Calculate the matrix by date of birth. Full list of features

It's no secret that the date of birth affects fate, character traits and human abilities. The number received at birth is reflected in the entire life cycle. To understand your actions, to get to know your relatives and friends better, you can make a square or a Pythagorean table by date of birth, once proposed by an ancient Greek mathematician.

Pythagoras said: "Everything that surrounds us is a number." Life is subdued laws mathematics. The movement of the planets, the position of the stars, the solar and moon eclipse calculated thanks to scientific research based on mathematical formulas. Numbers surround us, imprinting everything, so numerology has developed as a separate science.

Psychomatrix and numerology of the square of Pythagoras - a way to know yourself, singled out in a separate direction. The teaching began its development from the time of the Egyptian priests, who managed to find the relationship between the number and the character and capabilities of a person.

Based on the knowledge of the Egyptian system, Pythagoras outlined the mathematical vision in the form of a harmonious squares. The new direction expanded the meaning of numbers and helped to determine the basic needs and goals of a person. You can meet such concepts as the Pythagorean triangle, or the Archimedes square in the numerology system, but it would be correct to call it the Pythagorean square.

The square of Pythagoras is a tool in numerology that allows you to determine the inclinations, hidden abilities and characteristic features of an individual, laid down by nature. The system is based on a combination of numbers contained in the date of birth and revealing the psychotype of a person. Each digit from 1 to 9 carries a special meaning, and its frequency of repetition reinforces the inherent quality.

The psychomatrix shows natural data, but how much they will be used depends on the person himself.

You can calculate the Pythagorean number by date of birth yourself using the following steps. Consider the date of birth as an example: 07/05/1989.

  1. Sum together all the digits of the date of birth (0 is not counted): 5 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 \u003d 39. This will be first significant number.
  2. Add the numbers of the first significant number: 3+9 =12. It turns out second significant number.
  3. Take your date of birth and multiply by two the first non-zero number. In the case of the example, the first digit is zero, we do not take it, the second digit is five, we double the five: 5 * 2 \u003d 10.
  4. The resulting number is subtracted from the first significant number: 39−10=29. As a result, we get third significant number.
  5. Sum the digits of the third significant number: 2+9 =11. We get fourth significant number.

Make a number series: write down the date of birth and received significant numbers (without zeros):

  • 7.5.1989

Count the number of occurrences of each digit:

  • Units - 11111;
  • Twos - 22;
  • Threes - 3;
  • Fours - no;
  • Fives - 5;
  • Sixes - no;
  • Sevens - 7;
  • Eights - 8;
  • Nine - 9999.

Then make a table according to the figure below. In the corresponding cell with a number, enter the resulting value.

Rice. 1 Magic square of Pythagoras Fig. 2 An example of calculating the square of Pythagoras

Each number in a cell corresponds to some quality. How more numbers of the same order, the stronger this quality is manifested.

Each number in the square is responsible for the presence or absence of certain qualities in a person and determines the map of life.

Interpretation of the card by the number of digits in the cells

At the first stage, the decoding of the Pythagorean square by date of birth is based on the number of digits in each cell and the corresponding values:

  • One - determines the strength of character, will, self-centeredness of the individual.
  • Two - is responsible for energy, the ability to extrasensory perception, charisma and sexual attractiveness.
  • Three - craving for knowledge in the field of science.
  • Four - physical health And outer beauty body.
  • Five - an intuitive gift, the ability to think logically.
  • Six - attitude to physical labor, diligence and grounding.
  • Seven - shows luck, luck, fortune.
  • Eight - responsibility to others, a sense of duty.
  • Nine - mind, analytical warehouse, memory and concentration.

Description of the meanings of numbers in a cube

Unit - character, willpower:

  • 1 - the owners of the sign are weak-willed and selfish, have complex nature. They are characterized by inconsistency and exaggeration of volitional qualities, they do not know how to make decisions and shift responsibilities to others.
  • 11 - they are distinguished by a soft and complaisant disposition. Sociable, adore praise, which they strive for in every possible way. Not strong enough in their positions, purposefulness is poorly developed if the energy value is low.
  • 111 - the psychotype belongs to the "golden mean". People with this trait easily find mutual language with everyone. They do not like disputes, are patient and soft. But, with all the positivity, you should not put pressure on them, otherwise a conflict is inevitable.
  • 1111 - strong, strong-willed character. Sign of the leader, commander. Able to achieve the goal without resorting to cruelty and despotism. They do not perceive flattery, but love sincere compliments and praise. In disputes they are not inferior, but they do not cross borders either.
  • 11111 - imperious, purposeful character. The manners of a dictator and despotism prevail. It is better to refrain from power, because the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • 111111 - overload of power and despotism, complex and unstable character. If it is impossible to achieve power, they can completely abandon their intentions.

Two - energy level, psychic data:

  • 2 - weakened energy. Dislikes physical labor conflict situations. They prefer praise and compliments, which increases their energy level. weather sensitive people.
  • 22 is a normal energy level at which you can effectively set and achieve goals. Absolutely devoid of laziness with the proper level of self-esteem.
  • 222 is a sign of psychic abilities from nature. They can treat with a biofield, but the gift manifests itself in extreme situations. Physical labor is not recommended, as there is a loss of energy.
  • 2222 - people have strong energy, can be a donor. It has great attraction for the opposite sex. There is a possibility of an excess of energy, which should be periodically disposed of.

  • No - a penchant for art and the humanities, suitable creative professions. People with this indicator should definitely reveal their talent while there is an opportunity.
  • 3 - are interested in both humanitarian and technical specialties. They can be sprayed in different areas, which should not be allowed.
  • 33 - there is an interest in the exact sciences and technology. Sign of mathematicians, scientists, physicists. If there is logic, they can turn out good masters repair work, constructor and planners.
  • 333 - instability in the interests of science, which is expressed in different ways. Interest in the exact sciences can intersect with a craving for art and lead to a change in direction. People of this sign are obliged to reveal their capabilities, for which they need the support of loved ones.

Fourth - state of health, external beauty:

  • No - poor health from birth, which should be strengthened and maintained. It is not recommended to engage in professional sports, to enter into conflicts, otherwise the energy supply will be instantly exhausted. Physical labor is contraindicated.
  • 4 - pretty good health from nature. They can go in for professional sports, if the energy is high. Conflict should be avoided so that health and energy remain stable.
  • 44 - good base health. There is an opportunity to go into professional sports. Beautiful and strong body by nature. They are highly motivated and can set and achieve goals.
  • 444 and above - very good health, practically do not get sick. They are quite purposeful, but due to high anxiety for the future, families may give up and not reach the goal. They have a strong body and good sexual potential.

Five - "sixth sense", intuitive abilities:

  • No - they do not use logical thinking, plan poorly and constantly hover in the clouds. Often wishful thinking and build castles in the air.
  • 5 - there is a weak intuition, but still rarely wrong.
  • 55 - owners of strong logic. They can engage in exact sciences, plan the future well. They foresee the outcome of almost any business, but are not always immune from failure. Intuitive abilities are well developed, they are not easy to deceive.
  • 555 - the strongest intuition, psychic abilities can predict the outcome of any event.
  • 5555 - clairvoyants, the combination is quite rare. They clearly see the causes and consequences of events.

Six - predisposition to work, grounding:

  • No - does not like to work physically, does it only out of a sense of duty or necessity. More inclined towards creativity and the work of the mind.
  • 6 - can practice physical labor mood, otherwise they become irritable. You should not force such a person to work, otherwise nothing good will come of it.
  • 66 - personalities of this category of "jack of all trades", like to work and create something with their own hands.
  • 666 - a complex psychotype, temperament is clearly manifested, there is aggressiveness, suppression of others.
  • 6666 - workaholic, high tolerance for physical labor, sometimes they can be cruel.

Seven - the side of luck, luck, fortune:

  • No - the fate of man is difficult, life path passes without the support of higher powers.
  • 7 - A little luck, there is a partial protection against failures. People are faced with the task of finding and revealing themselves in a certain area. If they choose the wrong path, they get into trouble. When choosing right direction accompanies success.
  • 77 - people of this sign are lucky in life, "lucky" with a capital letter. It is easy for them to choose a life path and follow it.
  • 777 and above - the owner of the combination himself defines your destiny, marked special sign universe and knowledge of the laws of life.

Eight - responsibility and duty:

  • No - lack of a sense of duty, tolerance and kindness. There is a consumer approach to life.
  • 8 - inherent sense of duty from birth. Responsible and conscientious people. But the quality is not highly developed, they should be reminded to take care.
  • 88 - a sense of duty from nature. They are kind, sympathetic and ready to help others people.
  • 888 - all the qualities of "88" are inherent in this combination, it turns out good politicians and ministers to the people.
  • 8888 and more - the qualities of a parapsychologist, a rare occurrence. Outstanding abilities, called to serve the people.

Nine - the possibilities of the mind, analytical bias, memorization of information:

  • No - knowledge is given with difficulty. In some cases, "9" is absent in those born after 2000, for them there are other calculation methods.
  • 9 - Weak memory, forgetfulness. It cannot be said that a person is stupid, but he remembers information less intensively, only the most important, filtering out everything superfluous.
  • 99 - have a strong memory. Enough smart people, quickly reproduce information, can engage in scientific work. The downside is that they remember grievances and keep them in memory for a long time.
  • 999 are very smart and quick-witted individuals. Good analytical skills. Training is often ignored because it comes easily. There is a predisposition to clairvoyance in certain combinations of other positions.
  • 9999 - highly intelligent people. Good experts in their field. They have the gift of clairvoyance and can accurately predict events.

Deciphering horizontally, vertically and diagonally

At the second stage, the characteristic personality traits are deciphered using columns, rows and verticals in the table. Not only the number of digits in the cells, but also their sum in columns, rows and vertical lines is responsible for the quality of the character.

Columns (vertical):

  • The first (1,2,3) - indicates self-esteem. The higher the indicator, the stronger the desire for a person to stand out among others.
  • The second (4,5,6) - material well-being, the ability to earn money. The higher the number, the stronger the desire to earn and provide for oneself. If the indicator is more than five, then there is a high probability of overwork.
  • The third (7,8,9) - talent, special qualities. Often, the development of talent requires the improvement of one's abilities. If the value level is higher than three, you should definitely discover and develop your talent.

Lines (horizontal):

  • 1,4,7 - responsible for the ability to set goals. The higher the score, the greater purpose a person reaches. If the value exceeds five, the means of achievement become indifferent.
  • 2,5,8 - family life and readiness for serious relationship. Shows a desire to be responsible for the family. In the value of 1-2, people are reluctant to take a responsible step, with an amount of 6-9 they are ready create strong family and take full responsibility.
  • 3,6,9 - sustainability life position, stability. Indicates attachment to habits and lifestyle. High level speaks of unwillingness to change something, commitment to stability.

Diagonal lines:

  • 3,5,7 - sexuality and temperament. IN high value speaks of greater temperament, but does not affect the quality of intimate relationships.
  • 1,5,9 - the spiritual side. If the level reaches five, there is an increase in spirituality. The absence of numbers indicates lack of spirituality, an indicator of more than five means fanaticism.

Rice. 3 Calculation example by lines

How to find out compatibility in marriage

To check marriage compatibility, a numerical matrix should be compiled for each of the partners. The calculation is made by the number of values ​​in horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. How closer values partners, the more harmonious the union.

You can check the compatibility on the In-contri website at the link:

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Your psychomatrix

Meaning of psychomatrix cells

Each number in the cells of the psychomatrix is ​​a quantitative indicator of an innate quality. It can also be said differently: this is an assessment of the influence of personality traits on the character and fate of a person on a scale from 1 to 9.

What makes it possible to calculate the psychomatrix in practice? Of course, the answers to those questions that must inevitably arise in the process of developing relations with specific person. What does he want, what can he do, what will he decide? And what reaction should be expected from him in this or that life situation?

Knowing the answers in advance, you can avoid a lot of complications. In particular, do not wait and do not demand what is obviously impossible.

"1" - strength of character
"2" - human energy
"3" - cognitive potential
"4" - health potential
"5" - intuition and logic
"6" - propensity to work
"7" - luck
"8" - level of responsibility
"9" - memory and intelligence

The meaning of the psychomatrix lines

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth sets eight lines - three rows, three columns and two diagonals. Each of these lines combines the qualities of its constituent cells, thus becoming an indicator of a personality trait of a higher, total level. Obviously, the degree of expression of this property directly depends on the number of digits in each cell that makes up the line.

For example: exceptional curiosity and the broadest sphere of interests, which is indicated by a large number of "triples", can in no way be considered a guarantee of stability with a weakly expressed industriousness (6) and a lack of ability to accumulate life experience (9).

The ability to correctly read the lines of the psychomatrix is ​​the basis for understanding the very essence of the numerological analysis of personality. The cells of the Pythagorean square is a list of strong and weaknesses personality. The lines are real life man, his credo, his code of conduct, his life position.


The value of additional psychomatrix numbers

The calculation of additional numbers is not difficult, but requires care. The first additional number in the table is the sum of all the digits of the date of birth - these are the qualities that need to be strengthened in order to fulfill their destiny. The second - the sum of the digits of the first additional number - determines the life goal itself.

The third is the difference between the first additional number and twice the value of the first digit of the date of birth, and the fourth is the sum of the digits of the third additional number. These are the numbers of innate potential, those qualities that will help you achieve your goal.

Strengthening the psychomatrix

The indicator of each cell of the psychomatrix can be changed - strengthened or weakened by the influence of the row, column and diagonal, of which this cell is a part. The square of Pythagoras in numerology suggests for almost any person several options for such transformations. Without taking into account these influences, it is impossible to get a correct idea of ​​a person's personality.

Psychomatrix Compatibility

Compatibility by psychomatrix - assessment of the potential of relationships between partners by compatibility key features personality. Analysis of the psychomatrix takes into account the degree of severity of such character traits as purposefulness, a tendency to family life, stability, self-esteem, talent, performance, temperament, spirituality, character and energy. The more indicators match, the higher the probability of a successful union.

Important and dangerous days

Identification of important and dangerous days is comparative analysis special numbers of the date of birth and a specific calendar date. The coincidence in these rows of numbers indicates the days when the probability of making a fatal error is highest. It is impossible to influence the circumstances, to change the initial data. But if you know about it in advance, you can calculate your actions in advance and refrain from those of them that will have irreversible consequences.

Psychomatrix and forecast by years

A change graph is a description of the changes that occur with the type of perception and way of thinking of a person. Feature This interpretation lies in the fact that, unlike the numbers of the personal year, there is no cyclicity, predictable order. In one year, a person can make a cardinal moral gradation, which will completely change his system of values.

To date, the concept and meaning of numbers is quite extensive and understandable. Since we are all lucky enough to live in the digital age, it is easy to imagine that everything around us is made up of these mathematical symbols. Numbers surround us everywhere: including a laptop or computer, we see a digital set in the form of a desktop on the screen, we meet them by dialing a number, and even our own documents indicate the date of birth.

What if such numbers are deciphered? It is quite possible that it is in them that the decoding of a person’s personality, his characteristic qualities, or even further fate. Such an idea did not appear in our day. The science of numerology, which is actually responsible for deciphering numbers depending on their connection with physical objects, has ancient history. There is an opinion that the beginning of this direction was laid at the time of the appearance in the ancient alphabets of symbols denoting digital values. This direction is called numerology.

What is numerology

The concept of numerology and numerological divination was laid down by early mathematicians, such as the Pythagoreans. On this moment the principle of this science is the study of the ratio of numbers to their physical owner, while all numbers are often reduced to single digits, by which they determine General characteristics person. Such calculations come by adding the numbers of the day of birth, month, year, and also them in aggregate. Each number has its own specific properties, concepts and images.

The basis of this science, as we can see it today, was laid by the famous ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras in the VI century BC. uh. It was he who managed to combine the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians building the pyramids in order to draw an analogy between them and the forces of nature in his calculation. This is how the Pythagorean Square, also called the Card of Fate or Tragos, appeared.

To calculate the necessary digital data, which will later help to identify the characteristics of a person’s personality, a special psychomatrix is ​​used.

Psychomatrix of Pythagoras by date of birth is one of the most interesting directions in numerology. Its main Pythagorean principle is the calculation of the qualities of a person's character depending on the numbers hidden in his date of birth. The numerologist managed to take the knowledge of these numbers as a basis and apply the mathematical aspect to them, which he based on the harmony of the square.

With the help of such calculations and the knowledge that they give, one can not only determine the main characteristics of the human essence, but also its main goal, to find The best way send him to her.

What do psychomatrix calculations look like?

The square of Pythagoras is geometric figure with nine cells, each of which is entered with numbers, making a calculation by date of birth.

A detailed square of Pythagoras is produced as follows. For example, let's take the calculations of a person born on April 11, 1978. Translating his date of birth into a numerical value, we get 12/07/1991. We translate the resulting value into numbers - 7 12 1991.

  • The first step in the calculation is the calculation of the first number. The digital series, or the so-called magic code, 7 12 1991 is as follows:
  • 7+1+2+1+9+9+1=30
  • We calculate the second numerical value, for which you need to add the numbers from the first number.
  • Add the first number 30: 3+0=3
  • We get the number 3 as follows: take the first numerical value (30) and subtract from it the first digit indicated in the entire numerical value, in this case it is 0 (07 12 1991). From the resulting value we get a number that should be multiplied by a constant two.
  • From this we get: 30 - (7*2)=16.
  • The next, fourth number can be calculated by adding the third number: 16=1+6=7.

In order to continue the calculation of the Pythagorean matrix by date of birth, you should write down the received numbers in the form of a table:

We draw out the required number of digits and insert them into a square. We get the following:

1111 77
33 6 99

Thus, we have compiled a psychomatrix for a person born on December 7, 1991. By the number of figures formed in it, namely 12, one can designate the twelfth reincarnation of the soul of this person. The psychomatrix can accommodate no more than 15 digits, because Pythagoras indicated just such a number of rebirths.

Interpretation of the resulting numbers

Each of the cells can tell about the set human qualities. For interpretation, the values ​​​​of numbers are used, characterizing rows, columns, diagonals, cells. The first thing to notice is the working numbers.

  • The first number is attributed to the qualities that a person should learn to achieve his own goals and ambitions - his destiny on earth.
  • The second is the very meaning of the existence of the individual. Thus, it will be easier for a person to find his own way, place in the world and achieve success.
  • The third number is needed to calculate the main characteristics of a person, namely those qualities that he received at birth. It is these character traits that are almost impossible to correct or redirect.
  • The fourth number describes the most important quality of a person.

In addition to the method of decoding the psychomatrix presented by Pythagoras, you can use a more modern and accurate way to designate numbers in the cells of A.F. Aleksandrov. It is he who owns the fame of the creator of digital analysis. Despite the similarity of the calculations of Pythagoras and Alexandrov, both calculation systems belong to different numerological directions.

Pythagorean square and Aleksandrov's psychomatrix have two main similarities:

  • the calculation basis consists of collecting data on the date of birth;
  • the resulting digital values ​​take their places in the cells of the 3×3 square.

But that's where their similarities end.

Unlike the previous version, in a more modern psychomatrix, special numbers are written down, which are called additional figures.

Digital analysis of personality according to Alexandrov's psychomatrix

Designation of the Scale of additional qualities of a person by numbers and lines in Alexandrov's psychomatrix.

  • The absence of numbers suggests that a person does not have such a trait at all.
  • The presence of one digital value - hints at a weakened quality. A person with such a characteristic tries in every possible way to show precisely this trait of character.
  • By two numbers, one can determine whether a person has a quality that is normally developed and quite active in manifestation.
  • By three numbers, you can characterize a feature like a wave. Such a change in character trait is called "extra". In the right situation, a person will be able to extract all the potential from this quality.
  • Four numbers - speak of a strong, but not perfect character trait.
  • According to five digits, a person is diagnosed with the maximum strength of a quality that can suppress the rest, which does not always have a good effect on the personality itself.
  • Six or more numbers nearby indicate the excessive strength of this trait, which clearly negatively affects the character of a person.

Each row, column or diagonal of the psychomatrix is ​​assigned a certain quality. By using this method can be more accurate psychological picture man and study his bioenergetics.

Life schedule according to the principle of Pythagorean calculations

According to the theory of the magic of birth numbers, one can represent the life force hidden in the person himself in the form of a graph, the so-called Graphics of Life (Life Forces). Each year for calculation in this case is presented as one of the seven-year cycle, which is considered in a special way.

This is done by multiplying the day, month and year of birth. For example, consider the same person who was born on December 7, 1991. Multiplying 7 × 12 × 1991 we get 167244. Since the resulting numerical value is not seven-digit, we attach the first digit to it: 1672441.

Build a graph using the x-axis, which is delayed years (7 years), the beginning of which is the year of birth. On the Y-axis, above each year, you should set aside the number (from 0 to 9) indicated in the seven-digit code that was calculated earlier.

It is quite difficult to independently conduct such calculations, it is even more difficult to interpret them. To date, many online services offer to make a matrix calculation, draw up a graph of Vital Forces or Will (it is calculated using a different algorithm), and even calculate compatibility with partners by entering only numerical values. You can try one of the tests and compare it with the data on the psychomatrix calculations indicated earlier.

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Numerology studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on the character and life of a person. Divination by numbers was popular with ancient philosophers and mathematicians. The main provisions of modern numerology were laid down by Pythagoras and his students. One of the types of numbered fortune-telling is fortune-telling according to the Pythagorean table.

Numerology is a science that studies the influence of the vibration of numbers on a person's life. Divination based on numbers has been popular since ancient times.

A person performs various arithmetic manipulations with the numbers of the date of his birth, writes the results in a square. Each square is responsible for one area of ​​life or ability of a person. Fortune telling is relatively complicated, but gives a reliable result.

How to make a square of Pythagoras

Numerology as a teaching originates from ancient egypt. The priests caught a thin thread between the numbers and the character of a person. The ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras supplemented and developed existing knowledge. He combined the mathematical harmony of the square, arithmetic calculation, the magical vibration of numbers.

The date of birth is taken as the basis for divination by the square of Pythagoras.

It is this numerical set that determines the qualities of character, mental abilities, life goals of a person. The Pythagorean square itself consists of three columns, each of which has three lines (a total of nine cells). Each cell is responsible for its own aspect.

How to compile a Pythagorean table (take, for example, a hypothetical date of birth 06/12/1986):

  1. The numbers of the day and month of birth are added up 1 + 2 + 6 \u003d 9.
  2. The digits of the year of birth are added up 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 \u003d 24.
  3. By adding the results, the first working number is 9 + 24 = 33.
  4. The digits of the first working number are added up 3 + 3 \u003d 6, the second working number is obtained.
  5. The first digit of the birthday is multiplied by 2, it is subtracted from the first working number. 1*2=2, 33-2=31, the third working number is obtained.
  6. The fourth working number is obtained by adding the digits of the third number 3+1=4.

The result is two number series 1261986 (date of birth) and 336314. Now you need to fill in the square of Pythagoras. All the numbers 1 are entered in the first cell, 2 in the second, 3 in the third, and so on. If any of the numbers is not in the row, the word “No” is written in the cell or a dash is put. The table for our hypothetical date of birth looks like this:

111 4 7 - no
2 5 - no 8
333 666 9

If you count total numbers in two rows, you can find out the number of lives lived by a person on earth. The Pythagoreans believed that there could be only 15 earthly lives. After that, a person passes into a new quality and into a new world.

How to interpret the Pythagorean Square

In the Pythagorean square, each cell, column, row and diagonal has its own meaning, is responsible for its quality. Table cell values:

  • 1 - character;
  • 2 - energy;
  • 3 - interest and inclination to the sciences;
  • 4 - health;
  • 5 - logical thinking;
  • 6 - propensity for physical labor, earthiness;
  • 7 - luck;
  • 8 - responsibility, sense of duty;
  • 9 - memory.

Cell "7" in the Pythagorean table is responsible for memory

Fortune-telling according to Pythagoras can be accurately interpreted using the values ​​​​of the lines of the table.

Vertical lines:

  1. The first column is responsible for self-assessment.
  2. The second column shows the health level.
  3. The third column makes it clear talent.

Horizontal lines:

  1. The first line defines purposefulness.
  2. The second line characterizes the family, the desire to create and live in a family.
  3. The third line shows the stability of the character.

The table has two diagonals, which can be represented by an ascending and descending graph. Meaning of the diagonals:

  1. The falling diagonal (from cell 1 to cell 9) characterizes spirituality, the degree of harmony of man with nature, God, firmness of judgment and faith.
  2. The ascending diagonal (3-7) is responsible for the temperament in the intimate sphere.

In everyday fortune-telling, the interpretation of the lines of the Pythagorean square is rarely done. Usually limited to the main table.

Deciphering the numerical values ​​​​of the square of Pythagoras


The strength of human character is symbolized by the number 1. The indicator of character traits depends on the number of digits:

  1. 1 - the person who is being guessed at has a selfish character. He doesn't care about other people. He wants to get out of any situation with the maximum benefit for himself.
  2. 11 - the egoistic traits of a person are weakly expressed, he likes to praise himself.
  3. 111 - the coincidence of three units speaks of a complaisant character, anyone can get along with such a person.
  4. 1111 - a very strong and strong-willed person, does not tolerate lies and flattery. Ready for everything for the sake of the family, but does not show this to anyone.
  5. 11111 - a large concentration of ones describes a dictator. In the family and at work, this person is despotic, vengeful, spares no expense for his whims. To achieve career development ready to go to hell.
  6. 111111 - a combination of six units is very rare, characterizes a cruel, but outstanding person.

111111 - a rare combination that characterizes a tough, but outstanding person


The word energy means the thirst for life in all its manifestations. This category is symbolized by the number 2:

  1. 2 - low level vitality, a person quickly succumbs to boredom, falls into depression. One deuce often characterizes lonely introverts.
  2. 22 - the usual level of vital energy, sufficient to implement their ideas and plans.
  3. 222 - energy with good potential. Often 222 characterizes people with highly developed intuition, the gift of clairvoyance, the ability to heal with a biofield.
  4. 2222 - a very high charge of vital energy. People with a combination of 2222 attract the attention of others, everyone wants to draw their energy. Sometimes you have to beware of this.

Interests and aptitudes for the sciences

Cell number 3 is responsible for the interests of man and his potential in the sciences. It is impossible to determine the propensity only by the number of triples in the cells; other indicators must be taken into account.

Combination values:

  1. No - The word "no" in cell 3 does not mean the absence of any scientific capacity. A person is very neat, well-mannered, knows how to correctly express thoughts, knows a little about everything, he is unlikely to be able to clearly determine the vector of development.
  2. 3 - characterizes a person of mood who rarely brings the work he has begun to the end. A career as a successful scientist cannot be built with this approach, but it is always worth trying.
  3. 33 - a person has the potential for development in the exact sciences (mathematics, physics).
  4. 333 - if desired, a person can develop in any scientific field, his perseverance and exactingness to himself will help him in this.
  5. 3333 is a characteristic of a typical scientist.


The number 4 is responsible for the health indicator in the Pythagorean prediction table.

Interpreting the combinations is very simple:

  1. No - a person has health problems, these can be congenital and acquired pathologies with age.
  2. 4 - the average indicator of health, you need to take care of yourself, harden, play sports.
  3. 444, 4444 - characterize healthy person, with high vitality and activity.

444, 4444 - a combination that personifies a healthy person with an active lifestyle

Logical thinking and intuition

The way of thinking characterizes the number 5. Logic and intuition are usually considered in different planes. It can be said that logical thinking is conscious intuition. The ability to one and the other is again determined by the concentration of fives:

  1. No - you can’t exactly call a fortuneteller a logical one, he is more of a dreamer. Intuition will also not help to find a way out of the situation, you have to work hard to achieve everything. An object with a 5-no is not prone to technical sciences, you need to look for yourself in another field.
  2. 5 - knows how to use logic, but rarely does it, intuition is poorly developed.
  3. 55 - often such people manage to get away from problems with the help of their strong intuition.
  4. 555 - a combination of almost clairvoyant, intuition never fails them.
  5. 5555 - occurs in exceptional cases, characterizes an object with the gift of clairvoyance.

Earthiness and propensity for physical labor

Some people like to work with their hands, and others with their heads. Some are creators, others are artisans. This is neither good nor bad, all people are equally needed. Cell 6 is responsible for earthiness and a tendency to physical labor:

  1. No - characterizes people who are absolutely not inclined to physical labor. They can work well only if you can admire the results later.
  2. 6 - one six indicates that the object of fortune-telling can be engaged in physical work, but it is unlikely that it will be a pleasure.
  3. 66 - the combination indicates one who loves to do physical labor, but only of his own free will.
  4. 666 - no need to be afraid of this combination, in the square of Pythagoras it has nothing to do with the devil. 666 indicates one who easily copes with any physical work.
  5. 6666 - a fortuneteller works a lot and hard, for him this is a common thing. Likes to get paid for his work.


The number 7 is responsible for luck in a person’s life:

  1. No - you should not rely on luck in life, only patience and work will bring what you want.
  2. 7 - lucky very rarely, you can win the lottery, but you should not count on more
  3. 77 - Fortune often turns face.
  4. 777 - a good combination and in slot machines, and in the square of Pythagoras. A person often receives gifts of fate without making any special efforts.
  5. 7777 - rare, characterizes an object with exceptional luck. Such people need to beware of envious people.

7777 says that a person has rare luck

Call of Duty

A sense of duty, responsibility towards other people characterize combinations of the number 8:

  1. No - a sense of duty is absent from birth, but this does not mean that it cannot be brought up in oneself.
  2. 8 - is able to be responsible for his actions and repay debts (any), but this ability is poorly developed.
  3. 88 - always ready to help the weak and sick, serve for the good of the Motherland, will always be grateful to his parents.
  4. 888 - characterizes an exceptional person with a highly developed sense of duty, he can become a good manager, commander, etc.
  5. 8888 - occurs only in those born in 88. People with this combination have psychic abilities.

Memory and intelligence

The last cell of the Pythagorean table is responsible for intellectual ability man and his memory. Values ​​of nines:

  1. No - teaching is poorly given, from childhood he does not have intellectual potential. You need to try yourself in professions not related to brain activity.
  2. 9 - ordinary mental abilities, you need to study long and hard.
  3. 99 - good memory, sufficient intellectual potential. A person with two nines can try himself in the sciences.
  4. 999 - naturally high intelligence. Such people do not need to study in order to remember something, they only need to read it once and understand everything, they are well versed in numbers and technology.
  5. 9999 - people with this combination discover the truth, they also have high intuition, can become cruel, arrogant and unpleasant in dealing with people.

Fortune telling by date of birth is the most reliable type of divination.

In addition to the Pythagorean square, there is a Vanga graph, from 1 to 100. It is used for daily and long-term forecasts. The circle of Nostradamus is not a numerological divination, although numbers are used there.
