Laid table in a dream. Gather About: From Romance to Melancholy

The most complete collection of dream books. Includes: Standard dream book, Doff's dream book, Freud's dream book, Miller's dream book, Nostradamus' dream book, Assyrian Dream book, Hasse's dream book, Vanga's dream book, Azar's dream book, Zhou-Gong's dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Old Russian dream book, English dream book, Esoteric dream book, French dream book, Indian dream book, Kopalinsky's dream book, Culinary dream book, Slavic dream book, Meneghetti's dream book, Muslim dream book, Persian dream book, Correct dream book, Small dream book, Solomon's dream book, Krada Veles' dream book, Family dream book, Intimate dream book, Children's dream book, Modern dream book, Love dream book, Moon dream book, Electronic dream book, Food dream book, Flower dream book, Wedding dream book, Dream Interpretation of Numbers, Dream Interpretation for Women, Dream Interpretation for Men, Ancient Dream Interpretation, Sonic Kananita, Dream Interpretation Longo, Ukrainian Dream Interpretation.

The dream in which you set the table predicts a happy union and circumstances favorable for prosperity. Seeing empty tables in a dream means poverty and disagreement. Clearing the table is a sign that current pleasures will soon be replaced by troubles and indifference. Eat on a table not covered with a tablecloth - predicts that your position will be independent and you will not care much about the behavior and well-being of other people. If you dreamed that the table was moving in a mysterious way, then dissatisfaction will soon enter your life and you will seek relief in change. Seeing a soiled tablecloth on a table in a dream is a sign of disobedience of children or subordinates. In addition, quarrels will certainly follow pleasures. A broken table is a symbol of bad luck. Seeing someone sitting at a table is a dream - a warning. This person will do an ignoble deed to achieve his desires. Hearing tapping on the table in a dream means that you will change your attitude towards your friends. In addition, your fate is threatened. Expect losses due to neglect of relatives or friends. If you dreamed that you were sitting at your desk, then in real life Unforeseen difficulties will stand in your way. Seeing money on the table is a sign that you will find an unexpected way out of personal difficulties.Miller's dream book
If in a dream you see a table set for dinner, it means that soon pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you. If you see empty tables in a dream, beware of quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you clear the table, it promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference. Eating in a dream at a table without a tablecloth means that soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all. If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, it means that soon you will experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes. A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family. A broken table means decline, change for the worse. Hearing tapping on the table in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon change your attitude towards friends, and your fate will be in jeopardy. This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends. If in a dream you sit down at your desk- this warns you and encourages caution. The money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of trouble.Dream Interpretation Hasse
Cover - buy property; clean up - profit eludes you; sit at a table - funny company; empty - lack.Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong
In the house - things will not work out.Old Russian dream book
house, family life. Esoteric dream book
Solid, strong - to prosperity, confidence in life. Flimsy, plastic - uncertainty, instability in financial position. Full of food, treats - a sign of gluttony. If you are not a gourmet, then you are fond of bodily food. With the remnants of food, untidy - to trouble in the domestic sphere. Cover, arrange dishes - to the guests.Small dream book
Setting the table in a dream means that you are destined for a happy union. Clearing the table is a sign that current joys will soon be replaced by troubles. Seeing empty tables in a dream predicts poverty. If you dream that you are having dinner at a table that does not have a tablecloth, then you are an independent and independent nature. Seeing a soiled tablecloth on the table means disobedience of children or subordinates. If you dreamed that the table was moving in some strange way, then be prepared for the fact that your attitude to life will be characterized by dissatisfaction and you will acutely feel the need for change. A broken table is a symbol of bad luck. If you dreamed of one of your acquaintances sitting at the table, then you should beware of this person, since he is able to do anything to achieve his goals. The dream in which you are sitting at a desk means unforeseen difficulties. Seeing money on the table in a dream is a sign that you can find a way out of an impasse.Family dream book
A table in a dream symbolizes the strength of your position, your family, your business. It all depends on where exactly he is standing (at home, at work, with friends, etc.). An empty table in a dream is a sign of a quarrel or squabble. If you dream that the table is hanging in the air in your home, then your family may fall apart due to treason, betrayal, or some kind of deception. Sometimes such a dream indicates the precariousness of your financial situation. The stronger and more expensive the table in your dream is, the more prosperous your life will be. A broken, staggering, fragile table (table, whatnot) in a dream indicates that your situation may worsen if you do not urgently take the necessary security measures. Getting rid of such a table in a dream is a sign of the collapse of your hopes. But if in a dream you can repair or strengthen it, then luck and prosperity will return to you. Buying a table in a dream or seeing it being brought into your home is a sign of big changes. Small decorative tables in a dream portend well-being and pleasure. Knocking on the table in a dream is a sign of disagreement, quarrels and the likelihood that you will make enemies for yourself. A fresh tablecloth on the table means that you will soon meet new friends. A torn, dirty, crumpled tablecloth on the table means quarrels and grief. Set the table in a dream - a harbinger pleasant meetings or conversations (See interpretation: spots, linen). Clearing the table in a dream portends disappointment and grief. A table laid for a solemn occasion portends the receipt of news of some important event or an invitation to it. See interpretation: triumph. If you dream that your table has disappeared and you cannot find it, then your opponent (or rival) will steal your happiness. An overturned table in a dream predicts big trouble for you, because of which everything in your house will be upside down. See interpretation: furniture.Children's dream book
Table - denotes some kind of mass gathering. If this is a dining table, then you will soon have to participate in some kind of celebration. If this is a desk, then it will either extracurricular activity, or some kind of meeting at school. If the table is littered with some objects, conflicts are possible. If the table is empty, then you will feel among people, as in a desert.Modern dream book
Modern dream book
If you dreamed that you were setting the table, then guests would rush into your house. The same dream on Saturday prophesies the appearance of a new family member in the house. A Friday dream in which you accidentally broke a table leg means that your life will change dramatically. The same dream on Sunday night warns that you may be fired from your job. On the night of Monday or Wednesday, the sale of a dining table is a dream that you will soon become a family man or start a new family. If you dreamed that you spilled something on the table, this means that luck will be in doubt. The same dream for Thursday indicates that in real life your chances of success in the business you have begun are growing by leaps and bounds.Dream interpretation for women
Set the table in a dream - to the guests. If you had such a dream from Friday to Saturday, it means that soon you will have an addition to the family. If in a dream from Thursday to Friday you broke a table leg, cardinal changes will take place in your life in the near future, but if you had such a dream from Saturday to Sunday, it portends a dismissal from work. If you dreamed from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday that you were selling your dining table, then soon you will have new family. Spilling some liquid on the table is a dubious luck, but if you had such a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, your chances increase significantly.Dream Interpretation of Azar
Name day invitationSlavic dream book
Home, family life; overturned - a consolation in misfortune.Sonic Cananita
Table - set - buy property - clean up - profit will slip away from you - sit - cheerful company - empty - shortageUkrainian dream book
Table - throne, joy.Dream Interpretation Hasse
You will live in contentment.Standard
To see a pillar in a dream - predicts that some stranger, in time of need and hardship, will come to your aid and become yours. true friend. To stumble upon a pole means that in real life you will have to commit a dishonest act in order to overcome difficulties, otherwise you will fall into the net of enemies. To dream of a pillar in your path is a sign that in real life you will have many enemies.Small dream book
If in a dream you see a pillar, then in reality you will help a stranger in his difficult hour, and this will serve as the basis for many years of strong friendship. If you dreamed that you stumbled upon a pillar, then in real life you will have to commit some dishonest act in order to overcome difficulties, because otherwise you will fall into the nets set by enemies.Family dream book
A pillar in a dream is a symbol of power, health, wealth. A falling pole in a dream indicates a deterioration in your situation or illness. A destroyed pillar in a dream suggests that fate will change for the worse. Burning poles in a dream indicate the danger that threatens your children. Milestones in a dream mean that your business is progressing. See interpretation: numbers, movement. If there are no numbers on the pillars, then it is too early for you to count on the success of your business.Electronic dream book
strength, power, health; fallen - damage, illness and failure in everythingSonic Cananita
Pillar - strength, powerUkrainian dream book
Your joy will turn into weeping.Dream interpretation of numbers
To dream of a pillar standing alone on a hill or in the middle of a field means that you have been wanting to do a new business for a long time, but you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with it alone or that you will not have the strength to bring it to the end. Stop reflecting, it's time to take decisive action - take as an ally a person whom you have known for ten years, and start working on your project. If you need a loan, then let the sum of its constituent digits give one. For women, this dream promises the possibility of honest earnings if she accepts the offer of a person who is one year or 19 years older than her.Standard
A collision in a dream is a sign that in reality you are in danger of an accident with serious consequences. Your commercial affairs will also bring you many disappointments. For a young woman, such a dream predicts difficult choice between two lovers, which will cause strife.
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IN Everyday life we are surrounded by many objects that we take for granted and do not even think about the meaning that our ancestors gave them.

For example, a table - today there are a great many varieties of tables, but a long time ago there could be one and only table at which people shared food, and therefore this piece of furniture was even called the “palm of God”. For example, as the French dream book says, a table in a dream that was magnificently set is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity.

There are many interpretations of what the table is dreaming of - mainly because in a dream you can see the most different tables, and because a variety of objects can be placed on their countertops. But there are also general interpretations that do not depend on what material and how firmly the piece of furniture was made, as well as on what was on the table.

For example, if the table turned out to be broken in a dream, then such a dream is a warning to the sleeper. Events coming soon negative character but you still have time to prevent them. From which side it is worth reflecting the onset of troubles, the “nature” of the table will tell you: dining - in the family, written - at work, in business, a coffee table or a picnic table - in a friendly circle.

If you dream of a table, albeit a whole one, but empty, such a dream warns of the possibility of conflicts. Seeing an empty dining table - a dream speaks of the possibility of conflict with the "soulmate" due to the state of the family budget. In order to “neutralize” the consequences of such a dream, it is worth discussing all the difficult points with your spouse or taking measures to create a financial “airbag”.

The desktop turned out to be empty in a dream - such dreams call for caution and strengthening your position in the workplace. This will not be superfluous at all, since the vision may warn that various conflicts can only have a negative effect - up to and including dismissal. An empty desk or bureau encourages the dreamer to put things in order in matters or papers relating to personal property.

What other pieces of furniture can you see in your dreams during a night's rest? Yes, whatever! Let's look at the most common options:

  • Sturdy and solid table.
  • Crooked and squishy.
  • Round.
  • Writing.
  • Worker.
  • Festive.

Quality, materials, purpose

Why dream of a well-made, strong, high-quality table? Esoteric dream book says that this is a sign of reliability and prosperity. If it was a dining table, then the vision promises that your house will be like a “full bowl”, a worker - for career advancement, a written one - for good luck and stability in personal affairs.

A flimsy, staggering, rickety piece of furniture in a dream means the approach of problems and serves as a warning to the dreamer. The dream has a similar meaning, where the plastic table turned out to be the central part - the product itself is very fragile.

If the table turned out to be wooden in a dream, this positively characterizes the dreamer: you value material goods, but no more than they deserve, you feel the line between the accumulation of funds and their spending on life's pleasures, and you know how to walk along it without losing balance. That is, a wooden piece of furniture in your dream symbolizes that you will be able to ensure your own prosperous future and the material well-being of your family.

Seeing marble furniture in dreams is a warning: there is an extremely unfriendly person in your environment, try to guess who he is and neutralize his actions towards yourself. Metal furniture in a dream speaks of the sleeper as an energetic person, capable of reaching many peaks in life.

See in a dream round table- means a quick reconciliation with the person with whom you are in a quarrel. Also, a round piece of furniture can mean ambulances. business meeting which will be successful for you (such an interpretation will depend on the other situation in your dream).

Seeing a desk with an empty tabletop in night dreams is also a warning sign: obstacles may appear in your affairs. It is important not to perceive temporary difficulties as a catastrophe. And if you saw banknotes or on the countertop, then these obstacles will be easily resolved, and the business will turn out to be profitable.

If your desktop in a dream is an example of a “working mess”, then you need to work on your own ability to organize your workflow: otherwise, profitable offers or projects may float out from under your nose. If there is nothing on the worktop at the workplace, you should find a hobby to your liking in order to enjoy life.

The holiday comes to us

Why dream of a table set for receiving guests or some kind of celebration? According to Vanga's dream book, a set table with a lot of food portends the dreamer's material well-being, which may also appear due to the patronage of an influential person. According to the Women's Dream Book, a piece of furniture set for dinner in a dream means interesting acquaintances in the near future and well-being in the family.

To set the table, says the Family Dream Book, it’s worth waiting for guests soon. In this regard, food and its quantity matter - the more it is, the more guests you should expect. In some cases, food on the countertop, prepared for a meal, can mean imminent addition in the family - especially if such a dream was seen on the night of.

But the Esoteric Dream Book believes that seeing a set table with an abundance of food in night dreams is not an auspicious dream, but a warning: the dreamer needs to avoid bodily excesses, in particular gluttony. Otherwise, it may lead to health problems.

The dream book of Simon Kananita says that setting the table in a dream for the arrival of guests, generously forcing him with food, means that in the near future in reality you will be able to acquire some valuable property very profitably. If there are vases with food and cutlery on the countertop, this means that your marriage will be happy and your family life will be prosperous.. In the Jewish dream book, a tabletop full of food in a dream is considered a harbinger of an invitation to a big celebration with a plentiful treat.

If dreamed festive table full of food - in reality soon fate will give you a chance to meet and chat with dear to the heart people you haven't seen in a long time. A served festive table, on which food has not yet been served, in a dream means that for the time being it is better to refrain from large financial expenses - you may need money a little later.

An interesting plot is a dream, central image which is not just a festive, but a wedding table, “bursting” with food. For young girls, this image in dreams promises a quick marriage, and the more refined the food and the richer the decoration, the more wealthy it will be. future spouse. But for the rest, such a plot promises things that are not related to personal life: the successful completion of the work begun, as well as respect from others.

After the holiday

In life, after any holiday, the house should be put in order, and similar plots can be seen in a dream. What is the dream of the table that you had to clean after the guests left? In almost all dream books, a similar image in dreams is interpreted as a warning.

For example, Adaskin's Dream Interpretation says that if in night dreams you had to clean up leftover food and dirty dishes, - this means that fate has prepared some trials for you. If you and your “soulmate” can unite and go through them, solve all problems together, then nothing will be able to destroy your union.

Also, dream books pay a lot of attention to such a plot when there are cutlery and food on the table, but for some reason there is no tablecloth. Such a dream may warn that for some reason - perhaps because of your financial situation - you are the envy of even friends. It is worth taking a closer look at your inner circle and refusing home to people who exude, albeit covertly, negativity in your direction.

A torn or dirty tablecloth on a served tabletop in your dreams portends possible intra-family conflicts. It would be worthwhile to identify points of disagreement in advance and extinguish them without waiting for the fire of negative passions.

But to sit at the table - such a vision has the opposite meaning. Sitting behind him with your relatives - such a vision promises that your family will have peace, harmony and prosperity. Dreaming of friends with whom you are sitting around the same tabletop - know that you are not afraid of any failures in life, because your friends are ready to help you. And the more friends you had with you, the more powerful friendly support is provided to you in life.

However, if you happened to sit at the table alone, then the vision warns that in the near future you will have to make an independent, and very difficult, life choice. If you dreamed of sitting at the same table with your own, do not worry. Such dreams suggest that you have chosen the right one. life path and success awaits you along the way.

However, it may dream that you are sitting, for example, at a school desk. Such a vision warns you that you may not have enough knowledge for what you have planned, so it would be nice to do self-education.

Why dream of a set table with food? Seeing him in a dream is not the most positive sign. It reflects the abundance of unsatisfied desires and ambitions of the dreamer. The dream book will help you understand the interpretation of the image.

Miller's interpretation

Seeing a noble feast in a dream means that you are careless about important documents, which seriously harms business affairs.

Gain or loss?

What does a luxurious feast mean in a dream and are you the only eater behind it? This is a symbol of future, albeit minor losses.

If you had a chance to feast in a company, then the dream book guarantees success in business and significant benefits.

Show determination!

I dreamed that you were sitting at a table with an abundance delicious meals and consumed food without measure?

The interpretation of sleep is twofold: guests will visit you or you will get sick. It is also a sign of responsibility for organizing an event.

If a set table with food in a dream does not evoke any emotions and you are trying to eat through force, then in reality you will have to make a decision by an effort of will.

The dream interpretation also suspects that you will find yourself in a situation that will be contrary to your mood.

Communicate more!

Why dream that you had to eat while sitting at a luxurious table? This means that you require spiritual food solely for reflection.

Eat alone - the need to join knowledge and receive life experience. Eating with someone - to the desire to communicate and exchange information received.

In a dream, eat exclusively vegetarian food - to the need to include more vegetables and other plant foods in the menu.

What did you eat?

Had a dream that you had difficulty chewing an unloved dish? The dream interpretation is sure that in reality you are not able to accept something or someone.

In order to establish exactly what the set table with food is dreaming of, it is necessary to establish the quality of the dishes served.

  • Tasty foods symbolize the absence of flaws.
  • Tasteless - displeasure, illness.
  • Burnt - bad news.
  • Salty - a difficult situation.
  • Bitter, peppered - hopelessness.
  • Sweet - pleasure, joy.

Get lucky!

Seeing people eating nearby is an invitation to a noble event.

Had a dream that you were invited to a feast? The dream interpretation promises great luck.

If a luxurious table stands under open sky, then the vision reflects the instability and low stability of the situation.

Do not wait…

Why else dream of a table full of food? If the spectacle does not call strong feeling hunger or any vivid emotions in general, then in reality things will go more successfully than before.

Did you dream that you were swallowing saliva while looking at a full table? The dream interpretation advises to give up hope for the speedy fulfillment of what was planned.

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a table set for dinner, it means that pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you soon. If you see empty tables in a dream, beware of quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you clear the table, it promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference. Eating at a table without a tablecloth in a dream means that soon you will reach such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all. If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, it means that soon you will experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes. A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family. A broken table means decline, change for the worse. Hearing tapping on the table in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon change your attitude towards friends and your fate will be in jeopardy. This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends. If in a dream you sit down at your desk, this warns you and encourages caution. The money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of trouble.

The meaning of sleep about food

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, a dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. And you just need to look at beautiful woman, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be dealt with. A small amount of food that you saw in a dream promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

Dreamed of food

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing food in a dream means that you allow a careless attitude to documents, harming the most important business operations. If you dream of your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses. A favorable dream in which you eat in a pleasant society - it means profit, success in business. But if you see that your daughter or the waiter is taking away the meat dish you have not eaten, you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why dream of food

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food - an unusual offer; too much - joy; cook food - personal troubles; is - to tears, sadness.

Dreamed of a kitchen

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a kitchen in a dream means that you will find yourself in a critical situation that will lead you to a slight depression. This dream warns you to be ready for anything. For a woman to see cleanliness and order in her kitchen in a dream is a sign that she will become a favorite of fortune.

What is the dream of the kitchen

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

net profit; dirty - annoyance, no reciprocity; big beautiful - for marriage (for a woman), good wife(for a man); empty walls, empty - disappointment in connection with marriage (or lack thereof); flames or bright flames in the oven, oven - an urgent matter.

Why dream of having dinner

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

at home - loss; a quarrel if there are still people; together with a loved one - an early or quick marriage.

Why dream of eating

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

minor annoyances; watch others eat - exaltation; seeing food is good; eat bread - wealth.

To see in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

As part of the interpretation of a dream, the process of eating can be very eloquent, or it can be dictated by the laws of survival, by ordinary necessity. Did you get your food in the usual way or under some unusual circumstances? Is this a familiar dish or something hitherto unknown to you? If you watch how others eat, then this indicates your unsatisfied material or emotional needs. This applies to cases when you think that others are too indefatigable in their appetites. In this case, it is worth determining who is eating and why you were not invited. How those present eat: grotesque gluttony speaks of excess in your life or the nature of your relationship with other people sitting at the table. If the process of eating takes place with all due propriety and is similar to a sacred ritual, then in some aspect of your life you are guided by Providence or feel insight.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

If you dream that you are having dinner, then this indicates that you will experience great difficulties associated with food. You will feel out of your element. Enemies will try to injure your character. You should be careful who you trust with your secrets.

What is the dream of the operation

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

you are being operated on - huge changes for the better, new opportunities and incomes; you yourself operate - you will benefit; you watch the operation - incredible news.

Seeing food in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Food, like the process of its absorption itself, in dreams is powerful symbol. It can be either a simple addition to the main plot of the dream, or its central element. Moreover, for the interpretation of sleep, it is important to determine who prepared it. For example, you dream of a plate of potato salad that Aunt Sally loved to cook, and she has been dead for two years now. Then it may well be that the key to understanding the essence of the dream is hidden in the personality of your aunt or her influence on you. The abundance of food symbolizes fertility, abundance or wealth. How did so much food appear in a dream, and how did people react to such an abundance? Perhaps your concept of excess and excess is at odds with the opinions of other people on the same issue. Wealth and prosperity always go hand in hand: probably in a dream you require more food - this means that you have additional responsibilities. You acquired products simply because funds allowed it, then it promises wealth or someone's location, depending on how you disposed of the acquisition. Fresh food - a sign of renewal - can be dreamed of in the following contexts: you would like to dine with someone, compare with the traditional Sunday dinner in the family circle; we are talking directly about the process of eating food that brings a sense of renewal or about harvesting symbolizes unity with nature or pride in the work done. Spoiled food symbolizes waste, excess, greed or inability to manage funds. These dreams usually cause a feeling of dissatisfaction associated with the loss, ordering or appearance of spoiled food. Have you ever struggled with being overweight, overeating, or with an eating disorder such as bulimia or loss of appetite? Have you ever been embarrassed by being forced to eat foods you didn't like and in large quantities? Does the appearance of any food associate you with specific people?

Dreamed of billiards

according to Miller's dream book

Billiards portends to the one who sees this dream, future troubles, as well as trials and disputes over property. Slander will harm you. If you see a billiard table and the balls are not in the game, this means that insidious friends will harm you.

Why dream of billiards

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(roll balls) - a court case; litigation over property.

Dreamed of lunch

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are dining alone means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life issues. In a dream, a young woman dine with her lover - to a quarrel with him or a complete break. But if their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, giving them pleasure, then the dream portends the successful development of their relationship. To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

Dream about dinner

according to Loff's dream book

Lunch always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a vital necessity. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the friendly atmosphere and the way the food is prepared. For the family, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather with the whole family to chat. Even in families that do not have frequent communication, the dining table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have long died or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully who is present at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to food. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a particular member of the family or with the image of the family as a whole. It can be food that no one likes, or cooked by a person who is not liked, an exotic dish. The point is that a certain dish becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream, the appearance of some unimaginable dish or a demonstration of an unusual cooking method is quite possible. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people, or the inability to cook a dish that falls out of the traditional family menu. The symbolic overtones that food has, for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in your memory. Does lunch take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere? Or maybe it's a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual? Do you use your lunch time just to talk about your daily business?

A waking table often brings people together. The feast is an occasion for meetings and communication. Most of the sanniks report that such a plot portends interesting acquaintances, a long-awaited meeting. But, this is not the only description of what dreams this dream. Any detail seen in a dream matters. Sitting and eating Seeing yourself sitting at a set table - to well-being and success. The more food was on it in a dream, the greater well-being awaits you. The esoteric dream book believes that a lot of food is a sign of gluttony. You probably like to eat a lot and tasty. Medium Hasse interprets differently what this plot is dreaming of. Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that gatherings at the table in a dream portend a noisy feast in reality. If at the same time you dreamed of a full table of food, then a friendly meeting will be very fun. Eat and talk at the same time - to a truce with the person with whom given time you are in a quarrel. Especially if you had a hearty meal.

Table varieties

If you dreamed of a dining table, then you should limit yourself a little in food. The modern dream book advises to eat in small portions, otherwise, you can provoke a number of problems with the body associated with overeating. Written dreamed? Be as careful as possible in real life. Overconfidence can lead to serious problems. Especially if in a dream he was littered with work papers and books. A dreaming desktop is evidence that in reality you lack self-organization. Dream Interpretation Grishina gives advice to start a diary. It will help you plan your day and not forget about important meetings.

Round Swedish promises a quick visit of guests. Not in a dream, but in reality, many people will visit your house. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers suggests that you may be celebrating some pleasant event. Why dream of the operating and funeral tables describes Aesop. Operational predicts the adoption of an extremely important decision. This decision can seriously change your life. Funeral - symbolizes longing for dead people. Worth a visit to the grave loved one in the near future. If this is not possible, go to church and order a memorial prayer.

If you dreamed of a rich banquet, then the state of your affairs allows you not to think about the future with apprehension. Women's dream book reports that in the near future everything will work out for you and you will be able to earn decent money. If you dream of a wedding table, then luck will accompany you in every possible way. This means that you can safely participate in a risky business. Rest assured it will be successful.

Cover and clean up

Miller describes in detail why such a plot is dreamed of. According to this source, setting the table for guests is for the visit of relatives or friends in reality. Miller's dream book promises that a friendly visit will bring many joyful moments. Serve a long festive table - to a joyful meeting with dear person. And he will come from afar. Why dream of a similar plot describes Grishina in his interpreter. According to Grishina's dream book, a large table with food promises well-being and every kind of success. You can get famous material well-being. Good times are coming very soon! Cleaning and washing dishes means going through a hectic and joyless life period. If, as a result of your labors, all the dishes were removed in a dream, then the “black bar” will drag on. The universal dream book recommends not to despair, but, on the contrary, to pull yourself together as much as possible and solve all problems. Wipe the surface in a dream with a rag - to drastic changes, as well as serious financial difficulties. Proper allocation of the budget will help to avoid a complete collapse. Don't waste your money. You will need them soon.

Products on the table

If you dreamed of flour, then all desires will come true. Especially if there was a lot of flour that was dreamed up in a dream. Why dream of fruits lying on the table describes Hasse. Dream Interpretation Hasse believes that juicy and ripe fruits promise joy and happiness. If the fruits were spoiled, get ready for difficulties and hardships. The fish lying on the surface of the table symbolizes replenishment in the family. Especially if such a dream was dreamed married woman. Bread crumbs scattered on a white tablecloth - to poverty. Another option for explaining why a similar plot is dreaming is the birth of a child at a fairly mature age.

Various explanations

The interpretation of dreams will be as accurate as possible if you even remember the smallest details. For example, if the surface or legs of this piece of kitchen furniture were dirty, then depression will soon begin. Provokes its occurrence a strong prolonged stress. Moreover, the dirtier the surface seen in the dream was, the deeper your sadness will be. Drinking tea at an empty table means experiencing disappointments in real life. The universal dream book advises not to worry too much about this. Forget the past and move forward. Wasting time on the blues is absolutely useless. Hiding under the table - to new opportunities. Lying on it means successfully getting out of difficult situation, sleep - to dubious luck. If in a dream you stood on it, then in reality you can take control of a difficult situation. Did you dream that the dead were sitting at the table? Expect a sudden change in the weather. If the dead joyfully communicated with each other, then soon you will surely receive good news. Buying a new wooden table and chairs in addition to it means a quick move. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers promises to move to new house or even in new country. If you dreamed that a man was fixing a broken table, then in reality you would have a strong patron who would solve all problems.

comments 20

  • I dreamed about my dead uncle. He took my daughter and didn't give it back to me, he just looked at me and didn't talk. After 2 days, I dream of a continuation of the dream that strangers are sitting at an empty table and are silent. I went into the room and told my father, for some reason he was afraid of them, and in the meantime, my mother put a white gossamer scarf on her head. That's what it dreamed about?

  • I dreamed that we were returning from the garage with my brother and we saw that a very long table was laid, covered with a clean white tablecloth and there were a lot of goodies on it, and everyone close to whom we only know what it was for?
