Taurus and Scorpio love compatibility. Ways to resolve conflicts

Compatibility between representatives of these two zodiac signs cannot be called promising, but the chances for a good understanding in this pair are quite real. Permanent, stable Taurus prefers to lead a measured lifestyle, while Scorpio refers to eternal seekers. Differences in feelings and emotions are added to the difference in characters and worldview. But the spiritual closeness between these signs is also present, although the factors that can destroy these relationships can declare themselves in full voice.

Taurus and Scorpio Love and Marriage Compatibility

Compatibility Taurus man - Scorpio woman

The Scorpio woman and the Taurus man have similar character traits - this is perseverance, endurance and a huge inner strength. They behave completely differently, but the fact that both are strong personalities can play a significant role in building personal relationships. If this couple manages to find a compromise, which is far from easy to do, then they can count on happy life married.

At first, Taurus is often mistaken about the external calmness of the partner, but soon he is faced with the fact that Scorpios are very aggressive from time to time, they are characterized by sudden outbursts of emotions. Attacks of unbridled joy or anger of a girlfriend can surprise Taurus a lot. At first, the partners are so passionate, so passionate that they do not notice the differences in character, but when the first disputes and conflicts begin to arise, the relationship can immediately deteriorate and even stop.

And yet, most of the representatives of these signs of the Zodiac are fighters by nature and therefore are looking for ways that can lead to harmony. For this union great importance has a time factor: over time, partners will have to make more efforts to establish contact, since time does not work for them. It happens that, having stopped at a certain level of mutual understanding, in fact, they become strangers, and the relationship continues mainly by inertia. They tend to different attitude to the financial side of the family issue, earnings, expenses. Differently they perceive friendly communication and education of children.

In a difficult pair of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman, the achievement of harmony is directly dependent on the degree of personal freedom inherited by each and on how real the chances are to continue development in the previously chosen direction. Taurus must come to terms with the idea that the Scorpio partner cannot be corrected so that she becomes absolutely understandable and obedient for him. She, in turn, should go forward, trying to be less closed off and in no case give her partner a reason for jealousy. The potential of this family lies in the successful mutual complementation of the personal qualities of each.

Compatibility Scorpio Man - Taurus Woman

This is a tandem of two very strong personalities, whose compatibility is under a big question and directly depends on the efforts of both in terms of achieving mutual understanding. If they strive not to oppose each other, but to provide support and move towards common goals together, there is a chance for a happy future. Scorpios tend to strive for perfection in everything, they try to streamline everything that surrounds them. The choice of a life partner for such a man is a very significant moment, and the solidity of the Taurus woman, her reliability and stability, will undoubtedly be noted as an advantage.

Between people of these signs of the Zodiac there is a difference that can adversely affect relationships - this is the degree of patience, endurance. Taurus, even in the most acute situations, will not lose equanimity and composure, while in Scorpio such a situation will provoke an emotional breakdown, and even in ordinary everyday conditions this man will constantly show great intolerance and impatience.

Coexistence in a pair of male Scorpio - female Taurus for both will be an endless process of learning about each other. And each new character trait of the satellite may require understanding and correction of one's own behavior. In such an alliance, the potential for personal spiritual growth remains high; both are able and to their liking to do something in common, and they can become a reliable support for each other, despite constant mutual criticism. Both partners are well aware of each other's shortcomings, which cause considerable irritation and anxiety. But the horoscope does not recommend accumulating negativity, because in the presence of such mismatches in characters, partners can still live happily together and even partially turn contradictions into pluses. Scorpio, as the owner of a more developed intuition, insight and psychological flexibility, will become the leader in this pair, it is he who must make the most responsible decisions and plan common affairs. The mission of the performer is assigned to the Taurus woman, and the strength of this union depends on how carefully and responsibly she handles this.

The destructive power in this pair is acquired by the eternal nit-picking of the Taurus wife and her excessive pedantry. Partners need to remember that they should not resort to aggressive methods of influencing each other: if everyone feels confidence and calmness, warmth, if no one tries to re-educate a life partner, then such a union is able to survive any trials.

Scorpio and Taurus Sexual Compatibility

Between these partners there is a powerful mutual physical attraction. Their intimate life will be diverse and rich, seething with emotions, and mainly thanks to Scorpio. However, Taurus is quite capable of spoiling the whole thing if he neglects the initiatives of his life partner. Excessive conservatism shown by Taurus in bed, combined with Scorpio's need for new experiences, in this case will lead to the fact that, due to boring home sex, the second one can make parallel connections. If Taurus, in turn, finds out about this, the situation is fraught with a complete break in relations. On the whole sexual compatibility couples is very high and persists even when there is no spiritual intimacy between partners.

Horoscope of compatibility of Scorpions and Taurus in work and business

In relation to work, these signs can be called kindred spirits: both are responsible, purposeful, prefer to work for the highest possible result, persistent in achieving a reputation and ensuring financial viability, categorical in relation to quitters. Taurus with Scorpio will become good helpers for each other, if they have to solve one production problem. They will find mutual understanding and do the work on time and at a good quality level. Communication of colleagues of such signs of the Zodiac will become a model of calmness, correctness and mutual respect. However, if such people turn out to be partners in business, then a difference in approaches to business will be revealed: Scorpio shows great flexibility, while Taurus relies on hard work. However, even here the joint result can be very good.

Couple Scorpio - Taurus: compatibility in friendship

Despite the significant difference in temperaments, they can be great friends. Scorpio feels well Taurus, his emotional state, although he behaves with restraint even in the presence of loved ones. Taurus provides Scorpio with a sense of stability, emotional rest during a period of tension, mental anxieties. Such a friendship has every chance of a long existence due to the fact that both signs strive for constancy in feelings and do not feel the desire to spin in the cycle of turbulent events. Such a relationship can only be terminated due to an unfavorable combination of circumstances. It is noteworthy that subsequently they are no longer restored.

See the compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs:

See Scorpio compatibility with other zodiac signs.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that they fall in love with each other. The Taurus woman dreams of a sensual man nearby - it is often difficult for her to express her emotions, to give vent to everything that is deep inside. The Scorpio man will give her the opportunity to look at what she herself is hiding from herself. We can say that he will introduce her to her other side - tender, passionate, changeable, unbalanced and idealistic. The Taurus woman is undoubtedly very curious to look at her real self. The Scorpio man, on the other hand, needs a reliable support, a woman who can stop the storm of his feelings with a simple reasonable phrase. In fact, the Scorpio man does not need reassurance, but grounding - and who, no matter how the Taurus woman, can give him this? Their relationship will be rich, at times unstable (the influence of the Scorpio man affects), deep and tender. And they will always have something to eat - guess whose merit?

Sex between a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man is almost perfect. If partners find mutual language in bed, consider their relationship doomed to success. The initial spark will, of course, be brought by the Scorpio man. The Taurus woman skillfully recognizes his sexual signals and prepares everything so that they can spend time as comfortably as possible. The Scorpio man will adjust the situation so that what they are both waiting for happens. In the future, when they already understand that they are very suitable for each other, they will be able to constantly be surprised at how much they read desires: he is her, she is his. Sometimes misunderstandings can arise between them - different rhythms, different habits, but still this couple is able to achieve complete harmony in sexual relations.

Family and marriage

The Taurus woman undoubtedly wants clear and simple relationships, so marriage is what she subconsciously strives for. The Scorpio man, as a representative of the water element, also wants to find a family in which he will become loving husband and possibly a father. If the relationship between the Taurus woman and the Scorpio man is successful, these two will have no choice but to get married. Of course they family life will not be too smooth: the temperament of the Scorpio husband will make itself felt, but the patience and calmness of the Taurus wife will be able to smooth out any contradictions. In this union, loyalty and devotion are valued, so that they can be with each other until the very end - in general, they plan so.

The friendship between a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man will be strong enough. They will not interfere with each other with daily chatter, but if something happens that requires attention, they will certainly share it with each other. The Taurus woman will provide her Scorpio friend with support in difficult, emotionally intense times for him, he will also not leave her upset. As for practical help - here the Taurus woman will show herself to be a good and faithful friend, able to give useful advice about how to improve the current situation.

Work and business

In a working union, the Scorpio man will act as a generator of ideas and moods, the Taurus woman will be able to direct this energy in the direction she needs. She will also be able to weed out promising, practical ideas from empty notions that the Scorpio man sometimes sins with. The Taurus woman will play the role of a harsh but fair critic, a leader who wisely distributes the resource. By the way, a Scorpio man can also be a leader, then he will direct the efforts of a Taurus woman, depending on what potential he sees - in her personally and in their common project.

The signs are opposite in the Zodiac, which means that there are quite a few contradictions between them. On the other hand, they belong to friendly elements (Water for Scorpio and Earth for Taurus), which creates conditions for them to find mutual understanding. Compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio in love and marriage is 70%.

A strong physical attraction to each other will provide them with mutual interest. Partners are equally active in intimate life. On the other hand, there are contradictions. They are both very jealous and stubborn, so neither of them should give the other half a reason for suspicion. The difference between the two is that Taurus wants to have a partner as a valuable item, while Scorpio tries to master him in an emotional sense.

Among the advantages of this couple is their common interest in financial matters, it is he who can unite them. But in this case, the question will be whether they will retain the ability to sincerely love each other. There are both pluses and minuses in their relationship, and a successful marriage is possible if they are both patient and intelligent people.

Taurus Woman and Scorpio Man Compatibility

A relationship with a Scorpio man can change the life of a Taurus woman in many ways. Pluto, ruling the sign of Scorpio, brings an element of depth and transformation to love. If she has nothing against the halo of mystery that surrounds this man, the connection with him can be unforgettable. They are both devoted to each other and responsible, which creates the basis of their union. Among the disadvantages of their compatibility is that both are stubborn, but even if opinions differ, they can find a common approach.

Scorpio men are some of the most passionate in the zodiac, but this quality is usually not shown, opening up only with those with whom they feel true closeness. The Taurus woman is also passionate, although her passion is of a different kind. It often happens that they attract each other like magnets, and if this happens, then there are no forces that can separate them. Unless they want to, of course. A Taurus woman can charm a Scorpio man, and he will quickly feel that she is exactly who he is. for a long time searched. In love and marriage, she is possessive, but he usually does not mind this.

Scorpio Woman and Taurus Man Compatibility

In love and marriage, their relationship will never be ordinary. The physical and emotional attraction to each other is so strong that they are unlikely to ever get bored with each other. As soon as one of them has fallen under the spell of the other (usually within a few minutes of the first meeting), he or she will feel that something special is beginning, maybe coming. new period life. And there is no desire to resist it. If a Scorpio woman realizes that a Taurus man is becoming the object of her love, there is little that can stop her.

These relationships have their difficulties, but they are rarely insurmountable. The Scorpio woman has a special gift for understanding the mood of the Taurus man. On the other hand, he is able to give her true fidelity and devotion in love and marriage. There is stability in their union, which can set the stage for success.

And Taurus is much better than it might seem at first glance. Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs of the zodiac and therefore are sometimes attracted to each other with incredible strength. Their first meeting can be simply unforgettable, and Taurus may be surprised by the passion in Scorpio's eyes that awakens his presence. Given the connection between Mars and Venus, there is a possibility of a strong magnetic attraction between these two signs.

Taurus-Scorpio Sign Compatibility


On an intellectual level, these signs of the zodiac are less likely to find a common language than with any other, but if they manage to agree, this can be, without a doubt, one of the best combinations for love and marriage in terms of compatibility.


Taurus, like Scorpio, are very passionate signs, and especially Scorpio, prone to jealousy. Scorpio (most often a woman) requires a lot of attention and emotional intimacy, which can create some problems for a practical Taurus man.


Another one common feature which can lead to relationship problems is the closeness of both. Inflexible Scorpio, in conflict with the element of Earth, runs into stubborn Taurus. Pairs of these signs will agree on some things, but at the same time they will be ready to argue endlessly about others, and will collide with "foreheads" quite often. The budget in such a guy will be one of the main stumbling blocks, so lovers should try to be flexible and patient.

Since Taurus, like Scorpio, keep their emotions to themselves, emotional overload in a couple can lead to an explosion with serious consequences. Both signs need to learn how to open up, at least to your partner. Although, perhaps distrust on both sides will never be a real problem, because both signs are very devoted and loyal. If you take care of each other's personal space, the relationship will be in excellent condition.

The bull is the symbol of Taurus


Scorpio tends to express their love through sex, while Taurus may need more attention and emotional attachment because it is more sensitive. Scorpio will help Taurus discover that part of himself where sensuality and passion are at their peak, while Taurus may be able to persuade Scorpio to move on to higher pleasures.

Most Scorpios are compatible with Taurus, but those born between October 24 and November 2 are especially perfect. Among Taurus, those born between April 20th and 29th are more compatible.

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Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 25, 2019(March 12 O.S.)
3rd week of Great Lent
Rev. Theophanes Spanish, Sigriansky (818)
Saints' Day:
Right. Phinehas (c. 1500 BC). St. Gregory the Dialogist, Pope of Rome (604). Rev. Simeon the New Theologian (1021).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
St. Alexander Derzhavin, Confessor, Presbyter (1933); ssmhh. John Plekhanov, Konstantin Sokolov presbyters, prmch. Vladimir Volkov (1938); ssmch. Sergius Skvortsov presbyter (1943).
Day of veneration of icons Mother of God:
Lydda-not made by hands (on a pillar), the icon of the Mother of God (I).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
For eternity: - Gen.6:9-22; Proverbs 8:1-21 At the 6th hour:- Isaiah 8:13-9:7
Morning: - Ps.24-31; Ps.32-36; Ps.37-45 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

Relationships with Scorpio can both lift you to the clouds with happiness, and drop you into the abyss of suffering. After all, representatives of the sign of water, despite the innocent appearance, often behave insidiously and mysteriously. However, Taurus in love is smart and playful, their reactions are often unexpected, they love pleasure and are not going to suffer. The sign of water is waiting to enclose the victim in its sweet scorpion nets, however, with Taurus, this number will not work so easily. Their stage of rapprochement resembles a passionate war.

Scorpio and Taurus are attracted to each other as two opposites. Taurus has a developed Venus, which is the ruler of the sign and symbolizes earthly pleasures. Taurus is good-natured, affectionate, strives for sensual pleasures. Scorpio is normally a sign of the zodiac, which is somewhat divorced from matter, because the ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, this is the highest planet that contributes spiritual development. The meaning of Scorpio's life is the search for one's destiny and spiritual path. The man and woman of the sign of earth and water converge not only for development, they are interested in physical harmony, interesting communication, and even living together. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is the birth planet. Therefore, Scorpios are not among those zodiac signs that are afraid of marriage. However, the sign of water feels the cycles of his life very well, he wants to marry for the birth of children, if Taurus wants to start a family with Scorpio, then he should choose someone who does not have children yet.

Friendship of Scorpio and Taurus

In friendship, Scorpio and Taurus indulge in relaxation. They are not supporters of cultural leisure. These signs cannot do something serious together: take care of children or help each other in their studies. The fact is that they are united by non-intellectual planets. Scorpio and Taurus friends will go to cafes and restaurants together, visit beauty salons and fitness clubs. Men can visit clubs together, play billiards, ride a car. In friendship, Scorpio and Taurus can always agree, because Taurus is non-conflict by nature, and Scorpio does not like scandals and tantrums. If friends have lost interest or do not understand each other, then they do not sort things out, but simply move away, and after a while they begin to communicate again.

Scorpio and Taurus love relationship

Taurus is used to seducing easily, so he is surprised that Scorpio is difficult in relationships. Sometimes he wants love, and sometimes he behaves secretly and indifferently. Mysteriousness is the element of Scorpio. Taurus shows the talent of a seducer, this game draws him in. It's good for a Taurus to flirt with someone who keeps his distance, so he experiences feelings, not narcissism.

Scorpio man - Taurus woman

Scorpio men are powerful and love to use money and material resources in seduction, Taurus women are crazy about it. But Scorpio is reluctant to respond to a request for financial assistance, it is important for him to feel his power and make decisions when to give gifts. These relationships are more successful in their traditional version, when a man courts a woman, and then they begin to meet and live together. The fact is that a Scorpio man can have very strange relationships with women. Since he does not have firm moral principles, he does not have such strength of character as fire sign. Today he wants one thing, and tomorrow another, former and new lovers come to him almost without knocking, he can succumb to temptations. The earth sign woman will have to curb the promiscuity of the Scorpio with her uncompromising approach to relationships, otherwise she will be embroiled in a series of intrigues, cooler than in the Mexican series. For this reason, relationships at a distance are contraindicated with a man of the water element. After all, at meetings he can create one impression, and in real life be completely different. If a Taurus woman declares her desire to be the only one and demands that a man limit ties with others, then he will do this if he appreciates his beloved. This is how Scorpio's feelings are tested.

Taurus man - Scorpio woman

Taurus men are usually pleasure hunters tempted by life. Only in their youth, Taurus men are free, after 30 years they are usually married, however, the search for new connections does not stop. They need new emotions, something that can surprise them. A Scorpio woman can truly amaze the imagination. She is passionate and ready to arrange sex in an unexpected place, such as on an airplane, smart and can tirelessly argue until she proves that she is right, and also unpredictable, can come in the middle of the night in lacy lingerie under her coat. With the Scorpio woman, the Taurus man lives like on a fire-breathing volcano. He never knows what will happen tomorrow: stormy night or scandal. If the Scorpio woman is quiet, does not ask questions, where the Taurus was, why he didn’t call, then this is not a very good sign. Apparently she has another man. Taurus in this pair takes care of material support. He rents or renovates the apartment where the Scorpio woman lives, treats in cafes and restaurants, prepares lunches and dinners. Taurus accepts this state of affairs meekly, because care is his forte, it is for this that the Scorpio woman appreciates him.

The Dark Side of the Moon Taurus and Scorpio

The manifestation of the shortcomings of partners in this pair, paradoxically, does not kill attraction, but makes it stronger.

Manifestation of Lilith in Scorpions

Scorpio defends its right to freedom and does not accept restrictions. The fact is that the planets responsible for traditional morality are weakly manifested in the sign of Scorpio, so he often sees in morality the limitations of his freedom. Taurus often defend the principles of the Moon, that is, despite their sexuality, they seek a traditional union. If Scorpio notices that commitments are expected of him, then he may begin to hide, lie and cheat. In this situation, Taurus can only realize that he does not really need the restrictions that he demanded. After all, one of the problems of Taurus is the tendency to lose feelings when there is complete certainty. Taurus needs to learn to accept Scorpio as a source of suspense and thrills in their lives and enjoy it.

Manifestation of Lilith in Taurus

One of the features of Taurus is his craving for the material, so he can not be led by his feelings, but rationally seek the best option. If Scorpio notices that Taurus is unhappy with the relationship and continues to look for someone better, then he will be disappointed in him. In their connection, a chain reaction of discontent and betrayal will come. However, the earth sign cannot control itself, it is greedy for any temptations. This is how the love-war of Taurus and Scorpio arises, which turns into exciting game. This game is both intriguing and annoying. So that she does not destroy the relationship, partners need to know when to stop and tease each other with their reasons for jealousy not so often, then this can give a drive to the relationship.

Relationship development for Taurus and Scorpio

The format of the relationship between the signs of the earth and water elements is related to what kind of relationship the partners want. According to personality types, Scorpio men can be highly moral and immoral, and Taurus, focused on family values or frivolous. Depending on the type of relationship scenarios are different. Moral Scorpios and serious Taurus may well create families and be excellent parents, because in such a pair Scorpio is responsible for spiritual kinship and shows life goals, and Taurus seeks to create a comfortable home and feed the family. In the relationship of Scorpions without clear moral principles and frivolous Taurus can be different formats. They can meet without obligation in the format of an open relationship, enter into light novels at work and at leisure, and Scorpions often fall into extramarital affairs as a lover.

These features of relations are connected with the fact that one of the functions of the ruling planet of the Scorpio sign is the destruction of obsolete forms. Intuitively, representatives of the Scorpio sign feel people who are in a state of mental discomfort, one of their cosmic tasks is to help in overcoming the crisis. Therefore, relationships that seem wrong in society actually have deep meaning, Taurus often enter into relationships of convenience and cannot get out of them, Scorpios help them come to the point that love and passion are more important than material things by going through intense experiences with them. What about Chinese horoscope? The longest unions in which there is material support arise between Scorpions and Taurus of the Year of the Dog, as well as between Taurus and Scorpions of the Year of the Dragon.

Analysis of relationships

The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio may well turn out to be a brief flash of passion. Representatives of both signs know how to live without planning anything. Lasting relationships arise only if there is an intellectual and spiritual intimacy.

  • Intellectual harmony
    Scorpio gives Taurus the opportunity for spiritual self-improvement, while using communication with him as an opportunity to take a break from high thoughts. And Taurus can give real care and at the same time learn something new.
  • Passion
    paired is driving force, because the symbols of the signs are Venus and Pluto, the planets responsible for the disclosure of sexuality. Partners educate each other with their understanding of sexuality. For Scorpio, passion is an impulse and personal attraction, it excites what the interlocutor says, how he jokes, Scorpio can be seduced by the beauty of the mind. For Taurus, passion is physical attraction and enjoyment of the body. Scorpio likes unexpected situations, he loves dramatic cases - betrayals, office romances, dating in extreme circumstances. Taurus cares about comfort and coziness. If Scorpio insists on unusual situations that Taurus will be uncomfortable with, then he may not like it.
  • Love
    Scorpio always wants to fall in love, for him, sex without love loses its magic. He will bring Taurus to vivid feelings. different ways. Seeing that Taurus did not fall in love, Scorpio can use his manipulations: approach and move away, turn on mystery, cause jealousy. He does all this to warm up emotions so that Taurus does not get bored. You can love or hate a Scorpio, but it is impossible to remain indifferent to him.

The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio in the event of physical and personal attraction will always be difficult and interesting. They are possible in various formats, because the main thing for partners is passion. In addition, there is a lot of sincere care in this closeness, which makes the relationship warm and comfortable.
