How to draw a little baba yaga. How to draw Baba Yaga with a broom with a pencil step by step

Master class: Grandmother Yaga from the Forest Corner

Master class with step by step photo: How to draw Baba Yaga with gouache

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov, city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the material can be useful to everyone who is fond of creativity, Slavic culture and traditions, children 9-12 years old
Purpose: interior design, gift
Target: the creation of a fabulous portrait of Baba Yaga
-draw fairytale portrait Baba Yaga based on the project "Fairytale map of Russia";
- improve skills in the technique of "gouache";
- to cultivate interest in the revival of ancient traditions, the study of legends and tales, love and respect for cultural heritage of his people.

"One day you will be so old that you will start reading fairy tales again" .... (Clive S. Lewis)
Hello dear friends and guests! Today my work is dedicated to perhaps the most remarkable project in history modern Russia, which is interesting not only for children, but also for the adult generation. This is the "Fairytale Map of Russia" or "Fairytale Ring of Russia".
The Fairytale Map of Russia is a cultural and touristic interregional project aimed at the development and promotion of territories, sights of the regions. The project is based on historical heritage country-tales, epics and legends. The task of the project is to find and justify the places of possible birth or existence of fairy-tale or epic heroes. As experts advising the author of the project in matters of determining the homeland fairy tale hero, regional historians, local historians and philologists speak. The author of the idea of ​​creating the "Fairy Tale Map of Russia" is Muscovite Alexei Kozlovsky.

Social project"Fairytale Map of Russia", launched in November 2010, is designed to combine all available information about museums, estates and residences of all the heroes of Russian fairy tales and epics. On the fairy tale map of Russia, the habitats of the primordially Russian characters of fairy tales are indicated, and with each new year, new heroes and fabulous places appear.
The leader among them is the Yaroslavl region. Baba Yaga, Alyosha Popovich, Emelya and Pike, Ryaba chicken, Norushka Mouse, Vodyanoy and the whole Far Far Away kingdom live on its expanses! It is not for nothing that the "First Fairytale Tour Operator" works here, which will send everyone who believes in miracles and does not want to part with childhood on a journey along the "Fairytale Ring of Russia". In May 2012, all fairy-tale heroes gathered in Kirov for the "Fairy-Tale Olympics" and decided to jointly develop fairy-tale tourism. Now more than 25 regions of Russia are invited to visit their fairy-tale heroes.

So, on the fabulous map of Russia, Kukoboy is officially listed as the birthplace of Baba Yaga. This grandmother settled in the village of Kukoboy back in 2004. From ancient times came the Yaroslavl legend of a mysterious, nameless old backyard woman. She lived in the depths of the deaf dense forests, rarely anyone managed to see her. By the way, the locals somewhat corrected the image of the dark character. Now Baba Yaga is here, a kind and fair old woman. She is the guardian of the customs and traditions of the family. Her wooden hut and personal museum are located in the center of the village. Grandmother's branded tea shop also works. On the last Saturday of July, everyone is invited to the birthday of Baba Yaga.

I will spit, rub and blow,
And whisper something softly
Whom I want - I will bewitch
I will return someone to my beloved.
Misses never knew
I know magic words.
There are herbs from damage and the evil eye,
And there is grass for spoiling ...
But, ethnographer Anatoly Rusakov, claims: "Baba Yaga has no place of residence! This is not a real man but a fabulous image. Some call Babu Yaga a remnant of a funerary cult. Others are the Slavic goddess who was in charge of the initiation rite. There is an opinion that the word "Baba Yaga" in translation from Finno-Ugric simply means "forest woman", "healer". Tales about her were told throughout Rus'. So any region can declare itself the birthplace of Baba Yaga, but this would be historically wrong."
And perhaps it is worth agreeing with this opinion! It turns out for the right to host some fabulous or literary hero many cities argue. And of course, every year the "Fairytale Map" is replenished with new heroes and fabulous places, and everything is still ahead ... Our country is great, its expanses are wide and every corner is truly fabulous, has its own legends and legends. And my story today is about one of these fabulous places, and that place is called "Forest Corner".

Baba Yaga is from Furmanov! Local historians from the Ivanovo region are sure of this, having installed a hut on chicken legs there, she is the first weaver of the region.
The original name is Furmanov-Sered. This is also the basis for one of the main arguments of Furmanov's local historians. After all, Seredoy, according to Slavic mythology, called the middle daughter of Baba Yaga.
Sereda is the name of the first settler, who was Baba Yaga with her daughters, the leader is sure creative association"Spectrum" Lev Uliev. Interestingly, Sereda is considered the patroness of weaving. In not a single fairy tale does Baba Yaga do without a spinning wheel. So why not be her home in the Ivanovo region, which is famous for its textile industry?
In addition, the names of the villages of the Furmanovsky district - Babino, Stupino, Metlinskoye, Koshcheevo, Igrishi (according to mythology, a place of pagan festivities), Ivantsevo - clearly indicate fairy tale motifs.

Having cast aside all doubts, Furmanov's local historians undertook to determine the location of the hut itself:
- It must be an energetically charged place. We climbed half the area with special frames, with rings on strings, - says Andrei Vorobyov, chairman of the center for alternative history. - And they found the perfect place - a trihedral hill four kilometers from Furmanov, not far from the village of Belino.
- local residents they asked, so they don’t even know about the existence of this hill, - Lev Uliev is surprised. In a word, miracles. Nature in this place even prepared traps that Baba Yaga loved to arrange for people so much. For example, deceptive trails. You are walking along one of them, and suddenly a sharp cliff awaits you.

The dwelling of the fairy-tale heroine was beaten right in the Furmanov Palace of Culture - from old boards, poles collected throughout the city. Then along the wall he was transported to the hill.
In the same house, three by six meters in size, without windows, doors and floors, the builders stayed overnight on four birch legs. And Baba Yaga gave them a "test".

During the night there was a heavy downpour. The rain was so strong that people were knocked down and, as it were, pushed off the top of the hill. And the next morning, two bowlers disappeared without a trace.
The installed hut is more of a symbol than the real home of Baba Yaga. When Yozhka has a good hut with all the utensils, then she, obviously, will return the missing pots, then the builders thought.

So, in the Ivanovo region, in the Furmanovsky district, there are very old village New. And before it is old, that the nature here is completely special - wide fields, endless forests and cold springs keep the secrets of ancient times and the smell of ancient legends, Grandmother Yaga's guest house "Forest Corner" is located just in this village, on the verge of two worlds in the middle of a dark forest...

Not everyone will happen to get into Leshy's lair, and even more so into Baba Yaga's hut. In the "Forest Corner" this is in the order of things - Baba Yaga lives here. Everyone knows about the witchcraft and tricks of Baba Yaga, and many are even afraid of her, but only this Grandmother is not like that. He sings and dances, removes damage, heals from all ailments and ailments, and most importantly, cheers up everyone without exception. Both adults and children are happy to be photographed in an embrace with Baba Yaga.

Sometimes guests from Rus' drop in on her, trying to eat some, welcoming others. To whom in a word, to whom in deed he will help, and whom he will bake in the oven. In the neighborhood with her live Goblin Yashka the robber - a very charismatic personality, but very loud, and Kikimora is a marsh girl of indescribable beauty, overgrown with mold and mud. They visit each other, plot intrigues and plot pranks.

Get under New Year in that fairy world and feel the magic evil spirits, walk along the cherished path and take part in sorcery, meet in magical forest with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Both children and adults will be able to have a healthy and fun time here, unforgettable impressions and memorable souvenirs are waiting for everyone here! And whoever is lucky, Yaga will fulfill his wish!

Materials and tools:
- A3 format sheet
- simple pencil
- jar for water

Master class progress:

We start with a pencil sketch. Approximately in the middle of the sheet we draw a nose - "hook", in other words, a curved oval.

In the upper part of the nose, draw the arcs of the eyes, under them circles-pupils.

Next, we form an oval of the face and a smile.

Around the silhouette of the face we draw the lines of the future hairstyle of Grandmother Yaga.

We draw the eyes in detail: the upper eyelid, lines of wrinkles under the eyes, eyebrows. Then we draw the line of the neck and collar of the blouse (rounded shape).

We finish the collar with a few more lines, paint on the lines of the shoulder and arm, and you can start working with paints. A pencil drawing is done with light lines, so that later they are not visible through a layer of paints. If necessary, pencil lines can be muted with an eraser.

On the palette we create a color for the face: white + ocher + red. Outline the contour lines of the face with the resulting color.

Then evenly fill the silhouette with color.

Next, the facial features are highlighted with brown lines.

My brush and gently blur Brown color some water, mix it a little with the main tone of the face, so that you get a smooth transition of colors.

Eyebrows are dyed brown. Granny Yagulechka I will have against the background of the doors of my hut, ocher will serve as the main color here.

Next, draw the lines of future logs of the hut in brown and determine the size and shape of the door. We blur the lines of the door with some water, do not touch the hair yet.

We do the same with the walls of the hut, we blur each brown line with water. Create smooth transitions from dark to light.

Then we start working on the hairstyle, create a gray color on the palette: white + black.

We paint part of the hairstyle in gray, and part in white, and with smooth strokes we combine the colors, mix them a little with each other.

Now we have a lesson on drawing Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step from the 1979 Soviet cartoon "Baba Yaga Against", and we will learn how to draw Baba Yaga on chalk and, the second option, in a mortar. The shapes are very simple, you can easily draw them. There is a more difficult lesson, to be.

1. First of all, let's draw Baba Yaga flying on a broomstick. This is a screenshot from the cartoon, when she and Koshchei wanted to steal the teddy bear, the symbol of the Olympiad, but did not have time, he had already gone to her. Instead, Koschei caught Baba Yaga, thinking it was an Olympic bear.

Draw an oval at a certain angle, as in the picture, by the way, click on it to enlarge. Then draw a nose, a mouth, a scarf on the head, then eyes and hair.

You must decide where the stick is located, then only based on this position begin to draw the body and arms.

We paint over.

2. Now we draw an evil Baba Yaga in a mortar, ready to take off.

Draw an oval face and a scarf on the head, nose, mouth.

Eyes, hair and polka dots on a scarf.

We draw a stupa, determine where the stick from the broom will be, draw the body.

→ Draw Baba Yaga

What you need

In order to draw Baba Yaga, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from movies, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them according to special patterns, which must be repeated accurately enough. But if you want, when you draw Baba Yaga, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will make it more cartoony.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

Baba Yaga, which we will draw, will have a well-recognized, classic appearance, with her there will be required attributes- a mortar and a broom, a handkerchief and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bcharm. Drawing her, like all fairy-tale characters, is not very difficult. So, let's learn about how to draw Baba Yaga!

First, let's depict the pose of our heroine, as well as the outlines of her vehicle and broom, using circles and sticks.

The second step is to mark the head. As always, first draw a line of vertical symmetry (it should be located on the side, since our Baba Yaga will turn slightly to the side) and a horizontal line. Under the line of the eyes, with short strokes, we outline the nose and mouth, and above it, the line of the scarf, which will have to tightly fit the forehead of Baba Yaga.

Now let's draw, draw the fingers on the hands. The hands themselves will be very easy to designate in the form of cylinders, but with brushes a little more difficult - long hooked fingers should wrap around the broom, as in our sample. In the same step, draw a couple of slanted lines that will connect the head and shoulders, draw also the legs bent at the knees.

A very simple step in which we will draw a handkerchief on the head of our Baba Yaga. Pay attention to a small fold of fabric in the back of the head, and also to the fact that the scarf should flutter in the direction of the wind.

Let's take care of our Baba Yaga. According to the lines outlined earlier, we draw round eyes, a massive hooked nose, a smiling mouth and eyebrows in the form of arched lines.

Let's draw the lower part of the face - let's designate an elongated chin, similar to the extreme part of the bone. Then we outline the general silhouette of the face, drawing a little cheekbone. Let's connect the mouth and nose with a nasolabial fold, mark the eyes with the location of the pupils and draw the eyebrows.

If you did everything right, you should end up with something like this:

Now - the details. Let's outline wrinkles on the grandmother's face, which should be located to the left and below relative to the eye. Then - and a couple of warts on the nose, lines at the tightly closed mouth and a protruding tooth. Yes, such is our Baba Yaga. If you are an esthete and drawing warts on the nose of Baba Yaga is especially difficult for you, try to distract yourself and draw a rose or a cute child. After that, proceed to the next step.

Let's go down and draw the details of the torso of Baba Yaga. First, let's erase the extra guide lines from the previous steps from the hands and give them a finished look. Let's draw sleeves that reach about one third of the forearm, designate their free style and outline the folds with a few short lines. All this concerns the sleeve closest to us, the far one only needs to be given necessary form. Erase the extra guide lines from the torso and round off the contours of the vest. Work also with the brushes - draw the fingers so that you get the appearance that the grandmother is tightly squeezing the broom with them. By the way, draw the upper part of the broom itself.

A very simple step - here we will draw a broom fixed on a stick with a rope. This is done in just a few long lines.

Let's draw the vehicle of our Baba Yaga - a wooden mortar. Mark the boards with vertical stripes, and iron fastening hoops with a pair of horizontal stripes.

In the final stage, we will deal with the imposition of shadows. As with all the steps in our lesson, it won't be much difficult task. The light falls on the grandmother from her left side (from us to the right) and a little from above. This means that we will shade the opposite side, as well as areas that are shaded by clothing and body parts. The shadow of the scarf on the head should be light, and the inside of the scarf should be densely painted over. A light shadow is applied by hatching, while the pencil should be held very lightly, without pressure. By analogy with the shadow from the scarf, paint over the rest of the areas - the edges of the body, the inside of the arms, the edges of the stupa. You can apply shadows in two stages - first mark the outline of the shadow, and then shade it.

Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most striking characters in Russian folk tales, although she has a grumpy character, the ability to use witchcraft objects and potions, flying in a mortar, a hut on chicken legs - all this makes the character memorable and unique. And although, probably, everyone imagines what kind of old woman this is, not everyone knows how to draw Baba Yaga. That is what we will talk about in this article.

Folklore image of Baba Yaga

Everyone read Russian folk tales in childhood, it is from them that Baba Yaga is known to us. Therefore, if you decide to start drawing this old woman, you should turn to children's books to figure out what it is given character. So, let's characterize Baba Yaga: she lives in her housing - this is a hut on chicken legs. Witchcraft is subject to her and, in addition, she knows how to fly in a mortar, covering her tracks with a broomstick. If we talk about the character of Baba Yaga, then this is not always a harmful and evil old woman, in some fairy tales she admonishes the hero and gives him magic items, for example, a guiding ball of thread or a magic horse. Not only poets and writers, but also artists, such as Malyutin, Viktor Vasnetsov and others, have repeatedly turned to the image of Baba Yaga.

The image of Baba Yaga in art

Of course, the image of this character is very interesting not only to ordinary readers, but also to people of art: artists, writers, musicians, poets and directors. This hero of Russian fairy tales inspired the composer Mussorgsky to create a musical play “The Hut on Chicken Legs. Baba Yaga. Everyone knows the canvas of the Russian artist Vasnetsov, which is called “Baba Yaga”. We must not forget about the beautiful canvases of Bilibin. Even in the cinema, the image of this old woman was captured, and her man, the wonderful actor Georgy Millyar, played.

Appearance of Baba Yaga

To answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga, and convey her image as accurately as possible, you need to pay attention to her appearance and distinctive features. In Russian fairy tales, as a rule, she was depicted as a bony old woman with a large hump, a wrinkled face, a long hooked nose, on which a wart was always present. But little attention was paid to the description of clothes, Baba Yaga could be dressed in a sundress, dress or skirt, so you can dream up plenty of wardrobe details.

Draw Baba Yaga from the cartoon

Perhaps this is one of the most simple options drawing a fabulous old lady with a pencil. This image taken from the 1979 Soviet cartoon Baba Yaga vs.

You can draw Baba Yaga in a mortar or on a broom, the forms for drawing are very simple, so even Small child. Let's try to draw an old woman who flies on a broomstick. First, draw an oval with a pencil, this will be the grandmother's head, then draw the nose, eyes and mouth in sequence.

Do not forget about my grandmother, he was polka dots. Hair is slightly knocked out from under the scarf, we draw the details and remove the extra lines. After the head of Baba Yaga is drawn, you need to decide on the location of the broom stick, that is, make a sketch of it. Only after that you can start drawing the body of the old woman. We make a sketch of the figure of the grandmother, she is slightly tilted forward and holds on to the broom with her hands. We draw the broom itself, and only after that we draw the arms and legs of Baba Yaga.

How to draw Baba Yaga in a mortar

This drawing will be a little more complicated than the previous one. To begin with, one should imagine the image of Baba Yaga in a mortar, in her hands she has a broom. If it’s hard to imagine, you can look for a picture with a similar image or look at illustrations for Russian folk tales, in which there is such a help in answering the question of how to draw a Baba Yaga stupa. First, you should sketch on paper the approximate silhouette of the old woman and the outline of the stupa. This must be done without pressing the pencil. Gradually add details, such as a scarf, hair fluttering in the wind, which are knocked out from under it. We draw the face, highlighting characteristics of this character: a hooked nose, a protruding chin, a tooth sticking out of his mouth, thick, skewed eyebrows. Don't forget to draw a wart on the nose. Next, we draw bony hands with long thin fingers, with which Baba Yaga tenaciously holds her broom. Do not forget to pay attention to the headstock mortar, you can draw a wooden texture, add a crack, pay attention to the little things - draw the folds on the clothes. In the process of drawing with the help of an eraser, we gradually remove unnecessary details and lines.

How to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step

In order to convey the image of this old woman as accurately as possible, let us once again recall all of her distinctive features. Let's talk about how to draw the face of Baba Yaga. Let's break this lesson into several stages, so it will be more convenient to navigate.

A hut on chicken legs

An integral attribute of this fairy-tale character is his home. Every self-respecting Baba Yaga has a hut, but not a simple one, but on chicken legs. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's house. In general, such a dwelling is not just an invention; in ancient Rus', huts were placed on stumps, the roots of which were chopped off and looked very much like chicken legs. Thus, people tried to protect the wooden house from decay.

Step-by-step drawing of a hut on chicken legs

A lot has already been said about how to draw Baba Yaga, but, summing up, I would like to give some advice to novice artists. In order to plausibly portray this fairy-tale hero, you need to better study his character, habits, the place where he lives, and characteristic features. Of course, Russian folk tales will help in this best of all. And do not be upset if you did not manage to draw a character or his house the first time, you need to try again, and your imagination will help you with this.

Hello. Today's tutorial is dedicated to fairy tale characters, or rather Baba Yaga. We will gradually analyze the process of depicting a seemingly negative hero of all fairy tales.

A little digression

Baba Yaga is present in every second folk tale. In most cases, it acts as an evil spirit that tries to harm the good fellows and bring them out of the world.

When characterizing the character, the author describes an old, decrepit and terrible old woman living in the wilds of the forest, who has crooked teeth and disheveled hair. Baba doesn't like people and eats children. And she is also a sorceress, and her friend is Koschey the Immortal.

In fact, Yaga is not such a gloomy and creepy character. In addition to scary and bad old women, in fairy tales there are positive inhabitants of the wilds of the forest, who discover secrets, defeat terrible evil, give magical lumps leading to the goal, reward with living water, and so on.

But today we will not delve into the origin and meaning of this character. Our goal is to figure out how to draw Baba Yaga, so let's get started.

Today we will draw not just a classic Yaga, but with all the attributes that belong to her: a broom, a mortar, a characteristic scarf on her head and a sly smile. Grandma will not look scary, but cute and charming.

STEP #1 (choice of angle)

Before you start drawing the image, decide in what position you want to draw the heroine: standing near the stupa and holding a broom in your hand, or flying.

On exemplary version the woman is depicted sitting in a mortar and holding a broom in her hands. Therefore, the first step is to outline the silhouette, and Yagi's vehicle with the help of sticks and circles.

STEP #2 (markup)

Upon completion of the outlines, you need to mark the head. With a line of vertical symmetry and a horizontal eye line, we roughly mark out a place for the eyes. Since in our case the Yaga in the figure will be shown in a turn, the vertical line must be applied from the side, thus dividing the head into two hemispheres (one more, the other less).

Just below horizontal line eyes, with short strokes we put the designation of the nose and mouth. A drawing is applied above the same line, which determines the location of the headdress. Since we will draw a scarf tightly fitting the forehead of the character, the line of the scarf can be drawn closer to the eyes.

STEP #3 (hands)

Let's start drawing the parts of the body. Hands are not difficult to draw, a few figures in the form of cylinders - and the hands are ready. It will be more difficult with brushes and twisted fingers. Fingers need to be drawn so that the focus falls on the strong hold of the broom. Immediately draw a few indirect lines connecting the head and shoulders. Draw bent legs.

If you draw Yaga in a standing position, then it is better to immediately outline the lower part with lines, which consists of a skirt and shoes.

STEP #4 (handkerchief)

Now let's draw a scarf for our character. Do not forget that Yaga is depicted in flight, so the scarf should, as it were, develop in the direction of the wind. It is important to draw the occipital fold.

STEP #5 (face)

It's time to start developing and drawing the character's face. Draw the eyes along the previously outlined lines, drawing two small circles on the horizontal line. A little higher we outline the location of the eyebrows, drawing arcuate lines.

Next, draw a massive hook-shaped nose and mouth. When drawing the lines that form the mouth, try to bend them a little, as if drawing a smile, because the expression of the character should eventually turn out to be malicious.

STEP #6 (adding the chin)

In this step, we continue to draw the face, or rather the lower part - the chin. In the form of the extreme part of the bone, we apply it in required space. You need to draw as if pulling your chin forward, this will give the general expression of the face a kind of cunning inherent in Baba Yaga.

With the correct image technique, and the exact location of the front parts, the drawn Yaga women are obtained, as in such a schematic drawing.

STEP #7 (details)

At this stage of drawing Baba Yaga, we bring, we improve the image. dorisovka small parts plays an important role in the final perception of the character.

Wrinkles on the face, warts on the nose, a crooked tooth sticking out and disheveled hair peeking out from under the scarf are an integral part of the picture that cannot be missed.

Place the lines indicating wrinkles to the left and below the eye.

STEP #8 (main part)

It's time to go down the drawing, and in detail depict the torso of Baba Yaga. First of all, hand over the finished drawn look.

Pay a little more attention to the middle sleeve. To do this, erase the guide lines drawn in the previous steps, instead of them draw the sleeves (approximately reaching to the elbow). Don't forget to mark the folds.

Give the far sleeve the desired shape.

From the body, also erase the guide lines and outline the outlines of the clothes. Fingers also need to be well drawn, focusing on a strong grip.

Draw the top edge of the broom.

STEP #10 (Shadow)

At the end of the drawing, you need to correctly distribute the shadow. You need to darken the side opposite from the light, as well as areas shaded by clothing and body parts. Shaded areas of the headdress draw brighter on the inside.

The shadow is applied with a pencil, stroke-like movements. Hold the pencil lightly, without pressure. First mark the contours, and then proceed to shading.

That's all, the lesson on how to draw Baba Yaga has come to an end. Inspiration, and until new lessons.
