The point system of grading at school what does it mean. Point-rating system for assessing students' knowledge

I studied the official documents and is ready to explain what each mark is for.

First level (low): 1-2 points

Recognizing, recognizing and distinguishing concepts are requirements for the lowest marks.Yes, yes, no zero knowledge.

Second level (satisfactory): 3-4 points

Marks 3 and 4 are given to students who present educational material from memory, that is, a memorized theory is enough for satisfactory scores.

Third level (intermediate): 5-6 points

To get 5 or 6 points, the educational material must not only be reproduced, but understood. Plus, be able to describe and analyze actions with objects of study.

Fourth level (sufficient): 7-8 points

A student who claims to be of a sufficient level easily applies knowledge in practice and gives his own examples, similar to those given in the textbook. On the basis of a generalized algorithm, it also solves new learning problems. Another requirement is the ability to understand the essence of the objects being studied and perform actions with clearly defined rules.

Fifth level (high): 9-10 points

Applicants for "9" and "10" apply knowledge in unfamiliar, non-standard situations. And to solve qualitatively new problems. They independently describe, explain and transform the objects of study.

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Ten in the diary. The school will switch to a more fractional assessment of knowledge

A friend complained: “My son has four and five in his diary, and teachers scold him for laziness and poor knowledge. Yes, parents who are accustomed to a five-point system for assessing knowledge are not to be envied: not only is the USE assessed on a 100-point scale, but last fall, Minister of Education and Science Andrei Fursenko announced an experiment on a more fractional assessment of academic performance in Russian schools. True, the final transition to it is expected not earlier than in four to six years.

— Of course, it (a more differentiated scale) is needed. If only because the guys need to be taught that at the end they will have a 100-point scale on the exam. They need to be prepared for a more differentiated assessment of their knowledge,” the minister said. “But there can be no revolutions in this matter. And the guys should recognize the new scale of assessments, and parents and teachers should accurately assess for themselves what is put for what.

Therefore, the minister is waiting for proposals from experts. So far, they consider the most optimal 10-point scale.

In fact, the discussion about the merits and demerits of the 5-point performance scale that we are accustomed to has been going on for ten years, if not more. But the debate was not shaky, until last year, on the eve of Teacher's Day, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev supported the idea of ​​introducing a more fractional system of assessing knowledge at school. It happened during the finals of the "Teacher of the Year" contest. Then a teacher from Noginsk complained that the grading systems in the certificate and the USE certificate are very different. In general, the president decided that "it is necessary to think about a more detailed assessment of knowledge at school," and the officials saluted.

Why is five not enough?

So why didn't the usual "triples", "fours" and "fives" please our teachers? After all, the five-point scale has existed in Russia for almost 170 years, and it seems that everyone has always been happy with it. True, until 1917, teachers also assessed the knowledge of schoolchildren verbally: "1" corresponded to the definition of "weak progress", "2" - "mediocre", "3" - "sufficient", "4" - "good", "5" — "excellent." In 1918, points were canceled, grades were replaced by characteristics that took into account not only academic performance, but also the social activity of the student at school and beyond. But in 1939, verbal grades returned, although teachers now gave "unsatisfactory", "satisfactory", "good" and "excellent". In 1944, the usual fives and threes were added to them.

Alas, it has now become clear that the existing five-point system actually turned into a three-point. In fact, what kind of teacher would put a negligent student in the quarter "1"? "Two", however, can be met, but by no means as a final (annual), but as an intermediate assessment. And, to be honest, no one has been able to clearly explain how a unit differs from a deuce, in my opinion.

As a result, the teacher says: "a little bit did not reach the four" and puts "a solid three". The same three, only "weak" he will put to another student. In the diaries, the same assessments will flaunt - go and figure out who is more diligent, who has more knowledge. And again, for excellent knowledge, a gifted schoolboy - the winner of the Olympiad, and one who just learned a lesson will get a five. With a ten-point scale, the winner of the city Olympiad will receive 10, and the diligent crammer - 8. That's why teachers say that the current system does not stimulate the student and does not allow the teacher to accurately and objectively assess the knowledge of schoolchildren.

"The teacher has more opportunities to objectively assess knowledge, parents like that children are not given twos and ones, students have more incentives to study well - more noticeable achievements. Today you got four points, tomorrow - five, the day after tomorrow - six. For strong children, this mark is more objective, and motivates the weak to further improvement. Thus, the student received a "seven" and understands that he has nothing to do before the "eight". Otherwise, he would have been given a "four". teachers consider.

- The fact that the range of grades will become wider is better for the school. After all, you can’t put a student with five with a minus or four with two pluses in a magazine or a certificate. Fives are also different. One has strained, the other has honest. Five with a minus turns into a five, four with a minus turns into a four. But there is a difference between these estimates, you see, - says teacher Lyudmila Timchishina from the Moscow region.

In addition, the 10-point system is easier to correlate with the USE scale. I got 80 points - it's the same as at school 8. So, the result is excellent. Received 50 - this is 5 points, that is, a three. And it would never occur to anyone to prove that, having scored 50 points, he successfully passed the exam. True, there is a danger that practically no one will receive tens in the new knowledge assessment system. After all, this assessment can only be obtained for outstanding knowledge that goes beyond school curriculum.


In Russia, there is experience in assessing on a 10, 12, and even 100-point scale. But in the certificate, all students of experimental schools have the usual "five" and "four". For example, since 1966 Shalva Amonashvili's school has been experimenting with non-judgmental learning. Several schools in Magnitogorsk work according to the same scheme - there teachers are limited to "passes" and "fails". The Moscow School of 1804 has a 12-point evaluation system ("eight" is already a good score). Some schools in the Altai Territory use a 100-point system (less than 50 points - "unsatisfactory", 50-70 points - "satisfactory", 70-90 points - "good", 90-100 points - "excellent").

For example, in a gymnasium in the Moscow district of Maryino, such an experiment has been going on for the eleventh year.. 10 points in the Russian language are given here to those who not only demonstrate excellent knowledge, but also reach the research level in creative work, "read artistically, write without a single mistake, cleanly and accurately." A student gets a ten in physics if his knowledge is wider than the scope of the school curriculum. But because of this, no one is particularly upset. A five will still go to the certificate, and it doesn’t matter how many points you have - 8, 9 or 10.

A 10-point scale for assessing knowledge has been used since 2004 in the Proletarian high school Serpukhov region. It all started with 5 "b". In 2004, such a grading system was introduced in it in all subjects. Parents enthusiastically supported the initiative. Already by the end of the first year of study in the fifth grade, there was an increase in learning motivation, a decrease in anxiety and, as a result, an increase in academic performance and the quality of knowledge. Since 2005, the experiment on the introduction of a ten-point scale has joined Primary School. Now, according to the ten-point system, 14 classes of the school are studying, which is 74% of students. School teachers say that the ten-point system allows the student to predict his quarter mark during the quarter and, if desired, increase it.

But at the same time, the evaluation criteria are described in some detail.. This virtually eliminates teacher errors. True, according to the results of the academic quarters and the year, the assessment is translated into a five-point one.

For the sixth academic year in a row, in the school's diaries in Moscow 1071, the "decimal system" flaunts in the students' diaries. Only "one" remained unchanged. "Two" in this system means three with a minus, three - the usual "three", and four - three with a plus. And instead of "five with a minus" children put eight. Instead of the usual "five" nine. If the student has tried very hard ten. The school is confident that children deserve a variable approach to assessing knowledge.

By the way, for a quarter, children also receive "nines" and "tens". The traditional scale appears only when issuing a certificate. If a student transfers to another school, a sheet with traditional marks is pasted into the statement.

Who is against?

Because 9s and 10s eventually have to be converted to the traditional grading scale, the experiment didn't catch on in some schools. These include the Moscow School of 1968. Five years ago, they also tried to introduce a 10-point rating scale here. But in the diaries, the children were put "tens" and "nines", and at the end of the quarter and year they had to translate these marks into a five-point "format", which puzzled the teachers very much. Let's say a child got an "eight" five with a minus, and according to the traditional scale he had to put a "four". As a result, I had to return to the traditional system.

The Internet is also full of questions from perplexed parents. Understanding what's what is not so easy for them. No wonder my friend for a very long time could not understand the claims of teachers to her son.

The point of view of parents is shared by the president of the All-Russian Education Fund Sergey Komkov:

Moms and dads will not understand what grade their child received. After all, they are accustomed to the traditional scale. Children will not be able to defend their assessment. After all, there are no traditional criteria for what the "seven" is put, and for what the "eight". In addition, 3.5 million teachers will need to be retrained. And if in Moscow and St. Petersburg teachers are more advanced, then in the outback teachers in best case will multiply scores by two. There will be an effect of the absence of odd numbers.
Nor does he understand how the 10-point scale will help students adapt to the exam:

If such a transfer is connected with the state exam, then why not transfer to a 100-point system? Our education system cannot be subjected to structural changes. This will only distract everyone from the problem of the quality of education.

Supporters 5- point system its main advantages are "softness" and the usual form of assessments. And so that teachers can more accurately assess knowledge, they suggest putting "4.5" or "4.8" instead of "four plus". A variant of the 5-point scale can also be considered a 10-point scale, which "rounds" the pros and cons to a whole point.

And how are they?

However, the innovation has not so few supporters. Since the president has hinted at 10 points, one can be sure that the experiment will not only begin, but will continue and become mandatory. Remember the history of the Unified State Exam - and you will immediately understand everything.

Having at his disposal instead of the previous five - ten points, the school teacher will now be able to fix the half-marks, which he always put up in practice anyway. But before the experiment, "five with a minus", "four with a plus" or a saving "C grade" with a huge minus easily drew on a subjective and biased approach to the child, for which persistent and legally savvy parents could spoil the teacher a lot of blood and nerves. With ten points, you can much more accurately take into account both the merits and demerits of both the oral answer and the written assignment. And, for example, in the group of "excellent students" to distinguish between those who perform at least with a mark of "8", from those who are more talented - with a mark of "9". And, finally, just geeks can safely put "10". The "good students" will now have two grades - "6" and "7", the "three" students will have "5" and "4". Anything below is a failure.

The fact that the five-point system is used by fewer and fewer countries, including those in the post-Soviet space, adds to the enthusiasm of the supporters of the innovation. For example, in Ukraine, by the decision of the Verkhovna Rada, a 12-point system for assessing knowledge was introduced - a student who studies at "10", "11" and "12" is considered an excellent student. And in Belarus, schools switched to a ten-point system as early as September 1, 2002. The 10-point system is used in both Moldova and Latvia. In France, excellent students get 14-16 points out of 20 possible, in the USA - 91-99 points out of a maximum of 100. In Angola, a student can get from 0 to 20 points, and in Mozambique - from 1 to 20. But what about Mozambique, what in Angola, good grades start with a "nine".

In educational institutions different countries knowledge assessment systems are different. In Russia, schools, as well as higher and secondary educational institutions, use a five-point assessment system.

In most Russian schools, a five-point grading system has been practiced for decades. It is familiar to both students and parents, teachers. However, there are now more and more questions about the reform of the assessment system.

The five-point system is to determine the knowledge of students using assessments such as: 5 - excellent- is used in case of deep assimilation of the material, a convincing answer, no errors, 4 - good- is put in the case when the material is learned, however, minor inaccuracies were made during the assignment, 3- satisfactory- is used in the presence of some knowledge that the student cannot accurately state, makes mistakes, 2 - unsatisfactory- indicates a poor understanding of the material and 1. In practice, such an assessment as 1 is practically not used, therefore there is no specific definition for it. Theoretically, a score of 1 indicates a lack of understanding of the material.

Also, a feature of such a system is that 1 or 2 cannot be given as a final grade. Often, instead of giving the student an unsatisfactory grade, the teacher suggests correcting it right away. Also, pluses or minuses are often added to the numbers. They are also only used for intermediate grades.

The assessment criteria are the level of knowledge of the student, as well as comparison with the pattern of performing certain tasks. The number of completed tasks, the length of the answer, the subject also affect the determination of the final grade. There are also separate selection criteria for written and oral responses. It is not uncommon for a teacher's personal emotions to influence the assessment.

Advantages of the five-point grading system

  • Five-point grading system common and familiar to many. Therefore, parents and students do not have questions about the assessment criteria. This is the main advantage of this system.
  • Also an advantage is sufficient simplicity of evaluation criteria. Unlike other assessment methods that use a larger number of assessments, the five-point scale does not include many criteria by which the depth of understanding of the material is determined. It takes less time for the student to answer, as well as for the teacher to check the work.
  • In order to determine the correct grade with a ten-point grading system, the teacher needs to ask the student a lot of additional questions. At the same time, the five-point system offers a specific level of knowledge for each assessment.
  • The presence of a large number of assessments blurs the lines between them. So, for example, in a five-point grading system, there is a big difference between 5 and 3. If we take a ten-point grading system, then the difference between 5 and 7, for example, is difficult to identify not only for the student, but also for the teacher.

Disadvantages of the five-point system

  • Currently, there is more and more controversy about the need to reform the assessment system. Many educational institutions, primarily private schools, are moving to other systems of knowledge assessment.
  • The main shortcomings are the non-use in practice of such grades as 2 and Such grades indicate poor mastering of the material, or even a lack of knowledge on some topics. Therefore, it cannot be used as a final score.
  • The use of scores such as 5-, 3+ reduces the accuracy of the result. Such grades are also not used as final grades, however, they are often given as intermediate grades. A rating scale with a large range of ratings allows for a more specific and objective assessment of knowledge.
  • A big disadvantage of the five-point scale is the difference from many modern methods of assessing knowledge. The most striking example is the Unified State Exam. It is mandatory for graduates of each school, the further education of the child depends on its results. At the same time, the USE assessment scale is 100 point. Therefore, students and parents often have problems with the analysis of the results of the exam, as they are accustomed to a five-point scale.
  • The disadvantage of all scoring systems, many experts call lack of assessment of student progress. Points are given only for a specific work, strict criteria are used. In this case, the previous level of knowledge of the student is not taken into account. This prevents the teacher from assessing the student's progress. He is forced to evaluate only a specific work, taking into account the same criteria. Also, when grading, often in addition to knowledge, the behavior of the student, his relationship with the teacher is assessed. Therefore, the score does not exact characteristics depth of knowledge of the student.

The education system undergoes many changes every year. Therefore, the five-point system for assessing knowledge is becoming less and less relevant. For many years experts have been arguing about the need to reform it.

Majority foreign countries use other scoring systems, which also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Today, the issue of abolishing any point system at all is acute, since grades often become a reason for strong stress for students. At the same time, assessments cannot give an accurate description of the level of knowledge of the child, and also do not take into account his progress.

Knowledge assessment system- a system for assessing the quality of mastering educational programs by students, the most important element of the educational process.

Currently, there are many scales for assessing knowledge in use around the world. In some scales, it is customary to use numerical designations of categories, and fractional marks are allowed, other scales (for example, in the USA) traditionally deal with letter designations. The American scale also has a numerical interpretation, in which the highest grades A and A + correspond to a score of 5. Letter designations, by the way, are also abbreviations and have their own percentage (used for the rating evaluation system and for maintaining the rank / class of the student and not only), namely:

Grade (Percentage) Description of the abbreviation Description Analogue of the Russian assessment
O(100) The best of the best/Outland/Prime leader Best of the Best/Outrageous/First of the Leaders 5+
S(93-99) Supreme Higher 5
A(85-92) Artful Artfully 4
B(77-84) Beautiful/Brilliant Fine/Brilliant 4-
C (70-76) Creditable commendable 3+
D(63-69) Diversly Various 3
E (50-62) Enough Enough 3-
F (1-49) fail Failure 2
U(0) Unhonest/Unfair Dishonest/Unscrupulous 1

Encyclopedic YouTube

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International knowledge assessment systems

Most countries have national system school grades in their schools. There are also standard international systems for assessing knowledge.

International Baccalaureate

Currently, the GPA program does not exist separately from the International Baccalaureate program. The IB Diploma and IB MYP systems have introduced a single rating scale from 1 to 7, where 7 is the highest mark, 1 is the lowest. Estimates are always integers.

CIS countries, Russian Empire and USSR

In the history of Russian education, initially, as in Europe, there was a three-digit grading system. In the list of students of the Kyiv Theological Academy (city), the highest category denotes very good successes: "the teachings are fair, reliable, kind, honest, good, laudable." The middle rank denotes the successes of the “mediocre, mediocre, not bad teaching”. The lowest category characterizes successes below the average: "teachings of the weak, vile, wicked, hopeless, lazy."

Gradually, the verbal assessment became more monotonous and shorter, it was more often replaced by a digital one, and the direction of the scale was set opposite to the German one.

The tradition of designating the diligence and success of students with numbers was established in Russia as early as the beginning of the 19th century. Then in the gymnasiums the numbers from 0 to 5 were used. Zero showed that the student did not fulfill his duties at all; if he received two zeros in a row, then he was subjected to corporal punishment (until 1864). One and two were given when the student prepared the lesson unsatisfactorily; a three was given for mediocre diligence; four - when the student performed his duties well; five he received only for excellent knowledge of the lesson. The teacher was obliged to give points in the class, characterizing only the knowledge of the lesson given at home, and had no right to take into account the attention or absent-mindedness of the students during the lesson, as well as the temporary or permanent diligence of the student, his age and abilities.

IN different time in Russia, 3-, 5-, 8-, 10-, 12-point knowledge assessment systems were used. Of these, a 5-point one took root, which was officially established by the Ministry of National Education in 1837: "1" - weak successes; "2" - mediocre; "3" - sufficient; "4" - good; "5" - excellent. During the 20th century, the "1" rating gradually fell into disuse, as a result, the 5-point system was transformed into the modern 4-point system. IN last years in Russia, in some educational institutions, a 5-point system is returned (“1” - a point for outstanding work). This system, traditional for Soviet education, is now widely used in Russia and many countries of the post-Soviet space, although in recent years there has been a departure from it:

  • The Republic Belarus switched to a 10-point scale;
  • Ukraine on 12-point;
  • The Baltics preferred the Anglo-Saxon system (in Estonia, a five-point scale is still used, "1" is an assessment for outstanding work), etc.;
  • Moldova
  • Georgia switched to a 10-point scale.
  • Armenia switched to a 10-point scale.


In America, a five-point rating scale is used.

Grading by letter system Digital equivalent Percentage of points Assessment according to the traditional system
(at universities) (in schools and colleges)
A 4,00 95-100 5
A- 3,67 90-94
B+ 3,33 85-89 4
B 3,00 80-84
B- 2,67 75-79
C++ 2,33 70-74 3
C 2,00 65-69
C- 1,67 60-64
D+ 1,33 55-59
D 1,00 50-54
F 0,00 0-49 2



In Moldova, a 10-point scale is used, where 5 is the minimum satisfactory score:

  • 10 (excellent)
  • 9 (very good)
  • 8 (good)
  • 6–7 (medium)
  • 5 (satisfactory)
  • 1–4 (unsatisfactory)


School knowledge assessment system

Since January 11, 1944, a digital five-point system for assessing student progress has been introduced in Russian schools in accordance with the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR No. 18 of January 10, 1944 and the Order of the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR No. 24 of January 10, 1944.

In accordance with the instructions of the Department of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, the following criteria for assessing students were established:

Grade Description
5 A score of "5" is given when the student exhaustively knows all the program material, understands it perfectly and has firmly mastered it. Gives correct, conscious and confident answers to questions (within the program). In various practical tasks, he is able to independently use the acquired knowledge. In oral answers and written works, he uses literary correct language and does not make mistakes.
4 A score of "4" is given when the student knows all the material required by the program, understands it well and has firmly mastered it. Answers questions (within the program) without difficulty. Able to apply the acquired knowledge in practical tasks. In oral responses uses literary language and does not make blunders. Allows only minor errors in written work.
3 A score of "3" is given when the student discovers knowledge of the main program educational material. When applying knowledge in practice, he experiences some difficulties and overcomes them with a little help from the teacher. In oral answers, he makes mistakes in the presentation of the material and in the construction of speech. Makes mistakes in writing.
2 A score of "2" is given when the student reveals ignorance of most of the program material, answers, as a rule, only to leading questions of the teacher uncertainly. In written work, he makes frequent and gross errors.
1 A score of "1" is given in the case when the student reveals complete ignorance of the educational material being passed.

According to the Instructions of the Office of Primary and Secondary Schools of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, approved by the People's Commissar of Education of the RSFSR on February 29, 1944, when determining quarter and final (at the end of the school year) marks, it is not allowed to derive them as arithmetic averages. These final grades must correspond to the level of knowledge of the student at the time of his certification.

In certificates and certificates, marks of progress are indicated by numerical points and in brackets by the name: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory).

By average score:

Knowledge assessment system in secondary and higher educational institutions

In universities and colleges of Russia, knowledge assessments were established by Order of the USSR State Committee for Public Education dated June 22, 1990 No. 432 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Forms of Monitoring the Educational Work of Students in Daytime and Evening Departments of Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions”. According to this normative document, the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in all forms of control of educational work, including educational and technological practices, are evaluated in points: 5 (excellent); 4 (good); 3 (satisfactory); 2 (unsatisfactory). Laboratory works, practical classes and pre-diploma practice are evaluated: "passed", "failed". Educational institutions of culture and arts may use other systems for assessing student progress, agreed with a higher authority.


Ukraine introduced its new grading scale in autumn 2000, which replaced the Soviet grading scale.

The new grading system is practiced on the basis of the previously existing 5-point grading scale, which correlates with the 12-point grading system. Rating "12" is given only for outstanding achievements or for any creative work.

New scale old scale
12 5+
11 5
10 5−
9 4+
8 4
7 4−
6 3+
5 3
4 3−
3 2+
2 2
1 1

The fourth level is high (10-12 points). The student's knowledge is deep, solid, systemic; the student knows how to use them to perform creative tasks, his educational activity is distinguished by the ability to independently assess various situations, phenomena and facts, to show and defend his personal position;

The third level is sufficient (7-9 points). The student knows the essential features of concepts, phenomena, the relationship between them, is able to explain the basic patterns, and independently uses knowledge in standard situations, owns mental operations (analysis, abstraction, generalization). The answer is correct, logically justified, but the student lacks his own judgments;

The second level is medium (4-6 points). The student reproduces the main educational material, is able to perform tasks according to the model, owns elementary skills learning activities;

The first level is the initial one (1-3 points). The student's answer is fragmentary, characterized by initial ideas about the subject of study.


The scoring system originated in Jesuit schools in the 16th-17th centuries and had the humane goal of replacing corporal punishment accepted at that time with rewards. The first three-point grading scale originated in Germany, it resulted from the division of all students into three numbered categories: the best, average and worst, and the transition from one category to a higher one marked the acquisition of a number of advantages and privileges. Initially, the unit had the value of the highest rating. Over time, the average category to which it belonged largest number students were divided into additional subcategories, so a multi-level ranking scale was formed, with the help of which they began to assess the knowledge of students.


The 10-point rating scale provided by the Indian Institute of Technology is as follows:

Grading in high school

For grading in high school an average percentage is used. A score above 90 percent is considered excellent; between 70-89 percent - the first level; between 50-69% - the second level, 40-49% are the minimum passing score; however, this terminology and classification is up to the Board of Education.

History teacher MBOU "OOSH v. Zubochistka"

Second "Khaibullina E.F.

Topic for the History Teachers Seminar:

"The system of assessment of students in modern school»

1. The relevance of studying the issue of modern ways assessment of student success
At the present stage of development of education, when teachers actively introduce innovative (interactive) teaching technologies into the educational process, there arisescontradiction between the process of student-centered learning and the existing system for evaluating learning outcomes. Among teachers, there has long been dissatisfaction with the “five-point”, but in fact “three-point” system, which is not able to reflect the real level of learning and development of students.
The form of setting traditional five-point marks violates the principle of adaptability, that is, the student's ability to adapt, find his place in the educational process at the level of success. Together with the “deuce”, the student receives a setting for failure. This contradicts such a condition of student-centered learning as "motivation for success, reliance on the student's internal motives for learning." In addition, using the traditional five-point scale, it is impossible to assess all the nuances of students' achievements, since the criteria separating "five", "four", "three" are very blurred, they are easy to arbitrarily and subjectively interpret. In addition, they are often closed to the student, so this type of control is contrary to the principle of psychological comfort, which is a necessary condition for student-centered learning.
The marks received by the student do not contain information about what exactly the student has learned to do and what skills he has mastered for this, since the mark received by the student for the control work is received for the entire control work, and not for individual tasks. As a result, the qualitative indicator "assessment" is replaced by a quantitative one - "mark". Moreover, marking is the teacher's privilege, so the student will not master self-assessment and objective mutual assessment. This contradicts another principle of student-centered learning - evaluation activities. While the skills of control, self-control and reflection are an integral stage of any activity, without this stage it is impossible to realize whether the planned result of development has been achieved. The current system of monitoring and evaluation does not take into account the personal growth of students, the level of development of students' competencies, excludes self-assessment and mutual assessment, creates stressful situations for students, parents and teachers.
The purpose of developing technologies is the formation of a functionally literate personality. Specific knowledge in student-centered learning is considered as a guideline, the basis for planning and implementation by students of any productive actions. But the goal of developmental education is at odds with the goal of the existing control system (testing, test papers, tests), which involves assessing not the skills, but the knowledge of students.
In order to follow the principles of student-centered learning and achieve the goals of developmental learning, new criteria for assessing the success of students' educational activities are needed.

2. Requirements for the new system for assessing student learning achievements:

This system should check how the student has mastered the skills to use knowledge, that is, the real qualities of a functionally literate person;
- the basis of the control material should be productive tasks, not reproductive issues;
- the form of fixing the results of control should provide information about the student's mastery of specific skills (subject and general educational), that is, how the learning goals are achieved;
- a qualitative assessment should prevail over a quantitative mark in the minds of teachers, students and parents;
- the evaluation system should reflect the basic principle at the control stage - the minimax principle;
- new system assessment should focus the student on success, avoid anything that creates an uncomfortable, stressful environment in the classroom.

3.New student assessment systems

IN modern world An important priority of society and the education system is the ability of young people entering life to independently solve the problems that confront them, and the result of education is “measured” by the experience of solving such problems. Therefore, in the forefront, along with general literacy, such competencies of the graduate act as, for example, the ability to develop and test hypotheses, the ability to work in a project mode, initiative in decision-making, etc. But the process of forming students' competencies cannot be complete without a well-thought-out system of means for measuring and evaluating them.

The relevance of studying the evaluation process is always noted. Without feedback management of any process cannot be effective. The need for assessment is noted by all participants in the educational process: students, teachers, parents. Grades are an integral part of the learning process.

The current assessment of knowledge with the help of points, according to some teachers, has a number of advantages. This is the simplest and most accessible means to cause competition between children, to encourage them to study systematically. Estimates are convenient for competitions, entrance exams, statistics, reporting, etc.

However, each teacher evaluates students' knowledge based on their intuitive ideas. The school does not have unambiguous evaluation criteria. The teacher is not able to correctly and impartially assess the knowledge and work of the student. Setting points spoils the relationship between the teacher and students, creates the basis for constant clashes and mutual distrust. The student gets used to seeing the teacher not as a source of knowledge, but first of all as a controller, who often makes mistakes and who sometimes manages to deceive. Points are harmful to the teacher himself. They distract him from his main duties and turn the lesson into a boring interrogation.

The main drawback of the existing system of assessments and marks, from the psychologist's point of view, is their possible traumatic effect on the child. Teachers are well aware of the tense silence in the classroom when grades are announced, the dreary flipping of notebooks in search of the points received. All teachers had to observe the reaction that marks cause in children: from undisguised joy to tears.

How to take into account and evaluate the qualitative increment of each student? Of course, quality assessment should not consist in assessing the amount of knowledge gained, but in assessing the level of formation of a set of competencies. When evaluating, it is necessary to take into account the totality of operational actions; what was achieved - the result, how - setting a goal, planning, using sources, processing information, participating in a dialogue; what product is received - its originality, non-standard, demonstration of a personal position.

At all stages of school development, the question of finding effective ways to implement the teacher's evaluation function comes to the fore.

New ways of assessing students are proposed. Such, for example, as:

The purpose of rating education is to create conditions for motivating students' independence by means of timely and systematic assessment of the results of their work in accordance with real achievements.

1) the entire course of study on the subject is divided into thematic sections, control over which is mandatory.

2) upon completion of training for each section, a fairly complete control of the student's knowledge is carried out with an assessment in points.

3) at the end of the training, the sum of the points scored for the entire period is determined and the total mark is set. Students with a total rating score of 86% to 100% may be exempted from tests (exams).

At the stage of preparation for the introduction of the rating system, the teacher and the student conclude an agreement on mutual obligations. For this purpose, a form of the “Teacher-Student” agreement is being developed, which indicates what rights and obligations each of the contracting parties assumes. A map of "control points" (score sheet) is attached to the contract. This is the main rating document. The contract stipulates the conditions for completing the training. The student knows under what conditions he will be exempted from the exam or, on the contrary, not admitted to it.

Rating technology involves the introduction of new organizational forms training, including special classes to correct the knowledge and skills of students. Based on the results of the student's activities, the teacher adjusts the timing, types and stages various forms control of the level of work of the student, thereby providing the possibility of self-management of educational activities.

The main difficulty in implementing a rating system of control is a significant increase in the teacher's time spent on preparing for lessons and extra classes. However, with the acquisition of experience, the severity of the problem decreases.

Accounting plays an important role in the work on the technology of individual training. From the above, it is clear that the mark loses its meaning, as students choose their level of difficulty. All tasks and tests are evaluated according to the principle: “done - not done” or “passed - not passed”. Moreover, “not done” and “not delivered” do not entail any organizational conclusions. Twos don't make sense, because a student who has not passed the test learns the material again and passes the test on the topic a second time. Depending on individual characteristics, he can pass the test in whole or in parts.

The total maximum rating mark of progress for the period of study is made up of the maximum rating marks for subjects, and the rating mark for each subject is made up of rating marks for its constituent topics (sections).

So, we can say with confidence that today the rating system for monitoring and evaluating knowledge provides a systematic, maximally motivated work, both for students and teachers.

This is confirmed by the fact that the introduction of a rating system into the educational process creates the following advantages in learning:

Decreases stressful situation in the process of control for both students and teachers;

Learning becomes student-centered;

The rating system excludes any humiliation of the student's personality, allows him to evaluate his own abilities and capabilities, i.e. encourages him to conscientious work during the entire period of study.


One of the important aspects of assessment is the students' self-assessment of their own classroom and extracurricular activities. The influence of teachers and educators should coincide with the student's own efforts in mastering educational activities, with his activity in "educating" himself.

Self-control is called special actions, the subject of which are the own states and properties of a person as a subject of activity and communication.

Self-control is necessary for different stages learning process, and, accordingly, at different stages of the lesson, students should be taught it.

First of all, students should be taught preliminary (preparatory) self-control, which is carried out before the start of the assignment, that is, on indicative phase. It is necessary for the student in order to make sure of the correct understanding of the goal, the educational task, the requirements of the teacher. The student must be prompted that he can do this by asking the teacher questions, clarifying the conditions of the task and the initial data from him, and also checking the readiness of his workplace, means of labor.

At the performing stage of independent activity, in the process of solving a learning problem, the teacher should encourage and "provoke" the current (corrective) self-control of students. The specific actions of this type of self-control are tracking, comparing intermediate results with a given standard, fixing the time spent, choosing adequate means to achieve the goal and methods for solving a learning problem, etc.

The final (stating) self-control of students should be aimed after performing a certain type of activity, after independent work.
The teacher can use any type of activity in the lesson to teach children self-control, introspection, self-esteem.

Since the ability to self-control in educational activities acts as the ability to independently track one's own path to achieve the set educational goal, the third important condition for the formation of self-control is the use of academic work plans.

Learning planning is a complex activity and causes certain difficulties for schoolchildren. In cooperation with the teacher, these difficulties can be overcome if children are encouraged to be independent and taught the ability to plan mental and practical actions when performing various tasks.

It is necessary to emphasize the importance of the plan in any business. The teacher explains to the students that making an activity plan means: firstly, highlighting the main points in what you are going to do; secondly, outline the sequence in which you will carry them out, that is, highlight the stages of work; thirdly, decide what methods and techniques you will use; fourth, schedule when the work will be done; how much time it will take, by what time it should be done.

Experience shows that students are more successful in planning (and hence self-controlling) activities if a goal is set and applied work is performed. The practical implementation of the plan, the exact adherence to it, is thus identified with the inculcation of self-control skills.

Another important condition for the formation of self-control is the involvement of schoolchildren in various forms of mutual verification. Mutual assessment is the most important component of assessment activity in the classroom, because this activity encourages the student to be in the classroom in an active active position, to analyze, compare, evaluate, draw conclusions, strive to work better.

Before the start of the peer review, each student gives a self-assessment of their work. And then, under the guidance of the teacher, there is a mutual check. Further, the works are returned to the authors, and they can ask questions if they do not agree with the actions of the inspectors.

Reflective control and evaluation activity in the organization of collective learning activities involves the inclusion of each student in the action of mutual control and mutual evaluation. For this, evaluation cards are used, the purpose of which is to teach how to adequately evaluate yourself and others. Students are encouraged to do short notes- substantiation of the assessment in the form of praise, approval, wishes, etc.

It must be remembered that students' abilities for self-control and self-esteem cannot develop independently of other personality traits and qualities, cannot be unrelated to other components of the personality structure. These abilities are primarily associated with the development of the intellectual sphere and, in general, mental abilities, since we are talking about comprehending the available information about oneself and other people, "making" conclusions about oneself and other people. In addition, the ability for self-control and self-esteem is also determined by the development of the student's motivational sphere, since they are based on the child's need for recognition, respect, self-improvement, interest in high marks from those around him for his merits and success in educational activities.


Of the huge variety of portfolio types, a portfolio of documents, as well as a portfolio of works, stand out.

In the "portfolio of documents" the student submits certificates officially recognized at the international, federal, regional, municipal level of competitions, competitions, olympiads, documents on participation in grants, on graduation from music and art schools, certificates of testing.

"Portfolio of works" is a set of various research, design and other works of the graduate. A portfolio of work may include:

Design work(project topic, description of the work, printed text of the work);

Research papers and abstracts (research work, abstract, used literature);

Technical creativity: models, layouts, devices (practical description of a specific work);

Work on art (a list of works is given, participation in exhibitions, theater, orchestra, choir is recorded);

Various practices: language, social, labor, pedagogical (the type of practice, the place of its passage, duration is fixed);

Classes in institutions of additional education, at various training courses;

Participation in scientific conferences, training seminars and camps;

This type of portfolio involves a qualitative assessment, for example, in terms of the completeness, variety and persuasiveness of materials, the quality of the submitted works, orientation to the chosen educational profile, and more. The materials presented in this section give a broad idea of ​​the dynamics of the student's educational and creative activity, the orientation of his interests, the nature of his pre-profile training.

No less important is the next type of portfolio - "portfolio reviews". It is in it that students are invited to provide feedback on creative work, research and other projects, social practices, participation in conferences and in the most different areas application of forces. An important component of this section is the student's self-assessment, his reflection of his own activities. It happens that the child provides good results in some subjects, educational areas or competitions, olympiads, but at the same time performs work with great reluctance, which often no one even suspects. As a result, he can receive recommendations, engage in a profile where he will be successful, but will not experience moral satisfaction. It will be possible to help the child find himself, to correctly build career guidance, using this section of the portfolio, which will present the child's Self-Reflection on a variety of activities performed by him, starting with educational and lesson and ending with a hobby.

The types of educational portfolios are diverse, teachers and students have the right to choose the type that helps organize the activities of students. But the most optimal variant of the portfolio of educational achievements of students is a mixed form, in which their learning outcomes are presented, active social life and moments of self-evaluation of their own results.

Thus, the teacher faces a difficult task - to take into account the many aspects and levels of students' activities in the lesson, to track the effectiveness and productivity of the actions and statements made. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate the work of each student, to track the degree of its qualitative increment. The way out is seen in the application of a comprehensive assessment, which not only characterizes knowledge, skills, but also takes into account the systematic, independent and creativity in educational work, the degree of manifestation of the formed competencies, worldview depth, citizenship, originality and non-standardness of the received educational products. The end result of the assessment can be presented in an integrated form: teacher assessment, self-assessment and mutual assessment, reflection.

When giving a mark to a child, one should not think about how I will look in the eyes of colleagues, the administration, but think about what the child will do today, tomorrow after this mark: will he take up a book, become more industrious, or will this mark not stimulate him to work, leave indifferent. Today, perhaps, this is precisely the objectivity and fairness of the mark.

Thus, changes in the assessment system at school will be adequate to the directions of modernization of education, if assessment is considered not only as a means of monitoring the achievement learning outcomes but also as one of the pedagogical means of realizing the goals of education.


The processes of final assessment and current marks will be separated, which will help eradicate “percent mania”;

With the current control, comfortable conditions will be created for the student, his fear of a negative mark will be overcome, which will positively affect the motivation, self-esteem, and responsibility of the graduate;

With current control, first of all, progress in the development of the competence of the individual will be encouraged;

Students will be presented in advance with "open" requirements for the assessment of their assignments and assessment criteria;

The content of the training will include methods of self-control and self-evaluation by the student of their results according to the criteria developed jointly with the teacher and other students;

The procedures for the current and final certification will be adequate to the technology of a single exam, certification and certification of the graduate's knowledge.

The search for new approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students is associated with the transition from the principle of assessment according to compliance with a certain norm to the principle of assessing a child's education based on the results of his own progress, with the need to assess the personal achievements of each student, the development of reflective skills and self-esteem of students.

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