Svetlana Khodchenkova: “It's good in Hollywood, But at home you rest your soul. Svetlana Khodchenkova: “It’s good in Hollywood, But at home you relax with your soul. You felt the absence of a full-fledged family

In the disaster movie "Metro" Svetlana Khodchenkova plays an unfaithful wife, whose husband and daughter were at the epicenter of the disaster in the Moscow subway. For the release of the picture, we decided to recall the most interesting images actresses and found out what kind of cinema Svetlana loves and why she appreciates foreign film sets.

You rarely see Khodchenkova in the role of a negative heroine, and Liliana from the detective thriller The Trap is one of the exceptions. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine a fair-haired beauty in the role of an insidious villainess.

“You can probably say that the directors do not see me as villains, they do not feel the negative potential for these roles. I rarely play evil heroines, but they are in my filmography. For example, there was a mini-series "The Trap". In Vasilisa Kozhina, at first I wanted to play the role of Vasilisa's sister, Dasha, she has a tougher character. But I got a different character, and in the end we all realized that all the actors were in their places. And Dasha turned out more with another actress.

In fact, in every image you can find both positive and negative. For example, Irina from Metro. On the one hand, the character is negative: he is cheating on her husband, she lacks attention to her daughter, family values destroys. On the other hand, she is very worried, confused in love relationships trying to find a way out. It seems to me that it is necessary not to evaluate according to the “bad-good” principle, but to look for the facets of character. A diamond without a cut is just a stone, but with facets it turns into a diamond.”

Irina, "Metro"

Directed by Anton Megerdichev, 2013

In Metro, the actress plays Irina, an unfaithful wife whose husband, daughter and lover end up in a flooded subway tunnel. Irina, having learned about the tragedy, finds no place for herself and tries to get the authorities to save people.

"Irina - interesting character, in her character there are a lot of things, a lot of those very faces. It was interesting and important for me to be able to reflect them. My decision to participate in this or that picture depends on several approximately equal things. First, the script. The main thing is that he is interested in me as a person, he hooked me with something. Secondly, the director and partners. But sometimes my final decision is complemented by some points. For example, in general, I liked the Metro project. But main question The one that worried me was whether I would have to sit in the water for the entire filming period. When it became clear that no, I immediately agreed to act in film.

Nastya, "5 brides"

Directed by Karen Hovhannisyan, 2011

Svetlana Khodchenkova is going historical images, and it was nice to see her in a nostalgic post-war comedy. The actress, by the way, herself is rather old-fashioned about watching movies and appreciates Soviet films.

In the series, which takes place during Patriotic War 1812, Khodchenkova got the role of a partisan peasant woman who organizes a detachment to protect native land. It turned out a kind of Jeanne d'Arc Russian bottling.

“For her time, she was an unusual heroine. At that time, not every woman, and even a peasant woman, would have dared to say harshness in the face of the owner, not every woman would have gone to defend her homeland. Now women are different. Not that they have become feminized, but we have more determination to stand up for ourselves, for our family. The character of Vasilisa is transformed throughout the picture. At first, he is softer, more flexible. Then the heroine becomes more active, tougher, more courageous, stronger. In the end, love conquers all."

Irina, “Spy, get out! »

Directed by Thomas Alfredson, 2011

Svetlana Khodchenkova beat many other contenders for the Soviet spy job and landed a role in a top-notch British detective thriller with an excellent Swedish director and excellent actors. However, the actress has a long list of those with whom she would love to work on the same site. I would like to wish that these dreams come true.

“If you dream, then from the directors I would like to work with Woody Allen, with Robert Rodriguez, with James Cameron. From actors with Brad Pitt, Javier Bardem, Robert Downey Jr. Here you can walk through all the handsome men, and a week is not enough to list.

Viper, "Wolverine: Immortal"

Directed by James Mangold, 2013

After "Spy, get out!" Svetlana's international career went up, and in 2013 we will see her in the same film with Hugh Jackman. This experience gave her the opportunity to compare the process of filming in Russia and abroad.

“In some places the process is very similar to ours, in some places it is fundamentally different. Both in that case, and in another, their pluses and minuses. But one of the most important factors for me personally is that there on film set much quieter. Rather, there is no noise. They speak into some small devices, I don’t hear what doesn’t concern me as an actress. I liked it very much. I came to the site and began to work calmly, without being distracted by extraneous sounds and noises.

Vera, "Bless the woman"

Directed by Stanislav Govorukhin, 2003

The first major role, the first full meter - and immediately with the recognized master Stanislav Govorukhin. Since then, Khodchenkova has gained experience in the most different projects, but he still remembers the advice received from Govorukhin at the “Bless the Woman” site.

“Stanislav Govorukhin gave me a valuable and most important advice, which is relevant for all actors and on any projects: to know the text of the role by 100%. Otherwise, you will not be able to give yourself to the game. You know the text - you play the way you want, the way the director needs. When I came to my first film set, I was checked as a schoolgirl. Since then, there has been a sacred rule in my work: when I go out on the set, I must always know the text.

Just yesterday, the film “Bless the Woman” was shown on TV, the heroine of which, of course, is fundamentally different from Lady Bathory, who kills children. And which Svetlana Khodchenkova is closer to you?
Both are equally close to me. In the first case, my heroine waits, hopes, believes - completely dissolves in a man. But this story is not about me at all - everything should have its own framework. And as for the "Bloody Lady Bathory", then naturally, the murders in no way can be close to me.

But this can also be seen as a metaphor. For example, are you ready to go over the heads?
No. Of course not. I don't see the point

Is it difficult to play a heroine with whom you have absolutely nothing to do with?
It's difficult and interesting. But Elizabeth Bathory was extremely unpleasant to me. I even sometimes asked not to show me the footage - I was afraid. Once I had to watch an episode to repeat the take, and I became very scared after that.

How did it happen that you ended up in this project?
The director really wanted me to play this role. Why is a question for him. For my part, I read the script, I realized that the story is interesting and unique for the actress. I still had characters of this type. I wanted to try. About the history of this woman, Countess Bathory, I did not know anything before, but during the preparation for the role I read a lot.

"Bloody Lady Bathory"

Central Partnership

"The Bloody Lady Bathory" is called the "Russian Maleficent". Is there villainy in this movie main character also justified?
We tell our story from the point of view of a crazy person. There is no way to justify her actions. Of course, as an actress, I tried to justify some things for myself, so that the viewer could understand the motivation of the heroine.

Do you judge people harshly in life?
I try not to judge at all and to the last look for a justification for the act, so as not to quarrel. I am an absolutely non-conflict person, I want to be more diplomatic and solve problems right away.

Your filming schedule is scheduled until August. And all this - again the role of "bad girls"?
Not everywhere. Now the Horoscope for Good Luck is coming out, although even there I don’t have a completely positive character ... But a fun one! I can also name the historical drama "Viking" about the times of Prince Vladimir, but I can hardly talk about other projects yet.

Do you have a desire to return to a soft and gentle image?
I have now tried to do this in Alexey Andrianov's project "Warrior", which should be released soon.

"Bloody Lady Bathory"

Central Partnership

How is your career in Hollywood developing: are there difficulties, like a Russian actress?
This is different: I myself am not so interested in working in the West. After "Wolverine" and "Spy Get Out" they send offers of heroines that I have already played: something like Viper from "Wolverine" or Vera from "Bless the Woman." I also want something new. I don’t come across stereotypes about Russians, although I have a sober attitude to life and I understand that I have an accent, and with such English I’m unlikely to be able to play really big roles yet.

Do you have a dream, or maybe a plan, to be at the Oscars as a nominee?
Eat! So far, only a dream, but which I will definitely realize.

Who is your Oscar-winning role model?
I really like Meryl Streep - she makes me feel a storm of emotions. By the way, I know her personally.

Do you have a dream partner?
Bradley Cooper!

As an actress, are you accustomed to being praised for your talent? Or do you still need compliments and approval?
I think everyone needs it. I don’t always understand myself that I’m good in this or that role. Rather, I rarely even realize this and constantly criticize myself. Although, perhaps, thanks to this, there remains a desire to go further and achieve something, and not be content with what I have.

On July 16, a new Russian comedy "Lucky Horoscope" with Svetlana Khodchenkova in one of the main roles was released. Fabulous, but quite real story an office worker from St. Petersburg, who decided to deal with problems through astrology. The magical effect of predictions at first had a positive result, however, over time, marketer Max has to run from one girlfriend to another. And everything would be fine if he was not in love with one of the young ladies, realizing that the second was crazy about him.

"Horoscope for Luck" has established itself not as an average comedy, but as a picture - a treasure trove positive emotions. You want to watch and revise the film, because the performers of the main roles tried to recreate a truly wonderful movie on the screen.

Cast replete with star names: Svetlana Khodchenkova, Anya Chipovskaya, Dmitry Endaltsev, Dmitry Nagiyev, Gosha Kutsenko, Vitaly Khaev, Boris Smolkin, Timur Batrutdinov and Dmitry Khrustalev. The St. Petersburg premiere was opened by girls: Svetlana Khodchenkova and Anna Chipovskaya. The invitees were struck not only by the roles of the girls, but also by their natural beauty. The actresses wished the audience to feel the boundless happiness and lightness that soared every day on the set and soaked the entire film.

- Svetlana, why did you agree to participate in the project "Horoscope for good luck"? What is attractive about this job?

Among the many scenarios that I am given to study, this one was distinguished by lightness and cordiality. Today, there are very few good family films that captivate the viewer not with special effects, but with their main idea. Having looked at the final result on the big screen, I can proudly say that the director's idea was a success! The tape came out extremely kind and positive.

- How do you feel about astrology? Faced with such a phenomenon in the film, I wanted to get individual horoscope or prediction?

I don't believe in this kind of thing and I'm very skeptical about horoscopes. I just don't have time to keep track of them! They say I typical representative his zodiac sign (Aquarius), but people from the outside know better. There is nothing more individual than your own plans. When you really want something, you need to work on yourself, the situation and the problem, and not look for a solution in a conversation with an astrologer.

- Svetlana, you have a very diverse repertoire behind you. What genre has become your favorite and liked the most?

Genre as a concept gets bored very quickly and boredom appears. An actor like anyone creative personality, you can’t get hung up on one thing, you need to be in constant search. In my personal opinion, a movie should be not only of high quality, but memorable. Good films seldom go to the big screen, and too few want to rewatch later. I speak as a person close to cinema - now there are practically no legendary films, as it was before. But many theatrical productions sincerely happy! My last proposal was to participate in the Phantom of the Opera project. The director-producer persuaded me for a long time, enticing me with the fact that tickets for The Phantom of the Opera would be sold out only for the sake of my participation in it. It was a pity to disappoint him, but I will not play for the sake of fame and fees. I'm sure the situation will change soon, because one-day tapes, even commercially, are much more unprofitable than cult films.

- What is your dream job?

My agent constantly receives offers to participate in various projects, and not always cinema. Happiness in the right to choose! So, recently I was invited to the KVN house to take part in the filming of the new season. Unfortunately due to my busy schedule I was forced to refuse. Although, in free time I go to the KVN house with pleasure, just as a spectator. KVN major league since childhood conquered me, I am proud that among the participants there are many of my friends and acquaintances. Again, due to the lack of free time, I can rarely afford to go anywhere. My theatrical activity sometimes redraws the shooting, but I'm glad that the theater continues to be in demand. There are many offers, among them there are both serious dramatic roles, and children's. Recently I was invited to participate in the ballet production of The Nutcracker, but I had to refuse. Of course, I am seriously involved in ballet, but it is difficult to call me a professional dancer. I'm afraid the Nutcracker tickets would be bought just to see how far from ideal my technique is (laughs).

- Hollywood exploded in praise of your beauty and talent. Now you are mainly in Russia - have you really stopped inviting?

I don’t trade on trifles, I participate only in films that are interesting to me. There really is a lot of work in Russia, and when truly cool scripts come from Hollywood, I have to refuse, because I'm already filming. The producers of America and Russia are similar to each other. Both do not like to wait - they have their own deadlines.

- And if you choose between Hollywood and Russian films, what would you choose?

Everywhere there are both good and not so good pictures. I will not choose by country - it's good in Hollywood, but in Russia you relax with your soul! I can't be away from home for too long.

A new film from the franchise "X-Men" - "Wolverine. Immortal" walks the planet. The premiere has already taken place in London, a special screening in Seoul, which was attended by more than 3,500 fans of the comic book hero ... In Russia, the film was released on July 25, and the day before, the film premiered at the Oktyabr cinema. The fact is that for our country this fantastic blockbuster is of particular importance, because one of the main female roles, namely the role of a mutant viper, it was played by Russian actress Svetlana Khodchenkova.

The Russian trace in Hollywood films is now very popular. And if earlier it was reduced to episodes (if not far away, then in this summer's super blockbuster "Pacific Frontier" a couple of rangers - drivers of giant transformers - arrived from Russia), now more and more our stars are trusted with significant roles. Danila Kozlovsky, the legend of Legend No. 17, is now studying and preparing to play the role of a vampire at the "dream factory" - Vladimir Mashkov practically settled there, on the other side of the ocean - we recall his work in the films "15 Minutes of Glory" and "Behind Enemy Lines" ".

The role of Konstantin Khabensky in the film "Wanted", where he played in partnership with Angelina Jolie, is not considered such a significant achievement - after all, our Timur Bekmambetov shot the picture. And here is Yulia Snigir, "lit up" in the last " Die Hard"next to Bruce Willis himself - from the point of view of Western cinema - this is already an event ... Oksana Akinshina - in "The Bourne Supremacy" and other films, Olga Kurylenko - Bond girl in "Quantum of Solace" and not only...

The role of Khodchenkova could be just a continuation of this series, but she also became a development.

The Hollywood work of Svetlana Khodchenkova in the film "Spy, Get Out" - a small episodic role - has already made people talk about herself, so she was played. As for the film "Wolverine. Immortal", I think that in those countries where the essence does not focus on their native actress, it is not so interesting to watch it. And in this regard, it’s even good that the performer didn’t come to the premiere in Russia leading role The Wolverines - Hugh Jackman. Firstly, we have already had it twice. Represented the paintings "Real Steel" and "X-Men: The Beginning. Wolverine". Now you need to let your partner feel your moment of glory.

Second, Jackman, now 43, plays Wolverine, aged, worn out, and vulnerable. Comic book characters only get younger in books. In fact, the viewer is already seeing how Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr., has changed in the next, third film from the franchise. iron man"(And there will also be a fourth one!). The same thing happens with Wolverine. Three young beautiful partners (one of whom is Khodchenkova), practically "three whales" on which the hero of Hugh Jackman rests in development. However, he is good and by itself, but with partners - it's better.

To give color to the film - the country where the action takes place, this time Japan is chosen. And here we have a complete set of "luboks": ninja-geisha-samurai, sakura-snow-kimono, machinations of the yakuza and so on. A country rising sun in the eyes of the Americans. There is also Hiroshima and Nagasaki. According to the story, Wolverine, thanks to the superpowers of a mutant, saves a Japanese soldier during a nuclear explosion. He sacredly keeps the memory of his savior, but is concerned about how to make himself as invulnerable. An aged soldier who has devoted his life to studying the possibilities of the body, who has become the head of an influential corporation, is on his deathbed. And asks Wolverine to come say goodbye. But it turns out that not everything is calm in a traditional Japanese family. And the adventure begins. After all, Wolverine cannot but fight for justice. The fight scenes are perhaps the best thing about this film, where by and large the "action" is sorely lacking. Particularly impressive is Wolverine's fight with a Japanese opponent on the roof of a super-fast express train (speed 500 km per hour). Wolverine holds on to the roof of the car with his blades. Japanese - knives ...

The love line is tortuous and confusing. There are three women around Wolverine, two of whom are Japanese. In his dreams every night, the fourth still comes to him - the Jane he killed, performed by Famke Janssen. Svetlana Khodchenkova plays the green-eyed viper woman, she is the personal oncologist of the dying boss. One can recall the brilliant Lydia Vertinskaya in the film "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" in the role of Gadina-Anidag. The actress did a good job too. But nevertheless - how different these vipers are. The essence of Khodchenkova’s appearance is walking in tight outfits, sparkling with a special look of a snake in human form (makeup artists tried incredibly) and virtuoso possession of a sting: the forked tongue of a viper exudes a deadly poison and serves as a powerful weapon during a kiss. Two episodes are especially amazing. When the viper, during a bloody battle with the yakuza at the funeral of the head of the clan, calmly films everything that happens on mobile phone and, when she, being reborn, sheds her skin ... Thanks to latex outfits, the actress who has lost weight (to the displeasure of Stanislav Govorukhin, who opened Svetlana Khodchenkova for cinema in the film "Bless the Woman", when she was still, as they say "in the body"), pulls compared to Catwoman by Anne Hattaway, Halle Berry and Michelle Pfeiffer. And also - with the heroines of the same "X-Men" - Mystic and Storm (the last - again - Holy Berry). I must say that our Svetlana really fits into this series. And he suits her much more than roles in such films as, for example, "Love in big city or remake" office romance", where she plays Mymra. True, there was still something draconian in this Mymra. Hollywood correctly discerned ...

The role of the seductive villainess Viper in the film "Wolverine: Immortal", which was turned down by the famous American movie star Jessica Bill last summer, brought Russian actress Svetlana Khodchenkova world fame. Last night, the 30-year-old actress presented the Moscow audience with a new fantastic action movie about the life of one of the heroes of the popular X-Men trilogy, but Khodchenkova had to shine on the red carpet alone: ​​Hugh Jackman, whose appearance with bated breath was expected by metropolitan ladies of all ages, in the rays soffits never came up.

Brighten up the absence of the Australian hunk organizers premiere hurried to recreate the atmosphere of the Land of the Rising Sun within the walls of the Oktyabr cinema (it is in Japan that the main actions unfold according to the plot of the film): all guests of the evening were offered absolutely free to try sushi for every taste, and were also treated to beer and the national Japanese drink sake. However, the audience did not linger at the buffet tables for a long time. Resigned to the idea that it is possible to admire 44-year-old Hugh only on wide screens, the guests hurriedly left the cinema hall, taking their seats in the auditorium.

Svetlana Khodchenkova had to open the premiere with a solemn word. And although this is far from the first experience for the actress, as Svetlana herself admitted to, this time it was especially difficult for her to cope with emotions.

If I tell you that I was just worried, I will not say anything. All my friends who came to support me today know what happened to me on the eve of this premiere two days ago: yesterday and this morning. Believe me, it was not just excitement.

On stage, the actress, as usual, was laconic. Thanking all those who came to watch her Hollywood debut, Khodchenkova left the stage, immersing herself with the audience in the mental anguish of Wolverine for two hours: to be or not to be immortal is the key question of the new film about the superhero of the popular Marvel comics Logan. By the way, Svetlana, like all the guests of the premiere, saw the edited version of the fantastic film for the first time yesterday.

In an exclusive conversation with, the actress shared her impressions of working with the Hollywood legend. As it turned out, the image of Hugh created on the screen is not much different from Jackman in Everyday life. According to Khodchenkova, the brutal handsome man is not only always polite and gallant, but also has wonderful feeling humor.

Hugh was a very polite and gallant man. It is not only pleasant to work with him on the same set, but also just to communicate, - Svetlana shared with - I often remember our acquaintance with him, this is a very funny case. On Hugh's first day of shooting, I arrived, it seems, for another fitting of my costume. Suddenly he ran up to me with the words: "Sveta, hello! We will work together. Very nice!"

However, to the disappointment of Jackman's fans, who dream of at least touching the idol, Khodchenkova's spicy scenes with the actor did not cause excitement and awe.

There were kisses in some scenes, but I treat this as a normal working moment, - Svetlana shared. - It's our job. Hugh is an actor, I'm an actress, so it's a normal working experience.

For the actress, the film "Wolverine" is the second, but more confident attempt to conquer the Western film industry. Two years ago, Svetlana played in the film "Spy, get out!" with such famous actors as Colin Firth and Gary Oldman. At the same time, the company was made up of the Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky, but the presence on the screen of Khodchenkova herself was still not so long.

Until now, it remains a mystery to many why the Russian beauty was chosen for the role of Wolverine's sworn enemy - Dr. Viper. Khodchenkova herself finds it difficult to answer this question. However, in spite of everything, she still managed to pull out " happy ticket"to Hollywood, where for two and a half months she fought for a further opportunity to conquer world cinema once and for all.

I never got an answer from the producers to my question, why was I chosen for the role of the Viper? - the actress admits. - "You passed the test well and we liked it" - that's how they answered me, without details. Although I went through the auditions in the same way as many other actors: we recorded some scenes from the film and sent them to the film crew in America. And you know, I was so pleased that I was approved, and that this project would be in my career, that I did not set any conditions, but simply enjoyed the filming process.
