Adjectives in English describing character. Character traits: examples

In no other language is there such a rich verbal flavor as in Russian: from high literary to slang, from artistic to colloquial. So school bench it is known that the term "adjective" means nothing more than a sign of an object, depending on its shape, condition, character, color, size and belonging. And it is this part of speech that has a degree of comparison, it can be qualitative, relative and possessive. Many people are interested in finding out exactly unusual adjectives that can originally and clearly characterize a person both from a positive and a negative side.

Spoon of honey for your girlfriend

Stinginess on beautiful words significantly repels the fair sex from her beloved. A woman is sure that if a man is not able to appreciate her external data and character, then he does not love much. Enrich lexicon and unusual adjectives that characterize a person, in this case a girl, will help to please your beloved. If it’s hard to put all these epithets in your head, you can use a pen and a notebook. So let's get started:

  • Intoxicating, intoxicating, intoxicating, magnetic, hypnotic - capable of turning your head and temporarily depriving you of your mind stronger than any alcoholic drink, it is difficult to resist the gaze of such a beauty.
  • Blooming, fragrant, elegant, chic, dazzling, irresistible, stunning, awesome - when her bewitching beauty and aroma do not leave a man indifferent even for a second.
  • Irreplaceable, necessary - and no others are needed.
  • Flammable, volcanic, burning, explosive. Beware! This gentle-looking creature will still set pepper.
  • Incomprehensible - when it is difficult to unravel and understand the whole essence of an attractive person.
  • Hospitable - this is a good adjective suitable for a hospitable wife, whose table is always bursting with delicious meals prepared by her hands, and she does it all from the bottom of her heart.
  • Sensational - in other words, impressive, eye-catching and shocking to the public. The fashionable word "shocking" can also be attributed here.
  • Extraordinary, amazing, unique, inimitable, extraordinary - unlike others, distinguished by its exclusivity.
  • Authentic - this epithet will especially surprise the beloved, it means "real", "genuine".
  • Selfless - ready to make sacrifices, in this case for the sake of love.
  • Infernal (in youth slang "hellish"), deadly - a particularly dangerous type of women.
  • Petite, fragile, graceful - these complimentary adjectives will be appreciated by girls for whom the parameters of their figure are of particular importance.
  • Sunny, radiant, festive - this bright person cannot imagine her existence without smiles, positive mood and positive emotions that infect others.
  • Seductive, sexy, sexy - such passionate adjectives emphasize the tempting intimate qualities of a lover.
  • Playful, incendiary, mobile - like champagne, playful, energetic fidget, for which it is terribly boring to sit in one place.
  • Mobile - always and everywhere in time, easy-going, fast.
  • Rebellious - a rebel by nature.
  • Marmalade, chocolate, caramel, honey, strawberry - these delicious and sweet epithets are especially loved by men to their ladies of the heart.
  • Creative, talented, brilliant - the emphasis is not only on external data, but also on the ability to think creatively.
  • Cosmic, fantastic, fabulous, magical - above all earthly, the ideal of all life.
  • Obstinate, rebellious, impregnable, snowy - a woman who knows her worth will appreciate these examples of adjectives with dignity.
  • Psychic, mystical, witchcraft, piercing, supernatural - this is how you can characterize a shrewd woman who can look into the most secluded corners of the soul with just a glance, has magical appeal and unusually subtle intuition, she cannot be circled around her finger.

So you can list adjectives ad infinitum. If fantasy works very well, then original epithets will come up on the go. And also these words will perfectly settle down in congratulatory lines or are suitable for a fiery SMS message.

Praise for beloved men

Why should all laurels go to women? Not fair. A kind word is also pleasant for a cat, as the proverb says. Representatives of the stronger sex also have the right to frequent compliments heard from their significant other, for example:

  • Venerable, authoritative, stellar, super popular - is popular with many women, but his attention is given to only one.
  • Phenomenal, ingenious, inventive, unique, exceptional - a man with high level intelligence, not devoid of imagination and creativity. This person does not represent his existence among everything boring and gray, he definitely needs to stand out.
  • Laid-back - the very spontaneous boy whose behavior sometimes resembles a child, and this does not spoil, but only decorates the character of a loved one.
  • Skillful - a jack of all trades, not only in business, but also in the ability to love, deliver extraordinary pleasure in bed.
  • Unsurpassed, irresistible, divine - no one can compare with him, you will not find such gold with fire during the day.
  • Fashionable, stylish, spectacular, delightful, imposing, brilliant - a person with good taste, dressed with a needle, knows how to present himself in society, knows a lot about fashion and does not mind boasting about it.
  • Charismatic - a charming man who is difficult to pass by.
  • Athletic, athletic, muscular - a macho looking after himself, who will be proud not of a beer belly, but of cubes on his torso.
  • Avant-garde, fantastic, creative, modernistic - a generator of endless original ideas that translates them into reality.
  • Incorruptible - an honest person who is difficult to lure in a network of material means.
  • Outlandish - a rare specimen in its nature.
  • Mind-blowing, paradoxical, unpredictable, enchanting - a surprise man.
  • Steel, inaccessible, self-sufficient, independent - a man famous for his strong freedom-loving character, whose heart and affection are not so easy to win.
  • Ebullient, stormy, bubbling, fiery, volcanic, sultry - his body and the flow of feelings literally melt, it becomes hot in bed from such a man.
  • Regal, majestic, chivalrous - a courageous person with noble manners, a real lion.
  • Deafening - caused by the most violent and hot feelings.

Unusual adjectives can turn everyday dullness into a riot of bright dazzling colors, give a kaleidoscope of positive emotions and give a person an incentive for further action.

Warm words to a friend

When writing a laudatory poem for the birthday of a dear and priceless friend, a selection of epithets that have not been worn to holes will come to the rescue. They can be used not only on a solemn occasion, but also in everyday moments.

  • Eccentric - constantly surprising,
  • Valiant - nothing in this life is afraid.
  • Impartial - such an unusual adjective can be called open, an honest man, with objective thinking.
  • Unshakable - persistent, with a huge margin of endurance man.
  • Cheerful - an optimist who looks at life from a positive point of view.
  • Multifaceted - versatile personality.
  • Irreplaceable - the only one, without which it is difficult to imagine existence.
  • True, indisputable, proven - such a friend will never let you down, will not set you up and will not betray.

Examples of adjectives are inexhaustible, only enough for full power connect imagination.

For a true friend

Truly reliable friends who do not covet other people's happiness and material wealth can be counted on the fingers, but they exist. And they deserve sincere, warm speeches in their address, justifying their strong, unyielding character. So let's look at some:

  • Majornaya is an incorrigible optimist, the soul of the company, who knows how to cheer up in a matter of seconds.
  • Permanent, super-devoted - the true keeper of secrets, a truly faithful friend.
  • Revered - an honest, open personality.
  • Indestructible - such a good adjective is suitable for a reliable, fighting girlfriend.
  • savvy - an experienced woman ready to give useful advice.
  • Filigree - possessing many talents and skills.
  • Conquering - one of the most unusual adjectives, meaning "temperamental", "energetic", endowed with passion, ready to get involved in an adventure.
  • Treating - always glad to come guests.
  • Courage - endowed with the lion's share of enthusiasm, mischief and energy.

Now you can not break your brain over what adjectives are for the exclusive characteristics of a congenial person.

Bright epithets for mom

No one deserves as many sincere, truly good and warm words as the most native person on earth - mother. Her heart and soul will literally blossom from the sincere epithets uttered in her address. Adjectives can be used both during a conversation and in writing a spiritual song, poem or wish. Sweet, kind, gentle, beautiful, good - ordinary words, often found. It is interesting to find out what adjectives are, which are far from being heard by everyone. So let's look at them:

Unusual adjectives will help broaden your horizons, find a unique and clear description, and also win your loved ones to the core.

original words for dad

The father, as well as the mother, is the closest and dearest person on earth. It is he who gives lessons on how to survive in crisis situations, directs you on the right path, teaches you how to achieve your goals, in spite of any combination of circumstances. Unusual adjectives that give a positive assessment of the father's character also take place, consider some:

  • Superheroic - brave, strong, like a knight who knows no fear.
  • Highly moral, well-born - a person with a noble character.
  • Punching - going ahead to the target.
  • Brave - endowed with strength and courage.
  • Magnetic - eye-catching, endowed with charisma that does not exude.
  • Elite, luxury, first-class - in other words, the best.
  • Cardinal - quickly, sharply and categorically making a decision.
  • Amazing, incredible, stunning - an excellent, special person, not like everyone else.

To say a toast, to come up with a congratulatory speech for the father using adjectives that characterize his personality, is now as easy as shelling pears.

A little about colleagues

It is important to prove yourself not only in the circle of relatives and friends, but also among the working team, where not everyone can be pleased. Moments come when you need to objectively evaluate not only your efforts, but also the skills of a business partner. The easiest way to do this is in a congratulatory form by writing poems in a postcard using unusual adjectives that characterize a person, for example:

  • Competitive - an individual capable of withstanding any, even the most dangerous rivalry.
  • Progressive - an advanced person who makes a significant labor contribution.
  • Unperturbed - a calm, stable partner who is difficult to break.
  • Businesslike - an enterprising, intelligent person with a serious, responsible approach to work.
  • Enlightened - well-read, erudite, thoughtful.
  • Experimental - with a huge amount of experience.
  • Efficient, constructive - an adequate person, able to think logically and make the right decisions.
  • Innovative - a creatively gifted person.
  • The jeweler is a very neat and efficient worker.

Heard about yourself Nice words the employee will definitely take note and will continue to justify them, so as not to fall face down in the dirt.

Good word to the teacher

In autumn, all teachers celebrate their professional holiday. best gift for them it will not be a cake or flowers, but respect, discipline, diligent efforts of students in mental work and a bouquet of warm congratulations with unusual adjectives that characterize a person. This:

  • Respectable - worthy of respect.
  • Favorite - beloved by many.
  • Chinny - strict man having the concept of the limits of decency.
  • The right one stands for justice, objectively assessing the situation and people's actions.
  • A virtuoso is a seasoned expert in his field.
  • Status, aesthetic - with impeccable taste, well-groomed.
  • Modern - advanced, keeping up with the times.
  • Entertaining - interesting to listen to, you won't be able to sleep in the lessons.
  • Bravura - always in a good mood.

The teacher will express great surprise, to whom such rare and pleasant adjectives will be addressed - compliments from a student who is not too lazy to write them down for himself.

Stimulating epithets for a son

Every loving parent always sets his child as an example to others, is proud of his talents and achievements. Often the words of praise sound in an ordinary form, but what if you give your adored son a surprise in the form of a beautiful wish filled with unusual adjectives? Such as enviable, seductive, gifted, innovative, intrepid. As well as rocket, jet, egotistical, complacent, sharp-eyed, whimsical, original.

Praise for Daughter

Consider some of them: marvelous, meek, grasping, mischievous, the most excellent. And also: brainy, fashionable, nimble, amazing.

Non-standard ratings of dishes

When various dishes are served at a party, and they turn out to be very tasty, I want to say an original unusual adjective, not limited to hackneyed ones: cool, cool, awesome, super. Consider them, they are delicious - very appetizing, I want to eat them. And also: heavenly, masterpiece, test, unsurpassed, excellent, signature, phenomenal.

Extraordinary Ability Appreciation

A selection of adjectives that characterize a person as a gifted person. For example: dizzying, super-genius, mega-talented, non-standard. And also: extraordinary, ballsy, skillful, expressive, significant.

Unique comments to the photo in the social network

In the popular social networks comments of acquaintances and strangers often flicker under the photos of users. To stand out and write clear, sincere words, you can turn on your imagination and choose the right unusual adjective, such as whirlwind, steering, charming, captivating, delightful, expressive, crisp, flying.

Youth epithets

For example: nishtyakovsky, awesome, trump, opupenny, ace, high, megovsky, zashibensky, fucking, cool, high-faith.

After reading the article, the thought will certainly come, what adjective words can be chosen for another reason. This article is useful for expanding horizons and enriching vocabulary.

Good qualities of a person - a list of them is often needed for compiling a resume. After all, one of the points in the resume is the personal qualities of the job seeker.

List of positive human moral qualities

What are the most significant positive qualities of a person's character for work and a comfortable life in society? How best to describe yourself and what to include in your resume? Let's figure it out. To know our virtues in person, we have prepared a list positive qualities to characterize a person.


This is a caring attitude to the available benefits, no matter your own or someone else's. It's about not only about material things, but even about mental strength and human life energy. This quality allows you to optimize the consumption of any resources, to achieve more by saving less.


This is the lack of desire for profit. Selfish people are driven only by personal gain. Sincere and selfless people do not care about their own benefit, they will help and will not demand anything in return, so they are trusted much more.


Respectful attitude to those around you. Always. Even in cases where the situation is not conducive to courteous and tactful treatment. By the way, this quality annoys boors. They want to quarrel, but a polite person does not come into conflict with them. Politeness and cursing for the belt shuts up, and conquers the city!


This is devotion, but not only in relation to close people, but also to one's own worldview, ideas and views. This is an important side of the relationship between a man and a woman, because such a negative trait as jealousy is associated with it. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person with this quality.


These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. An educated person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and implementation of the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, society. For an educated person is never ashamed.


It is the ability to follow rules and regulations. A disciplined person not only strictly observes the established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time in such a way that it is enough for all important things.


This is a kind and caring attitude towards people. Responsiveness and attentiveness towards others, the desire to help and rescue from difficult situations, without expecting anything in return. This quality does not bring immediate benefits, but those around him appreciate it, and the kindness shown is often answered with the same kindness and care.


This is a benevolent attitude towards others. It is not only an opportunity to build friendly relations with any person, but also the ability to behave openly and sympathetically towards people. A friendly person strives for mutual pleasant communication, therefore he has not only true friends, but also a lot of useful acquaintances.


It is the ability to make contacts. A person who does not have communication barriers easily enters the team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life. A person with this quality will never be left alone.


This is the ability of a person to be responsible for what he is entrusted with, the ability to make difficult decisions and evaluate their consequences. Husbands are responsible for wives, mothers for children, employees for professional tasks. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything shows himself as an independent and mature person.


This is a willingness to help, the ability to disinterestedly respond to a request, to help in a difficult situation. The advantage of this quality is not only in a good attitude towards others, but also in self-perception of being a kind person.


This is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, to comply with agreements. Especially appreciated in industries where "time is money". But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.


This is the willingness to make decisions, the ability to carry out the plan, without being shy and not succumbing to fears. Determination is the absence of the so-called paralysis of the will, when doubts interfere with activity. Closely associated with fortitude and courage. They say about decisive people: "He has an inner core."


This is a sober self-assessment, an adequate perception of one's own views and activities. The self-critical person does not consider own opinion the only true one, has a sound attitude towards views from the outside. But you need to remember the golden mean, because excessive self-criticism indicates low self-esteem.


It is the lack of intention to exalt oneself. It's nice to deal with people who have achieved a lot, and at the same time do not praise themselves at every turn. Modesty is not only the absence of boasting, but also tact in relation to others. This quality can manifest itself both because of respect for other people, and because of shyness.


It is the ability not to give in to fear. They say a brave man is not afraid of anything, but complete absence fear is not only recklessness, but also a syndrome of some mental deviations. Courage is the ability to act in spite of fears. As an example, firefighters may also be afraid of fire, but perform their professional duty without succumbing to fear.


It is correctness and impartiality. At the core this concept lie ideas about good and evil, the laws of retribution for good and bad deeds. Evaluating events, a fair person excludes predispositions and sympathies for someone. A person is just when he is objective.


This is tolerance for people. Tolerance does not allow dividing people into representatives of other nations, ethnic groups and religions. A tolerant person does not reject someone else's point of view, and is unlikely to allow himself to be rude to someone. Tolerance is a necessity of the modern world.


It is the ability to have a positive attitude towards one's own work. Diligence is not only the willingness to give one's strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks from work and is not able to perceive his work with interest is the burden of the entire team.

Respect for others

This is a recognition of the value of other people's views. Respectful attitude towards others says that you see the personality in each person. IN labor processes this quality is mandatory, manifested in distance and subordination.


This is a positive assessment of one's own qualities. Confidence is closely related to a person's ability to manage himself in ambiguous situations. A confident person knows his own worth, is not afraid of public speaking, stressful situation knows how to control himself. Looking at such a person, you might think: "He knows what he's doing."


This is the ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic strong people who do not succumb to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and unshakable spirit. Persistent individuals achieve heights on their own.


This is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character. Fair man always respects the interlocutor, therefore he tells him the truth, sometimes even unpleasant, but necessary.


This is self-respect and a high assessment of one's qualities, an understanding of value and significance. A person with this quality is unlikely to decide on a low deed, deceit, or even ordinary abuse in a public place. This is below his dignity. For such a person, it is not even the opinion of others that is important, but their own assessment of their actions.

Sense of humor

This is the ability to perceive the situation from the comic side. Even better is to find this comic side in everything. It’s more fun to live like this, and it’s pleasant for people to communicate with such a person. A sense of humor is an indicator of a person's mental health. It is not known whether laughter increases life expectancy, but it can definitely save you from unnecessary sorrows.


This is the willingness to share with others, absolutely not wanting to receive something in return. Generous people, for example, can do charity work - help those in need, donate funds to special funds. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.

Hello my beloved readers.

How often do you describe people or characters in books? When I was at school, this was my favorite pastime. I described myself, my family, book characters, and even my fictional characters. With age, when I firmly took root in my life English language I started doing it in English too. So if you need English adjectives characterizing a person, then you have come to the right place.

Today I will share with you my favorite adjectives with translation and transcription for you and your children.

Let's start right away with the simplest, which is suitable for children. younger age. I’ll tell you a secret that schoolchildren can use these words in their own stories.

For elementary and middle school students

Young\Old - Young \ Old

Tall\Short - High \ Short, low

Curly\Wavy\Straight Hair - Curly\Wavy\Straight hair

Beautiful - Beautiful

Lazy - Lazy

hard working - Hardworking

Honest\Dishonest - Honest\Dishonest

Shy - Modest

open - sincere, open

Confident \ Self-confident - Confident \ Self-confident

Patient\Impatient - Patient / Impatient

Stupid/Silly - Silly

kind - Kind

Smart\Clever\Intelligent - Smart

Talented - Talented

generic - Generous

politics - Polite

Rude - Rude

She was a very beautiful girl. She was young, tall with the most beautiful curly hair I have ever seen. - She was very beautiful girl. She was young, tall and with the most beautiful hair that I have ever seen.

She is a very hard working person. I have never seen her unprepared. - She is a very hardworking person. I never saw her unprepared.

If she wasn'tt so shy , she would be a great teacher . - If he hadn't been so humble, she would have been a great teacher.

They were very kind to me and extremely generous. I stayed at their house for a few days until my apartment was repaired. - They were very kind to me and incredibly generous. I stayed at their house for several days until my apartment was ready.

Tomy is a very clever boy. He is the best student in his class. - Tom is a very smart boy. He is the best student in the class.

He is very talented but very lazy. This combination of traits will lead to nowhere. - He is very talented, but very lazy. This combination will lead nowhere.

I would not say that this behavior was polite. He was rather rude to her . - I would not say that this behavior was polite. He was very rough with her.
Type adjectives Example
personality traits Arrogant - arrogant (one who constantly turns up his nose)

selfish - selfish

Violent - quick-tempered

Decisive\Indecisive - decisive / indecisive

Ambitious - ambitious

Thoughtful - caring, considerate

trustworthy - reliable

Vain - narcissistic

Cheerful - cheerful

touchy - touchy
She seemed to be a very indecisive person. But when the problem occurred we found out that we had been wrong. She seemed to be a very indecisive person. But when problems arose, we realized that we were wrong.

My boss is very ambitious. We have so many plans for our future development. - My boss is very ambitious. We have so many plans for our future development.

Even though he seems vain and arrogant, he is the most trustworthy person I know. - Although he seems narcissistic and arrogant, he is the most reliable person I know.
Emotions Melancholic - melancholic

Sentimental - sentimental

Bored - bored

(bored is a person, but boring is a situation)

frustrated - irritated

restless - restless

unsure - insecure

Edgy - irritable

Calm\Relaxed - calm

Excited - lively

Enthusiastic - enthusiastic

Exhausted - exhausted
Mother was rather restless this evening. Did John call? - Mom was very restless that evening. Did John call? Every morning he enters the office in an extremely enthusiastic way. Every day he leaves it absolutely exhausted. - Every morning he comes into the office incredibly enthusiastic. Every evening he comes out completely exhausted.
Relationships with people easy-going = sociable - sociable

Straight Forward - Straight

Outgoing - communicative

Considerate - attentive to others

friendly - friendly

supportive - supporting

amiable - friendly

Obedient \ Disobedient - obedient

Ill-mannered - a person with bad manners

Withdrawn\Detached - alienated
He was a great man. He was easy-going and considerate. I will miss his amiable smile. - He was a great person. He was sociable and attentive. I will miss his friendly smile.

An obedient person can't be ill-mannered. - An obedient person cannot be with bad manners.

He was very detached recently. - He's been very aloof lately.

Being straight-forward is not a pleasant trait of character. - Being straightforward is not a very pleasant character trait.
Other Lonely - lonely

Unreliable - unreliable

Sluggish - slow

Witty - witty

Courageous - courageous
He seems to be very lonely after his wife died. He seems very lonely after his wife died.

That was a very courageous and witty man. The evening was great. - He was a very courageous and witty man. The evening was wonderful.

What a sluggish person you are! Can you do it a bit faster, please? - You are a very slow person. Can you do it a little faster please?

Well, my dears, we have found new and interesting words? I am sure that now it will be much easier for you to describe a person and his character, because you have such a set of vocabulary in your arsenal.

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And with that, I say goodbye to you and say goodbye.

Write a list of those qualities of a person that you think are very suitable for him as a person.

We offer you an example of such a list (with a breakdown of each quality). We hope it helps you a little:

  1. Workaholism. Man is capable for a long time to work and not complain of terrible fatigue.
  2. Altruism. A person always thinks about other people, forgets about his own problems, troubles and worries.
  3. Accuracy. Man tries to keep his appearance, for clothes, for things.
  4. Creativity. A person thinks outside the box, is able to find a way out of any situation.
  5. Pedantry. A person acts strictly according to the points of any instruction, not deviating from the information presented by a single step.

Adjectives characterizing a person

Sincere, responsible, reliable, inventive, eccentric, talented, selfless, fair, sociable, responsive, stress-resistant, strong, attentive, smart, strong.

Accentuation of a person's character with a description of each type

You can characterize a person taking into account character accentuations. We will tell you a little about them.

stuck type

It is distinguished by a clear "stuck" on thoughts, experiences. People are not able to forget past grievances, betrayals, quarrels. In conflict, they take a leading and active position. Arguing with such people is almost always useless and pointless. They will stand their ground and are unlikely to admit they are wrong. "Stuck" people are adamant fighters for real justice.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: resentment (seriously and for nothing), vindictiveness, rudeness, straightforwardness, jealousy, arrogance, harshness, rejection of any other person's opinion.

Conformal type

People of this type are distinguished by hypersociality, turning into talkativeness. Often they do not have their own opinion, they do not strive to somehow stand out from the crowd. "Conformal" people are very fond of various entertainments, they do not deny their interest in gambling.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: a long process of adaptation to anything, insincerity, pretense, duplicity, misperception of objective reality.

alarm type

People develop feelings of inferiority. They constantly think that they are acting incorrectly, making mistakes. They do not know how to be themselves, as they try to be the best in everything. They cannot be trusted with the position of leader, since nothing good will come of it.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: timidity, shyness, isolation, shyness, "bust" with a sense of duty and responsibility, a high degree of sociability only with close people.

Dysthymic type

"Dysthymic" people attract others with their serious approach to any problems and deeds, conscientiousness and good-heartedness. They are extremely negative about all changes. It is easier for them to live the way they are used to.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: pessimism, decadent mood, solid slow thinking, love of loneliness, desire to work alone (not in a team).

Cycloid type

The main difference between "cycloid" people is a high degree of efficiency. They dress rather strangely (like for picnics, for outdoor recreation). They try to be as interesting as possible for the interlocutors. Charming.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: instability, inconstancy, excessive gullibility, obsession, laziness, straightforwardness (sometimes), cuteness, excessive gesticulation, inattention.

exalted type

Emotions are reflected in constant (frequent) amorousness. In people of this type, mood changes so quickly that they do not have time to keep track of it. "Exaltiras" are strongly attached to their friends and therefore try not to scandal with them. They believe in eternal friendship, but often get burned.

Negative qualities and aspects of this type: alarmism, susceptibility to despair, a tendency to depression of a neurotic type.

You can characterize a person with the help of knowledge of temperamental features

Characteristics of temperament types


Always in moving. There is no gloom and pessimism in it. Choleric is an explosive leader. He always argues to the last, defending his own point of view. His distinctive features and hobbies - hyper-communicative skills, mobility, perseverance, sexuality, craving for extreme sports and experiments, courage, willingness to take risks.


We are quick to learn, resourceful, fair, reasonable and talented. He is accustomed to discipline, cleanliness and order. Doesn't like cheating. Sanguine is difficult to piss off, but it is possible. For example, routine work is capable of this, since sanguine people do not tolerate continuous monotony. As soon as they get tired of doing this or that work task, they immediately begin to send out resumes to change the type of usual activity.


He is always betrayed by a “frozen” facial expression, timid speech, excessive vulnerability and resentment, shyness, gloom, puzzlement and depression. The melancholic is very sensitive to criticism and praise. Melancholic people are never afraid of loneliness, because they can find harmony within themselves. Their need for friendship is extremely poorly developed.

Phlegmatic person

Silent, balanced, calm, secretive person. He always manages to do everything (despite his slowness), since everything in his life is planned in advance. They differ in constancy in tastes, habits, views.

There are people belonging to the mixed type of temperament. What is temperamental "mixing"? Type of temperament, which includes a "cocktail" of various qualities of a sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

Character is a manifestation of an emotional reaction in a person's behavior in various relationships and specific situations. The character of a certain person and all his features of the manifestation of qualities are a consequence of upbringing and living conditions in a social society.

Of course, individual adjustment and various life circumstances affect human psychology, but the formation and development of higher mental functions and genetic characteristics are laid down and formed in the womb, so when a person is born, almost from the first days he shows his individual characteristics. Any person can be characterized and assigned a certain type of personality.

Also, you can pay attention to the manifestation of characteristic typical features of different peoples, i.e. exist general definitions specific nationalities. For example, the character of the Russian is clearly different from other national mentalities.

The temperament of a Russian person:

  • “Breadth and generosity of the soul”, which is absent in most nations.
  • Patience, perseverance and endurance.
  • Craving for justice and compassion.
  • Of the negative: laziness, pessimism, hypocrisy and foul language.

It is easy to define a Russian person by temperament, foreign nations associate a Russian person as someone who loves to walk "in a big way", they have always been surprised by the generosity, steadfastness and selflessness of the Russian people. Only a Russian person has an original sense of humor, which perplexes foreign brethren. Many foreign men believe that a Russian woman is the best companion for life, as she has responsiveness, humanity, loyalty and compassion.

Also, a decent barrier for foreigners is the study of the Russian language, it is considered the most difficult due to excessive emotionality and the double meaning of identical words. The qualities in people of the Russian warehouse, their attitude towards other people of the social environment, are more inclined to respect religious traditions. Attitude towards Christianity, observance of religious rites begins with the origins of the formation of the Slavic race.

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Individual characteristics in people, the identification of their signs is an indicator of the true face of a Russian person, what qualities and abilities can manifest themselves in non-standard situations of a social society. The psychology of a Russian person, the flexibility of the mind, extraordinary endurance, selflessness, love for the motherland, the manifestation of compassion more than once convinced opponents of their strength and steadfastness.

Classification of character traits

Character traits
emotional Volitional Moral intellectual
Emotionality persistence Honesty Curiosity
Cheerfulness Independence Responsiveness Wits
Impressionability Uncertainty Kindness Resourcefulness
Determination Cruelty Frivolity
Courage Thoughtfulness

The psychology of varying degrees of manifestation of the character of each person is individual and is formed throughout life, changing depending on the social environment. There is a certain classification to which a person can be attributed.

List of manifestations in people's behavior and assessment of qualities in social situations.

  1. Volitional qualities are features of the properties of a particular person that manifest themselves in non-standard situations (endurance, patience, stubbornness, courage, cowardice, courage, discipline, etc.)
  2. Emotional manifestations are duration mental processes in a certain person in specific situations (negative, positive, dynamic, neutral, statistical, non-traditional).
  3. Intellectual features of an individual person, the quality of a person’s thinking (breadth, depth, flexibility, criticality, stupidity, etc.)

List of manifestations of the qualities of people

Attitude to the surrounding world, divided into four types:

  • I'm good - everyone is good.
  • I'm good, everyone's bad.
  • I'm bad - everyone is good.
  • I'm bad - everyone is bad.
  • Attitude towards one's personality (self-respect, self-criticism, arrogance, self-esteem, etc.).
  • Attitude towards work (laziness, diligence, accuracy, tolerance, negligence, punctuality, responsibility, etc.).
  • Attitude in social environment groups (sociability, isolation, truthfulness, deceit, politeness, rudeness, etc.).

Types of human temperament

Temperament is the constant features of the individual behavior of a particular person, which are equally manifested in various activities. There are four types of definitions which are:

  1. Sanguine, characterized by increased mobility, working capacity has pronounced mimic emotional manifestations in facial expressions, responsiveness, sociability, balance, optimism, cheerful disposition, fatigue from hard work, carelessness.
  2. Choleric - sudden mood swings, irascibility, hysteria, quick appeasement, impulsiveness, outbursts of anger.
  3. Melancholic - anxiety, pessimism, vulnerability, excessive worries for any reason, restraint, self-control, distrust of others.
  4. Phlegmatic - coolness, low activity, prudence, gives the impression wise man always gets things done.

Human temperament. 4 types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic

Manifestations of character traits in men and women

The manifestation of character traits in men

The same character trait in men and women, their attitude to actions is manifested in different emotional reactions, causing completely different feelings.

For example, the touchiness of a woman manifests itself in a man in the form of angry outbursts.

  • Women are characterized by manifestations of excessive emotionality, sensitivity, understanding and compassion, practicality, they are more prone to sudden mood swings. The psychology of men, their attitude to values, is based on restraint and the desire for power and leadership. Each period of the era is characterized by the presence of certain qualities in men and women.

The manifestation of character traits in women

  • So, for example, the qualities in modern people have minor differences, more and more associations of male and female professions are being formed. Today, it is not uncommon to meet the beautiful half of humanity at the wheel, and the male stylist, hairdresser or conductor, which a few decades ago would have surprised them very much.

The main traits of a person's character are the prevailing stable, innate or acquired qualities that are constantly manifested in the behavior of an individual person. Having learned what signs correspond to a particular person, you can make psychological picture, attitude and opinion about him, as well as assign a type of temperament (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic).

Classify what inherent individual qualities in order to determine the positive and negative traits character and make general conclusions. This will help, for example, when applying for a job in choosing a position, and sometimes in choosing a life partner, by determining the criteria that you value.

Negative and positive personality traits

The psychology of any person is the continuous formation of a quality of character, depending on what conditions, therefore it is common for him to show negative traits, they can change depending on what conditions, for worse or better.

There are also permanent negative qualities that appear in an individual person, which do not change throughout life.

Negative character traits can not always be regarded as their negative features and qualities can emphasize dignity:

  1. Self-confidence - self-satisfaction, can provoke a craving for efficiency and performance improvement, for the realization of self-satisfaction.
  2. Stubbornness provokes the achievement of goals.
  3. Selfishness - ignoring others is bad, but trying to please others is not always beneficial. Sometimes you need to think about yourself in order to be able to help others.
  4. Envy, some people can provoke them to desire to achieve best result than others.

There are such character traits in people as cruelty, deceit, hypocrisy, laziness, stinginess, rudeness, gloom, etc., which will never provoke them to good deeds.

Positive and negative character traits of their qualities are present to a greater or lesser extent in every person. Positive can cover negative traits character of the individual. For example, people are lazy but good-natured or selfish but neat and hardworking, rude but responsive and generous, and so on.

List of positive qualities and their signs:

  1. Endurance and patience.
  2. Gratitude and Morality.
  3. Initiative and ingenuity.
  4. Cheerfulness and giftedness.
  5. Sensitivity and optimism, etc.

The main character traits in women

List of predominant qualities and their distinctive properties:

The main character traits in men

List of predominant qualities and their properties:

4 main psychotypes of personality. How to determine and recognize the character of a person?
