Sofia Rotaru farmer year of issue. Sofia Rotaru - biography, personal life, new husband

How old is Sofia Rotaru? Probably, this question is no, no, and it appears in our head every time we see this unfading and full vitality a woman who always keeps up with fashion. Is it true?

Section 1. How old is Sofia Rotaru. General information and stage name

Sophia Mikhailovna Rotaru, world-famous of Ukrainian origin, lives today in two cities at the same time: in the capital Kyiv and in sunny Yalta.

The star comes from the village of Marshintsy, in the Chernivtsi region. The biography of Sofia Rotaru is quite interesting, although little known, because the singer prefers not to dwell on the topic of protecting loved ones from unnecessary attention.

It is known that she was not the only child in the family, the famous actress has two more brothers and three sisters. And not only Sofia Mikhailovna managed to shine on the stage, her sisters Aurika and Lydia, as well as her brother Evgeny, performed on the stage.

In her repertoire today there are about five hundred famous songs, and Sofia Mikhailovna performs them in Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Moldavian, Polish, German, as well as Bulgarian, English and Spanish. She was the first singer who, in Soviet times, dared to sing in recitative and use a rhythm computer as a musical arrangement.

With the name of the singer there was a little confusion. Initially, her native village belonged to Romania, so Rotar was indicated in the surname line, and Sofia in the name. Later, Edita Piekha advised the young performer to add the letter "u" at the end of her last name for harmony, so a new star named Sofia Rotaru lit up on the stage.

Section 2. How old is Sofia Rotaru. The creative path of the singer

Little Sonya sang in the choir as a child and was actively involved in sports. Her father became her first music teacher. At school, Rotaru played the button accordion and domra, took an active part in amateur art. The regional competition of folk talents, held in 1962, became the first step in the development of the singer's career.

Another six years passed, Rotaru graduated from Chernivtsi School of Music. And in 1971 she was invited to work as part of the Chervona Ruta group. This entailed performances at various festivals, tours of other cities and countries. She was lucky to collaborate with such famous composers as David Tukhmanov, Vladimir Ivasyuk, and Yuri Rybchinsky.

Since the 1970s, the songs performed by Sofia Mikhailovna have almost constantly become laureates of the "Song of the Year". A little later, films with the participation of famous singer. In the early 80s, Rotaru won an award at an international competition and decided to radically change his image.

And a few years later, significant changes take place in the singer's work.

Section 3. How old is Sofia Rotaru. Singer today: home, family, grandchildren

In August of this year, Rotaru turned 66, but the years do not prevent her from looking young and attractive. Sofia Mikhailovna does not consider herself a fan of noisy parties, therefore she prefers to celebrate her birthday at home, with her family.

As a rule, she spends weekends and days free from tours surrounded by her closest people: son Ruslan, daughter-in-law Svetlana, grandchildren Anatoly and Sofia. Unfortunately, the lawful spouse of the star has been absent from this bright holiday for more than ten years. The fact is that Anatoly Evdokimenko passed away in 2002.

Sofia Rotaru has many fans, there is even a fan club where its members celebrate the birthday of their favorite singer on the night of the sixth to the seventh of August. At the end of the celebration, a crowd of fans goes to the mansion where Sofia Mikhailovna lives in order to leave gifts there.

Of course, we answered the question of how old Sofia Rotaru is. Now think about whether it is worth talking about it at all, because it has long been known that a woman's age does not depend on the number in her passport, but on her state of mind. I would like this singer to please us with her charm, charm and unique voice for many, many more years.

In the village of Marshintsy, Novoselytskyi district, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine.

From the first grade she sang in school and church choirs, participated in amateur performances.

In 1962, Sofia won the regional amateur art competition, then there were victories at the regional amateur art show in Chernivtsi in 1963 and at the republican festival of folk talents in Kiev in 1964.

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru graduated from the conductor-choral department of the Chernivtsi Musical College, in 1974 - from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after G. Muzichesku.

In 1968, Rotaru, as part of creative team was delegated to Bulgaria at the IX World Festival of Youth and Students, where she won a gold medal and first prize in the competition of folk song performers.

In 1971, Sofia Rotaru received an invitation to work at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, which was called "Chervona Ruta". The artistic director of the ensemble was the husband of the singer Anatoly Evdokimenko. Subsequently, he became the director of all concert programs of Sofia Rotaru.

In 1972, with the program "Songs and Dances of the Country of the Soviets", Sofia Rotaru and "Chervona Ruta" participated in a tour of Poland. In 1973, Rotaru received the first prize at the Golden Orpheus competition in Burgas (Bulgaria).

Since 1975, Rotaru has been a soloist of the Crimean Philharmonic.

Since the 1970s, songs performed by Sofia Rotaru. Composer Arno Babajanyan wrote for her "Give me back the music", Alexey Mazhukov - "And the music sounds", Pavel Aedonitsky - "For those who are waiting", Oscar Feltsman - "Only for you", David Tukhmanov - "In my house" and " Waltz", Yuri Saulsky - "The usual story".

Sofia Rotaru was the first performer of the songs of the composer Yevgeny Martynov "Swan Fidelity" and "The Ballad of the Mother". Long years creative cooperation the singer is associated with the composer Vladimir Matetsky. The beginning was laid by the song "Lavender", written by Matetsky in 1985, then followed by "Moon, Moon", "It was, but it has passed", "Wild Swans", "Farmer", "Fall", "Moon Rainbow", "Stars as Stars " and many others. In 2017 she presented new song Matetsky "On the seven winds".

In July 2017 in Baku (Azerbaijan) as part of music festival"Heat", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Sofia Rotaru.

For my singing career Rotaru performed more than 400 songs, many of which have become classics of the Soviet and Ukrainian stage. She toured in many countries of Europe, America, Asia, Australia.

The singer has released over 30 albums, among her discs of recent years - "And my soul flies ..." (2011), "Forgive me" (2013), "Let's make summer! (2014)," Winter "(2016).

Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical television films "Chervona Ruta" (1971), "The Song Will Be Among Us" (1974), "Monologue about Love" (1986), starring in the feature films "Where are you, love?" (1980) and "Soul" (1981). In 1981, the musical television film "Visiting Sofia Rotaru's family" was released, and in 1984, the television film "Sofia Rotaru invites you".

In the 1990s-2000s, with the participation of the singer, the musical films "Old songs about the main thing" (1996), "Military Field Romance" (1998), "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro" (2003), "The Snow Queen "(2003), "Sorochinsky Fair" (2004), "Star Holidays" (2006), "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (2007), " gold fish"(2008)," Little Red Riding Hood "(2009) and others.

Sofia Rotaru - People's Artist of the USSR (1988). She was awarded the Orders of the USSR "Badge of Honor" (1980) and Friendship of Peoples (1985), is a laureate of the Prize Lenin Komsomol(1978). In 2002, for her great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties, she was awarded the Russian Order of Honor.

Rotaru - People's Artist of Ukraine (1976) and People's Artist of Moldova (1983). In 2002, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine, in 2007 she was awarded the Ukrainian Order of Merit, II degree.

The singer is a laureate of international competitions of the IX World Festival of Youth and Students (Sofia, 1968), "Golden Orpheus" (Sofia, 1973); "Amber Nightingale" (Sopot, 1974). She is a multiple winner of the Ovation and Golden Gramophone awards.

Sofia Rotaru was married to the People's Artist of Ukraine Anatoly Evdokimenko (1942-2002). The singer has a son Ruslan.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

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Biography, life story of Sofia Rotaru

... In the crowded hall of the Sports Palace, the lights went out, tense silence reigned, and then it was acutely felt how impatiently the audience was waiting for her ... A melody sounded, and Sofia Rotaru appeared in the mosaic of multi-colored lights ... The hall thundered with applause ...

Family and childhood

So, let's start from the beginning - why at home. Sofia Rotaru was born on August 7, 1947 in the song region - in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region. Not a single celebration, not a single ritual is complete without songs. It seems that here the earth itself gives birth to songs. There were no such pure, beautiful voices as those of Mikhail Fedorovich (he was born on 11/22/1918) and Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru (04/17/1920 - 09/16/1997) in Marshintsy.

Mikhail Fedorovich was the first in the village to join the party, went through the whole war as a machine gunner, and reached Berlin. He was wounded and returned home only in 1946. Now the soldier's memory more and more often returns his father to those terrible years, the battles, the faces of dead friends are remembered.

In the family, besides Sophia, there were five children: two brothers and three sisters. The elder sister Zina (born 10/11/1942), who suffered a serious illness, lost her sight in childhood.

Zina having herself absolute pitch and easily memorizing new songs, taught Sophia many folk songs and generally became a younger and second mother, and a favorite teacher. Then Sophia, not afraid to seem enthusiastic, will say: "... And we all learned from her - such a musical memory. And the soul!"Zina, spending a lot of time at the radio, along with the songs she also learned the Russian language. And she taught him brothers and sisters. At home, Rotaru spoke only Moldavian. Naturally, as the eldest, Sofia was the first assistant to her mother. In the morning, Sonya and her mother went to the market trade - you had to live on something.

- Mom woke me up in the dark Sophia recalls, and I really wanted to sleep. She says: "Who will help me?". I slept all the way. They arrived at six in the morning. It was necessary to take a place in the market in advance, to spread everything out. And only when the trade began, I came to my senses. It was interesting to me. There was always a queue near us, because my mother was clean, they knew her and waited. She had regular customers.


Sofia Mikhailovna never trades on the market. And he forbids his friends and relatives from doing this. " This is hellish work. she says to her husband, Do not dare".

Often, very often Sophia had to replace her mother, to work for her in the field. It was during these years that her character was formed.

- With his formation as a singer and, probably, as a person,- says Sofia Rotaru, - I most likely owe it to those women with whom I worked in the village, it was from them that I learned to understand the meaning of life. IN difficult moments from them - simple and generous - I received help.

In this environment, Sofia Rotaru finds the most humane, deepest and most sincere notes for her future songs. Sofia began to sing from the first grade in the school choir, she also sang in the church choir.

In her youth, Sofia was attracted to the theater, she studied in a drama club and sang at the same time. folk songs in amateur art. Sophia, for example, likes to remember how she took the only button accordion at school and at night, when the kerosene lamp went out in the house, she went to the barn, picking up her favorite melodies of Moldovan songs. Father, Mikhail Fedorovich, who worked for about thirty years as a foreman of winegrowers, remembers how professional artists once arrived in the village for the first time, and he brought Sonya backstage to them and proudly announced: " Here is my daughter. She will definitely be an artist!"

Being very lively and mobile, Sofia loved sports, and especially athletics, and of course she made progress: she was the champion of the school in all-around, went to regional olympiads. Once, at the regional Spartakiad in Chernivtsi, she became the winner in the 100 and 800 meters ...

The victory of Sofia Rotaru in the regional amateur art competition in 1962 opened the way to the regional review. For her charming voice, fellow countrymen then bestowed her with the title of "Bukovina Nightingale". His voice was really amazing - his strength and breadth, extraordinary sound richness amazed him. There was so much charm and passion in him, he was so relaxed and excitingly good that there was no reason to doubt the happy fate of the young singer.

1963 brought a diploma of the first degree at the regional amateur art show in Chernivtsi. As the winner, she goes to Kyiv to participate in the Republican competition.

1964, in turn, pleased with the victory at the republican festival of folk talents. On this occasion, her photo was placed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" No. 27 for 1965. By the way, this photo later played an important role in her life. After that competition, People's Artist of the USSR Dmitry Gnatyuk told fellow countrymen: " This is your future celebrity. Mark my words"Reviews, contests, - is the 17-year-old girl really not dizzy from success? But no, her parents always taught her to critically evaluate her work and persistently go towards the goal, despite the difficulties. After graduating from school in 1964. Sonya firmly decided to go in Chernivtsi to enter a music school.

Beginning of adulthood

To her great regret, Sofia found out that there was no vocal department in the music school. Well, she entered the conductor-choir ... In 1964, Sofia sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses - and Moscow was conquered. " And who will marry you?- said, it happened, my mother. - One music in my head". Meanwhile, in the Urals, in Nizhny Tagil, a young guy from Chernivtsi served - Anatoly Evdokimenko, the son of a builder and teacher, who also had "one music" in his head: as a child he graduated from a music school, played the trumpet, dreamed of creating an ensemble And the same magazine "Ukraine" with a photo got into their unit beautiful girl on the cover. He showed photos to colleagues: " Look at the girls in our villages! Can you imagine what is happening in the city?"And he attached the cover to the wall near his bed. And then he returned home and began to look for Sofia. He searched for a long time, finally found a school, Sonya's friends ...

In fact, Sonya did not imagine that she would ever sing with a pop orchestra. In addition to violins and cymbals, she did not recognize other instruments for accompaniment until she met her future husband Anatoly Evdokimenko, a student at Chernivtsi University and at the same time a trumpeter in a student variety orchestra. Anatoly intuitively understood that only music and more music could win Sofia's heart. He was the initiator of the appearance of a soloist in the orchestra. True, at first only folk Ukrainian and Moldovan melodies were selected for Sofia. By the way, even today folk songs occupy significant place in her repertoire: I cannot live without them. When I hear tears... But Anatoly persuaded Sofia to try herself as a soloist in a pop orchestra. And then one day Sofia nevertheless succumbed to persuasion, took a chance - she sang the song "Mama"; Bronevitsky. And the song turned out.

In 1968 on graduation party at the music school, associate professor Pulinets assured: " Already now you can talk about her as a pop actress who will be a great success with the widest audience.".

The beginning of a singing career

It is curious that in 1968 S. Rotaru celebrated her birthday, having won the title of laureate of the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (Bulgaria). So the debut on the stage of the then amateur singer took place. Sofia Rotaru was sent to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students as a participant in the folklore competition. Tolik was determined to go with her to the festival. They urgently needed a double bass player for Bulgaria. And then Tolya mastered the double bass in two months. True, corns did not leave his fingers for a long time. Resounding success, first place. When Sophia was awarded the gold medal, she was literally covered with Bulgarian roses. And one orchestra member joked: " Sofia flowers for Sofia". And the newspapers were full of headlines: "21-year-old Sofia conquered Sofia." This was how the performance of the Ukrainian folk song "I'm standing on a stone" and the Moldavian "I love spring", as well as "Step" by A. Pashkevich and "Valentina" by G. Gheorghe was assessed The last song was dedicated to the first female cosmonaut present in the hall, Hero of the Soviet Union Valentina Tereshkova. The chairman of the jury then said: " This is a singer with a great future".

Then it was time for another debut: after graduating from a music school, she became a teacher. Until now, Rotaru recalls this day with excitement and joy, as if re-experiencing the feelings that she experienced before the first lesson ...

On September 22, 1968, Sofia and Anatoly got married in Marshintsy. The parents didn't mind. Mom just said: You only, Sonya, think carefully, you are getting married - that means for life!". The wedding was "modest" - two hundred people. By evening it started to rain, but even he did not interrupt the fun: the happy bride in a long dress, soaked to the skin, continued to dance until she dropped ...

They spent their honeymoon in Novosibirsk - since at that time Anatoly was graduating from the university and was sent there for practice. He worked at the Lenin plant, and the young family lived right there, in the dormitory of the 105th military plant. Sonya cooked food for everyone, and in the evenings she sang in the Otdykh club. The newlyweds left after 3 months.

However, Sophia had only one thing on her mind...
Sofia Mikhailovna once shared: - After a year of our marriage, I began to dream of a child. And from time to time she hinted about it to Tolik. And he made big creative plans and was in no hurry with the child. In addition, we lived with our parents in a 2-room apartment, he had not graduated from the university yet. There was not enough money, it was not customary in our family to ask them from our parents. We're adults. Well, okay, okay, I think ... And somehow I say to him: "Listen, the doctor said that I will soon become a mother." Although in fact I was not in a position at that moment - I had to go for a little female trick. Tolik shook his head, "Well, that's good." He relaxed, lost his vigilance and began to wait for the birth of an heir.

But he had to wait not nine months, but eleven, because Sonya became pregnant only two months after that conversation.

- Now I guess I did everything right- Rotaru smiles slyly. - Then I just wouldn’t have time - these endless tours would begin ...

Rotaru got to the hospital on the night from Sunday to Monday. All day before, she cried: Tolik did not take her fishing with him. His parents rebelled: Where else are you going? Sonya, you have to give birth any minute, and you are going to catch carps? Tolik returned in the evening with an unprecedented catch, and together with Sonya they went to visit their familiar musicians. The contractions began on the way home. Do you think Rotaru immediately rushed to the hospital? where she went with her husband to the hospital.Looking amazing in any situation was her lifestyle.

On August 24, 1970, a son was born. He was given the name Ruslan. He turned out to be an absolute copy of his father.

This has never been seen in Chernivtsi! Tolik met his wife and son with an orchestra. All the musicians of the city gathered under the windows of the hospital and played. Who is on the trumpet, who is on the violin, who is on the flute. Cars passing by slowed down, trolleybuses and buses stopped, people poured out of all the nearby houses ... When Sonya appeared, fireworks of champagne corks flashed in the air. All the way home, the happy father danced with his son in his arms...

And in 1971, at Ukrtelefilm, directed by Roman Alekseev, a musical film was made about the tender and pure love of a mountain girl and a Donetsk boy "Chervona Ruta". Songs by V. Ivasyuk and other authors were performed by V. Zinkevich, N. Yaremchuk and others. Sofia Rotaru became the main character. The film was a significant success. And when in October Sofia received an invitation to work in the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and create her own ensemble, the name of the ensemble appeared by itself - "Chervona Ruta" ...

Also because that was the name of one of the first songs of the brilliant composer and poet Vladimir Ivasyuk. Volodya's songs surprisingly combined the beauty and romance of the Bukovina region, the freshness and chastity of first love, and boundless faith in happiness. Sofia considers the meeting with the composer Ivasyuk a happy gift of fate. None of the composers with whom she would work later felt the singer's soul, her understanding and perception of life so deeply. Most of his songs were written specifically for her, for her extremely beautiful voice. They were modern, but at the same time built on the multinational melos of the peoples living in Bukovina. It was a new, surprisingly bright word in the song culture of Ukraine. Indeed, Volodya's songs gave the singer wings, it was with them that her pop star sparkled.

Assessing the role of Sofia Rotaru in the popularization of Volodya's songs, his father, a famous Ukrainian writer M. Ivasyuk will say the following in front of an audience of thousands of fellow countrymen: " We must bow low to the Moldovan girl Sonya, who spread my son's songs all over the world".

Indeed, all over the world, because in thousands of different concerts of Sofia in many, many countries, Volodya's songs have always been and are being heard, many of which have become classics of song art.

Chervona Ruta is the name of a flower taken from an ancient Carpathian legend. Ruta blooms only on the night of Ivan Kupala, and the girl who manages to see blooming rue will be happy in love.

Anatoly Evdokimenko became the head of the ensemble. Despite the fact that he worked at the department for some time, he had scientific articles, he changed his profession. Madly in love with his wife, he later graduated from the directing department of the Kyiv Institute of Culture, became the director of all her concert programs.

The debut of "Chervona Ruta" was a performance in Star City with Soviet cosmonauts. It was there that Sofia Rotaru and the Chervona Ruta ensemble first declared themselves as outstanding representatives of a whole trend of Soviet pop art, feature which is a combination in the repertoire and style of performance of elements of folk music with modern rhythms. As soon as she finished singing "Chervona Ruta", the audience literally shuddered with applause. She was overjoyed at this unexpectedly warm welcome. For some reason, she thought: if these people, unusual in her mind, find joy in her songs, then she must sing, stubbornly follow the chosen path. And then cosmonaut V. Shatalov, on behalf of his colleagues, wished her great success in songwriting.

Sophia only strengthened her desire. Then she sang on the stage of the Central Concert Hall "Russia", the Kremlin Palace and on the stage of the variety theater. Debuting on the capital's stage, Rotaru least of all resembled a timid newcomer. It was quite a mature master, confident in his strength. The external restraint of the singer, which left no room for fussiness and unjustified gestures, surprisingly harmonized with the flight of her super-expressive voice. She sang as if these were the most important concerts in her life. She seemed to be saving for a long time mental strength so that today, now, express all your passion, all joy and pain without a trace. The stunning creative "generosity" of Rotaru unusually aroused the audience, causing a hot wave of reciprocal feelings ...

Growing popularity

This was the beginning of the wide recognition of Sofia Rotaru. Since 1971, she has been counting her professional creative activity.

Its authors were V. Ivasyuk, a student of the music school Valery Gromtsev, the head of the VIA "Smerichka" Levko Dutkovsky. And the deputy director of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic Pinkus Abramovich Falik and his wife, Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR Sidi Lvovna Tal were then her second parents. Falik was at that time one of the largest administrators with worldwide recognition. Even before the war, he was the producer of the famous English singer Jeri Scott.

The very first professional program of "Chervona Ruta" was not approved by the artistic council. Then it was necessary to maintain a certain line. For example, "love, Komsomol and spring" i.e. the whole performance had to be filled with joy and optimism. And she sang Enemies burned their home". The commission of the Ministry of Culture did not like it, the program was banned. In fact, they were cut off oxygen. Saved by Falik. He called Moscow, and Chervona Ruta, bypassing all permits, was included in the program" Stars of the Soviet and foreign stage". They got into the company of the Germans, Bulgarians, Czechs, Yugoslavs. In Tashkent, after the concert, people asked if she liked Soviet Union where she learned to sing in Russian so well. It turned out that she was mistaken for a Bulgarian. There were unforgettable and funny, funny cases at concerts.

It was in Grozny at the stadium: she stepped onto the stage - slender, in a red tight-fitting dress with a zipper on the back. And then, just during the performance, the "lightning" burst. The audience, of course, noticed. She holds the dress with her hands so that it does not fly off, and suddenly some compassionate citizen with a huge pin runs out onto the stage. He turned her back to the public and, under the general fun, saved the same.

In 1972, with the program "Songs and Dances of the Land of the Soviets", Sofia Rotaru and "Chervona Ruta" took part in a tour of Poland.

In 1973, the Golden Orpheus competition was held in Burgas (Bulgaria), Rotaru received the 1st prize on it, performing E. Doga's song "My City" and "Bird" - a song in Bulgarian dedicated to the memory of Pasha Christ, the authors of which are T Rusev and D. Demyanov. The same year brought her the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Songs performed by her "Codri" and "My city" in Moldavian were recorded in the film "Spring Consonances - 73".

At the festival "Song - 73" E. Dogi's song "My City" performed by Sofia Rotaru became the laureate of...

When Sofia Rotaru enters the stage and starts to sing, you forget about everything in the world. Her transparent, charming voice penetrates the soul, excites and conquers everyone who loves the stage, loves the song. Here she stands in front of the microphone in the spotlight - slender, festive, like a spring twig. How much charm, beauty, how much sincerity and excitement are in her, when in the beautiful language of music and poetry she confidentially shares with us everything that pleases and saddens her ...

In the May Day "Festive Evening at Ostankino" in 1974, she sang along with an artist from the GDR, Michael Hansen. In the same year, Rotaru graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts and became a participant in the Burshtin Nightingale festival in Sopot (Poland), where she performed B. Rychkov's "Memories" and V. Ivasyuk's "Vodogray". For the performance of the Polish song from the repertoire of Halina Frontskowiak "Someone" (Russian text by A. Dementiev) she received the II prize. On "Song-74" Sofia Mikhailovna performed "The Ballad of a Mother" by E. Martynov to the verses by A. Dementyev.

At the festival "Song-75" "Swan fidelity" and "Apple trees in bloom" reached the final. The song "Smuglyanka" was performed with the Yugoslav singer Mickey Efremovich. A year later, at the next festival, the songs "Give me back the music" and "Dark Night" were performed. The second was performed with Anatoly Mokrenko.

In creativity, the contact with the song, with its creators, is most important for Sofia Rotaru. Other composers also wrote songs for her. Yevgeny Doga wrote "My City", Arno Babadzhanyan - "Give me back the music", Oscar Feltsman the song "Only for you", Yuri Saulsky - "The usual story"...

Sofia proudly says: I was the first performer of many songs by one of my favorite composers, Yevgeny Martynov. I love his "Swan Fidelity", "Mother's Ballad". In my repertoire there are songs of different genres, but almost always - a dramatic plot, a dramatic melody. The song for me is a small novella with its own world of feelings, dramatic structure, characters..."

And yet, her main attraction for the audience lies in the fact that the singer remains true to the folk style of performance. Nationality is manifested in the production of voice, and in simplicity, restraint of behavior on stage, and, finally, in the choice of repertoire: Rotaru's songs are always lyrical, singsong. And yet, in a folk song you will not find random, meaningless, empty words, and this, undoubtedly, taught Sofia among many new modern songs to choose only those that are full of deep meaning, cause reflection. Indeed, in her opinion, for those three or four minutes that the song lasts, the artist must tell the listener a lot, make him richer.

The song "Chervona Ruta" itself is still calling card Sofia Mikhailovna. For she has found her red rue...

1980-1985: The rise of the actress and new collaborations

In 1980, Sofia Rotaru won the first prize at the international competition in Tokyo for her performance of the Yugoslav song "Promise" and was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

The singer continued to experiment with her image and appeared on stage for the first time among domestic female artists in a trouser suit, performing the song "Temp" by Alexandra Pakhmutova to the verses of Nikolai Dobronravov. The song "Tempo" and "Waiting" were written for the 1980 Summer Olympics, held in Moscow and included in the cultural program of the Games. "Temp" also became the soundtrack to the feature film "The Ballad of Sports" directed by Yuri Ozerov. In 1980, the singer again reached the final of the Song of the Year, performing "My Land" by N. Mozgovoy and "Waiting" by Y. Saulsky and L. Zavalnyuk.

In 1980, the film "Where are you, love?" (originally titled “Year of Vocation”), filmed at the “Moldova-Film” studio, in which, among many songs, the singer performed the song “First Rain”, driving without an understudy on the back seat of a motorcycle along a narrow embankment in the middle of the sea. According to an autobiographical plot, a rural singer is invited to the ensemble, with which she wins the Grand Prix at international festival with the song "Where are you, love?" R. Pauls on poetry. At the box office, the film was watched by about 22 million viewers. In the same year, a double album was released - “Songs from the movie“ Where are you, love? ”With songs from the film of the same name by composers E. Martynov, O. Feltsman, A. Babadzhanyan, D. Tukhmanov.

The composition of A. Mazhukov "The Red Arrow" in 1980 became the debut of the young poet Nikolai Zinoviev in the pop genre. The song was banned on the All-Union Radio by the head of the musical editorial board, Gennady Cherkasov, because he did not like the way Sofia Rotaru sang. But since the premiere of the song took place on television, she managed to become famous even without radio air. In 1981, the film received a jury prize for popularizing the songwriting of Soviet composers at the XIV All-Union Film Festival in Vilnius in the feature films section. This film was the first experience of Sofia Rotaru in feature cinema. Many critics called this role a failure, nevertheless, the film won the audience's love, and the songs sounded in the film became legendary: "Red Arrow" (music by Alexei Mazhukov, lyrics by Nikolai Zinoviev), "Where are you, love?" (music by Raymond Pauls, lyrics by Ilya Reznik), Drum Dance (music by Raymond Pauls, lyrics by Andrey Voznesensky).

The next stage of creativity began with the search for a new style - rock music and with the film "Soul" with "Time Machine" in 1981 with songs and. Having received the first offer in Yalta to star in the film, Sofia Rotaru refused, she was so sick and the doctors did not recommend her not only filming, but also further performances.

This prompted Alexander Borodyansky and Alexander Stefanovich to describe an autobiographical story about a dramatic situation in the singer's life, about losing her voice, and revealing her soul at that moment (dialogue on the pier with an elderly person) followed by a reassessment of values. Seeing the new rewritten script, as well as songs written in a completely new style for the singer, Sofia Rotaru agreed, moreover, she agreed to give up concert performances for some time in order to star in the film. Thus, the film became a musical melodrama, affecting not only privacy artist and human relations, but also the question of attitude to talent and the responsibility of talent to those for whom it creates. Rotaru's partner in the film was an actor, lyrical hero played by a Leningrad actor, the rock band "Time Machine" - new group singer Victoria Svobodina. The film was seen at the box office by about 57 million viewers.

Sofia Rotaru reached the final of the “Song of the Year” in 1982 with the songs “Melancolie” by P. Teodorovich and G. Vieru and “Get up!” R. Amirkhanyan and H. Zakian. The songs “Happiness to you, my land” by Y. Saulsky and L. Zavalnyuk and “And the music sounds” by A. Mazhukov and N. Zinoviev were included in “Song 1983”.

After concerts in Canada and the release of the Canadian album in Toronto Canadian Tour 1983 in 83, Sofia Rotaru and her team became restricted to travel abroad for five years. official reason was not, but when calls from abroad came to the State Concert, they refused under the pretext that “ this one doesn't work here". During the recording of the record in Germany, the State Concert Committee assigned her a rate of 6 rubles per minute of sound. The German side had to pay 156 marks and called back to Moscow. The next day, the translator told Sofia Rotaru: “ Our boss decided to make you a small present, because Moscow does not allow you to raise the rate ... "" I regret one thing - that it fell on my younger years, when so much could be done", - said Sofia Rotaru.

In 1983, Sofia Rotaru gave 137 concerts on the collective farms and state farms of the Crimea. The collective farm "Russia" of the Crimean region and the Ministry of Culture of the Moldavian SSR put forward Rotaru's concert programs of 1983-1984 for competition State Prize THE USSR. However, the eminent singer was not awarded the prize, since all her solo concerts since the late 1970s have been held exclusively with plus soundtrack.

In 1983, Sofia Rotaru received the title of People's Artist of Moldova. In the same year, while listening with the poet Vieru to a melody specially written for her by the composer Kiriyak, Rotaru insisted on words about romance. Her husband supported her artistic director Anatoly Evdokimenko, and the poet wrote, but about the singer. Romantică is an adjective in Romanian meaning "romantic".

In 1984, she presented "Romantică" at the "Song of the Year" festival. This song is included in most solo programs. The second song performed was "I Can't Forget" (composer D. Tukhmanov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov). The singer performed it in the dramatic image of a courageous World War II nurse. Rotaru was invited to the GDR TV program "Motley Cauldron", where she sang a song in German.

In 1984, the LP "Tender Melody" was released. The album was a return to the original image with the song "Melancolie" ("Gentle Melody") by Vieru. In 1985, Sofia Rotaru received the Golden Disc prize from the All-Union Firm Melodiya for the albums Sofia Rotaru and Gentle Melody, the best-selling records of the year in the USSR, which sold over 1,000,000 copies. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

In the final of “Songs-85”, the audience, together with the singer, sang “The Stork on the Roof” by D. Tukhmanov and A. Poperechny and “In My House” by D. Tukhmanov and A. Sayed-Shah.

1986-1989: New wave- europop and hard rock

In the mid-1980s, a certain turning point was outlined in the work. The musical film “Monologue about Love” (1986) was imbued with the search for a new aesthetics of creativity, in which, unlike the previous one “Sofia Rotaru invites you” (1985), only the composition “Water Flows” by I. Poklad carried the former folklore character and image of a collective farm girl, become a star. In the film "Monologue of Love" Sofia Rotaru performed the song "Amor" as a windsurfer, on the high seas and without an understudy. "Monologue of Love" - ​​an album released in 1986 with soundtracks and songs from the musical film of the same name, was Rotaru's last work with the original Ukrainian composers. The Chervona Ruta ensemble returned to the Ukrainian song and left the singer, which was a big surprise for Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko, the artistic director of Chervona Ruta. In one of the interviews, Sofia Rotaru asked a journalist " Have you ever been truly scared?"answered:" When I was betrayed. This was connected with the Chervona Ruta team, which Tolik (A. Evdokimenko) once organized. It was the peak of popularity when we were carried in our arms, when cars were lifted at concerts. It seemed to the guys that they could count on success even without me, that I treated them incorrectly, the wrong repertoire, that they received little money ... When Tolik and I left for our homeland, they got together and decided that they did not need us. They left with a scandal and with the name "Chervona Ruta».

A sharp change in the direction of Rotaru's work occurred after the start of cooperation with the composer Vladimir Matetsky in 1986. “Lavender” and “Moon, Moon” by Muscovite Vladimir Matetsky have already appeared - the two most popular songs of the USSR in 1986. The joint album by Rotaru and Matetsky "Golden Heart" was already recorded with Moscow studio musicians. Sofia Rotaru switched to Europop style compositions (“It was, but it passed”, “Moon”), up to elements of hard rock (“My time”, “Only this is not enough”). Matetsky and his co-author, the poet Mikhail Shabrov, practically monopolized the right to collaborate with Rotaru over the next 15 years, producing talented works that were included in a large number of concert programs in 1990-2000, and became popular due to the charismatic personality of Rotaru and her outstanding vocal abilities .

The beginning of this collaboration was the song "Lavender", written by V. Matetsky in 1985 for her duet with Jaak Yoala and still has not lost its popularity. "Lavender" was followed by "Moon, Moon", "It was, but it's gone", "Wild Swans", "Farmer", "Sunny", "Moon Rainbow", "Stars Like Stars", "Night Moth", "Golden Heart" "," My life, my love "and many others.

In 1986, the composer V. Migulya wrote the song “Life” especially for the singer, which was very rarely heard.

Active touring and constant presence on musical airs led to the fact that by the end of the 80s, S. Rotaru objectively became the leader of Soviet song art. On May 11, 1988, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, the first of the modern pop singers, for her great services in the development of Soviet musical art.

At the same time, the transition to the Russian-language repertoire caused a certain rejection in Ukraine. Allegations of betrayal national culture, in addition to the general growth of nationalism, were actively fueled by Soviet state production structures, philharmonic societies and concert associations, which lost control over the financial side of Rotaru's concert activities during economic reforms. In order to avoid large-scale provocations, Rotaru refused to participate in the Chervona Ruta festival, held in her homeland in 1989. In the late 80s, the aggravated interethnic relations led to the fact that in 1989, at a combined concert in Lviv at the Druzhba stadium, the part of the audience present, opposed to Sofia Rotaru, greeted the singer with posters " Sophia, punishment awaits you! and whistling, leading to clashes with her fans.

Nevertheless, Sofia Rotaru continued to sing Ukrainian songs and constantly included them in the first sections of the concert programs. The new songs of this period in the Ukrainian language were the works of N. Mozgovoy (“The Land”, “The Day Passes”), A. Bliznyuk (“Echo of Fidelity”), E. Rybchinsky (“Leaking Water”), Y. Rybchinsky (“The Ball of the Separated hearts"), and later - R. Quinta ("Chekay", "One viburnum", "Fog"). At the same time, she prepared and presented to the viewer in 1991 a new program, which was included in the Romantika album, half of which consisted of remakes of songs by Ivasyuk and other famous Ukrainian composers and poets in Ukrainian, in particular, “Chervona Ruta”, “Cheremshina”, “ Maple fire”, “Edge”, “Sizokryliy ptah”, “Zhovtiy leaf”, which became classics of Ukrainian pop songs, after which such accusations fell apart.

In 1991, the next work by Rotaru and Matetsky was released - the LP "Caravan of Love" (Sintez Records, Riga, Latvia), also with a noticeable influence in the style of hard rock and metal, which at that time was at the peak of its popularity. Simultaneously with the album, a musical television film of the same name and a concert program Golden Heart are released, which became the last program of the singer from the times of the USSR.

The collapse of the Union was reflected in the geography of Sofia Rotaru's trips. The USSR Ministry of Culture obliged artists to tour "hot spots". Having refused at first, Rotaru prepared the programs "Friends remain friends" and "Caravan of love" presented in Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, Tbilisi, Baku and Yerevan. Concerts were held in rooms with the lack of appropriate conditions, which eventually led to pneumonia. Sofia Rotaru said: I was warned - do not go down to the hall, you never know what. They even put up a guard. And I think: with what you go to a person, so he will repay you».

In the late 80s, participating in a group concert, Sofia Rotaru drew attention to the performance of the Todes ballet and invited him to cooperate. The dances of "Todes" made her songs more spectacular from a stage point of view. In the concert programs of this period, Sofia Rotaru danced almost all the songs with Todes. This creative union lasted for about five years. Alla Dukhova, the artistic director of the ballet, said that it was with Rotaru that the Todes ballet began its successful activity.

1991-1999: New time

In 1991, Sofia Rotaru presented in Moscow an anniversary program dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the singer's creative activity, decorated with laser graphics, candles and fantastic decorations in the form of a moving reddening flower from the legend of Chervona Ruta, from which the singer stepped onto the stage. Anniversary concerts "Flowers of Sofia Rotaru" were held at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia". Central television broadcast this program, and it came out on video in the TV version of the concert. Remaining faithful to the compilation of the first part of her concert programs, the singer sang songs of her youth, but already in remix versions of the songs of Ivasyuk and other famous Ukrainian composers and poets in Ukrainian, in particular, “Chervona Ruta”, “Cheremshina”, “Maple Fire”, "The Edge", "Syzokryliy Ptakh", "Zhovtiy Leaf", which have become classics of Ukrainian pop songs, as well as new "Tango", "Wild Swans" and others. The ensemble "Smerichka" also participated in the concert, which was filmed with Rotaru in the film "Chervona Ruta". The second part was closed by the song "Echo".

After the collapse of the USSR and the commercialization of the musical space, the singer has not lost her leading position in show business, has a stable audience, including in the Russian-speaking diaspora in Europe and the USA. In 1992, a super-hit performed by Rotaru - "The Farmer" (music by Vladimir Matetsky, lyrics by Mikhail Shabovr) was released.

The singer left the Philharmonic and continued recording songs at her own studio in Yalta. In 1993, the first two CDs of the collection of the best songs of the singer were released - "Sofia Rotaru" and "Lavender", then - "Golden Songs 1985/95" and "Khutoryanka". In 1995, Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical film "Old Songs about the Main" by the ORT television company (director Dmitry Fix, producer Konstantin Ernst), performing the song "What You Was" (music by I. Dunayevsky, lyrics by M. Isakovsky). In August 1996, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Honorary Badge of the President of Ukraine. In the same year, on "Song-96" Sofia Rotaru was recognized as the "Best pop singer 1996" and was awarded the name prize. In 1996, the songs "Night of Love" by Laura Quint to the verses of M. Denisov and "There is no place for me in your heart" by Vladimir Matetsky to the verses of Mikhail Faybushevich went to the final of the competition. Also, "Swan Fidelity" was performed, which, however, did not get on the air.

In 1997, Sofia Rotaru starred in the musical film “10 Songs about Moscow” by the NTV television company (project by Leonid Parfyonov and Dzhanik Faiziev), with the song “Moscow May” (music by D. and Dm. Pokrass, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach) with a group Ivanushki International.

In 1997, Sofia Rotaru became an Honorary Citizen of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea; the owner of the honorary prize of the President of Ukraine L. Kuchma for an outstanding contribution to the development of pop art "Song Opening Day" and the Cavalier of the "Order of the Republic of Moldova".

On September 16, 1997, at the age of 77, Sofia Rotaru's mother, Alexandra Ivanovna Rotaru, died. Before these events, Sofia Rotaru repeatedly canceled performances in the concert schedule, anniversary concerts, filming, and other tours.

On the set of the final of “Songs-97”, the singer performed the songs “Your Sad Eyes” (Vladimir Matetsky to lyrics by Liliana Vorontsova), as well as “There Was a Time” (Vladimir Matetsky to lyrics by Mikhail Faybushevich) and “Sweater” (Vladimir Matetsky to lyrics by Alexander Shaganov ).

In 1998, the first official (numbered) CD of Sofia Rotaru was released, the album "Love Me", released on the label "Extraphone". In April of this year, the premiere of Rotaru's new solo program "Love Me" took place at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. Also in 1998, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the "Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" "For the increase of good on Earth." Sofia Rotaru becomes an honorary citizen of the city of Chernivtsi. The song "Zasentyabrilo" is performed in a duet with Nikolai Rastorguev.

In 1999, Star Records released two more CD compilations of the singer in the Star Series. According to the results of 1999, Sofia Rotaru was recognized the best singer Ukraine in the nomination "Traditional Stage", having received the "Golden Firebird", as well as a special award "for contribution to the development of domestic pop music". In the same year, the singer was awarded the "Order of St. Princess Olga III degree" for special personal merits in the development of songwriting, many years of fruitful concert activity and high performing skills. "Russian Biographical Institute" recognized the singer as "Man of 1999".

2000-2006: Musical leadership in the 2000s

In 2000, in Kiev, Sofia Rotaru was recognized as “Man of the 20th century”, “Best Ukrainian pop singer of the 20th century”, “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, Laureate of the “Prometheus - Prestige” award, “Woman of the Year”. In the same year, Sofia Rotaru became the Laureate of the "Ovation" award, "For a special contribution to the development Russian stage". In August 2000, the official website of the singer was opened.

In December 2001, Sofia Rotaru released a new solo concert program "My life is my love!" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of his creative activity. The lyricism of the 80s, the drive of the 90s and the game of halftones were added to the expression of the 70s, on which Rotaru the director, Rotaru the singer built her program, combining new songs and hits of past years, read in a new way. Many of her songs, no matter how many years ago they were sung, do not fit into the "retro" format, continuing to sound modern in every new concert program of the singer. The premiere of the program took place on December 13-15 at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. Sofia Rotaru also presented a new solo program “My life is my love ...” in other cities of Russia, Ukraine and Germany. In this program, for the first time, the singer performed independently as a director, where Boris Krasnov worked with her for the first time as a production designer.

Before solo concerts in Moscow, film and video association " Close-up” presented a video version of the film “Soul” filmed by the Mosfilm studio in 1981 with Sofia Rotaru in the title role. The film took 5th place at the box office in the USSR and is considered to be this moment(2009) Rotaru's most successful film work.

In 2002, the song "My Life, My Love" opened "New Year's Light" on the ORT channel. On January 20, the premiere of the television version of the anniversary solo program of Sofia Rotaru “My Life is My Love”, which was also released on video, took place. On March 2, Sofia Rotaru performed for the first time with a club concert at the Metelitsa entertainment complex, which became an event in cultural life Moscow. On March 6, President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma awarded Sophia Rotaru with the Order of the Holy Princess Olga for "significant labor achievements, high professionalism and on occasion international day women's rights and peace". In April, the first part of the singer's large All-Russian tour began, covering most of the regions of Russia from the Far East to the South of Russia. The second part of the tour took place in September 2002, before touring the cities of Germany.

Released in 2002 new album"I still love you." The official release of the album took place on April 23 at the Extraphone studio in Moscow. This album was the first production experience of Ruslan Evdokimenko, who attracted talented young songwriters Ruslan Kvinta and to create songs. Nevertheless, most of the compositions, as in the previous album "Love me" in 1998, are the work of the composer Vladimir Matetsky. The versatility of each song and the youthful drive of “Girls with a Guitar” (considered music critics the weakest, and which Sofia Rotaru dedicated to the birth of her granddaughter) first appeared in more than 30 years of Sofia Rotaru's work, along with remixes of the songs "You won't ask" (author Rimma Kazakova) and "My life, my love" (in R & B style). Part of the edition was released in a gift package, which includes a bonus track of the new song "Let Go" and an exclusive gift-poster autographed by Sofia Rotaru.

May 24 in Kyiv in front of the building International Center culture and arts, a solemn opening ceremony of the Ukrainian Avenue of Stars took place, among which the “Star of Sofia Rotaru” was lit. On August 7, the birthday of the singer, Sofia Rotaru was awarded the highest in Ukraine title of Hero of Ukraine " for significant personal services to Ukrainian state in the development of art, selfless work in the field of preserving national and cultural traditions, increasing the heritage of the people of Ukraine". August 9, 2002 Sofia Rotaru was awarded the Order of Honor by Presidential Decree Russian Federation « For a great contribution to the development of pop art and the strengthening of Russian-Ukrainian cultural ties».

On August 17 in Yalta, at the City Day, Sofia Rotaru presented to more than 6 thousand spectators at the Avangard stadium a show with light, laser and pyrotechnic special effects, specially brought from Kiev. Also in the summer, the Extraphone label (Moscow, Russia) released remastered versions of the Golden Songs 85-95 and Khutoryanka albums. Part of this edition was released as a gift with a bonus track and an autographed poster of the singer.

On October 23, after another stroke, Sofia Rotaru's husband Anatoly Kirillovich Evdokimenko (producer and artistic director of the Chervona Ruta group, director of most of the singer's concert programs) died in a Kyiv clinic. Sofia Rotaru canceled all concert performances and television shootings, refused to participate in the filming of the musical Cinderella, and for the first time in 30 years did not take part in the final of the Song of the Year festival. After a bereavement, Rotaru temporarily stopped active touring.

On December 25, the official release of the collection of songs by Sofia Rotaru "The Snow Queen" was released on the label "Extraphone" (Moscow, Russia). Part of the album's run was released with an exclusive gift- poster of the singer.

In 2002, the official release of the video version of the film "Where are you, love?" directed by Valeriu Gagiu, released by the film studio "Moldova-Film" in 1980. The video version of the film was published by ARENA Corporation. Starring Sofia Rotaru, Grigore Grigoreu, Konstantin Konstantinov, Evgeny Menshov, Ekaterina Kazemirova, Viktor Chutak. The singer begins cooperation with guitarist Vasily Bogatyrev.

According to the results of 2002, Sofia Rotaru took the 2nd place in popularity among all domestic performers and groups in Russia (the study was conducted by the sociological service of the Gallup Institute).

On April 11, 2003, Sofia Rotaru appeared the composition "White Dance", Ukrainian authors Oleg Makarevich and Vitaly Kurovsky. A new stage of her work began with performances in the concert hall "Russia" in Moscow in honor of the laying of a nominal star in the alley in front of the hall. The main authors working with Rotaru were the composers Ruslan Quinta (“One Kalina”), Oleg Makarevich (“White Dance”) and (“I Loved Him”, “One in the World”), as well as the poet Vitaly Kurovsky. In the same year, an album dedicated to "The Only One", in memory of her husband Sofia Rotaru, was released with new songs and arrangements in Ukrainian and Moldavian, as well as the collection "Leaf Fall".

In 2004, after a four-year break, Sofia Rotaru gave two big solo concerts in Chicago and Atlantic City, where she performed in one of the most prestigious halls - the Taj Mahal theater-casino (in 2001, the tour there was disrupted due to the fact that the sound engineer did not receive a visa).

In 2004, the album "The Sky is Me" and "Lavender, Farmer, then everywhere ..." was released, In 2005 - "I loved him."

In 2004, 2005 and 2006, Sofia Rotaru became the most beloved singer in Russia according to polls of one of the rating sociological agencies.

2007: 60th anniversary - Present

August 7, 2007 Sofia Rotaru celebrated her 60th birthday. Hundreds of fans as well famous artists and politicians came to Yalta from all over the world to congratulate the singer. The President of Ukraine awarded Sophia Rotaru with the Order of Merit, II degree. A solemn reception on the occasion of the anniversary was held in the Livadia Palace.

Honoring the singer continued in September in Sochi, where music competition young performers "Five Stars" one of the competition days was dedicated to her work. And in October 2007, the anniversary concerts of S. Rotaru were held in the State Kremlin Palace, in which popular artists Russia (, A., and others) and Ukraine (Evgenia Vlasova, Tank on the Maidan of the Congo, and others).

The last unreleased single of 2007, “I am your love,” took first place, being four weeks on the Golden Gramophone chart of Russian Radio. From March to May 2008, Sofia Rotaru was on an anniversary tour of Russia.

Currently, Rotaru participates in combined concerts and television programs, sometimes going on small tours. He is in excellent physical and vocal form, has great authority in Ukrainian and Russian musical circles. Doctors forbade Rotaru to do facial plastic surgery.

In October 2011, Sofia Rotaru holds anniversary concerts in Moscow (Kremlin) and St. Petersburg (Ice Palace). The concerts are timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of his creative activity. Especially for these dates, Rotaru is preparing a special program with premieres and new remakes. Due to poor organization, high ticket prices, insufficient advertising, concerts are held in incomplete halls. And if in the Kremlin for 2 days the halls were filled by 80%, then in the Ice Palace of Peter Rotaru was able to collect only a little more than half of the hall. The organizers of the concert suffered heavy losses, including dealers who gave away tickets to the front rows of the stalls almost for free. The singer herself, having quarreled with the organizers, said backstage that she would never give solo concerts in the capitals again. Over the past 20 years, these were the singer's first tours in capitals with such low occupancy.

After counting all the songs of Rotaru performed in the finals of the Song of the Year festival, it turned out that Rotaru holds the absolute record among all participants in history - 83 songs performed at 38 festivals (1973-2011, except 2002).



Father - Rotar Mikhail Fedorovich (22.11.18 - 12.03.04)
Mom - Rotar Alexandra Ivanovna (17.04.20 -16.09.97)


Rotar Anatoly Mikhailovich (08.08.55)
Rotar Evgeny Mikhailovich (03.02.57)


Rotar Zinaida Mikhailovna (11.10.42)
Rotar (Khlyabich) Lidia Mikhailovna (04/08/51)
Rotar (Pigach) Aurika Mikhailovna (22.10.58) Ukrainian pop singer

Evdokimenko Anatoly Kirillovich (01/20/1942-10/23/2002) People's Artist of Ukraine, musician, artistic leader of the "Chervona Ruta" band.


Evdokimeno Ruslan Anatolievich (24.08.70)

Video Sofia Rotaru

the site (hereinafter referred to as the Site) searches for videos (hereinafter referred to as the Search) posted on video hosting (hereinafter - Video hosting). Image, statistics, title, description and other information related to the video are presented below (hereinafter - Video Information) in as part of the search. Sources of Video information are listed below (hereinafter - Sources)...

Sofia Rotaru News

Sofia Mikhailovna Evdokimenko-Rotaru decided to celebrate her 67th birthday this time in Spain. On August 7 this year, she spent only in a close circle of the closest people. Aurelia Mikhailovna Rotaru, dear 55-year-old...

Sergey Lavrov, the director of Sofia Rotaru, shared with the public information that Sofia Rotaru never had Russian citizenship. She is often blackmailed due to the fact that she allegedly renounced Russian citizenship....

Photos by Sofia Rotaru


2017-10-07 21:58:17

Pavel (Sochi)

Rotaru + phonogram = creativity for many years! And you have to pay for such concerts with candy wrappers!

2016-03-03 16:46:27

Asterisk (Kyiv)

My opinion about the star is the best. She is the best, brightest and most beautiful. This man is very great. Her heart is great, pure, kind, and her energy is colossal))) And what is written below ... Then don’t ask where bad luck and black stripes come from, it will return to you like a boomerang several times stronger, life will punish. Don't be venomous

2015-11-24 17:49:52

Asterisk (Kyiv)

People, how are you not ashamed to insult people? If you don't like it, don't listen and move on. Who are you to judge her, that you yourself have done good things in your life and achieved to speak nasty things and judge a person. I have unloved people, but I don’t go to them and don’t write nasty things, but you ... This is low. Be kind and treat others with respect. Those who like her love her. Do you think that everyone likes you, or does your taste in music need to be understood and accepted? It's not up to you to decide where and what) You don't care that others hurt souls, because others love something. Be kinder, be people and don't be rotten in soul) Everyone shouldn't like her, she didn't do anything bad to anyone to talk nasty things about her. And how can you judge and know what kind of person she is? We are all not perfect and not everyone likes our work, but this does not mean that someone has bad tastes, they are just different for everyone. You need to understand and respect other opinions and people)) And you have no right to judge. To cover with muck is low.

2015-11-24 17:43:57

VVV (Moscow)

Grandmother Sonya is in the "honorable" 117th place! Pleases! It's high time to sit at home, she will soon be a great-grandmother, and she sings all songs about love! I would not want such love from an old woman! Leave with dignity!

2015-10-27 19:23:49

Dmitry (Stalingrad)

And she was on TV. Does anyone remember what the show was called?

2015-09-28 16:21:32

Nyuta (Saransk)

I have not loved her since childhood. His eyes have been evil all his life. She is an ardent nationalist. Correctly, her husband's brother wrote in the newspaper that her husband died because of her anger. She's wicked, that's who.

2015-07-23 15:48:46

Igor (Moscow)

Old Sonya spoke at the 95th Quarter and did not want to answer questions about Ukraine. Cunning, cunning, Baba Sonya!

2015-03-12 15:13:19

Stanislav (Moscow)

Take an eraser and erase it from the TV screen! And then she herself, it seems, will not leave the stage, she will fanate for up to 100 years!

2015-02-18 11:42:26

Gulchachak (Almaty)

Sofia, sing until 100! I adore and appreciate you as a singer! You are irresistible!

2015-02-17 17:46:27

Marina and Irina (Moscow)

In old age, it is no longer necessary to sing such songs - "Two Suns", etc. Well, the age is not the same! Well, grandmother Sonya should already understand that songs should be age appropriate. After all, she is almost 70 years old! At 80-90 years old, what will she sing? In general, pensions are prescribed for good reason. Retired - stay at home!

2015-02-17 13:19:34

Vasnetsovs (Moscow)

Under the USSR, she sang political songs. Received titles! Times have changed and now he is already taking pictures with the flag of Ukraine, etc. Here, Pugacheva never had political songs in her work, and it was more honest than like Rotaru - to sing where the wind blows from! There must be honesty in everything!

2015-02-07 13:08:25

Vasnetsovs (Moscow)

Oh, well, indeed, granny flashed on TV !!! Grandma is tired of nausea! If only she sang, otherwise everything is the same, like a record !!!

2015-02-06 19:06:22

Smirnovs (Moscow)

That's who got tired, so tired of this Rotaru. Well, how much more can you blow to the soundtrack? How long can you sing love songs when your granny is already 70? Well, everything has its time! She was young and beautiful, but the years take their toll! It is necessary to explain to the singer that no matter how you smear yourself with plaster, but all the movements on the stage are already senile! All the antics and exclamations of "Where are your hands?" tired! Same. No progress for this singer! Well, that's it, say goodbye to the stage and sit at home, grandmother Sonya!

2015-01-14 18:39:41

Matvey (Moscow)

The songs became like crows on a branch - all the same, all on the same melody. Well, young singers have exactly the same songs, but they attract at least with young bodies! And here there is no voice already, no repertoire, but I’m already silent about age! Stop singing already. Well, let's go for another 10 years with a farewell tour, ride like Allegrova !!!

2014-12-27 19:13:09

Olga (Omsk)

Dear Sofia Mikhailovna! You would like new authors with your voice, as Matetsky, Shabrov used to be. I love you, now I enjoy the voice, not the song. The songs are not very good, but it is with new authors that you will sing your main song. Now I would like to hear the songs "Repentance", "Remember Me Always", "Rowan", "Days Fly", "Fortune", "Our Life" and a good new song about Yalta. Good luck to you and health!

2014-12-22 18:07:25

Aaa (Moscow)

Dear Rotaru! Make way for the young! Well, stop singing to your records! Well, everyone has long seen that you sing to the plywood! Leave with dignity, as Pugacheva left! Well, do not arrange a pensioner's theater from the stage! You are almost 70 years old! How much more to sing!

2014-12-08 19:44:34

Kirill (Sochi)

Her last concert was terrible! We will not go to her concerts anymore, although she was loved! Plywood and all! Well, how not ashamed to deceive people, and even at such an advanced age?! Can't sing, let him stay at home! It's a pity that I fell into such a scam!

2014-12-05 17:59:42

Svetlana (Penza)

Unique!!! Passed through my whole life. Slender, sweet, the best as a singer and just as a woman!!!

2014-11-22 21:22:26

Starkova A. (Yekaterinburg)

He smiles, and his eyes are always angry and always plywood. Cunning Rotaru!

2014-11-09 07:50:14

Maria (Moscow)

If this madam is so bad in Russia, then no one is keeping her! Let him go anywhere, he can even go to America (only who needs her there?)! Let's goodbye!!!

2014-09-15 20:13:01

Daniel (Moscow)

Galchenok! You bark! And I don't know what you stepped on there! And I comment and have the right to my opinion! And not like you, they hang noodles on your ears (phonogram), and you yell "Bravo!" And it has been proven once again - all Rotaru fans are village hamlo, who cannot even write, but only stupidly rude.

2014-08-13 15:45:57

Galchenok (Mozdok)

Why are you barking at a person like a dog whose tail has been stepped on?

2014-08-13 03:39:58

Daniel (Moscow)

She has such evil eyes! And I would like to hear at least one song sung live ... Otherwise, everything is plywood.

2014-07-28 11:44:48

Ildar (Chelyabinsk)

Hello, singer Sofia Rotaru. We, all Russians, like you. We are very proud of you. And we respect and love you very much. My very dear Sofia Rotaru. thanks for your songs and concerts. I watch your concerts on the Internet. Very good songs. We love you, Sofia Rotaru, very much. Thank you for the songs.

2014-06-25 21:48:48

Natalia (Perm)

You know little, and judge so loudly. She is the perfect person both externally and internally. There are few like her. Build your life, achieve the heights that she has achieved. I got out of the simple rural people. Read a biography, reading is more useful than staring balls at a TV set (although no one can take the place of Pugacheva and Rotaru). And she will live forever (I adore her from the age of 9, now I'm 17). As long as I live, she will live, that's for sure. And there are millions like me!

2014-06-16 19:26:52

Galchenok (Mozdok)

Dear Sofia Mikhailovna, I have loved you since childhood.

May 27, 2017 No comments

The famous singer Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru - her biography (born, nationality), personal life, family: children, grandchildren and a new husband - all this is an excellent reason for gossip. After all, for many years, the talent and beauty of the artist have pleased more than one generation of listeners who have grown up on the famous hits of the star, which sound on the radio stations of countries former USSR and to this day!

Sofia Mikhailovna is a native of the village of Marchantsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine. Born in 1947 in a family of immigrants from Moldova. The tendency to sing showed up with early childhood. At school, little Sophia very quickly became one of the main voices of the choir. But at the same time, in addition to active participation in creative life educational institution, the future star showed herself in sports, in particular in athletics. And the all-round development of the girl was helped by a visit to the theater circle, along with participation in school performances and plays. It is no less interesting that Sofia could play several musical instruments at once!

For the first time, they began to talk about Rotaru as a talented singer in 1962: it was then that the girl managed to take first place in the regional amateur art competition. A little later, Sofia Mikhailovna took the Grand Prix at a similar competition in Chernivtsi.

The phenomenal success of the "Bukovina Nightingale" was also appreciated in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR: Sofia also won an honorable first place at the republican competition. It was this competition that determined the future life of the future star: after graduating from school, the singer entered the Bukovina Music College for a course choral singing and the art of conducting. In 1968, the already formed singer became the winner of the ninth world festival of youth and students in the capital of Bulgaria - the city of Sofia.

In the same year, Rotaru marries Anatoly Evdokimenko, who fell in love with the singer at first sight when he saw her picture on the cover of the once popular Ukraine magazine. Since then, Anatoly Evdokimenko (husband of Sofia Rotaru) has provided all possible support to the undertakings of his wife. In 1970, the singer knew the joy of motherhood, and in 1971 the Chervona Ruta ensemble was created, named after the musical, which became the acting debut of young Sofia. A little later, in tandem with the famous Ukrainian composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, Rotaru became known far beyond the borders of the USSR.

Since 1975, after moving to the Crimea, Sofia Mikhailovna has become a regular guest of the New Year's " blue lights". In the 80s, the singer reached the top of the domestic show business, releasing successful albums, acting in films and expanding her repertoire with works in various styles and directions. And, contrary to a common phenomenon, Rotaru's star did not fade away throughout the 90s: releasing hit after hit, the singer strengthened her position in the starry sky, becoming the best Ukrainian pop singer of the 20th century. In the mid-2000s, the singer was awarded the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, 2nd degree, "For Services to the Fatherland."

Due to the incredible popularity, the personal life of the star was an excellent occasion for various gossip regarding how many children Sofia Rotaru has. At present, we can say with confidence that Sofia left one heir - the son of Ruslan, who works in the field of sound recording. It is worth noting that the guy gave her two beautiful grandchildren - Anatoly and Sofia, named after their grandmother.

The turning point in her career was the death of her husband Sofia Rotaru, with whom the singer lived in happy marriage over 35 years. The first concert after the departure of Yevdokimenok from life was dedicated to the bitterness of the loss of a loved one. In connection with the sudden death of her husband, the singer's fans began to wonder where Sofia Rotaru lives now. However, it is quite difficult to answer this question, because the singer owns real estate in the Crimea and Koncha-Zaspa. By the way, the singer has long dreamed of a cottage in the forest, so Ruslan's gift was a rather pleasant surprise for her!

Thanks to this article, the average reader will be able to get acquainted with the life of the famous Soviet singer. Now, Sofia Rotaru has gained the greatest fame on the territory of her homeland - Ukraine.

As for creative talents, many residents of the post-Soviet space know her voice. It is noteworthy that she sings in a contralto voice - a fairly good indicator for a singer. In addition to vocal data, Sofia Rotaru boasts a large number of awards and titles that she received in various periods. Now, the singer's discography includes more than five hundred songs in various languages ​​of the world. Get to know life and in a creative way will be of interest to many - both ordinary readers and fans who have missed some points. Let's get started.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru?

First of all, a biography should begin with the external indicators of a particular person. This will be of particular interest to fans who follow the life of the singer. The main data, as you already understood, is height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru - just such a question can be heard from those who are familiar with her songs from early childhood. The approximate height is just over 169 centimeters, and the weight is 64 kilograms.

In the summer of 2018, Sofia Rotaru celebrates her 71st birthday. Photos in her youth and now will help you understand how the singer has changed over such a period of time. We hasten to say that everything is in order - she monitors her appearance and supports her in every possible way.

Further, readers will be interested in the biography of Sofia Rotaru with the date of birth, which we will present for your study. The future singer was born in Marshintsy, in 1947. The village, at the moment, is located on the territory of Ukraine. Due to some historical events, Sofia has Romanian roots. Father Mikhail, after the birth of his daughter, worked in the vineyards, before that he participated in the Great Patriotic War. There were six children in total. Due to a bureaucratic error, the singer has two birthdays - she herself was born on the seventh of August, and the ninth number is indicated in the passport.

The environment from childhood influenced Sofia's talent. The sister was blind, and in view of this she acquired absolute hearing. Any folk song, she could easily repeat, and subsequently, taught Sophia to sing. Later, the singer will repeatedly express gratitude to her sister, who gave a ticket to the music world.

In her school years, she did not sit still and was energetic. Already in those days, relatives predicted a great future. A large number of hobbies also contributed to this. The girl went in for sports and succeeded well in this matter - at school she had a champion title in the field of all-around. In addition, young Sofia studied acting and, of course, music. Various amateur performances could not do without the participation of the singer, gradually increasing the level of skill.

Already in the school period, Sofia could boast of a strong contralto, and the first tour did not go without a well-aimed nickname - "Bukovina Nightingale".

Real fame came very quickly. It all started in 1962 - the singer won the regional competition. Thanks to this, she reaches the regional level, in which she also wins a prize. In 1964, Sofia Rotaru won the talent festival, thus gaining recognition from the entire Soviet Union.

It turned out to reach the world level after 4 years, at the world festival. Young people from all over the world were gathered there, and journalists from other countries noticed her talent. 1971 becomes a landmark year - Sofia's compositions are used in the film "Chervona Ruta". Thanks to this, collects its own variety ensemble and receive international recognition.

Two years later, Rotaru becomes an honored artist of the Ukrainian SSR, and this is at the age of 26. This prompted her to record a song album, which is dated 1974. After two years, she leaves for Yalta, and for her activities becomes People's Artist Ukrainian SSR. Songs in various languages ​​expand the geography of demand - Europe also invites Sofia to perform.

In 1986, changes in creativity take place - the group breaks up, and the singer decides to pursue a solo career. Of course, there was some change in direction. Since that time, various hits have appeared - “Moon”, “It was”, “Only this is not enough”. Tours happen almost every year, and Rotaru visits almost all corners of his homeland.

After the collapse of the USSR, interest in her person does not fade away, and even vice versa - listeners are getting younger. Two collections are released, which include the singer's hits. At the beginning of the 2000s, Sofia Rotaru received several more awards related to musical data. Apart from solo concerts, she performs with other pop performers - Nikolai Baskov, Rastorguev and others.

On top of that, the singer is trying her hand at cinema. She has several roles in various films - some even became autobiographical.

Fans who follow the latest news about their favorite singer are wondering where Sofia Rotaru lives now, 2018? Of course, it is difficult to answer such a question for sure, but with some facts, we can assume. So, as you may know, the singer has several apartments and houses located in different places.

Not far from the city of Yalta, Sofia has a cottage. Its main advantage is that it is located near the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Because the singer suffers from asthma, she often spent summers here. But now, due to some political and logistical problems, Rotaru rarely visits this property. In the same city, by the way, the artist has her own hotel, which receives visitors during the “velvet” seasons.

In the capital of Ukraine, Sofia Rotaru also has several apartments. One of them is located right in the central part, near St. Sophia Cathedral. The singer herself admits that she keeps outfits there that were created by designers for concerts.

According to the latest data, Sophia lives in the settlement of Pyatikhatki, which is located twenty kilometers from Kyiv. Here she has her own house, three stories high. The building is surrounded by a high fence, and there is a security service. Video cameras are located around the perimeter. In addition, the site is surrounded by coniferous forest.

You can often hear the question - how did the personal life of Sofia Rotaru develop after the death of her husband. Of course, it is immediately worth noting - the loss loved one negatively affected the singer. Not surprising, because the couple had known each other for almost half their lives.

After the tragedy, Sofia Rotaru canceled all performances and concerts. Also, missed international competition"Golden Orpheus", which she visited for almost forty years in a row. After a while, when the artist came to her senses after a tragic loss, she no longer started romantic relationship. In contrast, she continued to create in memory of her husband - many live performances were dedicated to him.

The family and grandchildren of Sofia Rotaru is a rather interesting part of the biography of the famous singer. As already mentioned earlier, from early childhood, she was surrounded by creative people. Sophia's sister was blind and had excellent hearing - she taught Russian folk songs and sang with her sister. The head of the family also did not lag behind - he had certain musical talents, and he helped both daughters in every possible way. It is noteworthy that before the Russian songs, the family used the Moldavian language as the main language.

From her only son, the singer already has a grandson and granddaughter, who, apparently, were named after the "old people" - Anatoly and Sofia.

As you understand, the singer did not have a large number of novels, as is now customary in show business. Sofia Rotaru has one marriage, from which she has a son. Of course, various rumors appear on the network every now and then, the main topic of which is the children of Sofia Rotaru. Several times, the singer wanted to attribute kinship with other children, but such statements will only make the favorite of millions laugh.

We can assure you that Soviet artist one son Ruslan, who already had two of his children - in 1994 and 2001. Thus, the Rotaru clan expanded, however, under the name of her husband - Evdokimenko.

More and more relevant for network users is the son of Sofia Rotaru - Ruslan Evdokimenko with his wife Svetlana. Photos of young people can be found in the public domain. By the way, the couple's first child was born in 1970.

As you know, Ruslan followed in the footsteps of his parents, and decided to connect life with art, but in a more modern direction. Now, he works as a music producer, and is quite popular. His wife is also associated with creativity - she is an executive producer. As you can see, the Rotaru family contains exclusively people of art. It remains to wait what choice of profession the grandchildren of the folk singer will make.

The husband of Sofia Rotaru is Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband?

A topic that is not without popularity is the husband of Sofia Rotaru, Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband? - the media started talking a few years after the tragedy. The press tried to guess the new chosen one, but everything turned out to be easier. The singer remained faithful to her husband, and after the death of Anatoly, she no longer started relationships with men.

The future spouses met in 1964. Then, Sofia Rotaru got on the cover of "Ukraine" - a popular magazine. Anatoly who loved musical art, quickly found the singer and made an acquaintance. After a while, young people decided to create their own ensemble "Chervona Rutu".

Already in 1968, the musicians legalized relations by playing a wedding. Anatoly had to go to the Far East for student practice. Sofia Rotaru went with him, where she taught music lessons. Two years after the wedding, the first child was born.

Until the death of her husband, both spouses conducted joint musical activities - Anatoly often helped in organizing concerts.

As you already know, today's singer is seventy years old. Despite this, she still looks relatively young. And those who follow her life will say - in spite of everything, age-related changes are almost imperceptible on the artist.

Of course, because of this state of affairs, photos of Sofia Rotaru before and after plastic surgery are gaining popularity. It is difficult, of course, to name the exact date, and it makes no sense - there are several anti-aging procedures, and all are performed at different periods. First of all, experts note facelifts and body shaping, which helped Rotaru keep his youth. In addition, it is worth noting the lifting of age-old arches and the removal of wrinkles under the eyes.

As for the artist herself, she indirectly talks about using the services plastic surgeons. At the same time, she continues to take care of her own beauty and monitors her external indicators.

Due to the age of the idol, there is more and more discussion among fans regarding what Sofia Rotaru is without makeup and photoshop. Photos of this nature are easy to find using the Internet. Especially well, social networks cope with this matter, but more on that below.

Relatively recently, fans have found what Sofia Rotaru looks like without makeup - photos on the network have pleased many. The thing is that in the photographs, the favorite singer of millions appears with her natural beauty, without additional retouching and embellishments. Fans also recommend Sofia not to abuse plastic surgery, and leave the natural charm.

It is hard to imagine modern star no page in in social networks. However, official pages Sofia Rotaru appeared on the Internet at the end of 2016. Since then, Sofia Rotaru's Instagram and Wikipedia have been gaining more and more popularity.

Wikipedia contains basic and comprehensive information about the artist's life. There you can find all the awards that Sofia Rotaru deserved. Representatives of the older generation will be interested in recalling the main hits and films with the participation of the singer.
