In which city did you buy the winning tickets. Russian lotteries

Surely every fan of lottery draws remembers the purchase of his first game ticket. It is worth considering, why did you prefer this particular game? Surely you made a purchase for a reason, but carried out some statistics on the most winning lotteries. IN modern world players are offered a huge number of lottery draws, each of which has its own features and benefits. Today, it is quite difficult to choose the only lottery that is considered the most winning. However, if you carefully approach this issue, you can choose some of the most profitable lotteries that are held in Russia today.

What parameters were taken into account

To choose the most attractive lottery for participants, you should pay attention to different parameters. Among them, the size of the jackpot is quite important. Of course, here you should familiarize yourself with the historical records of the game in question. The official websites of many lotteries provide data on what is the probability of winning the main prize. Do not neglect this information.

It would also be useful to get acquainted with the total prize fund of the lottery, which is allocated for each draw. Naturally, the larger it is, the higher the probability of breaking big score. As a rule, the prize fund is a certain percentage of the proceeds from ticket sales. In many lotteries, the total fund is 50 percent of the revenue. However, today there are some games with a prize pool of 67 percent.

Important when choosing a lottery is the cost of the ticket. More precisely, you should pay attention to the ratio of the price of a game receipt to the total prize pool. Today you can choose a lottery that offers fairly large winnings, but the cost of a ticket is much lower compared to other games.

When choosing a lottery, it is recommended to decide in advance what you prefer, win often or win a lot. Indeed, today there are many lotteries that offer fairly large prizes, but they are played very rarely. There are also games that cannot please with huge prize pools, but it is quite easy to win here. If you are better off with a "titmouse in your hands", you should pay attention to simple lotteries, drawings of which are held several times a day. To become a member of some of them, it is enough to have only 10 rubles in your wallet. Accordingly, there can be no talk of large jackpots here, but it is quite possible to increase your investments by several times.

The most popular state lotteries in 2017

Gosloto 6 out of 45

The most attractive are lotteries that provide real chances win a valuable prize. The Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery can be safely attributed to such draws. If we consider last years holding draws, you can see that in 2014 the jackpot was hit in this game, the size of which exceeded 202 million rubles. Already in January next year the main prize, exceeding 203 million rubles, was also raffled off. In 2016, one of the participants also managed to hit the big jackpot. As statistics show, such huge sums are played out more often than once every six months. These are pretty good numbers. Moreover, the jackpot in this lottery is cumulative, so it increases with each draw. At the same time, the cost of the minimum bet in this game is only 50 rubles.

The probability of winning in the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery

"Gosloto 5 out of 36"

Of the most winning lotteries, the Gosloto 5 out of 36 game is also worth noting. The statistics of her draws show that almost every week happy winners who receive more than 1,000,000 rubles. We can safely say that today Gosloto 5 out of 36 is a real "forge of millionaires." The advantages of such a game include the low cost of a ticket, which is only 30 rubles. It is also worth noting that the game holds draws five times a day. Thanks to this, there are high chances of becoming a millionaire. To date, there are more than 500 such lucky people.

The probability of winning in the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery

"Gosloto 7 out of 49"

One of the most reliable lotteries is Gosloto 7 out of 49. Someone might say that guessing all seven numbers is quite difficult. However, there is a worthy prize for this. In this game, the guaranteed jackpot is 50,000,000 rubles. At the same time, the main prize is cumulative, so it can increase significantly. To become a member of this game, it is enough to spend only 20 rubles. This is a good value for money ticket. prize pool. Moreover, the drawings of "Gosloto 7 out of 49" are held six times a day. This gives a high chance of winning a big prize.

The probability of winning the lottery "Gosloto 7 out of 49"

One of the most legendary lotteries is "Sportloto 6 out of 49". This lottery can be safely called a cult one, as it was loved back in Soviet times. Of course, over the years it has undergone many changes, but even today it remains the favorite game of many participants. The minimum bet here is 20 rubles. At the same time, each player has a real chance to become the owner of the main prize, the minimum amount of which is 10,000,000 rubles. With each draw, the jackpot increases. It also increases the chances of winning due to the fact that such draws are held three times a day.

The probability of winning in the lottery "Sportloto 6 out of 49"

"Russian Lotto"

The most winning are the most popular lotteries. These games include "". The popularity of this lottery suggests that there are not only high chances of winning. Due to the large number of participants in each draw, you can observe quite large prize pools. For example, in the draws "" up to 500 thousand winning tickets are revealed. Millions of jackpots also delight many fans of this game. In addition, this lottery is one of the few that offers a fairly large number of valuable prizes. There are cars, real estate and other clothing gifts.

Even if you have never taken part in lottery draws, this does not mean that they are not popular. Surely you have heard the names of many lotteries many times. At the same time, you need to understand that even in the Soviet Union for many participants lottery draws have become a kind of sport, which is as interesting to watch as football or hockey. As a rule, this category of people chooses lotteries, game process which is the most interesting. Today, many pranks are whole performances. For many participants, the day of the draw is considered a real holiday. That is why, if your main goal is not cash prizes, but a pleasant time, you should pay attention to lotteries, the draws of which are a real show. In this case, the participants benefit from the fact that they get real pleasure from the process, they are charged with positive, cheerfulness and good mood.

Dreams of receiving a large amount of money with a minimum of physical costs periodically arise for everyone. One of the options that can fulfill such desires is to buy lottery ticket. However, the number of offers on the market today is so huge that it can be difficult to choose one. It is important not only to understand the conditions of the draw in which it is decided to participate. Of great importance is also the chance to become a winner. That is why many are trying to find the most winning lotteries in Russia.

List of the most winning lotteries in Russia in 2019

Those who do not get tired of playing and believe in luck are trying to figure out which lottery is better to buy in order to win in 2019. It is important that the draw is conducted honestly and exclusively in accordance with Russian law. It is these rules that the Stoloto trading house adheres to, which today is the country's largest distributor state tickets. Below is a list of 2019 lotteries that are the most popular and provide a real opportunity to win.

Russian Lotto is the most honest lottery in Russia

Many Russians call Russian loto most fair lottery. For more than twenty years, millions of people from all over the country have been participating in the game. The popularity of Russian Lotto is due to a combination of several factors:

  • simple rules that everyone can understand;
  • holding a draw in front of a large number of people in the studio;
  • lack of apparatus - the kegs are taken out of the bag by the guests of the draw.

To become a participant in one of the most popular lotteries in Russia, it is enough to buy a ticket and turn on the TV on the NTV channel at the appointed time. After that, it remains to listen carefully to the leader, cross out the numbers that have fallen out in the playing field and hope for luck. In Russian Lotto, you can win not only fairly large cash prizes, but also a car, an apartment, a country house or a trip.

GOSLOTO 5 of 36

Since Soviet times, the popularity of lotteries in which you need to guess several numbers has not weakened. Gosloto 5 out of 36 is a new version of just such a game.

Today the ticket of this lottery contains two fields. In the first one, you need to mark at least five numbers, in the second - choose only one number out of four. At the same time, in order to provide yourself with the biggest chance to win, you can choose more numbers. In the first field, a maximum of eleven cells can be crossed out, in the second - four.

You can win by guessing at the top of the ticket from two numbers. If you managed to correctly cross out all five numbers that fell out in the draw, the size of the prize increases significantly. If at the same time the player guessed the number of the second field, he receives at least three million rubles. If the second field turned out to be incorrect, the minimum win is one hundred thousand rubles.

housing lottery

Many consider Housing to be one of the best lotteries in Russia. Its main task is to help in solving real estate issues. Therefore, the prizes here are apartments, country houses. However, this does not deprive the participants of the drawing of the opportunity to receive money as a prize.

Reviews show that the rules housing lottery understandable to absolutely everyone without additional explanations. Each ticket includes two fields containing 15 numbers. They are randomly selected from a range of 1 to 90. You don't have to guess anything. It is enough to buy a ticket with the combination of numbers you like and wait for the draw.

When watching the game, you should cross out the dropped balls. In the first round, those who have at least one line completely crossed out win, in the second - those who have no numbers left in the upper or lower field, in the subsequent ones - tickets with completely crossed out numbers. At the same time, even tickets won in the first and second rounds continue to take part in the game.

However, it is not necessary to keep track of the circulation. If for some reason this does not work out, you can check the winning ticket on the website of the lottery organizer.

golden horseshoe

The Golden Horseshoe ticket is the same as in the Housing Lottery and in the Russian Lotto. However, the game in question has a clear advantage - absolutely all draws are conducted until the eighty-seventh move. This allows you to name golden horseshoe lottery, where they win more often. Each circulation allows ticket buyers to receive houses, cars, and many cash prizes.

The super prize in the Golden Horseshoe is three million rubles. To get it, it is enough to cross out five numbers of any horizontal line in the first moves. However, such a super prize is not the maximum. As draws are made in which it is not played, there is a gradual increase in it.

To find out if the ticket won, you can watch the draws on the NTV channel. If this fails, you can check the lottery on the distributor's website, at points of sale, by phone, via mobile app, as well as in the newspaper Arguments and Facts.

Gosloto 4 out of 20 is another version of the lottery, which involves crossing out a certain number of numbers in the ticket fields. Here both fields contain 20 digits each. To take part in the draw, you must cross out four numbers in each of them. The more you guess, the higher the winnings.

Often, experts argue that it is in Gosloto that 4 out of 20 have the most winners. This is explained by several factors:

  • the lottery provides 12 combinations that lead to a win;
  • drawings are held much more often than in many other lotteries - three times a week;
  • more than 67% of proceeds from ticket sales go to the prize pool.

If you manage to guess all the numbers in each of the fields, the ticket holder receives a super prize, which, as a rule, accumulates more than 50-60 million rubles. Its guaranteed value is ten million rubles.

Gosloto 6 out of 45

In search of an answer to the question of which lotteries are the most winning in Russia, many pay attention to Gosloto 6 out of 45. Here, six should be crossed out on the playing field, consisting of 45 numbers. The winnings are paid if at least two numbers are guessed.

The draw is held very often - twice a day. If the super prize is not drawn within the current draw, it goes to the next one. As a result, it can reach several hundred million rubles. In the spring of 2017, the maximum super prize was drawn, which exceeded 364 million rubles.

Each participant can increase the chance of winning. To do this, it is enough to mark a larger number of numbers. If you buy a ticket online, you can choose up to 13 numbers. As a result, the number of winning combinations, and hence the potential gain.

Lottery 6 out of 36

Popular for many years, the 6 out of 36 lottery is known to many, it is different simple rules and a clear formula for success. The draw takes place once a week on Saturdays.

The value of the main prizes in the considered lottery is fixed. It is in the range from one hundred to twenty thousand rubles. Every fourth ticket wins in the draw. In this case, the prize is received by those who manage to guess at least two numbers. The super prize, if it is not raffled off, grows with each new draw. Regardless of the current situation, it is never less than three million rubles.

Where to buy the most winning tickets of the best lotteries

There are several ways to purchase tickets for the described lotteries. Many go to distribution points in the old fashioned way. However, according to statistics, tickets purchased on Stoloto website. There are several explanations for this:

  1. No one stands in line, does not push, does not breathe in the back, so you can focus on choosing a good combination;
  2. When purchasing lotteries online, you can carefully read the rules of each of them and choose the most suitable option;
  3. It is possible to easily compare offered tickets for duplicate numbers.

Before choosing the best option, you should carefully study the presented rating of lotteries. By visiting the Stoloto website, you can not only buy tickets, but also try to figure out how to win more often.

If you need to see the results of any draw, you can also find them here. Decided to catch luck by the tail with the help of counting? There are drop statistics on the site lottery numbers for each lottery!

Now let's move on in order to the Russian circulation lotteries. But! First, as always, a little history.

History of lotteries in Russia

The history of lotteries in Russia begins in the early 18th century. The fashion for them, as well as for many other things, came along with the reforms of Peter I. From the very beginning, the lottery was perceived by society as funny gambling borrowed from Europe. Gradually, however, this kind of activity is gaining popularity. Very quickly, this area of ​​activity in the life of high society is gaining momentum and becomes a permanent occupation for the rich population of the country.

Lotteries in Tsarist Russia

Over time, lotteries have attracted increased interest from royal authorities. The organization of this event served as a source of quite considerable income. Catherine II turned her attention to this and decided at first to legalize the holding of lotteries in order to replenish the state treasury. But in the end, this idea failed miserably. Since this area served as a good field of activity for scammers. As a result of all this, the empress decided to completely ban lotteries in the state. For a while, the lottery boom subsides. And a few years later, in 1780, the so-called Rules were issued, which regulated this area of ​​​​activity and softened previous legislative prohibitions, but at the same time remained whole line restrictions in this area.

For the next decades, this area of ​​activity was constantly under the control of the state. Since 1810, the organization of lotteries was tightened by the decree of Alexander I. Now the holding of these was under the authority of the Ministry of Police.

Charity lotteries

After a considerable amount of time, it becomes difficult to judge the purpose for which charitable lotteries were held. Whether the organizers of such events were motivated by a sincere desire to help, or whether it remained secular fun, with shades of commercial benefit, it is no longer necessary to judge. But in any case, such lotteries were held with enviable regularity.

The subjects of the draws were various things. It could be property taken away from bankrupt landowners, items of various crafts: handicrafts, embroideries and handicraft trinkets that were made by pupils of shelters. The main purpose of these games was to collect Money to help hospitals, wounded soldiers and simply the poor.

OPH Lotteries

The dawn of charitable lotteries came at the time of the existence of the "Society for the Encouragement of Arts" (OPKh). It was they who organized the first win-win lottery. The subjects for the draw were paintings that were bought from artists who were members of this society.

It was held in the spring of 1837 and is known in history under the name "Artistic". The start of the lottery was announced by an announcement in a newspaper owned by the OPH. The drawing took place in his own premises. 1000 prizes were put up, the total value of which was estimated at six thousand rubles. The price of such a lottery ticket was five rubles.

The proceeds were used for various purposes. But the main thing was to help poor artists who did not have enough means of subsistence. Young talents were also supported. They were paid for education in the world's best schools of painting. It turns out that each lottery participant made his contribution to the cultural prosperity of his nation.

The lottery that brought freedom to an outstanding poet

The lottery became a kind of symbol of freedom for the poet Shevchenko, at that time an aspiring young poet and artist. At that time, he was a serf of the landowner Engelhardt and he had no chance of getting freedom.

By the will of fate, Shevchenko met people who played fatal role in his life. These were the artists Karl Bryullov, Alexei Venetsianov and the poet Vasily Zhukovsky. They and other members of the OPH decided to buy a talented young guy. Negotiations began with the landowner in captivity, whom Shevchenko stayed. But he, seeing the interest in his serf, well-known people at that time, for a long time could not decide on the size of the ransom.

As a result, the amount of 2,500 rubles was announced, which at that time was quite a lot of money, which the organizers of this venture simply did not have. Then the idea arose to hold a lottery, which played a portrait of Zhukovsky. It was written by Bryullov specifically for this event. During the drawing, the portrait ended up with the empress, which was agreed in advance. The amount was collected, Shevchenko was at large.

Lotteries in the second half of the 19th century

This is a time of tight control over lotteries by the state. In 1857, Alexander II, who was then on the throne, signed the so-called charter, according to which lotteries were transferred to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was it that could give consent and allow this event to be held.

Also in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, a bill was developed, called the "Civil Code Russian Empire". This legal document devoted a whole chapter to the regulation of lotteries. But work on this document remained unfinished. The First World War and the revolution of 1917. After civil war lotteries were completely banned, and then a completely different history of the lotteries of the Soviet Union began.

After the revolution, the lottery, as a bourgeois relic, was banned. Citizens who violated the ban were punished. But soon, due to the sad events that swept Russia, the lottery again became relevant.

Lotteries before WWII

In 1922, the first Soviet lottery took place. Its goal is to help the starving cities of the Volga region. The country of the Soviets in these years was still weak, money was needed for its development. The authorities found a way out in playing lotteries, and the money collected went to various state needs. It can be said that lotteries have played an important role in the development of medicine and culture in our country.

But the young government did not take into account one thing. It allowed lotteries to be held by private individuals. True, for this it was necessary to obtain an appropriate document, which not everyone managed to achieve. Only the most punchy and decisive received official permission.

According to this permission, the organizers of the lotteries were obliged to give all the profits from the lottery to the disposal of the state. The state, in turn, assumed the right to distribute the funds received among needy citizens. But the organizers of the lotteries were cunning and gave away a meager part of the income, hiding the rest.

When the fraud of lottery players began to be discovered more and more often, the state took extreme measures. In 1927, special authorities issue a law that does not allow individuals to run lotteries. Those who dared to violate the ban were awaiting detention.

Lotteries, of course, continued to be held regularly, but now they became state-owned, and strictly controlled by the Soviet authorities. But the people have acquired the ability to safely buy the lottery, without fear of being deceived.

Before the war in the Soviet Union, the name of the lottery was mainly compiled by the first letters of the words included in the name of the organization that conducted it. There were even long names, and the abbreviated designations of the lotteries looked like encrypted messages with secret code. But pre-war lotteries are interesting not only for their name, but also for the prizes that the owners received. lucky ticket.

Below are examples of some of their types and the resulting winnings.

Deciphering the abbreviation by name public organization friends of aviation, chemical defense and industry of the USSR.

Trips abroad were played out, for example:

  • six cruises to European cities and countries with different routes;
  • about 8,000 wins guaranteed a flight across the skies of Moscow, Leningrad and other Soviet cities.
Conducted by OSOAVIAKHIM

It stands for: Society for Assistance in the Development of Defense, Aviation and Chemical Engineering in the USSR.

The winner of the lucky ticket could win:

  • a two-month cruise around the world;
  • student allowance during the year;
  • collection of Lenin's works;
  • cattle and items for agricultural work;
  • musical instruments;
  • monthly ticket to the sanatorium.

Each prize could be received in monetary terms.

"AVTODOR" - auto lottery in the USSR

The lottery was organized by the Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Road Improvement.

The lottery played:

  • agricultural machinery;
  • boat motors;
  • tourist kayaks with a motor;
  • gliders;
  • subscription to the magazines "Motor", "Behind the wheel" on whole year;
  • two wheelers.
The first all-Union lottery "OSVOD"

It got its name from the abbreviation of the organization that promotes the development of water transport.

The following prizes were offered for the draw:

  • sea ​​cruise;
  • travel abroad by sea;
  • a boat with a boat motor;
  • keyboards and other musical instruments;
  • travel along the Volga by water transport;
  • vouchers for different kinds recreation.
Lottery owned by OZET

Its goal is to help Soviet Jews. It was carried out with the support of foreign organizations by a society engaged in the land organization of working Jews.

The main prizes were a three-room apartment and a house. The rest of the places were occupied by:

  • barn for 50 heads;
  • around the world for four months;
  • trip to America for two months;
  • ford car;
  • truck;
  • warm outerwear;
  • ink pen;
  • Razor "Henkel".

The lottery was owned by the Society of Friends of the Air Force.

By participating in it, you could win:

  • women's precious jewelry;
  • gold watch or wedding ring;
  • silver cutlery;
  • a silk robe or a piece of Cheviot for a suit;
  • solid nickel-plated samovar;
  • hunting single-barreled or double-barreled;
  • chrome boots or a leather suitcase;

Lotteries during WWII and after

During the Great Patriotic War, the lottery was played only four times. There was not enough money to equip the soldiers and commanders of the army. There were not enough funds for their armament.

In connection with the situation that had arisen, in November 1941, the state replicated the All-Union money and clothing lottery. In total, 140,000,000 tickets were sold. The income from its implementation was directed to the technical armament of the army. Three other wartime lotteries were drawn for the same purpose.

In heavy post-war years, from 1945 to 1955, lotteries were not played in the Soviet Union. At that time, the people were not up to them, they had to rebuild the cities destroyed by the war.

And only in 1956 the first post-war lottery was held. The event was timed to VI World Festival youth and students, which was held this year in Moscow.

Since 1970, the organization of lotteries in our country began to acquire a mass character. Every year more and more new types of lotteries began to appear. But that's another story for them.

Lotteries in modern Russia

Features will be discussed Russians drawing lotteries . About others - instant lotteries, in which the result is known almost immediately, we will describe in another article. It should be noted right away that some lotteries are no longer held. But they are also worth mentioning, if only as a tribute to history and the lottery business.


About famous lottery "Gosloto" heard if not all, then very many. The name seems to hint at the fact that the lottery is a state lottery. But is it really so? Partly. The only thing that speaks about "statehood" is that the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation is officially responsible for organizing the draws. However, the Ministry of Sports appears only in the documentation and practically does not take any real participation in the lottery. Instead, all the work is carried out by LLC "Orglot", as well as LLC " Trading house Gosloto".

It is worth emphasizing that practically nothing is known about the owners of these companies, because the founders decided to register their business activities in offshore zones. Official website of the lottery "Gosloto" for a long time located at: However, since 2012, players have been trying their luck on new version Website:

Lottery "Gosloto" remained the same, but its organizers changed several times. So, for example, since the recent 2013, State Sports Lotteries CJSC has been responsible for holding draws. Needless to say, this company was once called Nero CJSC, the owner of which was a completely different legal entity. face? Not surprisingly, in all this legal confusion, the real owners of the lottery are "lost", about whom practically nothing is known.

Gosloto offers several types of lotteries to choose from:

  • "5 out of 36"
  • "6 out of 45"
  • "7 out of 49"
  • "Rapido"

The first lottery on the list is "5 out of 36" ("VGL 1 Sport"), held at 23:59 every day. "6 out of 45" ("VGL 2 Sport") started in 2013 and exists to this day. Draws take place every day at 10 pm. You can try your luck in the lottery "7 out of 49" ("VGL 5 Sport") every Sunday at 22:00. "Rapido" ("VGL 3 Sport") is played three times a week. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The draw takes place at 8 pm.

Buying a lottery ticket is very simple: you can buy it from distributors in your city, or get it on the official website of the organizers.

This lottery is famous for the fact that it was in it that the largest winnings in the Russian Federation were registered. The amount was 100 million rubles. The lucky one who got the lucky ticket participated in the "6 out of 45" draw.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the size of the prize fund must be at least half of the funds received during the sale of lottery tickets. Whether the organizers comply with this condition is very difficult to verify.

Whether this is an honest lottery or not, it is not easy to judge. The legitimacy of some aspects related to the Gosloto organization is highly questioned. On our site you can learn not only about the history of the development of this lottery, but also about the "loopholes" that the organizers use when conducting draws. To trust or not to trust Gosloto is, of course, the player's own business.

Russian loto

WITH lottery "Russian Lotto" no less confusion than with Gosloto. The case again lies in the organizers. This paper lottery belongs to Federal Agency special construction. In fact, it is a project of the Pobeda State Lotteries LLC. The management of this limited liability company is also unknown to the general public. There is only information that this LLC was registered offshore in Cyprus.

The websites of the organization in question are located at the following addresses:


Lottery "Russian Lotto" is a prize draw based on weekly television draws. You can check whether the purchased ticket has won every Sunday morning at 8:15. Broadcast edition in live on the NTV channel.

Despite the fact that the veracity of the information about the official organizers raises considerable doubts, Russian Lotto is a widely popular Russian lottery that has existed longer than the rest. It originates from the 94th year. Tickets are sold on a separate website of this lottery at the address:

However, Pobeda State Lotteries LLC owns not only Russian Lotto. The company organizes State Housing Lottery"VGTL 4 Pobeda. The draw is held every week. You can watch the draw on Saturday at 8:45 am on the website The owners of the lottery did not claim originality and therefore the principle of the draw is almost identical to the Russian Lotto. The only thing the difference is a chance to win an apartment (as a rule, 2-3 housing in new buildings are raffled off per circulation).

Do not disregard one more "brainchild" of this company - this lottery "TOP 3". It is held somewhat more frequently than the previous ones: you can try to become a winner every day at 10:00 am and 10:00 pm. The minimum amount that can be wagered is 10 rubles. The principle of the game is an attempt to choose 3 winning numbers.

Tickets for the lotteries described above are sold at (Gosloto website).

According to the law, the prize fund here must also be equal to half of the proceeds.

It is worth mentioning that the lotteries described above make up the lion's share of the total amount of lotteries held in Russian Federation(up to 50%).


If we compare this lottery with the previous ones, then it can be considered a "newcomer" in the gambling entertainment market. It is known that "Sportloto" is a state lottery, which was held in support of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

Information about the organizers here is more transparent than in previous lotteries. Officially, the project belongs to the Ministry of Finance. The direct organizer of the draws is LLC "Sportloto". This company is under the leadership of the well-known businessman Boyko O.V.

"Sportloto" echoes the lottery of the same name, which was in great demand during the existence of the Soviet Union.

"Sportloto" consists of two types of circulations:

  • "Sportloto: 6 out of 49"
  • "KENO-Sportloto"

The first lottery is weekly. You can check your luck on Sundays at 21:00 pm. You can participate in "KENO-Sportloto" with a much greater frequency - every day at 23:59.

As for "Sportloto", this lottery can be considered a classic. It was most likely created in such a way that it will evoke an association with the old, trustworthy Soviet prize draw. "KENO-Sportloto"- This is a lottery in which you can independently choose the desired bet. The size of the prize amount will directly depend on how much the player himself bet. The purchase of tickets is carried out in standard ways: distributors and the official website of the lottery (

IN lottery "Sportloto: 6 out of 49" the probability of winning the jackpot is 1:13.983.816. The smallest bet is 20 rubles. The specified amount includes six numbers on one playing field. The project is located at: Biggest win for the history of the existence of "Sportloto" was equal to 10,000,000 rubles.

Golden Key

The lottery is organized by Interlot CJSC. The official site of the project is:

Lottery "Golden Key"- This is another of the oldest Russian lotteries that appear in a television format. It starts from 1997. You can watch the draw live on the NTV channel every week on Saturday at 8:15 or 8:20.

The lottery belongs to the classical type. 90 balls take part in the draw. The number of game numbers ranges from 85 to 87. The draw includes three rounds.

Jackpot conditions: horizontal line, which you managed to cross out in the first 5 moves. The lottery is not exclusively monetary: there is an active drawing of apartments.

The lottery can be bought on the official website located at:, as well as from distributors.

Belongs to LottoStar LLC. Official website of the organizer:

The lottery is broadcast on Sundays on TNT at 9:50. Scheme "First national lottery" - 6 out of 36.

The "Lotto Million" draw is based on 50 balls. The name of the lottery is consonant with the project, which was in demand in the 90s.

The price of a lottery ticket is 50 rubles. You can buy on, or from representatives.

The results of the circulation are published in newspapers and are regularly updated on the official website. The broadcast of the draw is available for viewing on TNT every Sunday morning at 8:45.

In addition, CJSC "LottoStar" owns a project based on an instant lottery.


The organizer is OOO " lottery house". In addition, the company owns projects: "Sport Lotto: 5 out of 49", "Golden Fish".


Draw lottery "Bingo" enjoys many years of popularity. Players can become happy owners of not only a "round" amount of money, but also an apartment, car or other valuable prize.

Lottery tickets are sold by distributors, through the official website and at post offices.

This lottery is a product of structures subordinate to Russian Railways. Of the unpleasant features - an attempt to distribute tickets, regardless of the desire of the buyer. You can become the owner of a "lucky" ticket at the ticket office of the railway station or on the train (the conductors are actively trying to sell them to as many passengers as possible).

The essence of the lottery: the game combination is the number of the railway ticket, consisting of 13 characters. The right to participate in the draw can be obtained by paying 100 rubles. The ticket that matches all 13 numbers becomes the winner of the jackpot. You can also win if you match fewer last digits (from 2 to 5).

In 2012, a case of winning the jackpot was registered. It amounted to more than 11.5 million rubles. The prize "went" to the Stavropol Territory.

We can sum up the following: the approximate number of domestic circulation lotteries is 20. They have a different level of popularity and differ in the method of conducting. Some are based on the lotto principle (dependence on the drawn numbers), while others correspond to the usual lottery scheme (the need to guess the numbers yourself). State and Not state lotteries are almost the same. The main condition for their holding is the formation of a prize fund, which is at least half of the proceeds from the sale of lottery tickets. It should be noted that compliance with this law by the organizers is not guaranteed.

According to the rules, control financial activities lottery companies should be handled by the Federal Tax Service. However, in reality this is not done. Why can you claim this? Because, for example, in June 2011, the Federal Tax Service issued over 1,000 licenses (including one-day companies).

Organizers of lotteries are difficult to hold accountable: they justify the loss with banal bad luck. State structures are only interested in the correctness of tax deductions. You should be careful about lotteries, because there are many "loopholes" that allow you to deceive players. It suffices to give a few examples:

  1. Programmed lottery machine. This setting gives lottery balls in the order that is beneficial to the organizer. This technique allows you to mislead people even on the air.
  2. Jackpot "for their own". Winning it is not so easy, so the prize may remain undrawn for a long time. In this case lottery organizers create a winning ticket retroactively, and the money goes to them.

Whether it is worth trying your luck in the Russian lottery or not is a personal matter for everyone. But, before becoming the owner of the coveted ticket, remember the possible deception.

Probably, each of us at least once in his life dreamed of winning the lottery - and not just winning, but hitting the main prize, the jackpot, amounting to millions of rubles. At the same time, people here are divided into two main categories - optimists who believe that they will certainly be lucky, and even in the absence of winnings, they buy a ticket over and over again, and pessimists who call lottery drawings a scam.

Indeed, there were cases when a person played all his life, but either did not win anything at all, or his winnings were meager. On the other hand, there are cases when the very first ticket purchased brought a serious cash prize.

Is it possible to win by playing the lottery in Russia

If we talk about Russia, then here, as in any other country, if the organizers use some kind of tricks, then, of course, only the chosen ones will be able to win, that is, those who were chosen by the organizers themselves. When playing the state lottery, the player should feel protected from deception: here, according to many, the chances of winning are higher. There is indeed a certain logic in such thinking. If we assume that the organizers of state lotteries in Russia behave dishonestly, for example, adjust the results, allowing pre-designated people to win, then they are taking a big risk.

Meanwhile, it is the state lotteries in Russia that continue to be the most popular action, primarily for the older generation. Raised in the Soviet Union, they consider everything state-owned to be honest and reliable. Young people no longer treat everything state with such awe and reverence, because for them private business is quite common.

Currently in Russia there are such state lotteries:

  • Gosloto;
  • Victory;
  • Golden horseshoe;
  • First National Lottery;
  • Lotto million;
  • Golden Key.

At the same time, income received, for example, from Gosloto, is directed to the development of Russian sports - the state, selling this lottery, is building new sports facilities. You can easily verify this by going to the official website of Gosloto, which provides statistical data on the financing of the construction of sports facilities in Russia from the proceeds from its sale. This reporting will be the best proof that the funds are really used for the benefit of domestic sports, for everyone who considers the lottery a scam. However, in Lately several scandals broke out around the Gosloto draw, which significantly spoiled the image of this lottery.

At the same time, the largest cash prize in the history of Russia was won by a resident of Novosibirsk, who bought a lucky Gosloto ticket for him. Having made a bet in one of the points of the city, the Siberian, having waited for the drawing, which took place on February 27, saw: all of his 6 numbers coincided with those that were thrown out by the lottery machine. As a result, a resident of Novosibirsk became the proud owner of more than 358 million rubles.

Winning the lottery doesn't always change winners' lives for the better.

It is worth noting that the Gosloto drawings "6 out of 45" and "5 out of 36" are lotteries with the largest super prizes in Russia. In particular, in 2015, the prize in the amount of 203.1 million rubles went to two winners - residents of Murmansk and Nalchik, who divided this amount among themselves. In 2014, while playing Gosloto, a 45-year-old resident Nizhny Novgorod became the owner of a prize in the amount of 202 million rubles.

However, it is time to cite statistics here, on the basis of which we can conclude that winning a large amount in the lottery does not make the winners happier. In particular, about 60 percent of the winners of lucky winning tickets never made the right decision regarding the profitable investment of unexpected wealth that fell on them. In many cases, the money was spent as in a well-known anecdote - under the item of expenditure "miscellaneous", moreover, for a fairly short time, there was practically nothing left from the winnings. Yes, for a short time the life of a lottery winner became a fairy tale, but then it was replaced, unfortunately, by harsh realities.

In Russia, winning the lottery depends, by and large, only on luck, as well as everywhere in the world. It turns out that it is quite possible to win the lottery, but here this question in another: how big are the chances of this winning? Above, we have given the stories of several winners who have won very large cash prizes, and yet many people have won more modest amounts. The statistics here are quite eloquent.

On the other hand, if we compare the number of winners with the number of players, we can see that the ratios are clearly not in favor of the latter. It is this circumstance, by the way, that contributes to the increase in the army of pessimists. Much depends on the psychology of the person himself - if he sincerely believes that he will be lucky in the end, then no statistical calculations will dissuade him. Just like a pessimist, no amount of news about lottery winners who have won large sums will make them abandon the opinion that all this is a scam, deceit and swindle, committed to deprive gullible citizens of their money.

In fairness, it should be noted that, on average, lottery organizers take about 50 percent of the profits from tickets sold, but the second half goes to pay cash prizes to the lucky ones. Therefore, we can say that the chances of winning for both sides - the organizer and the players - are equal: 50 to 50, but there is only one organizer, while there are millions of players.

There are a huge number of tips on the Web today that, if you heed, you can allegedly increase your chances of winning the lottery, but many of these kinds of recommendations are actually nothing more than empty shells. They seem to be well written. beautiful words, but they do not take into account the most important thing - in the lottery everything depends on a successful combination of circumstances, of course, for the player. Many of the players use their own strategies, which should increase the chances of success. For example, someone stubbornly uses the same combination of numbers, because according to the theory of probability, sooner or later their version must still fall out. Others, on the contrary, each time choose some new combinations.

A group approach is also used: after all, everyone is well aware that the more combinations a player offers, the greater are his chances of winning. However, if you are not Roman Abramovich, it will be quite difficult to buy a huge number of lottery tickets. And although they are relatively inexpensive, but a batch, for example, of a thousand, will already cost a decent amount. Given this, some players team up with like-minded people by purchasing a certain number of tickets - in the case of a big win, the money is distributed among all participants, as a rule, in proportion to the contribution made. Of course, it’s a little disappointing if you guessed the option that turned into a win of millions of rubles, and the money will need to be divided among everyone. But on the other hand, if someone else guessed correctly, then you get part of the amount won.

Moreover, some seriously believe in the power of magic, talking about their ticket “to win” - for this they turn to magicians and sorceresses that have bred in large numbers. If you think soberly, then it's just money thrown to the wind. In most cases, all these "sorcerers" are the most common charlatans, and you simply voluntarily give him the specified amount. The scammer can always explain the absence of a win by “failures in space”, “pollution of your aura” and hundreds of other reasons why the “message to win” did not bring the expected result.

Let's think logically - if a person really knows how to "charge to win" a lottery ticket, then why doesn't he do it for himself, but instead "helps others win"? No, people with certain psychic abilities, of course, there are, but they are unlikely to engage in such very dubious actions. The same applies to astrologers, who are supposedly able to see by the stars which combination of numbers will help you win a cash prize on a given day.

They are in great demand among ordinary citizens. In the Soviet Union, playing the lottery was a ritual. Families of people gathered at the TV screens to check their tickets against the numbers that had been drawn. After the draw, the results of the game were heatedly discussed with friends and relatives. Today, lotteries have not lost their popularity. Many Russians still continue to try their luck. Of course, before purchasing a ticket, many players are interested in which loto is better to play.

What are the most winning lotteries in Russia?

There are several Russian lotteries that are the most winning. Large cash prizes are often played here, so the number of millionaires in Russia increases weekly.

In Gosloto "6 out of 45" more than 10.4 billion rubles were raffled off.

One of the most profitable lotteries is considered to be "". It is chosen by players who dream of winning a large amount. Minimum bet here is 100 rubles, for which you can choose six numbers. The ticket contains 6 playing fields, so you can fill in each of them. This increases the chances of winning. If desired, you can fill out a ticket so that it takes part in several draws.

To get a small win, it is enough to match at least two numbers of the same playing field. The more numbers you guess, the bigger the win will be. The jackpot is awarded to the participant who has matched six numbers in one field. The main prize here can be hundreds of millions of rubles. The biggest win was more than 358 million rubles. Today this amount is . The minimum jackpot is 50 million rubles. The prize draw in this lottery is held twice a week. You can follow it on the official website of this lottery operator.

Gosloto "5 out of 36" - Play every day!

In the second position of the best Russian lotteries is the game "". As in the first lottery, there are six playing fields. However, in this game you need to cross out 5 numbers in each field. The minimum bet here is 60 rubles. The participant has the opportunity to cross out up to 12 numbers in each field. Increasing the crossed out numbers increases the chances of winning. Also, a participant can use one ticket to play in several draws.

By guessing only two numbers, the player receives a prize of 60 rubles. As the number of matches increases, so does the amount of winnings. The main prize is received by the player whose ticket matches 5 numbers of the same row in the playing field. The jackpot may vary from draw to draw. Its amount can range from one to several tens of millions of rubles. To date, the largest jackpot that has been won in this lottery is almost 47 million rubles. This lottery attracts the attention of players because it draws five times a day. Twenty minutes before the start of the draw, ticket sales stop.

Russian Lotto pleases its fans not only large sums

It must be said that this lottery is preferred by people different ages. The first draw took place in 1994. Since then, the lottery has only grown in popularity. For many, it is a pleasant childhood memory. It was then that the whole family gathered near the TV to watch the numbers that fell out. The prize went to the player who first crossed out the numbers in his card. For more than twenty years, the lottery has pleased its fans not only with large sums, but also with country houses, apartments, travel and cars.

The lottery also attracts with fairly simple rules of the game. After purchasing a ticket, it is enough to turn on the NTV channel at a certain time. If you believe in luck, she will definitely smile at you sometime. When buying a ticket, you have the opportunity to choose a game card yourself.

Housing Lottery - Helps improve your living conditions

This lottery was created specifically for those who wish to improve their living conditions. The game is the best option realize your old dream quickly enough. To date, "" has already played more than 700 houses, apartments and other real estate. It should also be noted that there is an opportunity to win large cash prizes.

Most big prize, recorded in this game, amounted to more than 17 million rubles. Draws are broadcast on Saturdays. The minimum cost of a game ticket is one hundred rubles.

The Golden Horseshoe is the only lottery in Russia, the game of which lasts up to 87 moves

A considerable number big wins this lottery can boast. I must say that today this is the only lottery in Russia, the game of which lasts up to 87 moves. The lottery attracts with large cash prizes. The game differs from other lotteries in that it is held in three stages, each of which raffles a certain cash prize. In addition, there is an opportunity to become the owner of the main prize. If the first five numbers drawn from the lottery drum match the five numbers in one line of the game ticket, then you are lucky. Minimum size The jackpot in this lottery is three million rubles. If the main prize is not drawn, its size is increased and transferred to next draw. You can follow the draw every Sunday. The broadcast is on the NTV channel.

Lottery as an income

Of course, every person, by purchasing a lottery ticket, seeks to improve their financial situation. However, you must understand that in the pursuit of easy money, you run the risk of being left with nothing. Of course, we all look forward to the draw, hoping to become the next millionaire. But experienced players recommend to treat the game easier. There is no need to consider the lottery as a way to earn money, because after all it is entertainment. Such a game makes it possible to diversify your leisure time, have fun, try your luck. This is how you should treat various draws. This will allow you not to be upset if you didn’t win anything.
