Lesson bulychev kir million adventures. Lesson

MKOU SOSH s.p.p. Star

Public lesson literary reading in 4th grade.

Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey"

Teacher: Sinyukova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Subject: Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey".Goals:

    to acquaint with the life and work of the science fiction writer K. Bulychev; to interest students in his works; read an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey"; to teach to analyze the actions of heroes, to develop fluent skills expressive reading; develop memory, speech, thinking.

During the classes.

I .Organizing time. II .Checking homework. Retelling of an excerpt about Electronics (E.S. Veltistov "Adventures of Electronics").III . Introduction to the topic. Knowledge update. 1. Introductory conversation.
( Sounds like music from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" ) - Guys, which of you guessed what cartoon this music is from?(cartoon picture) What is the name of his heroine?- What do you know about her?- Which of you watched a movie about her?- Who wrote the story about Alisa Selezneva?2. Story about the writer. (Presentation) 2slide Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko (pseudonyms: Kir Bulychev, Maun Sein-Ji) was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow. After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow state institute foreign languages named after Maurice Thorez, from which he graduated in 1957. For two years he worked in Burma as a translator and correspondent for APN.

The Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always fond of something. As a child, he adored stories about scouts and the border guard Karatsupa. At the age of ten he wanted to become an artist and even entered art school. True, he did not study there for long - he fell ill, missed a lot, and then was afraid to return. Probably, Igor was very worried and offended by his mother for not persuading him, not insisting, but soon he had new hobbies, completely different - geology and paleontology.

Igor was terribly anxious"travel, live in a tent, do scientific discoveries» . Imagining himself a researcher of the Amazonian selva, he walked along and across the Moscow region. He diligently studied the books of Ivan Efremov about paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weathered hands...

It seemed that he had a direct road to the geological exploration institute, but it so happened that, according to the Komsomol order, Mozheiko was sent to the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he got a job in a distant Asian country- Burma...

Sometimes it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some fairy world. From the window of the hotel he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn, they became blue, purple and somehow airy.

Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, having returned to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended a dissertation on medievalBurma3 slide In 1963, Igor Mozheiko began working at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences and later became a prominent orientalist.4slide The first texts of the future writer were essays about Burma for the magazine "Around the World". The same magazine published his first fictional story Maung Jo Shall Live, signed with his real name5 slide History is full of secrets and incredible discoveries. Pyramids and sphinxes, unsolved letters and lost civilizations, magical rituals and the treasures of ancient tombs - what only a half-erased stone or a crumbling mummy will not tell about ...6 slide The famous writer and publicist Igor Mozheiko (Kir Bulychev) collected amazing facts about the unsolved mysteries of ancient civilizations and spoke about them on the pages of his books7 slide The total number of published scientific and popular science works published under the real name is several hundred. For the most part, these are works on history, oriental studies, and literary criticism, published in special and popular journals. In addition, more than two hundred poems and several miniature stories were published from Bulychev's pen.8 slide Fantastic works were published under the pseudonym "Kirill Bulychev" - the pseudonym was composed of the name of Kira's wife and the maiden name of the writer's mother. Subsequently, the name "Kirill" on the covers of books began to be abbreviated - "Kir." There was also a combination of Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev. The real name of the writer was kept secret until 1982, since the leadership of the Institute of Oriental Studies did not consider science fiction a serious occupation and Mozheiko was afraid that after the disclosure of the pseudonym he would be fired.9 slide - My very first fantasticworks have been published in1965. These were stories about Alice and the story "When the Dinosaurs Died" in The Seeker magazine, written byfor the simple reason that we could not figure out how to save the room, which alreadythe cover was printed in circulation - a jar with a dinosaur on a chair was drawn on it, and the story took off at the very last moment.I bet I could write a cover story overnight. I wrote ... and since then I could not stop ...

( At the same time, Mozheiko's daughter Alice was growing up. She wasn't too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about business and tell her something completely unusual.

And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich gladly began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice.

These stories, entitled "The Girl with whom Nothing Happens" were published in 1965 in the popular almanac "World of Adventures". And soon there was one amusing story with the magazine "Seeker", which printed detective stories and science fiction. Somehow a real emergency happened in the editorial office of this glorious publication. Before the delivery of materials to the printing house, it was decided not to publish one of the foreign fantastic stories. However, as if on purpose, the cover of the forthcoming issue with an illustration for this story had already been printed. From the cover, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked dejectedly at the upset editorial staff.

The drawing urgently demanded an explanation, and several people, saving the day, decided to write on fantasy story, the best of which was supposed to get into the collection the next day. Orientalist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editor. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs become extinct?”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue.)

10 slide In 1965, the story "The Girl with whom Nothing Happens" was proposed to be printed in the almanac "World of Adventures". This was the first work about Alisa Selezneva - a selection of funny and touching stories that happened to the father and daughter in the then distant 21st century, inspired by real communication with her daughter Alice.11slide Perhaps this is the most famous cycle works by Kir Bulychev. main character of this cycle - a schoolgirl (in the first stories - still a preschooler) of the XXI century Alisa Selezneva. The name of the heroine was given by the author in honor of his daughter Alice, who was born in 1961. Alice's adventures take place in a variety of places and times: on the Earth of the 21st century, in space, on the ocean floor, and even in the past, where she climbs in a time machine. There is even another, “internal” cycle “Alice and her friends in the labyrinths of history”, which tells about the adventures of children of the 21st century in past times.12 slide In the first works, Alice was the only child among the main characters, and the narration was conducted on behalf of the cosmobiologist Professor Seleznev, Alice's father (the author, judging by one of the stories, called him by his real name - Igor). Later, the story began to be conducted in a third person, and the main characters, along with Alice, were her peers - classmates and friends. Some of the books in the series are aimed at children. younger age. Such books are, in fact, fairy tales, wizards and fairy-tale creatures often act in them, miracles happen. Yes, and in more "adult" books there is a noticeable element of fabulousness.13 slide In his works, Kir Bulychev willingly turned to previously invented and described characters, resulting in several cycles of works, each of which describes the adventures of the same heroes.

What do you remember about Kira Bulychev?

( He dreamed of becoming a geologist, but became a science fiction writer. He received recognition from the state, readers. His books were published and are being published, as they have become favorite works of not only children, but also adults).

III .Fizminutka. IV . Reading and analysis of an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey". 1. Vocabulary work, interpretation of incomprehensible words. eighteen - on the nineteenth space boat porthole wardroom fluttered compartment ordinary existence 2. Primary reading along the chain. What adventure of Alice did you read about?- What is the fantastic, the unusualness of everything that happened?

- On whose behalf is the story being told? Prove it.

What do you think of the narrator? What is his character?

How did the heroes react to the story with the bushes at the beginning? Has their attitude changed since then? Explain.

- Describe Alice. What was she like?
3. Work on cards. - Put the cards in front of you. Read and think what words are missing in the text?
Bushes appeared in the doorway. The sight was truly terrible. Bushes... from a box full of sand and, heavily... on tiny, ugly roots... on us. They ... in a semicircle, shaking their branches, the buds opened, and among the leaves burned, ..., pink flowers.
- Think, would something in the work have changed if the author had not used the method of impersonation?
V . Summary of the lesson. - What new did you learn at the lesson today?- Would you like to read the whole book?- Do you like fantasy literature?

VI . Homework. - Reread the passage, draw illustrations for it, prepare a retelling.

Open lesson of literary reading

in 4th grade

We will continue our acquaintance with the amazing sci-fi story of "Kustika" by Kir Bulychev. And more precisely with the 6th chapter of the story "Alice's Journey"

What will we work on?

  1. over the content of the text.
  2. Watch the plot unfold.
  3. We will try to prove that this is a science fiction story.

*** I propose to go on a space journey. The result of the flight is determined by the astrologer.
* red star (it was interesting, understandable, wanted to fantasize)

* green star (flying well, but questions remain)

*yellow star (tried to fly, but not everything worked out)

  1. At home you got acquainted with history.

On whose behalf is the story being told?

He is a fantasy writer. * science fiction

Dictionary work. (fantasy, fantasy) each student has a printout with the right words on the table.

*** Watching the video story, cutting about Kira Bulychev.

Conclusion: Kir Bulychev is a science fiction writer, a screenwriter, a modest person. Real name: Mozheiko Igor Vsevolodovich.

It is necessary to divide the text into semantic parts, to determine the boundaries of the parts.

Plan. (the teacher gave the names, and the students are looking for the boundaries of the semantic parts under the guidance of the teacher)

1. Find



4. Defense


6. Peaceful life.

We will work together, we took a simple pencil. (Students put dots with a simple pencil, and after checking put square brackets)

6. Observation of the heroes, how the situation on the ship changed.

1. Part "Nakhodka"

***Selective reading.

A) Prove that the crew was persistent and persistent.

B) What hit the bushes?

Environment: ***mysterious, unusual.

2. Part "Sounds"

***Selective reading

a) What happened on the ship? (bushes sang) epithets and personification

b) How does Alice behave? (worried)

C) Dad and Green? (don't rush)

The situation on the ship: *** restless, anxious.

3. Part "Offensive" *** Reading by roles.

A) What happened? (the bushes went on the offensive)

Environment: ***panic, hectic.

  1. Part "Defense" ***selective reading

A) How did the heroes defend themselves from the bushes?

d) How did Alice behave?

D) How did the bushes advance?

The situation on the ship: ***terrible, terrible.

5.Part. " Solution"

a) What did Alice think? (she decided to water the bushes)

b) Look at the picture. Support with words from the text.

c) What conclusion did Alice make?

D) What conclusion did dad make?

Environment: *** sincere, calm.

6.Part. « Peaceful life

Prove that the life of the bushes was beautiful?

Environment: *** peaceful, calm.

a) Who found a way out of a difficult situation?

b) What was Alice like?

c) Who liked the story? What have you learned?

D) What means of expression he used to make such an unusual story?

G) Prove that Bushes is a sci-fi story.

D.z. prepare a retelling on behalf of Alice, a creative task of your choice: compose your own fantastic story about mysterious planet. (Draw the planet with chalk on the floor and decompose the inhabitants of the planet, which the students drew in the art lesson on the topic “Mysterious Planet”)

What surprised you about the lesson?

What made you think about?

What did you learn in the lesson?

Are you satisfied with your work in class?

Kir Bulychev (real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) was born in Moscow (October 18, 1934). The Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always fond of something. As a child, he adored stories about scouts and the border guard Karatsupa.

At the age of ten, he wanted to become an artist and even entered an art school. True, he did not study there for long - he fell ill, a lotmissed, and then afraid to go back. Probably, Igor was very worried and offended by his mother for not persuading, not insisting, but soon he had new hobbies,completely different - geology and paleontology.

Igor was terribly anxious"travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries". Imagining himself a researcher of the Amazonian selva, he walked along and across the Moscow region. He diligently studied books about expeditions to the Gobi desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weathered hands...

It seemed that he had a direct road to the geological exploration institute, but it so happened that, according to the Komsomol order, Mozheiko was sent to the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he got a job in a distant Asian country - Burma ...

Sometimes it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some fairy-tale world. From the window of the hotel he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn, they became blue, purple and somehow airy. Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, returning to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended a thesis on medieval Burma on the topic “Pagan State”.

At the same time, Mozheiko's daughter Alice was growing up. She wasn't too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about business and tell her something completely unusual. And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich gladly began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice. These stories are titled "The Girl Who Wouldn't Happen" and "When Did the Dinosaurs Die Out?" saw the light in 1965 in the popular almanac "The World of Adventures". The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs die out?”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue. But how to sign such an unforeseen creation? "Igor Mozheiko" - it seems uncomfortable. Still, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars.Wife's name plus maiden name mother,- the author decided and wrote "Kir Bulychev" under the manuscript. And so one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared.

Be that as it may, the fact remains: a serious historian Mozheiko began to write "frivolous" fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this lesson, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ahead” (1978 ), "A Million Adventures" (1982), "Fidget" (1985), "Alice's New Adventures" (1990) ... Perhaps this is the most famous cycle of works by Kir Bulychev. The main character of this cycle is a schoolgirl (in the first stories she is still a preschooler) of the 21st century Alisa Selezneva. The name of the heroine was given by the author in honor of his daughter Alice, who was born in 1961. Alice's adventures take place in a variety of places and times: on the Earth of the 21st century, in space, on the ocean floor, and even in the past, where she climbs in a time machine. There is even another, “internal” cycle “Alice and her friends in the labyrinths of history”, which tells about the adventures of children of the 21st century in past times.

In the first works, Alice was the only child among the main characters, and the narration was conducted on behalf of the cosmobiologist Professor Seleznev, Alice's father (the author, judging by one of the stories, called him by his real name - Igor). Later, the story began to be conducted in a third person, and the main characters, along with Alice, were her peers - classmates and friends. Some of the books in the series are aimed at younger children. Such books are, in fact, fairy tales, wizards and fairy-tale creatures often act in them, miracles happen. Yes, and in more "adult" books there is a noticeable element of fabulousness.

History is full of secrets and incredible discoveries. Pyramids and sphinxes, unsolved letters and disappeared civilizations, magical rituals and treasures of ancient tombs - what a half-erased stone or a crumbling mummy will not tell about...

But Kir Bulychev did not want to compose only about Alice. He wrote a great many completely different, completely different books: an ironic epic about the provincial town of Veliky Guslyar and its glorious resident Kornely Udalov, an “adult” cycle about space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh, and much, much more ...

The famous writer and publicist Igor Mozheiko (Kir Bulychev) collected amazing facts about the unsolved mysteries of ancient civilizations and told about them on the pages of his books. Simultaneously with the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. East-West". And yet - he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Buddhism in Burma."

One can only wonder how Igor Vsevolodovich had enough time and energy for everything. However, no, there was just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, most of all dreamed of somehow increasing the day ...

Igor Vsevolodovich died on September 5, 2003 after a long illness at the age of 69. Before his anniversary, he did not live 1.5 months.

Slides 11-14

And once Alisa Selezneva even became a movie star - scripts were written animated film"The Secret of the Third Planet" and a five-episode feature film"Guest from the Future" And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers a storm of delight. Based on the works of Kira Bulychev, films were made. Cartoons.

What do you remember about Kira Bulychev?

Literary reading

4th grade

Voronezhskaya Tatyana Sergeevna

MBOU secondary school No. 6 p. New

Primorsky Krai Nadezhdinsky District

Subject: Kir Bulychev. An excerpt from the story "Bushes".

Purpose: to acquaint with the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; to interest students in his works for further reading; read an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey"; replenish lexicon children with new words; develop fluent expressive reading skills; develop memory, speech, thinking; to teach to evaluate the work of one's own and comrades in the lesson independently; speak to additional search material.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework. Work in pairs.

Now let's check what you've done homework. You will give an assessment yourself to your desk mate, after reading his story, to the completed drawing on the theme "Space" - by gluing a sticker with the student's name.

Exhibition of children's works on the board with an assessment. Checking by the teacher, 5-6 works are read at the choice of the children.

What helped you create these works?

III. Speech workout. Knowledge update.

1 slide. Let's fly on a space boat with Alice

To the land of fantasy

Again with her friends:

The mechanic repaired the porthole in it.

Who is he? Explain yourself!

Read the lines "bird market".

Read the first two lines with delight, the next two with surprise, and the last one with punctuation.

Name the words that have already met in the last lesson (Alice, porthole, mechanic).

What is the name of the cartoon featuring this character? Give her last name (Selezneva).

Who was her dad? Say his last name.

Who is a mechanic? What was his name in the cartoon? (Green)

Name a word that consists of two roots (space boat).

What is this boat?

2-3 slide: portrait, autobiography of Kir Bulychev.

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko (pseudonym: Kir Bulychev, Maun Sein-Gi) was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow.

After leaving school, he entered the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages, graduating in 1957.

For two years he worked in Burma as a translator and correspondent for APN.

IV. Reporting the topic of the lesson and setting tasks.

1. Introduction to the topic.

Have you guessed what work we will read, and who wrote it? Which hero will we meet?

Can it be argued that fantastic work- fairy tale?

What common?

This is what we will explore in the lesson. On the board: FANTASY = FAIRY TALE. 4slide

V. Exhibition of books by K. Bulychev 5-12 slide.

VI. Work on an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey".

    What are the most common punctuation marks in the work? So, think about how they should be read.

    2. Reading by children in a “chain”, by the teacher an excerpt from the story “Bushes”.

    Vocabulary work in the course of reading the passage:

reconnaissance boat



Name synonyms for the words: passed, missed.

When do they say so? "He looked enchanted like a rabbit at a boa constrictor."


When do they say so? "They are strong as lions."

Blissfully sighed - How is it?

When do they say so? “There is not a penny in him…”

VII. The result of the lesson.

What adventure of Alice did you read about?

Guys, what do you think, could fantasy have arisen without fairy tales?

What do fantasy literature and fairy tales have in common?

What is fantastic, unusual in what happened in the story?

Can plants sigh in bliss?

VIII. Evaluation of children's work.

Stand up those children who evaluate their work in the lesson as excellent. And who thinks that he did not succeed in his work today?

13 slide. For the most curious.

Brother Morpheus, the god of sleep, the ancient Greeks called Fantas. He was in charge of illusions on Olympus. Hence the word "FANTASY" (from the Greek "IMAGINATION"). It is thanks to imagination that a person is able to repeat. From the same root, “FANTASTIC” is formed (from the Greek “ART OF IMAGINATION”) - a term for designating literary works depicting the unbelievable as real and the real as unbelievable. She is able to look into areas that are not subject to “ordinary literature, and tear the reader away from everyday life, sing heroic deeds, and be transported to the distant future.

MBOU secondary school No. 15

Lesson summary

in literary reading

4th grade

Lesson topic:

« Kir Bulychev

"Alice's Journey"

Teacher: Fedorenko E.A.
Yelets 2012
Lesson topic: Kir Bulychev. "Alice's Journey"

Lesson Objectives:

  • to acquaint with the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev;

  • to interest students in his works;

  • read an excerpt from the story "Alice's Journey";

  • develop fluent expressive reading skills;

  • develop cognitive interest, memory, ingenuity,

  • instill an interest in reading fantasy literature.
Equipment: multimedia projector, cards with crossword puzzles, with individual tasks.

Lesson type: learning new material.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time. slide 1
The bell rang for us

Everyone walked quietly into the classroom.

Everyone got up at their desks beautifully,

Greeted politely.

Sit quietly, back straight.

I see our class anywhere!

Well, let's start the lesson then!

  1. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. slide 2
- Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the life and work of the wonderful science fiction writer Kir Bulychev, recall the previously studied work from the "Fiction" section, get acquainted with the girl Alice, her friends, learn about her adventures. I hope you will be attentive, active in the lesson, and you will be interested this work. So, the topic of the lesson: Kir Bulychev "Alice's Journey"

  1. Speech workout. slide 3
They are visible, invisible

Don't count them!

And who only invented them -

Merry, blue?

Must have been torn off

A piece from the sky

Slightly conjured

And they made a flower.

(E. Serova)

Read the poem "bird market".

How do you know what flower they are talking about?

What helped her in this? (Fantasy.)

Read the first two lines with delight, the next two with surprise, and the rest with enigma.

  1. Checking homework. slide 4
1. Individual work. Solve the crossword .


2 e



3 C




4 C






6 D






5 m




























1. Surname of the professor, the creator of the robot boy.

2. The name of the robot boy

3. The name of the real boy that the robot looked like.

4. His name.

5. In what month did these amazing adventures begin?

6. The hotel where the professor stayed.

b) Reading syncwines.

3. Checking individual work.

Which keyword you got by solving the crossword puzzle? (Mozheiko)

  1. Acquaintance with the life and work of the writer.
1. Teacher's story. slide 5

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko is the real name of Kir Bulychev. He was born in Moscow on October 18, 1934. slide 6

The Arbat boy Igor Mozheiko was always fond of something. As a child, he loved stories about scouts. At the age of ten, he wanted to become an artist and even entered an art school. True, he did not study there for long - he fell ill, missed a lot, and then was afraid to return. Probably, Igor was very worried and offended by his mother for not persuading him, not insisting, but soon he had new hobbies, completely different - geology and paleontology.

Igor was terribly anxious "travel, live in a tent, make scientific discoveries". Imagining himself a researcher, he walked along and across the Moscow region. He diligently studied the books of Ivan Efremov about paleontological expeditions to the Gobi Desert, collected extensive collections of minerals and, of course, imagined himself a real geologist with a courageous face and weathered hands...

It seemed that a direct road to the geological exploration institute was shining for him, but it so happened that Mozheiko entered the Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, and, having graduated from the translation department there, he got a job in a distant Asian country - Burma ...

Sometimes it seemed to the young translator that he found himself in some fairy-tale world. From the window of the hotel he could see thousands of ancient Buddhist temples. Before dawn, they became blue, purple and somehow airy.

Shocked by what he saw, Igor Mozheiko, returning to his homeland, entered graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences and in 1966 defended a thesis on medieval Burma on the topic “Pagan State”.

Research and work on monographs began. Life seemed to be going along a knurled track, but ... At the same time, Mozheiko's daughter Alice was growing up. She wasn't too interested in the history of Burma, but she really wanted her dad to forget about business and tell her something completely unusual.

And especially for his daughter, Igor Vsevolodovich gladly began to invent fantastic stories about a girl from the 21st century, whom, like his own child, he named Alice. slide 7

These stories, entitled "The Girl with whom Nothing Happens" were published in 1965 in the popular almanac "World of Adventures". And soon there was one amusing story with the magazine "Seeker", which printed detective stories and science fiction. Somehow a real emergency happened in the editorial office of this glorious publication. Before the delivery of materials to the printing house, it was decided not to publish one of the foreign fantastic stories. However, as if on purpose, the cover of the forthcoming issue with an illustration for this story had already been printed. From the cover, a tiny dinosaur sitting in a jar looked dejectedly at the upset editorial staff. slide 8

The drawing urgently demanded an explanation, and several people, saving the situation, decided to write a fantastic story, the best of which was to be included in the collection the next day. Orientalist Igor Mozheiko also took part in the unexpected competition. He honestly sat all night at the typewriter, and in the morning he brought his essay to the editor. The story invented by Mozheiko (“When did the dinosaurs die out?”) seemed to the employees the most successful, and it was urgently inserted into the issue. But how to sign such an unforeseen creation? "Igor Mozheiko" - it seems uncomfortable. Still, a historian, a scientist, and here are some dinosaurs in jars. Wife's name plus mother's maiden name- the author decided and wrote "Kir Bulychev" under the manuscript. And so one of the most popular modern science fiction writers appeared. slide 9

Be that as it may, the fact remains: a serious historian Mozheiko began to write "frivolous" fiction. And, apparently, he really liked this lesson, because after the first short stories that laid the foundation for the stories “about Alice”, real “big” books appeared: “The Girl from the Earth” (1974), “One Hundred Years Ahead” (1978 ), “A Million Adventures” (1982), “Fidget” (1985), “Alice’s New Adventures” (1990) ... And once Alisa Selezneva even became a movie star - the scripts for the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” and the five-episode feature film “Guest from the future". And each new meeting with a girl from the 21st century caused both readers and viewers a storm of delight.

But Kir Bulychev did not want to compose only about Alice. He wrote a great many completely different, completely different books: an ironic epic about the provincial town of Veliky Guslyar and its glorious resident Kornely Udalov, an “adult” cycle about space doctor Vladislav Pavlysh, and much, much more ...

At the same time, Igor Vsevolodovich did not leave his scientific studies either. slide 10At the same time as the science fiction writer Bulychev, the historian Mozheiko tirelessly wrote his works. He published several monographs, popular science books “7 and 37 Wonders”, “Pirates, Corsairs, Raiders”, “1185. East-West". And yet - he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Buddhism in Burma."

One can only wonder how Igor Vsevolodovich had enough time and energy for everything. However, no, there was just not enough time, and the science fiction writer Bulychev, together with the historian Mozheiko, most of all dreamed of somehow increasing the day ...

Igor Vsevolodovich died on September 5, 2003 after a long illness at the age of 69. Before his anniversary, he did not live 1.5 months. slide11

Based on the works of Kira Bulychev, films, cartoons were made, performances were staged.

2. Verification work. Mini test on the biography of the writer . slide12

1. Real surname Bulychev

a) Veltistov b) Mozheiko c) Gromov

2. Igor Vsevolodovich was born in

a) Moscow b) Yelets c) Petersburg

3. What did you not want to be as a child?

a) a geologist b) a mathematician c) an artist

3. Mutual verification.

  1. Fizkultminutka. slide13
And now we are with you, children,

We fly on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

One two three four -

Here comes the rocket! (1-2 - stand on toes, arms up, palms form a "rocket dome"; 3-4 - main stand.)

And now a step is in place

And now a step is in place.

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)

From the heart we stretched, (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to their place. (Children sit down)

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
1. Introduction to the topic. slide 14

Acquaintance with the heroes of the work (an excerpt from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet").

Read the title of the passage. slide 15

2. Vocabulary work.

a) explanation difficult words slide 16

Dunes, hollow, hold, porthole, wardroom, enchanted, compartment, flamethrower

b) reading difficult words syllable by syllable. Choral reading. slide17

space boat, reconnaissance boat, sandy, silvery, euphonious,

3. Primary reading along the chain.

1 part With. 150 to the words "And at that moment we heard a soft, harmonious singing."

Where are the plants found?

What did they look like?

What did the heroes hear?

part 2 With. 151 to the words "Zeleny looked frightened, and his beard fluttered as if from the wind."

Who is Green?

Where did the singing come from? What did it portend?

part 3 With. 152 to the words "One by one the bushes followed their leader."

What frightened the Zeleny mechanic?

part 4 With. 154 to the words "... moved towards me in close formation."

How did people behave?

How did the plants behave?

How this story ended, you will find out by reading the text to the end on your own “buzzing” reading.

How did you manage to pacify the plants?

How did Alice guess what they needed?

What is the fantasy of this story? What is close to reality?

  1. Consolidation of what has been learned.
1. Conversation

On whose behalf is the story being told? Name the rest of the characters in the story.

What did you like and remember about the story? What was the funniest, most exciting, most intense moment?

2. Independent work. Compilation of syncwine. slide 18

Curious, smart.

Flies, meets, learns.

Alice is exploring outer space.


3. Verification independent work. (students read their work)

  1. Summing up the lesson.
1. Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon. slide 19

2. Conversation.

Mechanic Green considered his trip unsuccessful, but for Alice it was successful - a lot of new experiences and friends. What do you think of the lesson? Have you acquired new knowledge?

3. Commenting and grading.

  1. Homework. slide20
Read an excerpt from 150 - 156, compose a cinquain characterizing one of the characters, or prepare an illustration for the text.

  1. Reflection. slide 21
Rate your work in the lesson by the number of handclaps.

Many people like to sing and clap their hands, especially children, teenagers and young people. And Israeli scientists from Ben Gurion University managed to prove that singing and clapping is good for health.
