Principles of marketing management. Guaranteed result! Marketing management principles, types and functions


At present, when the condition for the economic development of enterprises is the active activity of the latter on the market, knowledge of the end user, the ability of firms to respond flexibly to all its requirements become vital. Otherwise, the sale of goods cannot be ensured, the profitability of the enterprise is increased. It is imperative to explore the possibilities and effectiveness various forms and methods of selling goods, to work on the formation of the needs of the population, to increase the prestige of the trading company. This type of economic behavior of enterprises is usually associated with marketing. Thus, the starting point for marketing as a science is the needs and needs of a person. Need is a state of feeling deprived of satisfaction in something. Needs are the desire for some particular thing that satisfies basic needs; it is "a need that has taken specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual. "People need little, their needs are numerous. All the needs of people are constantly formed, and this happens under the influence of the groups of which they are members. The needs of people are almost unlimited, while the resources for their satisfactions are limited Demand or demand is the need for some specific products, secured by the ability to buy them Needs become requirements when a person has purchasing power and wants to spend a certain amount on a purchase A person needs food, clothes, cars, he also insurance, travel and entertainment are needed But he does not buy a product (the concept of a product also includes services provided to the consumer) just to buy, a person buys a product to use it to satisfy his needs. market, which consists of all potential buyers, united by a common specific need or need and who would like and be able to enter into an exchange in order to satisfy their need or need, the concept of the market leads us to the concept of marketing. Marketing (from the English market market) literally means market activity; working with markets to make potential exchanges real in order to meet the needs and demands of people. It is customary to distinguish between a buyers' market and a sellers' market. A buyers' market a market in which sellers must not only sell but be skillful traders; consumers choose from a variety of products what they like. The seller's market is a situation where demand significantly exceeds the supply of goods, i.e. with a deficit. Almost all goods and services are instantly sold when they enter the market. It is the availability of goods that plays the main role. On the seller's market product range is poor, the scale of production is small, there is no competition: the buyer is forced to take what the producer-seller throws into the market. The main thing in marketing is a two-pronged and complementary approach. On the one hand, this is a thorough and comprehensive study of the market, demand, tastes and needs, the orientation of production to these requirements; on the other hand, active influence on the market, existing demand, on the formation of needs and consumer preferences. This defines the basic principles of marketing management.


1.1. Essence and tasks of marketing management

Over time, there is an improvement in the exchange process on the part of those who participate in it. In other words, the firm acquires professional skills in managing its marketing. Philip Kotler defines marketing management as "the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain beneficial exchanges with target customers in order to achieve certain goals of the organization, such as generating profits, increasing sales, increasing the share of market, etc." Thus, the essence of marketing management is to find the optimal number of customers needed to sell the entire volume of products produced by the company at the moment. This means not only the creation and expansion of demand, but also the problems of changing it, and sometimes even reducing it. Therefore, the task of marketing management is "to influence the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization achieve its goals." Those. Marketing management is demand management. Based on this, marketing management concerns the study of the desired level of demand for the goods of a particular company; analysis of the situation when real demand exceeds the desired one, their compliance and the situation when the real demand is lower than the desired one. The marketing management process covers such aspects of the company's activities as sales organization and promotion, advertising campaigns and marketing research, product management and pricing.

1.2 Marketing management concepts

There are a number of alternative concepts based on which commercial and non-profit organizations carry out their activities: the concept of improving production; the concept of product improvement; the concept of intensifying commercial efforts; marketing concept; the concept of social and ethical marketing.


is a management orientation that assumes that the consumer will favorably treat the product because it is sufficient High Quality and has the best performance. In this case, the firm (organization) should focus on improving the product.

THE CONCEPT OF PRODUCTION IMPROVEMENT in this case refers to the fact that consumers give preference to those goods that are most widely available and offered at a reasonable price. This concept is based on the following premises: 1) the company focuses on reducing costs (by increasing productivity) in order to produce goods at affordable prices; 2) consumers are interested in buying goods produced by this particular firm. In this case, it is possible that the demand for the product exceeds its supply, as a result of which the main task of the company is to find ways to expand production; 3) consumers are aware of the availability of analogue products and make their choice based on a comparison of prices for similar products.

BUSINESS STRENGTH CONCEPT This concept is also known as the "sales concept". It characterizes the direction followed by manufacturers of goods in their desire to properly organize marketing activities. The main components of this concept are as follows: 1) the main task of the company is to achieve a certain volume of sales of their goods; 2) consumers will not buy goods, in the amount desired by the firm, without some impact; 3) consumers can be forced to buy these goods using various methods of sales promotion; 4) the premise of this concept is the following: buyers will make repeat purchases or there is a sufficient number of potential consumers. Thus, in practice, the implementation of the concept is associated with the imposition of a purchase, with the seller striving to conclude a deal at all costs, and meeting the needs of the buyer is a secondary point.

THE MARKETING CONCEPT is a new direction in marketing activities. This concept is based on the following provisions: the company sees its task in meeting the needs of a certain group of consumers; the company is aware that the satisfaction of these needs requires a whole complex marketing research to identify them; the company's marketing activities are constantly monitored and analyzed; the firm is confident that the results of its activities to meet demand will lead to repeat purchases of products and provide a favorable public opinion. Thus, the concept of marketing is a focus on customers, supported by a set of measures aimed at meeting the needs of the market.


As well as the concept of pure marketing assumes that the primary task of the company is to determine the needs and requirements of individual consumer groups and use more efficient and productive ways than competitors to meet these needs. But, along with this, the company must ensure the preservation and strengthening of the well-being of the consumer and society as a whole. The emergence of this concept was caused by some doubts about how much the concept of pure marketing is relevant to our time, when there is a deterioration environment, a lack of natural resources, rapid population growth, worldwide inflation and the neglected state of social services. According to F. Kotler, this concept "requires market actors to link 3 factors within the marketing policy."

Thus, initially, when developing a marketing policy, firms focused mainly on making a profit. Over time, the focus shifted to meeting customer needs, resulting in the concept of marketing. At present, the public interest is also taken into account in the decision-making process. The combination of all three of these factors characterizes the concept of socially ethical marketing, the adoption of which can result in a significant increase in sales and income.


Each firm is interested in the effective management of its marketing activities. To this end, it needs: first, a market opportunity analysis; secondly, the selection of target markets; thirdly, the development of a marketing mix; fourthly, the implementation of marketing activities. The combination of these points characterizes the process of marketing management.

2.1. Market Opportunity Analysis

involves evaluating any opportunity in terms of its compliance with the goals and available resources of the company; a thorough assessment of current and future demand, reflecting the attractiveness of the emerging market opportunity. Typically, market opportunity analysis includes identifying new markets and evaluating marketing opportunities. F. Kotler argues that one of the ways to identify new markets is to use the product and market development grid, which includes 4 components: deeper penetration into the market; those. the firm must increase the volume of sales of a particular already existing product, without changing either the product itself or the group of consumers to whom it is sold. The means of increasing sales can be an increase in advertising costs, a decrease in the price of a product, and the involvement of a larger number of trade establishments for the distribution of goods. expanding the boundaries of the market; means finding new markets for an existing product. product development; here we mean the sale to the former group of consumers of new goods or various modifications of an existing product with a new set of consumer properties. diversification; means the release of a completely new product that satisfies the needs new group consumers. As for the evaluation of marketing opportunities, the main task here is to determine the most suitable opportunity for the company. A firm's marketing opportunity is a set of marketing activities aimed at achieving a competitive advantage for a particular firm. When evaluating marketing opportunities, the purpose and resources of the firm should be considered.

2.2. Selection of target markets.

When selecting target markets, each opportunity must be analyzed in terms of the size and nature of the market. This process should include 4 stages: measurements and forecasting of demand; the firm must identify all the goods sold in the market that attracts it and estimate the sales volume of each of them. In addition, it is necessary to make forecasts for the prospects of this market, taking into account the factors and trends influencing its development. If, when compared, the prospective demand is higher than the current one, then the market should be segmented. market segmentation; segmentation is the division of all potential consumers of this market according to a variety of characteristics into sufficiently large groups in such a way that each of them represents special, significantly different requirements for a given product or service. The market segment imposes requirements on some special types, modifications of goods within this type. Accordingly, the company can change its product strategy by working in different segments, but remain inside the market that is well known to it. selection of target market segments; in this case, the following activities of the company are possible: servicing only one segment of the market, satisfying a single consumer need, focusing on a group of consumers, servicing several market segments that are not interconnected, and producing the entire range of goods to provide them to all market segments ( coverage of the whole market). product positioning in the market; in this case, the task of each firm is to identify conventional and branded products currently offered in a particular segment and determine the requirements for these products from the consumers that make up this segment. Due to the fact that any product is a set of properties that consumers consider when buying a product, one of the most convenient ways to explain consumer preference for a particular product is to compare their main properties. This goal is served by product positioning in the market, which is defined as "providing a product with an unquestionable, clearly distinct, desirable place in the market and in the minds of consumers." Having made a decision on market positioning, the company develops a marketing mix to support it.

2.3. Development of a marketing mix.

In order to obtain the desired response from a specific group of consumers, i.e. to influence the demand for its product, the company uses a set of variable marketing factors that it is possible to control. In other words, this set of factors is the marketing mix. These factors are product, price, methods of distribution and promotion.

2.4. Implementation of marketing activities.

Marketing activities include: aids and marketing management techniques: 1) Marketing planning system. The planning system is closely related to the strategic planning system in the enterprise. The strategic planning system aims to make sure that the firm finds and develops strong production and reduces or curtails weak ones. In other words, it allows you to identify products that have the greatest potential for sales growth. The development of plans for each individual production, product or brand of a firm is referred to as marketing planning. Marketing planning involves the development of two plans: one for a certain period of time (several years), which should indicate the main factors that will influence the market for this product, goals for a certain period, "the main strategic profits." Such a plan is called prospective. Another plan is the firm's annual marketing plan for the first year of implementation perspective plan firms. It reflects the current marketing situation, marketing strategy for the year, determines the existing threats and opportunities for the product for which a marketing plan is being developed. 2) The system of organization of the marketing service. In the practice of firms operating in market conditions, several types of marketing organization have developed:

FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION. The efforts of the marketing service are organized strictly in the context of the main functions of marketing activities. As a rule, the following divisions are distinguished: marketing research, incurring all analytical, evaluation and strategic objectives; marketing, covering the issues of commodity circulation and marketing; advertising, which, in addition to advertising itself, includes other communicative functions; sometimes service divisions may appear as an independent one; this depends on the specifics of the product and the volume of necessary services.

ORGANIZATION BY COMMODITY PRODUCTION Here, all marketing is strictly divided into individual products, or commodity groups, and the "product marketing manager" (or product nomenclature) acts as a key figure.


The subordination of the seller in the form of a geographical organization implies the presence of one national sales manager, 4 regional sales offices, 24 zonal sales offices, 192 district sales managers and 1920 sales agents. This type of organization is typical for firms trading across the country. ORGANIZATION ACCORDING TO THE MARKET PRINCIPLE is typical for firms that sell their goods in different markets. Similar to the system of organization for commodity production. In this case, the development of long-term and annual plans for sales and other functional activities is carried out by market managers, who are under the direction of the market manager. ORGANIZATION ACCORDING TO THE COMMODITY-MARKET PRINCIPLE combine commodity and market organization. Used by companies with large assortment of goods, which they sell in many different markets. 3) Marketing control system. F. Kotler distinguishes three types of marketing control. Monitoring the implementation of annual plans, the purpose of which is to make sure that the company reaches all the indicators laid down in the annual plan. Profit control involves analyzing profitability across different products, customer groups, distribution channels, and order volumes. Control over the execution of strategic installations involves critical assessments of the overall approach of the company to the market.


Thus, marketing is a part of everyone's life. In the process of marketing, a set of goods and services is developed and produced that provides a certain level of life for society. That's why important point for the proper organization of marketing activities is marketing management. Marketing management involves the analysis, planning, implementation and control of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintain beneficial exchanges with certain groups of consumers in order to achieve certain goals of the organization. Marketing management is often referred to as demand management. Thus, the task of the marketing manager is to influence the level, time and nature of demand, in view of the fact that the existing demand and the demand that the company wants for itself may not coincide. Marketing management can be carried out from the positions of five alternative approaches: the concept of product improvement, the concept of production improvement, the concept of intensifying commercial efforts, the concept of clean and socially ethical marketing. Based on the foregoing, the effectiveness of the management of the company's marketing activities is determined by the achievement of the following goals: achieving the highest possible level of consumption; the widest possible choice of goods provided to consumers; maximizing the quality of life of society as a whole and of individual consumers. The interest in marketing activities and, accordingly, the interest in the most effective management of them, is increasing as more and more organizations in the business, international and non-profit spheres understand how marketing contributes to their more successful performance in the market.

The modern market and market relations determine the objective need to improve the efficiency of company management as a guarantee of its stable functioning in the market space. The application of the principles of marketing management opens up opportunities for the company, allowing it to realize its goals and objectives in the optimal mode. In addition, intra-company communications and interaction between structural divisions and departments of the company are optimized, since these principles act as a common, unifying basis. They function according to universal rules, which are followed by both the personnel and the company's managers with all the variety of their actions in a variable environment formed as a result of the interaction and interconnections of market entities.

Fundamentals of building a system of marketing management principles

The variety of types of environments and features of the manifestation of the company's marketing efforts in the market forces us to consider a system of principles on three grounds related to the decision-making class in the field of marketing management. In this regard, the entire system of principles can be represented in the form three groups(Fig. T. 10):

Value-oriented (1.1 - 1.5) and (5.1 - 5.5);

Conceptual-regulating (4.1 - 4.5):

Tactical analysis and design (2.1 - 2.5) and (3.1 - 3.5).

Marketing Management Principles:



The first two groups of principles serve a class of conceptual and strategic decisions, such as the analysis of the company's competitiveness, market segmentation, and the formation of product portfolios. The third group provides for the adjustment of the company's behavior depending on the real situation, which requires the design of a tactical action (product promotion, increase in market share within the framework of the chosen strategy, etc.). Each group is divided into subgroups. Thus, the value-oriented principles of marketing management include the rules that define and regulate the situational activity of the company in the market, and the principles that clarify the strategy and goals of behavior.

In conditions of market risk and instability, the company, when applying the system of marketing management principles, must establish a correspondence between the two main groups of company goals (strategic and tactical), aimed at ensuring the continuity of the company's activities in time and space and maintaining a certain level of profit, which is possible through continuous monitoring of the reaction market space on the actions carried out by the company's management.

The principles that determine and situationally regulate the activities of the company in the market include:

1.1. Principle of managerial risk;

1.2. The principle of organizational behavior;

1.3. The principle of tooling management;

1.4. The principle of entrepreneurial risk;

1.5. The principle of formation of consumer preferences.

Principles that clarify strategies and goals for behavior include:

5.1. The principle of self-assessment and self-regulation;

5.2. The principle of reflective behavior;

5.3. The principle of equal partnership;

5.4. Principle competitive advantage;

5.5. The principle of free enterprise.

A feature of these two subgroups of principles is the possibility of redefining the principles that assess the situation and regulate this situation in a particular market environment, which allows you to refine your actions through a group of principles that refine the company's strategy.

The refinement of strategic goals and the development of company development programs occur through a comparison of data obtained as a result of research on both the internal and external environment of the company, fixing the changes taking place in these environments, and comparing the data obtained with information indicators of past periods. The creation of information databases is one of the manifestations of the application of a system of marketing management principles that determine the complexity and synthetic nature of managerial influence.

So, management risk principle, giving the rules for assessing and comprehending the importance of determining the level of risk and making a decision to overcome it, primarily through self-correction and self-regulation, allows the company's management not only to use the assessment of the risk that is necessary to make decisions to strengthen the company's position in the market, but also to identify weak and strengths both the company and its competitors.

Another example of a change in the market situation is the segmentation of the market. This requires the application of the rules of the company's organizational behavior in the new conditions: either it is necessary to choose new organizational and legal forms of existence, or to take actions to expand the scope of the company's activities through the "acquisition" of other companies, or to make a decision to leave some market segment. However, to make a decision of such a situational class, use only rules of organizational behavior not enough.

Each step of organizational action must be considered through the prism of reflective tracking of the expected consequences of the organizational actions taken. In other words, it is necessary use the rules of reflective behavior.

We have a similar situation when making a decision on the volume of production, which will act on consumer preferences and shape them. Of course, in this case, first of all, we must be guided by principles of consumer preference.

However, the range and variability of our actions is also extremely large: this is a program of measures to protect the rights of buyers, the formation of motives and incentives for preferring a trademark, company image, and class of services provided.

The whole palette of these rules without the principle of free enterprise can fade in bureaucratic instructions and guidelines without entering the phase of true development.

Correcting the formation of consumer preferences, taking into account the principle of freedom of enterprise, allows us to clarify the strategy of the company's behavior in terms of developing a strategy in this area, introducing the spirit of creativity, enthusiasm and competition into the rules used.

When determining the strategic and tactical tasks of the company, it is necessary to correlate their influence on each other in the implementation process. Determining the significance of the tasks set and the prospects for their solution is provided within the framework of the application of the conceptual and regulatory principles of marketing management.

Conceptual and regulatory principles of marketing management determine the conceptual and strategic behavior of the firm under risk and uncertainty. Each company in its activities is forced to make decisions based on the analysis of complex information flows that depend on a large number of factors that are simultaneously present in the economic space at the time of assessment and decision making.

Entering a new market. Entering a new market involves tracking information regarding the conditions for entering the market, the reaction of competitors to these actions, the sequence of steps to consolidate the company in the market.

Information sufficiency rule.The marketing manager should be guided by information sufficiency rule, to make a decision about possible economic losses or income, understanding the measure of responsibility and carrying out self-assessment of managerial risk and its regulation.

The principle of information sufficiency (4.1) opens the group conceptual-regulating principles.

In addition to this principle, this group includes:

4.2. The principle of compliance of management with the level of development of the team;

4.3. The principle of expert monitoring of information sufficiency;

4.4. The principle of coordination according to the goals of the organization;

4.5. The principle of moral and material incentives.

Tactical Analysis and Design Principles Group includes principles that govern and define the rules for a specific tactical behavior of a firm in the market, from the rules of delegation of authority to the rules of profitability and efficiency.

The use of a group of principles of tactical analysis and design allows the company to carry out timely and adequate adjustment of its work plans and tactical management techniques, which determines the degree of its readiness for market changes and, therefore, gives it a clear competitive advantage.

This group principles includes two subgroups.

Correction of work plans and tactics of management. The first of these is principles of organizational and tactical action, which combine:

2.1. The principle of delegation of authority;

2.2. The principle of organizational regulation;

2.3. The principle of restructuring analysis:

2.4. The principle of organizational design;

2.5. The principle of reflective behavior in terms of managerial communications.

The peculiarity of this subgroup of principles is that it includes the rules for the organizational distribution of powers and their regulation, as well as analysis and design.

The second subgroup includes the principles of combining the professionalism of management and evaluating the results of its work. It includes:

3.1. The principle of professional leadership;

3.2. The principle of control;

3.3. The principle of unity of command and collegiality;

3.4. The principle of centralization and decentralization;

3.5. The principle of profitability and efficiency.

This subgroup contains the rules for modeling the central project action in marketing management, when the basis for obtaining the required end result (profit and efficiency) is, first of all, the professionalism of the management system that makes the right decision in the field of the company's behavior program in the market, the ability of these professionals to competently use control systems, based on from the importance of the rules of centralization and decentralization in general and in marketing management in particular.

The mechanisms for implementing each of the identified groups of principles will be discussed in the corresponding section of the textbook in relation to a specific assessment of the economic behavior of a company in the market. In addition, it will be shown how to practically use the principles of marketing management, taking into account the peculiarities of their manifestation in a competitive environment and real market interaction.

Marketing Management- this is the organization of the performance of marketing functions to ensure the achievement of the intended goals with the most efficient use of all types of production resources.

The essence of marketing management is to find the optimal number of customers needed to sell the entire volume of products produced by the company at the moment. This means not only the creation and expansion of demand, but also the problems of changing it, and sometimes even reducing it. Therefore, the task of marketing management is to influence the level, time and nature of demand in such a way that it helps the organization achieve its goals, i.e. marketing management is demand management. The marketing management process covers such aspects of the company's activities as sales organization and promotion, advertising campaigns and marketing research, product management and pricing.

The process of marketing management is considered in several closely interrelated aspects: as the management of the enterprise, as the management of its most important function, and as a demand management in the target market.

Enterprise marketing management(“market orientation”) is based on a modern marketing concept, the formation of a new way of thinking and a new way of acting, the development of communication links between the enterprise and the market. It is expressed through a system of marketing strategies on corporate level and making almost all management decisions, taking into account market requirements.

Marketing function management(“coordination of the external and internal environment of the enterprise”) involves the formation of the marketing system of the enterprise. Its most important elements are organization, planning and control. The marketing function is closely related to the production, financial, supply and marketing and administrative functions of the enterprise. It performs a coordinating role in the overall efforts of all departments to ensure the goals of the enterprise.

Demand Management(“market making”) is a substantive aspect of marketing management in an enterprise. It is provided with strategic and operational solutions to identify target market segments and form marketing efforts using a set of marketing tools (product, price, distribution, promotion).

The practice of Russian enterprises shows that at the present stage in marketing management priority seat occupy marketing efforts to use separate means, often not coordinated with each other (advertising, sales, price, etc.).

There is a process of transition to the realization of the importance of managing a new function for many enterprises (marketing services are being formed, work is being developed to develop marketing plans, etc.).

It can be expected that in the near future Russian enterprises will begin to actively use marketing as a management concept.

Marketing Management Principles - these are rules arising from the objective economic laws of market development, its competition under conditions of risk and uncertainty.

Marketing principles.

1. Produce only what the consumer needs.

2. Concentrate efforts on achieving a specific, final, practical result.

3. Use in unity the strategy and tactics of actively adapting the production of goods to the requirements of the market with a simultaneous, purposeful impact on it, in order to cover all the links in the chain of promotion of goods from the producer to the consumer with marketing.

4. Orient the activities of the enterprise as a whole and the marketing service in particular not to a momentary result, but to a long-term perspective based on strategic planning and forecasting market trends.

5. Concentrate research, production and marketing efforts on decisive areas of marketing activity.

6. Management must be flexible and adaptable, i.e. timely respond to changes in the external environment of the enterprise.

Marketing management system in the enterprise.

With the advent of new functions in the enterprise, the need for marketing management increases. This can be done on the basis of the marketing system, which is a combination of its information, organizational, planning and control elements that ensure the relationship of the enterprise with the market.

The modern market and market relations require an increase in the efficiency of the company's management. The use of a marketing management system enables the company to realize the goals and objectives in the optimal mode. In addition, internal communications and interactions between structural divisions and departments of the company are optimized, since marketing should act as a common unifying principle.

Marketing management systems are built on the basis of the following typical approaches to building a marketing service - functional, divisional (commodity or market), matrix. The first approach focuses on the permanent structure of the marketing service to perform its main functions in coordination with other departments, the second singles out separate areas of activity for goods or consumer markets, the third - matrix - involves the formation of flexible organizational structures, formed for certain periods of time for the development of specific projects, programs, tasks

Marketing management is the most important constituent part common system enterprise management. However, the management of the marketing function has its own characteristics. They are due primarily to the fact that marketing is associated with the external environment that determines the market activity of the enterprise. Its main task is to achieve the best alignment of the internal capabilities of the enterprise with the requirements of the external environment for profit. Marketing provides a connection between the enterprise and the market.

The marketing system includes :

1. Enterprise-manufacturer of products, whose functions include the production of products.

2. Enterprise-supplier, whose function is to provide the necessary resources for the production of products. It is better for the manufacturer if it is possible to use resources from different areas, then the supplier competes. If resources are scarce, then manufacturers have to compete.

3. Market. It is the place where supply and demand, buyer and seller meet, where goods are exchanged for money, where the end result of marketing is manifested.

4. Intermediary. These are organizations or people who are engaged in the exchange of goods, providing communications, insurance, labeling of goods, identifying markets, etc. This includes transport, warehouses, wholesalers and individual traders, and in foreign markets - sales agents, brokers, consignees, etc.

5. Competitors. These are enterprises that produce similar products (services). As a rule, competitors are associated with all of the above subsystems.

Finally, the marketing system also includes an internal sphere, which refers to clearly defined groups of people who can have a great influence on it.

Depending on the level of decisions, there are:

1. Marketing management at the senior management level

2. At the level of middle management.

Top management decisions provide direction various organizations for the long term, in relation to markets and consumers, as well as the products to be produced, i.e. what business areas to work in and how to allocate resources between industries.

All this together, with all the relationships, is called the marketing system.

Marketing as a science of managing commodity-money relations in society integrates such important categories as "quality of life", "safety of production and consumption", "human values", "environmental ecology", "social responsibility". The effectiveness of marketing management primarily reflects the harmonization of society and the level of quality of the listed categories.

Marketing Management Effectiveness- a comprehensive assessment of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the distribution, promotion and positioning of goods, services, ideas in society, taking into account the mission and budget of each participant in the market.

The core of marketing effectiveness is the coordination of management decisions in the field of creating a market, pricing, product, communication and service policy to achieve the mission and success of the organization.

The focus should be on marketing management, aimed at successfully solving problems at each stage of the management process - from developing a strategy for penetrating into target sales segments to ensuring market sustainability.

It is no coincidence that in the practice of organizational building of firms and companies the position of vice president for marketing is introduced or a special Marketing Department is created - a coordinating center responsible for the progressive development of the company.

High performance marketing efforts can be obtained as a result of adhering to the principles of effective marketing management illustrated in the figure.

Rice. Principles effective management marketing

Among the large set of rules for the implementation of marketing activities in order to optimize it, the following principles come to the fore:

  • mutual benefit
  • strategic orientation
  • individualization of demand
  • marketing integration
  • benchmark marketing

The principle of mutual benefit

The principle of mutual benefit of all participants in the market turnover implies, first of all, equal consideration of the interests of producers and consumers of goods and services. It is quite obvious that their targets are both interconnected and opposite. For the manufacturer, parameters that contribute to making a profit are taken into account, and for the consumer - making a purchase at an affordable price. But the general interest is concentrated in the quality parameters of the goods, which directly affect the progressive development of the manufacturer and the satisfaction of the total needs of customers.

The principle of strategic orientation- this is when a high degree of interaction between company employees and customers makes it necessary to focus on the development of a marketing strategy for its integration with the strategy for the effective operation of the company. If a company is to achieve high service quality and a development-friendly cost structure, it needs coordinated operating and marketing strategies.

When taking into account the principle of strategic orientation, it is necessary to draw a line between sales orientation and modern marketing approach, when the buyer is at the forefront.

The principle of individualization of demand reflects the need to form aggregate demand, taking into account the preferences of each client individually. Compliance with this principle involves the flexible use of the main elements of marketing in combination with elements of production and marketing policy. It is this principle that creates opportunities for building a communication bridge that connects the company and the target audience, taking into account the needs of each customer individually. This is where personal selling comes into play. They are particularly effective in creating a two-way connection between buyer and seller. This dynamic relationship allows the company to understand the needs of each client, to be flexible in the development, presentation and execution of a sales proposal.

The basis of the demand individualization system is relationship marketing, which includes mechanisms that maintain relationships with customers. Sellers should strive to turn the buyer into a loyal customer by demonstrating the added long-term value of their product, a high service culture and carefully considering the individual needs of each client.

Marketing Integration Principle involves the successful organization of integrated marketing communications for the implementation integrated program with the inclusion of tools, public relations, interactive marketing, telemarketing, etc.

The goal of marketing integration (integrated marketing communications) is to maximize consumer response rates.

Marketing integration is a new look at product promotion through the creation of an integral unit with a single funding, management and ideas. The company, integrating the entire branding complex under a single "roof" of integrated communications, today occupies a strong position in the market.

Russian companies and enterprises are still at the stage of understanding the transition from a marketing ideology to a marketing philosophy. However, it may not make sense for Russian companies to repeat the long evolutionary path from classical marketing and traditional public relations, but to start their marketing work using the already proven approaches of the new millennium.

Benchmarketing principle

The content of the benchmarking principle makes it possible to manage production, marketing processes and sales functions on the basis of a comprehensive study, assessment of best practices, public technologies in competing firms. The use of this principle is necessary for Russian entrepreneurs, since it is quite obvious that in many respects small companies are inferior to large ones.

Benchmarketing is a systemic set of processes for assessing market stability relative to the leading positions of leading competitors in order to improve the performance of an organization, firm or company. The purpose of benchmark marketing is to develop theoretical provisions and practical advice to conduct marketing research aimed at achieving the success of entrepreneurship and ensuring its progressive development.

In Russia, the philosophy of benchmarking has not yet gained due popularity. Using the principle of benchmarking in the management process commercial activities will allow firms to implement the best methods and technologies of marketing management of other companies, regardless of their size, business area, geographical location, time factor. This will certainly lead to the rational dissemination of advanced entrepreneurial experience, taking into account the specifics of the Russian economy, i.e. internal and external factors market environment.

  1. Principles management marketing

    Abstract >> Marketing

    preferences. This determines the main principles management marketing. 1. CONTROL MARKETING 1. 1. Essence and tasks management marketing As time goes by, the process improves...

  2. Control marketing organizations

    Abstract >> Marketing

    3 1. Relevance marketing in modern life 5 1.1 Essence And principles V marketing 5 1.2 Philosophy management marketing 7 2. Control marketing organizations 11 2.1 Basic concepts management marketing organizations 11 ...

  3. Control marketing (5)

    Test >> Marketing

    ... Essence and general concepts………………………………………….....4 Content and process management marketing…………………….5 Basic concepts management marketing……………………...7 ... the company's behavior in the market. Principles management marketing Those are the rules...

  4. Basics management marketing (2)

    Report >> Economics

    Market. Back to basic concepts management marketing also include his principles and methods. Principles management marketing These are the guidelines...

  5. Essence And principles planning

    Abstract >> Economics

    Essence And principles planning. Requirements for the quality of plans Planning is common function management, including the following ... based on forecasts of alternative strategic options marketing; 2) ensuring the sustainability of functioning and development ...
