What is the dream of a child in his arms: his own or someone else's? The main interpretations are what a child is dreaming of in the arms of a girl or a married wife. What does the touch of hands in a dream mean? Explanations on the English dream book

Our experts will help you find out what you dream about Keep in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw in a dream given symbol. Try it!

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    I was on the third floor of the school and the stairs lead down (there are 3 floors in the school), it’s darker on the stairs, I take only a couple of steps along it and then I feel someone’s presence and suddenly touching my genitals with a hand in a fist between my legs (nowhere climbs, but as if “deals me” - a fist near my p.o.), I wanted to shout - not from fear, I wanted to scare him with a cry, and then I hear the voice of my Friend (my classmate, I don’t know if he feels for me feelings, we have been friends for many years, they said that he was not indifferent to me).
    I immediately calmed down, but I thought - he knew that I would be there, but I didn’t know this, I don’t see him - but I feel and hear. He didn’t feel or paw, there was no feeling of disgust or fear. I heard his voice - I immediately recognized that it was him. It was as if he was standing there and knew that I would come, but I was not afraid myself, but wanted to scare him away by screaming, but recognizing his voice, I changed my mind about screaming.

    • The fact that you have begun the descent most likely indicates that you may feel a decline in business.

    • One young man is nice to me, I think that there is sympathy between us.
      I dreamed that he was holding me in the dark (and his hand was between my legs) - I wanted to scream in fright, and when I heard his voice, I immediately calmed down. I was always calm with him.
      And the other day I dreamed that he and I were sitting on the same bench for set table, and he moved closer to me and took my hand - I feel his warm and big hand. I felt so good.

      • A dream of such a plan, most likely, indicates that you may be faced with the fact that that person will try to find out that he intends to establish a relationship with you.

        I dreamed that I was sitting in a room alone on a chair, a boy I like came up to me, I don’t see him, my hands are in my pockets, he came up and took my hands and held them for a long time, I turned around and recognized him, he began to apologize , I was very glad, he held my hand a little more, then he began to move away, looked at me for a very very long time, smiled and I noticed that his nose was not his, but that of another boy, then he began to leave ..

        I had a dream about how a man I knew (kind of like experiencing sympathy for a long time, but he is married, this is not interesting, but also cute) for some reason he holds his hand by deceit. I didn’t trust him with my hand, didn’t let him touch it, and in a dream I understand that he somehow deceived me in order to hold my hand tightly, as if to keep me from falling. However, he smiled. If I fell, he probably wouldn't be so happy. For some reason, there were hands in reality and a feeling of warmth. This shocked me for some reason and sunk into my head for several days. I am going through difficult times. Maybe this is related. But he has something to do with it, although he is aware of it. That's the kind of nonsense that doesn't come out of my head.

        Dreaming every day and every other day.
        I’m sitting at home, someone rings the door, I open it, and there the dog is standing on the ceiling and looking at me. I understand that this cannot be. So same understand, that in dog not honor. Somehow it gets home. At home, the cat is present and began to navigate by me. Starts hissing and growling. When something approaches. Walks at home like an invisible cloud. When you get under it, you can’t do anything, everything starts in slow motion. Break free from captivity slowly. You can't scream, you can only whisper. No pain is present. As a result, when I get very angry, I break out of captivity. And that's where the dream ends. And in Lately a stranger began to open my door from where he did not know. He leads me to the door and opens it. I understand that now I will see there, so I myself do not open it. And he opens it to spite me and supposedly shows it, look.

        I dreamed of a completely unfamiliar young man leading me by the hand through a wooden room (like a well, or something. And he himself is located between an ordinary room and a balcony) with narrow doors, about half filled with a blue viscous liquid. The martyr walks on the water, and he carries me by the hand. It seems that he asked me to try to follow him, standing on the water with his feet, but I shout that I don’t know how, and I hold his hand. Behind it remains unclear where the young man came from, I think that there is sympathy between us, but I am not indifferent to the person walking in front. This young man, who was sitting behind, grinned like "well, well:)". I remember the dream in fragments, indistinctly. Further, I crawl out through a narrow passage-window with my body forward, from this room, following the martyr. We get to the balcony. We stand facing each other and START KISSING!
        Is it possible to somehow interpret this dream and does it mean anything at all? :)

        Hello! I dreamed that I was riding a bus with a guy I knew. And then the bus drove up to my stop, my friend takes me by the hand and leads to the exit. He came out and took my hands off the bus and put me on the ground, and then I leave with my brother ...

        i dreamed that I was somewhere in the village ... I see my former young man, I’m trying to hide from him, and he catches up, I’m lying on the grass, and he holds my hands, I can’t escape, I want to scream, but there is no sound, I can’t scream , I try to push away and wake up. What is it for?

        Hello. I often have a dream that someone is holding me, but I don’t see him. I fall asleep in reality and in a moment I wake up in a dream, I feel a tingling all over my body, I can’t get up, I start screaming, it doesn’t work either, I swear, I try to escape, it’s useless. True, once in a dream I managed to crawl to the light and I woke up in my bed. And in last time I got up by force and went from the room to the hall, the light did not turn on anywhere, read the prayer of our father aloud, wanted to take a candle and go around the house with church candle walk, but some kind of force in the hall didn’t let me

        I dreamed of a guy who I like very much, we met by chance, I don’t remember where and when we talked, he held my hands. During sleep, I experienced sensations, as if in reality. I was so happy, I was very pleased, I even felt excited when I met him. In fact, I have never seen him live, but I really want to, but he is somehow hard to make contact, I saw him only from a photograph. I don't know what that could mean.

        A lot of boys and men different ages, -crowd. Everyone pays attention to me, they say something, I make my way through this crowd .. and a man looks at me, I know that he is in charge, he says that he loves me and stands at the head of this crowd and holds my hand very tight,and its a few more men. holding hands one after another. In front of us is a very old man, he tells me_I am the head of this city, and you will not dance only when he allows. Either I have to sleep with him. I proudly raised my head, and I felt my tightly clasped hand so strongly, and refused. What does this mean?? thank you in advance.

        I went for a walk with a friend and with a boy that I like, but then my friend left and we were left alone. And he took my hand, so gently, very gently in my heart, I just felt so good, but unfortunately it was just a dream

        Hello, I dreamed that the guy I like was holding my hand, or, more precisely, we were walking hand in hand and talking about walking, then this dream was repeated 1 time, on the same night.

        I held hands with a guy who lives not far from me, but I don’t communicate with him, he still kind of stroked my leg, I have nothing to do with him, so I don’t understand why I had this dream.

        I walked with my close friends, we laughed for some reason, we had fun. There was a girl named Margo, I don’t know her much. She was also funny. One of my friends (a weak person, very soft, cowardly) sharply went up to her and kissed her, she enjoyed it. Then the rest of the dream, she followed me everywhere holding me with both hands and looking into my eyes and smiling very brightly and sincerely. We were in different places in a dream, she all the time she held my hand with both hands, hugging her, and looked at me just as lovingly.
        In this dream, I felt some warmth, as if she was my girlfriend, and I was her boyfriend whom she loves. But in real life we ​​barely know people (talked 3 times), she has a boyfriend. I just really want to know why she held my hand, looking at me like that.

        I dreamed that I was flying somewhere and holding a cat in my arms, not high above the ground, then going down a little, then going up, the cat was colored, I consoled her, hugging her. (on the fly).

        I dreamed of a familiar guy, so to speak. When I ran, I saw him, he ran ahead of me when I started to catch up with him, he stopped me and took my hands in his hands and looked at me smiling. There were some strange sensations. With what it can be connected?

        Hello Tatiana!
        I dreamed that a guy I like came to me from afar and he immediately started kissing me when they met (but not on the lips), and then we went together and later he took my hand, and then I felt somehow uncomfortable around with his aunt and I let him go, to which he hugged me.
        Please explain what this all means. Thank you in advance!

        the dream was in color. I’m dreaming that I’m walking with friends and a guy came to me and I’m going to him, and the other guy takes me off and doesn’t let me go to him like ...., and this guy screams at me after “I won’t let you down to him” and holding me with all his might. I try to break out as I please and I tell him in the wake “I still don’t love you and I’ll go to him and you won’t keep me” and all I do is break out and kill him to the guy who came to me and stay with him

        I dreamed that the guy I like is holding me in his arms, I tell him you love me and touch his nose with his and he jokingly says no, and he has to leave tomorrow and said that when you see me off, we will continue this conversation, because we friends were going to go home and she called me from her friends

        I swam in the river (transparent), and to get out of it I had to climb some kind of ladder, and when I walked up this ladder, my friend approached me, squeezed my hand tightly and did not let me in, prevented me from getting out of the water . He said: “You won’t go anywhere,” and so on for a very long time. We stood in the water, as if he fenced me off from everything that was beyond the lake.

        This is not the first dream associated with this man. I often dream about him. He will come up, take my hand and hold me tightly, or try to forbid me to go somewhere, ask questions ...

        Thank you in advance!

        My friend Katya and I were walking down the street, abruptly, something happened, she took my hand and led me towards my house, we held hands and walked, she turned and said, "Nast, hold my hand and don't let go"

        Hello! On Sunday morning before lunch, I dreamed that I was in an abandoned city with several people. We were in a certain house, and I was standing at the window. Then a boy I like came up to me and took my hand. We stood like that for a very long time, and then he took me away from the rest of the people. Then he said something (but then everything is vaguely remembered) ...

        Hello! I dreamed that I was with some guys from the class and class teacher came to my dacha in another city. One of my friends Oleg, in this dream, knew how to fly. I asked to fly with me, and he began to teach me. We flew over the area, I would not say that it was very high, but the height was decent. Well, here we are. Oleg stood on the ground. And I flew low to the class teacher, she was sitting on a bench (all this happens in my yard), I said that I couldn’t stop. We started laughing together. One of my classmates, who I really liked, just six months ago, and he liked me too. Although, he often hints that he is not indifferent to me, but I constantly think about him, although I know that I love him as a friend. So, he took me in his arms, as brides are usually worn, put me on the ground, turned to leave, and I woke up. I hope for your answer. Thank you.

        my boss held me by the heel. was kind of calm. quiet conversation. I somehow sat so that he held me neatly by the heel. I didn't feel uncomfortable. it wasn't sexy. it was rouge

        I was at school and a guy I used to like called me (nowadays we rarely communicate) and said, “Come to me, let's take a walk, hold hands, look at the sky (that's right).” I wanted to go, but I was worried that they would look for me at school, but he persuaded me very much ... And I agreed. I came to him and he looked at me with happy eyes, took my hand and led me for a walk.

        I dreamed that the person I like said that he didn’t love me and I had a dream, he was standing with a girlfriend and I went up to say hello to my girlfriend and I didn’t pay attention to him and he said hello and held my hand tightly but I leave and I barely let it go because I thought it was just a use of feelings and love (Although I didn’t want to do this).

A dream in which a person happened to hold a child in his arms has many interpretations. The meaning of such night dreams largely depends on appearance dreamed baby, his gender and behavior. Interpreters pay special attention to the actions of the dreamer himself.

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Often seen in a dream, a baby is a symbol of grandiose plans and new ideas that arise in the mind of the sleeping person. However, some efforts will have to be made to implement them. In order to compose complete picture predictions, every remembered detail of the dream should be considered. Popular dream books will help in this exciting activity.

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    Description of the dreaming child

    The appearance and gender of a child who appeared to a person in a dream are of paramount importance for deciphering the information that he presented. IN individual cases the sleeper manages to remember even the weight of the baby in his arms. Dream books give a certain interpretation to each variant of night images:

    DescriptionDream interpretation
    Small childHolding a small baby - to small obstacles on the way to your goals. They will not bring serious troubles, but the dreamer will still have to make some efforts.
    big babyIf a rather large child is dreaming, it will take much more strength to overcome the obstacles that have arisen on the way than was originally expected. Sleep is a warning: a person should prepare in advance for future hardships
    Very heavyTaking a baby in your arms and feeling its heavy weight means for the sleeping person that a problem that is difficult to solve will appear in the near future. But if the owner of the dream manages to keep the dreaming baby, there is a high probability of a successful outcome.
    healthy and beautifulIf the baby is healthy and has an attractive appearance, the dream is considered a positive sign that predicts many joyful events in reality.
    SickHolding a sick child in your arms is a sign of serious adversity and life's difficulties. In no case should you give up during this period. To get out of the situation without much loss will help perseverance and firmness of mind. Also, a similar plot can warn of a deterioration in the dreamer's health.
    BoyA dreaming male baby portends the sleeper an imminent collision with problems that he has avoided for a long time. Sometimes such a dream is dreamed by people who fuss in vain and spend their energy on useless things.
    GirlSeeing a little girl in a dream is a forced contact with unpleasant people. Sometimes the baby that the sleeping person held in his arms indicates a lack of communication with relatives. Perhaps the dreamer paid too little attention to loved ones. This can provoke conflicts in the future.
    DeadDespite the gloom of such a dream, it does not have a negative connotation. A dead baby promises deliverance from the problems that tormented the human soul in real life
    StrangerHolding someone else's child in your arms means that the sleeper is inclined to shoulder the problems of other people on his own shoulders. Because of this habit, the dreamer risks becoming a victim of manipulation by others.

    Of particular interest is a dream in which a child is seen in the arms of another person. Such dreams are able to predict the sex of the baby to the expectant mother. If a man holds the baby, a son will be born, if a woman, a daughter should be expected.

    Sleeper's actions

    The meaning of night images depends on the reaction of the dreamer and his behavior in relation to the dreaming baby. Interpreters offer the following explanations:

    CarryCarrying a baby in your arms means that the sleeping person will cause a lot of trouble to loved ones. If at the same time a person dreams that he gives the child to the mother who gave birth to him, who is a friend of the dreamer in real life, this lady will provide significant support in solving problems
    SwayCertain obstacles will appear in the way of the sleeper. If the child quickly calms down, the difficulties that have arisen will be overcome quite easily. Otherwise, a person should prepare for serious trouble.
    FeedFeeding a baby is a positive sign that promises that the funds invested in any business will begin to pay off, and all the sacrifices made will not be in vain
    SpeakTalking in a dream with a baby is a bad omen: in real life, a serious illness awaits the dreamer

    Child behavior

    If a person managed to remember how the baby behaved, dream books will help to correctly interpret the dream plot:

    child actionMeaning
    AsleepA sleeping child personifies the experiences of the past and dreams that were not given to come true. You should relax and forget about past failures
    smilingHolding a smiling baby good sign promising good news and successful movement towards a dream, subject to activity and self-confidence
    cryingA crying child predicts intrigue and insidious intent on the part of old enemies. If a person managed to calm the baby, he will be able to cope with ill-wishers
    peed myselfMost dream books consider such a plot a sign of incredible luck. The sleeper should expect big profits in reality
    crap one's pantsIt is considered a negative sign to hold a baby who crap one's pants. Soon an event will occur that will put the dreamer in an awkward position and entail trouble

    The meaning of dreams for men

    The interpretation of sleep largely depends on the gender of the dreamer. For men, dream books consider the following storylines most frequently encountered:

    • Holding a sleeping baby- the need for more careful behavior at work. Among colleagues there is a person who is waiting for an opportune moment to commit meanness towards the sleeping person.
    • Several babies in the arms of a man- a negative sign. Now is not the right time for radical action. Making major decisions during this period is likely to result in significant monetary losses.
    • Carry a little boy- a symbol that predicts the great help of a faithful friend in a difficult situation.
    • Little girl in her arms promises a man unprecedented success in creative endeavors. It is important not to miss this favorable period.

    For single young guy a dream in which he carries a child in his arms testifies to his subconscious fear of fatherhood and marriage. For a mature childless man, such an image, on the contrary, means his readiness for the appearance of offspring.

    Interpretation of sleep for women

    The meanings of night dreams involving a baby for women can have different interpretations. Ladies should pay attention to the following options for the development of the plot:

    • Dreaming of holding a sleeping baby- to pleasant experiences and nostalgia. Perhaps the girl will meet old friends, communication with which will make her experience extremely positive emotions.
    • Carry someone else's child means subconscious desire and psychological readiness for their own offspring.
    • Feed the baby- the work in which a huge amount of effort and energy has been invested will finally bear fruit.
    • Babysit your own child, which a woman gave birth in a dream, means pleasant events in the short term.
    • Seeing your own husband with a baby in his arms- in the near future, the girl expects pregnancy and the birth of a son.

    For a pregnant woman, seeing a newborn is a positive symbol. She is waiting for easy and quick childbirth, and recovery after them will happen quite quickly.

    Opinion of popular dream books

    Famous interpreters offer their understanding of the dreams they saw about newborn children:

    dream interpretationInterpretation of sleep

    A well-known psychoanalyst connected a dreaming baby with the sexual sphere of a sleeping person's life:

    • A baby in her arms personifies a person’s desire for harmony in sexual relations with a soul mate.
    • If the dreamer is in a quarrel with his sexual partner, such night visions indicate the need to take the first step towards smoothing out the conflict.

    The Bulgarian soothsayer in the form of a baby saw the following signs:

    • Holding a crying baby and trying to calm him down - to unexpected news that will take a person by surprise.
    • If the dreamer takes the child in his arms at his request, in real life the sleeper must prepare for the birth of his own children.
    • For a man, wearing a baby is an auspicious symbol, promising a successful and final deliverance from old problems.

    According to this source, holding a baby in your arms is a warning sign that promises important events and quick changes

    • If the child looked sickly and weak, then life's hardships would fall to the lot of the sleeper, with which he would have to cope on his own.
    • Rocking a small child - to brilliant ideas and grandiose plans. Thanks to his ideas, the dreamer will gain universal respect and get the opportunity to get rich, but his relatives will be unhappy with his decisions.
    • Holding someone else's child in your arms means that among relatives or close people there are persons who use the kindness of the sleeping person for personal gain. Pay close attention to the behavior of others

It takes 10-15 minutes to fall asleep. But, if a person develops chronic sleep deprivation, then he can fall asleep within five minutes. This fact cannot be ignored - after all, every sixth accident, according to statistics, is associated precisely with driver fatigue.

The influence of the moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the moon, we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent $26 billion to fly this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect at all?

One dream for two - the highest level of interpersonal communication

The human subconscious is fraught with many hidden abilities, and one of them is communication with another person in a joint dream. One dream for two is highest level lucid dream, which, however, can be achieved by each person by following a special technique and opening up to their hidden abilities. Shared dream - special kind interpersonal communication in a reality created in a dream.

Why dream of holding

Keep in a modern dream book

Keeping documents in a dream means that through carelessness you can lose a lot, and it is possible that the proceedings will be judicial in nature. If you are in love, such a dream portends separation. If in a dream documents were given to you (handed over), expect trust from this person, he will entrust you with an important task. Holding a will in your hands means that you are the creator of your destiny and will achieve all your goals. A dream in which you are trying how best to hold a razor suggests that your plans for making a profit are bold and courageous, and can harm colleagues or relatives. Seeing that someone is holding a hedgehog in their hands means that your position will be driven. Keeping a mustard seed in a dream is a quick chagrin. Keep ears of wheat - predicts a well-deserved reward in the form of big profits. If not enough ears are collected, then part of the hopes will remain unfulfilled. Holding raw chestnuts in your hands means that you often remember grief; if fried - good, everything planned will come true. Seeing bags of money in the wrong hands (collectors) suggests that in reality it is not possible to carry out what was planned, and as a result, you are oppressed. Keeping a person tied with a rope in a dream indicates your power in the present and the ability to subjugate people. Such a dream for lovers speaks of reciprocity and a possible marriage. Holding the keys in your hands means that you are endowed with the trust of a respectable person. For a woman, a dream predicts the boundless trust of a loved one. If you hold an amulet in a dream, the dream portends an imminent inheritance. A flower in the hands is a favorable sign, the fulfillment of desires, joy and respect is expected. Keeping a horse on a leash indicates that you are gifted with extraordinary abilities in life.

Keep in Miller's dream book

Holding paper in your hands is a sign that portends losses, possibly a lawsuit. Such a dream for a girl predicts a quarrel with her beloved. A married man should avoid public quarrels, such a dream can lead to a series of gossip. Holding gold is a favorable sign, it speaks of your ability to achieve everything in everything. good result. If a woman is presented with gold in a dream, marriage is ahead, the groom is rich, but a mercenary person. Holding dirty walnuts for a girl predicts that her beloved will pay attention to another, and she will regret her actions. Keeping a cat for a woman means that she can be drawn into trouble. Holding poison in a dream means that trouble will haunt you.

Keep in Vanga's dream book

To accept flowers, hold them and injure your hand, predicts the betrayal of a loved one, from which you will suffer mentally. Holding a willow dreams of joy. Hedgehog in the hands - to cheating. A dream in which you hold a burning torch predicts great life achievements for you, you have been granted patronage from above.

Keep in Freud's dream book

A dream in which you hold a wand in your hand indicates a tendency to self-satisfy. A woman in a dream sees a wand in male hands, hints at her secret desire for violence. The woman holding the wand is a clear lesbian manifestation and desire for same-sex love. If you hold a pen, then in reality your self-confidence can only be envied. Keeping fish alive is a tendency to self-satisfaction. Take her out of the water imminent addition, the birth of children, grandchildren.

I divide my time like this: one half I sleep, the other half I dream. When I sleep, I do not see any dreams, which is good, because being able to sleep is the highest genius.

A fairly common dream that even those who do not have children see. Newborn babies can predict troubles or joys, show a person’s helplessness in some situation, as well as his personal experiences.

However, these are far from all the interpretations that the dream book gives if you had to see in a dream a small child in the arms of a woman or a man.

If you want to understand what a dreaming child means, pay attention to the place, time, circumstances of such a dream. A few slightest details are enough to understand the prediction of a dream.

Pay attention to whose child was in the dream, who held the baby in her arms, and what happened next.

It also matters whether the person you saw with the baby in a dream can actually have children or not. This is what a child in her arms dreams of most often.

For childless people

A very interesting dream book gives an interpretation. Why dream of a baby in the arms of a girl who does not yet have children and is not going to get married? This dream can often show the need for motherhood or childlike feelings.

If she kept the baby near the maternity hospital, which really exists, or you see the baby in her house, then modern dream book writes that this dream may turn out to be prophetic and come true literally. This usually happens within a year or several years, but it can be fulfilled exactly.

Hints can be the time of year and day. Usually at this time, the girl can actually be discharged from the maternity hospital and it doesn’t matter if she is married at that time or not.

Modern books write what they dream about a little boy, so: very soon she will be able to carry out some rather troublesome idea. And it doesn't matter, you found out that this is a son, by blue color diapers or heard about it from someone who was in a dream (in some situations, the sex of a baby is recognized in a dream just like that, for example, a dreamer may simply know that a son or daughter is in his arms).

If you dreamed of a baby girl in your arms, this could mean the birth of a new feeling or love. In some situations, such a dream may turn out to be prophetic, especially if you remember it.

To hold your own or someone else's baby

Holding a bundle with a baby in your arms is a sign of trouble and unpleasant business. This dream may portend to you that someone will ask for help so that you can help you cope with troubles.

The boy in his arms predicts chores, complex matters that will require a lot of time and effort. Holding a baby girl in her arms means that you will have to wipe someone's tears or calm a person. In some cases, such a dream predicts your irritation and annoyance with someone.

Why dream of holding your own child in your arms? Soon he may be in a helpless position or fall ill. If a baby screams and behaves restlessly in a dream, then soon you will learn about some unpleasant trick of the children, for which you will have to answer.

And what is the dream of a little alien baby whom you swaddle or just follow him? Soon you will have to do an unpleasant job, as well as listen to accusations and in a rather harsh form. Sometimes the dream book writes that soon the dreamer will hear someone crying or just whining.

Why dream of holding and then dropping your child? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts trouble for you, as well as the fact that your real son or daughter will soon do a big stupid thing, because of which you will be very angry.

Holding a stranger’s baby in your arms and missing it, dropping it is a mistake. Sometimes modern books indicate that someone will blame you for their troubles in vain.

successful venture

Why dream of holding a baby in your arms that was born to you (according to a dream)? For example, in a maternity hospital, do you see your baby, take him in your arms, or are you given him in a dream? The dream book interprets this dream to the success and successful implementation of your plan and self-realization in life.

Holding a child in her arms in a dream, beautiful and rather heavy, but happy and smiling, is good news. If you have something in mind, then in a dream rocking a child in your arms is a very good sign. It means the implementation of plans, that you can fully realize yourself.

If you chose him among other boys and girls, then a dream about a baby in your arms predicts happiness, joy and fulfillment of your heart's desire, if only the baby was calm and not loud.

The dream interpretation writes that a beautiful and pleasant child always means consolation in life, peace and support. If a newborn is like a dreamer in a dream, then he will soon be able not only to continue his own kind, but also to successfully do what he has long dreamed of.

What is the dream of a baby boy in the arms of a mother, sister or girlfriend? The dream interpretation writes that very soon they will be able to realize some kind of life change.

Why dream Small child in the arms of the same sex as the one who held it? This dream can talk about childhood feelings, memories and experiences of a person.

If you dreamed of a child, a boy in the arms of a man, then in life he can show childish qualities. Sometimes modern books write that he will be able to do what he has long wanted to, for example, buy his dream car, raise his son, or do something else.

It is wrong to hold a baby in your arms or interpret the dream book head down as a nuisance. Such a dream suggests that the one with whom you saw the baby in a dream will not behave in the best way.

Boy or girl in arms

What is the dream of a little boy in the arms of an old man who already has his own grandchildren? Such a dream predicts him good news. But if the old man is completely unable to cope with the baby, then the little boy’s dream book in his arms is interpreted as a symbol of his own helplessness and the fact that he himself can behave childishly in some situation.

Or he may have age oddities. For a grandmother to hold a child in her arms, the dream book interprets good news about grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Sometimes such a dream predicts an addition to the family or that she decides to tell a lot about her childhood.

Why is the child dreaming of a boy in her arms? It is possible that her dream of a grandson may come true. In some situations, a little boy in his arms is interpreted by a dream book as a symbol of family support and support from younger generation. Sometimes children mean that the elderly will soon be visited by adult children or grandchildren.

Why is a child dreaming of a boy in the arms of a teenage girl? This dream in some situations may turn out to be prophetic. Especially if before that you dreamed of pregnancy.

A baby in the arms of a teenager in a dream may indicate infantilism, childish character traits that simply have not yet become obsolete, a desire to have a brother or sister, as well as some kind of life plan.

For a girl, a dream about a baby girl in her arms is interpreted as helplessness, self-pity or a desire to be small, to be caressed and pitied.

In some situations, such a dream means an early awakening of maternal feelings. The dream interpretation writes that a child in your arms, whose gender you cannot determine, means childhood experiences and tears. Especially if he screams and worries.

Maternity hospital

Why do girls dream of babies in their arms in a maternity hospital? The dream book writes that such a dream often predicts an unusual situation in your life. Seeing a child in a dream in your arms and in your own means in such a situation that in some way you will compete with them.

Usually, each mother does a lot in a dream for her baby, but when there are several of them, rivalry and the desire to do better for her child than others is quite natural.

To dream of a child in the arms of a friend or woman with whom you do not communicate closely means news. Sometimes modern books indicate that some other person's act will cause you great surprise.

The dream interpretation of a boy in his arms is interpreted as a symbol of an act related to logic and reason. For example, purchases, acquisitions, sales or reasoning. Did you dream of a sick child in your arms? This dream predicts anxiety and great worries for you.

A dream about a child (boy) in her arms, small and noisy, as well as sick, means sudden necessary chores or illnesses of children in the house. In some situations, you will have to clear up some kind of mess or deal with an incident in the family on your own.

Healthy, sick, dead baby

Why dream of holding a girl in her arms, restless and screaming? Soon you will have to listen to some tears and complaints. Sometimes carrying a child in her arms in a dream and being proud of him, his beauty means the successful implementation of some important plan. It is possible that in order to take a step or get a result, you will need to make a lot of effort.

Holding a mutilated or wounded baby in your arms in a dream means insult and hard feelings. A pregnant dream book predicts complications or the birth of a sick baby, or even a miscarriage. A dream about a dead baby boy in her arms means great sorrow or that you will engage in a completely empty business and get nothing.

A dead girl in her arms predicts you great experiences and defeats in the sensual sphere. In some situations, you may suffer from violence and rough treatment, but without the ability to change the course of events.

A wounded child of any gender predicts severe disappointments, worries and losses. Almost always, such a dream portends you troubles and tears. But a beautiful baby dreams of joy and good news.

Experts involved in the interpretation of dreams say that if you dreamed of a hand in hand, this indicates important changes, events in the real life of a sleeping person. Hand in hand is the source of strength vital energy which can be both given and taken away. Perhaps someone is trying to influence the fate of the dreamer, or in the near future he will let someone new into his life, but this will be good man or bad, everything will depend on the dream itself. What, nevertheless, awaits us if we dreamed of a hand in hand? Let's understand in more detail.

What does the touch of hands in a dream mean?

So, what will the dream book tell us? Holding hands in a dream with a representative of the opposite sex means that the dreamer is in a close, trusting relationship with this person.

It is important to remember the emotions experienced here. If they were negative, then your friend, colleague, relative is preparing some kind of meanness. Therefore, it is worth staying away from him, so as not to become a victim of his insidious plans.

When a dreaming person experienced a surge of strength during a handshake and the touch brought only a positive charge, this suggests that the dreamer will have good news, a happy event.

If in a dream a representative of the stronger sex holds a girl by the hand, then she can meet her betrothed or with her chosen one it is going to the wedding.

A man holding a woman's hand symbolizes an attempt to establish contact with a young lady. But whether it will be successful, the sensations from these touches will tell.

Listening to feelings

We leaf further dream book. Holding hands in a dream - in reality it means that people are close to each other and dear. Perhaps fate will depend on this touch, or the one who holds the dreamer's hand can somehow affect his life.

Here, again, much depends on what sensations were present during the dream and the first time after waking up.

So, let's break it down:

  • The touch of the hands is pleasant: expect a surprise or someone will pleasantly surprise you soon.
  • The palm is wet, covered with warts, crooked fingers, rough hand - bad luck in business, perhaps gossip at work, turmoil in personal life.
  • Feel cold when touched. Perhaps the dreamer will feel cool towards the one in whose hand his hand was or, on the contrary, move away from him close person, Friend.
  • Not experiencing any feelings will only mean that the dream does not carry any information.
  • Experience comfort. It is worth taking on any undertaking, it will bring success, good luck.

The touch of a stranger

The touch of the hands of a stranger is a wonderful sign for those who are waiting for their careers to develop. If in a dream the dreamer's hand was in the hand of a stranger, you should wait for the patron at work, who has prepared a "warm" place for you.

Things are a little different for those who hold the hand of the deceased. Most likely, the dreamer may receive an inheritance from a distant relative with whom he was not familiar.

Single people who have their hand in the hand of a stranger should expect to meet a person with whom they are likely to have a romantic connection.

Boy and girl: touching hands in a dream

What will the dream tell us about, where the guy and the girl are holding hands? Everything will depend on the sensations experienced, as well as on who they are to each other.

If in a dream the couple is well known, then this promises the dreamer a happy future with his chosen one, perhaps things will go well at work, career growth awaits him.

If the handshake does not positive emotions, in a dream a person experiences some discomfort, you can expect trouble, deceit.

Miller's dream book interprets this dream in my own way. If a guy and a girl hold hands, and at the same time they kiss, then the one who sees the dream should be careful, behave with restraint, and not compromise with rash acts.

Had a dream that the girl herself took the guy's hand? Most likely, it is the fair sex who will take the initiative in relationships, tell about her feelings. This is especially true of that dream, where the lady experienced pleasant feelings, a surge of strength, energy.

If a person experienced hostility when the hands touched each other, perhaps on the side of the second half there is a secret romance. A loved one deceives the dreamer's trust.

A dream in which the hand is separated from the body

Agree, a rather strange dream. What does the dream book say about this? A hand, one's own hand in a dream, which for some reason is separated from the body and at the same time holds another, speaks of a bad omen. Most likely, there is a risk of losing a loved one.

Losing his own hand is a bad harbinger. Perhaps the dreamer will be brought in trouble by the one whose hand he saw or shook. Other dream books say that there is a risk of illness with the loss of a limb due to injury.

If in a dream you shake hands with a colleague with a hand separated from the body, then there is an opportunity to encounter intrigues on his part.

In general, such a dream does not promise anything good, so you should be extremely careful, avoid conflict situations, protect yourself from rash acts.

If a person dreamed of someone else's hand, separated from the body that he holds in his palm, expect material wealth. A raise or bonus is likely, but most likely it will be done to the detriment of another person who will try to harm you. Wait for cash receipts, but try not to cross the road for anyone for your own benefit. It won't give you satisfaction.

Dream: hand in hand of a man

If the hands are strong, beautiful, well-groomed, then you should trust your immediate environment, as well as the person who is next to you, he will be reliable protection and support.

The hands of a man tightly squeeze the hands of a woman, which means that they are ready to take care of and help her. It also suggests that the representative of the stronger sex will patronize you.

If a woman herself tightly squeezes a man’s hand, she wants to receive tenderness and care, and is also looking for a reliable partner for herself.

When a woman's hand is in a man's hand and they are heading somewhere, this indicates that you can trust your partner. Also, a dream promises success in business, undertakings.

Woman's hand in the hand of a former lover

Why dream of a hand in the hand of the former? Here everything will depend on which hand is left or right.

Former heart friend keeps for left hand his girlfriend, this means that in reality the dreamer will meet a dishonest person who will deceive or is already intriguing behind his back, lying.

In the right hand - a meeting with true friend. Maybe, former lover a good person and wants to renew the relationship.

Also, the interpretation of the dream depends on whether the hands of the former are clean. If so, then the dreamer will be successful in business, an old acquaintance will help him in this.

Dirty hands mean treason, deceit, slander and other troubles.

Children holding hands

If they are small, it means that the one who had the dream is waiting for chores, fuss, vain worries.

If the kids are older, then expect unexpected troubles. If the boys hold hands, trouble will befall you soon, if the girls are in vain, your business, unfortunately, will not end in success.

If children are of different sexes - vain hopes, shattered dreams.

Deciphering sleep according to the French dream book

In him we are talking about that a dream is interpreted depending on the temperament of a person.

Hand in hand with a loving person means passionate love, stormy relationships, devotion and fidelity.

If one arm is broken, illness, family troubles are possible.

A swollen hand, a palm is a symbol of enrichment, unexpected profit.

Hairy hands - a person who has a dream will be happy, rich, and he will also have joy and luck.

Hold a cut, bloodied palm - expect trouble, but the black stripe will pass and white will come.

Explanations on the English dream book

What did one hand in the other dream about? The prim and strict English give an exact decoding of what they saw. This dream indicates that you will soon make peace with best friend even if you had huge disagreements.

Try to be condescending and benevolent, do not push away good people, go towards comrades, friends.

Get dirty by hand - experience pressure on yourself, humiliation. Probably, a person will force you to take part in an ugly act that degrades someone else's dignity. It is better to protect yourself in advance and abandon the adventure.

Explaining the dream according to Miller

He will decipher the dream in a special way. If the hand is in the hand of a man, then this indicates that the dreamer is experiencing sexual attraction.

The dream book advises to turn close attention on the palm Dirty, ugly - trouble in love.

The beautiful palms that the dreamer holds in his hands promise mutual feelings, devotion and a long relationship.

Bad symbol - if you saw blood on the palms. This means separation, separation of partners. Most likely, a quarrel will arise due to an unfair accusation or slander by enemies. It is worth being careful, patient and wise. Then everything will be fine.

Hand in hand: explanation according to Tsvetkova's dream book

Did you dream of a hand in hand? It is worth preparing for troubles, obstacles. So you can decipher this dream according to Tsvetkova. If your hands are clean, then there will be quarrels and scandals in your personal life, but lovers will be able to overcome all this, having passed all the trials "hand in hand".

If you dreamed of a hand in the hand of an enemy, you should not be afraid of him. Feel free to make contact. This dream is an omen of your imminent reconciliation.

What else can this famous dream book? Hand in hand with a stranger - in the near future there is a chance to participate in charity, to help the needy.

Closed hands are a symbol not only of a strong union, but also of confrontation. Be careful if you shake hands with an unpleasant person, beware of gossip, try not to be touched by them. Don't take your personal life to the public court, and then everything will be fine. Stay as far away from evil and envious people as possible.

We tried to list all the main interpretations of sleep when a person dreams of a hand in hand. Often dream books disagree, so sometimes you should trust your intuition and not rely only on sleep. Perhaps someone does not believe that a dream can warn or warn, or maybe predict good luck. This is a personal matter for everyone, but caution does not hurt. The main thing is to be happy no matter what. Let only good dreams come to you!
