Portfolio of the project "What is autumn?" Purtova V.M. Project "Autumn is different" Proverbs and sayings about autumn

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.
Ivan Bunin

Autumn is the time of magical miracles! At such a time, cumulus clouds slow down, the breeze picks up the tired yellow leaves of the trees with a soft breath, sending them to their well-deserved rest. The sun goes down every day lower and lower, and at sunset it paints rural evenings with scarlet lightning. Time seems to stop at such moments, as if it allows you to enjoy the moment when anyone can embark on the endless path of nostalgia that has accumulated inside.

And it's not that my birthday is in the fall, not at all. I am fascinated and attracted by the creativity of a young autumn girl: her drawings on leaves and grass, patterns in the night and twilight sky, charming and passionate fervor sent to people in the form of muse and inspiration. “Create! Create people like me! Draw, transform and bare your rich inner world!” whispers autumn, enveloping plump and tanned girlish cheeks with warming gusts. “Walk and enjoy the minutes of beautiful sunsets, burn bonfires in the evenings in birch groves, sing beautiful and pleasant songs!” the autumn girl echoes with a lace of yellow and red leaves at the feet of the boys.

Why is she a girl? Only girls can create beauty out of nothing. Only they can give the most intimate, leaving the gift without payment. At times, an old magazine "Misha" pops up in my memory, taken a long time ago in rural library. On one of the pages, four girls are depicted in full growth, symbolizing the seasons. They are all beautiful in their own way, but my heart even at that moment gave preference to autumn. A girl with long dark hair and big brown eyes. She was standing slightly leaning over two birches in a light leather jacket, dark jeans, a brown cap and a scarf tied around her neck, like the artists of past centuries. Yes, autumn is so mischievous and submissive, like all people on earth.

Autumn pulls on feats. I want to write poems to my loved ones, compose tales and fairy tales for friends and girlfriends, draw landscapes, perpetuating the bends of ravines and turns of shallow village streams, and walk. Walk through the fields, lonely paths and in your beloved, native forest. Here, where I can rustle with dry multi-colored leaves, crash into their heaps with my feet and hands, grab them in an armful and throw them into the heavenly heights, giving them one more chance to descend from a height to the earth. At times like these, they spin around like a lot of couples in love on the day of the fall ball on the school dance floor. After they freeze and fall silent forever. Soft, elusive rays of the setting sun make their way through the crowns of trees and twigs of wild raspberries. They tremblingly illuminate the entire forest thicket and distant valleys, painting trees and leaves, grass and flowers, houses and clothes of playing children in rainbow colors. I like autumn. I love autumn very much.

In the 3rd grade around the world, after studying the topic about autumn, there was a task to prepare a presentation “Autumn through the eyes of an artist, poet, composer, biologist, meteorologist ....” (optional). My daughter chose to look at autumn through the eyes of an artist. Reviewed a lot of pictures on this topic, she chose the ones she liked. In the PHOTO Show program, a slide show was formed, Chopin's music "Autumn Waltz" was added. Here is the presentation.

Presentation autumn through the eyes of an artist

Autumn is a bright and beautiful time of the year. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her splendor, many spoke about her captivating magic. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest for mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I invite you to enjoy creativity talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

Autumn is bright

Afremov Leonid Rainy evening

Autumn is pensive

Usyanov Vladimir Pavlovich Autumn Alley

Autumn is mysterious

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Autumn forest

And even the rain in the pictures is far from dull

Macneil Richard Triumphal Arch(Paris)

Autumn is so different, but always attractive - this is how I saw Autumn through the eyes of an artist. In the video below, you can watch the presentation itself, which includes 19 paintings by Russian and foreign artists.

Autumn is a wonderful time. Autumn embraced nature, slowly picking up a canvas and brushes, so that with the trepidation of an artist, she began to paint the drooping vegetation in variegated colors. Nature never looks so delightful and touching as nature in autumn. In my project, I want to show all the beauty of autumn, teach to love it, as A.S. loved it. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, A. Fet. and other poets.

The proposed material is designed for use in preparatory group kindergarten. But this does not mean that it cannot be used in other age groups in kindergarten.. A special role is played in it in attracting parents to the proposed project.



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Complex - thematic planning by project:

"What is autumn?"

Type of project: educational - game.

Type of project: creative, research.

Project duration: long-term.

Subject of research: autumn season.

Project participants: children of the senior group.

Integration of educational areas:

  1. Artistic creativity;
  2. Cognition;
  3. Socialization;
  4. Music;
  5. Communication

Objective of the project:


  1. How has the weather changed in autumn?
  2. Why did the leaves turn yellow?
  3. What is leaf fall?
  4. Where have the insects gone?
  5. Why do birds fly away?
  6. How did the animals welcome autumn?
  7. How did the work of people in the city and the countryside change in autumn?
  8. How does a person strengthen his health in autumn?
  9. What gifts does autumn prepare for people?
  10. Learn to recognize autumn by signs;
  11. Develop speech skills.

Project relevance:Show that every season is beautiful in its own way.


  1. To form ideas about autumn as a season;
  1. Forming the foundations ecological culture preschoolers through practical activities with living objects, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material;
  2. develop in children cognitive interest, the desire to observe, explore, acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities.
  3. Cultivate interest and careful attitude to nature, to awaken a sensual attitude to the beauty of autumn nature.
  4. To consolidate the ability to establish a connection between signs in nature and the ability to defend one's point of view, draw conclusions.
  5. clarify, enrich and activate vocabulary;
  6. - develop coherent speech;
  7. - develop perception, attention, memory, thinking and imagination;
  8. To educate in children the ability to admire autumn nature to feel her beauty

Expected result:

During the project, the children formed a clear image of autumn as a season, learned the signs of autumn, folk omens, learned the names of the autumn months; sayings; children have activated cognitive activity, interest in nature, the desire to observe its changes; issued the first observation diaries; created their first creative work; there was an exhibition of children's drawings on the topic: What did autumn give us?”, made homemade books with children's drawings, picked up poems for drawings and learned some of them. There was a trip to the autumn park, where each kindergarten specialist showed autumn from a different angle. The autumn holiday has passed, joint gatherings with parents, where children, together with their mothers, prepared dishes from vegetables and fruits. An exhibition of crafts made from natural materials was held. Significantly expanded vocabulary.

Long-term planning on the topic of the project: “What is Autumn?”

Educational area


1.Physical culture

Improve the technique of the main types of movements and sports exercises

To enrich the motor experience of children and the ability to use it independently.

To form the ability to independently organize outdoor games.

1. Morning workout complex "Turnip".

2. Physical development: we walk over bumps, a wide river, outdoor switchgear with leaves.

3. Leisure evening on the topic: "A walk in the autumn forest"

4. Finger gymnastics "Orange", "Porridge"

2. Health

To form ideas about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

Learn to dress appropriately for outdoors and indoors.

Maintain an interest in your health

1. Conversation "I love vitamins, I want to be healthy"

2. Scheme of dressing for a walk.

3. Hand washing scheme.

3. Consultation with parents "Walking in the fall."

3. Security

To acquaint with the rules of behavior in nature: you can not take plants, mushrooms in your mouth.

1. Situational conversations: about poisonous mushrooms and plants. Conversation on the topic "Safety on the site"

2. Ball game "Edible - not edible"

3.d / and "Tops and roots", "Who knows more."

Conversation with children

4. "Why can't you eat unwashed vegetables, fruits?"

4. Labor

Raise interest in the work of an adult.

Maintain a desire to help adults.

1. We remove the leaves, sticks on the site.

2. Let's plant a tree.

3. Collection of seeds and fruits.

4. Preparation of fruit salad.

5. Transplantation of indoor plants.

6. Collection of herbarium.

7. Consideration of illustrations on the topic: "The work of people in the fall."

5. Cognition

To teach children to examine objects, to exercise in establishing similarities and differences between objects.

Support the desire to build (make), something on their own.

To draw the attention of children to the beauty of the nature of the seasons, to teach them to admire, rejoice.

To form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature: it is raining, it is getting colder, the leaves turn yellow and fall, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, fruits are picked in autumn

Consolidate a skill research activities: the ability to identify properties and qualities natural materials through experimentation.


Big - small (cabbage-tomato, apple-plum), a lot - little; long short.

Shape (circle), color (red, yellow, green)

I know the world.

Observation of natural phenomena of nature: rain, leaf fall, wind, frost, fog.

Observation of non-living objects, phenomena of the surrounding world;

We collect and examine leaves, fruits.

Acquaintance with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;

Looking at pictures depicting autumn, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms.

Conversations “Gifts of Autumn”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits”, “Flowers in Autumn”, “Berries”, “Mushrooms”, Autumn Forest”, “Late Autumn”, “Animal and Plant World of the Autumn Forest”;

Classes “Life of nature in autumn”, “How to fill in the calendar of nature?”, “Vegetables and fruits on our table”, “How do animals prepare for winter? How does the frog hibernate? How do plants hibernate?

Hike in the autumn park.

Observation cycle: How are plant seeds distributed and what are they for? “What blooms on our site in early September?”, “What are flowering plants?”, “Who helped the flowers grow?”, “What happened first, what will happen next?”, “Let's collect the seeds of garden flowers. “Is it necessary to collect seeds of wild plants?”, “What is the difference between spruce and other trees in autumn?”, “Why do birds fly to people’s homes in autumn?”, “Why did insects disappear, and many birds flew south?

Research, activity:

Consideration and comparison of vegetables / fruits / (by shape, size, length, taste) fruits and seeds of plants.

Experience: let's extend the life of the plant, transplanting the plant into a group.

Experience with vegetables "Sinking, not sinking."

6. Communication

Learn to determine the time of year according to natural phenomena,

Give a generalized concept of the system of adaptive features of plants and animals to seasonal changes nature.

Develop proof speech.

To form a desire to make joint crafts from natural material.

To develop curiosity and desire to find answers to their questions by the method of research actions.

1. Teacher's stories about autumn, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits.

2. Riddles about vegetables, mushrooms and fruits.

3. Drafting descriptive stories about vegetables, mushrooms and fruits.

4. Target walk: determining the time of year, weather, natural phenomena (tell me what do you see?)

5. Didactic game"What plant is this?"Didactic game "I recognize a tree",Didactic game "Compare"Didactic game "Look and tell"the game “We are looking at everything around - oh late autumn tell"didactic game "Why is autumn called that?" ,Didactic game "Generous autumn".

7. Reading fiction

Formation of understanding that a lot of interesting things can be learned from books,

Encourage children to look at the illustrations in the book,

Teaching children to ask questions

Reading folk songs, fairy tales, "Tops and Roots", poems.

Reading the works of Russian poets about the autumn of Pushkin, Balmont,

Y.Tuvim "Vegetables".

A. A. Foroshchuk N. E. Foroshchuk N. E. " Plants in autumn"Birds in autumn", "Beasts in autumn", " Pets in autumn,« The labor of people in autumn

For her work, the Artist-Autumn took the brightest colors and, first of all, went with them to the forest. There she took up her painting.

Birches and maples were covered by Autumn with lemon yellowness. And the leaves of the aspens were blushed like ripe apples. The aspen tree became all bright red, all burning like a fire.

Autumn wandered into a forest clearing. A hundred-year-old oak-hero stands in the middle of it, stands, shakes its dense foliage. " Mighty hero you need to put on forged copper armor. So she dressed the old man.

He looks, and not far away, at the edge of the clearing, thick, spreading lindens gathered in a circle, their branches lowered down. “They are best suited for a heavy headdress of golden brocade.”

All the trees and further bushes were decorated by Autumn in its own way, in autumn: some in a yellow outfit, some in bright red ... Only pines and spruce did not know how to decorate. After all, they don’t have leaves on the branches, but needles, you can’t paint them. Let them stay as they were in the summer. So the pines remained and ate dark green in summer. And because of this, the forest in its motley autumn attire became even brighter, even more elegant.

Autumn went from the forest to the fields and meadows. She removed the golden bread from the fields, and in the meadows she swept fragrant haystacks into high haystacks, like towers.
The fields and meadows were empty, they became even wider, more spacious. And shoals of migratory birds stretched over them in the autumn sky...

According to G. Skrebitsky

Didactic games

Didactic game "What is this plant?"
Kids, based on a preliminary conversation with the teacher and their observations, answer questions, naming the desired plant.

A leaf of what plant is applied to the wound so that it heals faster? ( Plantain )
Which medicinal plant has seeds flying? (
Dandelion )
Which plant decoction cures a cold? (
Daisies )
Which plant has seeds in long spikelets? (
Plantain )
Which medicinal plant flower has a white-yellow color? (
Chamomile )
The leaves of which plant are used in the spring to prepare vitamin salads? (

Didactic game "I recognize the tree"
The adult invites the kids to name the trees that he asks about.
Which tree has white bark and is one of the first to turn yellow? (
birch )
The leaves of which tree resemble a crow's foot? (
Maple )
What tree is compared with a Cossack, a hero? (
Oak )
From which tree do bees collect honey in summer? (
From linden )
Which tree has needles instead of leaves? (
Fur tree, pine tree )

Didactic game "Compare"
The teacher encourages the children to complete the sentences they have begun, using comparative turns for this.
For example:
The leaves of viburnum in autumn are like ... (
gold, sunshine)
Viburnum berries are shiny, like ... (
Beads, gems)
Kalina is good as ... (
Beautiful girl beauty, princess)
In o p and t a t e l. Well done. Let's admire the beautiful viburnum. How do we call viburnum affectionately, gently? (
Kalinonka )
Kalina has long been considered a symbol of our native Ukrainian region. Her red clusters adorn the loaves that are served dear guests, viburnum craftswomen embroider on festive Ukrainian towels.

Didactic game "Look and tell"
Toddlers describe the features of the weather and nature with the help of questions.
What is the sky like today? (
Clear, high, blue, bright)
What clouds float on it? (
Small, snow-white, fluffy, similar to cotton balls)
What is the sun in the sky? (
Clear, radiant, autumn)
Although it is autumn, how does it shine today? (
Kind, gentle, good)
Is there wind outside? What is he? (
Light, barely noticeable, warm)
In o p and t a t e l. Until recently, on an autumn day, one could meet a butterfly, a fly, a beetle, a spider or a bee. Try now to find one of the insects. (
Children complete the task) Did you manage to do it? ( No ) Why? Where are all the insects now? (They hid from the cold and fell asleep until spring). That's right, well done.
At this time, there are much fewer birds in our forests and parks. Everyone flies south in autumn migratory birds, and only wintering ones remain.

Didactic game "We are looking at everything around - we are talking about late autumn"
The kids, based on the observations and questions of an adult, talk about the signs of late autumn.
What do the trees look like now? (
Leaves have fallen from almost all the trees, they stand naked, black, and sad.)
Breathe the air, kids. What is he? (
Wet, cold)
What wind is blowing? (
Raw, cold, autumn)
What happened to weed? (
She was all dried up, turned yellow, covered with fallen leaves.)
What sky? ( Grey, gloomy, low, dark)

Didactic game "Why is it called autumn?"
The teacher encourages the kids to think and answer questions.
Why is autumn called colorful? (
Autumn brings a lot of bright colors to nature.)
Why is autumn called golden? (
In autumn, most leaves on trees and bushes change their color to yellow, golden)
Why is autumn called magic? (
Nature changes, becomes very beautiful, like in a fairy tale)

Didactic game "Generous autumn"
The children answer the teacher's questions.
What autumn gifts can you bring from the garden? (
Fruits: apples, pears, plums)
What autumn gifts are harvested in the gardens? (
Vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage, beans)
What is harvested in the fall in the field? (
Cereal crops: corn, sunflower)
What gifts can be found by visiting the autumn forest? (
Mushrooms, nuts, berries)

Working with parents

Theme: “Autumn. Deciduous trees."

Guess the riddle: “The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the day is waning, when does this happen?”

Tell the child about autumn, about what changes are taking place in nature;

Consider pictures depicting early and late autumn, while paying special attention to appearance and the condition of the trees: in early autumn they are covered with multi-colored foliage, and in late autumn they stand bare;

Together with the child, compare people's clothes in early and late autumn;

Draw his attention to how the weather has changed: have the days become longer or shorter, is it warmer or colder outside? Tell where and why the birds flew away.

Exercise 1. Learn a poem with a child:

Autumn gifts.

Autumn walks in our park, gives autumn gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan, pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars, autumn gives us fruits.

Question: To whom does autumn give what?

Task 2 . Learn the riddle.

In the spring and summer we saw him dressed, and in the autumn all the shirts were torn off the poor thing. (tree)

Task 3. Didactic game "What trees do you know? Name them?" Must know and name parts of trees (trunk, roots, branches, leaves). Learn to form adjectives: birch leaf - birch, oak leaf - oak, maple leaf - maple, aspen leaf - aspen. Learn to form properly plural from the words: tree, trunk, birch, oak, mountain ash, poplar, aspen, maple.

Task 4 . Draw a tree in early autumn and late autumn. (What is the difference?)

Task 5 . “Tell me what you will wear for a walk in the fall, what you will take with you so as not to get wet.”


Alice Matison

Golden autumn

It gets cooler in autumn. The days are getting shorter because it gets dark early. Trees shed their leaves. They are very beautiful, they have rich colors: red, yellow, orange. More and more wind strong wind, circles the leaves and easily lowers them to the ground. At times the sky becomes overcast and it rains. I love this time of the year, you can walk in the park and admire the golden autumn nature.
Dasha Larionova

Golden autumn

Autumn is very beautiful time of the year. It’s a little sad because the foliage is flying around, but it’s nice and fun to stand under the multi-colored leaf fall. Nature says goodbye to us until spring, chestnuts and acorns shed their unusually beautiful fruits. yellow Maple leaves in the sun they look golden, from them in the park it is even lighter and sunnier. You can collect all these autumn gifts and make a beautiful craft out of them, which will remind us of this wonderful time all winter.
Autumn smells of apples and mountain ash. There is nothing more beautiful than a carpet of colorful leaves. What a pleasure to run through it. I love you, my golden autumn! And I will miss you very much.

Semyon Vinogradov

Golden autumn

Autumn is the brightest time of the year. All the trees are dressed up in colorful outfits. Maples - in red caftans. Birches - in yellow sundresses. Oaks - in brown frock coats. Everything shines in the bright autumn sun. It is so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it. I love Golden autumn. In autumn I like to walk in the forest.

Yura Zaitsev

Warm autumn

Autumn has come. The sun gilded the tops of the trees, painted the leaves in colorful, bright, beautiful colors. Leaves hang from the trees like gold coins. A warm autumn breeze blows, and the leaves turn into small airplanes. The cloud will fly by, the wind will die down, and the leaves will fall on the water and turn into autumn boats. Other leaves will fall to the ground and cover it with a colorful carpet. When you walk on it, the leaves rustle like fried chips. And immediately comes good mood. And I want to roll in the leaves. In the sky, a flock of birds fly south, saying goodbye to us until next spring.

Gosha Kataev


In every season, nature is beautiful in its own way. This year, the beginning of autumn gave us a lot of bright and sunny days. The sky is not overcast yet. The leaves on the trees make us happy different colors. Red, yellow, green, orange leaves dressed the forest in bright dresses.
Warm days at the beginning of autumn are called "Indian summer". In September and October people gather mushrooms and cranberries. Children make crafts from leaves, cones, acorns.
Unfortunately, the colorful and warm autumn ends quickly. Leaves fall, it rains more and more often, and even the first snow may fall. Nature is preparing for winter.

Sasha Penzin


Autumn is a very beautiful time. Only in autumn there is such a diverse palette of colors. Leaves change their habitual green color on red, brown, yellow, burgundy. And in the middle of autumn, the trees shed their leaves to rest in the winter. At this time, it is pleasant to wander around the park when the leaves rustle underfoot. And we also like to go to the forest for autumn mushrooms. The main autumn mushrooms are mushrooms. But I don't like that it often rains in autumn. And they change our plans for the walk. But in the fall there is an "Indian summer". Nature seems to want to bring summer back. The sun is shining brightly and it's hard to believe that it's already autumn.

Denis Gorlov

Golden autumn

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. The azure sky attracts the eye with its purity and cloudlessness. The sun, like a golden ball, rolls across the sky. Trees change their "clothes". Leaves, like multi-colored coins, cover the branches. The grass stretches to the last warm rays of the sun. It seems that all nature calms down and enjoys this beautiful time of "golden autumn" before the harsh cold winter.
