Organization of an individual excursion to the State Hermitage. On tours of the Hermitage Walking around the Hermitage virtual tour

Travel agency Nevsky Prostory offers to make excursion to the Hermitage- one of major museums peace. The Hermitage collection includes more than 3 million exhibits.

During sightseeing tour in the Hermitage you will visit the main halls of the museum, to which you will climb the magnificent Jordan stairs. The route passes through the Small and Large Throne, Field Marshal and Armorial Halls. You will admire the paintings of great artists: Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt; with your own eyes, appreciate the skill of the great sculptors Michelangelo, Edgar Degas, Rodin. You will also see the famous exhibits of the museum: a 19-ton Kolyvan vase, it is called the "Queen of Vases", and the "Peacock" clock.

You can continue your tour of the Hermitage with a visit to one of the jewel galleries: the Golden Pantry or the Diamond Pantry.

Options for excursions to the Hermitage:

  • Sightseeing tour of the Hermitage (2 hours);
  • Tour of the "Golden Pantry" (1 hour);
  • Tour of the "Diamond Pantry" (1.5 hours);
  • Sightseeing tour of the Hermitage + tour of one of the galleries of jewels: "Golden Pantry" or "Diamond Pantry". (3-3.5 hours).
  • Excursion to the Hermitage is carried out for groups or individual tourists,
  • The tour is conducted by a guide of the highest category,
  • The tour can be conducted in Russian or a foreign language,
  • Transfer can be arranged.

The cost of the tour depends on:

  • tour program options
  • the number of people in the group,
  • the language of the tour.

Specify the cost with the managers of the travel agency "Nevsky Prostory" or through the Order Form at the bottom of the page.

State Hermitage occupies five buildings: Winter Palace, Small, Old and New Hermitage, Hermitage Theatre. Russian emperors and empresses lived here.

The Hermitage was founded in 1764, when the mistress of the Winter Palace, Empress Catherine II, acquired 225 paintings by Western European artists abroad and placed the collection in her private chambers. She called them "her Hermitage" - a secluded place where only approximate empresses were allowed. Catherine II was so carried away by collecting that the newly acquired paintings, sculptures, objects of arts and crafts no longer fit in her chambers. To accommodate them, new buildings were built next to the Winter Palace.

A tour of the Hermitage passes through the richly decorated ceremonial halls of the museum. You will climb the most beautiful front Jordan stairs; earlier it was called Ambassadorial, as the ambassadors of foreign states went up to the front halls for audiences along it. You will visit the Small and Large Throne Rooms, Field Marshal and Armorial Halls; you will see the preserved rooms of the Russian emperors: the Blue Bedroom, the Raspberry Study, the Golden Living Room and the White Dining Room.
During the excursion to the Hermitage you will admire the paintings of Vincent van Gogh, El Greco, Pablo Picasso; you will see many masterpieces of painting, including paintings by Leonardo da Vinci "Madonna Litta" and "Madonna Benois", paintings by Rembrandt "Danae" and "Return prodigal son". The sculptural collection of the museum includes the works of the great sculptors Michelangelo, Edgar Degas, Rodin, which you will also see during the tour.
In the Pavilion Hall of the Small Hermitage, the guide will introduce tourists to one of the most famous exhibits of the museum - the Peacock clock with a unique device by craftsman James Cox, which belonged to Empress Catherine II. The figures of a peacock, a rooster and an owl are equipped with mechanisms that set these birds in motion: the owl turns its head and blinks its eyes, the peacock spreads its magnificent tail, and the rooster crows hoarsely.
During an excursion to the Hermitage, on the first floor of the New Hermitage, you will see a 19-ton Kolyvan vase, carved from a single piece of green-wavy jasper. It is the largest vase in the world (2.57 m high) and is called the "Queen of Vases". The Kolyvan vase is one of the state symbols Altai Territory and depicted on the coat of arms and flag of the region, as well as on the Order of Merit for the Altai Territory.

The sightseeing tour of the Hermitage can be continued with a visit to one of the jewel galleries: the Golden Pantry or the Diamond Pantry.
The "Golden Pantry" presents almost one and a half thousand gold items from the 7th century BC. BC. to the present day: hryvnias, combs, bracelets, decorations for clothes and headdresses. Here is the gold of the Siberian collection of Peter I, found on the territory Western Siberia at the beginning of the 18th century; Scythian gold; gold of the Eastern Slavs.
In the "Diamond Pantry" you will see church utensils for royal family; porcelain products and dishes made of rock crystal; a set of golden dishes and toilet items for Empress Anna Ioannovna; watches and jewelry with diamonds; caskets donated to imperial families; works of art of the Imperial Faberge Factory; snuffbox of Empress Catherine II.

No wonder St. Petersburg is called cultural capital Russian Federation. There are so many museums and galleries in the city. One of the sights is the Hermitage. He is known throughout the world. By the way, it is located on the territory of another outstanding place - palace complex called the Winter Palace. Behind Last year Over 5 million people have visited the Hermitage.

History of the Hermitage

Interesting fact! The Hermitage was founded in 1764 during the reign of Catherine II. Initially, the museum's collection was based on the masterpieces of art acquired by the Empress. Over time, the number of exhibits increased rapidly and it was decided to place them in a separate wing. This is how the museum-gallery appeared. Initially, the gallery was based on canvases Dutch artists which date back to the beginning of the 17th century.

The Hermitage became a public museum open to the public under Emperor Nicholas I. Nowadays, the collection is so large that it is housed in 5 buildings. All of them are located along the Neva River. General history this museum very complex, because it has been around for a long time. During the Great Patriotic War the exhibits were taken out for evacuation beyond the Urals. And although the museum itself did not work for visitors, the workers continued to hold scientific work and lectures. After the end of World War II, all the masterpieces of art returned to their native Hermitage. All of them were safe and sound, only a few needed restoration.

Winter Palace

Interesting fact! The exhibits of the Hermitage are objects of history and culture, from the Stone Age to contemporary art. By the way, there are about three million works of art.

What to see in the Hermitage

The exhibition halls present art paintings, sculptures, numismatic items, archaeological excavations. The museum's collections come from England, Germany, Italy, France, ancient greece, ancient rome, Holland. Many tourists come to St. Petersburg just to visit the Hermitage. What to see first of all here, everyone decides for himself, but the most famous exhibits are Madonna Lita, Madonna Benois, The Return of the Prodigal Son, Bacchus. It will also be interesting to admire the Golden and Diamond pantries. It should be noted that photography and video filming is prohibited in the Hermitage.

Interesting and informative facts about the Hermitage:

  • the word "Hermitage" is translated from French as a cell, a place for solitude;
  • the museum presents the most big collection paintings by the Dutch artist Rembrandt outside the territory of the Dutch state;
  • Several dozen cats live on the territory of the museum complex. A few hundred years ago, they were brought to the palace to catch mice and rats;
  • Museum buildings are interesting not only for exhibits and canvases. After all, the Winter Palace was the residence of the royal family a hundred years ago;
  • paintings were often found in the pantries of the gallery famous artists. And to this day, art lovers dream of finding here something of the most interesting thing in the Hermitage;
  • in the Hermitage you can see ancient fragments of carpets, real Chinese silk, tattoos on human skin.

Hermitage museum tour

The most popular tour of the Hermitage among tourists. It allows you to see the main masterpieces of the museum. In addition, you can choose a group or individual tour. There are also often themed museum tours. Excursions of different plans can be ordered on the official website of the museum complex or at the Hermitage tour desk. Tourists have the opportunity to download official app galleries to make it easier to move around the halls and decide for yourself what to see in the Hermitage. You can also book a tour with a guide.

Technological progress does not stand still. Now you can watch a virtual tour of the Hermitage on the Internet, sitting right on your sofa. It should be noted that the overview of each exhibition hall is available only from one point, but this is not a minus. After all, the picture High Quality. It is only necessary to choose a certain hall that you want to see.

With the help of a virtual tour you can see:

  • Main museum complex;
  • Winter Palace;
  • Menshikov Palace;
  • Main Headquarters;
  • Hermitage Theatre;
  • Porcelain Factory Museum.

If a person has never been to this gallery, then he should start with a sightseeing tour. Thanks to her, he will be able to learn the main points in the history of the emergence of the Hermitage, its most famous masterpieces art. Hermitage for children offers interesting option familiarization with the secrets of the museum. To do this, you can go through the quest in a game form. Children without a guide will look for answers to questions in the halls of the State Museum.

Exhibits of the Hermitage

The main mistakes of a tourist

The main mistake of many visitors to the Hermitage is the desire to view the entire exhibition in one day. There are a lot of exhibits and each of them is worthy of attention. So a quick run exhibition halls doesn't make any sense.

Another feature of visiting the Hermitage is standing in long lines. Therefore, it is recommended to come to the opening itself, or even half an hour before it. This applies to spring and summer, when there are a lot of visitors to the gallery. It is best to visit the Hermitage St. Petersburg excursions in winter or late autumn. At this time, there are very few people here and you can enjoy works of art in comfortable conditions.

Important! Helpful advice for those who have never been to the Hermitage but are planning to visit it. In advance, you should look at the plan for the location of all paintings, sculptures, exhibitions, periods of interest in order to reduce the search time. You won't be able to see all the exhibits in one day.

Schedule, ticket price

The Hermitage is closed on Mondays.

On other days, his work schedule is as follows:

  • Wednesday and Friday from 10-30 am to 21 pm;
  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 am to 6:00 pm.

Ticket offices where you can buy an entrance ticket and book a tour work as follows:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 10:30 to 17;
  • Wednesday and Friday from 10:30 am to 8:00 pm.

Note! Ticket offices close one hour before the closing of the museum complex.

Price entrance ticket for different categories of citizens:

  • December 7 and the first Thursday of any month - admission is free for everyone;
  • for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, the cost of an entrance ticket is 400 rubles;
  • students, schoolchildren and pensioners - free of charge;
  • for tourists from other countries, the ticket costs 700 rubles.*

Amateur photo and video shooting is allowed free of charge. However, the use of a tripod and flash is prohibited.

You can also order an entrance ticket to the Hermitage on the Internet. Namely, on the official website of the museum complex. When passing control, you must have a student, student card or pension certificate with you. In the absence of a document, you will have to pay the full cost of the entrance ticket. Anyone can order an individual museum tour with a guide.

Exhibition halls

Address how to get there

All interesting and necessary information can be found on the official website of the museum complex On it you can book and purchase tickets, order a tour and see its description, read the history of the museum complex, enjoy virtual tour, find out how to get there, opening hours, admire the photos and find out last news. All the necessary information can be found online. The cost of the virtual tour can also be seen on the website.

The Hermitage is located in the heart of Saint Petersburg, on Palace Square. The nearest metro station is Admiralteyskaya. From this stop, you need to go through Malaya Morskaya Street and Nevsky Prospekt to Palace Square. The exact address: Palace embankment, 34.

Important! The museum does not have private parking for cars. You can park your car near the Palace Square in the nearby streets and parking lots.

Souvenir shops, cafes, luggage storage

A pleasant bonus for visitors can be called souvenir shops, where you can buy books, magazines about art, postcards, calendars with reproductions. A hungry visitor to the museum can have a snack or drink coffee in the cafe-buffet. However, the prices here are clearly too high. In general, we can say that the Hermitage is not very convenient for tourists. Especially for those who come by private car, because parking will be far away. And in the buffet, the choice of drinks and food is not great.

Palace Square

We can definitely recommend the Hermitage State Museum Complex to all tourists. Here you can spend time cognitively with the whole family or alone. The children for whom quests are held here will not be bored either. It is better to divide a visit to the museum into several days in order to study the cultural richness of the Hermitage in as much detail as possible. Before the tour, it is better to make a list of exhibits that you want to see and study according to the scheme where exactly they are located.

*Prices are for 2018.

Going to St. Petersburg, every self-respecting citizen seeks to get acquainted with the masterpieces that the northern capital keeps in itself. St. Petersburg is the most visited city in Russia by foreign tourists, along with Moscow. There really is something to admire here, it is so easy to feel the spirit of imperial Russia here, and having visited all the museums and estates, gardens and palaces of the city, pride and patriotism will seize you with your head. Today we will talk about one of the most famous sights of the city, for which it is worth visiting St. Petersburg - the main museum complex Hermitage. 350 halls, containing thousands of relics and valuables, most of the history of our rich country. In our article, we will tell you how and where to book excursions to the Hermitage and how much they cost, as well as what are the best offers for booking guided tours of the Hermitage online.

Where to buy excursions to the Hermitage

In the age of new technologies, when you can book and purchase any product or service online, it has become just as easy and simple to buy air tickets, tours and vouchers and, to our delight, book an excursion to the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. Today we will talk about two resources that offer such services, have qualified private guides around the Hermitage in their arsenal, plus conduct informative, interactive, not overloaded with dry facts, dynamic and exciting tours of the main museum of St. Petersburg. These are portals and.

These services are convenient, easy to use, and most importantly reliable. They are verified by thousands of tourists who use them daily when booking excursions around the world. Choosing an individual Hermitage guide, you can write directly to the guide who will accompany you, adjust the program to your liking, choose the most interesting locations and focus on what interests you. You can also get acquainted with the schedule of excursions around the Hermitage and prices for different types programs. By choosing your option, you can book a tour yourself and not worry about queues, tickets and transfers.

Prices for excursions to the Hermitage for 2019

Excursions to the Hermitage are not the cheapest pleasure, but our resources offer unique, and most importantly, interesting programs. Whether you choose a private guide to the Hermitage or wish to join a group, the choice of programs will allow you to choose the most cost-effective tour of the Hermitage. Let's see how much excursions to the Hermitage cost?

Price for an individual tour per person starts from 2000r. For example, an excursion "" - a journey to a charming and wonderful world interiors of the Hermitage.

Also, there are individual excursions to the Hermitage for small groups, then you pay a single amount, regardless of the number of people. Prices for such tours start from 3-4 thousand rubles per company. Example - designed for a company of up to 10 people.

The average cost of excursions around the Hermitage fluctuates from 3000 to 7000 rubles for a group of 1-7 people. The price varies depending on the content of the program, whether the transfer is included in your order, how many halls and the subject of the excursion, whether the entrance fee and such additions to the program as visiting other sights of St. Petersburg, lunch and other extra opportunities are included.

In this chapter, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the portal where the most advantageous offers are posted if you are looking for an individual guide to the Hermitage. It was he who collected on his pages only the best, erudite and gifted guides of St. Petersburg. All guides are local residents, are well acquainted with the history of the city, its classic and unpopular, but worthwhile locations. Licensed personal guides around the Hermitage, who have published their offers and author's excursions on the portal, have been carefully checked and selected not only by the owners of the service, who are interested in providing quality services to tourists, but also supported by a huge number of reviews from satisfied customers. Feel free to get acquainted with the dossier of guides and choose the tour that you like.

    The journey will begin with a visit to the spit of Vasilyevsky Island, contemplation of its bridges, then you will have a walk to Bronze Horseman and St. Isaac's Cathedral. A professional guide will lead an exciting tour of famous places Venice of the North, will enrich your knowledge and share unique facts. And at the end of the walk, an excursion to the famous Hermitage awaits you. Excursion cost 2000r. for one person.

  • - a journey into the world of beauty

    In order to understand the history of the creation of the museum and each pavilion, this tour was created. Malachite and pavilion hall, the decoration of the St. George and Throne Halls, the Gallery of Heroes of 1812, Raphael's loggias and much more. Each hall is a masterpiece of architecture, and the rich decoration of the room serves as an excellent frame for valuable artifacts that are kept on the walls of the museum. Excursion cost 2000 rubles for one.

  • In the company of a qualified guide who understands art, painting and architecture, you will pass through more than 30 rooms of the Hermitage. Traveling through the luxurious rooms of the museum, you will follow architectural styles how the tastes of the Russian nobility are changing, how the Russian culture of that time is reflected in their interiors. You will get acquainted with the works of the great Dutch artists, learn the history of the creation of masterpieces, creative way each author. The tour of the Hermitage will smoothly flow into the Renaissance, where the great Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian and Leonardo will become your friends. The cost of this tour from 2260 to 3130 rubles per person.

A separate direction, which is represented on Tripster by three options for excursions, is excursions around the Hermitage for children. Naturally, in order to acquaint children with art, you need special approach. Hermitage guides who develop programs for children try to make them as exciting as possible, not boring with elements of a game or even a quest. Involved in the process, children having fun, receive invaluable knowledge about art, culture, eras, famous artists and history. Choose one of the options and feel free to go with your children to comprehend the beautiful:

    Excursion in the form of a dialogue with children, relaxed, filled with interesting stories and facts, legends and fairy tales. With the help of a guide, children, traveling through the halls of the Hermitage, will be able to imagine themselves as foreign ambassadors, or suddenly transform into the heroes of the film "The Night Before Christmas". In the gilded Armorial Hall, the guys will try to find 52 coats of arms of the provinces Russian Empire, and after the children riddles await, one of which is a portrait of Yermolov, who is the only one of the 332 generals depicted in the portraits who turned his back to the viewer. Cost of excursion for children 3000 rubles for a company from 1 to 6 people.

    On this tour you will get acquainted with the history of the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Scythia, learn how the ancient Egyptians lived and believed in, discover the secrets of the art of mummification and the secrets of preserving the body for thousands of years. A fun and scary excursion for children who are interested in ancient civilizations, adventure lovers, those who love quests and treasure hunting. The tour will be useful for schoolchildren and interesting for all fans of Indiana Jones. Excursion cost 4000r. for 1-4 people.

    A walk around the Hermitage, tailored to your preferences, you can go with your children and then the program will be worked out in such a way that it will be interesting for both adults and children. Separately for children, during an exciting excursion, tasks and charades, riddles and discoveries are provided. The tour is distinguished by the presence of a lively dialogue with children, answers and questions, discussions and a whole adventure within the walls of a huge museum. Remember the film Night at the Museum and you will imagine the delight and atmosphere that this walk will give you. Excursion cost 2400 rub for a group of up to 6 people.

Guided tours of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg on the official website

In this chapter, we want to note that for information and tickets you can also go to the official website of the museum:

Unfortunately, it is not possible to pre-book and pay for excursions through the official website of the Hermitage, but you can see the timetable of the halls or simply buy an entrance ticket. So if you need exactly excursions, then welcome to and.

Since the price of an excursion does not always include the price of an entrance ticket, the site details the cost of visiting various halls, compartments and rooms of the Hermitage. You can find more information about the price list at the link.

On the official website you can also find information and book a visit Restoration and storage center "Staraya Derevnya". This is a special depository - where you can get acquainted with the technical component of the museum, see the structures and mechanisms that allow you to deftly move fragile exhibits to prepare thematic exhibitions. All this enables visitors to see the principle of placement and storage features of paintings and sculptures.

Also don't miss The Gold and Diamond Storerooms of the Hermitage, in these luxurious halls, you can also request a separate tour. Here are especially valuable masterpieces made of precious stones, Scythian gold and the Siberian collection of Peter I. In addition to Scythian, Greek gold, the Hermitage's Golden Pantry also contains items that were gifts to the Russian imperial family from Iran, China and Japan. The diamond pantry is also stunning in its luxury, and since photography of most of the exhibits is prohibited, you will not find images of many valuable relics and jewelry placed in the pantry on the Internet. When booking excursions, be sure to order a visit to these halls from your guide.

The Hermitage - the pearl of St. Petersburg, repeatedly ranked first in the ratings best museums Europe. The recognizable Baroque façade of the Winter Palace overlooks Palace Square and the Neva embankment. The museum complex includes 4 more buildings: the Small, the Large, the New Hermitage and the Hermitage Theatre. Three million exhibits are exhibited in 365 halls, which can only be viewed in full in 11 years. On self-guided tours of the Hermitage, you can see the most famous masterpieces unique collection.

How the museum was created

The history of the Hermitage began with private collection Catherine II. In a secluded wing (which gave the name to the museum), the Empress enjoyed the masterpieces of painting. For ordinary visitors, the museum was opened by Nicholas I in 1852. Here are the main milestones in the formation of the exposure:

  • 1764 - Johann Ernst Gotskovsky, on account of his debt, transfers a collection of paintings to Catherine II.
  • 1769 - acquisition of the exposition from the minister of the Polish king.
  • 1772 - Accession of the gallery of Baron Pierre Crozat. It was then that the famous paintings by Titian, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Rubens and Raphael moved to the museum.

Throughout her life, Catherine the Great bought up paintings in private collections in Europe. Alexander I and Nicholas I continued the work they had begun. IN mid-nineteenth century, the last important acquisitions were made: the Tatishchev collection and masterpieces from the collection of the king of the Netherlands.

After the revolution, many impressionists and classical paintings from nationalized collections "moved" to the Hermitage.

How to navigate inside

To navigate this wide world art must have special education. We bring general scheme the location of the halls and the description of the most significant places museum:

  • The pavilion hall, famous for its luxurious interior.
  • Loggia Raphael - a complex of 13 buildings, filled with paintings and sculptures on biblical themes.
  • The Armorial Hall of the Winter Palace, which previously served for ceremonial receptions of emperors.
  • Alexander Hall, which presents the history of the Patriotic War.
  • Malachite living room (formerly Jasper), decorated precious stones and recognized as the most expensive premises of the palace.
  • Living room of Maria Alexandrovna - small room, striking with ornate ornaments and rich interior decoration.
  • Concert Hall, famous for its sculptural decoration and a unique collection silver products.
  • The White Hall with an exposition of French masters of the 18th century.

In the New Hermitage, halls 100-131 housed exhibits ancient egypt, Greece and Rome. And in the Knights' Hall you will stay for a long time if you come to the museum with children. The rooms with works by Titian and Leonardo da Vinci are best known in the halls of the Greater Hermitage.

What to see first

Tourists in St. Petersburg are usually limited in time, so they will need information about the main attractions of the museum, which are worth seeing first of all:

  • Dutch collection art XVII century, located on the 2nd floor.
  • Exhibition of Impressionists and Post-Impressionists.
  • A collection of Renaissance works led by the Leonardo da Vinci Room. Two paintings by Raphael Santi and a sculpture by Michelangelo are also kept here.
  • "Diamond" and "Gold" pantries, where you will see the jewels of the royal family and numerous gifts to the imperial court.

It is forbidden to be alone in the pantries. You will have to book a separate ticket and pay for the services of a guide.

Most tourists imagine the Hermitage as a classic collection of paintings and sculptures, but the real face of the museum is more lively, interesting, and mysterious. Here are just some of the facts:

  • For a long time, the museum opened its doors exclusively to selected visitors. Even A. Pushkin had to ask the influential Zhukovsky for permission to admire priceless works of art.
  • This is the only government agency, where cats quite officially “work”. Today there are about seventy of them, letters and gifts are sent to them, films and reports are made.
  • In the vaults of the museum, you can still find a previously unknown exhibit, "lost" in the archives.
  • During the time of Nicholas II, the Hermitage exhibited a collection of cars that the Emperor collected.
  • Ghosts of the Hermitage - an important part mythology of St. Petersburg.
  • Every year the museum is visited by 5 million people.
  • To pass all the buildings, you need to overcome 24 km.

Excursions to the Hermitage

Excursions to the Hermitage are becoming the best way to see the most interesting things without wasting time queuing at the box office and wandering around the halls on your own. Depending on the duration, you can choose from the following options:

  • hour walk for organized groups suitable for tourists with limited time. You will get an overview of the museum and see some of the main masterpieces of the collection.
  • Private 3 hour tour. You will study the main exhibits in detail and will not lose precious time. After all, a professional guide will offer you a pre-planned route. In addition to the name and authors of works of art, you will learn a lot about the history of the museum and its exhibits.
  • Thematic tour dedicated to the most mysterious exhibits (duration of an hour and a half). The ancient civilizations of Egypt and Greece hide many secrets and mystical coincidences that are difficult to see on your own. The guide will lift the veil over the beliefs of our distant ancestors. You will learn what is the sacred meaning of mummification and how to read the tattoos of ancient mummies.
  • Two hour study program less famous exhibits"Hermitage without traffic jams". The tour is suitable for connoisseurs of painting and sculpture who have thoroughly studied the most popular halls of the museum. You will rediscover this treasury of culture by seeing little-known paintings by the Dutch and Flemings. The guide will tell you about the features of the interior and architectural solutions of the building.
  • Excursions for children in an interactive form. Guides take into account the age of the listeners and present information in a language they understand.

On the official Sputnik website, you can purchase a ticket to the Hermitage without queues at the same price as at the box office. Detailed description Specify routes and timetables on the pages of the portal or from managers by phone.

Practical information


St. Petersburg, Palace embankment, 32-38

Working mode

Museum opening hours from Tuesday to Sunday: from 10:30 to 18:00, on Wednesday the doors are open until 21:00. Day off - Mon.

How to purchase tickets

There are several ways:

  1. At the museum box office. They close one hour before the complex closes. All types of tickets are sold here, including discounted ones.
  2. Through the Internet. Today it is the most convenient and fast way get into the museum without a queue. The entrance for such visitors is through Shuvalovsky passage (from Millionnaya Street or from Palace Embankment).
  3. Terminals in the courtyard. Here you will quickly buy a ticket, but you will not receive the required benefits. In this case, you need to enter through the Saltykovsky entrance (passage on the left side of the Big Courtyard).

The cost of a reduced ticket (for citizens of Russia or Belarus) is 400 rubles, a regular one (entrance to the Hermitage and the General Staff Building) is 700 rubles. Special expositions are paid additionally - 300 rubles each for the Diamond and Gold Pantry.

If you would like to purchase concession tickets through the cashier, arrive at least one hour before opening. To purchase, you will need to present a passport of Russia or Belarus.

On the third Thursday of every month you always visit the museum for free. The same right is enjoyed by children (preschoolers and schoolchildren), students (you must present a student ID) and pensioners (citizens of Russia with a pension certificate).

How to get there

The State Hermitage is located in the very center of the city. Below is a map-scheme of the main attractions of the city, so that it is more convenient for you to navigate the routes.

You can get there by metro (Nevsky Prospekt, Admiralteyskaya, Gostiny Dvor stations); by bus No. 7, 10, 24.191; by trolley bus No. 1, 7, 10, 11. Ground transport stop "State Hermitage".


  • Inside, all visitors can borrow a plan of the halls free of charge.
  • Water will have to be left in the cloakroom, but inside there are shops and cafes where you can dine.
  • You can take amateur photos for free, for professional photo and video shooting, purchase a special sticker that is better to stick on the camera.

Get ready for a long journey through the halls, shoes and clothes should be comfortable. Those who wish can use the audio guide (provided on bail in the Jordan Gallery and on the site of the Jordan Stairs).

There are many pitfalls here. Come on the first Thursday of the month (free day) and stand in a three-hour queue. If you forget your passport, you will tear your vest for a long time near the cash desk and ask to look into your honest Slavic eyes, but to no avail. A ticket for those who do not have a document confirming their citizenship, as much as 200 rubles more expensive. I have also seen people lost in the halls of the Hermitage. In a word, a dangerous place. But it's worth it!

Who will like: First of all, art lovers. If you know how and love to look at painting and sculpture, then a visit to the Hermitage is strictly necessary for you.

In addition, those who love to admire the luxurious interiors of ancient palaces and imagine how they walked through these halls, slipping sideways through narrow doorways so that the crinoline could pass through, will also be interested in the Hermitage.

Who won't like: small children. Miracles don't happen. And interest art museum a five-year-old child, as a rule, is impossible. Although if your baby is disciplined enough and used to going to museums, then he will be able to withstand an hour and a half.

In addition, according to my observations, you get tired of going to museums faster than, for example, walking in the park. I don’t know how this is explained from the point of view of physiology, but this has been tested many times both on myself and on clients. Therefore, if you doubt your ability to stay on your feet for three hours, then it is not necessary to refuse a tour of the Hermitage, just warn me that from time to time you would like to sit on the benches, which are also available in the museum.

Tour of the halls of the Hermitage

How the tour goes: I usually meet my guests right on Palace Square, near Alexandrian column. From there, like sailors in an old black-and-white film, we rush through the central gate of the museum and get inside. Don't worry about queues and tickets: I'll take care of everything and buy everything for you in advance.

Inspection of the museum itself, I usually start with the main halls. They are magnificent in the Winter Palace (by the way, the Winter Palace is part of the Hermitage. The museum itself consists of five buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage, big Hermitage, Hermitage Theater and the new Hermitage. But in common parlance, we often use these words - the Winter Palace and the Hermitage - as synonyms). Climbing the main staircase, we can imagine ourselves both as foreign ambassadors and as heroes of the Soviet film The Night Before Christmas. After all, the scene when the blacksmith Vakula meets Catherine II was filmed on the front staircase.

In the large Field Marshal's Hall, we will talk about a terrible fire that almost completely destroyed the Winter Palace in 1837, after which the current interiors were created.

In the Small Throne Room, I will explain what kind of cunningly twisted symbol adorns the walls and the throne.

And in the gilded Armorial Hall, we will try, we will try to find 52 coats of arms of the provinces of the Russian Empire located there. And most likely, without my prompting, we will not be able to do this.

In the gallery of the year 812, we have to unravel the riddle of the portrait of Yermolov, who is the only one of the three hundred and thirty-two generals depicted there who turned his back to the viewer.

Finally, final chord will become the Great St. George's Hall, also known as the Great Throne Hall.

After that, we will move to the small Hermitage, where we will meet with the famous peacock clock. You are well acquainted with these watches, everyone saw them on the Culture channel. Well, now you have to see them live.

Further, our path will run through the halls of the large Hermitage, in which the collection Italian art the Renaissance. Here we are waiting for two paintings by Leonardo da Vinci - two whole! This is a lot. After all, they usually say that from 12 to 18 paintings remained from Leonardo (there are doubts about the authenticity of some of them).

Then - two paintings by Raphael. One of them, the Conestabile Madonna, is famous for being transferred from wood to canvas in the 19th century. I will tell you how this extremely technologically complex operation was carried out.

Michelangelo's sculpture "Crouching Boy" is the only work of the sculptor outside of Italy.

After that, I will show you the Knights' Hall (the main bait that attracts St. Petersburg boys to the Hermitage). Thirty-year-old boys will also be interested there.

After that, the Rubens halls await us, with his ladies of pleasant appearance and large circumference.

And then the Rembrandt rooms. The Hermitage has a magnificent Rembrandt collection - the second largest in Europe. By the way, about the infamous Danae, I will tell not only the story associated with the attempt on her (in the year 85, the visitor poured acid over the painting), but also the fascinating story of the study of the painting, carried out after this attempt. We will try to figure out whether Danae is really depicted on canvas, or is it a completely, completely different woman.

At the end, at the request of my guests, I show either the living quarters of the royal family, of which few have survived, but something remains, or the Antique Halls on the first floor. On the first floor huge collection Roman sculpture, as well as a small selection of Egyptian exhibits. Of course, the hit of the program is a real Egyptian mummy, which, especially among children, causes genuine interest, and sometimes no less genuine horror.

The cost of a tour of the Hermitage is 5500 + tickets.

It takes approximately three hours in total.

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