Andrei Makarevich is young. Biography

1960 - 1970

Andrei Makarevich studied at the 19th Moscow school (a special school with an English bias), where in high school, due to the fact that in 1966 Andrei got acquainted with the music of the group “ The Beatles” and, in his own words, became a Beatleman, like many of his peers, and a group was invented and started, now known as the “Time Machine”. Initially, school team, in which Andrei played and sang, was called "The Kids" and he performed cover versions of English-language songs


Together with Beatleman classmates Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Ruben, Igor Mazaev and Yuri Borzov, and then Sergey Kavagoe, a student of a parallel school, the same “Time Machine” was organized, which, having replaced many participants, exists to this day. This group is associated with a huge part of life and creative activity Andrei Makarevich. For almost 50 years, he has been the permanent leader of the group, its main lyricist, as well as the composer and performer of a significant part of the songs.


entered the Moscow Architectural Institute


He was expelled (in fact, by a closed order of party authorities, due to disapproved rock music), after which he got a job as an architect at the Giproteatr (“ State Institute designing theaters and entertainment facilities"), where he worked until 1979. In 1975, he returned to the Moscow Architectural Institute for the evening department, graduating in 1977 with a diploma in architecture. However, the main occupation all this time was working with the "Time Machine"

Name: Andrey Makarevich

Age: 64 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, musician, composer, poet, TV presenter

Family status: married

Andrei Makarevich - biography

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich has many worthy roles, although at the moment he has already managed to earn a negative attitude towards himself because of his statements and his preferences in political life countries.


The family in which the composer, singer and musician was lucky to be born was intelligent. Father is an architect, mother is a doctor by profession. Polish-Belarusian paternal blood flowed in the boy's veins, and his mother gave her son Jewish roots. Father went through the whole war, came home without a leg, but took up pedagogical activity, and mother dearly loved by her son in last years Worked at the Research Institute of Tuberculosis. Andrei's biography was similar to many biographies of children post-war years.

From childhood, the boy remembered the communal apartment and the old house of Prince Volkonsky. Very often Andrei changed his dream. At first he was attracted by the work of a diver, later he wanted to become a paleontologist. Then I decided to follow in my mother's footsteps. Andrei did not grow up alone, he had younger sister Natasha. Passion for music passed to the son from his father, Andrei even graduated from a music school for one year in piano.


Andrei was lucky to attend a prestigious school in Moscow with an English bias. The schoolboy had enviable perseverance, as he managed to collect a collection of butterflies. He even kept several snakes at home, explaining this with his new hobby. The snakes did not live long in the boy's house, and skiing and swimming soon appeared. In adolescence, music overpowered all other hobbies, largely due to the work of Bulat Shalovich Okudzhava and Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky.

It occurred to Andrei to compose poems and music for them, and then perform them with a guitar. Many people came to him, just as he played the guitar and sang in the yard. The songs have a deep meaning.

Music in the life of Makarevich

The Beatles gave the guy A New Look to his music. He fell in love with the work of this team. In the 8th grade, Makarevich created his own group, which performed foreign compositions. Andrey's comrades included Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Pavel Rubin, who already in the 9th grade gave the name to their team "Time Machine". The future soloist and musician entered an architectural university, from the fourth year of which he was expelled for his passion for rock music, although the wording was of a completely different nature.

The guy managed to get a job as an architect, and a few years later he was restored at the institute and completed his education with a diploma. Andrei did not leave the group, the music continued to unite friends. The eightieth year was the year of recognition of the "Time Machine", a cooperation contract was signed with it. Now the team could tour and give their work to more fans.


The biography of the group has received rapid development. There were songs that became calling card"Time Machine", these hits were known by heart by the audience completely different ages. Makarevich was fascinated not only by music, he was also inseparable from the art of cooking.

Andrey could be seen in the face of the host of the Smak TV show, which revealed the secrets of cooking different dishes. The study of the expanses of water in many countries allowed Makarevich to take on the role of the host of another program that talked about the underwater world.

Artist position

Many of Makarevich's statements on the unfolding Ukrainian conflict were at odds with politics Russian state and opinions of the majority of Russians. This behavior of the musician could not be called anything but a betrayal. He did not find support from the government, many concerts planned in the cities of the country had to be canceled. To be in front of everyone in scandals - I chose this path of popularity in Lately Makarevich.

It seems that the singer, who received the recognition of the audience in home country, having found PR for himself in politics, he crossed all the limits of what was permitted. Music should carry the beautiful, the good, the eternal. People of art should not get involved in the political persecution of the views of some for the sake of others.

Andrei Makarevich - biography of personal life

The artist did not show stability in his family life, since he entered into an official marriage three times with different women. The first wife of Makarevich was Elena Fesunenko. Her father was a well-known political commentator. This union lasted for three years, they parted without scandals, hiding the reason for the divorce, their children did not unite them in this marriage.

After 6 years, the musician is once again trying to start a family. Alla Golubkina became the second legal wife, she worked as a cosmetologist and was far from the bohemia in which her husband used to rotate. Very soon, the son Ivan was born, who was very similar to his father. But this child did not save the marriage, although he is still on good terms with his parents.

Andrei Makarevich is the permanent leader legendary band"Time Machine". He is considered one of the pillars of Russian rock, and is also a poet, producer, TV presenter, bard, writer and actor.

So in front of you biography of Andrey Makarevich.

Biography of Makarevich

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953 in. His father, Vadim Grigorievich, was a member.

During one of the battles against the Nazi Wehrmacht, he lost his leg. In this regard, he spent more than a year in the hospital, after which he was demobilized.

After the war, Vadim Grigoryevich worked as a teacher at the Moscow Architectural Institute, where in 1993 he became a professor.

Makarevich's mother, Nina Markovna, is a doctor of medical sciences, as well as a professor of microbiology. She is the author scientific works concerning the study of non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

Childhood and youth

All childhood Andrei Makarevich lived in a communal apartment. He was a very inquisitive and active child.

At one time he dreamed of becoming a diver, paleontologist and zoologist. IN mature years he managed to work in all these areas.

Young Makarevich

Since the parents wanted their son to become a musician, they sent him to music school, and in the evenings they played the piano with him.

However classical music did not give him pleasure, as a result of which Andrei dropped out of school.

Most young Makarevich I liked bard music, which was gaining popularity at that time. The young man was delighted with creativity and.

It was thanks to these artists that he wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Having mastered a few chords, 12-year-old Makarevich began to compose his first songs.

Soon he heard the songs of The Beatles, which were not at all like pop songs. Creation British group Makarevich was so impressed that he decided to devote his life to music.

While still at school in 1968, Andrei created the group "The Kids", which turned out to be the first in his biography. After classes, he and his comrades immediately left for rehearsals.

"Time Machine"

In 1969, the team was renamed the Time Machine, which in the future will become almost the most popular in the Soviet Union. The author of the vast majority of the songs of the Time Machine group is Makarevich himself.

After graduating from school, Andrei decided to enter the Moscow Institute of Architecture. However, he could not finish it, and was expelled in the fourth year.

The reason for this was rock music, which Makarevich devoted too much time to, and frequent absenteeism.

In 1975, Andrey was restored at the institute in the evening department, and at the end of his studies he received a diploma in graphic art and architecture.

Musical career

In 1975, a significant event took place in the biography of Makarevich. He and the group were invited to the TV show "Music Kiosk", which was never destined to go on the air.

A year later, the musicians became winners music festival V . There they managed to get acquainted with the already famous Boris Grebenshchikov, who in the future will repeatedly support them.

In 1980, the group signed a contract with Rosconcert. This was done so that the "Time Machine" became legal and could fully tour the country.

Meanwhile, Makarevich's songs were becoming more and more popular and in demand, and soon they were being sung in all the courts of the vast country.

In the 80s, Makarevich, together with the members of the team, starred in the films Soul (1982) and Start Again (1986). In parallel with this, several records of "Time Machine" were recorded, as well as solo albums Makarevich.

In the 90s, he repeatedly performed songs in duets with various musicians, and also produced Russian artist Yuz Aleshkovsky.

In 1993, Makarevich began hosting the Smak culinary show, which immediately gained immense popularity.

The viewers liked the program, as it was hosted by Andrey Makarevich, who invited him to his kitchen famous people, together with which he later cooked various dishes.

Interestingly, this project lasted 12 years, after which Ivan Urgant became the host of Smak.

For his biography, Makarevich wrote about 30 books on different topics. An interesting fact is that in one of them he seriously criticized the pop group "Tender May".

Makarevich's songs were covered by many famous rock bands: "Spleen", "Agatha Christie", "Aquarium", "Mikhei", "Underwood", "Lyapis Trubetskoy", etc.

Political activities of Makarevich

In 1967, Andrei Vadimovich joined the Komsomol, where he was a member for more than ten years. In his interviews, he repeatedly stated that he had an extremely negative attitude towards this organization, and was in it for formality.

In the work of Makarevich, you can find many songs that have political overtones, for example: "Puppets", "Turn", "Wind of Hope", "Barrier" and others.

An interesting fact is that after the leader of the "Time Machine" actively supported who ran for the post of head of state.

After that, Makarevich campaigned for and. At the same time, it is worth noting that he supported these candidates not because of the benefits, but because he shared their views on the development of Russia.

In 2011, Andrei Makarevich harshly criticized the current government, accusing it of corruption and the venality of the judicial system. It was then that he began to support the actions of the opposition leader Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

When in 2014 Russian Federation annexed Crimea, Makarevich publicly condemned the actions of the Kremlin, harshly criticizing the actions of Vladimir Putin.

In this regard, he began to have serious problems in Russia. By presidential decree, he was expelled from the Council for Culture.

In addition, in a number of Russian cities, Makarevich was refused to give concerts.

Because of his position on the annexation of Crimea, many citizens called him a traitor.

Makarevich's personal life

The first wife in the biography of Makarevich was Elena Fesunenko, whom he married in 1976. However, this marriage broke up after 3 years.

The next wife of the artist was the cosmetologist Alla Golubkina. An interesting fact is that before that she was the wife of one of the musicians of the Time Machine.

A year later, their boy Ivan was born. But this marriage lasted even less than the previous one. It is worth noting that Ivan also began to be interested in music and act in films.

From 1998 to 2000, Andrei Makarevich lived with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, from whom his daughter Anna was born.

In 2003, the artist married for the 3rd time to make-up artist Natalya Golub, with whom he lived for 7 years.

Andrey Makarevich also has illegitimate daughter Dana (1975), currently living in . They support a good relationship and meet periodically.

Andrei Makarevich today

Andrey Makarevich, who has long become a legend, continues to perform with "Time Machine" and give solo concerts. Once he was a co-owner of the Andreevsky Smak restaurant club, but soon left this business.

Today he is one of the owners of the dental clinic "Dental Art".

Makarevich is fond of diving, billiards, archeology and underwater fishing. He collects various folk musical instruments and Omega watches.

Andrey Makarevich pays great attention to the homeless and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the BIM Animal Welfare Foundation.

He occasionally participates in charity concerts and still often appears on television.

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Andrey Makarevich - legend Russian rock, bard, composer and talented performer, actor and TV presenter, and now infamous public figure, a native Muscovite, was born on 12/11/1953.


The head of the Makarevich family was Father Vadim Grigorievich, a man with difficult fate, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, who, at the age of 19, was seriously wounded in battles on the Karelian front, which resulted in the amputation of his leg.

After demobilization from the army, he worked as an architect, co-authored several famous sculptural compositions. He drew beautifully, loved music very much, which was transferred with genes to his offspring.

Andrew in childhood

Mom, Nina Markovna, also graduated from a music school, but devoted her life to science, namely microbiology, worked on the study of bacteria that provoke tuberculosis, and methods of dealing with this serious disease.

Andrei's childhood years were spent in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. WITH early years the boy grew up very smart and talented. The first of his group kindergarten I learned to read and drew beautifully. The father could not get enough of the success of his son and in every possible way indulged him in everything.

Leaving for frequent trips abroad, he invariably brought all kinds of gifts for Andrei from them, fulfilling all requests and whims. For example, after reading the stories of O. Henry and watching the Western " The Magnificent Seven"The order was a toy Smith-Wesson revolver, which was skillfully disposed of by American cowboys.

In general, Andryusha was not deprived of childhood fantasies. Either after visiting Evpatoria at the age of six, he dreams of becoming a diver, then, later, he begins to like paleontology. A little later, the boy becomes interested in a collection of butterflies, and also keeps snakes in the house. From the age of ten, swimming becomes a hobby, then skiing.

Early passion for music

But his main hobby for all the years was music. Parents constantly listened to it on their old tape recorder, which introduced their son to this type of art. In addition, his father himself played the piano well and became Andrei's first teacher.

The boy enters the music school in the class keyboard instruments However, this study does not impress him, and contrary to the will of his father, he stops this occupation. He is getting closer to the guitar, idols for Andrey - Yuri Vizbor and, of course, Vladimir Vysotsky.

Friends in the yard show him the "three chords" with which young musician tries to perform bard and yard songs. From this time begins his passion for rock music.

And at the age of thirteen for Andrey comes new period time. From one trip abroad, dad brings him a record with the music of the Beatles, the first listening of which Makarevich himself later compares with a finger in hot milk, a broken leg or a visit to a dentist who does not use anesthesia.

The music of the Liverpool Four influenced Andrey's worldview so much that he seemed to "take out the cotton wool from his ears, which had been there until that time." He listened to the Beatles from morning till night, and when his exhausted parents are driven out onto the balcony, he turns on the sound of the tape recorder to the fullest so that everyone around him imbues this music.

Together with three classmates in 1968, Andrey organized the ensemble "The Kids", which in his special school with in-depth study in English sings cover songs foreign performers. However, the age of this group turned out to be short-lived, and a year later the "Time Machine" appeared.

Yes, that's exactly what Andrei Makarevich, Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Rubin, Igor Mazaev and Yuri Borzov called their team. Our hero will connect his whole life with this group. He begins to write lyrics for her, and sometimes music.

The first album "Machines" consisted of 11 songs performed in English. It is 1969 that is considered the year of birth of the famous domestic rock band.

Creativity and social activities

Although after graduating from school, Makarevich goes to study at the Moscow Architectural Institute, all his thoughts are connected with rock and roll. Young musicians do not stop their rehearsals and give underground concerts that invariably attract a full house.

And this, of course, could not suit one of the authorities, and in the third year, the Komsomol member Makarevich was expelled, allegedly because he left work at the vegetable base, which was patronized by students, earlier than the designated time.

He takes a job as an architect, but music continues to be his main occupation. Recordings of "Time Machines" are distributed among young people on cassettes. The host of the Music Kiosk program on Channel One, Eleonora Belyaeva, on the advice of her daughter, is going to invite this group to her air.

However, censorship does not sleep, and this idea had to be abandoned, although the musicians were not upset - firstly, they did not really count on being shown on TV, and, secondly, they recorded six songs at a professional studio.

A little later, “Time Machines” was invited to shoot in the episode of the film “Afonya” by Georgy Danelia. During editing, this scene was cut from final version, but the song "You and I" remained sound, for which the leader of the group received an unimaginable sum of five hundred rubles for those times. Then there were the films "Soul" (c) and "Start over", where Andrei Makarevich starred in leading role.

In 1979, due to a scandal, the group broke up, but literally a year later the main "driver" put together a new one, which was now officially recognized by the Rosconcert. Since that time, the triumphal procession of the "Time Machine" to the heights on the national stage begins, and Andrei Makarevich often performs with solo concerts.

In addition, he produces many musical projects, acts as the host of a TV show about the cuisine "Smak", conducts conversations with the stars in "Abajour", talks about the underwater world in the program of the same name.

IN public life his voice is also very significant. Makarevich never stood aside from the events taking place in his homeland. At one time he was called the "Beatle of Perestroika". In his last songs, he expresses his vision of the political situation in every possible way, protesting against the official policy of the Kremlin.

Personal life

Throughout his life, Andrei Makarevich was distinguished by his love of love. Since the school bench, the teenager has not experienced a lack of interest from the opposite sex. Still - beautiful singing and playing the guitar has always seduced girls. In his memoirs, the musician often writes that beautiful women he had many, but he never met the one for the rest of his life.

The first wife is Elena Igorevna Fesunenko, the daughter of a well-known political observer at that time, remembered for her memoirs about Brazilian football. On the wedding day, the wife's parents presented the newlyweds with a royal gift - spacious apartments in the center of Moscow, which did not affect the short duration of the marriage - three years later the couple broke up.

For seven years, Andrei savored the delights of a bachelor's life, after which he decided to tie the bonds of Hymen with cosmetologist Alla Golubkina, the ex-wife of his friend Alexei Romanov, one of the founders of the Resurrection group.

With Alla Golubkina

The son of Ivan became the fruit of love, for whom his father is a real support, although, in his own words, he does not care about the glory of the pope, and he is trying to reach the heights in cinema on his own. Ivan has already starred in several films, including "Shadow Boxing" and "Brigade-2".

The second marriage also lasted only three years. Romantic relationship The yellow press attributed Makarevich with the singer, radio host Ksenia Strizh and other beauties.

From 1998 to 2000 civil wife The leader of the "Time Machine" was Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, who gave birth to his daughter Anya. However, just a deliberate pregnancy destroyed their family idyll, and Andrei left his beloved, although he continues to communicate with his daughter even now.

By the way, he also has an eldest illegitimate daughter, Dana, who was born in 1975 and lives in Philadelphia, whose existence Makarevich found out only in the late nineties.

Makarevich Andrei Vadimovich is a famous, popular and sought-after musician and singer whom we all know and love since Soviet times. Makarevich is the author of the words and music of numerous songs that have become real hits of all times and peoples.

For several decades, he has shown himself not only as an excellent leader and permanent leader of the Time Machine team, but also as a leader cooking show, producer and even talented artist.

Andrei Vadimovich is a man with very strange political views that constantly run counter to the statements of state officials.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Makarevich

Many fans can accurately list which songs Andrei Makarevich wrote, but cannot specify his height, weight, age. How old Andrei Makarevich is is also not a universal secret.

Andrei Vadimovich was born in 1953, so he celebrated his sixty-third birthday. According to the sign of the Zodiac, he belongs to Sagittarius, who are famous for their sociability, friendliness, conservatism, inconstancy and adventurism.

According to Eastern horoscope, Makarevich refers to the wise, mysterious, intuitive, strong-willed Serpents.

The growth of Andrei Vadimovich is one meter and seventy-two centimeters, and the weight is frozen at around eighty kilograms.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich is the story of a creative and self-confident person who knows how to set goals and achieve their fulfillment.

Little Andrei was a Jew on his mother's side and either a Pole or a Belarusian on his father's side. He lived in an ordinary communal apartment and dreamed that he would someday have his own room.

The restless boy constantly changed the answer to the question of who he wants to become. Andryushka wanted to become a submariner, a diver, a paleontologist, or a herpetologist. Soon the boy became seriously interested in music, he entered a music school in piano.

The boy was a passionate person, he collected butterflies, bred rare snakes, swam and mastered skiing.

The guy collected records of popular foreign artists, adored the Beatles. Even in the seventh grade, Andrei began to write poems in which he criticized the authorities and the Soviet regime, and he also mastered the guitar on his own, knowing only three chords.

Makarevich studied at a school with in-depth study of the English language, so he could freely translate the lyrics of the songs of his favorite Liverpool four and make their cover versions. In 1968, the boy and his three friends created their own group, The Kids, in which at first two girls sang. However, a year later, it was decided to rename the musical group "Time Machine" and make it purely male.

After leaving school, Andrei was able to enter an architectural university, however, he was expelled in his fourth year, because he was overly fond of rock music. Since 1980, he was able to recover at the Moscow Architectural Institute, however, in the evening department. At the same time, a contract was signed with Rosconcert, and now "Time Machine" was able to tour throughout the country.

Makarevich from that time began to write songs that immediately became hits. He not only performed as part of a group, shot videos, but also became interested in working on television. Among the TV programs that Makarevich hosted, one can single out "Smak", "Underwater World", "Abazhur".

Filmography: films starring Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Vadimovich starred in the films "Soul" and "Start over", "Crazy Love" and "Afonya", "Still Pools" and "Schizophrenia". Makarevich constantly writes songs for films.

Created since 2001 new project The "Creole Tango Orchestra", as well, began to perform solo in the jazz club "Union of Composers". Makarevich is the chairman of the "Creation of the World" festival.

He was invited to the jury of KVN and Guess the Melody, and also arranged exhibitions own paintings made in graphic style. Engaged in dental and restaurant business, writes books and protects homeless animals.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich has always been confusing and very stormy. The guy attracted the attention of the female even in school years, the girls liked him because he wrote poetry and sang songs of his own composition.

The man never suffered from a lack of female attention, he was always surrounded by loving admirers. Makarevich not only managed to marry three times, but also started stormy romances on the side.

In the nineties, articles about the connection between Andrei and radio host Ksenia Strizh appeared in the yellow press every now and then. However, the woman did not comment on this information, calling it inflated, although she specified that she had met with Makarevich for about four years.

Since 1998, he had an affair for two years with a journalist who represented the Time Machine group at conferences, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. However, already in 2013, Makarevich began to talk about his readiness to marry for the fourth time, the singer Maria Katz became his chosen one.

Many fans are interested in the question of where Andrei Makarevich is now. It is worth noting that the singer has been openly expressing his oppositional views since 2014, so he fell into disgrace. He constantly clashed with colleagues and deputies, but was not going to leave Russia. At present, he lives not in Israel, as many people think, but in the capital of our Motherland.

Family of Andrey Makarevich

The family of Andrei Makarevich was creative, musical and vibrant. None of the parents were professionally engaged in music. Almost all of Makarevich's ancestors were peasants, however, there were shoemakers, teachers, pathologists, architects and even priests in his family.

Father - Vadim Makarevich - was an architect, he went through the Great Patriotic War by losing a leg. The man drew beautifully and was fond of music, collected records of foreign performers.

Mother - Nina Makarevich - was well versed in music, however, she worked as a TB doctor. Received a scientific degree for experiments in the field of non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

The younger sister is Natasha, who was born in 1962, she followed in the footsteps of her parents and became a talented architect.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

The children of Andrei Makarevich are beloved, desired and terribly talented guys. They came from the same father, but from completely different mothers. All children survived the separation of their parents, but they did not remain without the support of their star dad.

Makarevich is not a Sunday dad, but a caring friend, mentor and assistant in any business. He does not divide children into those who were born in wedlock and those who were born out of wedlock. Both the son and daughters constantly feel that the father will help and support in Hard time.

Andrei Vadimovich argued that children should never be born in order to save the crumbling relationship of parents. They just need to be supported and loved.

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich - was born in 1987, his second wife became his mother. The boy studied at a prestigious gymnasium and began to study music early.

After graduating from school, he decided to connect his life with the world of cinema, especially since he already had experience in filming. The young man made his debut in the film "Shadow Boxing", and then his filmography was replenished with works in the films "Brigade: Heir", "1814", "House of the Sun", "My boyfriend is an angel."

Ivan graduated from RATI, he plays drums and devotes himself to theater and cinema. He is fond of diving, not married.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana - is a mysterious and unusual face. It became known about her only after the third marriage of the musician broke up.

There is very little information about the girl, it is only known that she was born in 1975 as a result of an affair with a fan. The affair never developed into a relationship, an unknown girl moved to the USA and gave birth to a daughter.

Makarevich did not know that he had become a father, however, after Dana found him, he began to communicate with her. The woman lives in Philadelphia, she has a law degree and even heads a large pharmacological company.

Dana is married, her husband is a fairly respected businessman in the States.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, is the fruit of a sinful connection between the musician and the journalist Anna. The girl was born in 2000, and her parents separated in the same year.

Anya was raised by her mother and grandmother, she was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at birth, but it was not confirmed. The baby went to a regular kindergarten, now she is graduating from a prestigious school " golden ratio". The girl does not study well, however, she has her own opinion.

Anya does charity work. Last year, she experienced a real shock when a Tajik attacked her and took away her phone. The girl experienced an even greater shock when her father did not want to help her in such a difficult situation.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Elena Fesunenko

Ex-wife Andrei Makarevich - Elena Fesunenko - appeared in the life of a novice singer and musician in 1976. She was the favorite daughter of a famous political commentator Soviet period Igor Fesunenko. He once helped Andrei and his project "Time Machine" to break through on tour.

The marriage was not strong and broke up three years later. The reasons for this were the constant tour of her husband with abundant alcohol libations. Elena Fesunenko also claimed that Andrei Makarevich liked to have affairs on the side.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Makarevich

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Makarevich - used to have the surname Golubkina, she became the wife of a musician and TV presenter in 1986. Alla had nothing to do with the world of music and show business, she worked as a cosmetologist.

Before starting a relationship with Andrei Makarevich, Alla was married to another rock musician - a soloist musical group"Sunday" by Alexei Romanov.

The marriage lasted two years, it was not sealed even by the birth of an heir. The reasons for the divorce were called the loving nature of Makarevich and the jealousy of his wife.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Natalya Golub, is fifteen years younger than her husband. The woman is a talented stylist who is appreciated in the fashion world. Concurrently, Natasha is an excellent make-up artist and photo artist.

She appeared in the life of Makarevich in 2003, when she worked with him on the same projects. The man often invited Natasha to parties, but she constantly refused. After their first date took place at a concert of the Chaif ​​group, the couple began to live together.

Natalya was a partner even in Andrei's extreme hobbies, she supported her husband. Seven years later, the marriage suddenly broke up. The parties do not talk about the reasons for this, however, it became known that Dove began to live with a young guy from Argentina, where she recently moved.

Andrei Makarevich latest news

Andrey Makarevich last news they talk about the fact that the singer and composer is writing new songs. He also actively tours, writes books and speaks on Radio Rain.

Makarevich is engaged in the fact that he defends his political views, sues his offenders and defends civil position.

In 2015, it was announced that Andrei Makarevich died tragically, the participants of the Grushinsky Festival and all Russians wanted to know the latest news about his death. The obituary was posted on the official website of the festival, as well as concerts were canceled and a collection was opened Money to the funeral.

It turned out that Makarevich did not die, just a hacker attack was made on the site. Andrei spoke harshly about the death on social networks, although the organizers were quick to apologize.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich exist only half, that is, the page in the second source is official. Makarevich's Instagram page does not exist at all. The point is that in this social network there are simply a huge number of groups that post photos and videos on behalf of the singer and composer.

The Wikipedia page contains reliable data on personal and family life, filmography and musical hits created by Makarevich. Particular attention is paid to political views the creator of the "Time Machine" and his relationship with the current government.
