tender activity. How to conduct tenders: step by step instructions

What are commercial tenders for?

IN Lately participation in tenders is becoming a common practice. The factors that determine the need for a commercial tender by a customer company include a combination of the following conditions: a clear understanding of its need for certain goods, works or services, the availability of technical specifications, a budget for the project, and the difficulty of choosing between several supplier companies.

There are other reasons as well. In the field of corporate and state procurement policy, there is a requirement to conduct competitive procedures when placing an order. In many organizations, it is customary to make a decision on the choice of a company - a supplier of goods, works or services on the basis of tenders that take place through the announcement of an open or closed tender. Bidding in the business community is called a tender. The term "tender" came to Russian economy from the global economy, where tendering is the main mechanism for implementing the public-private partnership system. Tenders for Russian market conducts both the corporate and the public sector. Today, the requirement to conduct an auction is presented in Russia for all orders announced by state and municipal organizations, the cost of which exceeds 100 thousand rubles per quarter.

Tenders help to find optimal solutions for business development. The contract will be concluded with the company that made the most advantageous offer for the tender organizer. It is not easy for a supplier to win a tender: it is necessary to become a supplier of goods in demand on the market, to have a good team of specialists, to understand the legislation and the intricacies of tender procedures.

Supplier companies, thanks to the tender, create around themselves competitive environment, have the opportunity to receive an order for their products at the best price.

Commercial tenders are regulated by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and regulations established by the customer companies themselves.

Article 448 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines that auctions are held through open and closed auctions and competitions. IN open auction Any person can participate in an open competition, but only persons specially invited for this purpose participate in closed competitions. The organizer is obliged to notify the public about the auction at least 30 days before it takes place.

The fourth Chapter 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition" provides for antimonopoly requirements for bidding and features for the selection of financial organizations.

Systematization and unification of procedures for private tenders was carried out by RAO "UES of Russia". The Company applied for conducting commercial tenders the basic principles and standards provided for public tenders and prescribed in 94-FZ. The set of competitive procedures has been expanded: open tender, open tender with preliminary selection, closed competition, two-stage tender, multi-stage tender, tenders (open, closed) with rebidding, price tender, request for prices, request for proposals, competitive negotiations, purchase from a single source.

Most commercial auctions follow the same principles as state auctions. The difference lies in the fact that the activities of state organizations during tenders are strictly regulated by law, while commercial organizations conduct tenders in a more free form. They are guided by internal documents adopted by the companies themselves.

Commercial organizations do not have such a single and universal law for conducting tenders as 94-FZ for public procurement. The reason is that each area of ​​business has many differences and its own specifics.

Efficient procurement and an optimal tender procedure are important for commercial enterprises.

Many customer companies have electronic platforms for bidding, they conduct the main procurement activities. Thus, RAO UES has created a unified Internet resource for electric power companies (www.b2benergo.ru). Commercial tenders are held on such platforms as B2B-NPK, B2B-Avia, B2B-SNG, B2B-Cold, B2B-Sport, B2B-Metallurg, B2B-Agro, B2B-Housing and Public Utilities, B2B-Auto, B2B-Telecom, B2B- Insurance and others. All of these portals are common bases data (that is, companies registered on one site can take part in trading on others), similar regulations, a uniform interface. Each industry has portals that consolidate information about auctions, and there are also inter-industry portals such as Trade.Su (alltenders.ru; i-tenders.ru). The main difference between b2b and information-consolidating sites is that the latter do not host auctions themselves, they do not provide for procedures. Information is posted there, in particular, notices and links to the customer's website, where, as a rule, tender documentation is posted.

The choice of a place to participate in the auction depends on the financial and organizational conditions offered by different sites. Some platforms charge a monthly fee, others charge a percentage of the transaction, others charge a one-time fee, and others provide free participation either for suppliers or customers.

What tenders are there?

The first type of tender is the "price tender". The customer knows exactly what goods, works or services and in what volume he will need to complete the task. And suppliers of goods or performers of works or services put forward their proposals for the supply of goods, for specific types of work, terms, period of warranty service, additional services - and most importantly, at a price.

The second type of tenders is the tender of "open solutions". Such a tender is organized when the company's specialists do not have a clear idea of ​​what goods, types of work and services they will need to achieve the desired result. The tender of "open solutions" can be announced even if the desired result can be achieved different ways. The company in the description of the tender conditions (brief) indicates the problem that it needs to solve or the result that it is desirable to achieve. Participating companies offer their vision of solving the problem.

Such a tender, of course, implies a much greater spread in prices and proposed solutions, but in return, the customer company gets a unique chance to consider the creative developments of various companies.

In the case when difficult decisions have to be made, a two-stage tender model is used. At the first stage, the customer company chooses the concept of the solution, and at the second - the price offer.

Open or closed tender?

Advantages open competition– in its publicity, which is important when carrying out large and complex purchases, choosing contractors for the implementation of large-scale projects. In this case, suppliers have more responsibility, they are more careful in preparing and submitting proposals. For suppliers, the difficulties are related to the fact that the tender procedure is clearly regulated both in terms of timing and consequences. For the customer, it is difficult to waste time resources, there is an element of unpredictability associated with the risk of the arrival of unverified companies.

Closed competition is the best procedure for purchasing in small lots. Despite the narrowing of competition, the process of processing and evaluating applications becomes easier, verified companies are specially invited.

Rules of preparation for participation in the tender.

Like any business process, a tender has its own rules for preparing and conducting. The customer company describes in the tender documentation the criteria and terms for selecting participants and the winner of the tender.

Consider the work plan for preparing for participation in the tender.

Stage 1. Studying the tender documentation and making a decision on participation in the tender.

To prepare a proposal for participation in a commercial tender, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the tender documentation of the company that conducts the tender.

The customer sends a brief (invitation to participate) to potential bidders for consideration.

The standard brief includes the following composition:

1.description of the customer company

2. statement of the problem and description of the desired result

3.requirements for bidders

4. description of the application form

5.criteria for assessing applicants

6. terms of the tender.

Let's deal with the content of the brief.

Description of the client company.

To prepare a proposal for participation in a commercial tender, it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of the company that conducts the tender. It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the company, the sector of the economy in which it operates, the type of business and its specific features. Booklets and brochures, Internet resources about the company, the content of the company's website will allow you to get an idea about the customer. Information about the company will make it possible to correctly prepare the tender documentation.

Statement of the problem and description of the desired result.

This section of the brief shows what problem the customer needs to solve. The tender documentation contains a technical and commercial part. The technical part describes and general information about the object of tender, instructions for suppliers, information cards indicating the procedure for preparing and submitting bids and other required information. The commercial part indicates the price, conditions, payment schedules, sources of financing of the contract.

Requirements for bidders.

Among the requirements, there may be a requirement for experience in conducting similar projects, feedback from previous clients, availability of information about the period of work in the market of the supplier company.

Description of the application form

In this section, the company - the customer specifies those sections that should appear in the application (proposal) from the company - participant in the tender.

Criteria for evaluation

Evaluation criteria include such parameters as price, project time, lack of co-executors.

Tender deadlines

Usually indicate the deadline for the announcement of the tender, the start and end dates for the receipt of applications, the approximate period for consideration of applications.

As a rule, if a "price tender" is announced, then 3-4 organizations are invited to participate. If a two-stage “tender of solutions” is planned, then the number of participants in the first stage can be from 5 to 9, and two or three participants who have prepared the most interesting proposals go to the second stage.

Stage 2. Clarification of positions.

At this stage, companies that submitted initial bids may contact the Employer for additional information to clarify the customer's vision of the problem and ways to solve it.

Stage 3. Application preparation.

It often happens that an enterprise is not allowed to participate in the tender even at the stage of checking tender proposals, if the application submitted by it was incorrectly drawn up. Tender documents must be professionally prepared.

Stage 4. Presentation of proposals.

The company ordering the tender invites to the meeting the finalists of the tender, who have the opportunity to convince that their offer is the best. In order to win the tender, the supplier needs to present the material favorably and interest the customer. A professionally prepared presentation should be accessible and visual, should contain graphic information, comparison with the work of other companies. It would be useful to attach a list of major customers and customers of the supplier company, their reviews.

Stage 5 Final selection.

Responsible managers of the company - the customer collectively decide on the choice of a particular supplier. During the discussion, the opinions of internal customers are clarified, a rating table is created, where, using the weighted average coefficient method, the final score of each tender participant is determined.

Stage 6 Announcement of winners.

On general meeting or through the media when conducting an open tender or personally, if the tender was closed, the tender participants are notified of the completion of the competitive procedures and the selection of the winner.

There is an opinion that connections are needed to win the tender. Of course, there are costs in any business process, and yet there are three defining criteria for winning a commercial tender - this is the price of the contract, quality and qualifications.

As soon as the tender, the management needs to hold ...

Tender arranging.

Holding a tender as a way of choosing the most appropriate solution to the problem facing the company has recently become a common practice.

The rules and procedures for conducting tenders are becoming generally accepted, and the tenders themselves are becoming more transparent.

Reasons for the tender.

As a rule, companies announce a tender for two reasons.

The first of these is the corporate requirements that exist in the organization, in the field of procurement policy.

So in many organizations around the world it is customary to make a decision on the choice of a supplier company on the basis of an open or closed tender. Today, a similar requirement applies to all orders announced government organizations, the cost of which exceeds 100 thousand rubles.

The second reason is the desire of the company, the organizer of the tender, to get the best solution for the best price.

For example, the ABC company plans to change the way it promotes its product on the market. If the company's specialists know what result is considered desirable, what terms and prices would be acceptable for the company, then they announce a tender between various marketing agencies.

What tenders are there?

The first type of tender is the "price tender".

In this case, the customer knows exactly what types of work and to what extent he will need to complete the task. And the performers (bidders) put forward their proposals for specific types of work, terms, period of warranty service, additional services - and most importantly, for the price. This type of tender, as a rule, does not bring surprises to either the customer company or the tender participants. The choice between contractors is made mainly on the basis of price.

The second type of tenders is the so-called tender of "open solutions" (tender of "open brief"). Such a tender is organized when the company's specialists only approximately imagine what types of work and services they will need to achieve the desired result. The tender of "open solutions" can also be announced if the desired result can be achieved using various methods and solutions.

In this case, the company in the description of the tender conditions (brief) indicates the problem that it needs to solve or the result that it is desirable to achieve. Participating companies, for their part, offer their own vision of solving the problem.

Such a tender, of course, implies a much greater spread in prices and proposed solutions, but in return, the customer company gets a unique chance to consider the creative developments of various companies.

As practice shows, the most reasonable (at least in the case of difficult decisions) becomes a two-stage tender model. At the first stage of which, the customer company chooses the concept of the solution, and at the second - the price offer.

Tender preparation rules.

Like any business process, a tender has its own rules for preparing and conducting.

In order for the companies participating in the tender to be able to offer you a solution, the best way meeting your wishes, you need to clearly and distinctly explain to them what you want from them. Well, so that the very process of selecting and reviewing the proposed solutions in your company drags on in time and does not turn into a bad infinity of negotiations and meetings, you need to clearly describe the criteria and terms for selecting participants, and then the winner of the tender.

Here is a standardized cycle of work on the "tendering" project.

Stage 1. Formation within the company of a list of tasks submitted for tender and coordination of the type of organizations participating in it. Deciding on a tender.

As practice shows, this stage is not superfluous at all, since the speed of decision-making on all subsequent stages of work depends on how unified the understanding of the tasks submitted for the tender will be by various employees of the company. It is also not bad to reach mutual understanding on the issues of what kind and scale of suppliers will be invited to participate in the tender, whether it will be open or closed.

Stage 2. Creation of "Brief" (Invitation to participate).

At this stage, the employee responsible in the company - the customer for the preparation and conduct of the tender, must set out in a single document the objectives of the project (tendering) and the requirements for the participants in the competition.

This brief (Invitation to Bid) will then be sent to potential bidders for consideration.

The standard brief includes the following composition:

  1. description of the customer company
  2. formulation of the problem
  3. description of the desired result
  4. requirements for bidders
  5. description of the application form (document criteria)
  6. criteria for assessing applicants
  7. tender deadlines

Each part of this application is a meaningful and functional part of the document. Of course, that your company may be from any of them, or several at once, but this will only make it difficult for you to communicate with potential solution providers.

Let's take a closer look at the contents of the brief.

1. Perhaps the glory of your company is great and immense, or maybe you are just starting your journey to the heights of the business Olympus, and yet, there is something that the provider must know about your company in order to successful preparation offers. The history of the company, its number, the sector of the economy in which you work, the type of business and its specific features - all this will be important for preparing a personalized offer. Of course, in the brief there is no need to describe the story as they say "from Adam". The information that you usually publish in a booklet or brochure about the company will be enough. Enter your website address where the service provider can get a better idea of ​​your company.

2. The problem statement section should demonstrate to your addressee what exactly worries you, what questions you plan to look for answers to, what does not suit you in the current situation. Practice shows that this particular section of the brief is repeatedly specified during subsequent negotiations.

3. In this section, you must give free rein to your pen. First, describe what changes (goals) the organization wants to achieve as a result. Secondly, describe the most relevant and urgent tasks that you want to solve. Finally, thirdly, describe what products (solutions) should be the result of the work.

4. Requirements for bidders usually describe parameters of the participating organization that are critical for your company. For example, for organizations working with state secrets, it is important that Russian companies be their service providers. Among the requirements may be experience in conducting similar projects, the availability of reviews from previous clients, or the life of the provider company itself. The description of the requirements should be approached with sufficient caution: after all, by tightening them too much, you may encounter insufficient choice, both in terms of price and quality of offers. At the same time, the lack of restrictions will make it difficult for you to make the initial choice.

5. A clear description of the tender application form is intended to facilitate your subsequent work. It is much easier to process and compare proposals created according to a single scheme than to unify a collection of various documents. In this section, the company - the customer specifies those sections that should appear in the application (Proposal) from the company - participant in the tender.

6. The section "Evaluation criteria" causes the greatest disagreement in the preparation of the document. Indeed, the organizers of the tender tell me, what is important for us is a reasonable combination of various criteria in one proposal. So to say value for money. Of course it is. However, if any of the parameters is critical for you (price, project time, lack of co-executors, use of specific software), it is worth paying the attention of your suppliers to it. At least for the fact that they did not obviously do empty work.

7. The timing of the tender can not be separated into a separate section, but it is mandatory to indicate in the brief. Usually indicate the deadline for the announcement of the tender, the start and end dates for the receipt of applications, the approximate period for consideration of applications.

Stage 3. Choice of participating companies.

Now, after the formation of the brief, you can safely invite interested organizations to participate in the tender. Usually, if a "price tender" is announced, then 3-4 organizations are invited to participate. If a two-stage “tender of solutions” is planned, then the number of participants in the first stage can be from 5 to 9, and two or three participants who have prepared the most interesting proposals go to the second stage.

How to determine the composition of companies - participants for the tender?

There is an open tender in which you invite all organizations that meet the requirements to participate. An open tender is announced through specialized media, Internet sites or professional communities. This type of tendering should be used, for example, by government organizations.

A closed tender provides for the invitation of participants by the organizing company. To be invited to participate in the first stage, participating companies are selected according to criteria that are significant for the organizer. For example, it may be the experience of conducting similar works, partner reviews, open press materials, company websites on the Internet, their participation in ratings, professional exhibitions, conferences, etc. In this case, you yourself, based on your criteria, send a personal invitation to take part in the tender of a particular company. The names of the bidders are not advertised.

Now that you have announced the start of the tender, you are looking forward to receiving the initial bids.

Stage 4. Clarification of positions.

At this stage of the work, the companies that submitted the initial bids for participation in the tender will contact you for additional information. Clarify your vision of the problem and the desired ways to solve it. In order for the final proposals of the participants to look not only personalized, but also meaningful, you will need to spend some time discussing. This is where you will remember the reasonable limitation of the number of tender participants, which was written about above. In the event that a two-stage tender is scheduled after consideration of the preliminary application, the companies that have entered the second round prepare the final documents.

Stage 5 Presentation of final proposals.

At such a crucial moment, the finalists of the competition cannot do without a dry document; the organizer invites them to a meeting in the company. It is at this meeting, presenting their solution, that the representatives of the provider have the opportunity to convince you that their solution is the only correct one.

And if the work on the previous stages could be carried out by one or two employees of the relevant department, then the heads of those departments who will act as your internal customers for the project are invited to the final presentation.

Stage 6 Final selection.

After conducting presentations and carefully studying the proposal received, the responsible managers of your company collectively decide on the choice of a particular supplier. In some companies, this decision is made at a meeting, through oral discussion and clarification of the opinions of internal customers. In other more formal cases, a rating table is created, where, using the weighted average coefficient method, the final score of each tenderer is determined.

Stage 7. Announcement of winners.

This is undoubtedly the most enjoyable and exciting stage for all involved. Unfortunately, in Russian practice it often turns out that companies that have not won a tender find out about its completion when their competitor is already working on the project in full. Agree, such behavior does not adorn the Customer. It is considered good form at a general meeting or through the media (in case of an open tender) or personally (if the tender was closed) to notify all participants of the completion of work and the choice of the final supplier of solutions.

As you can see, the work on the tender does not present insurmountable problems from the point of view of the organization. The main difficulty in this process lies precisely in the customer's awareness of the problem being solved and the choice of an adequate solution. And if you want to find the most economical solution to your problem, then you should probably only talk about comparing prices for the same services.

The specifics of tenders in the personnel service.

The personnel department has its own specifics of work, including in the organization and conduct of tenders. As practice shows, today's HR directors, most often hold tenders among organizations offering corporate training.

However, it is difficult to weigh and evaluate the trainer or the quality of the training program on the basis of formal signs, or even more so, on the basis of a single presentation. In this case essential role plays a subjective factor. In evaluation tables, it is usually displayed in the "personal impression" column.

From the point of view of Elena Rudavina, HR Director FSUE Publishing House"Enlightenment", it is reasonable to conduct a tender under a combination of the following conditions:

  1. availability of a clear TOR for the service
  2. budget for the project
  3. Difficulties in choosing between several providers

A main problem what remains is that companies participating in tenders tend to abandon objectivity and try not so much to find common ground with the customer as to please him. In other words, they do not so much demonstrate their true capabilities as they adapt to the wishes of the customer. Often this interferes with the actual achievement of the goal.

“I think the tender scheme is ineffective only in relation to recruitment agencies. In all other cases of hiring third-party supplier companies (cattering company, insurers, consulting specialists, animators, etc.), the use of a tender is quite justified. By the way, when choosing a company to outsource some HR functions, you can also arrange a tender. But, one condition remains unchanged - a clear understanding of your needs, ”says Elena Rudavina.

You should study a large number of rules, the knowledge of which will be required in the future by everyone who wants to participate in the auction. Basically, the rules of the tender are explained by the organizer's consultants. You can contact them by phone numbers, which are indicated in the tender documentation.

The procedure for organizing an auction

TO general provisions regarding the organization of such events, first of all, the fact that private entrepreneurs and legal persons, regardless of citizenship, have the right to take part in them. However, if a company from another country is involved in the transaction, then the preparation and signing of the final documentation upon completion of the auction in Russia must be carried out in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

To participate, it is necessary to submit an application, drawn up in Russian, in the form that is attached to the tender documentation. By submitting an application for participation in the auction, the applicant confirms that he is familiar with the rules for participation in these events and undertakes to comply with them. If during the competition the participant deviates from the established procedure, then he is removed from participation, and his proposals will not be considered in the summing up.

Obligations and rights of the tender commission (auction organizer)

The work of the commission should be based on the charter of the enterprise, the Civil Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In addition, the person responsible for organizing the competition is obliged to act in accordance with the regulation "On the organization and conduct of tender and competitive events."

The main functions of the commission include:

  • drafting of documents;
  • notification of the beginning of the auction of all tender participants;
  • collecting applications from potential participants;
  • consideration of questions from contestants who have submitted applications regarding the future regulations of the event;
  • qualification of participants based on the submitted tender and other documentation;
  • analysis and evaluation of proposals;
  • summing up the results of the tender and the announcement of the winner.

The organizer of the auction has the right to independently decide on the extension of the period during which companies can submit applications for participation in the auction. If necessary, the tender commission may at any time require the participants to clarify any information in the submitted documents or correct imprecise wording found in them. If the participant refuses to fulfill the requests of the organizer, then he is removed from the auction.

Also, it is worth knowing that the organizer is not obliged to reimburse the bidders for any material costs incurred by them during the tender events and has the right to reject applications without explanation.

Rules for compiling and submitting qualification documents

The rules for conducting tenders include the correct execution and provision of all necessary documentation and proposals to the organizer. All qualifying documents and proposals must be submitted to the secretary of the commission in two envelopes, to which is attached an inventory of investments stamped with the company's stamp and signed by its owner. Both sealed envelopes are opened only by a representative in the presence of the owner of the enterprise or his authorized representative, after which the attachments are checked against the list of documents required for participation.

In the event that the list of documents is incomplete or does not comply with the competition regulations, the secretary of the tender commission is obliged to refuse the applicant and return the envelopes to him.

Qualification of the auction participants

All requirements that may be imposed on bidders are contained in the qualification documents or any other papers related to attracting bids at the auction. The organizing committee must evaluate the applicants. This process is necessarily based on the analysis of tender documents. Evaluation and debriefing is performed without the presence of participants.

Summing up the results of the auction and determining the winner

The winner of the tender events is the contestant who, in the opinion of the organizer, was able to provide the best offer regarding the subject of the auction. The best offer must meet the combination of the following parameters:

  • price;
  • qualification;
  • work schedule and payments.

Sometimes, in order to make a final decision, the auction organizer may require additional information from those wishing to participate. If, after the announcement of the results of the auction, any inconsistencies or hidden facts that are contrary to the rules are found, then the winner is removed from the auction. A new winner will be selected within five working days.

If the contestant of the tender event is not satisfied with the decision of the organizer regarding the selection of the winner, then he has the right to apply to the head of the company and write a corresponding application addressed to him.

Changes in auction requirements and cancellation of auctions

Any company may, within two weeks after filing an application for

Participation in public procurement is becoming increasingly popular. Large companies, small and medium businesses, individual entrepreneurs, individuals become suppliers of public procurement. The customer and suppliers participate in public procurement. The customer is federal and municipal institution which purchases goods, works or services for its needs with funds allocated from the state budget. You can become a supplier by winning a tender. A tender is an electronic procedure for selecting a supplier of goods (services) or a work contractor. Of the suppliers admitted to the selection procedure, the one who offers the lowest price wins.

Tenders have entered the Russian practice of public procurement and municipal procurement from world trade, where clear rules and procedures have been developed. As competitive procedures, tenders are convenient for the state to control budgetary funds. They allow officials to report to the state why a particular supplier of goods or services was chosen. The tender system was conceived in order to exclude collusion between the customer and the supplier and to ensure a competitive environment - the basis of market relations.

What benefits does the supplier receive? The winner of the tender purchases an order with a guaranteed amount of payment. Winning the tender means becoming a leader in your market segment, ensuring the company's sustainable growth. Participation and victory in the tender for manufacturers and suppliers is an impetus to further development business, because the company receives an impressive order for its products, which can amount to several million rubles.

Public procurement is carried out in accordance with federal law No. 44-FZ. State corporations, subjects of natural monopolies, business entities with a state participation of more than 50%, as well as some other organizations, are required to make purchases in accordance with Federal Law No. 223-FZ. These purchases are also classified as state purchases, sometimes they are called corporate purchases.

All purchases in accordance with the laws 44-FZ and 223-FZ are published in the open Unified Information System (EIS).

Instructions for the supplier

How to prepare

A package of documents for participation in public procurement is formed approximately within 20 days. The period allotted for the submission of applications by participants is even less. For preparation, it is better to develop an action plan in advance for the company's participation in procurement, set the deadlines for their implementation and the circle of responsible persons. The study of the documentation of several purchases of interest published in the open Unified Information System (EIS) will help to understand the issue.

STEP 1. Studying 44-FZ

Let's say right away that 44-FZ cannot be called an easy law to study, and yet it is necessary to make an effort and carefully study the supplier selection procedure prescribed by 44-FZ - this is a kind of algorithm of what, in what time frame and how a public procurement participant needs to do.

STEP 2. Choosing an electronic platform

It is necessary to choose an electronic platform for participation in an electronic auction from 8 electronic trading platforms selected by the government of the Russian Federation for holding electronic auctions. From October 1, 2018, the electronic platforms "TEK-Torg" and "Electronic trading platform GPB" will be added to the six operators of electronic platforms operating today. The list of electronic platforms includes the following:

1. JSC "Agency for the State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan";
2. JSC "Unified electronic trading platform";
3. JSC "Russian Auction House";
4. JSC "TEK - Torg";
5. JSC "Electronic trading systems";
6. CJSC Sberbank - Automated system trading";
7.LLC "RTS - tender"; LLC Electronic Trading Platform GPB;
8. CJSC "Automated System of Bidding of the State Defense Order" - a special platform for state orders.

STEP 3. Obtaining a digital signature

An electronic digital signature allows you to assign electronic document legal status equivalent legal status an ordinary document, which bears the signature of an authorized person and the seal of the organization.

The procedure for obtaining an electronic digital signature (EDS) is carried out in one of the Authorized Certification Centers included in the trust space of the selected site. It takes 2 to 5 business days. The list of certification centers can be found on the website of the selected electronic platform. It will be necessary to obtain a certificate at the office of the certification center, so the choice should be made in favor of a nearby certification center.

ES certificates obtained from Authorized Certification Centers are suitable for use on all Electronic Trading Sites selected for the purpose of holding electronic auctions for state and municipal needs, as well as on sites operating within the framework of Law No. 223 FZ on procurement of state corporations and natural monopolies.

You can contact the call center of the Association of Electronic Trading Platforms to find the nearest EDS issuing point.

To do this, you need to fill out a registration card or call the federal multi-channel telephone 8-800-2000-100.

STEP 4. Document preparation

The participant sends to the ETP operator the information specified in Part 2 of Art. 61 44-FZ, namely:

For individuals: statement, which is formed in in electronic format; 1-20 pages of the passport (only for individuals); E-mail address.

Individual entrepreneurs in addition to this, they provide: a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register (it must be received no earlier than 6 months before the date of the request); TIN; a power of attorney to obtain registration and perform actions if another person acts on behalf of the procurement participant.

For legal entity in addition to all the previous paragraphs: copies of constituent documents (charter or contract, depending on the legal form); copies of documents confirming the authority of the person (decision on the appointment of the head to the position); decision on the approval and execution of transactions with an indication of its maximum amount.

The required documents must be translated into electronic format (scanned). Sites set certain requirements for them: volume up to 12 megabytes; valid formats are .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .zip, .rar, xls, xlsx, xps, jpeg, .jpg, .gif, .png.

STEP 5. Installing the required software

Installation can be performed both on your own and by the specialists of the certification center.

To successfully complete the registration procedure, you must configure a personal computer. The setup algorithm is simple:
1.Install Internet Explorer 11 or higher browser.
2.Download and run the Program to set up the correct operation on the ETP.
3. Install any of the crypto providers: Crypto-Pro 3.6 or higher, LISSI 1.3.6, Signal-COM.
4.Install the electronic signature certificate that was issued to you by the certification center upon receipt of the digital signature.
5. Set up the digital signature.

STEP 6. ETP accreditation

The accreditation process for the ETP is free of charge if you have an EDS certificate obtained from an accredited certification center. If a supplier seriously intends to make money on government contracts, then it is advisable to be accredited at all ETPs. This is due to the fact that purchases are not duplicated. An auction can only be held at one site. To apply for participation in the procurement, you need to obtain admission to the ETP where it is held.

The term for consideration of an application for accreditation is no more than five working days. When the operator of the electronic site makes a decision to refuse accreditation, the participant in the placement of the order, after the elimination of these comments, has the right to re-send an application for accreditation. Accreditation is granted for three years.

STEP 7. Bid Search and Application

Purchases under No. 44-FZ are posted on our website. Using the "Advanced Search" service, you can find tenders of interest by such criteria as the region of delivery, the range of the initial price of the application, the name of the customer. It is important to carefully study the requirements of the procurement documentation and correctly submit an application.

STEP 8. Collateral deposit

Entry of security The law on the contract system (Article 44 No. 44-FZ) obliges the customer to set the amount of security for bids during auctions. These funds confirm the seriousness of the intention to participate in the procedure and conclude a contract. The participant transfers them to his personal account, which opens simultaneously with accreditation on the electronic trading platform(ETP).

The supply of applications has become less. And in the purchase of up to 1 million rubles. it may not exist at all. In purchases more expensive, the application security will be as follows:

From 0.5 to 1%, if the NMC is from 1 million to 20 million rubles,
. from 0.5 to 5%, if the NMC is from 20 million rubles,
. 2%, if the NMC is from 20 million and there are preferences for the penal system and organizations of the disabled.

Therefore, in order to participate in the auction, you must have the right amount on site. At the time of sending the offer, the security amount is blocked. However, this does not mean that you can participate in only one procedure. The participant himself decides how much money is in his account. And only their total volume limits the number of auctions for which bids can be submitted. The main thing is that there is enough money to provide for everyone. Please note that the amount is blocked, but not spent. The opportunity to use the blocked money is resumed when the offer is withdrawn, the admission to participate in the procurement is denied, after summing up.

Only 173 banks can issue guarantees for public procurement. The website of the Ministry of Finance published an updated list of banks that have the right to issue bank guarantees to secure applications and fulfill contracts under 44-FZ.

STEP 9. Electronic bidding procedure

The duration of this stage can last from several minutes to 48 hours. Each participant must provide in advance the approximate cost of their services or goods, up to which he is ready to bargain.

STEP 10. Signing the contract

The winner of the auction is the participant who submitted a proposal that meets the requirements of the tender documentation and offered the best conditions.

STEP 11. Acceptance of performance of the contract

Acceptance of the execution of a contract under 44-FZ is carried out in accordance with the rules and terms specified in the contract (clause 13, article 34 of 44-FZ). Now customers are required to involve external experts in the acceptance of goods or work under a contract concluded in accordance with clauses 25.1-25.3 of part 1 of Art. 93 44-FZ. If you become the winner of such a purchase, be careful and comply with all the terms of the contract. To the little things that the customer may not pay attention to in order to quickly accept the desired product, the external commission may express its refusal. Based on the results, an acceptance certificate is signed or a reasoned refusal is drawn up.

What advice would be useful to a newcomer who wants to participate in tenders?

1. master the production of demanded, socially significant goods;
2. start preparing for participation in tenders by studying the legislation on public procurement;
3. improve your technical preparation for work in electronic trading;
4. prepare financial support for participation in public procurement;
5. carefully study the tender documentation of customer companies;
6. Properly draw up the necessary documents.

Those wishing to take part in ongoing tenders within the time limits specified on the website, in order to obtain tender documentation, contact the initiating units at the contact numbers indicated in the public announcement (additional information). To participate in the tender, the applicant must submit the following documents (information about the organization):

Application for participation in the tender (initially, a copy of the application for registration is sent by fax, indicating the structural unit that posted the notice of the tender);

A copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authority;

Copy of an extract from the Articles of Association: name, address, executive body and its rights;

A copy of the decision on the appointment of the executive body;

Copy of license (if necessary);

A copy of the ISO 9001 quality standard certificate (if any);

Competitive proposal (copy together with the application by fax).

The Competitive Proposal consists of two parts:

Technical part:

The technical proposal must contain comprehensive information about the product (works, services performed), product quality (compliance with GOST, TU, SPiP and other characteristics); the absence of any information on the listed issues will be regarded as non-compliance with the requirements of the technical specifications.

Commercial part:

The commercial part of the proposal must contain information about the price of the subject of the tender with obligatory indication total cost. It also indicates the terms of payment (calculations) and possible discounts; volumes and terms of deliveries (performed works, rendered services); terms of delivery (performance of work, provision of services), allocation of costs for the delivery of goods.

When making a decision, tender commissions are guided by the following criteria:

Price of goods (works, services) and terms of payment (advance payment, deferment);

Quality of goods (works, services);

Provision of the enterprise with technical means;

The company has its own developers and research base;

The financial condition of the enterprise.

Bids must be valid for 30 days after the date of the tender.

All submitted bids and documents included in them after their consideration are not returned to the Bidders. Bidders who receive tender documents must treat them as a confidential document and may not disclose information relating to the tender to any third party without obtaining the prior written consent of the Organizer of the tender. The Organizer reserves the right to choose any Bidder as the winner, including if the price offered by the Bidder is higher than that of other Bidders, as well as to reject any Bid or all Bids without explaining to the Bidders the reasons for such a decision. If the lowest price of the subject of the tender offered by the Bidders exceeds the estimated cost of the Organizer, the Organizer will have the right to reject all Bids and conduct a re-tender. Placing a notice on the Internet about the ongoing tender is not an offer. All costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Bid shall be borne by the Bidder.

The deadlines for submitting Bids are indicated in the public announcement posted on the website. Bids received later than the above deadline will not be considered. Competitive bidding or tendering itself is an open process. Applicants have the opportunity to submit, defend, and justify their own tender proposals. One of the conditions of the auction is the deadline for submission of proposals for participation in the auction. Not later than this time, all firms (offers) participating in the auction submit a duly executed tender against signature to the tender committee.

Proposals are submitted in closed sealed envelopes (often double) to avoid premature leakage of information that competitors can use. On the outer envelope, the address for receiving proposals is indicated, on the inner envelope - the number of the tender, its name (purpose) and the date set for the receipt of documents. The next stage of the auction is a comparison of submitted proposals, summing up and determining the winner. On the appointed day and hour, the tender committee opens the envelopes with the proposals received. The procedure for opening packages with proposals can be carried out in public conditions, in the presence of all bidders, representatives of the media. Such auctions are called vowels.

When conducting covert bidding, tender committees open packages at a closed meeting. The selection of the winning bidder may follow immediately after the opening and announcement of the bids received in the event that the goal is to select the bid with the highest low prices ceteris paribus. However, most often it takes time to make a decision on the choice of a supplier (contractor for the construction of an object) in order to carefully analyze the submitted proposals and select the one that best suits the objectives of the tender. The period during which the tender committees study and analyze proposals of tenderers (offers) depends on the amount of information (technical, commercial, etc.) to be analyzed, usually from several weeks to several months. The decision of the tender committee on the selection of the winner of the auction may be public, or may be closed. In the first case, this decision is communicated to all bidders, as well as through the media.

In the second case, the decision to transfer the order is communicated to the winner in a confidential form. The winning bidder, in accordance with their conditions, usually pays a second security deposit. Its value usually ranges from 5 to 10% of the order value. After the order is completed, the guarantee deposit is returned.

A contract is signed with the winners of the auction, which stipulates all the necessary conditions. Contracts come into force after approval by government services. The conclusion of a transaction based on the results of the auction can be carried out by accepting the offer (acceptance) without the subsequent signing of the contract by both parties.

Standardized cycle of work on the project "tendering".

Stage 1. Formation within the company of a list of tasks submitted for tender and coordination of the type of organizations participating in it. Deciding on a tender.

As practice shows, this stage is not superfluous at all, since the speed of decision-making on all subsequent stages of work depends on how unified the understanding of the tasks submitted for the tender will be by various employees of the company. It is also not bad to reach mutual understanding on the issues of what kind and scale of suppliers will be invited to participate in the tender, whether it will be open or closed.

Stage 2. Creation of "Brief" (Invitation to participate).

At this stage, the employee responsible in the customer company for the preparation and conduct of the tender must set out in a single document the goals of the project (tendering) and the requirements for the participants in the competition.

This brief (Invitation to Bid) will then be sent to potential bidders for consideration.

The standard brief includes the following composition:

Description of the client company

Formulation of the problem

Description of the desired result

Requirements for bidders

Description of the application form (document criteria)

Applicant Evaluation Criteria

Tender deadlines

Each part of this application is a meaningful and functional part of the document. Of course, that your company may be from any of them, or several at once, but this will only make it difficult for you to communicate with potential solution providers.

Stage 3. Choice of companies - participants.

Now, after the formation of the brief, you can safely invite interested organizations to participate in the tender. Usually, if a "price tender" is announced, then 3-4 organizations are invited to participate. If a two-stage "tender of solutions" is planned, then the number of participants in the first stage can be from 5 to 9, and two or three participants who have prepared the most interesting proposals go to the second stage.

How to determine the composition of companies - participants for the tender?

There is an open tender in which you invite all organizations that meet the requirements to participate. An open tender is announced through specialized media, Internet sites or professional communities. This type of tendering should be used, for example, by government organizations.

A closed tender provides for the invitation of participants by the organizing company. To be invited to participate in the first stage, participating companies are selected according to criteria that are significant for the organizer. Now that you have announced the start of the tender, you are looking forward to receiving the initial bids.

Stage 4. Clarification of positions.

At this stage of the work, the companies that submitted the initial bids for participation in the tender will contact you for additional information. Clarify your vision of the problem and the desired ways to solve it. In order for the final proposals of the participants to look not only personalized, but also meaningful, you will need to spend some time discussing. This is where you will remember the reasonable limitation of the number of tender participants, which was written about above.

In the event that a two-stage tender is scheduled after consideration of the preliminary application, the companies that have entered the second round prepare the final documents.

Stage 5 Presentation of final proposals.

At such a crucial moment, the finalists of the competition cannot do without a dry document; the organizer invites them to a meeting in the company. It is at this meeting, presenting their solution, that the representatives of the provider have the opportunity to convince you that their solution is the only correct one.

And if the work on the previous stages could be carried out by one or two employees of the relevant department, then the heads of those departments who will act as your internal customers for the project are invited to the final presentation.

Stage 6 Final selection.

After conducting presentations and carefully studying the proposal received, the responsible managers of your company collectively decide on the choice of a particular supplier. In some companies, this decision is made at a meeting, through oral discussion and clarification of the opinions of internal customers. In other more formal cases, a rating table is created, where, using the weighted average coefficient method, the final score of each tenderer is determined.

Stage 7. Announcement of winners.

This is undoubtedly the most enjoyable and exciting stage for all involved. Unfortunately, in Russian practice it often turns out that companies that have not won a tender find out about its completion when their competitor is already working on the project in full. Agree, such behavior does not adorn the Customer. It is considered good form at a general meeting or through the media (in case of an open tender) or in person (if the tender was closed) to notify all participants of the completion of work and the choice of the final supplier of solutions.

As you can see, the work on the tender does not present insurmountable problems from the point of view of the organization. The main difficulty in this process lies precisely in the customer's awareness of the problem being solved and the choice of an adequate solution. And if you want to find the most economical solution to your problem, then you should probably only talk about comparing prices for the same services.
