Generic programs. How to heal your family

Often we do not think about why we have depression, fears, various tasks and problems. In fact, the answers are within us - in each of our cells, in each DNA, the energies of our tasks and the lessons of our soul are imprinted. And that is why we choose this genus.

If for some this sounds mystical or seems like a miracle, then it's time to realize that the world and its discoveries are moving forward, as well as the fact that we are part of a large Universe and all non-random relationships in it and an important cog in the mechanism of everything that exists.

Well, now about the main thing. We think that everything we have is merit own life. But in fact, our creative, intellectual, communication abilities, and even uncontrollable fears, feelings of guilt, etc. - this is the property of seven generations, which we have inherited and now our choice is to find, see, accept and work through the programs, or “carefully” carry them all our lives and pass this “treasure” to our children and grandchildren.

I suggest less philosophizing and immediately get down to business. The main task is to unpack the energy that is stored in our negative programs of the kind. It is these programs that are the lessons of the soul that hold back our life potential.

The first thing to do, read the table below and note, feel the response, what you want to improve, where you feel bottlenecks, weakness, misunderstanding, maybe even some kind of aggression and resistance.

The first column will not state your exact task, but it will indicate the direction in which you should move. I propose right now in an empty circle to mark what is being responded to. And next to note for themselves the generation of relatives, which is responsible for these lessons and tasks. This is preparation for the next step.

Each generation is under the auspices of the planets. That is why they bring us their lessons through the power of the planets.

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As you can see, everything is dual and we will learn lessons from duality. Our task is to find harmony in this. It is duality that helps structure information, however, as it does chemical processes in the body and determines harmony in nature and the Universe. That is, if there are “negative” programs in some area of ​​your life, we find them, accept them and translate them into positive ones. Thus we receive the true lesson of the soul. First step to reboot– find and see a positive lesson. It's like a crossword puzzle in which you need to find a word. For example, let's look at:

  1. Thank you for the abilities you already have. I hope that in the process of work, you not only learned negative lessons, but also thanked for the skills and talents you already acquired! If you haven't done it yet, be sure to do it!
  2. Rejection acceptance. If suddenly, you crossed out someone from your kind of your own free will, return him back, thank you, send love. If this person is still alive, be sure to make contact. After all, even if he is wrong and you hated him, in fact you hated a part of yourself (remember the experiments of Fritz-Albert Popp?) And then what? Then the Law of Substitution enters, the Universe independently replaces the empty space with the youngest member of the family ...

Formatting completed!

As you can see, it is very important to know about ancestors, even because it is just a part of us, and not yellowed photographs in albums, crosses in cemeteries and abandoned shacks of old houses in the villages...

And the most important thing to remember is that now you are the first generation, and you will also become the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and finally the seventh generation! And right now, you can have your rightful thousand quadrillion photons to Co-Create your own life!

Complete collection and description: a prayer for the healing of the family for the spiritual life of a believer.

Our lives are influenced by relatives up to the 12th generation. The family tree consists of the living and the dead. The living are in the material world, and the location of the deceased is divided into two categories:

  • their souls passed to the higher planes of existence;
  • their souls hung in the subtle world, in the toll zones.

Mytary zones are the territory of karma. This includes those who died out of time, as well as the souls of those who during their lifetime suffered from addictions and had an unhealthy dependence on the material world. They do not realize that they have died. Such souls remain without divine light and love, they are hungry, because they have nothing to eat, therefore, the only way out is to consume the energy of living relatives.

The only way to get rid of such "vampires" and, thereby, give them the opportunity to move from the dungeon zone to the higher planes of existence is to purify the karma of the family with prayers.

How to recognize the presence of public servants?

  • manifestation of thoughts unusual for you;
  • constant fatigue;
  • hypo- or hypersexuality;
  • aggression;
  • touchiness;
  • phobias;
  • bulimia;
  • stuttering;
  • crown of celibacy;
  • infertility;
  • dependencies.

Collective souls feed on precisely such vices, flaws, and defects.

Methods of cleansing from publicans

Prayer for the cleansing of the family tree is by no means the only way to get rid of energy vampires, that is, the impact of deceased ancestors on your life.

First of all, this is a visit to the church, after which you get rid of the "vampire" for a while. In addition, such methods include fasting, meditation, abstinence, a variety of spiritual practices. But all this is short-term. After all, by all the above means, you correct your own flaws, which the publicans feed on. That's right, but these flaws will manifest themselves again and again, because publicans not only consume corrupted energy, they also contribute to its reproduction in your soul.

Prayer for the purification of karma

We suggest that you cleanse with the prayer of the family tree. Such cleaning should be carried out within 40 days, without interruptions. Missed one day - start all over again.

Why 40 days? It is this number of days that is equal to the life span of demons, vampires. If they do not receive nourishment from your lower self, they will die and leave your karma alone.

Prayers for the purification of the karma of the family remove both the karmic curses that arise in the event of a major sin of one of the ancestors, and the karma that you yourself have earned - in past lives, or during the year of existence in this body.

The only way to get rid of evil karma is to ask God for forgiveness for the misdeeds of the ancestors.

Prayers are read one after another, it is necessary to repeat three cycles of the first three prayers, then in conclusion, read the last one once.

Prayer "Our Father"

“Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen".

Prayer "Mother of God, Virgin, rejoice"

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls. Amen".

Prayer "For the purification of the family"

Lord, I thank You for everything You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.

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I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

the only begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages,

Light from Light, God's truth from God's truth,

Born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father,

For us for the sake of man and for our sake of salvation descended from heaven

And incarnated from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin and became human.

crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,

And suffered, and buried.

And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures.

And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.

And packs of the future with glory to judge the living and the dead,

His Kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-giving,

Who comes from the Father, Who is with the Father and the Son

We worship and glorify the one who spoke the prophets.

Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the remission of sins.

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come.

He who dwells under the roof of the Most High rests under the shadow of the Almighty,

He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust!”

He will deliver you from the catcher's net, from the deadly sore,

He will overshadow you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be safe; a shield and a fence are His truth.

You will not be afraid of horrors in the night, an arrow flying by day,

A plague that walks in darkness, a pestilence that devastates at noon.

A thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it won't come close to you

Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.

For you said, "The Lord is my hope"; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;

Evil will not happen to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling;

For he will command his angels about you to guard you in all your ways:

In their hands they will carry you, lest you strike your foot against a stone;

You will step on an asp and a basilisk; you will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved me, I will deliver him;

I will protect him, because he knows my name.

He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,

I will satisfy him with length of days, and I will show him my salvation.”

Heavenly King, True Comforter of the Soul! You are the One in everything, and everything is fulfilled by Your Will.

Remain in us, cleanse us from all filth, pour into the world through the Chalices of the Secret of your children, grant hope, forgiveness and salvation to all who call Your name.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal and Merciful! Have mercy on us, forgive us, awaken sleeping hearts to repentance and teach us to listen to our Inner. Grant spiritual insight and send peace to the human mind, fussy and rebellious, kindle the Light of Prayer in the True of your devotees.

Lord Jesus, Son of God, save us!

Cathedral of the Holy Eastern and Western Churches, pray to God for us!

All-merciful Mother of our Lord Jesus! Isn't it you, Most Bright, who gave birth to your Son in order to give him as an atonement for the sins of the human race?

I beg you in the name of Love and Forgiveness of Jesus: remember the names of all my relatives in flesh and blood, with whom you are (a) karmically connected in this life and in this incarnation, both now alive and deceased, forgive them all sins voluntary and involuntary, perfect in earthly life, and by the goodness of prayer, grant liberation from the birth curse, from corruption, the evil eye and slander, from all witchcraft and shamanism, from all involutional programs and demonic engrams.

Take the souls suffering salvation under your maternal protection and show them the way to the Abode of the Enlightened and Righteous, to the Worlds of Bliss and Joy.

Oh, the Sovereign All-Tsaritsa, the All-Merciful Lady Our Mother of God, the Mother Comforter, the Intercessor of the human race, the Fiery Covenant Tablet in the hearts and Boundless Mercy! It is your kiss that blesses us to create the One Being of Eternal Life. Don't leave us on the chosen path!

Oh, Amrita Fragrant of Eternity! Hear our prayers and accept humble petitions in the name of the future transformation.

Oh Hope of the Devotees, All-good Mother of Humanity! Place in the Ark of your Heart all the souls suffering from your Love and Mercy, and lift them up to the Abode of the Blessed.

I ask you with hope and faith: spread the Veil of your Love over all those living on Earth and staying in the Purgatory of the Transitional Worlds, my relatives in flesh and blood, and do not leave them without your blessed guidance, for the sake of innocent babies, have mercy on parents and with tears and prayers of mothers atone for sins children.

By the prayers of the Righteous, may the Gates of the Heavenly World be opened for them!

Oh, All-good! Four Angels of Light from the Throne of the Lord went to my prayer, so that by their power and power, granted to them at the time of the creation of the World, they freed the relatives of my soul from all energies, qualities and states that are lower than the Perfection of God, in order to protect them from the activity of demonic entities, larv, larv and essays, which prevent the manifestation of God of the true and innermost essence of your devotees.

O Beloved Azazel, Angel of Destruction! You are the Divine Reaper of the Holy Grain of the Lord.

With the sickle of the Spirit, shining in your hand, separate the ripe ears from the chaff, and with the fiery lightning of Truth grant the souls of God the opportunity to recognize the face of wolves dressed in the skins of lambs.

O Beloved Angel Israel, Guardian of the Fiery Tablets! To my redemptive prayer, peacefully created, possessing by my faith the power of purification and liberation, take out the names of my relatives from the scrolls of the Tempter and inscribe them with the Flame of Love in the scrolls of Eternal Life.

Oh, Beloved Darion, the Angel of Rebirth, guarding the Star of the planetary Transformation! Strengthen the hearts of those devoted to the Light with the power of Love, which you have been granted to manifest at the source of the Divine World, awakening the Grain of the Spirit of every being.

Oh Beloved Angel of Prosperity Jeremiel! From the blessed vessel of Eternal Life in your hands, pour out fragrant amrita, so that each Grain of the Spirit turns into a ripe ear and brings its fruits to Eternity.

In the name of the Great Mother of all Life, I call you, Angels of Light: Azazel, Israel, Darion and Jeremiel! Release, purify, resurrect and elevate into the Light all the souls with which my True is connected by indissoluble karmic bonds in the family tree.

Our Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the Creator of everyone! Strengthen the power of prayer created by the Light of your True Love and, by your Mercy, grant liberation, purification, spiritual resurrection and transfiguration to all souls who call on Your Holy Name in the days of the Great Exodus.

Send heavenly earthly gifts to all your children on this day and protect them from temptation and from the evil done by those who do not fulfill Your Law, do not honor Your Commandment and oppose Your Will.

Forgive, Lord, all the arrogant for slander and malice, for all witchcraft, shamanism, black magic and curses manifested in relation to my family, and strengthen me in the power of unconditional forgiveness to all who, unknowingly, wished evil to all souls up to the 12th generation in my family tree, both inside and outside of it.

With the fiery power of Forgiveness, free, cleanse and save your children, Lord!

In your High Name, Almighty, All-Good and All-Forgiving, protect us on the path of Peace, Love and Light and direct our steps along the paths of Enlightenment to the Abodes of Your Devotees, for You, Lord, Ruler of the True Worlds, are the hope and support of the suffering, and in Your hands , Almighty, the life of all those born of Your Eternal Spirit.

You alone, Unforgettable, Inexpressible, All-Merciful, deliverance for all your children from troubles, consolation in sorrows, healing from wounds, from corruption, witchcraft, shamanism, the evil eye, obsession - holy purification, from the curse spoken and sent - true liberation.

Cleanse all those who yearned for Light in darkness and the shadow of death, for You, the Living and True, Almighty God of the Armies of Heaven, are joy and comfort for all those who despair.

Your love is the Fiery Sword, freeing from the chains created by the servants of the One who opposes Your Will, all Your Devotees, and let those who are fierce and spiteful in powerlessness retreat before the image of Christ, imprinted in the Inner of Your sons and daughters.

True Comforter of the Soul, hear my prayer, hear the prayers of all who call on Your Holy Name, spread the Liberating Sword over your children, protect Your Devotees with the Shield of Love and Justice, for You, the One, are our hope and hope.

I glorify you in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, which I am the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-Giving Light.

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.

Our Heavenly Father! Holy Light Unspeakable!

Hear my prayer. May this prayer of a devoted heart reach You.

You, the Just and Merciful, who owns all things, who endowed the holy apostles with the power to trample snakes and scorpions underfoot, who crowned the Mother of our Lord Jesus as the Queen of the Sovereign World, grant to all your children who call on Your Holy Name, the grace of purification and liberation from all energies, which below the Perfection of God, from all demons - internal and external, from all corruption, the evil eye, shamanism, witchcraft, from all black magic and the destructive power of the curse of the spoken, which prevent us from approaching You.

May the Soul awaken to Eternal Life, may the human heart be filled with the Light of Love, Peace and Joy, may the Light of Salvation shine for all who live in darkness and the shadow of death.

Lord, fill us with Your Holy Spirit!

Lord, live in us, Lord, live in us. Lord, reign in us!

Lord, guide us!

Lord, love our neighbors! Lord, conquer and resurrect in us!

It is the power of Your Love, O Lord, that grants salvation and renewal to the world.

It is the power of Your Love, Lord, that gives hope for transfiguration and resurrection to tormented hearts, tormented bodies, to the human race.

God, Protector of the human race! Have mercy on your children, from the Abodes of the Radiant in the Worlds of the Radiant sent the Great Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Raphael, Samuel, Zadkiel, Uriel, so that with their power and authority, bestowed on them at the source of Eternal Bliss, they helped to free and purify the children of God, all my relatives in flesh and blood, both now alive and deceased, from all energies, qualities and states, which are below the Perfection of God. May the Light of Forgiveness and Transfiguration be kindled for them in the heart of Infinity and descend upon them!

May Heavenly Purity, True Peace, Boundless Love be established in the hearts of Your Devotees, and may the Living and Eternal God have mercy on all!

You are the Unfading Light, Eternal Peace and the Treasure of the Hearts of the Devotees, who gives them life.

Remain in us, cleanse us of all filth, pour into the world through the Chalices of the Secret of your children, grant Hope, Forgiveness and Salvation to all who call on Your Name.

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.

In conclusion, thank the Angels of the Archangel Michael for protecting the subtle bodies (their own and those around them) ...

Prayer for the prosperity of the family tree

Lord, the Spoken Light, Who by His Love and Mercy gave hope for salvation to the Devotees of Eternal Life!

I will call on Your name - and I will find Peace in silence and prayerful rest.

I will call on your name and the gates of heaven will be opened. I will call on Your name - and the Kingdom will shine in glory.

I will shake off the mortal dust from my feet at the Gates of Eternity and, having partake of the Chalice of Bliss, may I ascend to the City of the Enlightened, Rejoicing and Blissful.

Rushing towards the Light, I beseech You, Inscrutable, for the generation of fathers and mothers who rejected the Lord and do not accept the Grace of Salvation in their True, forgive them for their spiritual blindness and spiritual vanity, awaken the inner ear with a fiery verb, awaken the gaze of the heart to the contemplation of the Savior in glory, direct their steps along the path of Life leading to the Throne of the Heavenly Father, and may this be done according to Your Mercy in the name of the resurrection of the Inner Christ in the Secret of all those living on Earth.

Turn the hearts of those who have begun to see clearly to the sacred mystery of the Great Unity and grant the world of prosperity and prosperity to the whole Earth and all the streams of Life in the Boundless.

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever.

O Jesus, who unfailingly loved all! Forgive all my relatives in the family tree, both now alive and those who have passed, may the angels of heaven sing Glory to you with boundless love.

Hallelujah (3 times).

Quiet Light, Light of Jerusalem, who corrected death with Love, grant spiritual insight to all the children of the One Existence, who are now on Earth and in the dwellings of the transitional worlds, so that they may be reconciled with the Lord and accept His Truth in their hearts, so that they may be reconciled with each other before the Gates of Eternity!

Crown with Glory those who call on Your Name and cover sleeping hearts with an omophorion, bless with the Veil of the Holy Mother all those who are sick and suffering Love and Light, and send Mary down to where there is no hope, where there is darkness and decay, where sorrow and despair, so that she resurrected the children of all the Lord and gave them the grace of salvation. May the Day of Judgment become the day of Mercy and All Forgiveness, may the Sacred Resurrect in the hearts of all those who have incarnated on Earth through the prayers of Your Devotees.

Bless, Lord, their Inmost and grant the opportunity to reign in the new Universe, combining in Love with the Enlightened and Radiant.

Prayer communion. May Your children be saved by the Council of the Righteous, O Lord!

Prayer being done is a candle lit in the spheres and the face of Christ imprinted in the heart.

I pray to You, Lord, for all my relatives living on Earth according to the family tree. May the prayer made become an arrow of fiery Love that pierces sleeping souls, may the prayer made for them become the hope of salvation, may the prayer made for them become the road leading to Eternity.

The word of a fiery prayer is a streaming Light into the Inner of the Devotees to the Lord. The word of the fiery prayer is forgiveness for vanity and vanity, for pride and arrogance, for deviation from the True. The word of the fiery prayer is healing, sent down to the soul and body of the afflicted, and eternal salvation.

Jesus, Jesus, Sun, illumine and warm the hearts of your devotees.

Jesus, Jesus, Eternal Life, combine us with joy before the Throne of Jehovah and make us one with Love and Mercy.

Resurrect in the hearts of those living on Earth and who have passed into other worlds of Infinity my relatives according to the family tree Purity and Holiness, Peace and Prosperity.

May they find Joy and Hope, Youth and Enlightenment, Love and Mercy, Abundance and Prosperity on the road leading to the Heavenly Temple.

Hallelujah (3 times).

Let the Fiery Word of Resurrection illumine the Universe, let the true power it will be my relatives on the road of salvation, may endless and generous gifts fall on them from the Spiritual Heart of Infinity, for You, the One, long for Abundance, Prosperity and Prosperity for all your children.

I ask You, Almighty, humbly bowing before the Throne of Your Eternal Glory, for mercy for my living and passed on relatives of mine in spirit, soul and body at the appointed hour of resolving fates.

May supreme mercy, compassion and forgiveness be blessed.


(I personally read 40 days without a break)

I turn to You, Heavenly Father, and I want to pray for myself and for my family.

I want the closest people, my children, grandchildren and all future generations to be happy and healthy. So that they feel the strength of their kind.

I turn to You, Lord, for I know that the Family is considered strong when the roots of its family tree are strong - when 7 generations in the family are strong. ("when the source of the generic kind is strong", I speak for all generations in general)

And now I am turning to you, my great-great-great-grandparents, and I want to pray for you and ask for forgiveness from YOU.

Excuse me dear. Excuse me.

Forgive me that I know so little about you, about my family, that I do not carry the traditions of the family and. I truly thank you for standing at the origins of my race.

I sincerely repent, sorry.

And if you can come to my aid. I want to repent for everyone who lives next to me, my relatives.

I understand how great my responsibility is, but I take it upon myself. I pray for my entire family.

And I am not afraid of this responsibility, because I know that I am able to help my relatives.

I take on this responsibility, because my task is to help my Family.

My dear, great-great-great-grandparents, I feel that you are near, that you came to my aid. You are here, you rejoice at my repentance, you are happy that the REVIVAL of our tree has begun.

Thank you and forgive me for the fact that I may not always live correctly.

Thank you and forgive me for the fact that maybe I don’t always live correctly, I think, I forget to love, pray, I don’t notice the main thing in the bustle, I get offended, I smile a little, I don’t always do as my heart tells me. Sorry.

I forget to LOVE, focus on LOVE, pray for love, get offended, lose heart, act according to my mind, not my heart. SORRY!

Lord, forgive me and my ancestors for imperfection, I pray for THEM.

It is possible that among them there are murderers, suicides, perhaps someone cursed our family for something, there must have been ardent communists destroying shrines. Forgive me Lord.

I hold no grudge against them and forgive sincerely from the depths of my soul.

I thank you, my great-great-great-grandparents for the fact that you lived - and this is grace. And I live because you once lived. I bow low to YOU. You went through your karmic lessons. Thank you.

Lord, forgive them!

I can already feel the roots of my family tree being cleansed. I feel how vital energy saturates its trunk.

This is the power of My Family!


And now, Lord, I want to remember my grandparents to pray for them and ask them for forgiveness (and it doesn’t matter whether they are in this world or another) FORGIVE ME!

I ask your forgiveness for everything bad, for all the unseemly acts on my part towards you, for not always understanding you, being offended, and rarely remembering YOU.

I know that deep down you love me as I love you. SORRY.

And I forgive you, my dears, for everything! For offensive words, for unfair reproaches, punishments in childhood, an unkind look. I know that you sometimes come to me in a dream, but I do not always understand these dreams and I do not remember what you are asking me for.

But today I pray for YOU

FORGIVE THEM LORD. I'm sorry for all the mistakes they made.

I am grateful to you, my dears, I have something to remember. After all, there were a lot of good things, thanks for the fairy tales, smiles, kindness and love, for the lessons. THANK YOU.

Low bow to you.

Lord, forgive them!

And now, Lord, I pray for those people thanks to whom I was born. You are my parents: mom and dad.

I clearly see your faces and ask your forgiveness for everything I am guilty of before you: for ugly actions and words towards you, for disobedience, for your sleepless nights, for rare calls for everything.

Sorry. Beg.

I know that your hearts now feel everything, hear and rejoice at my prayer.

And I forgive you, my dear parents, for your imperfection, for your mistakes. I can't change you, I accept you the way you are. I forgive you your weaknesses, the fact that you did not always understand me and tried to impose your opinion, did not see me as a person. I forgive absolutely all the unpleasant moments that were in the past, releasing all grievances.

I give you my love. And thank you for all the bright days that you gave me, for happy hours spent together, for the lessons that I remember for a lifetime, for the eyes, in which there are tears of joy.

I thank you for your love and I want my love to help YOU, even if you are in another world.

Lord, forgive them.

Now is the time to pray for your husbands, wives, young men, girls, your spouses from previous marriages.

Lord, I pray for them and ask their forgiveness.

I apologize to you, my dear (my dear), for all the unpleasant situations in our lives, omissions, quarrels, insults, mutual recriminations, irritations. For the inability to forgive, for the unwillingness to change one's habits, one's character, for the desire to take more than to give. Sorry. Beg. Forgive me for jealousy, for wanting to consider you my property. Sorry.

Now I feel and understand deep meaning for which we met, for which the Lord God brought us together .. Forgive me.

And I forgive you for everything bad, apparently, I had to experience everything that was between us, learn to accept you the way you are, without trying to change, without imposing your opinion.

You were given to me karmically, thanks to you my soul passed these lessons. I became wiser, stronger, I learned to feel, love and understand people.

I forgive you. I let go of all resentment and irritation. I thank you for all the happy moments of our life together(they were), for love, for great earthly love, for all the good that was. And I know it will be even better. You were my teacher and I was yours.

Lord, I want to love and be loved. I pray for my life partner. May everything work out for him in life. God forgive him!!

I also want to pray for my children and grandchildren.

Forgive me, Lord, for the spiritual wounds inflicted on them, for nit-picking, for unfair punishments.

You came into my life, thanks to you I learned the joy of motherhood.

Forgive me, my little ones.

Sorry for everything. Sorry. Maybe I paid little attention to you, doing other things when you most needed me, in my smile, understanding, sympathy. When you most of all wanted not moralizing, but human warmth. SORRY.

And I forgive you for your irritation, rude words, for your insults, claims and jealousy

For the fact that you do not always hear and understand me.

I forgive you for your desire to take more than to pour over, for your rare calls.

I forgive you for everything and love you for who you are, and may my love help you in life, protect you from fears and failures.

And I thank you for what you are, for your first words: “mom, dad”, “woman”, “grandfather”. For your sunny eyes, for a smile, for the joy of communication and unity, for support in Hard time for teaching me so much as well.

I thank you for the fact that you came to my family and are a continuation of it. I love you and bless you.

Forgive them Lord!!

And I also ask for forgiveness from my unborn children (perhaps from past lives), who were sent to me by God and whom I did not want / was afraid to have. EXCUSE ME.

Lord, forgive my spouse (parents, relatives), who once agreed to an abortion. Forgive us Lord

We have learned a serious lesson for life.


I turn to you, HEAVENLY FATHER.

I pray for my entire family. Forgive my family: my grandmothers, my grandfathers, my mother, my father, my brothers, sisters, spouse, children. The message of the family is up to the 7th generation.

(I'm talking from the beginning of time)

And I also apologize to all the people who met on my way, from my FRIENDS, ACQUAINTANCES, distant RELATIVES, TEACHERS, NEIGHBORS, random PEOPLE, CO-WORKERS, GIRLS, DOCTORS

You all left a mark on my life. I remember all of you. Excuse me.

Maybe I offended one of you voluntarily or involuntarily, I was rude to someone, I thought badly about someone, I did not want to understand someone, I refused to help. Maybe someone's behavior or words I still condemn. SORRY.

Thank you for showing up in my life. You helped me become kinder, taught me to cope with difficulties, emotions, troubles.

I forgive you for everything, let go of insults and thank you, Lord, for the lessons of life, because I learned to accept mistakes, correct them and not repeat them again. Lord forgive these people!

I tried to remember everyone, pray for everyone to understand and accept everyone.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and forgiveness, for your help and your love. For the fact that I feel my family tree, I see it blooming and fruitful, beautiful and strong And I feel the power of the tree, the power of my Family!

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the fact that I live on the Holy Land (name) and thanks to the revival of my KIND, it becomes stronger, its power grows.

I thank you, Lord, for living on the beautiful planet Earth. And then, when I feel the power of my Family, the Earth feels its power, the power of unity with all mankind.

I thank you, Heavenly Father, for wisdom, for making room in my heart for LOVE and light, for warmth and beauty for true creativity.

Thank you for the fact that I have become closer to you, Lord, for the fact that I feel how you love me, for the harmony and happiness in my soul!

You gave me the opportunity to help myself, my loved ones, children, grandchildren, our Mother Earth. THANK YOU!

You can clear karma with the help of the prayer "For the purification of the family." It relieves "karmic" or generic problems of several generations, such as intrauterine damage or a family curse. This may be a sin that was committed in one of the generations and imposed on the next "for the sins of the parents." It can be our karma, our sins committed during this and past lives. All this affects us here and now.

In this prayer, we ask God for forgiveness for the sins and mistakes of our ancestors, in order to stop being responsible for their misdeeds according to the law of karma. Having prayed for the sins of the ancestors and cleared the energy-information field of one's kind, one can break the karmic connection and start living one's own life, not answering for one's ancestors and freeing oneself from "ancestral" damage and curses.

Cleansing should take place daily for 40 days.

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. Amen.

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in wives and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls. Amen.

Lord, I ask for forgiveness before all those whom I voluntarily or involuntarily offended in this life and in my past lives.

Lord, I forgive everyone who offended me voluntarily or involuntarily in this life or in my past lives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my dead relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness for all my living relatives.

Lord, I ask forgiveness before all people whom my ancestors offended voluntarily or involuntarily, by word, deed or thought.

Lord, I ask You to cleanse, heal and protect me, my family and my entire family and fill with Your Power of the Holy Spirit, light, love, harmony, strength and health.

Lord, I ask You to cleanse my family.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read thanksgiving prayer once at the end:

Lord, I thank You for everything You give me. I thank the Power of Your Holy Spirit, all the Powers of Light, heaven, earth, and all the saints who pray to the Lord with me for my forgiveness.

By the power of the Prayer being done, may the living spiritual connection be resurrected and strengthened between all members of my family tree, both now alive and those who have passed, but be reborn Great Wisdom True Life and the Power of the Unique Experience of the Embodiment of Divine Love, gained by 12 generations of light-bearers of the race with whom my soul is inextricably linked by the thinnest karmic ties, immutably obeying the Will of the All-Creator of the Universe, imprinted in the God Flame of the Law of Image and Likeness.

The Spirit is the Guardian of my Tree, in the Heart of Eternity we are United! Resurrect in me! Transform me! Pour through the Sacred Chalice, which stores the Light of my True, an endless stream of Divine Grace for all relatives of my soul in flesh and blood, both now alive and those who have passed, for it was granted to you from the Source of Infinity to protect and increase in Eternity the treasures of the Spirit incorruptible, which generations have acquired Husbands and Wives of my Generic Tree in the process of self-realization of their original immortal nature and its manifestation in all forms of its implemented activity.

The Spirit is the Keeper of the Family, day and night caring for the purity of the embodiment of the Divine Plan sent down by the Lords of Fates for my Tree, awaken the Secret of all my relatives and kindle in their hearts the flame of true aspiration to liberate their consciousness and the conductors of the Presence from all energies, qualities, properties and states, which are lower than God's Holy Perfection, teach to listen to the words of your Angel and grant insight to the Light of Truth.

With the prayers of the Righteous, stop the souls possessed by the demons of vanity and vanity / and feed their Inner with the fragrant amrita of the Inescapable World! Remove the seals of madness and blindness, arrogance and hatred, pride and narcissism, abuse of Your gifts and blasphemous arrogance, for which so many times have been punished by the Lords of Fates, who guide souls on the Righteous Path.

With a lightning of sudden illumination, awaken hardened hearts and saturate the Chalice of Christ Consciousness with the fragrant omophorion of Mercy and Forgiveness.

By the power of realizing the divine right of your spiritual birthright, bind the ignorance and self-will of the earthly personality and kindle the aspiration in the True to a bright and joyful life!

By the flame of shame, call on all those who have renounced, who have deviated from the Law of God and violated the Commandments of the Almighty, and cleanse their hearts from all filth!

By the power of repentance, in the spirit of what is being done, free the souls from the obsession and pernicious glamor sent by the Tempter, and endow them with the power to contemplate the Savior in Glory!

With the fragrant amrita of the Emerald Flame, exuding from the Heavenly Source of all divine life, heal the hearts and bodies of the weak of all my relatives in flesh and blood!

In the name of the Eternal Great Unity, I ask for the remission of sins to my Tree up to the twelfth generation!

By your intercession, Almighty Defender of the Family, may the smashing Sword of Justice of the Universe be stopped, may the cup of the Lord's wrath not be shed in the hour of Mercy and Forgiveness, may the vessels be cleansed by the remembrance of the departed.

Unite the dead and the living for the endless joy of renewal and forgiveness in the Bosom of the Bright Mother of Humanity Mary, the All-Queen of the Sovereign World.

May the dead be guided by Thee, the Guardian of my Family, through the fiery furnace of the Love of the All-Creator and rest in the Kingdom of the Spirit and Light forever, according to the Mercy of the Father.

By the power of the prayer of the Awakened, raise the dead in the Abode of Light, into the arms of the Lord, convey their petitions to the Lords of Mind and Individuality and implore the Lipiks to inscribe the names of those who have passed on in the Book of Lives, on the Immaculate Tablets.

May they leave them sins for the sake of those who are faithful to the Word of the Lord, who honor his Commandments and the Law!

May the intercession of the Living become the Stairway to Heaven for the dead!

I beg You, Spirit of Light, giving Your patronage and protection to all my relatives in flesh and blood, both now alive and those who have passed, help heal the Tree of my Family from all involutional programs and demonic engrams of development transmitted from generation to generation, from the moment of the first violations of the Great Law, which manifested itself as disobedience to the High Will of the All-Creator, the result of which are all forms of low-conscious behavior patterns initiated by entities - obsessors of a foreign nature, and hereditary diseases, the true essence of which is imprinted in wave holograms that have become the anti-chakras of the Cosmic Man, containing the entirety of " mournful experience” of 12 generations of Husbands and Wives, who were embodied in the body of my Tree, the centers of the presence of the cosmos, connecting the individual soul with the Universe of Unmanifested Chaos.

Spirit - Defender, Patron of the Tree of the Family, with the power of the radiant experience of the ancestors, strengthen in Faith and increase the Power of Aspiration of my True. True to all my relatives by flesh and blood, to the realization and implementation in their activity of the Law of Love and Creative Complementation of the two Great Beginnings of all life and the Idea of ​​Unity, Brotherhood and Cooperation of all Evolution, in the name of the liberation of the Objective World Reality from the presence of beings that destroys and poisons it, representing the legions of Chaos, in the name of the establishment and development of the new Kingdom, in the name of spiritual resurrection and healing of the being of everyone.

So it was in the beginning, so it is now, so it will be forever and ever!

Amen! Ananda Sat Tat Om!

(Ananda - bliss, joy, happiness, Sat - eternity, Tat - that, Om - bija mantra, the sound vibration of God).

Lord, Your eyes saw the embryo of Your daughter (son) (name). In Your book are written all the days appointed for her (him).

Friends, each of us has our own Family, and no matter what kind of relationship we have with our relatives, whether they are alive or not, we see each other often or not, we know about them or they know about it. The genus affects the fate of a person, as an integral part of it. It is known that sometimes the genoscope begins to prevail over the horoscope. As you know, the fate of a person is clearly influenced by 7 previous generations. Therefore, working with your Family is very important!

In this topic, I will post techniques and practices for working with Rod! I ask you to share your experience and best practices for the purification and healing of your Family.

Most spiritual illusions end as soon as we find ourselves among the most seemingly close ones - our parents, children and other relatives.

Why is this happening? Why, at times, the most key life Lessons are in the acceptance and understanding of blood relatives.

The answer to this question is multidimensional.

1. When incarnating, we choose a family for ourselves based on the key tasks and lessons that we have prepared for ourselves on Earth
2. We carry in our body, in our cells, not only our cosmic DNA, but, above all, the genetics that we inherited from our parents and their ancestors.
3. Each clan has its own Soul, which carries all the information and all generic programs, the well-being of everyone in the clan depends on the integrity and harmony of this Soul.

Why you need to work with the genus:

1. Understand and accept your place, role and tasks in the family
2. If you are in the wrong place, or playing the wrong role, then realizing this, allow generic system rebuild so that you take your true, harmonious place, thus restoring the harmonious flow of generic energy
3. The restoration of male and female tribal flows allows not only to improve relations with relatives, but also to harmonize relations with the opposite sex, as well as to ensure a more harmonious and enlightened life for your children and grandchildren.

Healing and gaining the strength of the Family

Meditation to restore Generic energy connections, remove negative generic programs and claim your right to the Power of the Family.

Working with the family

Work is best done standing (energies go better) or standing at least part of the meditation (stand at the end).
Pauses are required for the passage of energies.
You can't read everything and then close your eyes and let the energies through. Will not work. They are different, they do miscellaneous work- somewhere they destroy, somewhere they connect, somewhere they transform.
So, read one paragraph, close your eyes - let the energies pass. Read the next one, close your eyes, let the energies through, etc.
The text is read very slowly, energies are condensed around, there may be a feeling that the body is buzzing.
Working with family. Pre-Meditation Appeal

I ask the Angels of Karma for help in harmonizing and balancing the energy system of my Family
I express my will to be grounded in the process of doing this work.
I ask that the work be carried out as comfortably as possible for me with appropriate intensity and speed.
I ask that this work does not stop until the complete healing of the energy system of my Family.
before main text

Before speaking the main text, imagine the following.
You are standing, on the right side behind you is your father, on the left side is your mother. (Do not confuse the parties. This is important.)
Each parent has a hand on your shoulder.
Further, by the same principle, we go into the depths of generations.
For the father (in the same order) - his parents, for the mother - hers. Etc. Which of the distant generations you no longer know, just mentally designate and imagine simply in the form of figures.
The result is such a "pyramid" with you on the "edge".
To your right is the male (paternal) branch of your family. Left - female (maternal).
Now we pronounce the main text.
Preferably aloud. And imagine that at the same time as you say it and your whole family.

Meditation to restore Generic energy connections, remove negative generic programs and claim your right to the Power of the Family

With gratitude for the Gift of Life, I embrace and bless my entire Family with Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, I take responsibility for the fate of my Family.
Pause. (Let the energies pass and do their work)
In the name of the I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will
restore the broken connections in the energy system of my Family, including in it
all the exiled and forgotten;
all unwanted and deprived of love, respect and support;
all the unborn, rejected before their incarnation.
In the name of I AM ONE and LOVING, I express my will to transform the energies of separation, rejection and destruction (regardless of their source) into the energies of Love and Unity at all levels, in all generations, in all destinies of my Family.
In the name of the I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I bless with Love and release those who of their own free will choose to leave energy system my kind.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL, I accept the Power of my Family with gratitude and Love.
In the name of I AM ONE, LOVING and ETERNAL
from now on and forever, the flow of Light, Wisdom and Love of my Family flows freely through me and my generation into future lives for the benefit of my loved ones, Humanity, Earth, and the Universe.
Let it be done.
I thank the One Loving Eternal.


A person's family tree has a great influence on a person's life. It consists of 7 generations.
It can be drawn as follows: on a sheet of paper in the center along the bottom edge of the sheet, draw a square (man) or a circle (woman) yourself - this is the 1st generation. Next, draw up two dashes, to which draw a square (on the left) and a circle (on the right).
This is your father and mother - this is the second generation. From them, from each upwards, they also depart in a square and a circle. These are your grandparents - the third generation. And so on until the seventh generation, in which there will be 64 people. 32 couples, families. There will be 126 people in your family tree in total.
Your life largely depends on their life achievements and mistakes.
Having drawn your family tree, you have the opportunity to touch each of your 126 ancestors with your thought, pray for them, ask for guidance, help and support.
To do this, tap index finger circle or square of your ancestor and lovingly turn to him, express your respect and gratitude for the gift of life.
The best is to consistently descend or ascend the family tree from yourself, your parents, starting with your father and further, all the time, starting contact in the next generation with an ancestor on the male paternal line.
It is good if during this ritual behind the family tree will burn church candle.

Meditation from Archangel Michael

"For the purification and healing of the family"

I'm Michael, come by your intention
And I will clean the family up to the 9th generation
You need to relax, breathing evenly.
We will go with you to a cave in the center of the Earth,
Where are your books of Life collected.
Give me your hand, I will lead you.
Trust me!
We are with you at the majestic mountain,
Gates pop up before us,
And the doors creak open.
There are steps in front of us and we go down the steps
We enter the gate.
Look what do you see?
This is the beginning of our journey.
The steps lead further down and we go down them all the way down and we reach the door.
Consider the door, what is it?
And express your intent one more time
I, [name], I ask you to cleanse and heal my family tree up to the 9th knee on the maternal and paternal lines ”
The door swings open
You enter a large and bright hall,
There is a table in the middle of the room
There is a book on the table.
Consider the book, what is it?
Take her in your hands
This is a book of your incarnations and lessons.
If you are interested, you can browse it,
Or we can get started right away.
Put your hands on the book
I lay my hands on yours
And I open the Stream of Light and Love
Opening the Violet Flame of Transformation.
These streams in unison fill and illuminate your genealogies.
Cleared from raids.
You ask for forgiveness from everyone you once offended,
You are asked for forgiveness by those who gave you lessons.
Forgive everyone with all your heart and accept everything in yourself and in others.
Open your heart to All Acceptance!
And let your Love and Light flow always and everywhere, Here and Now!
I am Michael, healing all your wounds,
I wipe all your tears
I transform hate into love
Diseases in the Light
I fill you with Peace of Being and Wisdom.
Your family tree, look at it.
How does your tree feel?
Does it have any disadvantages
Little light? Lots of shade? Dry branches? Is the soil dry? What are the leaves?
Give the Tree what it needs.
Say like this:
“Archangel Michael, give my family tree as much light as it needs, such fertile soil as it needs and as much as it needs, etc.”
And now we can finish the job.
I take my hands off your hands
Now you release your hands.
Look at the book, what does it look like now?
Are there any changes?
Thank her and let her go.
We return with you
Give me your hand.
We go out, and the door and it closes with a creak.
Now we go up the stairs, one by one.
And now the gates are open
We exit, turn around, and the gate evaporates.
We are at the foot of the mountain.
Thank this place for letting you into the Hall of Remembrance!
Invisible Servants hear everything.
The rustling of the trees tells you that you have been heard
And they were happy to help.
I hold your hand and return you to your place,
You are at home.
Ground yourself.
You can open your eyes.
You are at home.
On this our trip to the Hall of Memory came to an end.
Thank you for your work and trust in me.
With love, Archangel Michael!
Truly so!


Relations with your mother affect a lot - your self-confidence, relationships with men. They say that a woman chooses a husband who looks like her mother, and everything that she did not accept in her mother, she also does not accept in a man and tries to get from him what she could not get from her mother once - unconditional love, support, attention, recognition. But since a man only internally resembles her mother, he is simply unable to give her what she prays for.

Once you figure out your relationship with your mom, you can attract someone who will give you what you need so badly. Your relationship with your mother also affects the difficulties in your life. The worse the relationship with your mother, the more difficulties in your life.

Relations with your father are responsible for your sexuality and financial flows. Energy flows from parents give strength to live and work. When these flows are interrupted, it is difficult to be successful.

But today we will deal with the maternal family. It is the maternal race that fills you with basic self-confidence. When all the women of your kind support you, you feel their strength and power behind your back.

If you keep grudges against your mother or grandmother, then you prevent this force from supporting you, you lose this force, you block the flow maternal love to yourself and, therefore, you do not feel connected with your family, with your roots.

So where, then, to take rootedness and steadfastness? To take off, you must first eat. All insecurity is born from dislike, when your mother criticizes something in you, is dissatisfied with something, but not with your behavior, but with you personally.

Vividly remember all these grievances, all your tears - and leave them in the past. Mom just did it because she truly loved you and wanted the best for you. She did everything the way she could and understood.

Allow yourself to live this resentment without blaming or judging it. It's never too late to have happy childhood. Now you will go on a journey to the first woman of your kind in order to reconnect and live your resentment.

Close your eyes and remember everything for which you were offended by your mother, what you could not accept in her, what angered you, caused pain, made you cry - remember everything and surrender to these feelings. Let yourself cry out all that has accumulated over the years.

When you feel better, remember your mother. What is she like now, what does she look like, what does she say. Remember what she was like when she was younger. Imagine her as a young woman giving birth to an adorable baby, you. See her as a very young girl, full of hope and in love with life.

See her as a long-legged teenager. See her as a little girl about five years old, see her as a very small child taking her first steps. See her as a newborn, imagine her in her mother's tummy.

Imagine her as a small cell and see how two lines connect in this cell - the life line of her mother and the life line of her father. Choose the line of her mother's life and follow it into the past.

See your grandmother carrying her child, see her as a young girl, open to life, see her very young and go further in her life, see her at twelve, see her as a very little girl and see her as a newborn.

And imagine her very tiny in her mother's tummy, and imagine how the life lines of her father and her mother are connected in this cell, and again choose the female line.

Walk along it into the depths of centuries until you reach the first woman of her kind. Look what she is, the first woman of your kind. Feel her strength, power and great love. Stand in front of her, accept her blessing and give her love and respect yourself.

See how all the women of your kind stand to the right and left of her, creating a circle of female power. See how different they are and at the same time how they are united. Fill them with your love, your strength, and accept their love and support.

And when you're ready, come back down the line female destiny, healing and straightening it, filling it with the light of your love and gratitude.

And see your grandmother again in her mother's tummy, see her as a newborn smiling at a new day, see her as a tiny girl discovering the world, see her as a little girl dancing and spinning, see her as a teenage girl, laughing and mischievous.

See her as a young girl, in love for the first time and rushing to her first date, See her as a young woman, waiting for her child.

And see your mom in her mom's tummy. And see your mother just born, and see your mother as a little girl playing with dolls and a ten year old reading a book, see your mother as a young girl smiling shyly at her lover.

See your mother waiting for her baby and see yourself in your mother's tummy, see yourself as a newborn, see yourself speaking first words, see yourself as a five year old receiving a birthday present.

See yourself young

girl going on a date for the first time. See yourself today. And as you inhale and exhale, return to reality.

Now you feel that all the Women of your Family stand behind you and support you. This will change the future fate of the women of your kind - both yours and your daughters.

And if you have sons, then their daughters will have to make their maternal journey and do what you have done now.

Now you can write new destiny women of their kind, and your descendants will continue what you started.

You can start like this: “From now on, all women of my kind…” and continue to write about what you want to happen in your life, in your relationships, in the lives of your daughters and the lives of your granddaughters.

The fact that a person comes into this world in a certain family, in a certain era, in certain social conditions and a specific culture is not an accident, but the very regularity.

Each soul before the next incarnation in this world signs a kind of contract. According to this contract, a person must make certain changes to the world, and the world in return provides him with the necessary starting conditions for this. Each soul that physically incarnates in this world has its own personal task - to grow up. Gain new knowledge and new experience, but not as a person limited in its existence by the lifetime of the physical body, but as a soul that is immortal.

Coming into this world, a person must do two things at the same time - to change his soul and change the world. If you fulfill this task, then the world provides you with all the necessary conditions for such an implementation. Streams of forces, new opportunities and starting conditions become available to you, in which clan and family play an important role.

But if a person does not fulfill the terms of the contract and does not develop his soul, all his incarnations will take place from time to time in more difficult and difficult conditions. After all, our consciousness is arranged in such a way that only passing through grief, through the destruction of our own reality, through the loss of everything that was significant, we are able to open our eyes, understand the important and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Ancestral karma is the imposition of mistakes and achievements of ancestors on the fate of a person. It can be both bad and good. This is a kind of program (the cumulative actions of our ancestors) that will have an impact beyond our desire. You can change a negative program only by working on yourself. You can also miss the Power of the Family if you do it wrong.

The generic program always corresponds to personal karma. The incarnation of the soul in a certain family does not depend on blind chance. During life, it is necessary to realize not only the task of one's Family, but also one's personal karmic task in the chain of ancestral ties.

Rod is, on the one hand, a source of strength, and on the other hand, our karma, our path. Thoughts, emotions and actions of each member of the Family fall into the piggy bank of the Family's Karma, improving or worsening it.

How is ancestral karma manifested? First of all, it is health, well-being, aspirations of a person, his energy reserve. It is also the appropriate social environment, abilities, opportunities and much more.

Each of us comes from four Clans (two from the mother's side and two from the father's side), karma is usually worked out only on one branch. Boys more often work out the karma of the Mother's Clan, and girls - of the Father's Clan. But no system has yet been identified in this matter. In each case, this is strictly individual.

Strength of the Family
According to the Genus, such forces can be transmitted as:

Luck (luck, the ability to get out of the water dry in any situation);
- Money (welfare, the ability to attract money in oneself);
- Health (physical endurance, longevity);
- Love (happy long-term marriage);
- Creativity (talents, abilities);
- Fertility (multiple offspring).

The flows of forces in the Family are unevenly distributed. But there are always key figures, conductors of these forces. You need to communicate with them more if they are alive, or try to connect with this branch mentally, find out more details of their life, understand how they lived and how. Thus, you can attract the Power of your Family.

The conductors of forces in the Family are women. Not miners, namely conductors. The main task of the Keepers of the Family is not to let it fade away. But it’s not enough just to give birth to children, you also need to pass on information to them: instruct, teach, educate in the traditions of the Family.

Exercise: How to know the Karma of your Family?
Make up family tree, ideally 7 generations ago. About all you need to collect as much information as possible. Write in front of each name what Power the person possessed. For clarity, you can put multi-colored icons. Thus, you will be able to see the flows of Forces, how and where they were directed along the Rod. (if you have any problems, send a request to the mail [email protected]- I will send you a completed questionnaire, which you just have to fill out).

You can also trace the flows of negative karma in the Family. Negative karma is poverty, illness, early or tragic deaths, unhappy love, infertility, imprisonment etc. If a lot of negative karma accumulates, the Genus closes over time.

Closing Rod

When does Closing take place? When the bowl of the negative karma of the Sort overflowed. There are many in the family negative programs, but people do not understand that they need to change for the better and develop. In this case, the Universe begins to treat such a Genus as a cancerous tumor that must be removed to save the whole organism. And Rod closes. In the Family, children cease to be born or those who are not viable are born, material flows are blocked.

The so-called ancestral curse also closes the genus. Ancestral curses are rare, and this requires weighty reasons - for example, a member of the Family once seriously violated the Higher Laws.

Signs of the closure of the Genus:

- short life expectancy (less than 50 years)
- persistent poverty
- hereditary diseases
- mental disorders, transmitted by genus
- alcoholism, drug addiction
- miscarriages, abortions
- death of children during childbirth
- infertility (2-3 cases per family)
- accidents, fires
- only girls are born in the family

A child is born to certain parents, whose life is directly connected with his own. Through birth, the process of human evolution takes place in the name of development. And yet children are born in order to become one of the most important tools for educating their parents, as well as their environment.

So, caring for a child suffering from Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, etc., parents thereby develop spiritually, learn unconditional love. These issues purify the parents.

The most important factor in the development of the child during pregnancy is internal state women, or rather, her feelings. Since it is they who form his energy health and future character.

Being born, the child begins to work off the sins of the Family, destructive programs that are passed down from generation to generation for this Family. Each of us is a certain link in the chain of generations.

On the one hand, Rod is a source of Power that gives us life, on the other hand, it is our Path.

Our ancestors knew that a person who has reached the age of majority helps his Family with prayers, pious deeds for seven generations in the future and seven generations in the past. Thus, the Power of Piety of the Family gradually accumulates and passes from generation to generation.

And vice versa, if we dedicate our lives to negative deeds, then by doing so we not only degrade ourselves, but pump out energy from our Family, and for seven generations both forward and backward.

By the way, this explains why one person at birth has any benefits, and the other does not. Why are some people born healthy and others sick?

How we use this power depends only on ourselves. The Power of the Piety of the Family is the basis for the birth of a brilliant child. As a legacy from the Family, we receive not only mental, mental and physical data, but also certain patterns of repeating the fate of relatives.

So, if a girl was born and raised in a family where her father drinks, then there is a possibility that her husband (and maybe son) will also be a drinker.

But this can be avoided if due attention is paid to spiritual purification, prayers.

Everything is in a very close relationship. Therefore, work on your life, remember that everything is only in your hands.

Do I need to clean my Family?

What to do if you are related to such a weak or closing Genus? There are various energy practices of cleaning the Family, which help to sort out the intricate relationships. We took many of them as part of the course.

The experience of one's ancestors must be accepted with gratitude and reverence.

The connection of generations, their harmonious interaction is very important for all members of the Family. The clan brings up respect for each other, reverence for elders, and this is a necessary condition for spiritual development. The forces and energies invested in building these relationships pay off handsomely.

Your success, personal life and your life scenarios depend on the strength of the family and the relationships within it. If the relationship in the family is weak, difficult, negative, this will also affect your life.

It is especially important to purify the ancestral karma for those in whose family there are suicides, unborn children, including those who have been aborted, and those who have been separated from the family. These members of the genus invisibly influence the life of each next person in the genus.

The heaviest curses go to the youngest member of the family in the female line.

Sometimes we ourselves become the person on whom all this burden falls, or it happens to our daughters. And often we do not understand why there is a constant slippage in life, everything does not turn out the way we wanted, the expected does not bring joy.

On special days of the year, there is an opportunity to purge the family and free it from sins, litigation and suffering. A woman, as a priestess of the clan, can and should do this in order to protect her children and her happiness. The heavy karma of the family will be cleared - and you will gain strength and joy, new thoughts will illuminate your head. Perhaps even the members of the genus themselves will dream of you in good dreams and thank you for it - I have seen this in my practice. In the future, you will gain the protection and support of the family, which gives a feeling of peace and security.

There are many different practices, and I will tell you the one that I often offer to my clients and which I tested on myself - it really works.

The ritual of cleansing the clan and the purification of tribal karma

The essence of the practice: honoring the ancestors by offering them consecrated food. To perform this ritual, you will need: two new plates from which no one has eaten, a church candle and a new pack of rice.

The ritual is best done on the waning moon and on the week of honoring the clan - this is Shrovetide week or period. It is advisable to practice in the morning - the energy at this time is the most blissful.

So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

Put the rice to boil. While it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted.

When it is cooked, place it on a clean plate, preferably a new one, and place it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. I will give prayer options for this.

Prayer for the offering of food in the Christian tradition

For the blessing of food and drink for the laity.

Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with prayers.
Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever.
(Cross food and drink.)

Vedic mantra for offering food

Namo Om Vishnu padaya
krishna prestaya bhutale
Shrimate bhaktivedanta
Swamin ichi namine

Namaste sarasvati deve
Gaura Vani Pracharine
Pashchatya desha tarine

Nama maha vadanyayya
Krishna prema pradaya te
Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
Namne gaura-tvishe namah

Namo brahmanya-devaya
Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
Govindaya namo namah

Each verse is read three times.

Offering food in the Slavic tradition

Heavenly race, progenitor!
You are the protector of all births!
Remember my ancestors, who are in Your bright Svarga!
Now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Prayer for Muslim women

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ‎‎

Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim. In the name of Allah, the Merciful and Merciful."

“The Bismillah contains the names of Allah. Allah directly indicates that everything begins only at the will and by the will of the Almighty. Rahman is His attribute, which indicates that only Allah keeps the matter intact and existing, and Rahim is also His attribute, which, through the grace of Allah, allows a person to benefit from this matter. Therefore, all deeds that begin with the prayer “Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” will be granted Barakat and the blessing of the Almighty.” ©

Wait 5-10 minutes for the Lord to bless the food.

After that, the consecrated rice must be transferred to another new plate.

Put it in another place, light a candle and say:

I invite members of my kind to come and take this food.

Invitation of ancestors in the Slavic tradition:

« Holy Fathers, we call you! Holy Grandfathers, fly to us!»

At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and pray for 20-30 minutes.

Then thank your kind:

I thank you for accepting this food. Now you can go. Return to your space and your time.

In the Slavic tradition:

« Holy Grandfathers, you flew here, drank and ate, now fly to your place!»

Make a bow.


This food should not be eaten by living people and also should not be thrown away. We must give it to the animals - take it out and put it on the ground.

This completes the ritual.

You can't eat from these bowls. Mark the plate in which food was offered to God, and mark the one in which the ancestors ate. It is better to remove them separately.

After practice, rest - for example, lie down, you can take a nap.

This is a very powerful cleansing practice. ancestral karma, it is advisable to do it several times. You can write to me about changes in life when you do this!

And remember: you are a woman, in your hands is the opportunity to create a strong strong family that will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

Answers to common questions about the practice of offering food to ancestors

Question: Is it possible to offer food and do this practice on critical days?

Answer: No, it's unfavorable. The ritual can be performed on the fourth day from the beginning of menstruation, after taking a full bath.

Question: Is it possible to do this ritual for a spouse?

Answer: Yes it is very good. For the kind of husband, take another plate and change the wording a little: " I invite members of my husband's clan to come and eat».

Question: What to do with leftover rice in a bag?

Answer: This rice can be cooked for households or left for further offering to the ancestors.

Question: How much rice should be cooked?

Answer: Ideally, it’s good to cook a lot: the more homeless animals you feed, the better. But if there are no very hungry animals near you and you doubt that you can feed a lot of rice on the street, then cook a little, for one or two servings.
