Composition “Strength and weakness of Bazarov nihilism. What is the strength and weakness of Bazarov's nihilism? (USE in literature) Literature lesson strength and weakness of nihilism

Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" tells about the ideological contradictions between the liberal nobility and the emerging democracy. Main actor- Evgeny Bazarov, "nihilist", as he calls himself. The word "nihilist" comes from the Latin word "nugul", that is, "nothing", negation. Arkady Kirsanov explains that a nihilist is “a person who treats everything with critical point vision”, and his uncle Pavel Petrovich believes that this is “a person who does not bow to any authorities, does not take a single principle on faith”. And what is the meaning of Bazarov himself in this definition?

The main thing in his life is the study of natural sciences. He chose the profession of a doctor for himself, therefore, moreover, while staying in the Kirsanovs' house, he constantly conducts various experiments. Bazarov is a real materialist, besides, he denies art, arguing that "a decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet," and "Rafael is not worth a penny." He denies painting, music, poetry, the beauty of nature - everything that is connected with the spiritual world of man. Even such, as it seems, not alien to anyone, a high manifestation of human feeling like love, Bazarov tries to explain only from a physiological point of view. However, moreover, Bazarov himself fails to be consistent in his own principles. He himself finds himself hopelessly entangled in the nets of love that he denied.

And at the same time, the hero of Turgenev is a smart, strong, self-confident person, incapable of pretending and hypocrisy. He is ready to enter into heated arguments with anyone, defending his beliefs. Bazarov is outraged social injustice and inequality prevailing in society, he understands that serfdom in Russia has become obsolete, and changes are simply necessary. For him, there are no social classes and estates. Bazarov speaks with disdain about the aristocratic gloss of Pavel Petrovich, and communicates on an equal footing with serfs, considering himself a native of the people. Bazarov is not only not ashamed of the fact that his parents were poor nobles, and his “grandfather dug the earth”, on the contrary, he speaks about it with undisguised pride.

"Fathers and Sons". Bazarov. Artist D. Borovsky. 1980

The action of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" takes place in the summer of 1859, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. At that time in Russia there was an acute question: who can lead the society? On the one hand, on the leading social role the nobility claimed, which consisted of both fairly free-thinking liberals and aristocrats who thought the same way as at the beginning of the century. At the other extreme of society were revolutionaries - democrats, the majority of whom were raznochintsy. The protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons" is close to the most radical representatives of the second group. The thoughts he expressed provoked a strong reaction from the reading public. The views of the nihilist have been discussed in many critical articles, the author himself in letters (the famous letter to K. Sluchevsky) explained that he wanted to show the image of Bazarov, "wild, half grown out of the soil."

Over the course of the novel, Bazarov's personality is more and more respected, it is clear that the author himself bows to the strength of the spirit of the young nihilist. However, in a dispute with life, Bazarov was forced to retreat, reality was unable to accept such a stormy, active nature. This was the cause of the tragedy that played out in the fate of Bazarov.

What is the nihilism of the hero? What does he express? Bazar's nihilism, which denied authority, was born in the era of a turning point public consciousness. It is associated with the assertion of a materialistic worldview, with the development of science, primarily natural science. A feature of Bazarov's nihilism was that the hero did not take anything on faith, he strove to check everything with life and practice. hallmark there was also a complete denial of art, music and other manifestations of the spiritual life of people. But this peculiarity of views gave rise to contradictions. Bazarov experiences for himself what he despised, what he called "romanticism, nonsense, rottenness, art."

Life does not immediately show the nihilist all the shortcomings of his ideology; the reader gradually comes to the conclusion that Bazarov's ideas cannot be realized in modern conditions. The clashes of Bazarov’s views with reality begin in Maryino, the Kirsanov estate, during disputes with Pavel Petrovich. It would seem that it is clearly shown that the age of aristocrats has long passed, that Pavel Petrovich’s “principles” do not allow society to develop freely, but at the same time we see separate weak sides in positions of nihilism. For example, the imperfection of the theory becomes obvious: nihilists only "clear the place", but do not offer anything in return, hoping for the Russian "maybe".

The next test turned out to be more serious for Bazarov, Arkady and Evgeny, at a ball in the provincial town, get acquainted with a local celebrity, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova.

The author constantly reminds the reader that Bazarov is not a monster, not an evil genius, but, above all, an unfortunate person, lonely and, despite all the strength of mind and energy, defenseless against the simplest human feelings. In relations with Odintsova, his vulnerability is manifested. Bazarov fell in love with the landowner Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. He experienced the same feeling that he had previously laughed mercilessly at. Eugene realized that a person is not a soulless "frog". He suddenly realized that Live nature will never submit to any theories. Odintsova expects mature feelings from him, she needs serious love, not fleeting passion. In her life there is no place for upheavals, without which Bazarov cannot imagine himself. He does not understand that an indispensable condition for achieving spiritual moral ideals is stability.

In Bazarov's chest beats the heart of a romantic, to whom both love and tenderness are available, who understands what sincerity and devotion to a loved one are. And to no one, not even to himself, Bazarov admits this. His soul sometimes breaks out, but Bazarov immediately suppresses it with an effort of will, while becoming tougher and sharper. It is from these jumps in behavior that one can judge how much his heart is subject to romantic impulses. This is the tragedy of Bazarov's position. With his soul and heart, he desires to love, while with his consciousness he suppresses this “desire. And most clearly these contradictions of the soul and consciousness are manifested in the scenes in Odintsova's house. It is here that the soul gains freedom for a brief moment, in order to be immediately buried to the very bottom by consciousness. This happens during a declaration of love by Bazarov Odintsova. This proud nihilist found himself in the grip of a feeling he denied; the soul burst out, but with such destructive force that it turned out to be deadly for this very feeling, for strong love akin to hate. During the confession, Bazarov was trembling, but it was not the voluptuous trembling of the first confession; passion stormy and uncontrollable beat in him. And Odintsova was afraid of him; the feeling that had begun to appear in her turned out to be broken, because one cannot love a person whom one is afraid of. Bazarov lost his only love because he held back his soul for too long, and this soul took revenge on him, depriving him of the woman he loved. Of course, the “test of love” is the most difficult test that Bazarov had to endure, but the test of the views of the nihilist did not end there. From Nikolsky, Evgeny goes to the village to his parents, where he again suffers a blow of fate. Over the years lived outside the native walls, differences appeared between Eugene and his parents, and so significant that these people could not freely communicate with each other: they simply did not understand each other.

Bazarov leaves his village for Maryino, where he finally realizes the doom of his ideas. After a duel with Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov understood: if in order to force one district aristocrat to change his “principles”, it takes as much effort and time as it takes to break the resistance of the entire nobility. Bazarov realized that he alone did not mean anything, and decided to live quietly with his parents and do what he loved - the natural sciences.

He didn't give up on his ideas, he just realized that their time hadn't come yet and was forced to give up the fight. However, the bright, "rebellious" heart of Bazarov could not live a quiet, calm life, therefore, if the accident that caused him to die had not happened, then "it should have been invented." Nihilist Bazarov was not broken by life, but nevertheless left the "battlefield" forever, albeit against his will.

It is in the fact that Bazarov, who did not give up a single position “in battle”, leaving each time with his head held high, was forced to admit his weakness before being, “the eye tragedy of his life turns on. This is probably what Turgenev had in mind when he wrote to Sluchevsky that Bazarov was "a tragic face."

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The tenth chapter of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" plays the role of an intermediate culmination of the clash of fathers (in the person of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov) and children (Eugene Bazarov). In fact, this sharp dispute contains the plot of Bazarov, who is maturing in his soul internal conflict which will lead him to his death.

The emergence of an irreconcilable enmity between the elder Kirsanov and Arkady's teacher - Evgeny Bazarov - happened gradually, but the grain was laid even at the first meeting. At the very moment when Pavel Petrovich did not give his beautiful hand with long pink nails, - a hand that seemed even more beautiful from the snowy whiteness of a sleeve fastened with a single large opal ”to Bazarov, whose hand was red, apparently from the fact that the latter did not wear gloves, and did not follow his nails. Two weeks of life in Maryino only deepened this barely emerging conflict. Bazarov casually criticizes his father and uncle Arkady, not taking into account the possible feelings of young man towards his family. About Nikolai Petrovich, he says that his song is sung, he is a retired man. But Pavel Petrovich, in his opinion, is dapper, and in general, both brothers are old romantics who have developed in themselves nervous system to irritation.

The duel broke out over evening tea. The collision took place on several fronts. First, we talked about the aristocracy, whose supporter is Pavel Petrovich. In his opinion, without an aristocracy, there is no solid foundation for a public building. He prides himself on the fact that being in the wilderness, he respects the person in himself. Bazarov objected quite reasonably: "... you respect yourself and sit back." He believes that aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles are useless words. Surprisingly, it is the aristocrat who will soon become the subject of a sudden and passionate love for a nihilist.

Further, the dispute switches to the Russian peasant. Pavel Petrovich loftily says that the people hold sacred traditions, that they cannot live without faith. On this, in fact, all the relationship of the elder Kirsanov with the people ends (not counting the ashtray in the form of bast shoes on the table in the epilogue). Bazarov also loudly claims that his grandfather plowed the land, but for some reason he despises the peasant, perhaps because he is ready to rob himself in order to get drunk in a tavern.

A wave of indignation gradually grows in the mind of the aristocrat. And Pavel Petrovich for the first time utters not entirely respectful words addressed to the youth: “At first pride is almost satanic, then mockery.” After these words, Arkady frowned and turned away. Bazarov pronounces already too bold: "Rafael is not worth a penny." Here, aristocratic pride betrayed Kirsanov, and he indirectly called Bazarov a "bloon".

At first glance, Bazarov won the argument with Kirsanov. Indeed, he retained clarity of thought, did not offend his opponent, and seemed to be convincing. But life will soon put everything in its place. Nature will become a stimulator of the feeling that he will experience in relation to Odintsova. The sound of music will excite him to the extreme degree of excitement. Eugene will not be able to object to the romantic statements of his father: love and respect for native person cause him to be tolerant. And before his death, he himself will turn into a romantic and allow his mother to conduct all church rites, although he does not believe in God and considers himself an atheist. Moreover, the student Arkady, who is next to him, sees all the changes in his teacher and gradually realizes that his friend is not devoid of feelings, emotional experiences, confusion, and most importantly, the denial of his own moral principles, although he does not seem to have them, because principles are empty words! But fate gave Bazarov signals, but he who believes exclusively in the material, he does not perceive these symbols. And the love story of Kirsanov, and the duel with him, and misunderstanding with the peasants, and the emptiness and vulgarity of the "disciples" of the nihilist - passed him by. He did not draw any conclusions from these allusions. Evgeny's self-destruction became obvious to him. Only in death did this courageous and worthy of respect man reveal himself.

A young man named Yevgeny Bazarov was a clear adherent of nihilism, he denied all the existing orders of any authorities. But all the events that were the consequences of his turbulent personal life, over time, forced him to abandon some of his views.

The power of Bazarov's nihilism.

Nihilism - this word was fashionable, and denoted the philosophical trend of the XIX century.

It was described in the literature with the following words: "This word means a person ... who does not recognize anything ... respects anything ...".

Bazarov was a medical student, and did not honor any authorities, all the achievements and conclusions made by people who lived in the world before his appearance meant nothing.

“But why should I admit it? And what exactly do I need to believe? They tell me the case, I accept it, that's all, ”this is how Bazarov expressed his point of view.

Most often, such reasoning and statements of his put all Bazarov's opponents to a standstill, no one could answer his sometimes ruthless and unprincipled questions. Bazarov considered himself smarter and "higher" than everyone he dealt with. He justified such thoughts by the fact that he was not interested and not important those things that others considered valuable and important for humanity. He tried to assert his independence from any conventions, and even from reasonable boundaries. He was a complete materialist, and this trait of his knew no bounds: "Raphael is not worth a penny, and Russian artists are even less."

Due to his worldviews, he stopped even recognizing love, although he was a young, attractive and cheerful man. And his attitude towards women, very contemptuous, he expressed in the following words: "only freaks think freely among women."

But Bazarov's nihilism also had its vulnerable sides.

It became important that no matter how Bazarov denied high matters, they did not cease to exist. And after meeting Anna Odintsova, Bazarov’s whole life “turned around abruptly”, as love was revealed to him. And with what passion, ardor and unbridledness he plunged into this feeling, proved to Anna that she did not want to allow such an unpredictable person into her life. And with his actions, he destroyed this feeling, which he had just begun to know. As a result, Bazarov had to learn to live by the rules dictated by society.

Eugene realized that everything he believed in for so long collapsed, his theory turned out to be wrong. He realized that feelings, emotions and moral principles cannot be deleted from life, that they are necessary for a person at the same level as the application of skills acquired in practice.

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Bazarov's ideology undoubtedly has both positive and negative aspects. It is impossible to judge exactly, because for each person his own "bad" and "good", but we can draw conclusions based on the story of Yevgeny, told in I. S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons".

What is the theory of nihilism itself? Nihilism is a belief in nothing, a denial of everything that exists, as well as any human values, disbelief in religion. People "professing" nihilism rely only on science, they see the point only in the fact that everything old must be destroyed in order to be able to build something new later. Bazarov, who is the most a prime example this ideology in Russian classical literature, vividly demonstrates to readers his theory from all sides.

The best examples of his advocacy of nihilism are the disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Pavel Petrovich speaks on behalf of the liberal nobles, and Bazarov, in turn, on behalf of his ideology. In these same disputes, the strengths and weaknesses of nihilism are revealed, but let's consider everything in order.

Kirsanov believes that the nobles are driving force the development of society, to which Bazarov contrasts: aristocrats are not capable of action, they cannot lead Russia into a brighter future. One cannot but agree with this position of Eugene, because at the time of the action, the nobility really could hardly lead Russia to the future it needed.

Their views are also opposite in relation to the people. Although Pavel Petrovich glorifies the peasant peasants, in fact, he treats them as something unacceptable, frowns when he meets them and "smells the cologne." And Bazarov says that the people do not know their interests, but at the same time their interests must be distinguished from prejudices. He also claims that the people are revolutionary, which is why nihilism is a manifestation of the people's spirit. It is also difficult to disagree with this opinion, because the Russian people are ignorant, do not understand what they want at all, do not understand the problem of serfdom.

And, speaking of the ideology itself, Kirsanov Sr. condemns the nihilists for living without "principles."

Listing such correct thoughts and ideas expressed by Bazarov within the framework of the theory of nihilism, one cannot fail to mention the main drawback - the rejection of feelings. The theory itself denies any spiritual emotions, but a person cannot live in abstraction from them. Eugene suffers from this. He cannot accept his love for Anna Sergeevna, and the result is a situation that is called "minds with hearts out of tune." The same thing happens with Bazarov's parents. Outwardly, the nihilist treats them rather coldly, but remembers his happy childhood in the parents' house. Only on his deathbed does he allow himself to show the true love of his son.

Thus, we can conclude that at first glance, the theory of Yevgeny Bazarov has only positive aspects, because it adheres to such correct positions in relation to the nobility, to people, but at the same time, its biggest drawback should not be overlooked - lack of feelings. More precisely, their denial. No one can live without showing their feelings and emotions, living like a doll.
