(born December 13, 1873 - 145 l.) - Wrote poetry and prose. He stood at the origins of symbolism, was its leader.

Arnold Gessen (04/16/1878 - 140 years) - journalist, researcher of A.S. Pushkin.

2018: anniversaries of writers and poets of the 20th century

150 years since the birth - Semyon Solomonovich Yushkevich (1868)- an emigrant writer who was engaged in dramaturgy, a representative of "Russian-Jewish literature".

140 - Mikhail Petrovich Artsybashev (05.11. 1878)- novelist and playwright, wrote articles for magazines and screenplays for films.

130 - Leonid Grossman (01/24/1888)- a well-known literary critic, writer who created books about Pushkin and Dostoevsky in the ZhZL series.

130 - Mikhail Osorgin (Ilyin) (10/19/1878) refers to emigre writers, wrote prose, essays, articles in magazines.

120 - Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach (24.07.1898) among writers and poets-anniversaries, 2018 stands out in that his poems were set to music. He is the author of the "Holy War" poems and songs for Soviet films.

110 - Nikolai Nikolaevich Vorobyov (Bogaevsky, 11/21/1908)- writer and artist, wrote poems about the Don Cossacks.

110 - Boris Gorbatov (1908) belongs to the galaxy of Soviet prose writers, wrote scripts.

110 - Ivan Efremov (1908)- A science fiction writer who was fond of space.

110 - Vitaly Zakrutkin (1908)- Russian prose writer, author of the story "The Mother of Man".

110 - Nikolai Nosov (1908)- a classic of children's prose, wrote stories about Dunno.

110 - Boris Polevoy (Kampov, 03/17/1908) - prose writer of the Soviet era, wrote "The Tale of a Real Man".

100 - Boris Zakhoder (09.09.1918)children's writer, created scripts for films, was engaged in translations.

100/10 - Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - realist writer, dissident, author of works: “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, “Matryonin Dvor”, “Gulag Archipelago”, etc. Nobel Laureate(1970). In 2018 11.12. being executed 100th birthday (1918), and 03.09. - 10 years from death (2008).

90 - Pyotr Lukich Proskurin (01/22/1928)- wrote prose, known as the author of works on moral topics, about the relationship of people with each other.

90 - Boris Ivanov (25.02.1928)- journalist and writer, was a member of the group that established the A. Bely Prize.

90 - Valentin Pikul (07/13/1928) - Russian writer, author of historical novels.

90 - Chingiz Aitmatov(12/12/1928) - Kyrgyz and Russian prose writer, author of stories and novels about the life of ordinary people.

80 - Vladimir Kazakov (1938)- a follower of Russian avant-garde (futurism) in poetry.

80 - Vladimir Vysotsky (01/25/1938) - poet, musician, actor, performer own songs. Among the writers and poets whose anniversaries are celebrated in 2018, he is distinguished by the fact that, in addition to the poetic field, he became famous as an actor.

80 - Georgy Vainer (10.02.1938)- one of the brothers famous duet, who created several detective novels, was engaged in writing scripts for films, journalism.

80 - Lyudmila Petrushevskaya (05/26/1938) engaged in literature, dramaturgy, excellent singing.

80 - Venedikt Erofeev (10/24/1938)- a poet, famous for the poem "Moscow-Petushki".

80 - Arkady Khait (12/25/1938)- Russian satirist, wrote theatrical plays and film scripts.

70 - Mikhail Zadornov (07/21/1948)- an outstanding satirist, humorist, playwright of our time, author of essays, travel notes, humoresques, plays.

Intermediate anniversaries

145 Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873) - the famous Russian prose writer, ethnographer, created several works for children ("Pantry of the Sun"), wrote a lot about the nature of the Russian North.

135 - Fyodor Gladkov (1883) - Soviet prose writer, adherent of the classical social. realism.

135 - Demyan Bedny (Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov, 04/13/1883)- Soviet poet, revolutionary, publicist.

115 - Alexander Alfredovich Beck (01/03/1903)Soviet writer, who created the novel "A New Appointment".

115 - Tamara Gabbe (1903)- prose writer, translator, collector of folklore, etc. She wrote a lot for children.

105 - Sergei Mikhalkov (03/13/1913)children's poet, author of the Anthem of the Russian Federation.

105 - Viktor Sergeevich Rozov (08/21/1913)- renowned playwright Soviet period, author of 20 plays and scripts for films ("The Cranes Are Flying").

105 - Victor Dragunsky (12/01/1913) classic of children's literature, author of Deniska's stories.

95 - Grigory Baklanov (Friedman) was born in 1923. - representative " lieutenant's prose”, wrote prose and screenplays.

95 - Rasul Gamzatov (09/08/1923) - famous Russian, Dagestan poet, publicist and public figure.

95/5 - Yuri Danilovich Goncharov (1923-2013)- writer, entered literature as an author military prose, then became a villager.

55 - Alexey Varlamov (06/23/1963)- writes prose and journalism, explores the history of Russian literature of the 20th century.

Foreign writers-anniversaries of 2018

230 - Lord George Gordon Byron (01/22/1788)- English romantic poet, famous in Europe for his "gloomy egoism." The inspirer of A. S. Pushkin, who wrote the first works in a romantic spirit.

200/170 - Emily Brontë (07/30/1818)- a poetess and writer from Foggy Albion, a representative of the famous literary family Bronte, became famous thanks to the novel Wuthering Heights. She died at the age of 30 on December 19, 1848.

190 - Jules Verne (02/08/1828)- traveler, navigator, French writer, creator of classic adventure novels ("Children of Captain Grant").

170 - Hans Hoffmann (07/27/1848)- writer, poet, teacher from Germany, creator of many short stories, novels ("Little Tsakhes"), had a wide range of interests.

120 - Erich Maria Remarque (06/22/1898)- German prose writer of the 20th century, author of the novel "On Western front without change”, which is considered the best among the works of writers of the “lost generation”.

235 - Stendhal (01/23/1783)- famous French prose writer, author of several psychological novels("Red and Black"), engaged in fiction, wrote books about the architecture of Italy.

215 - Prosper Merimee (09/28/1803)- French, wrote prose and translated, including from Russian, was a master of the short story ("Matteo de Falcone"), was interested in history.

195 - Maurice Sand (06/30/1823)- the son of the famous French writer Aurora Dudevant (Georges Sand), poet, painter.

175 - Henry James (04/15/1843)- American prose writer, who lived most of his life in Britain, the author of 20 novels, 112 short stories, 12 plays.

135 – Franz Kafka (07/03/1883)- outstanding German writer of Austro-Hungarian origin, widely known throughout the world thanks to unusual works, saturated with fear, absurdity, causing the reader a feeling of anxiety.

115 - George Orwell (06/25/1903)- British writer, publicist, creator of iconic dystopian novels ("1984"). The author of the term "cold war".

Celebration of the anniversaries of your favorite writers is a good reason to re-read familiar works or plunge into the world created by a talented author for the first time. In 2017, their anniversary will be celebrated by:

Anniversaries of the classics in 2017

The works of classics, both ours and foreign ones, never lose their relevance. They are read, re-read, they put eternal concepts into our souls:

  • honor;
  • of good;
  • beautiful.

Month FULL NAME. Area of ​​creativity The most famous works Date of birth and death date celebrations What anniversary are we celebrating
January John Ronald Reuel Talk English writer, poet "Lord of the Rings" 1892-1973 3 125
Jean Baptiste Poquelin (Molière) French playwright "The tradesman in the nobility" 1622-1673 15 395
V.V. Veresaev Russian writer "Doctor's Notes" 1867-1945 16 150
Virginia Woolf English writer "Miss Dalloway" 1882-1941 25 135
Lewis Carroll English writer "Alice in the Wonderland" 1832-1898 27 185
R.F. Kozakova Russian poetess "Love me" 1932-2008 27 85
V.P. Kataev Russian writer "Son of the Regiment" 1897-1986 28 120
February James Joyce Irish writer, poet "Exiles" 1882-1941 2 135
Charles Dickens English writer "David Copperfield" 1812-1870 7 205
Sydney Sheldon American writer "The Other Side of Midnight" 1917-2007 11 110
I.D. Shaferan Russian poet "Listen to your heart!" 1932-1994 13 85
N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky Russian writer "Gymnasium students" 1852-1906 20 165
K.A. Fedin Russian Soviet writer "Angels of death" 1892-1977 24 125
Anthony Burgess English writer "Shakespeare in Love" 1917-1993 25 100
Carlo Goldoni Italian playwright "Innkeeper" 1707-1793 25 310
Victor Marie Hugo French writer "Les Misérables" 1802-1885 26 215
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow American poet "Songs of Hiawatha" 1807-1882 27 210
John Ernst Steinbeck American writer "The Grapes of Wrath" 1902-1968 27 115
March S.P. Gudzenko Soviet poet "Before Attack" 1922-1953 5 95
V.G. Rasputin Russian writer "Live and Remember" 1937-2015 15 80
John Updike American writer "Rabbit (approx. deleted by the owner) run" 1932-2009 18 85
A.S. Novikov-Priboy Russian writer "Tsushima" 1877-1944 24 140
OK. Chukovskaya Russian writer, poet "Notes about Anna Akhmatova" 1907-1996 24 110
Alfred Victor de Vigny French writer, poet "Death of the Wolf" 1797-1863 27 210
A.K. Gladkov Soviet writer "John of Paris" 1912-1976 30 105
D.V. Grigorovich Russian writer "Gutta Percha Boy" 1822-1899 31 195
K.I. Chukovsky Russian writer, poet "Moydodyr" 1882-1969 31 135
April Antoine Francois Prevost French writer "The Story of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier de Grieux" 1697-1763 1 320
A.I. Herzen Russian writer "Past and thoughts" 1812-1870 6 205
Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina Russian poetess "Immortality seducing the soul" 1937-2010 10 80
V.V. Lipatov Russian poet "Autumn" 1927-1979 10 90
K.S. Aksakov Russian writer "Cloud" 1817-1860 10 200
V.A. Kaverin Russian writer "Two captains" 1902-1989 19 115
Henry Fielding English writer "The Story of Tom Jones, the Foundling" 1707-1754 22 310
May I.A. Efremov Russian writer "Hell fire" 1907-1972 22 110
Roger Zelazny American writer "Chronicles of Amber" 1937-1995 13 80
I. Severyanin Russian poet "Oh people, miserable, powerless" 1897-1941 16 130
N.I. Kostomarov Russian writer "Mazepa" 1817-1885 16 200
Teffi (N.A. Lokhvitskaya) Russian poetess, writer "Poor Azra" 1872-1952 21 145
M.A. Voloshin Russian poet "Koktebel" 1877-1932 28 140
K.N. Batyushkov Russian poet "On the ruins of a castle in Sweden" 1787-1855 29 230
I.S. Sokolov Russian writer "Petka" 1892-1975 29 125
L.I. Oshanin Soviet poet "I drove from Berlin" 1912-1996 30 195
G.K. Paustovsky Russian writer "Warm Bread" 1892-1968 31 215
June K.B. Balmont Russian poet "Gold fish" 1867-1942 16 150
I.A. Goncharov Russian writer "Oblomov" 1812-1891 18 105
V.T. Shalamov Russian writer "Kolyma stories" 1907-1982 18 110
R.I. Christmas Soviet poet "Requiem" 1932-1994 20 85
VC. Küchelbecker Russian poet "Elegy" 1797-1846 21 220
A.A. Tarkovsky Russian poet "Night rain" 1907-1989 25 110
July Hermann Hesse Russian writer "Romance Without Lies" 1877-1962 2 140
A.B. Mariengof Swiss writer, poet "Peter Kamentsind" 1897-1962 6 120
A.M. Remizov Russian writer "Loyalty" 1877-1957 6 140
P.V. Oreshin Russian poet "Mine way of the cross overcoming…” 1887-1938 16 130
K.K. Pavlova Russian poetess "Butterfly" 1807-1893 22 210
P.A. Vyazemsky Russian poet "Bosphorus" 1792-1878 23 225
A. Dumas French writer "Three Musketeers" 1802-1870 24 215
A.A. Grigoriev Russian poet "It was about time" 1822-1864 28 195
August Percy Bysshe Shelley English poet "Cenci" 1792-1822 4 225
Jorge Amado Brazilian writer "Gabriela, cinnamon and cloves" 1912-2001 10 105
John Galsworthy English writer "The Forsyte Saga" 1867-1933 14 150
A.V. Vampilov Russian playwright "Date" 1937-1972 19 80
V.P. Aksenov Russian writer "Star Ticket" 1932-2010 20 85
Theodore Henri de Coster Belgian writer "The Legend of Ulenspiegel" 1827-1879 20 190
S.K. Makovsky Russian writer "Portraits of contemporaries" 1877-1962 27 140
Mary Shelley English writer "Frankstein" 1797-1851 30 220
September A.K. Tolstoy Russian writer "Amena" 1817-1875 5 190
O.Henry American writer "The leader of the Redskins" 1862-1910 11 155
William Faulkner American writer, prose writer "Sound and Fury" 1897-1962 25 110
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedr Spanish writer "Don Quixote" 1547-1616 29 470
Sukhovo-Kobylin Russian playwright "Wedding Krechinsky" 1817-1903 29 200
October Louis Aragon French poet "Fireworks" 1897-1982 3 120
Louis Henri Boussinard French writer "Hell Gorge" 1847-1910 4 170
M.I. Tsvetaeva Russian poetess "Mother's Tales" 1892-1941 8 125
I.A. Ilf Russian writer "The twelve Chairs" 1897-1937 15 120
Samuel Taylor English poet "The Legend of the Old Sailor" 1772-1834 21 245
E.A. Permyak Russian writer "Pichugin Bridge" 1902-1982 31 115
November S.Ya. Marshak Soviet poet "That's how absent-minded" 1887-1964 3 130
D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak Russian writer "Alyonushka's Tales" 1852-1912 6 165
A. Zweig German writer "The Great War of the White People" 1887-1968 10 130
Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren Swedish writer "Pippi Longstocking" 1907-2002 14 110
V.G. Benediktov Russian poet "Towards a new generation" 1807-1873 17 210
A.P. Sumarokov Russian writer "Dimitriads" 1717-1777 25 300
William Blake English poet "Songs of Innocence and Experience" 1757-1827 28 260
V. Gauf German writer "Cold heart" 1802-1827 29 215
Jonathan Swift English writer "Gulliver's Travels" 1667-1745 30 350
December A.I. Odoevsky Russian poet "Cornflower" 1802-1839 8 215
G. Heine German poet "Book of Songs" 1797-1856 13 220
Heinrich Böll German writer "Through the Eyes of a Clown" 1917-1985 21 100

Celebrating the anniversaries of writers and poets is a great opportunity to learn new things and enrich yourself spiritually.

2018 calendar is rich in dozens significant dates, a special place among which is given to the anniversaries of the birth of the "geniuses of the pen." The creativity of writers opens up the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere of feelings and emotions, gain precious knowledge and find answers to burning questions.

Recommended!Anniversaries of writers and poets in 2019

The whole world honors the memory of the eternal builders of the flourishing wall of celebration and inspiration on the days of the anniversaries of writers in 2018 by months:

date Anniversary Anniversary writer
03.01.1903 115 Alexander Beck
22.01.1788 230 George Gordon Byron
23.01.1783 235 Stendhal
25.01.1938 80
04.02.1873 145 Mikhail Prishvin
10.02.1938 80 Georgy Vainer
01.03.1863 155 Fedor Sologub
13.03.1913 105
16.03.1903 115 Tamara Gabbe
28.03.1868 150 Maksim Gorky
15.04.1843 175 Henry James
22.06.1898 120 Erich Maria Remarque
25.06.1903 115 George Orwell
03.07.1883 135
12.07.1828 190 Nikolay Chernyshevsky
27.07.1848 170 Hans Hoffmann
27.07.1853 165 Vladimir Korolenko
30.07.1818 200 Emily Bronte
09.09.1828 190 Lev Tolstoy
09.09.1918 100 Boris Zakhoder
21.09.1708 310 Antioch Cantemir
28.09.1803 215 Prosper Merimee
09.10.1733 285 Mikhail Kheraskov
09.11.1818 200 Ivan Turgenev
23.11.1908 110
01.12.1913 105 Victor Dragunsky

The immortal creations of writers are a precious heritage that is not measured in material terms, but makes humanity many times richer and wiser.

Russian and foreign anniversaries

Prose writers and poets, whose round dates of birth fall in 2018, created their masterpieces on different continents, in different countries And different corners earth.

Pleiad of Russian writers

"Winter" birthdays

The eightieth anniversary of the birth of the outstanding "master of rhyme" Vladimir Vysotsky will be celebrated on January 25. In addition to the traditional visit to his grave devoted friends and fans, this day will be marked by the opening of new halls in the Vysotsky House dedicated to life path genius.

The anniversary date - 115 years from the birth of the writer Alexander Beck, who immortalized in his stories a whole milestone in the history of the Soviet period, falls on January 3, 2018. And on February 10, the great screenwriter and master of detective stories Georgy Vainer would have turned 80 years old.

Spring and summer

On March 16, the literary society will celebrate the anniversary of Maxim Gorky - 150 years from birth. The opening of restored museums dedicated to the memory of the great writer, who made a significant contribution to world literature, was timed to coincide with this day.

July will be marked by the anniversary of the writer-critic of the Soviet era - Nikolai Chernyshevsky and publicist Vladimir Korolenko.

"Autumn" birthdays

The brightest and most significant event for true connoisseurs of verbal art in autumn is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev. By November 11, a large-scale celebration of the round date is being prepared with the presentation of the "Turgenev" encyclopedia, the opening of the museum with its six branches and the release of the writer's commemorative works.

The brightest stars-anniversaries in the literary firmament of foreign countries


On January 22, the whole world will pay tribute to the well-deserved respect and recognition of the great English poet of the Romantic era, George Gordon Byron, who would have turned 230 in 2018. And on the 23rd of the same month, the 235th anniversary of Stendhal, a French writer, whose works are read by fans of the “psychological novel” genre, falls.

The writer and traveler, whose name is known all over the world, the great Jules Verne was born on February 8, 1828. And on this day, but already in 2018, the public will celebrate his 190th anniversary.


American writer, who wrote 12 plays, 112 exciting stories and 20 novels, prose writer Henry James was born on April 15, 1843. 2018 marks the 175th anniversary of his birth.


120th anniversary of the famous German prose writer, one of best writers The “lost generation” of Erich Maria Remarque will be celebrated by the public on June 22.

The outstanding "genius of the pen" - the German-language writer Franz Kafka, would have celebrated his 135th birthday on July 3, 2018. In the same month, but on the 30th day in the distant 1818 on Foggy Albion was born Emily Bronte, who glorified her great literary gender Wuthering Heights novel. In 2018, she would have turned 200 years old.

The 170th anniversary of Hans Hoffmann, a talented German teacher-innovator and writer, who wrote the famous grotesque story "Little Tsakhes", falls on July 27.


Date September 28, 1803 in literary circles known as the birthday of the French prose writer Prosper Mérimée, a recognized master of the short story. In 2018, the date of its 215th anniversary is celebrated.

Each of these literary geniuses in their works presented the world with a piece of the soul, feelings, emotions and experiences, the spirit of the time and the extraordinary flavor of the era in which they happened to live and create.

As a gift to children

The dates of the anniversaries of children's writers in 2018 deserve special attention. Open the door to a fairy tale, open the curtain mysterious secret, to give a whole world of fantastic adventures - because for this it is not enough to be just a talented author, you need to love children with all your heart, to feel their spiritual experiences subtly.

Among all the beloved poets and prose writers who created real masterpieces of the pen for their youngest and most grateful readers is the 110-year-old hero of the day Nikolai Nosov. His full of love stories, fairy tales and novellas for children - lively, real, witty and exciting. That is why they are so fond of young connoisseurs of literature. Little Dunno, smart Bobik and Barbos, Vitya Maleev - these and other ageless perky characters have forever settled in the hearts of the “kids” who have matured for a long time and just as quickly win ardent recognition from modern children.

Boris Zakhoder, whose centennial anniversary is celebrated in 2018, did a lot for the development of children's literature. deep meaning poems about professions and animals, perky counting rhymes are written simply and clearly, as if the author himself is still a child and sees the whole world like a child, in its brightest colors.

2018 marks the 145th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Prishvin, whose authorship is stories about nature, which are very exciting and kindly acquainting young readers with the greatness and beauty of the surrounding world.

A lot of works were presented to children's literature by a teacher at heart and a talented storyteller Tamara Gabbe (“A Book for the First Reading”, the plays “The Crystal Slipper”, “The City of Masters, or the Tale of Two Hunchbacks”, a retelling of “Gulliver among the Lilliputians”, etc.). Its 115th anniversary also falls in 2018.

The 105th anniversary of the birth of Sergei Mikhalkov, the famous and loved by children author of provocative poems, is celebrated on March 13, 2018. The same number of years would have been this year for the great classic Viktor Dragunsky, whose pen belongs to the cycle "Deniska's stories".

Real masters artistic word brought to the collection of literature for children their valuable gifts, filled with love and respect for young readers.

The anniversaries of writers and poets in 2018 are the best occasion to discover the wonderful world of the word, revive the creativity of the venerable geniuses of the pen in memory, or for the first time enjoy amazing novels, short stories, novels and poems.

AND computer games. Young and middle-aged people prefer foreign and domestic series, books about love and science fiction films. But people of the older generation continue to respect the creative work of the “sharks of the pen”, who convey all spheres of life in their wonderful works. fans literary creativity know which jubilee writers of 2018 will be celebrating their anniversaries. It is important to note that everyone is united in the creative path, therefore the birthdays of writers are celebrated by the entire creative “circle”.

  • January 3 marks the 115th anniversary of A. Beck. Beck's work is a whole novella of stories dedicated to the era of the Soviet era. Such for months are celebrated in the circle of creative people. Literary “parties” are organized almost every year, where the most the best works anniversaries.
  • On January 25, all of Russia will remember creativity famous singer, writer and actor - V. Vysotsky. A popular person would have turned 80 years old. Vysotsky's work is the real dignity of Russia, fans with pleasure and now remember all the works unique person. In honor of the anniversary of Vysotsky, a solemn meeting with fans is organized. In addition, next year a new hall will be opened in the Vysotsky House, where it will be possible to get to know the life of the national genius better.
  • February 8 marks the 190th anniversary of the world-famous travel writer J. Verne. Anniversary Writers 2018 for libraries have their own meaning. In honor of the writer's anniversary, creative evenings are necessarily arranged, where both fans and just people who are fond of the works of famous publicists are invited.
  • February 10 would mark the 80th anniversary of G. Weiner. The writer can be safely called a master of the detective genre, his works "dispersed" throughout the vast world and found hundreds of thousands of fans.
  • March 28 marks the 150th anniversary of M. Gorky. All solemn dates and writers-anniversaries of 2018 for schoolchildren are included in the general education program by months. Creativity of Maxim Gorky ( real name whom - Peshkov) helps schoolchildren to know the truth modern people, study centuries-old traditions and understand the main problems of the modern world.
  • April 15 marks the 175th anniversary of the writer G. James. James's work includes 20 novels, 12 plays and 112 exciting and engaging short stories.
  • June 10 marks 170 years since the birth of V. Istomin. The man proved himself a creative naturalist, he was the publisher of the magazine "Children's Recreation", which published the works of L. Tolstoy, as well as I. Zabelin.
  • July 12 marks the anniversary event (190 years) at N. Chernyshevsky. His famous throughout Russia novel “What is to be done?” intrigued creative nature every Russian.
  • September 8 marks the 310th anniversary of the birth of A. Cantemir. A creative person is known to almost the whole world, his works, the nature of which is satirical, were published in all civilized countries of the world.
  • September 9 marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of L. Tolstoy. by the most famous works writer are "Anna Karenina" and "War and Peace". These works became the thematic basis for the creation of films.
  • November 6 marks the 200th anniversary of famous writer P. Melnikov. In this case, the anniversaries of writers and poets in 2018 are celebrated by both lovers and fans. geographical sciences. Pavel Melnikov was fond of traveling, participated in various kinds of expeditions, and then published his books, which thoroughly and clearly described all the beauties of the Earth.
  • November 9 marks the 200th anniversary of the famous writer of all times - I. Turgenev. Notable works Turgenev were published in many countries of the world, his works are necessarily included in school curriculum for educational institutions. In the coming year, the anniversary of the famous writer will be combined with a unique event - the presentation of the Turgenev Encyclopedia, as well as the opening of the museum, which will have 6 branches throughout Russia. Be sure to read the best works of the great master on the holiday by fans of Turgenev's works.
  • December 5 marks the 205th anniversary of the famous creative person - F. Tyutchev. The poems written by Tyutchev have a special meaning, in them you can “see” the freshness of thoughts, the beauty of nature, and the feelings of people. Tyutchev's works are necessarily included in the school curriculum, and students are happy to study the poems of a true master of their craft.

Anniversaries of children's writers

The works of children's writers deserve special attention. They are the ones who open the door for kids. fairy world filled with kindness and respect. In any fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil, brave heroes enter into unequal battles with enemies, but they always win. and psychologists assure that fairy tales are very important for a child of any age, they help them perceive the world more realistically and become more self-confident. What children's writers-anniversaries celebrate their holidays in 2018?

The current generation likes to read various love stories more, fantastic works and detectives. At the same time, many do not have such a hobby at all, and often due to a lack of leisure. Older people honor the memory of domestic sharks of the pen, observing the chronology of the birth of certain outstanding personalities. Therefore, the calendar of anniversaries of writers and poets in 2018 is very important for fans.

List of significant dates in the world of literature

Feather sharks born in winter

In January, the 85th anniversary of the poetess comes with warm and optimistic poems by Rimma Kazakova. At the beginning of the year, Tolkien's birthday is celebrated, the author of a work about the hobbits. 395 years ago, Moliere was born, whose satirical works are presented in the school curriculum.

Anniversary L. Carroll created the same Alice in the Looking Glass; Valentin Kataev owns success with senior group readers, one hundred and twenty years have passed since the birth of this literary figure.

In the cold of February, the birth of Konstantin Fedin is celebrated, after which the 135th anniversary of the birth of the famous Englishman Charles Dickens is celebrated. Schoolgirls of the senior classes are full of sympathy for the gypsy Esmeralda from the "Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris»; V last month winter, you can honor the memory of the author of the novel, Victor Hugo. popular French writer It has been 215 years since its birth.

Among the anniversaries of writers in 2018, by months, we should also mention the 165th anniversary of our compatriot N. Garin, who became famous as a writer, celebrated in the same February.

Spring Literary Figures

In March, book lovers celebrate the birth of author Valentin Rasputin. The same month marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of John Updike. A movie popular with ladies called The Witches of Eastwick was based on the masterpiece of this American writer.

April shark pen Novikov-Priboy is the creator of the book "Tsushima", which tells about the battles of Russians and Japanese. In his plot-filled 2-volume book, the writer with unsurpassed attentiveness reveals the vicissitudes of life of the main characters.

Another creative person from France Antoine Prevost was born 320 years ago. The birthday celebration will allow you to get acquainted with the works of Konstantin Aksakov, because in April he would have turned 200 years old.

Among the children's writers-anniversaries of 2018, we must certainly mention the famous Korney Chukovsky. The unsurpassed author of a brave doctor with humor and a fly-sokotuhi was born in April 135 years ago.

The well-known Soviet comedy "Enjoy Your Bath" would be unthinkable without the wonderful poems created by Bella Akhmadulina and set to music. The journalistic writer Igor Severyanin, and at the same time the poet of a transparent soul, was born 130 years ago, a decade later than the Russian poet M. Voloshin.

The writer K. Paustovsky, as well as the author of poems K. Batyushkin, are jubilee writers of 2018; for schoolchildren, by months, the dates of birth of creative people are presented, which included these two literary figures.

What famous personalities were born in the summer?

Already 150 years have passed since the birth of Konstantin Balmant, who distinguished himself with wonderful poetry and prose. Short works the current author appealed to his real fans.

Yulia Galanina, who wrote science fiction, celebrates her 45th birthday. Our compatriot and prose master I. Goncharov was born 205 years ago. It has been 85 years since the birth of Robert Rozhdestvensky, who wrote poetry for songs. He was significantly ahead of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who was born in Switzerland 305 years ago.

The distant July 1867 revealed to the world the popular author of the novel, on the basis of which the film The Forsyte Saga was made. The film premiere was so fond of the audience that they gladly began to get acquainted with the rest of the works of the prose writer.

The literary community is celebrating the 215th anniversary of the father of the 3rd Musketeers, Alexandre Dumas. Dramaturgical theatrical performances based on the plays by A. Vampilov had great fame among fans of this art form.

The Belgians are celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of their compatriot M. Materlinck, who, in addition to success in the literary field, won Nobel Prize. Featured 2018 Anniversary Writers are in particular demand among book fans; there is a good opportunity for libraries to create an exhibition of the masterpieces of these pen sharks.

Autumn Literary Figures

Sukhovo-Kobylin and A. Tolstoy were born in September 2 centuries ago, in that very month they celebrate the anniversary of O. Henry, who is remembered for his sarcastic works. The Spaniard I. Cervantes, who created Don Quixote, made his fans empathize with what is happening in the novel. On this moment 470 years have passed since the birth of the creator of the hidalgo and Sancho Panza.

Many writers-anniversaries of 2018 celebrate their personal holiday in November, and the writers who left this world are worthy of mention on their birthday. The merits of absolutely all these people are truly impressive.

Nikolai Kostomarov was a popular prose writer and publicist, whose 2nd centenary is celebrated by our compatriots. Astrid Lingren wrote essays about the girl Pippi, and the author himself has already been 110 years old since her birth.

The Englishman Jonathan Swift, who gave Gulliver to the world, is also November, in the same month he was born and famous author children's poems by S. Marshak, and shark pen romantic direction Alexander Bestuzhev. The script for the Soviet comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune" was written by Victoria Tokareva, who celebrates her 80th birthday in November.

Finally, in December, E. Raspe was born, who created his Baron Munchausen, causing genuine interest among readers. One gets the feeling that the author wrote a novel in our days - the morals are so accurately conveyed modern man. But no, this work for more than two centuries, while the writer himself would have turned 280 years old.

The final point in the list of anniversaries of poets in 2018 is put by Heinrich Heine, who was also born in December 220 years ago.
