How to find out the ruling planet. How to find out the personal code and planet of the patron of your destiny

We are all under the influence of one planet or another. Someone walks under the Sun, someone walks under Mars, but in any case, the ruler leaves her mark on the character and fate of a person, and, as is usually the case, every medal has two sides: good and bad.

How to recognize the planet

Find out which planet rules your life, just add up full date of his birth to a single digit. For example, you were born on September 5, 1980, your number is 5. We got it by adding 5 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5. Under the number 5 we have the planet Jupiter.

"What's in it for me?" - you ask. The thing is that each planet gives a person both advantages and disadvantages. Knowing them, you can balance yourself, put emphasis on strengths and strengthen the weak.

The number "1". Sun

This planet contributes to almost all undertakings. People who walk under the Sun are purposeful, they like to be in sight, in the center of attention. Not without a "fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey" - inflated conceit, the desire to command everyone, which goes beyond all boundaries and transforms into despotism, exorbitant arrogance. People of the Sun rise high, but they often have to fall painfully.

The number "2". Moon

The moon symbolizes the unconscious, the intuition of man. People under the control of this planet are emotional, like an ocean raging under the wind, they are easy to hurt, they take everything to heart, they are family. They also have shortcomings that the Moon has so generously endowed - inconstancy, they are passive and capricious. Often, people of the Moon suffer from a victim complex all their lives and do nothing but complain about neighbors, relatives, colleagues, the president ...

The number "3". Mars

Mars is pressure, activity, determination, energy, passion. On the one hand, it is easy for such people to build a career and do business, but, on the other hand, they are simply unbearable. Mars makes them determined, energetic and sexy, but at the same time aggressive, conflicting and daring. Such qualities contribute little to friendship and relationships with a loved one - few people agree to live on a powder keg.

The number "4". Mercury

Mercury is inextricably linked with the intellect. People who walk under Mercury are smart, inquisitive and sociable, and love to travel. But even here they could not do without their “fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey” - such people are fixated on material gain and are ready to go ahead with their goal, regardless of moral principles, betray and deceive. What can I say, this planet "gave" the world a lot of famous scammers...

The number "5". Jupiter

Jupiter - personal growth, learning, opportunities. The people of Jupiter, on the one hand, are incredibly lucky, because they are optimists, they are lucky in life, and money literally goes into their hands. But on the other hand, such a favor of fate makes them inveterate egoists, they are insensitive and cruel, arrogant and lazy. People of Jupiter often rise to the top of their careers, but remain there all alone.

The number "6". Venus

Venus is responsible for beauty, love and harmony. It is not surprising that people who are under the auspices of this planet are snapped up by the opposite sex, they have no end to admirers who, to the annoyance of their neighbors, serenades them under the windows all night long. The other side of this coin is capriciousness, excessive craving for glamor and obsession with one's own appearance, laziness. They love "expensive-rich", which turns them into real forties, whose chatter few people can stand.

The number "7". Saturn

Saturn makes his "wards" purposeful and disciplined. People who walk under this planet are strong in spirit, know how and love to work, never give up. back side medals - secrecy and silence, which reach hermitage, distrust, rejection of change. Even at a young age, they lead the lifestyle of ancient old men.

The number "8". Uranus

Uranus is the planet of revolutionaries. The people under his management are resourceful, they think outside the box, they love freedom and change, and they are ready for them. But on the other hand, they are so prone to anarchy that they sow chaos wherever they appear, on the way to their goal they go ahead, unprincipled and cynical. The people of Uranus can only destroy, not build.

The number "9". Neptune and Pluto

Neptune symbolizes spirituality, mysticism, some kind of connection with the Cosmos, and Pluto makes dreams come true, helping with action. The people who walk under these two planets are revolutionaries, they are able to change the fate of entire countries. The only thing that can stop them on their way to the goal is a departure from reality, a thirst for power that overshadows the right path. They are capable of anything, even ready to destroy people's lives for the sake of a ghostly goal.

Knowingmyplanet- patron, Canbetterunderstandmyself, realizetheirtalentsAndcapabilities, learnfightWithnegativetraitscharacter.

SUN planet Leo (July 23 - August 23). It is not surprising that the King of animals is under the auspices of the Sun, because both Leo and daylight associated with power and strength.

The Sun is a powerful ally, and Leo does not need to make as much effort to achieve his goals as other signs of the Zodiac. The lion will get his way anyway, because people adore him and help him. The energy of Lviv is enough for work, and for caring for the family, as well as for the implementation creative talents. At the same time, the Sun makes these people too proud and hot, they tend to make rash decisions, which they later have to regret. The desire for leadership and generosity are also due to the influence of the Sun. But the daylight can also awaken a craving for luxury, various kinds of entertainment, feasts. People who have the ruling planet the Sun should try to extinguish the notes of vanity and despotism in themselves, be more modest in society and more often listen to the opinions of their loved ones.

MOON the patron planet of Cancer (June 22 - July 22). Despite the fact that the night luminary is considered changeable and fickle, Cancerians strive for strong and stable relationships.

The queen of the night rewarded her wards with special sensitivity and emotionality. People of the Moon are shy, indecisive, modest, sometimes even very secretive, but only until they understand the full power of their feelings. Once Cancer realizes the need for someone and makes sure that they are accepted for who they are, this sign can open up and stay close to their loved one forever. The moon is closely associated with the water element, so Cancers love to travel, especially on water or at least near water, in order to be able to admire the water surface. In addition, they are able to appreciate the hearth and create warm comfort in it. Despite the fact that the "lunar" Cancers tend to show care and affection themselves, they demand a similar attitude from others. As negative character traits, one can name laziness, slowness, absent-mindedness and some nervousness. Cancers need to learn to control their emotions, be more confident in their abilities and try to avoid excessive suspicion and jealousy.

MERCURY patron of Gemini (May 21 - June 21) and Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Mercury is the ancient Roman god of trade, fortune and knowledge. Therefore, Gemini and Virgo are enterprising, erudite, lucky.

The high intelligence of the people of Mercury does not yet mean that they will direct their forces to scientific discoveries. Virgos and Geminis would rather try to use life experience and skills to establish contacts with the right people. They are pleased to know that they are in control of any difficult situation and, if necessary, they can achieve whatever they want. Mercurians are excellent observers, able to notice nuances that others would not pay attention to. They are charming, have charisma, know how to win over. They are constantly striving to discover something new. Negative character traits can manifest themselves in a tendency to spread gossip, excessive talkativeness and empty curiosity. Often such people wear a mask, and for each case there is a new one in stock. Because of this, others may think that they know the Mercurians well, but in fact they are not aware of their true nature.

VENUS the patron planet of Taurus (April 21 - May 20) and Libra (September 24 - October 23). The Romans considered Venus the goddess of love, her name is translated as "grace of the gods."

Love is perceived by Libra and Taurus as general concept: it can be love for a partner or beauty, or maybe for money and earthly pleasures. People of Venus always strive to look good, they can be wasteful: they do not skimp on expensive clothes, they will go to an expensive restaurant. They value material things, especially if these are objects that bring them aesthetic pleasure by their very appearance. Thanks to their charm and subtle sense of beauty, they can reach significant heights, especially in the field of art. Usually stubborn, but sometimes suffer from laziness. To prove themselves in practical work, they need sufficient motivation. Friends are chosen very carefully, they try to use their charm in order to make acquaintances that will bring benefits. Due to excessive emotionality, they are prone to depressive states, often stubborn.

MARS takes care of Aries (March 21 - April 20). In ancient Roman mythology, Mars was not only the god of war, he was associated with the concepts of fertility, vitality and nature in general.

People born under the auspices of this planet are by nature honest, decent and energetic. Martians are swift and unstoppable in achieving their plans: if they see the goal, they are ready for a lot for the sake of victory. An obstacle on the way can be irascibility and impatience. In their actions, they rarely take into account the opinions of others, they can show unreasonable aggression, be rude and merciless. By overcoming selfishness, they will be able to achieve great success. IN love relationships the people of Mars need an all-consuming passion: they vitally need this fire, which will become an incentive for the manifestation of personal qualities and strength.

JUPITER patron planet of Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21). Jupiter in Roman mythology is the almighty god of the sky, the king of the gods. He was the patron of emperors, victories and feats of arms always kept true to his vows. These properties are transmitted from him to people born under the sign of Sagittarius. They willingly take on everything, are not afraid of responsibility, they are recognized leaders. Sagittarians will always come to the rescue, tend to patronize the younger ones, therefore they tend to choose the profession of teachers and educators. They are able to connect the process of spiritual knowledge with the earthly material plane, they are constantly in search of a new one. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so Sagittarians strive to master many areas of life at the same time. It is important for them to learn to keep their attention on one thing, to concentrate when it becomes really necessary. Often the negative influence of Jupiter can manifest itself in excessive self-esteem and pride.

SATURN the patron planet of Capricorns (December 22 - January 20). Saturn is the Roman god of order, time and agriculture. Capricorns inherit from this planet its best qualities: they are fair, rational, love order in everything, prolific, both in terms of childbearing and in terms of the success of their affairs. Saturn is characterized by static and conservatism. That is why it is so difficult for Capricorns to change their habits and lifestyle. They love constancy and devotion, while they themselves are quite consistent in their actions and decisions. Innovations are treated with great distrust. For Capricorns, the opinion of society plays a huge role, they usually try not to oppose it. Saturn endows his wards with industriousness and diligence, they have a very keen sense of duty. Familiar people are impressed by the caring attitude and pedantry of Capricorns, but excessive suspicion and conservatism can be repulsive. Fear of change - the main problem people of Saturn.

URANUS patron planet of Aquarius (January 21 - February 20). Uranus is the god who personifies the sky, in ancient Greek mythology- the father of the gods. Under his patronage, people are born, overwhelmed by ideas, ahead of time. Aquarius has an unbridled fantasy, non-standard, original thinking. They do not like to follow generally accepted rules and norms; in everything they rely only on themselves. The will of these people is adamant, they can go to their goal for years. Aquarians are excellent organizers, inventors and philosophers. Among the negative traits of character, the desire for power and leadership stands out most of all, which can sometimes overshadow the mind and deprive self-control.

NEPTUNE the patron planet of Pisces (February 21 - March 20). Neptune - the god of the seas and oceans, lakes and rivers, embodies creative and "dark" forces. Neptune endows people born under the sign of Pisces with sensitivity and takes them away from earthly problems into the dark and gloomy depths of the subconscious. The subconscious, dreams, spiritual communication - all these are manifestations of the symbolism of this planet, patronizing romance, contemplation and mysticism. The Pisces sign is endowed with hypersensitivity, extraordinary traction to mysteries, infinity and great power of self-destruction. Neptune makes people fickle: mood and thoughts can change very often. Pisces are prone to self-deception, subject to other people's opinions and love to build "castles in the air."

PLUTO the patron planet of Scorpios (October 24 - November 22). God underworld and death, Pluto endows people with great inner strength and perseverance, makes them active and assertive. Scorpios always strive for something new, they do not like to stay in one place for a long time. These are excellent figures and revolutionaries for whom public life above all. Every day, Scorpios must experience a storm of emotions, otherwise they will simply be bored with a guide to action for them - the will of the majority. They tend to downplay the desires and opinions of an individual. The thirst for power and the constant desire to be in the spotlight are their main negative aspects.

What is the patron planet which this zodiac sign has? We will answer these and other questions in the article. Aquarius is known to be ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Initially, the all-powerful Saturn was considered the protector of Aquarius. Uranus was discovered recently - in the XVIII century. The combination of energies of these planets is bright and very strong. Saturn is the planet of sadness, and Uranus is the planet of action, scientists and explorers, dreams of tomorrow.


How the patron planets influence what, when meeting something new, revolutionary or radical, Aquarians are completely immersed in these ideas. Aquarians' biggest asset is their ability to be innovative and creative.

The planets Saturn and Uranus endow Aquarius with mental superiority over others, as well as a zeal for unceasing comprehension. The character that these worlds command is distinguished by impressionability, emotionality, and a broad outlook.

Saturn of Aquarius dooms to obedience to fate, and she is not always happy. As mentioned above, Saturn is the planet of melancholy, unfulfilled hopes and sad memories. Uranus is the planet of energy, the inspirer of the masters. That is why the nature of Aquarius is contradictory.

Influence of planets

We already know that the two patron planets influence Aquarius. They increase their desire to be different from others. Such a very stubborn feeling sometimes pushes them to do bizarre and strange things, turning Aquarius into jesters who have the right to do what is punishable for the rest.

Spontaneously, Aquarians can do the opposite of what is expected of them. They are used to putting themselves higher than others, which sometimes infuriates people. No one understands their ideology, except themselves. And the distance that Aquarians keep in relation to people, and ignoring the ideas of society, help them solve problems in a non-standard way.

Planets-patrons on Aquarius affect inconsistently. Under their influence, in his head is born big number brilliant ideas. As soon as the moment of realization approaches, the planets disappear, and after a certain period of time they reappear (as a rule, at the most inopportune moment) and throw them out of their usual rut.


Each planet-patron of the Aquarius zodiac sign gives different qualities. Uranus and Saturn encourage Aquarius to fight for humanistic values, freedom, ideas of equality and brotherhood. These people work only with allies, they do not digest those who pretend to be the boss.

But they can be both ruthless and insensitive at the same time. They can act on the feelings and needs of others, focusing only on their soulless logic. The conflicting influences of Uranus and Saturn lead to the fact that their wards, striving for independence, commit irresponsible acts. These people always, without admitting their guilt, refer to various unfavorable circumstances.

It follows from this that Saturn grounds Aquarius, and Uranus, on the contrary, elevates it to the higher spiritual spheres. Balancing these antagonistic positions is the main task of Aquarius.

Description of the planets

So, you already know which patron planets of Aquarius guide through life. As mentioned above, these are two planets at once - Uranus and Saturn. Saturn is the second largest planet in the galaxy, and Uranus is the third largest. These two celestial bodies qualify as giants.

Their specific features are that they have many moons (Uranus has 15 moons and Saturn has 18) and an impressive ring system. Saturn rotates around its axis in 10 hours and 24 minutes, and Uranus in 17 hours. Saturn revolves around the Sun in 29 years and 167 days, and Uranus in 84 years.

In Greek mythology, Uranus is known as the husband of Gaia (the goddess of the earth's firmament), the god of heaven, the founder of the hundred-armed giants, cyclops and titans.

Angels and demons

What is a good horoscope? The patron planets of Aquarius are described in as much detail as possible. They are so different that they make the temperament of their wards very illogical. Sometimes Aquarius is called an angel and a demon, in one person the victim (there is a connection with the fate of Uranus) and the villain (the influence of Saturn). Aquarians do not like any theatricality, and at the same time they are ready to stun others.

They are insidious, like Saturn: the breadth of their nature, the desire to please, freedom from the physical world is often a fiction, behind which is hidden an unbridled desire for wealth, power, highest position and pathos. By the influence of two different planets some inconstancy of the nature of these people is also explained.

Prism of Aquarius

Of course, the patron planet Saturn Aquarius does not want to teach bad things. He looks at life through a personal prism and often fluctuates between instincts and reason, although he has every chance of being in the highest degree self-confident, to stop at nothing for the sake of victory.

In Aquarius there is also a thin, supple, soft, they are unusually naive, although this trait does not harm them. They hate compromise and show firmness. They do not consider others at all, forgetting about caution.


So, you already know how patron planets affect Aquarius. By the date of their birth, you can find out everything about them. It is known that this sign of the zodiac includes people who were born on January 21 - February 18. They are ruled by Uranus, who is considered the very first of the rulers of the universe. An ancient legend says that, having been subjected to an insidious and cruel attack by his son Saturn (Kronos), he was dethroned, castrated, torn to pieces and scattered in different directions. The cut off organs fell into the sea and gave birth to Venus (Aphrodite), the goddess of love and beauty.

Uranus reigned over the very existence of time, so his reign was incompatible with the materiality of the world in its formation. This explains the inevitability of the fall and the cruelty of the first of the gods. However, Uranus is still outside own destiny and over all the gods.

Uranus is out of time and rules, and does not rule, and exists, and does not exist, he is dead forever, but never dies. In the physical world, it corresponds to lightning, electricity.

Aquarius Stones

The ruling planets of Aquarius are strong. Which stones favor his fate? The following crystals keep him from troubles and disappointments:

  • Amethyst is a crystal of fidelity. It is also called the stone of the third eye.
  • Aquamarine - stabilizes peace of mind.
  • Pomegranate - brings good luck in friendship and love.
  • Turquoise is a stone of happiness and victory.
  • Opal is a symbol of guarantee and fidelity.
  • Lapis Lazuli is a crystal of sincerity.
  • Light sapphire - endows wards with wisdom.
  • Zircon - makes you strive for science.
  • Chrysocolla - conquers fears.


The patron planets of Aquarius are amazing. By date of birth, it is not difficult to find out the character of a person. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. Its symbol, depicted in the form of two waves, means "dead" and "living" water. Often the sign of Aquarius is depicted as a mortal pouring water from a jug, which means a servant of humanity who wants to quench his thirst for knowledge.

Aquarius rules the Sabbath. His element is air, color is purple, plants are violet, narcissus, mistletoe, belladonna, immortelle, myrtle. Important years of life:

  • for those born from 21.01 to 01.02 (beginning of the sign) - years 12, 22, 32, 42, 52;
  • from 02.02 to 12.02 (middle of the sign) - years 10, 20, 42, 50, 60;
  • from 13.02 to 18.02 ( last days sign) - years 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Aquarius motto: always in search of the truth.


And now let's find out how Uranus, the patron planet of Aquarius, was discovered. By the date of birth and name, by the way, you can also learn a lot of interesting things about a person. So, in ancient times, Uranus was unknown to mankind. It was discovered only 200 years ago with the help of a telescope. In the city of Bath (England) in 1781, on March 13, the court astronomer Sir Herschel William noticed a cosmic object, which he considered a comet. After observing it for a year, he determined that it was a new planet in our solar system. Herschel named her the Star of George in honor of the King of England George III, but this name did not take root and after a while they began to call her Uranus. In the symbol of Uranus, the first letter of the name of the astronomer who discovered it survived.

It is considered the planet of sudden upheavals and unexpected, swift events, the planet of the future. Her sphere of influence is everything unusual, new, original.

Birth card

Uranus is associated with internal and its internal energy. Sometimes his strength is similar to that of Mars. The discrepancy lies only in the fact that Uranus is a force hidden deep within the personality, an instinctive purpose that emerges throughout life. The great astrologer Adams Evangeline believes that one individual can be strong, even if he is physically disabled, and the other, owning colossal energy, aimlessly dissipates it. Uranus in the first man is in a strong state, and Mars is in decline. The second has weak Uranus and strong Mars.

The position of Uranus in the birth chart shows your talents, the ingenuity of the mind, the frequency of bright and sudden events that take place in your life.

If Uranus is strong in your horoscope, you are probably an independent innovator. You can dress in an unusual way, create the latest accessories, come up with a personal style. People are interested in your ultra-advanced way of thinking and they are drawn to you. You may even be a psychic. Uranus is the delegating force behind clairvoyance.

Uranus is also responsible for eccentric behavior, recklessness, perversion and indiscipline.


In addition to influencing a person’s personal horoscope, Uranus, along with Pluto and Neptune, affects an entire generation. These three planets are so distant from the Sun that they move very slowly through the zodiac. They stay in each sign for a long time: Neptune passes a sign in 14 years, Pluto - in a period of 13 to 32 years, and Uranus - in 7 years.

Astrologers say that these celestial bodies influence not only some people, but also generations. The movement of Uranus in the zodiac in time is associated with the discoveries of science. Uranus governs the coming age of Aquarius.

It brings acquaintances, new situations and changes into our lives. His gifts are always short-lived and sudden. A person must immediately use the chance before it is gone. Uranus tells people not to be afraid of the future and to follow the changing life.

Rulers of Aquarius

It is believed that the sign of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, but here it is exalted! For this reason, in some life situations when you need to activate all the forces, it is desirable to connect the energy of Neptune.

In the Middle Ages, astrologers claimed that Aquarius was ruled by Saturn. Today, its influence on the psychotype of this sign is manifested only in the form of coldness, detachment and indifference.

February 2

What are Aquarius, who were born, for example, on February 2? They differ from the "classical" Aquarians in that people are paid much more attention and they like separate individuals, and not an abstract society. Looking at their compassion, mercy and kindness, you can understand what qualities zodiac sign February 2.

But even the responsiveness of these people is more colored and brighter than that of typical Aquarians. People who were born on February 2 are less stubborn than other Aquarius, ready to think about the words of the interlocutor. They are less focused on personal ideas and feelings.

We each have our own ruling planet. To a large extent it is it defines personality traits, abilities, talents and capabilities of the individual.

When compiling a personal horoscope, astrologers pay special attention to the patron planet, since it can be used to judge life path, determine the priorities of a person and find out his essence.

By date of birth and zodiac sign

The most reliable and proven way to determine your ruling planet is a horoscope. Each constellation has its own patron planet. She has similar characteristics to her Sign.

In our solar system there is only 10 planets(For convenience, astrologers also include the Moon and the Sun in this term.) And, as you know, there are 12 constellations. It turns out that two signs of the Zodiac have the same ruling planet. What planet corresponds to you according to the horoscope?

Sun. Our daylight patronizes Lions. Under his influence, representatives of this constellation become bright, gifted, active and talented. The sun gives them energy, promotes creative development and guide you to the right path.

Moon. Under her influence are crayfish. This heavenly body endows them with mystery, mystery, emotionality and sensitivity. Under the auspices of the Moon, it is difficult for Cancers to open up to people. They want to be accepted for who they are.

Mercury patronizes Virgo and Gemini. This ruling planet is a symbol of communications and trade. It was with these abilities that Mercury endowed the representatives of these constellations.

Venus takes care of Libra and Taurus. The planet of love endows them with the ability to appreciate the feelings of other people. Also under the influence of Venus, people of the constellations Libra and Taurus have a craving for art and aesthetic beauty.

Mars. The warring planet is the patron Aries. Its impact is felt in almost all character traits of this sign. Aries tend to show aggression and firmness. He is purposeful and principled.

Jupiter. archers received the patronage of this planet is not accidental. According to legend, in Ancient Rome there was a god with the same name. He always kept his promises, fought against injustice and called for honesty and conscience in other people. Those born under the constellation Sagittarius have the same personality traits.

Saturn. This planet extends its influence to Capricorn. Representatives of the sign have all of its best qualities. They are responsible, rational, pedantic and pragmatic.

Uranus. The planet rules Aquarius. She endows them with creative and innovative thinking, creativity and inventive abilities. In addition, Uranus bestows the willpower that Aquarius needs to achieve their goals.

Neptune. The planet got its name in honor of the sea king. That is why Fish, which is patronized by Neptune, are often immersed in their inner world like in the depths of the ocean. Neptune activates intuition, contributes to the development of clairvoyance and extrasensory abilities.

Pluto. This planet rules scorpions. She endows the representatives of the sign with mystery, leadership qualities, cruelty and lust for power.

In numerology

You can find out your planet by date of birth using numerological calculation. This calculation, in fact, turns out to be more accurate than the zodiac, since it determines the planet not by the period of birth, but by the exact date.

The human character is multifaceted, therefore, regardless of your planet according to the horoscope, the qualities of a person can be determined by the planet that patronizes your number in numerology.

Unlike astrology, numerology uses only 9 planets, not 10. This is due to the fact that only single-digit numbers from 1 to 9 are interpreted in numerology. All the rest are deciphered taking into account the meaning of their constituent digits.


In numerology, each number has its own characteristics and properties. Astrologers have also determined for the planets character traits. If we compare the planets and numbers, then each figure eventually finds its planet in spirit and characteristics.

To calculate and determine your planet by numerology, you need find the sum of all digits of the date of birth. Zeros are not taken into account. The resulting value must be one digit.

For example, the date of birth is 05/15/1991 (1+5+5+1+9+9+1 = 31 = 3+1 = 4). Four in this case will be the number of the planet.



Calculating your patron planet will help you find out compatibility in relationships and marriage. The planets, like the signs of the Zodiac, have their own similarities with each other, likes, dislikes and differences. To determine the compatibility of the planets, astrologers divided them into several groups, depending on their properties and sphere of influence.

  • Activity: Sun, Venus and Uranus.
  • Subconscious: Moon, Neptune, Pluto.
  • Purposefulness: Saturn, Jupiter.
  • Communications: Mars, Mercury.

In accordance with this division of the planets, one can distinguish those that are most suitable for each other in temperament and way of thinking. Planets in the same group are a priori compatible. People whose planets match by date of birth can always find mutual language. They have similar goals and dreams. Now let's look at the relationship between these groups.

Planets in the Activity group get along well with the Communications group. Partners in this case are united by the desire for success, prosperity, common interests. They never get bored with each other. Moreover, often in such couples there is an emotional shake-up that strengthens the union.

It is difficult for active planets to come to a consensus with the Subconscious group. The planets in these two groups are very different in their characteristics. They will constantly compete with the planets of Purposefulness.

Planets of the subconscious group compatible with the Purposefulness group. Partners with these planets will complement and support each other. With active planets it will be hard to find common points contact. With the planets of Communications, there is a fairly strong emotional connection.

Planets of the Purposefulness group suitable planets of the Subconscious. In such a pair, passion and tender feelings do not fade for a long time. They take care of each other and easily compromise in controversial situations. With communicative planets, the union will be bright, but short-lived. Partners often have different goals and life orientations in this case. They have poor compatibility with active groups - in a pair, everyone will fight for the place of the head of the family.

Planets of Communications are friends with the Subconscious group. People who are patronized by the planets of these groups will always have something to talk about. In addition, they have good compatibility in physical terms. It is not recommended to deal with people who are ruled by the planets of Activity. Despite the possible passionate beginning of the relationship, such a partnership is doomed to failure.

The patron planet is a landmark in a person's personal horoscope. Its influence is so great that sometimes other aspects in the horoscope will not be able to correct the fate and character of a person.


If you were born under the sign of Aries, your ruling planet is Mars. It is he who gives Aries ardor, militancy, assertiveness, since he is the planet of fire and war. Mars is the planet of emotions and instincts.

People born under the sign of Taurus are ruled by Venus. This planet gives Taurus love for sensual pleasures and comfort, for which typical representatives This sign is ready to work hard. Because of this, Taurus can be too materialistic about the world, relying only on themselves and their abilities.

If you were born under the sign of Gemini, your planet is Mercury. He is considered the patron of the mind, movement, information and communication. Due to its influence, Gemini is one of the most sociable, curious and agile signs of the zodiac.

Those born under the sign of Cancer are ruled by the Moon. This astrological planet is responsible for emotions and the subconscious. It is the Moon that makes Cancers so emotional, closed and sensitive. Excessive influence of the Moon makes Cancers hysterical.

Lions are ruled by the Sun. It makes its "wards" magnanimous, proud, regal. A typical Leo cannot live without the attention of others, the excessive influence of the Sun makes people of this zodiac sign unbearable, it is difficult for such Leos to adequately perceive themselves and interact with society.

Virgos are also patronized by Mercury, but he gives them a tendency to analyze all sorts of little things. Virgos work very well with information, but at the same time they are completely devoid of the charming lightness and mobility characteristic of Gemini.

Libra, like Taurus, is ruled by Venus. She allows this zodiac sign to find a common language with anyone. Libra easily achieve perfect harmony in any relationship. However, the excessive influence of Venus sometimes leads to the fact that Libra begins to imitate sympathy.

People born under the sign of Scorpio are ruled by Pluto. He is responsible for sexual instincts, transformation, destruction of the old. This planet gives Scorpios mystique, stamina and heightened sexuality. An excess of Pluto's influence leads to jealousy and a craving for self-destruction.

Jupiter is the ruler of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. It is the planet of optimism, expansion and good luck. Jupiter gives Sagittarius faith in the future, optimism, and a craving for knowledge. In some cases, representatives of this zodiac sign can be tactless and overly instructive.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. It is considered the planet of responsibility, patience and discipline. It is not surprising that he fully transferred these properties to his “wards”. Unfortunately, Saturn is the planet of limitations and time, so Capricorns are often too serious and pessimistic.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. This is a planet of revolutionary spirit and freedom. She makes Aquarius extraordinary personalities that are rarely understood by others. Main characteristic Aquarius is the love of freedom, sometimes it leads to utter loneliness if the influence of Uranus on the life of Aquarius becomes too strong.

People born under the sign of Pisces are ruled by Neptune. He gives Pisces inspiration, creativity, compassion. If the influence of this planet is too strong, Pisces can simply lose touch with reality and move into their own dream world.

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On the day of the beginning of spring and the equinox, March 21, the zodiac circle passes into the sign of Aries. On this day, the day and night are of the same length, so it is called the day of clarity.

Born on a day of clarity

Inheriting the qualities of the whole day at birth, people born on March 21 are most often open, straightforward, they are not characterized by excessive sensitivity or suspiciousness. It often happens that these people do not fit into the existing models of society at all and therefore meet with misunderstanding. People born on the vernal equinox live according to own ideas about the order, and this extends to the most the smallest details their lives.

These people are strong primarily for their practicality, they can not be called dreamers, they stand firmly on their feet. Of the talents, they have organizational skills, but at the same time they are completely non-aggressive and never go ahead of their goal. Aries born on March 21 would rather not communicate with people who do not understand them than they will convince someone that they are right. And they have absolute confidence in it, and they consider many around them to be passive types.

It is very important for people born on the very first day of the sign of Aries to give out the energy that they have in abundance. This energy can manifest itself in a wide variety of areas - both in adherence to religion or mysticism and magic, and in following any ideas. One should be wary of psychotropic and narcotic substances, as those born on the day of the equinox are given the purest aura.

General characteristics of the sign Aries

Those born between March 20 and April 19 cannot stand boredom, they are very energetic and active people. They are very curious, always open to new knowledge and love their friends. They are distinguished by some tactlessness, characteristic of all curious people, but those born under the sign of Aries never have a bad intention behind curiosity. These are straightforward people, they do not know how to be offended and plan revenge.

It is better not to try to start a dispute with representatives of this sign, since these furious and principled stubborn people still cannot be persuaded. The opinion of Aries is changed with great difficulty, and this happens very rarely, since they live by their own rules and the ultimate truth for them is always their point of view.

A sedentary lifestyle and routine, measured work is not for them. These people are dynamic, restless, love risk and everything new and unusual. A suitable profession for this sign is a salesman, doctor, policeman or security guard, soldier or lecturer. Many find themselves in the classroom various types sports, as Aries really like competitions.

The planet of all Aries born between March 20 and 31 is Mars. These people are brave to the point of recklessness and absolutely cannot stand any pretense or cunning. Due to excessive nobility, they often fall into the most primitive traps, since not everyone has developed intuition.


Gemini is one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, each of them belongs to one of the four elements. The personality of people born under the sign of Gemini is formed by the primary element, which is Air.

This is the first sign in the entire air constellation. This is what determines its variability and tendency to fluctuate, as well as not quite steady potential. The planet Mercury has a residual influence. Air in Gemini gives its representatives a great desire to communicate with others and gives a tendency to manipulate information. If such a person lacks knowledge, then he tries to find a source necessary information. And soon the Twins find him.

The main qualities of Gemini

Among the main qualities of the representatives of Gemini, the most pronounced can be distinguished. First, communication. Basically, contacts with the environment are aimed at seizing the necessary information for its further use for their own purposes. Mercury gave those under the influence of the constellation a penetrating and mobile mind.

A characteristic feature of Gemini is also considered to be drawing attention to their person. However, this happens in a rather polite manner, which cannot be said, for example, about Aries.

Geminis are very erudite, but do not have deep knowledge in any particular industry. Some feel somewhat lower level when communicating with representatives of this sign.

What else influences personality development

However, the character and nature of a person is influenced not only by the elements of the zodiac sign, often the determining factor is his name, the principles of education adopted in the family, the level of intelligence and belonging to isolated sections of the population.

Many consider it necessary to take into account all aspects of the horoscope: the time and place of birth, the exact date, the location of the stars and planets, the name given at. It is worth noting that some even now, by analogy with ancient times, give the child one name at the sacrament, and in the world he is known under a completely different name. It is believed that this protects him from the negative effects of external sources.

One can treat astrology in different ways, but one cannot but admit that the characteristics corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac accurately reflect the characters of people. In many ways, the formation of character is influenced by the planets that patronize the signs of the Zodiac.

Signs of the Sun and Moon

The most regal sign of the Zodiac is, of course, Leo. Not surprisingly, the Sun is its patron. Just like Leo himself, the Sun embodies strength and power. Since it contributes to the achievement of goals, Leo achieves the desired result much faster and easier than other signs of the zodiac. However, we should not forget that the Sun makes his wards too proud and hot, sometimes forcing them to make rash decisions. People whose patron is the Sun should not indulge in vanity and unbridled craving for luxury and entertainment.

The cold and changeable Moon patronizes Cancers. But, despite this, Cancers strive for constancy, dreaming of strong and stable relationships. The moon endows its wards with sensitivity and emotionality. They are distinguished by modesty, shyness and indecision. The disadvantages that the Moon gives Cancers are laziness, slowness and absent-mindedness. In addition, they need to try to gain self-confidence, avoid excessive jealousy and suspicion.

Ruled by Mercury, Venus and Mars

Two signs of the Zodiac at once - Gemini and Virgo - are patronized by Mercury. As you know, Mercury was the ancient Roman god of trade and symbolized knowledge and good luck. Therefore, Virgo and Gemini are characterized by luck, enterprise and excellent erudition. Those born under the sign of Mercury are very charming, they know how to win over people, they constantly strive for discoveries. However, they also have negative traits, including talkativeness and excessive curiosity. In addition, they often hide their true face under a mask.

Venus is the patroness of Taurus and Libra. The beautiful goddess of love and beauty endows her wards with the desire to look good and the desire to receive aesthetic pleasure. A sense of beauty helps them reach significant heights in the field of art. Taurus and Libra are persistent, but laziness often interferes with them. People of Venus are very careful in choosing friends and, as a rule, strive to make as many useful contacts as possible. To their negative qualities can be attributed to stubbornness and a tendency to depression.

Martial Mars - Aries. In the mythology of ancient Rome, Mars was considered not only the god of war, but also the patron of nature, bringing fertility and vitality. Mars endows people with inextinguishable energy, honesty and decency. Martians are ready to sweep away all obstacles on the way to achieving the goal, but they can be put in a temper and lack of patience. Aries can achieve success in life, only requisitions inherent in their egoism.

Ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto

Jupiter rules Sagittarius. In ancient Rome, Jupiter led the pantheon of gods and was considered the patron saint of emperors. Therefore, Sagittarians are recognized leaders. They are ready to help at any moment, they strive to help the younger ones. Perhaps that is why among Sagittarius you can see many teachers. Sagittarians are prone to mastering several areas at once. human knowledge, but to achieve success they need to learn to focus on one thing. The negative influence of Jupiter can manifest itself in excessive narcissism and pride.

Saturn is the patron of Capricorns. In Roman mythology, Saturn is the deity of time, order, and agriculture. Capricorns are fair, love order and are always successful in business. They highly value devotion and constancy, they are always consistent in their decisions and actions. Among positive qualities- industriousness and a heightened sense of duty, the disadvantages include excessive conservatism and fear of change.

Uranus governs Aquarius. In ancient Greek mythology, Uranus is the god of the sky. Under his influence, frantic dreamers are born, who are distinguished by originality and creative thinking. Aquarians are excellent organizers, inventors and philosophers. Their main negative trait can be called an unbridled desire for power.

Neptune is the god of the seas and oceans and, of course, the patron saint of Pisces. He endows his wards with heightened sensitivity and leads them away from earthly problems into the depths of the subconscious. hallmark Pisces is the strongest craving for everything mysterious and romantic. They love to build "castles in the air" and often become dependent on the opinions of others.

Pluto rules Scorpions. The gloomy ruler of the underworld, Pluto endows people born under his influence with great inner strength, making them active and assertive. The negative qualities of Scorpios include a constant thirst for power and the desire to always be in the spotlight.
