Draw different leaves. How to draw a maple leaf with a pencil step by step

1. When drawing leaves, note that the vein goes into the stalk. Note also that the midrib of some leaves divides them exactly in half.
To draw a leaf, first draw an oval. Then draw a center line and lightly outline both halves. Check the accuracy of the drawing, and then draw the halves more clearly. Now add cloves along the edges of the leaf.
When coloring a leaf, remember that the veins are lighter than the leaf itself.

2. You can start drawing an oak leaf from an oval narrowed down. In the middle of the oval there is a vein that passes into the stalk of the leaf. The edges of an oak leaf resemble waves.

3. Let's start drawing a maple leaf by displaying its shape. Then you need to find the node of all leaf veins (the maple leaf has five main veins, around each of which there is, as it were, a separate leaf) and outline their direction. Then draw jagged edges.

4. Now let's try to draw a branch with leaves. First, consider it: how many leaves are on the branch, how are they located relative to the branch, what size are they, are they all visible as a whole, what is the shape of the leaves, which leaves seem darker, which ones are lighter, are the leaves the same color? After answering these questions, proceed to the drawing according to the first scheme.
Starting the second stage, trace the direction of the veins and marginal notches on each sheet.
When painting over the drawing, display the volume and color of the leaves with light and shadow.

5. Drawing a tree must begin with a trunk. The trunk is the thickest part of the tree. The trunk is thinner at the top and thicker at the bottom. The branches are located along the trunk and directed upwards. The closer to the top of the tree, the shorter the branches of the tree.
After the trunk, draw large tree branches. They are drawn in the same way as the trunk: thinner at the top, thicker closer to the trunk. The branches on the trunk are at different distances.
Then we draw small branches that depart from large ones. A lot of them. Small branches are drawn with the same thickness - they are thin, but also stretch upwards for many trees.

6. One of the common trees we have is a birch. Before you draw it, take a close look at it. A feature of birch branches is that they are rather thin, bend, hang down, and thicker branches are divided into even thinner branches. When the wind blows, birch branches sway from side to side.

7. The silhouette of the Christmas tree resembles a triangle. When drawing it, it should be remembered that instead of leaves it has needles.

8. When drawing trees in a landscape, it should be taken into account that being far from the tree, we see only its general shape, which must be depicted.

Pencil drawing is a fun activity. Following the advice of the masters, anyone, regardless of age and abilities, can learn how to create masterpieces.

What do you need to draw with a pencil?

You can draw anything with a pencil: animals and plants, people, buildings, cartoon characters. In general, everything that is enough for imagination. This article explains step by step,

For successful work At hand, a novice artist should have everything you need. Prepare the paper good quality, sharpened graphite pencil medium hardness, soft eraser and "How to draw" Maple Leaf". In addition to the instructions, it's good to have a few real maple leaves on hand and carefully examine them. At first glance, it seems that drawing them is very simple. However, in reality, everything will turn out to be a little more difficult. It has a complex structure of several repeating elements. To help you get the job done, we will show you how to draw step by step.

How to draw a maple leaf step by step

Step 1. You need to create a foundation. To do this, you need to draw a vertical and intersecting it horizontal line. Then, through the intersection point of these lines, draw 2 more inclined lines to the left and right. You will get six intersecting lines, as shown in the figure.

Step 2. Draw numerous small "branches" from large lines. They should be placed unevenly, which will make the finished work more natural.

At the first stages, the maple leaf is drawn with a pencil without pressure. The tool should be held in the hand gently, without tension. The lines should be light and light.

Step 3. We have a preliminary frame on paper for the future drawing. Now you need to make the correct contour. To do this, circle the lattice of twigs with broken curved lines, as shown in the figure.

Step 4. Using clear strokes, carefully draw the main skeleton and petiole of the leaf. The figure shows that they should be slightly thicker compared to the secondary branches. Their appearance resembles - narrowed from above and expanding from top to bottom.

Step 5. With light small strokes, add small veins to secondary branches. At this stage, we already have an idea of ​​​​how to draw a maple leaf. However, we have only a sketch. To obtain a real picture, it is necessary to properly distribute light and shadow over the sheet. Then it will be not just a picture, but the work of an artist.

Step 6 This last step. At this stage, you need to give a sheet of realism. This must be done by shading the sheet. Look at the "live" maple leaf through the eyes of the master. You should note which areas are darker and which are lighter. One should try to convey such a play of light and shadow on paper.

Now you know how to draw a maple leaf. For achievement best result Here are some more general tips:

  • at the beginning of work on the drawing, do not press hard on the pencil;
  • circle the contour with stronger pressure to get a clear line;
  • shade the drawing gradually, do not immediately make too sharp transitions from light to dark.


Now take a maple leaf in your hand and examine it carefully. Pay attention to the veins, color transitions, the location of the handle.

Now take the colored ones and, looking at your model maple leaf, try to convey all the gentle color transitions that nature has endowed with maple leaves. You are probably using several . To get a smooth color transition, rub the transition points with a piece of paper.

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Helpful advice

If you decide to learn how to draw leaves without aids, pay attention to the shape of a maple leaf. As you can see, this is a complex sheet, consisting of several simple ones. First, learn how to draw one simple leaf and, after you master this technique, the whole leaf will be given to you without difficulty.


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  • how to draw a maple leaf with a pencil in 2018

At the leaves maple very beautiful and varied coloration, from green to yellow-orange tones. Leaves maple have a complex shape. You need to learn how to draw a separate leaf, and then repeat the drawing, copying the technique of drawing leaves. Let's draw a maple leaf.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - Maple Leaf;
  • - leaflets;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - palette.


First print from . Take a leaf blank paper And . Color the front side in yellow, orange, red colors. On Blank sheet flip the front maple and press with your hand. It turned out to be a very beautiful, neat print. maple. watercolor brown paint draw the edges of the sheet and draw veins, lines. Add a wand.

Now proceed to the detailed drawing. Draw an open circle. Swipe one, ending at the base of the open circle. Then put a point from the straight lines to where the open circle ends and draw 6 lines (sectors) around the circle to get the shape. Count together with the first straight line - you should get 7 lines. In the middle of each sector, put dots, not necessarily in a neat order. Now draw a leaf shape from the beginning of the bottom point maple. The top has the shape of a triangle. Connect it to every point in the sector. Draw a straight line from the closed circle.

Now on the edges maple draw detailed, similar, different-shaped corners. Start from straight lines (sticks). You can stretch or narrow them and different lengths. Then on 7 lines draw different sizes veins, they should start from the bottom with small dashes, gradually lengthening to the size of each. Erase extra lines.

Color the maple. First, add yellow to the palette watercolor paint, dilute a little with water and paint over the entire maple. Take orange paint and mix with yellow. Apply this color without touching the veins and lines from the beginning to the middle maple. Add more orange so that the color is a little darker than the original and paint over the rest on the edges over the beginning. Then light orange circle the yellow edges and lines maple to have outlines. Maple is ready.

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Autumn, "eye charm" - the most picturesque time of the year, pleasing to the eye with a variety of colors. Experienced and not very artists like to depict her in their paintings. And one of required attributes golden autumn are maple leaves.

You will need

  • - Maple leaves;
  • - paper;
  • - pencils;
  • - paints.


Look for maple leaves right size. They should not be too dry and brittle, as they can simply crumble during the drawing process. In addition, dried ones do not convey the full brightness of autumn colors. Do not collect leaves. You will need to apply them to the paper, it will get wet and yours will be ruined.

Attach the maple leaf to the canvas and redraw it, while holding it with your free hand so that the leaf does not slip and the drawing does not turn out to be uneven.

Once your leaf outline is complete, take a close look at the veins on your model maple leaf. You should not redraw all the weaves of the veins, otherwise it will be difficult for the audience to understand what kind of grid you have in the picture. Redraw the largest veins in a simple way.

Now take colored pencils or paints and, looking at real leaf, try to convey on paper all the colors that you awarded. Pay special attention to the transitions of colors from one to another. Achieve similarity with the original by mixing several colors that blend into each other. If you are coloring the drawing with pencils, rub the transition with a piece of paper - the blending of colors will turn out to be smoother and more natural.

Take a couple of maple leaves and smear them with paint. One can be made red-green, and the second bright orange. Now attach them to the paper with the painted side. Peel off carefully, being careful not to smear the paint. Your autumn leaf fall ready!

If you want to be able to maple without using aids pay attention to its structure. The maple leaf is complex, consists of repeating elements. As in the case of other complex leaves, you just need to learn one element and duplicate it several times in your drawing.

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Leaves different plants - a popular element of an embroidered or woven ornament. They are constantly found in paintings, and not only in still lifes or landscapes. It is not so often that you come across pictures where there would not be a branch or a flower. Before drawing something large, you need to learn how to draw leaves. pencil.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - tree leaves or pictures.


Consider several different leaves. Note that a prominent thick vein runs through the center of almost every one of them. Compare the shape of the leaves of different plants. Among them there are round, oval,. There are also carved ones. It may seem to a novice artist that the lines are too intricate. This is not entirely true. Looking closely at the maple leaf, you will see that it is also built around the central vein.

Start with a round leaf. For example, let it be an alder leaf. Place the paper where you like. Draw the central vein. She divides the round leaf strictly in half and does not reach the second edge a little.

Draw a circle, imagining that the vein is the axis of symmetry. It is very good that the line is a little uneven. In nature, leaves rarely have perfectly even outlines. On the edge, you can even make barely noticeable teeth. Several thinner ones depart from the central vein. Please note that from the side of the petiole, the angle between the main vein and the lateral ones will always be obtuse, and the thin lines themselves are almost symmetrical.

The maple leaf fits perfectly into the square. sketch thin pencil this geometric figure or just imagine it. Perpendicular to the underside of the imaginary square, draw the midrib.

Pay attention to how the lateral veins depart from the central one. The lower ones are located at a right angle to it. Their total length is approximately equal to the side of your imaginary square. Between them and the central one there are 2 more lines, approximately at an angle of 45 °. Spend them. 2 more, thinner and shorter, depart from the middle of the inclined veins.

Mark the sharp ends of the maple leaf. Of course, it is not worth measuring the angles along the protractor, but they should be approximately the same and rather sharp.

Draw the outlines. It is most convenient to do this from the point where the central vein connects to the two lower ones perpendicular to it. Please note that the line starting from this point does not describe a completely smooth arc. The convex part of it is directed downward. The line itself is uneven. Strictly observe the symmetry in this case is not necessary.

Having learned how to draw simple leaves of various shapes, try to depict a complex one or even a twig. A complex sheet consists of several identical small ones. The role of the central vein is performed by the petiole, to which single leaflets are attached. Position this line arbitrarily.

Mark the central veins of single leaflets. They depart from the main line under a small acute angle. Like a single leaf, the obtuse angle is on the side closest to the branch.

Please note that a complex leaf must have one unpaired leaf. It is the same as the others, but its axis continues the central vein.


Before you start working with watercolors, practice drawing leaves and flowers with a pencil. It will be enough for you to master the main stages of construction. Do not forget that a good preliminary drawing or sketch is very important for any painting. So, let's start with the simplest - from the sheet. It is better if you have a real leaf of birch or linden in front of your eyes.

The main task of this exercise is to learn how to draw leaves with the same and smooth edges. But only a sheet lying flat on a flat surface can look like this.

Draw a straight thin line. This will be the central axis of the leaf and stem. Make small strokes, marking where the sheet begins and where it ends. Accordingly, a small part will remain for the stem.

On both sides of the central axis, make strokes that determine the width of the sheet and its approximate form. Try to keep the parts on both sides of the axle the same.

Let's make things a little more difficult. Let's turn the leaf a little away from us, as if we are holding it by the tip of the stem and it is slightly arching.

Now you can draw the leaf using the hint strokes you made. From the central axis to the edges of the sheet, draw divergent veins.

Just like in the first case, we start drawing from the central axis. The axis sets the bend and rotation of the leaf. With small strokes, mark the length of the sheet.

Again we mark the width of the sheet on both sides of the central axis. Do not forget that the sheet is turned and slightly curved, respectively, we see the near part in full, and the far part only partially. That is, in the future, it becomes smaller and narrower than the part on foreground. And the end of the sheet, arching, hides a small part from us.

Carefully draw the shape of the leaf. In this case, the central axis is very important, as it emphasizes the bend of the sheet and serves as a separator between two planes, adding volume to the sheet.

And now, using the example of a long willow leaf, consider a leaf that is bent so that its back side is visible.

The basis of any sheet is the central axis. Draw a curved line. Put a mark separating the beginning of the leaf from the stem.

As in the first example, we make marks e on both sides of the axis. Having reached the upper point of the bend of the axis, we make a similar markup below.

Draw the shape of the leaf. Pay attention to how at the top point the lines of the outer and inner edges seem to overlap. The line of the outer edge comes almost to the central axis, and the line of the inner edge comes out from under it. Draw the stem and veins. The direction of the veins on the back of the sheet will also emphasize its bend.

After we have dealt with simple forms using the example of leaves, we can move on to flowers. Flowers that have many petals, such as daisies, gerberas or sunflowers, you need to start drawing from the middle. That is, first you draw a slightly convex center, and then add petals to it, which you draw in the same way as the leaves. Tulips and roses are also made up of simple petals that come together in one place. So drawing these flowers will not be difficult for you. But there are other flowers whose shape resembles a bell. Let's take a closer look at the structure of such flowers.

So, the basis, as usual, is the central axis. Imagine how this line passes through the center of the flower and along its entire length, as if the axis is a thread, and the flower is a bead. Draw two lines perpendicular to the axis, with which you can mark the width of the flower at the base and in the widest open part. With small strokes, mark equal parts on both sides of the central axis.

Now we need to draw the volume of the flower. To do this, add a third line perpendicular to the axis with marked even parts. If we carefully examine the flower, we will understand that it is round in volume. And, accordingly, closer to the base, the circles are smaller in diameter than at the top of the flower. According to the laws of perspective, circles turn into ovals, since we look at the flower not from above, but from the side. Draw ovals according to the prepared markup.

Draw the shape of the flower. Gently connect the edges with the top with one line.

Divide the upper part, that is, the largest oval, into five parts so that you can draw the edges of the petals. Do not forget that they must be voluminous, for this you need to make the edges curved. Erase the already unnecessary part of the drawing with an eraser so that it does not prevent you from seeing the shape. Draw a stem and small leaves to the base of the flower, which almost all flowers have on the line connecting the stem and flower.

Erase all construction lines, draw a little more stem. Through the lines of the central axis of each petal, emphasize the volume and how they arch from the center to the edges. Using a small pencil shadow, mark the inner depth of the flower and the volume.

Using the basics of construction, practice making simple sketches of flowers and leaves. Draw flowers from different angles and under different lighting, so you can better see the structure of flowers, their volume and shape. And also, when working on sketches, you can combine pencil technique and watercolor.

How we love to draw nature, various landscapes, which often contain trees and shrubs, as an indispensable element of many landscape drawings. Trees and shrubs have leaves. They densely sit on the branches, rustle in the wind, sway, creating a pleasant coolness on a hot summer day. From the heat, lush foliage can shelter a weary traveler who has stopped to rest under a sprawling tent of tree branches. Leaves are different in their structure. Simple and complex, with different arrangement of veins - they are usually an integral part of every herbaceous plant. With the help of leaflets, plants receive nutrients, water is transported through the veins to all organs of the plant.

Acacia leaf. First, in the first part of our lesson, we will learn how to draw a complex sheet. Let it be a leaf of a well-known shrub - a yellow acacia. In botanical terminology, it is called unpaired pinnately dissected. In a pinnate leaf, leaf blades are always located on the main petiole opposite each other.

Stage 1. First, we denote the main petiole (leaf stalk) with auxiliary straight lines, from it we draw additional direct petioles, two in different directions.

Stage 2. We draw a clear line of the base of the main petiole.

Stage 3. On the first two straight lines, draw a lot of small leaves sitting on additional stems.

Stage 4. On the second two straight lines and on the main stem in front, we also draw a lot of small leaves. At the top of such a leaf is an unpaired leaf blade.

Stage 5. We erase the auxiliary lines, leaving only the main ones.

Stage 6. Outline the main contour of the leaves with a clear line.

Stage 7. Let's decorate our leaves, of course, in green color.

Lilac leaves. Lilac is a very beautiful shrub with clusters of small flowers of lilac, purple or white. Lilac has a very pleasant smell. It usually blooms in May. And then a wonderful unique lilac smell floats above the ground ... Let's try to draw the leaves of this beautiful shrub.

Stage 1. Lilac leaves are single, simple, they each sit on their petiole opposite each other (opposite). We draw a small, not very plump petiole.

Stage 2. From this petiole we draw two straight lines located opposite each other. These are the rods of future leaf blades. On each of them we will depict half of a semi-heart-shaped leaf blade.

Stage 3. Now, in the same way, we depict the second halves of the leaf blades. They also remind us of half a heart.

Stage 4. With clear bold lines we denote the median veins of each leaf. They are the largest.

Stage 5. From the median vein of each leaf blade, we show numerous veins that extend in different directions and create a patterned network on the sheet.

Stage 6. Now we erase all auxiliary lines, outline the remaining drawing clearly.

Stage 7. Let's color our leaves. It is a green color of various shades. The veins can be made gray, brown or black. Or maybe dark green.
