Summary of Nosov's stories for the reader's diary. Reader's diary on children's literature

Purpose: to acquaint with the work of N. Nosov, to make children feel the extraordinary power of the word, to interest the problem of the work, to develop the skills of fluent expressive reading, to form the ability to correctly express one's thoughts, to cultivate honesty, truthfulness.

Equipment: exhibition of books by N. Nosov, drawings based on his story.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment


Conversation. Emotional mood

Teacher: Guys, now we have a lesson in literature, a lesson in communication. By tradition, we will begin our lesson with the song “Smile” by V. Shainsky, because it is pleasant to communicate with a cheerful, friendly person. Smile at each other, smile at me.

Game "Hi, neighbor!"
(The students turn to their neighbor and, looking into each other's eyes, say the words:

Hi, neighbor!
Smile back at me.
I want you not to be sad
Gave everyone smiles today.

(V. Shainsky’s song “Smile” sounds, the children sing along)

3. Immersion in the topic of the lesson

- Today we will continue our journey through the pages of N.N. Nosov's favorite books. These books have become our kind and intelligent friends. Let's talk to them. They will tell us many funny and interesting stories.

Let's open familiar books
Let's go from page to page again.
It's always nice to be with your favorite character.
Meet again, make friends.
It does not matter that we have known the book for a long time,
Let them know the hero very well.
And how it will end there is also known.
Good books are always interesting.

Let the computers wait
Let the computers rest
From you and you from them
Among the fine books.

- Guys, look carefully at the exhibition of Nosov's books.

Give a name to the book exhibition. (Books by N. Nosov. Books about boys and girls. About our peers,)

We have been reading books for several lessons. children's writer N. Nosova. Nosov knows how to talk cheerfully, playfully about serious and important matters.

Books ask:
- And now you, friends,
Get to know us!

- Determine from which works of N. Nosov these lines are taken:

1) Just climbed up the hill - bang your nose!

- Wow! - Says. - Slippery! (“On the hill.”)

2) It's good that we have our own house! We will always live and will not let anyone in, and if the gray wolf comes, we will drive him away. (“Entertainers.”)

3) The hat crawled out into the middle of the room and stopped. The boys look at her and tremble with fear. (“living hat”.)

- Well done!

Guess guys
Now this is a mystery...

All children together build a slide in the yard.
Only one not an assistant to this kid.
Standing and patiently waiting
When the people go home
When he finally gets lucky:
Will he go on and on from the hill?

(Staging of an episode from the story “On the Hill” p. 94 in Kubasova’s textbook “Favorite Pages. Grade 2”.)

- Guys, do you think Kotka realized his mistake?

This story isn't scary, it's funny.
The guys were afraid of a living hat.
Name the characters in the story
And be ready at the blackboard to retell.

(Retelling from the drawings of children at the blackboard)

4. Acquaintance with the story of N. Nosov “Dreamers”

– Today we will get acquainted with another story by N. Nosov “Dreamers”.

Who are the dreamers?

From Ozhegov's dictionary:

  • Dreamers are people who like to fantasize, dream.
  • To fantasize is to invent something implausible, impossible, unnecessary.
  • Fantasy is something far-fetched, implausible, unrealizable.

- Now we will find out what dreamers were in the story of N. Nosov.

What will the pages tell us?

talking birds,
Wizard's magic
Are you ready to hear?

- Now I will see how you carefully read the story and answer the question (question on the board, children read it in chorus):

- Why did Nosov call the heroes of his story dreamers?

(They came up with funny, interesting, incredible stories)

Role Reading - pp. 177-181

On the desk:


5. Physical education

W.: Get ready for the rocket launch!
D.: There are get ready.
W.: Enable contacts.
D.: There are enable contacts.
W.: Start the motor.
D.: There is to start the engine.

(Clap hands 5 times, swipe left, swipe right, down, up. 5 times up, down, left, right. Hooray!)

6. Work on the story "Dreamers"

- And now a competition of speakers is being announced. (The speaker is the one who delivers the speech, as well as the person with the gift of eloquence).

- Each person must learn to put himself in the place of another, to see the world through the eyes of others, to understand it.

- Introduce yourself as Igor. What story would you tell the kids?

(Tell 2-3 people)

And now let's get acquainted with how N. Nosov finished his book. (teacher reading up to p. 182. Pg. 182 (middle) - reading in unison)

Conversation on:

1) What did you like about the story?

2) Who would you like to be friends with? Why? (We would like to be friends with Stas, Mishutka, they were cheerful, smart, funny, kind, fair, honest.)

3) Reading the question from the board.

4) Was Igor a dreamer? (No.)

5) What was the name of the guys? (Libber.)

6) How do the inventions of the dreamers Mishutka and Stasik differ from the invention of Igor? (Stasik and Mishutka have funny, kind inventions, while Igor has bad, evil ones. He composed for his own benefit.)

7) Think about what is better: fantasize like Mishutka and Stasik, or deceive like Igor? Why?

8) What did Nosov want to teach the guys in this story?

9) Has something similar happened to you?

10) What the main idea story?

Conclusion: with a person who knows how to fantasize, it is always interesting, he is able to paint the world in the brightest colors. Fantasies are harmless. But when a person, writing and inventing, deceives others - this is bad, dishonest, not friendly. N. Nosov wrote his story in the genre of soft satire so that children, laughing at other people's shortcomings, could correct their own.

- Come on, guys, now, after we understand Igor's mistake, let's make a symbolic oath to ourselves and to each other.

Stand up, put your right hand on the left side of your chest, turn to face each other and repeat after me:

We, students of the 2nd "A" class of school No. 5, swear and promise:

Fantasize, write and compose,
Think a lot and reflect on the text,
But don't lie, never lie
We swear to each other always!
We swear! We swear! We swear!

- Reading stories and novels by N. Nosov, you can easily learn how to cook porridge, build an incubator, make sparklers. And also be honest, truthful, inquisitive, courageous. There are almost no excellent students among Nosov's works. The guys Nosov writes about are the most ordinary schoolchildren: noisy, cheerful, inquisitive, active, in some ways similar to N. Nosov himself in childhood.

V. Kataev said wonderful words about him: “This talented person forever young, childishly pure, wonderful soul”

7. Summary of the lesson

- Well done boys! You did a great job on the work of N. Nosov "Dreamers". Let's make a brief summary of the lesson by filling out a small questionnaire.

Write on the sheets:

- Which character did you like the most?

What is the main word of the piece? (honesty)

- I am very glad that you liked Sasha and Mishutka, and the main word is honesty. I hope that Nosov's stories will be useful to you as well. Thank you for the lesson.



1) Play dreamers: compose fables;
2) Think, fantasize, how would Nosov answer the question: how to write for children?

Baleisky branch

State professional educational institution

"Chita Pedagogical College"

Reader's diary

By children'sliterature

Developed by: Verkhoturova E.,

group 517 student

"The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

Summary story: the story tells about the adventures of short men from one fabulous city who live without worries. They are called shorties because they are very small, about the size of a small cucumber. And the most famous among them is Dunno. Whatever this mischievous shorty undertakes, he will surely fall into a funny and funny story raising a ruckus throughout the city.

Heroes of the story: Dunno, Znayka, Toropyzhka, Rasteryayka, mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, musician Guslya, artist Tube, Dr. Pilyulkin, Donut, Syrupchik, Pulka hunter, Grumpy, Silent.

Characteristics of Dunno: dreamer, braggart, fidget, bully, brave, lazy, ignorant, cheerful, frivolous.

"The Adventures of Dunno in the Sunny City".

Main characters: Dunno, Button, Motley.

Characteristics of heroes:

The button is kind, educated, inquisitive.

Motley - lazy, kind, sociable, good-natured, imperturbable.

Dunno - a dreamer, braggart, fidget, bully, brave, lazy, ignorant, cheerful, frivolous.

"Mishkina porridge".

Summary of the story: a story about two boys Misha and Kolya. Kolya's mother leaves for two days and leaves the boys alone to manage, explaining how to cook porridge. The guys rested on the river all day, fished, and when they got hungry, they got down to business. It turned out that it was not such a simple thing to cook - their porridge turned out to be alive, everything wanted to escape from the pan, the minnows stuck to the pan, and the oil burned with a blue flame.

Main characters: Misha and Kolya.

Kolya is kind, patient, reliable, serious.

Bear - restless, energetic, self-confident, active, cheerful.

Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn.

Main character: Kolya Sinitsyn.

Characteristics of Kolya - hardworking, diligent, organized, patient, purposeful, resourceful.

Merry and instructive story about an excellent student Kolya, who decided to start a diary to write down smart thoughts and interesting events that will happen to him in the summer. At first, nothing interesting happened, but then, the guys from Kolya's class decided to start their own apiary and breed bees. To do this, it was necessary to go to the country, out of town, and here adventures begin.

"Jolly Family"

Main characters: Misha and Kolya, their classmates.

Characteristics of heroes: with broad interests, curious, decisive, honest, organized, patient.

Odnoklassniki: reliable, serious, ready to support, conscientious, tactful.

Misha and Kolya decided to make an incubator to hatch chickens. They read how to make this device themselves, made it, went to the village for fresh eggs and began to be on duty at the incubator. The guys were on duty day and night. It was especially difficult for them at night. It was necessary to turn the eggs every three hours so that they would not “suffocate”, or rather, the embryos that had already begun to develop in the eggs would not suffocate. Classmates came to the aid of the boys. The chicks hatched safely.

"The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin".

Characteristics of Tolya: having a rich imagination, frivolous, touchy, courageous.

"Vitya Maleev at school and at home."

The main characters of the story: Vitya Maleev and Kostya Shishkin.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Vitya is calm, reasonable, purposeful, friendly.

Kostya is weak-willed, active, energetic, mischievous.

Summary of the story: a book about two school friends: Vita and Kostya. Vitya studies very well, but Kostya does not do well in Russian and constantly gets deuces. Because of this, he began to write off homework, skip classes when there was a dictation, did not go to school, deceived everyone that he was sick. Vitya helped Kostya to become better, who began to study Russian with a friend after lessons. As a result, friends graduated from the fourth grade with only fives.


The main characters of the story: Mishutka and Stasik, Igor.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Mishutka and Stasik are kind, dreamy, creative, friendly, and honest.

Igor is boring, boastful, unfair, deceitful.

This story is about two guys - Mishutka and Stasik. They are cheerful and kind. They have a rich imagination. They sit on a bench and fantasize. Fantasies take the guys to the ocean to sharks, to Africa to crocodiles, or even to the moon. Their harmless fantasies do no harm to anyone, the guys just invent, invent fairy tales. Igor approaches them, laughing at the children's fantasies and telling the boys how he deceived his sister and parents yesterday.

Mishutka and Stasik did not like Igor's mean act. The guys immediately understood the difference between their fantasies and Igor's evil lies.

Having met Igor's tearful sister, Ira, the boys share their ice cream with her to console the girl.

"Dad, mom, eight kids and a truck."

Brief summary of the story: this is a story about an unusual family - dad, mom and eight children whose names begin with the letter M - Maren, Martin, Mona, Mads, Milli, Mina, Martha, Morten, their grandmother and the truck on which dad earns money and about a dog named Samovar Pipe. Eight brothers and sisters - this is not often seen. And although they live in an apartment where there is only one room, they do not complain about life and quarrel very rarely.

Characteristics of family members: kind, attentive, sympathetic, reliable, cheerful.

"Aurora from the corps" c ".

This story is about friendly Norwegian family where father, mother, girl Aurora and her brother Socrates live. It is no coincidence that they unusual names, their dad is a scientist, he studies Ancient Greece. He sits at home and takes care of the children while his mother goes to work, but he does not shirk work at all, as the neighbors think, but writes a dissertation. And Aurora, as best she can, helps dad around the house.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Dad and mom: purposeful, creative, determined, independent.

Aurora: friendly, honest, patient, reliable, independent.

"The Lion and the Dog"

A sad and tragic story about human cruelty and bestial devotion.

Cruel - because people throw live dogs to be eaten by a lion, and sad - because it tells about the death and loss of a friend.

I really feel sorry for the dog and the lion, I would like the animals to stay alive and be friends.

literary reading lesson in grade 2

“N. Nosov “Dreamers”. moral problem,

defining the meaning of the story

UMK "Perspective Primary School»

Ershova Tatyana Anatolyevna,

teacher primary school

Goals: 1. Based on the material of the lesson, create conditions for the formation of the ability to determine and analyze the characters and actions of the characters, the ability to analyze illustrations, clarify children's ideas about fantasy and lies, and on the basis of this, identify the theme and idea of ​​the work. Continue to work on improving reading skills (mindfulness, correctness, expressiveness).

2. Develop students' speech, enriching it artistic word, creative thinking And creative imagination ability to analyze, summarize, draw conclusions.

3. Educate from students moral qualities personalities: honesty, empathy; communication culture in the process of working in pairs.

Equipment: cards with words for the teacher and students (in envelopes), a portrait of N. Nosov, an audio recording of a song from the cartoon, illustrations for the story, hearts, an exhibition of books by N. Nosov, a textbook " Literary reading» Grade 3 (author Churakova N.A.), notes on the blackboard.

During the classes

    Organizational moment.

    Emotional mood.

We have guests today. We are, of course, very happy with them. Turn to them and smile - share your joy. They will smile at you too. From our smiles in the classroom it became so warm, light and cozy.

III. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Two urgent telegrams came to our class. Name the sender of the telegram and the story.

The hill turned out good. Slippery.

(Kotka "On the hill")

Vaska, dear, how did you get under the hat?

(Vadik "Live hat")

What do you think these stories have in common? (They were written by N. Nosov)

Now, perhaps, you yourself will be able to tell what will be discussed in the lesson?

We will get acquainted with another story by N. Nosov.

I would also like to introduce you to this writer.

IV. Introductory conversation.

1. Acquaintance with the biography of the writer.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in 1908 in Kyiv, in the family of an actor. After graduation, he studied in Moscow, at the Institute of Cinematography. He worked as a director, directed many animated, scientific and educational films. He did not think about becoming a writer.

Look carefully at the portrait of the writer. What kind of person does he seem to you?

Nosov was an unsociable, reserved person. He was surprisingly delicate, vulnerable and even insecure. By nature, he had a variety of talents. Nikolai Nikolaevich wrote about himself:

"IN school years dreamed of becoming a musician, then he abandoned the violin, became interested in chemistry and was preparing to enter the Chemistry Department of the Polytechnic Institute, then changed his mind and entered Art Institute, worked in cinema, then became a children's writer.

How did it happen that N. Nosov became a writer? His son grew up and asked for more and more fairy tales. And so Nosov began to compose for him funny stories who everyone loves so much.

2. Vocabulary work.

Divide words into groups (in pairs).

Before starting work on a new story, I suggest working in pairs and dividing the words into two groups.

(Cards with words are in envelopes on the desks. After discussion in pairs, the decision is put on the board.)

What is the difference between fantasy and lies, it will help to find out the story "Dreamers".

V. Understanding what has been read.

1. Checking the primary perception.

I asked you to read the text of the story at home. How did you feel when you read this story?

What impressed you?

2. Selective reading.

The action in the story develops very quickly, events follow one after another. We said in previous lessons that it is very difficult to depict an action in one illustration. Therefore, the artist creates a series of pictures, each of which corresponds to one moment of the action, and together they tell about what happened.

(Children find and read passages from the text corresponding to the illustrations.)

What do you think, to what very important episodes story, the artist "forgot" to draw illustrations? (Conversation with Igor, Igor's deceit, upset Ira.)

3. Reading by roles.

Three trained students read the conversation of Igor, Mishutka and Stasik from the words “Neighborly Igor came here ...” and to the words “Igor got up and left.”

VI. Fizminutka.

I know that you are also big dreamers and inventors. Imagine that you are in a sunny meadow where a grasshopper is jumping.

(To the melody “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”, the children perform movements.)

Guys, who came up with this song? Where have you met her before? (N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends")

VII. Understanding what has been read.

4. Modeling.

Let's try to determine what kind of relationship the characters in the story had. name everyone actors.

(A model appears on the board in the process of work.)


dream up







What do we now know about Mishutka and Stasik?

What words can we pick up, sign under this pair of names?

What can you say about Igor?

What was the purpose of Mishutka and Stasik telling fables? (Who will compose more incredible story, had fun.)

For what purpose did Igor lie? (For my own benefit.)

What came of this lie? (Another person suffered, his sister Ira.)

Mishutka and Stasik tell Ira their stories. For what? (Cheer her up.)

Why do you think N. Nosov told this story?

VIII. Generalization.

One boy read this story and this story touched his nerves so much that the boy published his letter on the Internet. Here is the letter.

“I really liked Nosov’s story “Dreamers” because it tells about the same boys as me and my classmates. Mishutka and Stasik are cheerful and kind guys. They have a rich imagination. They probably read a lot, because the fantasy "takes" the guys either into the ocean to sharks, then to Africa to crocodiles, or even to the moon. These harmless fantasies do no harm to anyone, but only teach boys to dream. Mishutka and Stasik did not like Igor's vile act when he let his sister down. The guys immediately understood the difference between their fantasies and Igor's evil lies. Having met the tearful Ira, Igor's sister, the boys share their ice cream with her to console the girl.

The story of the writer Nosov teaches us kindness, responsiveness, attentive, sensitive attitude towards others.
My classmates and I also love to invent all sorts of fantastic stories, but we never offend anyone with our inventions. And the one who will lie and invent to the detriment of others, we will drive out of our company. Fantasy should lead a person to ingenuity. After all, it’s not without reason that all sorts of machines that science fiction writers describe in their works sooner or later appear in real world rather than in a fantasy world. Therefore, fantasizing is not only interesting, but also useful.

S.V. Mikhalkov said this about Nosov:

(writing on the board)

« All the heroes of Nosov are “as if alive”, and their imagination, their actions and even tricks teach readers goodness ... "

S.V. Mikhalkov

IX. Reflection.

x. Homework.
