Russian writers storytellers and their works. Famous storytellers

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

More than one generation of people grew up on the works of the Danish writer, storyteller and playwright. WITH early childhood Hans was a visionary and a dreamer, he adored puppet theaters and began to write poetry early. His father died when Hans was not even ten years old, the boy worked as an apprentice at a tailor, then at a cigarette factory, at the age of 14 he already played minor roles in Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Andersen wrote his first play at the age of 15, it was a great success, in 1835 his first book of fairy tales was published, which many children and adults read with delight to this day. Of his works, the most famous are Flint, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen», « ugly duck”,“ The Princess and the Pea ”and many others.

Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

The French storyteller, critic and poet was an exemplary excellent student in childhood. He received a good education, made a career as a lawyer and writer, he was admitted to the French Academy, wrote a lot scientific papers. He published his first book of fairy tales under a pseudonym - the name of his eldest son was indicated on the cover, since Perrault was afraid that the storyteller's reputation could damage his career. In 1697, his collection Tales of Mother Goose was published, which brought Perrault world fame. Based on the plot of his fairy tales, famous ballets And operatic works. As for the most famous works, few people did not read in childhood about Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread House, Thumb Boy, Bluebeard.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837)

Not only the poems and poems of the great poet and playwright enjoy the well-deserved love of people, but also wonderful fairy tales in verse. Alexander Pushkin began to write his poems at an early age, he received a good education at home, graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (privileged educational institution), befriended others famous poets, including the "Decembrists". In the life of the poet there were both periods of ups and tragic events: accusations of freethinking, misunderstanding and condemnation of the authorities, finally, a fatal duel, as a result of which Pushkin received a mortal wound and died at the age of 38. But his legacy remains: last fairy tale, written by the poet, became "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel". Also known are “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, the Tale of dead princess and seven bogatyrs", "The Tale of the Priest and Worker Balda".

Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859), Jacob (1785-1863)

Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were inseparable from their youth to the very grave: they were connected by common interests and common adventures. Wilhelm Grimm grew up as a sickly and weak boy, only in adulthood his health more or less returned to normal, Jacob always supported his brother. The Grimm brothers were not only connoisseurs of German folklore, but also linguists, lawyers, scientists. One brother chose the path of a philologist, studying the memoirs of ancient German literature, the other became a scientist. world fame fairy tales were brought to the brothers, although some works are considered “not for children”. The most famous are “Snow White and Scarlet”, “Straw, Coal and Bean”, “Bremen Street Musicians”, “The Brave Tailor”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Hansel and Gretel” and others.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950)

The Russian writer and folklorist, who was the first to perform a literary adaptation of the Ural legends, left us an invaluable legacy. He was born into a simple working-class family, but this did not stop him from graduating from the seminary and becoming a teacher of the Russian language. In 1918, he volunteered for the front, returning, he decided to turn to journalism. Only on the occasion of the author's 60th birthday was the collection of short stories "The Malachite Box" published, which Bazhov brought people's love. It is interesting that fairy tales are made in the form of legends: folk speech, folklore images make each piece special. Most famous fairy tales: "Mistress of the Copper Mountain", " silver hoof”, “Malachite Box”, “Two Lizards”, “Golden Hair”, “Stone Flower”.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Famous writer, poet and reformer. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England, he later called those years “years of suffering”, because the people who raised him turned out to be cruel and indifferent. The future writer was educated, returned to India, and then went on a trip, visiting many countries in Asia and America. When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded Nobel Prize- and to this day he remains the youngest writer-laureate in his nomination. Kipling's most famous children's book is, of course, The Jungle Book, the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, it is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: the leopard got his spots”, they all tell about distant lands and are very interesting.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776-1822)

Hoffmann was a very versatile and talented person: composer, artist, writer, storyteller. He was born in Koningsberg when he was 3 years old, his parents separated: the older brother left with his father, and Ernst stayed with his mother, Hoffmann never saw his brother again. Ernst has always been a mischievous and dreamer, he was often called a "troublemaker." Interestingly, next to the house where the Hoffmanns lived, there was a women's boarding house, and Ernst liked one of the girls so much that he even began to dig a tunnel to get to know her. When the manhole was almost ready, my uncle found out about it and ordered to fill up the passage. Hoffmann always dreamed that after his death there would be a memory of him - and it happened, his fairy tales are read to this day: the most famous ones are “The Golden Pot”, “The Nutcracker”, “Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober” and others.

Alan Milne (1882-1856)

Who among us does not know the funny bear with sawdust in his head - Winnie the Pooh and his funny friends? - the author of these funny fairy tales and is Alan Milne. The writer spent his childhood in London, he was a well-educated man, then he served in the Royal Army. The first bear stories were written in 1926. Interestingly, Alan did not read his works to his own son Christopher, preferring to educate him on more serious literary stories. Christopher read his father's fairy tales as an adult. The books have been translated into 25 languages ​​and enjoy great success in many countries around the world. In addition to stories about Winnie the Pooh known fairy tales "Princess Nesmeyana", "Ordinary Fairy Tale", "Prince Rabbit" and others.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945)

Alexei Tolstoy wrote in many genres and styles, received the title of academician, and during the war he was a war correspondent. As a child, Alexei lived on the Sosnovka farm in the house of his stepfather (his mother left his father, Count Tolstoy, while pregnant). Tolstoy spent several years abroad, studying the literature and folklore of different countries: this is how the idea arose to rewrite new way fairy tale Pinocchio. In 1935, his book The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio was published. Alexey Tolstoy also released 2 collections own fairy tales, called "Mermaid Tales" and " Forty tales". The most famous "adult" works are "Walking through the torments", "Aelita", "Hyperboloid of engineer Garin".

Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev (1826-1871)

This is an outstanding folklorist and historian, who from his youth was fond of folk art and explored it. At first he worked as a journalist in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at which time he began his research. Afanasiev is considered one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, his collection of Russian folk tales is the only collection of Russian East Slavic tales that can be called " folk book“, because more than one generation has grown up on them. The first publication dates back to 1855, since then the book has been reprinted more than once.

The review includes collections from different price categories with the largest number of fairy tales with classical translations. All books are highly rated positive reviews readers and about the translations of the texts of fairy tales, and about the illustrations in these collections.

Hans Christian Andersen

1) Tales

Little Claus and Big Claus
Princess on the Pea
The king's new dress
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Wild Swans
Ugly duck
Darning needle
Red shoes
Girl with matches
an old house
The Snow Queen. Adventures in seven tales
The first tale, which speaks of a mirror and
its fragments
The second story. boy and girl
The third story. The flower garden of a woman who knew how
The fourth story. Prince and Princess
Fifth story. Little Robber
Story six. Lapland and Finnish
Seventh story. What was in the halls of the Snow
queens and what happened next
About the illustrator

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Fairy tales and stories (in a case)

Expensive collector's edition, which will decorate any home library. complete collection fairy tales and stories H.-K. Andersen, prepared according to the principles of the "Monuments of World Culture" series. Large format, cloth-bound, book with dust jacket and gift box, coated paper, 864 pages, approximately 2,000 color and black and white illustrations, high-quality European polygraphy (Italy). The book is illustrated with works of world art, illustrations from the best editions of the 19th-20th centuries in Russian and European languages.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3) Tales

An inexpensive collection of Andersen's fairy tales in a classic design: a classic translation by Anna Vasilievna Ganzen and classic illustrations by artist Vladimir Petrovich Panov. Recommended for elementary and middle school students.
- A5 format;
- the cover is hard smooth;
- the pages in the book are white, thin, offset, a little translucent, but this does not interfere with reading;
- medium font
- black and white illustrations, clear, drawn, 1-2 pictures for a fairy tale;
A. Sharov. Life in a fairy tale
ugly duck
Princess on the Pea
The king's new dress
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Wild Swans
Ole Lukoye
Shepherdess and chimney sweep
Old Street light
Darning needle
Girl with matches
Elder Mother
Hans Chump
The Snow Queen

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

4) The most famous fairy tales

Of all Andersen's inexpensive collections, this is the most complete. In the classic translation by Anna Ganzen and, most importantly, without abbreviations. There are no cards either. Recommended for Junior Intermediate school age.

E.V. Shukshina Money for Mr. Andersen
In a thousand years. Translation by A. Ganzen
Galoshes of happiness. Translation by A. Ganzen
Princess on the Pea. Translation by A. Ganzen
Hans Churban. Old story, retold
again. Translation by A. Ganzen
Girl with matches. Translation by Y. Yakhnina
And sometimes happiness is hidden in a chip Translation A
Buckwheat. Translation by A. Ganzen
Nightingale. Translation by A. Ganzen
twelve passengers. Translation by A. Ganzen
Linen. Translation by A. Ganzen
The fate of the burdock. Translation by A. Ganzen
Darning needle. Translation by A. Ganzen
Aunt Toothache. Translation by A. Ganzen
Heart grief. Translation by A. Ganzen
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Translation by A. Ganzen
Thumbelina. Translation by A. Ganzen
Spruce. Translation by A. Ganzen
Wild Swans. Translation by A. Ganzen
Anna Lisbeth. Translation by A. Ganzen
True truth. Translation by A. Ganzen
Garden of Eden. Translation by A. Ganzen
The Snow Queen. A fairy tale in seven stories
Translation by A. Ganzen
Pen and inkwell. Translation by A. Ganzen
The last gem. Translation by A. Ganzen
Mermaid. Translation by A. Ganzen
Bird folk song. Translation by A. Ganzen
snail and rose bush. Translation by A. Ganzen
Walkers. Translation by A. Ganzen
Shadow. Translation by A. Ganzen
Old street lamp. Translation by A. Ganzen
Green crumbs. Translation by A. Ganzen
Swineherd. Translation by A. Ganzen
Girl stepping on bread
Translation by A. Ganzen
Angel. Translation by A. Ganzen
Ib and Christina. Translation by A. Ganzen
Ugly duck. Translation by A. Ganzen
Grandmother. Translation by A. Ganzen
Shepherdess and chimney sweep. Translation by A. Ganzen
What can you think of. Translation by A. Ganzen
Dream. Translation by A. Ganzen
Yard rooster and weather vane
Translation by A. Ganzen
Road friend. Translation by A. Ganzen
Flint. Translation by A. Ganzen
Red shoes. Translation by A. Ganzen
Bell mound. Translation by A. Ganzen
Elder mother. Translation by A. Ganzen
Chamomile. Translation by A. Ganzen
Silver coin. Translation by A. Ganzen
The king's new dress. Translation by A. Ganzen
Ole Lukoye. Translation by A. Ganzen
Airplane chest. Translation by A. Ganzen

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Brothers Grimm

1) Tales

Inexpensive collection with luxurious illustrations. The collection includes some of the most famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Hansel and Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Pied Piper of Hamelin. Wonderful illustrations by John Patience make them even more magical and interesting!
John Patience - English writer and an artist who has illustrated over 150 works.

2) Tales of the Brothers Grimm (Deluxe Edition)

Expensive deluxe edition with a lot of fairy tales. Fairy tales are given not in retelling for children, but in literal translation, therefore, all their original "bloodthirstiness" is preserved. That is, this book is not for reading by children, but for adult lovers of literature and folklore, who, in turn, can retell these tales to children.

The Frog King, or Iron Henry
Friendship of a cat and a mouse
Mary's child
Wolf and seven little goats
Faithful Johann
good exchange
Quirky Musician
twelve brothers
A rabble of ragamuffins
Brother and sister
Three people in the forest
Three spins
Hansel and Gretel
Three snake leaves
White Snake
Straw, coal and bean
About the fisherman and his wife
Brave little tailor
About the mouse, the bird and grilled sausage
Mrs. Metelitsa
seven ravens
Little Red Riding Hood
Bremen street musicians
singing bone
The devil with the three golden hairs
louse and flea
girl without hands
Hans the simpleton
Three languages
Smart Elsa
Tailor in Paradise
Table-to-cover yourself, a golden donkey and a club from
Thumb boy
Lady Fox's wedding
Bridegroom Robber
Mr. Korbs
Mrs Trude
godfather's death
Thumb's Journey
outlandish bird
About the enchanted tree
old dog
six swans
King Thrushbeard
Snow White
Knapsack, hat and horn
Dear Roland
golden bird
Dog and sparrow
Frieder and Katherlischen
Two brothers
poor man
queen bee
Three feathers
golden goose
Motley Pelt
bunny bride
twelve hunters
The thief and his teacher
Jorinda and Joringel
Three lucky people
Six of us will go around the whole world
Wolves man
wolf and fox
Fox and lady godmother
Fox and cat
Resourceful Gretel
old grandfather and granddaughters
On the death of a hen
Brother Veselchak
Hansl player
Lucky Hans
Hans gets married
golden children
Fox and geese
The poor and the rich
Singing and jumping lion lark
young giant
Underground little man
King from the Golden Mountain
Clever daughter of a peasant
Hildebrand, his young wife and pastor
Three birdies
living water
Dr. Know-It-All
Spirit in a bottle
Dirty brother of the devil
teddy bear
Wren and bear
sweet porridge
Smart people
Tales about already
Two wanderers
Hans hedgehog
Flail from paradise
royal children
About the resourceful tailor
Nothing can hide from the bright sun!
blue candle
Disobedient child
Three paramedics
Seven Swabians
Three apprentices
The king's son who was not afraid of anything
Werewolf donkey
Three brothers
The devil and his grandmother
iron furnace
lazy spinner
Four skillful brothers
Mystery fairy tale
Snow White and Rose
Gosling at the well
The giant and the tailor
hare and hedgehog
Chronology of the life and work of Jacob and Wilhelm


3) Tales of the Brothers Grimm. In the retelling of A. Vvedensky

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm in the retellings of the Russian poet A. Vvedensky have never been published together. In 1936, the DETGIZ publishing house published a book with 18 fairy tales, this edition has long been a rarity.
This edition contains all 48 fairy tales that were retold and rethought by an outstanding Russian writer for our children.
The reader will not only get acquainted with the famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, but also learn what a fairy tale is, when it appeared and how it has changed. He learns about the life of the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm and about their difficult work on fairy tales. Another book tells about Alexander Ivanovich Vvedensky, a poet and writer who retold these tales from German and processed them for the Russian reader. And Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak himself was the editor of fairy tales!
Be careful opening the book to a random page! Fairy tales inside are arranged in such a way that the book "grows up": first there are fairy tales for kids, then for older children, and at the end of the collection - horror stories for the most adults.
B. Letov. "Brothers Grimm".
Fox and geese.
Cat and mouse.
Hare and hedgehog.
Straw, charcoal and bean.
The wolf and the seven Young goats.
King and bear.
Bunny house.
A pot of porridge.
Three brothers.
Little people.
Little Red Riding Hood.
Seven brave men.
The Bremen Town Musicians.
Lady blizzard.
Every rabble.
Profitable business.
Know-it-all doctor.
Silly Hans.
Three lucky ones.
Golden goose.
Crushed shoes.
Brave tailor.
Six of us will go around the whole earth.
Young giant.
Smart Elsa.
Three people in the forest.
Hans is happy.
Thumb boy.
Jorinda and Joringel.
Seven ravens.
Brother and sister.
Blue candle.
Snow Maiden.
"Table, cover yourself", a golden donkey and a club from a bag.
Three spins.
Smart Gretel.
Damn dirty brother.
One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye.
Hansel and Gretel.
Knapsack, hat and horn.
The devil with three golden hairs.
Two wanderers about a man who knew no fear.
I. Cavin. "For the benefit and education of everyone."

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

4) The best fairy tales

frog king
Fisherman and his wife
queen bee
glass coffin
Magic pot of porridge
forest hut
Skylark - songbird and jumper
crystal ball
Little Red Riding Hood
golden bird
twelve hunters
White and Rose
Three spins
living water
Bunny bride
Thumb boy
iron furnace
twelve dancing princesses
young giant
Elves and shoemaker
Mother Metelitsa
Spirit from a bottle
Gifts for little people
Mermaid in the pond
golden goose
Gosling at the well
Lamb and fish
six swans
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Jorinda and Joringel
golden children
Forest old woman
Hansel and Gretel
The Bremen Town Musicians
King Thrushbeard
Brave little tailor
Spindle, hook and needle
The wolf and the seven Young goats
bird princess
Iron John
Poor farmhand at the mill and a kitty
star money

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

7) Tales

In addition to fairy tales, the book includes children's legends that last time published in Russian in 1905.
Noble deluxe edition! Contains 202 Tales and 9 children's legends. Gold stamping, three-sided mirror gold edge, silk ribbon lace, exclusive coated paper. Excellent silk binding. The content is not adapted for young children. Recommended for middle and high school age.

frog king
Cat and mouse together
Adopted Mother of God
Robber and his sons
Tale of who went to fear to learn
The wolf and the seven Young goats
Faithful Johannes
Successful trade
Quirky Musician
twelve brothers
Every rabble
Brother and sister
Three little woodsmen
Three spins
Hansel and Gretel
Three snake leaves
White Snake
Straw, coal and bean
Tale of the fisherman and his wife
Brave little tailor
About a mouse, a bird and a sausage
Mrs. Metelitsa
seven ravens
Little Red Riding Hood
Bremen street musicians
singing bone
The devil with the three golden hairs
louse and flea
Handless girl
Smart Hans
Three languages
Smart Elsa
tailor in the sky
Table - cover yourself
Tom Thumb
Lady Lisa's wedding
Rogue Groom
Mr Corbes
Frau Truda
Snow Maiden
wonder bird
The Tale of the Juniper
Old Sultan
Death in godfathers
The Thumb Boy's Wanderings
six swans
foundling bird
King Thrusher
Knapsack, cap and horn
Dear Roland
golden bird
dog and sparrow
Frieder and Katherlischen
Two brothers
little man
queen bee
Three feathers
golden goose
Wild girl
hare bride
twelve hunters
The thief and his teacher
Jorinda and Joringel
Three lucky people
Six will go around the world
wolf and man
wolf and fox
Fox and Kuma
fox and cat
Smart Gretel
About the death of a chicken
Old grandfather and granddaughter
Clever peasant daughter
Old Hildebrand
Hans in happiness
Hans gets married
golden children
Fox and geese
The poor and the rich
young giant
Underground little man
King from the Golden Mountain
tory birdies
living water
Dr. Know-It-All
Spirit in a bottle
Damn dirty brother
bear cub
Wren and bear
sweet porridge
Smart people
Tales about the toad
Poor mill worker and kitty
Two wanderers
Hans my hedgehog
Monk in the thorn
scientist hunter
royal children
Flail from the sky
About smart tailor
The clear sun will reveal the whole truth
blue candle
Three paramedics
Seven Swabians
Three apprentices
The prince who was not afraid of anything
lettuce donkey
Forest old woman
Three brothers
The devil and his grandmother
Ferenand the Faithful and Ferenand the Unfaithful
iron furnace
lazy spinner
Four skillful brothers
One-eye, two-eye and three-eye
Beauty Catrinellier
Worn out shoes
Fox and horse
six servants
White and black bride
Iron Hans
Three black princesses
Kneist and his three sons
The Girl from Brakel
domestic servants
Lamb and fish
Zimeli Mountain
How to wander around the world
ungrateful son
Reforged Man
God's Beasts and Damn Beasts
About a blessed country unprecedented
old beggar woman
cock log
Three lazy
Twelve lazy workers
star thalers
shepherd boy
Stolen penny
Sparrow and his four children
Mystery fairy tale
fairy tale
Snow White and Scarlet
smart worker
glass coffin
Lazy Heinz
vulture bird
Mighty Hans
Man in the sky
Skinny Lisa
forest hut
Love and grief equally
flounder fish
Owl bittern and hoopoe
Life span
Messengers of death
Master Pfrim
Gosling at the well
Unequal Evina's children
Mermaid in the pond
Gifts of the Little Folk
The giant and the tailor
Poor shepherd in the grave
real bride
hare and hedgehog
Spindle, shuttle and needle
The man and the devil
Bread crumbs on the table
Sea fish
Artful thief
Drummer Bread Ear
grave hill
Old Rinkrank
crystal ball
Maiden Malein
Buffalo boot
Golden Key
Loyal Beasts
Poverty and humility lead to salvation
old lady
God fed
old man in the forest
Three green branches
boy in paradise
hazel branch

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Charles Perrault

If the child is impressionable and fairy tales with bloody scenes like the Brothers Grimm in Petnikov's translation scare him, then it is better to opt for Perro in the retellings of Gabbe and Bulatov.

1) Cinderella. The Complete Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault

This is a really chic gift edition, on excellent paper with good illustrations. Collected illustrations from various publications, both modern and "pre-revolutionary" (at least the beginning of the last century), in different styles and not only Russian
In general, a book for sufficiently adult children (when they become interested in horror films, or at least they are ready to treat them "philosophically"). It appears that the book contains original lyrics Ch. Perro, with whom most of us are little familiar (for example, you know that Cinderella's sisters cut off parts of their feet with an ax to put on glass slipper? Are your kids ready for this plot twist?
So far, I have only met Sleeping Beauty and learned with great surprise that nothing ends with the kiss of the Prince (he actually did not exist). the second part of the tale metaphorically describes the "beautiful" relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law. The fairy tale forced to "scour" the Internet for plot variations. Impressive.
But children of a certain age, 7-9 years old, when there is an interest in all sorts of horror stories, they should like it.
Cinderella, or the story of the glass slipper
Little Red Riding Hood
Puss in Boots
sleeping Beauty
Blue Beard
The sorceress and her gift
Tom Thumb
Rike Tufted
Donkey Skin
Faithful Griselda
Fulfilled and unfulfilled desires
List of illustrations

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Tales
Inexpensive edition. The collection includes 9 fairy tales, among which are the most famous: Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Little Red Riding Hood, Bluebeard, Sleeping Beauty.
The stories are not abbreviated, but are easy to read. Little Red Riding Hood will remain alive, but the wolf will still have to be killed.
The font is large enough to read easily. White coated paper with bright and beautiful illustrations. Located at every turn.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3)Fairy tales

A magnificent new edition of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, reprinted from the rarest edition of 1867.
Large format, 120 coated pages in the color of baked milk, full-page illustrations on almost every spread, and what! Dore painted them in black and white, but we and our children can admire the colors, very delicately painted!
Turgenev's retelling is wonderful, but not for the little ones: the wolf here just eats Little Red Riding Hood. We see the tales in this retelling as somewhat creepy, as they are in the original.
The publication includes 9 fairy tales: Little Red Riding Hood, Boy-with-Thumb, Sleeping Beauty, Zamarashka, Puss in Boots, Hohlik, Donkey Skin, Sorceress, Blue Beard.


Hoffmann Ernst Theodor Amadeus

1) Tales of Hoffmann
An excellent gift edition of E.T.A. Hoffmann, the book includes well-known and famous fairy tales:
1. Royal bride. Translation by L. Sokolovsky
2. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Translation by L. Sokolovsky
3. Golden pot. Translation by V. Solovyov
4. Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober. Translation by A. Morozov
5. Sandman. Translation by M. Beketova.

The book is of high quality and stylishly - pleasant not small font, red interesting design of titles and the beginning of the text, ornate patterns in the era of the author.
Good artistic illustrations - paintings and landscapes by artists H. Dahl, G. Dow, M. Gabriel, D. Velazquez and many others, all in a successful, in my opinion, 26 * 20 format, on coated partially glossy paper.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Nutcracker and others fairy tales

The whimsical narration of Hoffmann's fairy tales, which are presented in this edition in a beautiful arrangement for children by Leonid Yakhnin, are surprisingly harmoniously intertwined with illustrations by Nika Goltz, Honored Artist of Russia.
For creating unique images in children's literature, she was awarded a diploma International Prize named after H.K. Andersen. Many works by Nika Goltz are in museums in Russia and abroad, including the Tretyakov Gallery.
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King.
Beautiful child.
Royal bride.
Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober.

Wilhelm Hauff

1) Tales of Wilhelm Hauff

There are five fairy tales in this collection: “Little torment”, “Dwarf Nose” - this is familiar, but “Monkey in the role of a man”, “The story of the ghost ship”, “Cold heart” are very rare. There are many words in fairy tales that require explanation. They are in the fields.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Little Longnose. The story of little Muk

A very beautiful book that would make a great gift. You can also yourself. I put the age at 7-10 years, but I think that this version of the translation will be easier for children from the age of 10. For younger children, the version in the retelling of M. Salye Little Muk is preferable)

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

3) Tales

Colorfully designed inexpensive collection of fairy tales in the retelling of Leonid Yakhnin.
Wilhelm Hauff lived only 24 years, but left a considerable legacy: three collections of fairy tales, several novels and poems. "Little Muk", "Dwarf Nose" and "Caliph Stork" - these Tales are known all over the world. They are included in the collection "Tales" of the publishing house "Strekoza". From the fairy tale "Little Muk" you can start your child's acquaintance with creativity German writer.
The collection "Tales" by V. Gauf is suitable for reading to children from five years old.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

1) Golden tales of great storytellers

1. "Cinderella" - translation by Tamara Gabbe, artist - Michele.
2. "Snow White" - translation by Pyotr Polevoy, artist - Pikka.
3. "Sleeping Beauty" - translation by Tamara Gabbe, artist -Ferry.
4. "Beauty and the Beast" - translated by Alexander Etoev, artist - Pikka.
5. "Rapunzel" - translation by Peter Polevoy, artist - Sergio.
6. "Thumbelina" - translated by Anna and Peter Ganzen, artist - Sani.
7. "Donkey skin" - translated by Ivan Turgenev, artist - Ferry.
8. "Kidnapped Princess" - translated by Alexander Etoev, artist - Ferry.
9. "The new dress of the king" - translated by Anna and Peter Ganzen, artist - Pikka.

10. "The Frog King or Iron Heinrich" - translation by Tamara Gabbe, artist - Una.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

2) Fairy tales, fairy tales, fairy tales... Tales of foreign writers

C. Perrault. Translated by T. Gabbe. FAIRY GIFTS
I. and W. Grimm. Translated by L. Cohn. WHITE AND ROSE
I. and W. Grimm. Translation by O. Stepanova. MRS METELITSA
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. THE STEADFAST TIN SOLDIER
C. Perrault. Translated by T. Gabbe. SLEEPING BEAUTY
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. PRINCESS ON THE PEA
I. and W. Grimm. Translated from German and arranged by V. Waldman. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD
I. and W. Grimm. Translated by T. Gabbe. GNOME-TICHOGROM
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. FLINT
I. and W. Grimm. Translated by T. Gabbe. KING-FROG, OR IRON HEINRICH
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. THUMILE
I. and W. Grimm. Translated by L. Cohn. THE BREMEN TOWN MUSICIANS
C. Perrault. Translated by T. Gabbe. PUSS IN BOOTS
I. and W. Grimm. Translated from German and arranged by V. Waldman. GOLDEN GOOSE
C. Perrault. Translated by T. Gabbe. CINDERELLA, OR CRYSTAL SLIPPER
H.K. Andersen. Translation by A. Hansen. WILD SWAN
I. and W. Grimm. Translation by O. Stepanova. POT OF PORRIDGE

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)
The book is solid, the paper is thick, toned. Each story has an illustration. Very elegant frames make the book joyful and elegant. The font is large, suitable for independent reading by children. There are 17 fairy tales in total - 4 by Ch. Perrault, 8 by the Brothers Grimm, 5 by H.K. Andersen. However, some are processed and cut. For example, the fairy tale "Pot of porridge" fits on half a sheet.

3)Ch. Perrault, E. T. A. Hoffmann, J. and W. Grimm, W. Gauf, H. K. Andersen. Fairy tales

C. Perrault:
Little Red Riding Hood
Puss in Boots
Tom Thumb
sleeping Beauty
fairy gifts
Donkey Skin
Blue Beard
E. T. A. Hoffman:
The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
I. and V. Grimm:
The Bremen Town Musicians
Hansel and Gretel
The Frog King, or Iron Heinrich
Brave little tailor
Snow Maiden
Worn out shoes
Smart Elsa
Three spins
V. Gauf:
The story of the caliph stork
Ghost ship story
Little Flour's Tale
Little Longnose
H. K. Andersen:
ugly duck
Princess on the Pea
The Snow Queen
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
Darning needle
The king's new dress
Ole Lukoye
Wild Swans

The collection includes 35 of the most famous tales of European writers. Fairy tales are given without abbreviations. The paper is white, the font is very easy to read for both children and adults (large and clear). The downside is that there are no illustrations. The book is aimed at younger students.

Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

4) The Rose of Christ and Other Christmas Tales

This book contains fairy tales of Christian writers from different countries about the Nativity of Christ - a holiday full of joy and love. Everyone's favorite fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is printed without the cuts that were made in Soviet years, full text imbued with the Christian meaning of sacrificial love. A book about mercy and good deeds will be useful and joyful reading in anticipation of Christmas and on holy days of Christmas
For elementary and middle school age. The font is very large, clearly designed for the fact that the young reader will get acquainted with the book on their own. There are few illustrations, they are rather small, they are given at the beginning and at the end of each work. The book is pleasant to hold and read, the paper is thick, good quality, printing is clear.
But the main thing in this book is its content. Here are the most beloved and familiar stories from childhood. These are 5 Christmas stories from Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf, the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. One of these stories gave the name to the entire collection. The following are two of the most famous children's works of the Christmas theme "The Nutcracker and mouse king" E. T. A. Hoffman and "The Snow Queen" G. H. Andersen.
Labyrinth (click on the picture!)

Bookshelves by age from 0 to 12+ can be viewed here

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

More than one generation of people grew up on the works of the Danish writer, storyteller and playwright.

From early childhood, Hans was a visionary and dreamer, he adored puppet theaters and began to write poetry early.

His father died when Hans was not even ten years old, the boy worked as an apprentice at a tailor, then at a cigarette factory, at the age of 14 he already played minor roles at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen.

Andersen wrote his first play at the age of 15, it was a great success, in 1835 his first book of fairy tales was published, which many children and adults read with delight to this day.

Of his works, the most famous are Flint, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling, The Princess and the Pea and many others.

Charles Perrault (1628-1703)

The French storyteller, critic and poet was an exemplary excellent student in childhood. He received a good education, made a career as a lawyer and writer, he was admitted to the French Academy, wrote many scientific works.

In 1697, his collection Tales of Mother Goose was published, which brought Perrault world fame. According to the plot of his fairy tales, famous ballets and operas were created.

As for the most famous works, few people did not read in their childhood about Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread House, Thumb Boy, Bluebeard.

Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837)

Not only the poems and poems of the great poet and playwright enjoy the well-deserved love of people, but also wonderful fairy tales in verse.

Alexander Pushkin began to write his poems at an early age, he received a good education at home, graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (a privileged educational institution), and was friends with other famous poets, including the “Decembrists”.

In the life of the poet, there were both periods of ups and downs and tragic events: accusations of freethinking, misunderstanding and condemnation of the authorities, and finally, a fatal duel, as a result of which Pushkin received a mortal wound and died at the age of 38.

But his legacy remains: the last fairy tale written by the poet was The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Also known are “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of the Priest and the Worker Balda”.

Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859), Jacob (1785-1863)

Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were inseparable from their youth to the very grave: they were connected by common interests and common adventures.

Wilhelm Grimm grew up as a sickly and weak boy, only in adulthood his health more or less returned to normal, Jacob always supported his brother.

The Grimm brothers were not only connoisseurs of German folklore, but also linguists, lawyers, scientists. One brother chose the path of a philologist, studying the memoirs of ancient German literature, the other became a scientist.

Fairy tales brought world fame to the brothers, although some works are considered “not for children”. The most famous are “Snow White and Scarlet”, “Straw, Coal and Bean”, “Bremen Street Musicians”, “The Brave Tailor”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Hansel and Gretel” and others.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950)

The Russian writer and folklorist, who was the first to perform a literary adaptation of the Ural legends, left us an invaluable legacy. He was born into a simple working-class family, but this did not stop him from graduating from the seminary and becoming a teacher of the Russian language.

In 1918, he volunteered for the front, returning, he decided to turn to journalism

It is interesting that fairy tales are made in the form of legends: folk speech, folklore images make each work special. The most famous fairy tales are: “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “Silver Hoof”, “Malachite Box”, “Two Lizards”, “Golden Hair”, “Stone Flower”.

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936)

Famous writer, poet and reformer. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England, he later called those years “years of suffering”, because the people who raised him turned out to be cruel and indifferent.

The future writer was educated, returned to India, and then went on a trip, visiting many countries in Asia and America.

When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize - and to this day he remains the youngest writer-winner in his nomination. Kipling's most famous children's book is, of course, "The Jungle Book", the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, it is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: -

- “A cat that walks by itself”, “Where does a camel get a hump?”, “How did a leopard get its spots”, they all tell about distant countries and are very interesting.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776-1822)

Hoffmann was a very versatile and talented person: composer, artist, writer, storyteller.

He was born in Koningsberg when he was 3 years old, his parents separated: the older brother left with his father, and Ernst stayed with his mother, Hoffmann never saw his brother again. Ernst has always been a mischievous and dreamer, he was often called a "troublemaker."

Interestingly, next to the house where the Hoffmanns lived, there was a women's boarding house, and Ernst liked one of the girls so much that he even began to dig a tunnel to get to know her. When the manhole was almost ready, my uncle found out about it and ordered to fill up the passage. Hoffmann always dreamed that after his death there would be a memory of him - and it happened, his fairy tales are read to this day: the most famous ones are “The Golden Pot”, “The Nutcracker”, “Little Tsakhes, nicknamed Zinnober” and others.

Alan Milne (1882-1856)

Who among us does not know the funny bear with sawdust in his head - Winnie the Pooh and his funny friends? - The author of these funny tales is Alan Milne.

The writer spent his childhood in London, he was a well-educated man, then he served in the Royal Army. The first bear stories were written in 1926.

Interestingly, Alan did not read his works to his own son Christopher, preferring to educate him on more serious literary stories. Christopher read his father's fairy tales as an adult.

The books have been translated into 25 languages ​​and enjoy great success in many countries around the world. In addition to the stories about Winnie the Pooh, the fairy tales "Princess Nesmeyana", "An Ordinary Tale", "Prince Rabbit" and others are known.

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945)

Alexei Tolstoy wrote in many genres and styles, received the title of academician, and during the war he was a war correspondent.

As a child, Alexei lived on the Sosnovka farm in the house of his stepfather (his mother left his father, Count Tolstoy, while pregnant). Tolstoy spent several years abroad, studying the literature and folklore of different countries: this is how the idea arose to rewrite the fairy tale "Pinocchio" in a new way.

In 1935, his book The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio was published. Alexei Tolstoy also released 2 collections of his own fairy tales, called Mermaid Tales and Magpie Tales.

The most famous "adult" works are "Walking through the torments", "Aelita", "Hyperboloid of engineer Garin".

Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev (1826-1871)

This is an outstanding folklorist and historian, who from his youth was fond of folk art and studied it. At first he worked as a journalist in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at which time he began his research.

Afanasiev is considered one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, his collection of Russian folk tales is the only collection of Russian East Slavic tales that can be called a “folk book”, because more than one generation has grown up on them.

The first publication dates back to 1855, since then the book has been reprinted more than once.

Fairy tales accompany our life from the cradle. Children do not yet know how to talk, and mothers and fathers, grandparents are already beginning to communicate with them through fairy tales. The child does not yet understand a word, but listens to the intonation of his native voice and smiles. There is so much kindness, love, sincerity in fairy tales that it is clear without any words.

Storytellers have been revered in Rus' since ancient times. Indeed, thanks to them, life, often gray and miserable, was painted in bright colors. The fairy tale gave hope and faith in miracles, made children happy.

I would like to know who these wizards are, who know how to cure melancholy and boredom, grief and misfortune with a word. Let's meet some of them, shall we?

Creator of the Flower City

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov first wrote works by hand, then typed on a typewriter. He had no assistants, secretaries, he did everything himself.

Who at least once in their life has not heard of such a bright and controversial character as Dunno? Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov is the creator of this interesting and cute shorty.

The author of the wonderful Flower City, where each street was named after some flower, was born in 1908 in Kyiv. The father of the future writer was pop singer, and the little boy enthusiastically went to the concerts of his beloved dad. Everyone around prophesied a singing future for little Kolya.

But all the boy's interest faded after he was bought the long-awaited violin, which he had been asking for so long. Soon the violin was abandoned. But Kolya was always fond of and interested in something. With the same zeal, he was drawn to music, and to chess, and to photography, and to chemistry, and to electrical engineering. Everything in this world was interesting to him, which was reflected in the future on his work.

The first fairy tales that he composed were exclusively for his son. He composed for his son Petya and his friends, and saw a response in their children's hearts. He realized that this was his destiny.

The creation of our favorite character Dunno Nosov was inspired by the writer Anna Khvolson. It is among her little forest men that the name Dunno is found. But only the name was borrowed from Hwolson. Otherwise Dunno Nosova is unique. There is something from Nosov himself in him, namely, love for wide-brimmed hats and brightness of thinking.

“Chebureks… Cheboksary… But there are no Cheburashkas!…

Eduard Uspensky, photo:

The author of the unknown animal Cheburashka, so beloved all over the world, Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich, was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow Region. His love for writing manifested itself already in his student years. His first book, Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat, was published in 1974. The idea of ​​creating this fairy tale came to his mind while working as a librarian in a children's camp.

Initially, in the book, Uncle Fyodor was supposed to be an adult forester. He had to live with a dog and a cat in the forest thicket. But no less famous writer Boris Zakhoder suggested that Eduard Uspensky make his character a little boy. The book was rewritten, but many adult features in the character of Uncle Fyodor remained.

An interesting moment is tracked in chapter 8 of the book about Uncle Fyodor, where Pechkin signs: “Goodbye. Postman in the village of Prostokvashino, Mozhaisk district, Pechkin. This refers, most likely, to the Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region. In fact locality with the name "Prostokvashino" is only in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The cartoon about the cat Matroskin, the dog Sharik, their owner Uncle Fyodor and the harmful postman Pechkin has also become very popular. It is also interesting in the cartoon that the image of Matroskin was drawn after the animator Marina Voskanyants heard the voice of Oleg Tabakov.

Another cute and cute character of Eduard Uspensky, who became loved all over the world thanks to his charm, is Cheburashka.

Cheburashka, invented almost half a century ago by Uspensky, still does not lose its relevance - for example, recently the Federation Council proposed to name the Russian Internet, closed from outside world

Such an awkward name appeared thanks to the author's friends, who called their clumsy daughter, who was just starting to walk, like that. The story of the box of oranges in which Cheburashka was found is also taken from life. Once Eduard Nikolaevich saw a huge chameleon in a box of bananas in the port of Odessa.

The writer is national hero Japan, thanks to Cheburashka, who is very much loved in this country. Interestingly, in different countries differently belong to the characters of the author, but without a doubt they are loved by all. For example, the Finns are very sympathetic to Uncle Fedor, in America they adore the old woman Shapoklyak, but the Japanese are completely in love with Cheburashka. There are no indifferent to the storyteller Uspensky in the world.

Schwartz as an ordinary miracle

Generations grew up on Schwartz's fairy tales - "The Tale of Lost Time", "Cinderella", "An Ordinary Miracle". And "Don Quixote", filmed by director Kozintsev according to the script by Schwartz, is still considered an unsurpassed adaptation of the great Spanish novel.

Evgeny Schwartz

Evgeny Schwartz was born into an intelligent and prosperous family of an Orthodox Jewish doctor and midwife. From early childhood, Zhenya constantly moved with his parents from one city to another. And, finally, they settled in the city of Maikop. These moves were a kind of exile for the revolutionary activities of Father Yevgeny Schwartz.

In 1914, Eugene entered the law faculty of Moscow University, but after 2 years he realized that this was not his path. He was always attracted by literature and art.

In 1917, he was drafted into the army, where he received a shell shock, which made his hands tremble all his life.

After demobilization from the army, Yevgeny Schwartz devoted himself entirely to creativity. In 1925, he published his first book of fairy tales, which was called "Tales of the Old Balalaika". Despite much oversight by the censors, the book was a great success. This circumstance inspired the author.

Inspired, he wrote the fabulous play "Underwood", which was staged at the Leningrad Youth Theater. There were also performances of his subsequent plays - "Islands 5K" and "Treasure". And in 1934 Schwartz became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

But in Stalin's time, his plays were no longer staged, they were seen as political overtones and satire. The writer was very worried about this.

Two years before the death of the writer, there was a premiere of his work "An Ordinary Miracle". The author worked on this masterpiece for a long 10 years. "Ordinary Miracle" great story about love, a fairy tale for adults, in which much more is hidden than it seems at first glance.

Yevgeny Schwartz died at the age of 61 from a heart attack and was buried at the Bogoslovsky cemetery in Leningrad.

To be continued…

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Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837) Not only the poems and poems of the great poet and playwright enjoy the well-deserved love of people, but also wonderful fairy tales in verse. Alexander Pushkin began to write his poems at an early age, he received a good education at home, graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (a privileged educational institution), and was friends with other famous poets, including the “Decembrists”. In the life of the poet, there were both periods of ups and downs and tragic events: accusations of freethinking, misunderstanding and condemnation of the authorities, and finally, a fatal duel, as a result of which Pushkin received a mortal wound and died at the age of 38. But his legacy remains: the last fairy tale written by the poet was The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Also known are “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “The Tale of the Priest and the Worker Balda.”

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Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950) The Russian writer and folklorist, who was the first to perform a literary adaptation of the Ural legends, left us an invaluable legacy. He was born into a simple working-class family, but this did not stop him from graduating from the seminary and becoming a teacher of the Russian language. In 1918, he volunteered for the front, returning, he decided to turn to journalism. Only on the occasion of the author's 60th birthday was the collection of short stories "The Malachite Box" published, which brought people's love to Bazhov. It is interesting that fairy tales are made in the form of legends: folk speech, folklore images make each work special. The most famous fairy tales are: “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”, “Silver Hoof”, “Malachite Box”, “Two Lizards”, “Golden Hair”, “Stone Flower”.

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Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945) Alexei Tolstoy wrote in many genres and styles, received the title of academician, and during the war he was a war correspondent. As a child, Alexei lived on the Sosnovka farm in the house of his stepfather (his mother left his father, Count Tolstoy, while pregnant). Tolstoy spent several years abroad, studying the literature and folklore of different countries: this is how the idea arose to rewrite the fairy tale "Pinocchio" in a new way. In 1935, his book The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio was published. Alexei Tolstoy also released 2 collections of his own fairy tales, called Mermaid Tales and Magpie Tales. The most famous "adult" works are "Walking through the torments", "Aelita", "Hyperboloid of engineer Garin".

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Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasiev (1826-1871) This is an outstanding folklorist and historian, who from his youth was fond of folk art and studied it. At first he worked as a journalist in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at which time he began his research. Afanasiev is considered one of the most prominent scientists of the 20th century, his collection of Russian folk tales is the only collection of Russian East Slavic tales that can be called a “folk book”, because more than one generation has grown up on them. The first publication dates back to 1855, since then the book has been reprinted more than once.

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Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) More than one generation of people grew up on the works of the Danish writer, storyteller and playwright. From early childhood, Hans was a visionary and dreamer, he adored puppet theaters and began to write poetry early. His father died when Hans was not even ten years old, the boy worked as an apprentice at a tailor, then at a cigarette factory, at the age of 14 he already played minor roles at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Andersen wrote his first play at the age of 15, it was a great success, in 1835 his first book of fairy tales was published, which many children and adults read with delight to this day. Of his works, the most famous are Flint, Thumbelina, The Little Mermaid, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, The Ugly Duckling, The Princess and the Pea and others.

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Charles Perrault (1628-1703) French storyteller, critic and poet was an exemplary excellent student in childhood. He received a good education, made a career as a lawyer and writer, he was admitted to the French Academy, wrote many scientific works. He published his first book of fairy tales under a pseudonym - the name of his eldest son was indicated on the cover, since Perrault was afraid that the storyteller's reputation could damage his career. In 1697, his collection Tales of Mother Goose was published, which brought Perrault world fame. According to the plot of his fairy tales, famous ballets and operas were created. As for the most famous works, few people did not read in their childhood about Puss in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Gingerbread House, Thumb Boy, Bluebeard.

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Brothers Grimm: Wilhelm (1786-1859), Jakob (1785-1863) Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were inseparable from youth to the very grave: they were connected by common interests and common adventures. Wilhelm Grimm grew up as a sickly and weak boy, only in adulthood his health more or less returned to normal, Jacob always supported his brother. The Grimm brothers were not only connoisseurs of German folklore, but also linguists, lawyers, scientists. One brother chose the path of a philologist, studying the memoirs of ancient German literature, the other became a scientist. Fairy tales brought world fame to the brothers, although some works are considered “not for children”. The most famous are “Snow White and Scarlet”, “Straw, Coal and Bean”, “Bremen Street Musicians”, “The Brave Tailor”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Hansel and Gretel” and others.

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Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) Famous writer, poet and reformer. Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England, he later called those years “years of suffering”, because the people who raised him turned out to be cruel and indifferent. The future writer was educated, returned to India, and then went on a trip, visiting many countries in Asia and America. When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded the Nobel Prize - and to this day he remains the youngest writer-winner in his nomination. Kipling's most famous children's book is, of course, The Jungle Book, the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, it is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: the leopard got his spots”, they all tell about distant lands and are very interesting.
