Is there a stipend for targeted education? Target area: the pros and cons of free education

Training in the target area is always free higher education with a job guarantee for several years after graduation.

For those applicants who want to study on a budgetary basis and subsequently work in their specialty, obtaining such a direction is cherished dream, a ticket to the future, the road to career prospects.

Who has the right to issue a target referral, how an applicant to a university can receive it, what could be the grounds for refusing to issue it - we will consider all these issues in this article.

Study with job security

The scheme of targeted training has been familiar in Russia for a long time. Earlier, in Soviet time, all universities distributed graduates to different regions of the country, where the newly minted specialist was supposed to start his career. At present, there is no mandatory distribution, but the state remains interested in ensuring that the shortage of personnel is filled evenly in the country.

Against the backdrop of hundreds of thousands of certified lawyers, economists and managers, many applicants do not find such professions as a veterinarian, ecologist, historian to be quite prestigious - the problem of finding employment in their specialty remains quite acute. Many have a calling, but due to low salaries they do not become teachers or doctors.

Training in targeted areas to a certain extent solves the problem of personnel: its essence is that the state or a private enterprise pays for the student's education. After graduation, a young specialist is obliged to find a job in the organization from which he received a recommendation and work in it for 3-5 years.

If the graduate refuses to "work off", he will have to return the entire amount spent on his vocational training.

Getting an education in this way can be called privileged, since it is easier to enter the desired faculty - the passing score according to the results of the USE is lower. In rare cases (if we are talking about a popular specialty), the requirements for contestants can be quite strict. One referral is issued to only one specific person, it is impossible to transfer it to another applicant, it is forbidden to use it for admission to several universities.

Targeted admission implies training on the basis of agreements drawn up between a representative of a higher educational institution and:

  • a federal state body (for example, the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Main Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation);
  • a public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for example, with a municipal authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on the allocation of targeted places for training at medical universities);
  • public municipal institution(direction from school, gymnasium to pedagogical universities);
  • state-owned company or enterprise, where in authorized capital there is a share of state funds (Rosneft, Gazprom);
  • a commercial enterprise that has the means to pay for the education of its future workforce.

Basically, referrals are received from the state: these can be law enforcement agencies (the prosecutor's office), medical institutions, educational institutions that count on the interest of young graduate teachers, etc. Large enterprises can also pay for student education. The procedure for obtaining the opportunity to study at the expense of a state or other organization is different in each specific case, since general provisions are adjusted taking into account the profile of the chosen specialty and the rules of the educational institution.

By the way, the legislation on education allows targeted admission to education for those who graduated from school not in the current year, but earlier. For such citizens, in addition to the list required documents you need to provide data on work or study for the period from the moment of receiving secondary education to admission.

Institute of the Prosecutor's Office

In the last twenty years, the prosecutor's office has been actively using recruitment through targeted referrals. Replenishing the ranks of prosecutors is not so easy - you need to go through a series special tests and meet certain requirements that apply to civil servants. In addition, work in law enforcement requires resistance to stress, dedication to one's work, high moral principles and excellent knowledge of the Russian language, history, etc. If you meet the listed criteria, you can get a referral to study at a university from the prosecutor's office.

To do this, you need to contact the prosecutor's office of the region or a specialized department (transport, environmental protection) and, within the period indicated on the official website (usually until June 20, 2016, in which it is planned to enter the institute), apply for a referral.

The following documents must be submitted with the application:

  • certificate (if it has not yet been received, then an extract on academic performance for the first half of the year);
  • his consent to work in the prosecutor's office;
  • autobiography, personal sheet on personnel records;
  • a copy of the passport (all completed pages are copied);
  • characteristics from the school or lyceum;
  • a copy of the military ID;
  • medical certificate (form 086).

Additionally, it is necessary to undergo psychological diagnostics (testing) for suitability for the profession.

After consideration, the documents are sent to the Main Directorate of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, where the number of places allocated for study is determined.

If there are enough places, a written referral is issued at the personnel department of the regional prosecutor's office.

Refusal to extradite can be a variety of circumstances. So, the presence of a criminal record of the candidate, as well as close relatives, will not allow him to become an employee of this department. Besides, psychological features nature, identified during testing, can also become an obstacle to employment.

When resolving the issue of targeted admission, the state of health of the future prosecutor's worker will be taken into account - there is a list that indicates the types of diseases that exclude the possibility of employment in state bodies (for example, serious illnesses nervous system, visual disability, cancer, etc.).

If you have passed the tests and everything is in order with your health, you will be given a referral, which is taught only at the Faculty of the Institute of the Prosecutor’s Office in full-time. This faculty is not available in all educational institutions x legal bias. There are several such universities in the country - in Saratov, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Practice shows that the direction is given to the nearest university, as well as to its branches, which are in many cities.

Even with the cherished document on budgetary education in hand, no one canceled excellent knowledge upon admission:

  • The exam should be with high rates in history, Russian language and literature.
  • The average acceptance score is slightly lower than for regular applicants, but it must also be overcome. Otherwise, enrollment is out of the question, even if you are a “target”. Typically, the average score in the three disciplines for applicants on a targeted basis is 230.
  • If several applicants scored the same number of points, then the issue of enrollment is decided on the basis of additional information:
    • the presence of a gold (silver) medal,
    • diplomas,
    • victories in olympiads, etc.

After graduation, the graduate, according to the contract, one of the copies of which is kept in the personnel department, is obliged to find a job in the prosecutor's office from where he was sent. In some cases, in agreement with the employer (represented by the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation), you can stay to work in another region. If it so happened that for some reason a graduate cannot become an employee of the prosecutor's office or has worked in a position for less than five years, he will be charged the cost of training in full.

Medical Universities

Targeted training of future physicians is regulated by the adopted resolutions of the federal level: the state is especially interested in qualified personnel in the medical field; large sums from the country's budget.

To issue targeted referrals to medical university it is necessary to make a decision by a special commission of the municipal authority of the region. Careful monitoring of the labor market is carried out, conclusions are drawn about the lack of specialists of a certain category in numerical terms.

An applicant who wants to receive a targeted referral to study in a medical specialty must submit a certificate of completed secondary education to the municipal authority, as well as score the required number of "passing" points. In addition, targeted training can be trained only for those who receive higher free education for the first time.

It is important to know the period when referral applications are accepted - if you miss the deadline, a new opportunity will not present itself until next year. Information of this kind can be obtained from the website of the municipality or directly from the medical school. So, in 2016, the application could be submitted as early as March, the last possible deadline for filing was June 10.

In an educational institution, you can find out what documents you need to submit in order for the application to be accepted for consideration. Mainly:

  • an application for the issuance of a target direction - drawn up according to the approved form, the form can be obtained from the Ministry of Education, the municipality or the university;
  • a photocopy of a civil passport (sheets with the full name of the applicant and registration);
  • all kinds of diplomas, documents confirming participation in olympiads, competitions, etc.

After receiving applications, a list is formed from which the best students are selected based on the results of the exam, and they will be enrolled in the first year.

Become a teacher in the direction

How to get a targeted direction to a pedagogical university? Directly at the university, you can find out the list of those schools and lyceums with which contracts have been concluded. After that, you need to pass an interview with the director of the selected school, bring to his attention the desire to work in this particular institution. If your candidacy is approved, you will easily receive a referral.

Institutes and universities of the pedagogical profile are quite willing to accept for training those who will then be guaranteed to be employed in schools - after all, in this way the problem of a shortage of teachers is solved. They are especially loyal to those who wish to work as a teacher in remote areas, villages, towns. There are few such applicants, so it is not difficult for them to pass the competition.

In some universities of Moscow, places are specially created for the target recruitment of only graduates of the capital.

For example, more than 100 places are allocated at the Moscow Pedagogical University for graduates of schools in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. This institution has long been practicing training in the direction of the district education departments of Moscow, while the applicant can participate simultaneously in the general competition. After graduation, the young teacher will work in one of the schools of the district, from which he received a preferential opportunity for free education.

How to find an employer

Contact the university

To find the company that will pay for your studies, you need to contact the university directly, since there may be lists of those enterprises with which there are contractual relations for the target enrollment of students.

  • For example, one can become a “target target” for training at the Moscow University of Communications through Russian Railways, Moscow Metro.
  • RUDN University annually creates places for training future employees of Mosenergo, Gidrospetsproekt.
Contact the Ministry of Education

You can also apply through the school management or yourself to the municipality of the region, where you can find out from which employers applications for the conclusion of a targeted contract were received. Such information can be reported in the Ministry of Education of the region, as well as directly at the selected university. deal with the solution this issue needed from the winter, on the eve of the year of receipt.

You can also find a company yourself - it's no secret that large enterprises there is also an urgent need for specialists who are ready to pay for their studies.

What to do when an employer is found

If your application was answered and the issue was resolved positively, then in admission committee of the chosen educational institution, you will need to bring a tripartite agreement, which will indicate the data of your future employer and the number of years during which you will be required to work. A careful reading of the contract will help to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of strict conditions of payment or working off (for example, there were cases where the contract on the target direction from the enterprise indicated both 10 and 12 years of compulsory work).

In addition, you should carefully study the clauses of the agreement on the rights of the applicant:

  • whether he will be provided with social support (stipend, medical care),
  • how it is proposed to resolve the issue of providing housing (whether a hostel will be provided).
  • Pay attention to the date of appearance after graduation - in practice, there were cases when, on the appointed date, a graduate, due to forgetfulness, did not appear at the organization for employment, which subsequently became the reason for a lawsuit on the recovery of expenses for his education.

The contract must also specify good reasons non-fulfillment by the graduate of the employment obligation: his disability or the disability of relatives (one of the parents, spouse, child), special circumstances (liquidation, bankruptcy of the enterprise, etc.).

Target direction: pluses, minuses; termination procedure.

Every student knows that in the target direction to enter a state university much easier than in general terms. Therefore, getting a target direction is almost half the success.

What are the advantages (advantages) of the target direction:

  • Getting into university is much easier. The competition is 1.5 -2 people per place;
  • Entrance examinations consist essentially in a competition of points based on the results of the Unified State Examination.
  • Additional entrance examinations are usually not carried out, and if they are, then only among the "targeted students". For all the rest coming to the budget, a completely different competition is provided. Entrance tests may be the same, but for the "targeted" 2 people are fighting for a place, and for the "state employees" 22. The difference is obvious.
  • Studying in the target area is completely free, sometimes the future employer pays a scholarship and provides housing.
  • A place of work has been provided for the coming years of study, where the future young specialist will gain experience in his specialty.

It also happens that by the time of graduation, the vacant position that the student applied for is already occupied. In this case, the employer issues an "absentee list", which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the contract, all its conditions.

By the way, applicants most often take a targeted direction to medical universities. As everyone knows, it is very difficult to enter a budget place in this direction, big competition and high demands. There may also be difficulties with future employment, getting a targeted referral to a medical university, for those who determined in the choice of his profession , a real dream.

Cons (disadvantages) of the target direction

But when the diploma is already in hand, many graduates begin to think about the other side of the medal. Going to work in the target direction means getting a non-prestigious workplace in some village. And no other prospects are foreseen.

Of course, if many young people are devoid of ambition or have studied in such a way that they cannot count on a good career, for example, a doctor, and this option will suit them perfectly. However, many "targets" refuse to work in the direction. For example, in the Novosibirsk region, almost 400 graduates who were supposed to raise the agro-industrial complex did not fulfill their obligations under the contract over six years. In total, this is about a third of yesterday's students who received a diploma due to the fact that their studies were paid from the federal budget. And this is just the tip of the iceberg: most departments keep records of their needs for specialists, but do not control whether one or another holder of the coveted “crust” has started work.

Termination of the target direction

The legislation provides that a graduate who has studied for five years at the expense of the federal budget must reimburse the cost of education if he does not go to work in the direction. In practice, for example, in the same Novosibirsk region, "refuseniks" reimbursed only 23% of the money spent on them. The remaining amount - and this is more than 15 million rubles - can be considered lost. There is nothing to say about how things are in other sectors of the economy, even if the registration of “refuseniks” is not carried out.

However, the mass nature of the failure to appear at the place of work in the direction led to the fact that the prosecutor's office became interested in this offense. Thanks to the active work of law enforcement agencies, graduates who received a diploma in targeted education and refused to go to the direction, the court obliges to compensate for budget losses. According to the first decision of the court, two graduates must pay 504 thousand rubles to the treasury.

Nevertheless, despite all the horror stories, the "targets" tend to stay in big cities. Many of them start working during their studies so that after receiving a diploma, they can take out a cash loan and pay tuition reimbursement. After that, young professionals can be considered free from all obligations, build a career in big companies and get good money for their work.

However, even the payment of compensation in the amount of the cost of education does not please the officials who are responsible for the availability of specialists of various profiles in the regions, because the place of a qualified specialist in the outback remains vacant.

Graduates admit that many of them are ready to work in the direction, but upon arrival at the place of potential employment, it turns out that they cannot be provided with either housing or a salary that could make ends meet. Naturally, it will obviously not work to solve the issue only by recovering money from graduates who received a diploma for federal budget money.

Preferably received in advance. To do this, you must contact the director or class teacher. They will tell you where to go. However, you can also act on your own.

To begin with, the student needs to finally decide on the future specialty and, accordingly, choose the appropriate university.

Further, the future student must find an enterprise that needs young specialists in the chosen field. Ask the administration of this organization if they are ready to pay for their studies and issue a petition to the student. However, do not forget that upon graduation from the university, you are required to work in this organization for several years, according to a previously drawn up contract.

Attention. In the event that the graduate by that time changes his mind about working for this enterprise, he will have to compensate the entire amount that was paid during his studies at the university.

Such education is called preferential, since the passing score according to the results of the Unified State Examination can be several units lower, and the requirements for students are more loyal.

One target direction is issued to only one student and it cannot be transferred to another person or used simultaneously for several universities.

After the applicant has received the target direction, it is necessary to contact the selected university and provide the following documents:

  • original school certificate along with an insert;
  • document on the results of the exam;
  • birth certificate or passport;
  • application for admission to the university;
  • targeted training agreement.

However, this is not the entire list of documents. Each university has its own requirements and therefore you need to approach the university in advance and consult what documents you need to provide for admission, in addition to the target area.

After submitting the documents, the applicant has to wait for the competition, which is held on the basis of the Unified State Examination.

How to find an employer (company) to receive a target referral

Unfortunately, not all applicants can easily and quickly find an enterprise that is ready to hire a young specialist. To do this, you must apply directly to the university in which you decide to enroll. As a rule, universities have lists of enterprises with which the university has an agreement on the target direction of students.

For reference. If the university does not have such agreements with enterprises, then you can contact the Ministry of Education, where you will find out from which enterprises applications for enrollment of students in the target direction were received.

As a rule, such an issue is not dealt with on the last school day. It is best to contact the company immediately after the New Year holidays.

You can also apply on your own to a large organization where the management is constantly in need of personnel.

Employer found: next steps

So, the employer was found and the issue in the target area was resolved positively, then you need to go to the chosen university and give the contract, which indicates the data of the organization where you are hired. Also, the contract should indicate how many years after graduation you need to work at the enterprise.

The contract must be read very carefully, since quite often it does not indicate the terms of payment or labor that the student expects. Sometimes there are agreements on the target direction, where it is indicated from 10 years of compulsory work.

Agreement on the target direction to the university with the enterprise

Before you get a target referral, check how much tuition is paid for, as some employers offer to pay partly for tuition.

Also, pay attention to certain clauses of the agreement on the rights of students:

  • whether social support is indicated in the form of a scholarship or medical insurance;
  • whether housing is provided (room, hostel, etc.);
  • what is the date of the first job.

Such clauses are obligatory in the contract, where valid reasons for the student's failure to fulfill obligations under the contract are prescribed. For example, the disability of an applicant or his relatives (mother, father, spouse, spouse, child). This also applies to special circumstances of the organization, such as bankruptcy or liquidation.

There are also significant advantages of training in the target area:

  • the opportunity to receive education for free;
  • enroll in a university on more loyal conditions;
  • Full time job.

When training in a target area, there is one caveat - you need to work in this organization for at least 3 years, and sometimes more, depending on what is written in the contract. Therefore, before taking a direction, think carefully.

Who can apply for the targeted direction

Those students who already have a certificate of secondary education can apply for the target direction. Applicants who enter the university for the first time and want to study for free can also apply for such a direction.

Graduates who:

  • badly passed the exam;
  • provided documents with false information;
  • submitted documents that are incorrect;
  • came to the submission of documents after the deadline for admission has ended.

You should have the target direction in your hands already in the month of May. However, the exact date for submitting documents must be clarified at a particular university.

How to get a targeted referralto a medical or pedagogical university

To get a targeted referral to a medical university, you need to score the required number of points in the Unified State Examination, and also bring a school leaving certificate to the municipal authority. In addition, applicants who enter the university in the direction for the first time can go to study in the target direction.

IMPORTANT! Find out in advance when you need to apply for a targeted referral. If you miss the deadline, then the second opportunity will appear only in next year. So, in 2015-2016. the application could be submitted from the beginning of March to the middle of June.

At the university, you can find out what documents are required to receive the target direction. As a rule, this is:

  • an application for the issuance of a targeted direction (the form can be obtained from the Ministry of Education, university or municipal authority);
  • photocopy of passport (possibly birth certificate);
  • education document.

After submitting the application, it remains to wait until a list is formed and the best student who has enough good results according to the exam.

Before getting a target referral to Pedagogical University, you need to find out in the selected university those schools, kindergartens and lyceums with which agreements were concluded. Then you need to go to this institution and meet with the manager or director for an interview. If your candidacy is approved, then a referral will be issued without any problems.

As a rule, pedagogical universities take almost every student and even issue a targeted direction for training, since in this way the shortage of personnel with pedagogical education is solved in the future.

How to write an application for a target direction

At first glance, it seems that there are no companies that are willing to pay for a student's education. However, this misconception, as young specialists are needed by almost every serious organization.

The application must indicate:

  • form of education (correspondence, daytime, evening);
  • direction code (specialty);
  • data on parents full name, place of work (if there is such a column);
  • applicant data.

The application is accompanied by a copy of the passport of the future student and a reference from the school, which is certified by the director of the institution (signature and seal).

Sample application for receiving a target direction to a university from the city administration

The most important thing in this case is the contract. Before concluding a contract, carefully read it up and down, study each item, because your future depends on it.

How to get a targeted referral to study at any university (instruction) updated: March 3, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Russian universities accept applicants for budgetary and paid departments. Not all applicants manage to pass through the competition in the chosen educational institution. In this case, the target area is a great chance to get a free higher education.

What is a target direction?

The target direction is an official letter legal entity addressed to the leadership of a higher educational institution. The document contains a request to enroll a specific applicant in a specific specialty.

There are two types of targeted learning. Recruitment is an agreement entered into by state (municipal) bodies. Contract training - study in the direction of industry enterprises.

The mechanism of admission and training is regulated (Article 56).

The following characteristic features of target reception:

  • applicants go through a separate competition;
  • training of the target is paid by the future employer;
  • upon graduation from the university, the specialist is obliged to work at the enterprise for a certain period of time.

Any Russian graduate can get a referral to study. The document is an agreement concluded between a student, an employer and an educational institution.

The company assumes all expenses for training, including the payment of scholarships. The amount of the scholarship in this case exceeds the amount of the usual state allowance and may be equal to the average earnings at the place of work.

The procedure for obtaining a "voucher"

A referral to study can be obtained from the local administration or from an organization interested in young professionals. Many universities offer applicants targeted places at enterprises with which they have a cooperation agreement.

In addition, the management of the organization supports young people with an average special education in their quest to continue their studies.

To get a destination Applicant must prepare the following documents:

  1. Statement of progress for the first half of the year graduation class(for schoolchildren).
  2. Certificate of secondary education.
  3. Certificate of graduation from a technical school or college.
  4. Characteristics from the place of study or work.
  5. Diplomas, certificates confirming participation and achievements in olympiads and competitions.
  6. Copy of passport and

The characteristic is issued by the leadership of the school or enterprise. It reflects everything positive traits candidate. A package of documents is submitted to the institution with which it is planned to conclude an agreement. The applicant may be invited for a personal interview.

IN referral may be denied. in particular for the reasons:

  • low academic performance;
  • submission of false information;
  • missed the deadline.

The search for an employer who is ready to pay for tuition at a university should begin about six months before graduation. At the same time, the law prohibits educational institutions from entering into an agreement with companies that are privately owned, and with individual entrepreneurs. Such an employer is granted the right to draw up a student agreement (Article 198 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The issuance of a referral to study at a particular institute does not mean that the graduate is automatically enrolled in the first year. The selection committee evaluates the results of the exam and selects the strongest applicants.

Pros and Cons of Targeted Learning

Before going to the university for the target direction, the applicant must know all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen path of higher education.

The benefits of this study include:

  • high probability of admission (the competition is much lower compared to the general conditions);
  • free education;
  • priority admission (in case of failure, you can participate in the main competition in another specialty or at another institute);
  • receiving a scholarship from the enterprise;
  • organization of obligatory practice;
  • assistance in writing a diploma (providing the necessary materials);
  • guaranteed job after graduation.

In addition to undeniable advantages, targeted training has a number of significant shortcomings:

  • obligation to study without academic debt;
  • the inability to change the profile of the specialty (with the exception of related professions);
  • possible employment in a place with low wages;
  • the need to work for a certain period in the organization that concluded the contract.

If a graduate changes his mind about returning to the enterprise during his studies, he is obliged to reimburse the funds spent on his training. The reimbursement includes:

  1. Tuition payment.
  2. Social payments (for example,).
  3. Penalty at double the amount of the specified expenses.

The legislator provided individual cases, when a specialist can be released from mandatory working off. The basis for this is the conscription of a graduate into the army, parental leave, a serious illness of a student and other good reasons.

Employer obligations

The enterprise or state body that issued the referral to the university assumes obligations to ensure high-quality training of a specialist. General responsibilities include:

  1. Timely transfer Money at the expense of the university.
  2. Monthly scholarship payments.
  3. Providing a job that matches the qualifications of the graduate.

Violation of the terms of the contract by the employer releases the young specialist from the need to work in the organization for a certain time.

When signing a contract for targeted training, the applicant and his parents must carefully study all the points of the document. Particular attention should be paid to the sections on the rights and responsibilities of the parties.

During your studies, unforeseen circumstances may arise. It is in the best interest of the student to make arrangements in advance for matters such as academic leave or a serious illness.

Most of the targeted referrals to higher education institutions are issued by the state: law enforcement agencies, healthcare organizations and educational institutions.

How to get a referral to a medical school or residency?

Targeted training is very popular among future doctors. This is due to the high competition for budget places.

Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation draws up a list of categories of specialists that the state needs. Further, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation determines the number of places for targeted students for each Russian university.

Students should contact their local Health Authority. All applications are formed into a single list. After the announcement USE results graduates with the best grades receive a ticket to the institute. It is also possible to receive a recommendation for admission to residency. Applicants with a secondary medical education can independently conclude an agreement with a medical institution.

How to enter one of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Vouchers to higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are distributed by the regional Department of Internal Affairs. Graduates of specialized classes and young people who have served in the army have an advantage in obtaining a referral.

In addition to standard documents on academic performance, candidates submit a medical certificate of fitness for training and service.

Work in the internal affairs bodies implies the presence of certain qualities, for example, resistance to stressful situations. Therefore, applicants undergo additional psychological testing.

Admission to pedagogical specialties

Target direction to graduates who decide to link their later life with teaching and raising children, issued by the Department of Education of the local administration.

The applicant should check with the university (institute) with which secondary educational institutions the university cooperates. After that, you need to talk with the director of the selected school. According to the results of the interview educational institution will send a request to the department of education for the issuance of a referral to the target place.

For help in choosing a school, you can contact the admissions committee of a pedagogical university. Most often, graduates are offered to sign an agreement with educational institutions located in rural areas.

Conditions for admission, quotas

Direction for targeted training is issued for a specific specialty in a specific higher education institution. The application cannot be transferred to another person. If an applicant submits documents to another institution, then he will participate in the competition on a general basis.

The admission quota is annually calculated by the founders of universities(for example, the Ministry of Health or Education). The number of target places in educational institutions of a technical profile is determined by the preliminary applications of employers.

The university (institute) has the right to increase the enrollment in agreement with the customers. If there are no applicants for a contractual position, the quota is reset to zero.

The essential conditions for targeted admission and training are enshrined in federal regulations. The obligations of the university, the employer and the young specialist, determined by law, serve as a guarantee of ensuring their rights.

How to apply for a referral can be found in the following story.

It's about about students who study full-time at universities on the basis of targeted admission in specialties or areas of training that correspond to the priority areas of modernization and technological development Russian economy. Member of the Federation Council Nikolai Bulaev proposes to single them out separately among students applying for scholarships of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 4, part 2, article 36 federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ ""; hereinafter - the law on education).

It is planned that the president and the government will adjust the procedure for paying the special scholarships they have established, taking into account the amendment. Nikolai Bulaev hopes that targeted students will receive such scholarships as a priority.

At present, a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation has been established for students studying in specialties or areas of training corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technological development of the Russian economy (,). These areas include applied mathematics, computer science, radio engineering, instrumentation, biotechnology, nanoengineering, etc. (). Fellows receive a monthly payment of 7 thousand rubles. At the same time, no special conditions for target students, the rules for granting scholarships do not provide.

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Recall that targeted admission to training in educational organizations implies that the applicant must conclude an agreement on targeted training with a federal, regional or local body or an organization with state participation. According to the terms of the contract, training is paid at the expense of the budget, and after its completion, a university graduate is subject to employment in the appropriate body or organization ().

"Obviously, these students should receive a scholarship that would motivate them to conclude contracts for targeted education, complete immersion in the educational process in order to prepare for future activities and further employment," the author of the bill explains his position.
