Team game on stations treasure seekers. Treasure game scenario

Whether it's a birthday, another holiday, or just a normal day, treasure hunting is an easy and fun way to keep kids entertained and entertained. Such a game will not only bring joy and fun to the child, but also contribute to the development of his mental and physical abilities. In this article, we will tell you how to organize a treasure hunt with children.


Preparatory activities

    Think about who you will be playing with. Different children are interested in different approaches to play. Usually the most difficult moment is the complexity of the game and the route, it should be selected depending on the age of the children. There are some other important points:

    • Age and gender of children. Make sure the difficulty level is appropriate for the age and intelligence of the children.
    • The time for which the game is designed. Keep in mind that younger children get tired quickly, and as soon as they get bored with the game, they will become irritable.
    • Find out if any of your children are allergic to foods or any sweets.
  1. Choose a large (depending on the level of difficulty and the age of the children) place for the game. The place you choose should be large enough to play in, but not so big that children can get lost. If you organize a game for children younger age, they may need to be played with by adults who can accompany them if you have chosen some large room for play.

    • For children 2-4 years old, it is advisable to organize a treasure hunt right in the house. It should be a small safe place.
    • For children 5-8 years old, you can organize a playground for playing inside and outside the house. Again, the playground should be supervised by adults. If the site is located outside, it should be away from public organizations.
    • For children 9-12 years old, a park or school is suitable. So the children will feel more independent.
    • For teenagers, a block or even a whole district, a market or a large open field is best suited.
  2. Think about the theme or format of the game. It's much better to get all the kids to play than to try to entertain everyone willy-nilly. The most amazing games are obtained when hunters are united by some kind of common topic, For example hobbit or some overall plan, for example, searching for keys, recipes and ingredients for preparing a certain dish. Of course you can play classic version games - with hints and a map!

    Think about how long the game is. It is believed that the child will remain patient and interested in the game if there are twice as many clues as the child's age. Of course, even older children will get tired after 26 clues. Hints should be from 5 to 15 (depending on how far apart the keys are).

    Think about what the treasure will be like. The very last clue should lead the kids to treasure or something fun that will reward their patience and effort. Think about how to additionally reward the team that finds the treasures first - this will create conditions for competition.

    When coming up with clues, start backwards: from finish to start. When you know what the next step will be, it will be easier to come up with the real one. Each key should lead the children to the next key, so you need to hint at the next location of the key in the clue, and then hide the note. And so with each key. Make sure that last key, which you write (it will be the first one that the children find), will lead them to the next key, and so on until the finish line.

    • Keep in mind that the first key should be easy, and each next key should be harder than the previous one to make the game a little more difficult.
  3. Come up with simple rules. Print them out or write them down on slips of paper and hand them out to the players. Children must be old enough to read these rules for themselves and follow them. If the children are too young, explain the rules yourself or ask their parents about it. At this point, you can focus on several points, for example:

    Diversify the clues with images and pictures. Draw or take pictures of the places that the children have to explore to find new clues. This is a great option if you're organizing play for younger children because it will allow them to quickly move on. If you are playing with older children, you can make it more difficult by attaching old photographs, satellite images, or pictures of an object to the clue. close-up.

    Include in some hints mini-games. For example, you could take three identical cups, show the children which cup contains the clue, then quickly stir the cups and have the children guess which cup contains the clue. You can also arrange egg races, small obstacle races, any mini-game, after passing which the children will be given a key.

    • It could be great way pause in the middle of the game. The first 4-5 keys may be normal, and the next may pause the game. Once the game is paused, children can eat, drink juice, rest or put on sunscreen, and then they can continue the game and find the remaining 4-5 keys.
  4. Draw and write hints with invisible ink or imagine secret codes to make the task more difficult. The easiest way to make invisible ink is to write something on a white background with chalk, and then have the children decipher the writing with a marker. Make a note in invisible ink, and let the children guess what to do with the "empty" key.

    • Another interesting way, which is suitable for children of any age: you can turn off the lights in the room so that nothing can be seen. After that, invite the children to look for clues with a flashlight or by touch.
  5. Hide the clue in some interesting object that will be interesting to explore. For example, you can put the keys in a bowl of spaghetti and have the children pretend they are “brains” that you need to dig through to find the keys. If you have waterproof cardboard or something to write a clue on, stick it at the bottom of the pool. So the kids will have to dive and swim to find the key (it's important to keep an eye on them). Any idea that gets the kids moving and trying new things will do.

    Consider creating a multi-part clue (for older children). For example, you can order cheap puzzles online, print them out and paste them into a clue. With each next clue, children can get several pieces of this puzzle, at the end these pieces will need to be put together to find the last clue. Here are some other ideas:

    • With each key, children can open one letter (as part of a whole word). This word will be the password for the next key, or the key itself, which will point to the treasure.
    • You can come up with thematic options, such as: “the final answer is what all the clues have in common” or “the last clue is obtained by adding the first letters of all the other clues.”
  6. Include popular songs and movie characters (age-appropriate for children) in the clues. This will be especially interesting if you are planning a themed treasure hunt. For example, the key might be the question: "What part of the house did Harry Potter have to live in as a child?" This question will direct the children to the stairs or closet where the next key can be found.

    Instead of the usual clues and hints, use the map. It can be combined with puzzles or multi-keys. Draw a map, add a few pictures to it and a few confusing points (for example, "accidentally" erased symbols in the map). Then, next to each point on the map, indicate the key or some kind of prize that needs to be found in order to get to the treasure, so the children will not be able to reach the finish line in a matter of minutes.

Start the game

    Let the players find suitable clothes in advance. There is a big difference between playing at home and playing in the yard or in the park, the preparation of the child also depends on this. Once you have decided where the game will take place and come up with clues and clues, tell the children how to dress for the game.

    Think about how the children can find the first key. The bottom line is that the first key should point to the place where the second key will be hidden and so on until the children find the treasure. But the first key should be the most interesting and intriguing, it should be the opening of the game:

    If the children are unable to complete the task or are at a dead end, be ready to help them. If children are more or less successful in completing tasks, you should not help them. But children will quickly get frustrated if they fail to find the key or complete the task. Come up with a few spare keys and clues in case you have to guide the kids yourself. Use these clues only if you see that the children are not coping and are nervous.

    Prepare water, snacks, and sunscreen ahead of time, especially if the game is going to be long. While the children are looking for treasures and solving riddles, they are unlikely to think about how to eat on time or not burn out in the sun. So take care of it yourself, or leave a few bottles of water and some snacks next to each clue so kids can drink and eat on the go.

    • It can be a couple of boxes of muesli or cereal, as well as some snacks that you can eat on the go. Snacks can be given to children before the start of the game, as well as halfway to the treasure.
  1. If children are under 10 years old, they must be accompanied if the game takes place in a small area. Do not leave small children unattended, even if they are not far from you. Try to break all the players into teams, where each child will have an adult partner with whom the game will go faster and safer.

  • Children may want to play the game on their own without your help (depending on the age of the children and the level of difficulty of the game). In order not to guess in vain, ask the children what they want.
  • Try to come up with more clues and clues. You can beat them with different codes, letters, puzzles, riddles, mini-games. Keep in mind, all this should not be repeated.
  • To avoid strong competition, let the children take turns reading the riddles and clues.
  • If the clue is written on paper, it will be fun to break these clues into different form. For example, you can make origami or musical accompaniment.
  • Be sure to save some good prize for the end of the game. Even if the children enjoy the game and all this fuss with the keys, they will still expect that there will be some other surprise for them at the end.
  • Let some clues be puzzles at the same time - to find the key, you need to solve the puzzle. For example, you can place a key on a toy boat and place a fishing net next to it so that the children use the net to pull the boat out of the water.
  • If you are playing with older children, you can give them directions by phone or email.
  • This game can be interesting not only for children, but also for adult guests, for example, at a family holiday it can be a hunt for Easter egg in the garden.
  • Don't come up with too many clues for little kids or they'll get confused.


  • Each child should receive an equal share of the treasure! You don't want one of the children to get upset and cry because he will have less candy and sweets than his friend.
  • If you're hosting a game on someone else's property, be sure to talk to the owner of that lot or building. No one likes a bunch of kids suddenly showing up!
  • Keep in mind that kids can get bored even while playing, so try not to get offended!
  • During the game, children must be supervised by adults, it depends on the venue of the game.
    • Children under the age of six must be accompanied by an adult or teenager.
    • If you are playing in an open area, children under the age of 10 should also be supervised.

Home quest - a way to give any gift in an original and fun way, turning it into an interesting, exciting game. Why such a name? In general, a quest is a kind of game with various ciphers and riddles that lead to the main prize along the chain.

Main idea: the surprise is hidden in a secluded place, and the player is given a message-riddle-indication with a hint where to look for the next note. Solving all the riddles leads the player to the place where the gift is located. The simplest version of this entertainment is an indoor quest.

Ready scripts for the quest. Detailed information can be viewed by clicking on the image of interest.

Original birthday greetings - an exciting adventure with the search for a hidden gift from notes


So, your task is to make sure that the player finds the gift in the right place after solving a series of riddles or completing mini-tasks. For this you need:

  1. Decide on a secluded place where you hide the gift.
  2. Make a chain of items that are in your house, which will lead to a hidden gift (the end point in it is the place where the gift will lie). Hints-tasks can be hidden in a variety of places - from washing machine and oven to the mailbox in the entrance. The chain must be carefully thought out so that the items do not intersect along the way and do not lead ahead of time to the gift.
  3. Come up with and beautifully arrange messages-riddles-instructions.
  4. Arrange all the messages in their places. In order not to get confused, you can number them and draw up a layout diagram for yourself.

The optimal number of stages is from 6 to 10: more can make the quest tedious, and less can make the quest too fleeting. But this, of course, is a general recommendation - perhaps you will get a wonderful quest consisting of 5 stages (if the tasks are difficult) or, conversely, of 15 stages.

The quest can be made even more enjoyable and exciting if there are several gifts along the way (let the tasks be accompanied, for example, by chocolates or small souvenirs).


Where can I get riddles? The easiest option is to find riddles on the Internet, but you can also compose them yourself, since they do not have to correspond to poetic canons at all. And if they contain humor or something individual, personal (for example, associated with some kind of fun occasion), then this will certainly be very pleasant for the birthday man! To make it easier for you, we offer a selection of riddles to help you compose a quest indoors:

Every day at six in the morning
I'm cracking: it's time to get up!

Who walks the night and walks the day
Not knowing what laziness is?

Reveal your secrets
Ready for anyone
But you are from her
You won't hear a word!

There is a leaf, there is a spine,
Although not a bush and not a flower.
Lie on your mother's knees
Will tell you about everything.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.

She speaks silently
But clear and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

Against the wall, big and important,
The house is multi-storey.
We're downstairs
All tenants have already been read.

There is a portrait in the room
Looks like you in every way.
You laugh - and in response
He laughs too.

And shines and shines
It doesn't flatter anyone.
And tell the truth to anyone -
Everything, as it is, will show him!

I silently look at everyone
And everyone is looking at me.
Merry see laughter
I cry with sadness.

This eye is a special eye:
He quickly looks at you
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you!

What will this eye look at?
Everything will be transferred to the picture.

In this little thing
A warm breeze set in.
(hair dryer)

Two bellies, four ears.

She puffs up her sides
Your four corners
And you, as the night falls,
It will still draw you in.

I'm comfortable, very soft,
It's not hard for you to guess
Very fond of me people
Sit and lie down.

Here are hangers and shelves,
Like floors in a house
Pants, blouses, t-shirts -
Everything is in order!

I really like to wander through the carpets,
On soft sofas, in dark corners.
I always find delicious dust there
And I buzz loudly with pleasure.
(Vacuum cleaner)

Although he often inhales the dust -
Not sick, not sneezing.
(Vacuum cleaner)

I see dust - I grumble,
I'll finish and swallow!
(Vacuum cleaner)

Sleeping on matter
I stick my sharp nose everywhere.
Oh, and I'm angry and hissing.
I don't like wrinkled o-very much!

Strokes everything it touches
And if you touch it, it bites.

Lives without a language
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.
(Radio, TV)

What a miracle, what a box?
Himself a singer and himself a storyteller,
And besides, at the same time
Shows movies.

Unfold the sheet quickly -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the news of the whole world
What kind of leaf is this?

Not a house, but not a street either.
High, but not scary.
(Balcony, loggia)

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, buddy
What did the verse encrypt?

He props up the window
We put flowers on it.

We always walk together
Similar as brothers.
We are at dinner - under the table,
And at night - under the bed.

I have legs, but I don't walk
I'm with my back, but I don't lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

I look a little like a table
Available in the kitchen and hallway.
I rarely go to the bedroom
And I'm called...

The bread saves
Does not give staleness.
For bread - a house,
He is good in it.
(bread box)

On the stove is a pot chief.
Thick, long-nosed…

iron mouth
Grabbed a sandwich
Browned the sides -
And yet!

They stuffed her mouth with meat
And she chews it
Chewing, chewing and not swallowing -
Everything goes to the plate.
(Meat grinder)

And pancakes, and scrambled eggs,
And potatoes for lunch
And pancakes - wow!
Roasts everything...

Roast meat, cook soup,
She bakes pies.
She has here and there
Very hot.

I have a big belly
It contains sausages, cheese, compote.
If you want to eat, don't be shy
Open your belly!

He's handsome and cold
You won't go hungry with it!
Where even in summer it snows
More hints are waiting for you!

Admire, look -
North Pole inside!
There sparkles snow and ice,
Winter lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

Where there are delicious meals, where there are family conversations.
(Kitchen table)

A close relative of the broom,
Sweep corners in the house.
He is certainly not a bum,
Litter will help to remove ...

Do you want to find the answer sooner?
Look for a clue where the bright light is!
(Chandelier, floor lamp, sconce, table lamp)

You will always find a hint
Where the water splashes noisily.

There is a box in the bathroom,
Eye transparent and round looks.
It's interesting to look into the eye when
There is water in this box.
(Washing machine)

I am related to Moidodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I will kill you alive.
(Crane, a note is suspended from it)

Lots of teeth, but nothing to eat.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
Does not sing and does not play -
She warms the house.
(Heating battery)

I will let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don't give me your hand!

There are both in the house and in the apartment,
Often more than four
And without them we can't enter
Always get in the way!

Meets everyone with one hand,
The other handle - escorts.
Doesn't offend anyone
But everyone is pushing her...

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets.

Look, the house is standing
Filled to the brim with water
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides
Residents in this house
All skilled swimmers.

Round, smooth like a watermelon
Color - any, for different tastes.
When you let go of the leash,
Fly away for the clouds.

I'm in my school bag
I'll tell you how you learn.

Under New Year he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man,
But every day he lost weight
And finally completely disappeared.

You turn - a wedge,
Unfold - damn it.

He reveals himself
He closes you.
Only the rain will pass -
Will do the opposite.

A house made of tin, and the tenants in it - to lead.

It hangs in plain sight
All year round swallows news.

Options for possible hints and places to hide them, as well as interesting ideas on how to beat some items

  • balloon with a message inside
  • soft toy with a note in its paws
  • instead of a riddle - a set of letters from which you need to make a word
  • drawing with a clue inside the candy
  • a plate of cake with an attached sign "Eat me!", with a note under the treat
  • text file or picture (photo) with a hint on a flash drive
  • SMS message or email e-mail indicating what to do next
  • a hint in the camera - a pre-taken photo of the next item from your chain; the player needs to take the camera and view the photos
  • hint in the newspaper - the necessary word highlighted with a marker (circled by a pen) (or we select letters in different articles from which the player needs to make a word)
  • At one of the stages, the player finds objects or pictures that play an important role in some work (fairy tale) - the player must guess what this work is and find a book with it. The book contains the following clue.
  • In a riddle, the key word may not be the word “picture” itself, but what is depicted on it. For example, in the picture there is a waterfall. Then, having guessed the riddle, the birthday boy will think about what the word “waterfall” means: a faucet in the bathroom, a shower, or something else. Then guess about the picture.
  • Compose a crossword puzzle (preferably on some interesting suitable topic), in which the highlighted letters are keywords the place where the gift is hidden.
  • The player finds a message and sees the following: a cell phone is shown on the sheet, an arrow from it to your pasted photo, from the photo an arrow with the inscription "Code word", then again an arrow and some phrase (it is desirable that it be very funny). This hint suggests calling you on the phone and telling you the password - in response, you also say a phrase (for example, a rhyme or a proverb) in which the next hint is encrypted.
  • Take a picture of the room where you are going to hide the gift, then print the photo in A4 format. Next, put it in a transparent file and put a cross on this file in the place where the surprise will lie. Then cut the photo into several parts. These will be the "puzzles" that the birthday man needs to collect. At the end point of the chain, put Blank sheet A4 format, a glue stick and a transparent file with a cross - the birthday boy will need to stick the "puzzles" on a piece of paper, put it in the file and see where the "treasure" lies.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. When preparing the quest, you can use these examples or give free rein to your imagination and come up with something original. The main thing is to invest love during cooking, and the return will definitely please you!

Beginning of the game

A message with a description of the game and the first riddle can be:

  • Give the birthday person in person
  • Send as SMS
  • Put in a visible place or attach to the wall
  • Transfer through friends or neighbors, using a courier service - it all depends on your imagination and your capabilities

Approximate text of the message:

"Happy birthday! A gift has been prepared for you, but it is safely hidden. Complete all the tasks, and then you will find it. Good luck! »

And then you watch how the player solves your messages with passion and finds a gift. Alternatively, you can invite friends to participate, and then the adventure will turn into the most real holiday for all. In any case, such a surprise will surely please the birthday boy, and the memory of this wonderful adventure will warm him for a long time!

An approximate scenario for conducting a quest game in an apartment for a husband (beloved man)

(let's say you decide to hide the gift in the microwave)

Morning. Your other half walks into the bathroom and sees a beautiful message pinned to the wall in which you wish him a happy birthday.

Below is written:

P.S. Check out the washing machine!

At this point, you join your loved one and watch the search for a surprise.

In the washing machine, the husband finds a message:

“I have prepared a gift for you, but I will not give it. I propose to participate in the quest game and find my surprise yourself!

Kohl on all my riddles
Can you find the answer
That gift you will receive
Or rather, you will find it yourself!

Written right there Riddle #1:

He's handsome and cold
You won't go hungry with it!

Riddle #2

In the refrigerator there is a plate with a cake, to which the sign “Eat me!” is attached, and at the bottom of the plate, under the cake, there is an image of a flash drive.

Riddle #3

On the flash drive there is a pre-created text file called “Happy Birthday!”, And there is the following riddle clue:

With one hand - meets everyone,
The other handle - escorts.
Doesn't offend anyone
But everyone is pushing her...

Riddle #4

Hidden on one of the doors is a small note rolled up into a tube:

The house is made of tin, and the tenants in it are to lead.

Riddle #5

In the mailbox is a "letter" - an envelope with a new riddle:

He is at home and not at home,
Between heaven and earth.
Guess, buddy
What did the verse encrypt?

Riddle #6

On the balcony is the following note:

I have legs, but I don't walk
I'm with my back, but I don't lie,
You sit down - and I stand.

Riddle #7

A sticker with a riddle is glued under the seat of the chair:

Unfold the sheet quickly -
There you will see many lines
In the lines - the news of the whole world
What kind of leaf is this?

Riddle #8

Newspaper hint - highlighted (circled in pen) word TV (or we highlight in different articles the letters from which you need to compose this word)

Riddle #9

WITH reverse side A sticker is glued on the TV, there is a riddle on it:

What will this eye look at?
All the picture will convey.

This will be the last riddle. The task of the birthday boy is to guess what to do next. The fact is that he needs to look through the photos and find among them an image of a microwave oven (you need to prepare in advance - take a close-up photo of the oven). In it, a loved one will find your gift!

If you want to please the birthday boy with more interesting and intricate tasks, or if you don’t have the time and opportunity to find good ideas and arrange everything beautifully, we bring to your attention. By the titles of the articles, you can find a quest game scenario suitable for the occasion for any age.

The children learn the legend of the old duke's treasure and go in search of a map. Having completed all the tasks, the children receive the coveted card and go in search of a treasure. The ghost guarding the treasure holds games and contests to see if the guys are worthy. At the end, the guys are in for a little surprise - greetings from the duke.

Target: development of orientation skills in the area, team cohesion.

To play, you need to arrange 3 locations:

  1. Meeting point for participants: a clearing where logs or benches lie where you can sit.
  2. The place where the players will complete tasks: with a large number of players, this area should be large enough.
  3. Location of treasure: here it is Ghost.

Required attributes:

  • Hat with multi-colored ribbons for dividing into teams;
  • A plan of the area indicating the route and stopping places for each team;
  • Stop signs;
  • Notes- tasks for finding the necessary numbers;
  • Meter, sheet, pen;
  • A leaflet with a cipher;
  • Treasure map;
  • A ball of thread;
  • twigs, sheet and pencil;
  • A note from the duke;
  • Treasure- sweets.


  • Leading
  • Ghost

Event progress

All children, led by the Leader, gather in the clearing.


Guys, many, many centuries ago, an old castle stood on this very spot. A very rich duke lived in it, whose possessions stretched for tens of kilometers around. He had a beautiful wife and three children. The children grew up, left, leaving their parents alone in a huge castle. His wife died shortly thereafter, and the duke did not want to leave the place where he was happy, although the children did everything to transport him to them.

There is a version that this duke still passes here at night, but not as a person, but as a ghost. Lives in the past, remembers his happy Days. So, he was left alone, dismissed almost all the servants who could not please him. He left only the cook, the gardener and the maid, so as not to disappear altogether.

And once they wanted evil people rob a lonely old man. But he found out about this and hid all his precious things in advance. The thieves came, but found nothing. They tortured the duke, but he did not say a word to them. They left him alone, left, but the old man did not live long after that - he died without waiting for his sons. Since then, whoever has tried to find treasures, no one has succeeded. Legend has it that the treasure can only be found one day a year. Today is just such a day. Let's look for the treasure buried by the old duke!

But first, let's split into teams. Each team will have its own distinctive sign - a ribbon of a certain color.

Children approach the hat, take the ribbon and are divided into groups depending on the color of the ribbon.

Leading: The teams are ready. Now you need to choose a captain who will lead the rest of the group.

Each group chooses a captain.

Leading: Your task is to find the treasure of the old duke. The place where the treasure is located is indicated by a cross on the main map terrain. And to find a card, you must first find all the numbers, and then use a special code to make a word out of them. It will be the key that will help lift the veil of secrecy and find the map. To complete the tasks, you will need a map of the area.

Each captain is given a plan of the area, on which arrows indicate the route of each team and circles - stopping places where you can find out any number.

Leading: Let's see which team can complete the task faster and be able to find the ducal treasure.

The teams are on their way. Team paths may intersect, but must not follow the same path. It is important that the teams do not interfere with each other during the execution of tasks. Each stopping place must be marked with special signs - signs, under which there is a sheet with a detailed task.

Task examples:

  • Count all trees and bushes at the bus stop, subtract the smaller from the larger number the resulting number will be the desired one.
  • Find the lowest tree and count the number of leaves on the lower branch.
  • Count the number of colors on the lawn.
  • Determine tree species count the number of letters in their name and add up the results.
  • Measure with a meter the approximate distance between two birch trees marked with red ribbons, and round it up to meters.
  • Measure the width of the girth the thickest tree and round it up to decimetres.
  • How many petals does a chamomile have growing 2 meters from this tree?

Teams complete tasks, find the right numbers, and then return to the leader, take the transcript from him. Each letter in the cipher is assigned a certain number (for example, a - 22, b - 45). Children find the necessary meanings and form the word "glade" from the received letters.

Leading: Here is the location of the treasure map. I suggest everyone unite and find a map.

All groups work together to search for the hidden map in the indicated location. It can be anywhere: in a crack in a tree, under a stone, under a pile of grass. The map shows the place where the treasure is hidden. Several paths lead to it, bounded on both sides by multi-colored ribbons. The children are again divided into teams: now the group must get to the place as quickly as possible along “their” path. At the indicated place, the team is met by the duke's ghost.

Ghost: Hello guys. Why did you complain?

Leading: We want to find hidden treasures!

Ghost: Do you think you can?

Leading: We have already found a treasure map, it indicates exactly this place, which means that the treasure is located here.

Ghost: Maybe this is where he is. Yes, but I won't let you find it. I will confuse the tracks, hide the signs!

Leading: We have already spent so much effort trying to find treasures that we simply will not turn back. You don't need the treasure anyway, so don't interfere, please!

Ghost: Needed - not needed, but I have to guard him! Treasures should go only to those who have pure soul, kind heart.

Leading: We are ready to be tested.

Ghost: Is everyone ready? But remember, if you fail the tests, you will have to turn back.

Leading: Agreed. Really guys?

Ghost: An important point is to support each other difficult situation. Let's see if you can do it.

Conducts the game "Unification". The participants are divided into two groups. Each group stands in a semicircle. The first participants are given a ball of thread. They must connect all the participants as quickly as possible with a thread, wrapping it around all the players in turn. After the last participant has joined, the task changes - it is necessary to wind the thread into a ball as quickly as possible. It is important not to break it though.

Ghost: The next test is to test the strength of the spirit. This is a very difficult test! It is important to be united with the whole team in order to win.

Conducts the game "Potyagushki". The teams line up opposite each other in a column, the first are the captains. Each participant grabs the person in front by the waist. Opposing team captains grab each other's arms and pull with all their might. The task of the players is to help their captains win over the opposing team to their side.

Ghost: Well, you have the strength of mind - do not be discouraged if you lose. But that is not all. Now let's check if you can understand each other.

Conducts the game "Spoiled Telegraph". Participants line up. Each player is given a branch. The last participant “draws” with a branch on the back of the person in front the figure that the leader called him (for example, a square). The one who had a figure “drawn” on his back “transmits” the image further as he understood it. The team captain, having received a "telegram", draws it on a piece of paper. Then the original and what happened as a result of the “journey” of the drawing are compared.

Game-journey "In search of treasure"

Location: School area.

Members: 4 teams (6-12 years old)

TARGET : organization of active joint leisure of children.


    strengthening the skills of intergroup interaction;

    expansion of forms of leisure for children;

    development of cognitive activity, memory, thinking, attention;

    the formation of ingenuity, resourcefulness in non-standard tasks;

    development of orientation in space;

    rallying the children's team;

    creating a positive emotional experience.

Leading: Today is an unusual day. Fate decreed that the stars in the sky formed in a very favorable way. Today is an exceptionally good day. It involves discoveries, trials and surprises. Do you love surprises? Do you like solving riddles? Are you afraid of trials? Dear guys, today to our camp on hot-air balloon here comes this cryptic message.

All children are invited

Get on the road soon!

The path is not to Antarctica, not to Africa -

To all girls and boys!

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

If you want to find a treasure

Hurry up on the road!

Understood nothing. What is being said here? What is a "hoard"? How do you know where you need to go to find the treasure? Route sheets will help you.

Leading: Are you ready to hit the road? Since you will be looking for the path to treasure with the whole squad, what qualities will you need? Let's discuss the rules:

    All together to go strictly along the course.

    If you arrived at the place ahead of time, then stop 10 steps away and clap your hands together, warning that you have arrived.

    Collect as many treasure chest keys as you can and line up.

- After passing the stations, we meet in the school yard.

1 Station "Poslovitsyno". (10 min) Hello kids, boys and girls! Why did you come here and not at all dusty? Do you want to get a key? You need to be smart!

- Here is a warm-up test for you before the main task: collect the word from the letters, and stand so that it can be read (they receiveletters 1. - stream, 2. - victory, 3. - curtain, 4. - piggy bank).

- Well done! Now I see that you will definitely not go astray.

I accept the pass and you get the task. Collect proverbs and read the key word in unison.

2 station "Delicious alphabet"

Stationmaster: - I welcome you, friends. I am very glad to see you. Here is a warm-up test for you before the main task.

The guys stand one after another, in a dense column. The one standing behind should crawl through the widely spaced legs of the whole formation and stand in front. Immediately, the movement is picked up by the one who is now standing behind, and so on. The guys should move like this to the other end, thereby overcoming the cave.

And now you get the job. For each letter of the alphabet, you need to write down a fruit, vegetable or berry.If there are more than 9 correct answers, 3 keys are given, less than 9 - one key . (alphabet printed on sheet)

3 station "Puzzles in pictures"

Stationmaster: - I welcome you, friends. I am very glad to see you. Here is a warm-up test for you before the main task. Questions must be answered quickly.

    Girl's daughter (doll)

    Green, from which the flies die. (longing)

    Jacket for a diaper. (Vest)

    Letters lined up for roll call. (Alphabet)

    The epicenter of the donut. (hole)

    Fur hunter. (mol)

    Fair fixture to turn your head. (carousel)

    Folklore intelligence test. (mystery)

    Latest trendy sound. (Squeak)

    Part of the body, which is offered complete with a heart. (Hand)

And now you get the job. Solve puzzles. For the correct puzzle get the key.

4 station "Domino" (crossing)

station keeper : - I welcome you, friends. I am very glad to see you. Here is a warm-up test for you before the main task. We solve examples.

20 – 13, 32 – 17,11 + 9,

And now you get the task - the game "Domino". (You can take 1,2 or 3 at the same time, always the master starts first)

You can get an extra key. A casket, and there are five notes in it, and a key is drawn in one.

Additional station "Mysteries from Elder Fur"

1-2 squad

1. Grandmother Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (1)

2. Which beetle bears the name of the month in which it was born? (May)

3. Not heat, not fire, but if you take it in your hands, it will scorch. (Nettle)

4. How can you carry water in a sieve? (freezing)

5. To whom from literary heroes own walking shoes and a magic staff? (to Little Muck)

6. Sits on a spoon, legs dangling. (Noodles)

7. What is first in Russia and second in France? (Letter R)

8. 90 apples grew on a birch, the wind blew 10 apples fell. How many apples are left? (Apples do not grow on a birch)

3-4 squad

    Birds flew over the platform: a dove, a pike, two tits. How many birds are there?(3)

    Always in your mouth, but you can't swallow. (teeth, tongue)

    What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)

    What medicine did Malvina Pinocchio want to give? (castor oil)

    Curls around the nose, but not in the hands. (Smell)

    There were two fathers and a shooting gallery of a son, they found a shooting gallery of an orange, they began to divide everyone one by one. How could it be? (They were grandfather, father and son)

    My name is Yura. My sister has only one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother? (Yura)

    There is a rich house and a poor one. They are on fire. Which house will the police put out? (Police don't put out fires)

Leading: You went all the way along the route, and you found a wonderful treasure. Didn't find it?- (They bring in the box) - Let's see what's hidden inside? One, two, three, open the door! It's empty here! That's such a disappointment! Wait, I see a note: If you want to find the treasure, set off again. Shall we get the treasure? Forward without fear and doubt! Go, seek and return. (The notes are written on paper of different colors for the detachments, the first is given out, the second is hidden)

1 squad : Guess the word and find out the location of the first clue.

1 squad : Find a tree with such a leaf.

1 squad

2 squad : The stars are shining in the blue skyIn the blue sea the waves are whipping;cloud over the sky goes, The barrel floats on the sea.Like a bitter widowCries, the queen beats in her;And a child grows thereNot by days, but by hours.The day has passed, the queen cries...And the child hurries the wave:“You, my wave, wave!You are playful and free;You splash wherever you wantYou sharpen sea stones ... "

The river flows from top to bottom

You find her, be strong!

The river is to the left of the corner.

Where is she hiding?

2 squad Striped Tigress.

Aiming for the shore.
With a rustling tongue
A runaway hill licks down. (Sea)

- Go to the blue sea.

2 squad : Look for your treasure from the lady with all the products of the school.

3 squad : “In the golden carts, the Lush Court meets them. All of them are loudly called, And they crown the prince, with a goblet - it burns with gold ....

And you find a hint... To the right near the wall...” (a key with a riddle)

3 squad: Move straight in single file, turn left and jump on one foot to the magic door, which will lead you into a dark tunnel, after passing through the tunnel, turn left and continue following the arrows.(Presentation)

3 squad : "I have a friend. My name is Misha Lyagushkin. He loves the song "A Grasshopper Sat in the Grass" very much.

We need to get a four digit code to open the box.

3 squad : Look for your treasure from the lady with all the products of the school.

4 squad: “Vovka went to the distant kingdom. Walked, walked, looks at the pillars and says "Far Far Away"

4 squad: Find the stairs "to heaven", go through it and look for a hint there.

4 squad: Look for your treasure from the lady with all the products of the school.

In the dining room, they collect the word "GOOD FELLOWS" from letters and get a treasure.


Well, here you are!

I'm glad you found the treasure!

Everyone is just great!

The journey is over.

Was the search easy for you? How did you manage to overcome all the obstacles on the way?

Show the degree of your participation with applause. The harder you try, the louder clap! 1 squad!, 2!, 3!, 4! Well done!


  • bonding of the children's team,
  • learn to make quick decisions
  • show the need to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of the team.


  • familiarization of children with collective play activities;
  • the formation in children of the skill of working in groups, the ability to make collective decisions in the process of discussing prompts;
  • identification of leaders.

Plan for carrying out KTD

1. Joint preparation and development of the KTD - the head of the camp, educators, the council of ministers of the camp.
2. Start of the game - the game room of one of the squads, where both squads are pre-assembled.
3. Reading the Decree and issuing the first hint.
4. Game (passing stations and completing tasks).
5. Finish.
6. Rewarding.

Beginning of the game. All units gather near the main entrance of the school. Cheerful music sounds.


Today we are going to look for treasure.
You will have to experience many difficulties.
You need to become dexterous
So that we can see the treasure!

Gym teacher:

To get us on the road,
need to play sports
To charge -
Let's stand together in order.

(Children do exercises to the music.)


1. Exercises starting, everything is in place, let's walk.
Raise your hands up higher
Let's go down and breathe deeply.
Look, guys, also higher.
Maybe Carlson is on the roof.

2. Exercise two: put your hands behind your head.
We fly like butterflies
We reduce the wings - straighten.
One-two, one-two
We are doing well.

3. Exercise number three:
Look up a little
Hands up one by one
And it's easy and convenient for us.
One two three four,
Turn your shoulders wider.

4. Hands to hips, legs apart -
It's been so long!
Physical education every day
Drives away sleep and laziness.
Do three tilts down.
On "four" - rise!

5. We need flexibility in the world,
Children love to bend over.
One to the right, two to the left
Let our body get stronger!

6. In conclusion, in a good hour,
We'll jump now.
One two three four,
No children are stronger in the world!

7. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth,
Breathe deeply and then
March in place slowly
Do one and do two.


Well done our boys.
You all did well together.
And now to find the treasure
leave quickly.

Envelopes from the task are waiting for us on the way. For each task you get a map fragment. After completing and guessing all the tasks, you will find a note indicating the location of the treasure. And so on the way!

(Educators receive sheets with routes.)
An airplane is launched into the air - a letter with the following content:


In a certain kingdom-state "Brook", the day of the 30th month of June of the year 2015 is declared an enchanted day.

On this day it is forbidden:

  • walk alone;
  • Think and answer one by one;
  • Run in different directions;
  • Screaming in public places.


  • Walk for 25 people;
  • To think and act together with sirs and madams;
  • Behave yourself.

Who will comply with all of the above points, he will be able to find the way to the treasure.
And you will find the first conditions along with the map, which is hidden on the territory of the Creek.

(In a bottle
Twist the card itself or the first pointer into a tube, tie the end to a string or rubber band and throw it into the bottle. Throw it in the bathtub, sink, basin, pool... and wait for someone to find it.)

1 station is located at the alder (riddles)

Station. "Mysterious"(children are asked to solve riddles)

1. I was born to glory,
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them. (Cabbage)

2. I grow in the ground in the garden,
Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

3. I am long and green, I am tasty salty,
Delicious and raw. Who am I? (Cucumber)

4. Make everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but just ... (onion)

5. Kids know this fruit,
They love to eat his monkeys.
He comes from hot countries
Grows in the tropics... (banana)

6. The yellow light bulb is hanging.
She tells us to eat. (Pear)

7. Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch;
adults love me
And little kids. (Apple)

1. He does not want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
Throw again, rushes gallop,
Well, of course it is... (ball)

2. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are racing.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny... (skates)

3. Stick in the form of a comma
Throws the ball in front of him. (Hockey stick)

4. They are driven up the mountain, and they themselves run from the mountain. (Sled)

5. On a clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass
Feet go down the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer
This is my … (bike)

Station 2 is located on the playground (behind the slide)

2 station "Hit the target"

Buckets are placed in front of each participant in the competition. All the guys are given the same format of fat newspapers. At the signal of the leader, the players tear off one page at a time, crumple the paper into a tight ball and throw it into the bucket. The winner is the one who first throws 3 paper balls into the bucket.

Station 3 is located in the lilac bushes (at the entrance to the boarding school)

3 station "Dance"(here the children dance to the music)

Station 4 is located in the apple orchard (near the pipe)

4 station "Score a goal"(goal and soccer ball)

Station 5 is located at the main entrance to the camp (at the gate)

5 station "Firemen"(2 chairs, long rope, sports olympics, turned inside out)

2 chairs are placed on the stage with their backs to each other. On the back of each chair are hung sports sweatshirts, turned inside out. There is a rope under the chairs. At the signal of the presenter, the participants put on olympics, fasten them. They run around the chairs, sit on their chair and pull out the rope. Who is faster?

6 station is in front of the pedestrian crossing

6 station "Journey by compass"

Stand in pairs in front of the pedestrian crossing, following the traffic rules, cross to the other side of the road.
Based on the compass, we move west to house number 25, turn to the NW and walk 100 m,
Go to the main room of the camp and "take" the treasure.

Receiving prizes and sweets.
