Alexander Rybak: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Norwegian singer Alexander Rybak: biography, family, career Alexander Rybak now

Childhood and education of Alexander Rybak

Alexander Rybak was born in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Alexander's parents are professional musicians. Father Igor Alexandrovich is a violinist of the musical ensemble of the city of Vitebsk, and mother Natalya Valentinovna is a pianist, works in the editorial office music programs on Belarusian television. Grandmother Maria Borisovna Savitskaya is also related to music, she worked as a teacher at a music school.

Alexander from childhood followed in the footsteps of his parents, showing interest in music and singing. From the age of 5, under the guidance of his father, he studied music, studied violin and piano, danced and sang songs. own composition.

When the son was 4 years old, the family moved to Norway, where his father was invited to work. Alexander studied at a music school, and after graduating he entered the conservatory in the city of Oslo, where he is still studying.

Musical activity of Alexander Rybak

WITH early years Alexandra began to play with his father in the musical of the vocalist of the Norwegian a-ha band Morten Harket. During his tour, he visited different countries Europe, USA and China. He happened to perform on the same stage with famous musicians and singers: Hanne Krogh, Arve Tellefsen and the world famous violinist Pinchas Zukerman.

In 2006, Rybak took part in the Kjempesjansen competition for young talents in Norway, where he performed his song "Foolin"" and became the winner.

Currently, Alexander Rybak is a member of the Norwegian Youth Symphony Orchestra Ung Symphony, where he holds the position of accompanist. Alexander's musical idols are: The Beatles, Sting and Mozart.

In May 2009, Rybak took part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009, where he performed the song of his composition "Fairytale". He became the winner of the competition and set a new record with 387 points. According to Alexander, the song is dedicated to him ex girlfriend Ingrid. In June 2009 Alexander's first album "Fairytale" (Tales) was released.

Eurovision 2009: Alexander Rybak

The success of Alexander Rybak in Russia

In September 2009, Rybak became a member of Channel One's talent show - "Minute of Glory". In November of the same year, the singer took part in a concert dedicated to the Day of the Police, where he performed his song "Fairy Tale" in Russian.

In November, Alexander Rybak gave concerts in Moscow, Samara, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg. On November 30, Alexander, together with Alexei Yagudin, participated in the presentation of the new symbols of the 2014 Winter Olympics, which took place on Red Square.

In December, Alexander Rybak took part in the Nobel concert in Oslo, he performed his song "Fairytale" in an arrangement with a symphony orchestra. Then he participated in the Ukrainian "Star Factory".

In early 2010, Alexander voiced the main character in the Norwegian cartoon How to Train Your Dragon.

On March 8, 2010 Alexander Rybak gave a concert in the Estonian capital in Tallinn in concert hall Nokia. In June of the same year, his second album, No Boundaries, was released.

Alexander Rybak - Heaven of Europe

In October 2010, Alexander performed at the Russian Romance music festival in Finland.

In 2011, the most significant events in Alexander's life are the release of the new album Visa Vid Vindens Ängar in collaboration with Swedish authors, as well as participation in a vocal TV show in Kiev and a dance program on television in Stockholm.

On June 19, 2012, Alexander took part in the project "Fathers and Sons", which took place in the Dzintari Concert Hall in Latvia, it was also attended by Alexander's father - Igor Rybak and musicians Mikhail and Boris Kazinsky.

Alexander Rybak and allegations of plagiarism

Alexander Rybak was repeatedly suspected of plagiarism. His song "Fairytale" is reminiscent of the song "Bit Pazari" by Turkish singer Hussein Yalın, and the song "Abandoned" is similar to the "Crane Song" by Kirill Molchanov.

For his song “I Don’t Believe in Miracles”, similar to “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” by Aerosmith, Alexander Rybak was even declared the winner of the Silver Galosh 2010 anti-award.

Alexander Rybak is the winner of Eurovision in 2009. A young man with a touching appearance and a strong voice charmed the audience of the show and set a record for the number of points scored in the competition. This victory provided the young Norwegian musician with Belarusian origin popularity around the world.

The biography of Alexander Rybak originates in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. The singer was born on May 13, 1986, today he has become the standard of success among young singers and composers in Europe.

Alexander grew up in creative family. Alexander Rybak's parents are professional musicians who set an example for the boy from an early age. Father Igor Alexandrovich played all his life in musical ensemble Vitebsk on the violin. The singer's mother, Natalya Valentinovna, a pianist, devoted herself to editing music programs on television in Belarus.

Love for music in the family of Alexander Rybak was passed down from generation to generation, grandmother Savitskaya Maria Borisovna is also associated with this direction, the woman taught students lessons at the music school. From a young age, the boy was interested in singing and music. Already at the age of five, Alexander began to take steps under the guidance of his father, the boy was taught to play the piano and violin.

IN early age Alexander Rybak composed the first songs, which he subsequently performed. In 1990, a family with a young son moved to Norway, where his father got a prestigious job. Alexander Rybak was sent to School of Music Having received a certificate, the young man showed off his talents and entered the Oslo Conservatory.

From childhood, Sasha was admired by three performers who became an incentive and role model for him -, a group and.

From childhood, Alexander Rybak participated as a vocalist in the musical of the Norwegian group "A-ha" under the direction of Morten Harket. A young guy over the years of growing up managed to travel around most of the countries of Europe, visited China and the USA. Rybak was lucky enough to step on the same stage with legendary stars music by Arve Tellefsen and Hanne Krogh. The world-famous violinist Pihnas Zukerman was praised for his diligence, talent and love for music.

2006 was marked for the singer by successful participation in competitive program young talents "Kjempesjansen", which took place in Norway. There the young man performed own song"Foolin'" and won first place for it. Today, Alexander Rybak works in the Wing Symphony Symphony Youth Orchestra in Norway as an accompanist.


In the spring of 2009, the whole world watched how Alexander Rybak won the hearts of billions of viewers on international competition Eurovision 2009, where he sang and played his own song "Fairytale" on the violin.

Rybak set an absolute record (387 points) in the history of the competition and became the winner. The singer himself soon said that the composition was dedicated to ex-lover musician Ingrid.

Alexander Rybak's first album was released a month after Eurovision. fans young artist stood in line at music stores to buy CDs. The rapid growth of popularity made an unknown young man a superstar literally overnight.

The fateful 2009 did not end with the victory at Eurovision and the release of the album. Already in September, Alexander Rybak decided to take part in popular show on Channel One - "Minute of Glory".

The tour of Russia, which began in November, took place with resounding success. Alexander Rybak managed to visit St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don. At the end of the month, an event was held at which the singer, together with the famous figure skater, presented the future symbols for Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi.

As a favorite and performer, Rybak came to the Ukrainian Star Factory, where he sang along with one of the project participants. In January 2010, Alexander Rybak was invited to voice the protagonist of the Norwegian cartoon How to Train Your Dragon. A few months later, the residents of Tallinn could hear the artist perform live, the concert was held in the Nokia hall, and the demand for tickets was overwhelming.

Last on this moment studio album"Christmas Tales" was released in 2012, but this does not mean that the musician has ceased to delight fans with new songs.

At the same time, the musician composes new compositions both for himself and for other performers. In 2014, the Norwegian musician wrote "Still Here" for the Eurovision participant representing Malta, Franklin Halley.

In 2015, together with Belarusian colleagues, the musician composed a song called "Accent". The Belarusian group "Milki" performed this composition at the Belarusian republican stage of the selection for Eurovision, where it took fourth place.

In 2015, Rybak recorded a song that quickly became a hit. His "Kitten" was distinguished by its easy romantic sense and repetitive plain text. The song and video quickly gained a lot of fans. In 2016, a video for the song "Ambrazame" was released.

In addition, the musician regularly appears on television, and the singer is welcome in Norwegian, Belarusian, and Russian TV channels. In 2015, the musician became a participant in the One to One! transformation show, where he reached the final and took second place. Also, Rybak himself became the object of parodies in this TV show.


Repeatedly since the Eurovision 2009, Alexander Rybak has been accused of plagiarism. Self-composed songs by a musician are often very similar to existing compositions. Rybak's popular song "Fairytale" in its motives is very similar to the song "Bit Pazari", which is performed Turkish singer Hussein Yalyn.

Another reason for the scandal was the song "Abandoned", someone thought that it was too similar to the "Crane Song" by Kirill Molchanov. At the same time, Rybak himself did not deny this similarity, on the contrary, the musician's representatives said that this is really the same composition, only the transfer of rights to performance and processing were executed in accordance with all the rules. Rybak honestly bought the rights to the performance, which simply cannot be considered plagiarism.

Alexander Rybak in 2010 won the Silver Galosh anti-award, then the musician heard accusations of plagiarism because of the composition “I don’t want to miss a thing”, which was similar to one of the group’s songs.

One of the tracks of the album "No Boundaries" turned out to be very similar to the song "How beautiful you are today." This gave rise to a wave of indignation both in the press and on the Web, as it turned out later, in vain. Rybak again legally bought the rights to the tune he liked.

Personal life

The young man gained immense popularity, but this did not help him much in his personal life. Ingrid, in whose honor the song that brought victory to the musician was written, left Rybak five years before Eurovision. He tried to restore a relationship with a girl, becoming popular, but saw that Ingrid only earns on their common past. In order not to stir up his long-standing feelings, Alexander did not raise a scandal and try to prevent her.

In 2010, Alexander warmly supported German singer during Eurovision. He rehearsed with her and just spent a lot of time around. The girl took first place and continued to communicate with the musician. The lovers did not deny that they are a couple, and hinted at the wedding. But the marriage did not happen.

Today, Alexander Rybak tells reporters that he has a girlfriend whom he does not plan to marry yet and whose identity he does not want to reveal to the press.

Alexander Rybak now

In early 2018, it became known that the musician was selected as the representative of Norway to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, which brought world fame to the performer.

On March 10, 2018, the singer became the winner of the final of the Norwegian qualifying round for potential Eurovision participants. Thanks to this victory, the musician received an honest right to represent the country in the competition. The song “That's How You Write a Song” brought the victory to the singer at this stage.

In an interview about participating in Eurovision for the second time, the musician admitted that he wants to become a reason for the pride of his native Norway, but at the same time, the musician admits that his chances of winning are rather small, because in the entire history of the competition only one person has managed to do this - Representative of Ireland Johnny Logan.


To date, the discography of Alexander Rybak has five studio albums:

  • 2009 - "Fairytales"
  • 2010 - "Heaven of Europe"
  • 2010 - "No Boundaries"
  • 2011 - "Visa Vid Vindens Angar"
  • 2012 - "Christmas Tales"

The singer also has more than a dozen separate singles and clips.

Alexander Igorevich Rybak - musician, singer and composer, winner of the international Eurovision Song Contest, he was born on May 13, 1986 in Minsk. Despite the fact that the young man was born in Belarus, he represented Norway at the song contest. For the entire time of the Eurovision, there was not a single performer who won with such a margin, so the musician instantly became known around the world. His undoubted talent, coupled with natural charm, helped win a huge number of fans.

creative family

It seems that Sasha's future was predetermined, because his parents were directly related to art. The singer's mother, Natalya Valentinovna, works as a music editor on television, she plays the piano superbly. His father Igor Alexandrovich is a violinist of a musical ensemble, originally from Vitebsk. Even the violinist's grandmother, Savitskaya Maria Borisovna, is fond of art, she works as a teacher at a music school.

Relatives from childhood instilled in Rybak a love for classical and ethnic compositions, already at the age of three the boy began to sing the first songs. When he was five, his parents began to teach his son to play the violin and piano. He also sang and danced well.

In 1990, Igor received an offer to work in Norway. For some time the family lived there, then they returned to give their son a decent education. Sasha studied for several years at a school at the Belarusian Academy of Music, then the Rybaki decided to return to Oslo. There, the young man successfully graduated from a music school, after which he entered the conservatory. Alexander received his diploma in 2009, then he decided to study violin at the Academy of Music, which he graduated in 2012.

Musical career

At a young age, Sasha already went on tour with his father. Together they played in the musical M. Harket, the vocalist of the A-Ha band. The program was successful in Europe, America and China. During this period of time, Rybak was able to perform on the same stage with Arve Tellefsen, Hanne Krog and Pihnas Zukerman.

In 2006, the young man performs at the Kjempesjansen competition for young talents, where he performs an author's song called "Foolin'". Alexander receives first place, after which he is invited to work as an accompanist in the Ung Symfoni Symphony Youth Orchestra.

On May 16, 2009, the grand finale of the Eurovision contest took place, in which Rybak scored 387 points and became the winner. A few months later, the singer's debut album was released, a queue of fans formed in every store. In 2010 Sasha released a second disc called "No Boundaries".

worldwide success

After winning the international competition, Alexander began to receive proposals from representatives of different countries. Director Timur Bekmambetov asked the composer to write a soundtrack for his film "Black Lightning". In November 2009, Rybak performed at a concert dedicated to the Day of the Police. There he performed a Russian-language version of the song "Fairytale" called "Fairy Tale".

In early 2010, Sasha tried his hand at voice acting. He spoke in his voice main character animated film"How to Train Your Dragon". On March 8 of the same year, the young man performed in Tallinn, gathering a full house in the Nokia Concert Hall. In October 2010, Rybak became a member music festival"Russian Romance", held in Finland.

In 2011, the singer released another album and took part in a vocal project that took place in Kyiv. He also performed with a dance program on the Stockholm TV channel. Swedish composers helped the musician in the process of recording the album. On November 30, 2014, the musician participated in the presentation of the symbols of the Olympic Games together with Alexei Yagudin. In December of the same year, he performed at the Nobel Concert in Oslo. Accompanied the singer Symphony Orchestra.

Also, the young man took part in several Russian and Ukrainian projects. He brilliantly performed in the show "Minute of Glory", sang in a duet with the participants of the Ukrainian "Star Factory" and coped with most of the tasks of the program "One to One". Despite the fact that Sasha did not know many of the parodied artists, he managed to clearly capture their emotions and successfully embody each image. He can also be seen in the Fathers and Sons project, where the singer starred in June 2012. Igor Rybak, the father of the musician, also participated there.

Artist's personal life

The song "Fairytale", which became victorious for the singer, was dedicated to his girlfriend Ingrid Berg Mehus. At the time of the competition, they were not together, almost five years have passed since the breakup. Nevertheless, Rybak could not forget his beloved. After the girl found out about the popularity ex boyfriend She tried to cash in on his name. Sasha was incredibly upset, but chose not to interfere.

Periodically, rumors about the musician's novels appear in the press, but he does not comment on this information. Alexander has repeatedly stated that for him personal relationships are not in the first place. He lives for music, popularity and meetings with fans, the singer is not going to marry yet. He makes serious demands on girls: the composer dreams of a lady who combines beauty, kindness and remarkable mental abilities.

Rybak's talisman is shirt cufflinks with a violin on them. Since childhood, he had several favorite performers, role models - Mozart, Sting and band members The Beatles. Over the entire period of his career, 11 clips were filmed.

To date, Alexander has recorded five albums. He prefers not to limit himself to one language or genre. The singer's repertoire includes Belarusian, English, Norwegian, Russian and even instrumental compositions. Most of them can be called simple and banal in musically, however, the performer does not strive for complexity, it is more important for him to write "hits".

Because of this simplicity, the musician was repeatedly accused of plagiarism and was even awarded the Silver Galosh for copying Aerosmith. According to music experts, the composition "Fairytale" is very similar to the song of the Turk Hussein Yalyn called "Bit Pazari". Also, critics had complaints about the song "Abandoned", allegedly, it resembles the "Crane Song" by Kirill Molchanov.

In 2009, the whole world learned about who Alexander Rybak was. The biography of the singer who won Eurovision immediately interested thousands of young girls. Do you want to know where Sasha Rybak was born and studied? You will find all the necessary information about it in the article.

Alexander Rybak: biography

The future musician and singer was born on May 13, 1986. His hometown- Minsk (Belarus). In what family did Alexander Rybak grow up? Music is the main vocation of his parents. Later, the boy decides to follow in their footsteps.

Sasha's mother, Natalya Valentinovna, plays the piano professionally. At one time she worked as an editor of music programs on one of the Belarusian channels. Father, Igor Alexandrovich, is a violinist. Before moving with his family to Norway, he performed as part of an ensemble.


Our hero from an early age began to show a penchant for art. IN three years old Sasha performed a song of his own composition for his parents. Father thought it a good sign. Since then, he regularly studied music with his son. Grandmother also made a lot of efforts to ensure that her grandson became a singer. It was with her that the boy learned the first melodies.


whose biography is of interest to many today, already at the age of 5 he visited music school where he studied piano and violin. The boy was also dancing.

When Sasha was 4 years old, his father was invited to work in Norway. The man agreed. For several years he lived in Oslo, and his family was in Minsk. Father returned to Belarus when Alexander went to first grade. But our hero did not study long at the Minsk school. The family moved to the Norwegian town of Nesodden. There, Rybak Jr. graduated from a music school and a conservatory.

First steps to success

The young singer and musician from an early age toured European countries. He has given concerts in China and America. Together with his father, Sasha collaborated with the vocalist of the A-Ha group M. Harket.

In 2006, Rybak Jr. went to the popular Kjempesjansen competition in Norway. The song of his own composition "Foolin" "helped him become the best among dozens of performers.


Until recently, none of us knew who Rybak Alexander was. Eurovision, which he conquered in 2009, brought him worldwide fame. Girls living in different countries dreamed of meeting him.

Alexander Rybak's song "Fairytale" instantly scattered across the best radio stations in Europe. It is known that the author of this composition is a singer. Her name is Ingrid Berg Mehus. Rybak Alexander met with her for several years. He went to conquer Eurovision after breaking up with Ingrid. The girl was worried about her ex-boyfriend and believed in his victory.

Participation in the popular music competition became Starting point in building a career. Our hero traveled all over Europe with concerts. He has repeatedly been to Russia, where the public accepted him with a bang. And the director invited the winner of Eurovision to participate in the recording of the soundtrack for the film Black Lightning.

Career Development

In 2010 Sasha Rybak's second album was released. It was called "No Boundaries". Fans immediately swept the discs off the shelves. Clips were filmed for some songs from the album.

Alexander Rybak does not only solo career. For several years now, a talented guy has been working as an accompanist in the Ung Symphony orchestra, known throughout Norway. Rybak's idols have always been composer Mozart, singer Sting and the Beatles.

Almost 6 years have passed since the participation of our hero in Eurovision. During this time, he managed to star in several films created by Scandinavian directors. One of these paintings is "Johan the Wanderer". The film was released in 30 countries.

Sasha Rybak tried himself in a new field. He voiced the character of the cartoon How to Train Your Dragon. Both the sound engineers and Alexander himself liked the result of the work.

"One to One"

The management of the channel "Russia-1" made a great gift to its viewers. It invited Alexander Rybak to participate in the One to One parody show. The singer agreed. Indeed, since childhood, Sasha loved to portray pop stars, to sing in different voices.

The most difficult task is to transform into a woman. But Rybak did a great job with that, too. Both Lyudmila Ryumina and his performance turned out to be believable. But it was not easy to portray Dima Bilan. It's about not about but about the movements of the main "hooligan" Russian stage and about his manner of communicating with the audience.

From issue to issue star jury highly appreciates the efforts of Alexander Rybak. And his parodies famous performers repeatedly recognized as the best.

Alexander Rybak: personal life

The hero of our article is an attractive and charismatic guy with an amazing voice. Therefore, it is not surprising that he has thousands of fans living in different countries. Who is Alexander Rybak dating? Personal life young singer many people are interested.

In his life was beautiful, but at the same time sad story love. He dated a girl named Ingrid for a long time. There was everything in their relationship: passion, mutual love, quarrels and misunderstandings. At some point, they decided to part ways. Alexander was very worried about this.

Now Rybak carefully hides his personal life from the press and ill-wishers. He has a girlfriend, but the couple is not thinking about the wedding yet.


Now you know where he was born, studied, what Alexander Rybak is doing now. The biography of the singer was discussed in detail in the article. It remains to wish young musician and performer of songs of creative success!

Alexander Rybak is the winner of Eurovision in 2009. A young man with a touching appearance and a strong voice charmed the audience of the show and set a record for the number of points scored in the competition. This victory provided the young Norwegian musician of Belarusian origin with popularity around the world.

The biography of Alexander Rybak originates in the capital of Belarus, Minsk. The singer was born on May 13, 1986, today he has become the standard of success among young singers and composers in Europe.

Alexander grew up in a creative family. Alexander Rybak's parents are professional musicians who set an example for the boy from an early age. Father Igor Alexandrovich played the violin in the musical ensemble of Vitebsk all his life. The singer's mother, Natalya Valentinovna, a pianist, devoted herself to editing music programs on television in Belarus.

Love for music in the family of Alexander Rybak was passed down from generation to generation, grandmother Savitskaya Maria Borisovna is also associated with this direction, the woman taught students lessons at the music school. From a young age, the boy was interested in singing and music. Already at the age of five, Alexander began to take steps under the guidance of his father, the boy was taught to play the piano and violin.

At an early age, Alexander Rybak composed the first songs, which he subsequently performed. In 1990, a family with a young son moved to Norway, where his father got a prestigious job. Alexander Rybak was sent to a music school, having received a certificate, the young man showed off his talents and entered the Oslo Conservatory.

From childhood, Sasha was fascinated by three performers who became an incentive and role model for him - Mozart, the Beatles and Sting.

Since childhood, Alexander Rybak participated as a vocalist in the musical of the Norwegian group "A-ha" under the direction of Morten Harket. A young guy over the years of growing up managed to travel around most of the countries of Europe, visited China and the USA. Rybak was lucky enough to share the stage with the legendary music stars Arve Tellefsen and Hanne Krogh. The world-famous violinist Pihnas Zukerman praised Alexander Rybak for his diligence, talent and love for music.

2006 was marked for the singer by successful participation in the competition program for young talents "Kjempesjansen", which took place in Norway. There, the young man performed his own song "Foolin'" and received first place for it. Today, Alexander Rybak works in the Wing Symphony Symphony Youth Orchestra in Norway as an accompanist.


In the spring of 2009, the whole world watched how Alexander Rybak won the hearts of billions of viewers at the international Eurovision Song Contest 2009, where he sang and played his own song "Fairytale" on the violin.

Rybak set an absolute record (387 points) in the history of the competition and became the winner. The singer himself soon said that the composition was dedicated to the former lover of the musician Ingrid.

Alexander Rybak's first album was released a month after Eurovision. Fans of the young artist stood in line at music stores to purchase CDs. The rapid growth of popularity made an unknown young man a superstar literally overnight.

The fateful 2009 did not end with the victory at Eurovision and the release of the album. Already in September, Alexander Rybak decided to take part in the popular show on Channel One - “Minute of Glory”.

The tour of Russia, which began in November, was a resounding success. Alexander Rybak managed to visit St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara, Yekaterinburg and Rostov-on-Don. At the end of the month, an event was held at which the singer, along with the famous figure skater Alexei Yagudin, presented the future symbols for the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

As a favorite and performer, Rybak came to the Ukrainian Star Factory, where he sang along with one of the project participants. In January 2010, Alexander Rybak was invited to voice the protagonist of the Norwegian cartoon How to Train Your Dragon. A few months later, the residents of Tallinn could hear the artist perform live, the concert was held in the Nokia hall, and the demand for tickets was overwhelming.

The latest studio album “Christmas Tales” was released in 2012, but this does not mean that the musician has ceased to delight fans with new songs.

At the same time, the musician composes new compositions both for himself and for other performers. In 2014, the Norwegian musician wrote "Still Here" for the Eurovision participant representing Malta, Franklin Halley.

In 2015, together with Belarusian colleagues, the musician composed a song called "Accent". The Belarusian group "Milki" performed this composition at the Belarusian republican stage of the selection for Eurovision, where it took fourth place.

In 2015, Rybak recorded a song that quickly became a hit. His "Kotik" was distinguished by a light romantic meaning and repetitive simple text. The song and video quickly gained a lot of fans. In 2016, a video for the song "Ambrazame" was released.

In addition, the musician regularly appears on television, and the singer is welcome on Norwegian, Belarusian, and Russian TV channels. In 2015, the musician became a participant in the One to One! transformation show, where he reached the final and took second place. Also, Rybak himself became the object of parodies in this TV show.


Repeatedly since the Eurovision 2009, Alexander Rybak has been accused of plagiarism. Self-composed songs by a musician are often very similar to existing compositions. Rybak's popular song "Fairytale" in its motives is very similar to the song "Bit Pazari", which is performed by Turkish singer Hussein Yalın.

Another reason for the scandal was the song "Abandoned", someone thought that it was too similar to the "Crane Song" by Kirill Molchanov. At the same time, Rybak himself did not deny this similarity, on the contrary, the musician's representatives said that this is really the same composition, only the transfer of rights to performance and processing were executed in accordance with all the rules. Rybak honestly bought the rights to the performance, which simply cannot be considered plagiarism.

Alexander Rybak in 2010 became the owner of the Silver Galosh anti-award, then the musician heard accusations of plagiarism because of the song “I don’t want to miss a thing”, which was similar to one of the songs of the Aerosmith group.

One of the tracks of the album "No Boundaries" turned out to be very similar to Valery Meladze's song "How beautiful you are today." This gave rise to a wave of indignation both in the press and on the Web, as it turned out later, in vain. Rybak again legally bought the rights to the tune he liked.

Personal life

The young man gained immense popularity, but this did not help him much in his personal life. Ingrid, in whose honor the song that brought victory to the musician was written, left Rybak five years before Eurovision. He tried to restore a relationship with a girl, becoming popular, but saw that Ingrid only earns on their common past. In order not to stir up his long-standing feelings, Alexander did not raise a scandal and try to prevent her.

In 2010, Alexander warmly supported the German singer Lena Mayer during Eurovision. He rehearsed with her and just spent a lot of time around. The girl took first place and continued to communicate with the musician. The lovers did not deny that they are a couple, and hinted at the wedding. But the marriage did not happen.

Today, Alexander Rybak tells reporters that he has a girlfriend whom he does not plan to marry yet and whose identity he does not want to reveal to the press.

Alexander Rybak now

At the beginning of 2018, it became known that the musician was chosen for the second time as the representative of Norway to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest, which brought world fame to the performer.

On March 10, 2018, the singer became the winner of the Norwegian qualifying round final for potential Eurovision participants. Thanks to this victory, the musician received an honest right to represent the country in the competition. The song "That's How You Write a Song" brought the victory to the singer at this stage.

In an interview about participating in Eurovision for the second time, the musician admitted that he wants to become a reason for the pride of his native Norway, but at the same time, the musician admits that his chances of winning are rather small, because in the entire history of the competition only one person has managed to do this - Representative of Ireland Johnny Logan.

On May 12, the final of Eurovision 2018 took place, Israeli singer Netta won, Alexander Rybak was only 15th.
