After how many km to change the fuel filter. Replacing the fuel filter - we will save the engine from debris

How long does it take to change fuel filter car running on diesel? This question is widespread among motorists. Some drivers believe that the scheduled replacement of the filter element should be done after 25 thousand km. run. Others - change the device in the winter. Who is right, let's see.

Three-stage device for filtering diesel fuel.

Fuel filters for diesel vehicles are different from devices designed to filter gasoline. The diesel engine is very sensitive to the quality of fuel, for its stable operation it is necessary to use the most refined fuel. Therefore, vehicles running on diesel fuel have three degrees of purification of the combustible mixture:

  1. Cleaning in the gas tank. A special mesh prevents the entry of contaminants into the fuel system.
  2. Rough cleaning. Prevents the entry of large particles.
  3. Fine cleaning. Designed to trap small particles of dirt that can clog nozzles.

In addition to preventing the ingress of small particles of dust, soot, plants, insects, the filter must prevent the penetration of water to the combustion chamber. Plus, have a special heating to prevent the formation of paraffin crystals during low temperatures.

Replacement frequency

Obviously: the cost of the specified filtration element for machines running on diesel fuel is high. Therefore, the question arises: "How often should the fuel filter of a diesel car be changed?". Let's make a reservation right away, it's not worth saving on consumables, replacing a diesel engine will cost more.

You can find all the necessary information on the frequency of replacing the filter device in the car's operating manual. It is important to choose the right filter element. It must be suitable not only in size, but also have the necessary throughput and degree of filtration. The manufacturer in the manual indicates the type of filter and filter material. The use of a filter device that does not match the parameters can harm the motor - this will lead to a decrease in the engine resource.

For most car models running on diesel fuel, a scheduled replacement of the fuel filter is performed after 40 thousand km. run. At the same time, dealers insist that when using the machine in extreme conditions, it is necessary to reduce the interval between scheduled replacements of the filter element by 30-50%. TO extreme conditions include:

  • very hot climate;
  • high load of the motor;
  • increased dust content in the air;
  • frequent transportation of heavy loads or a trailer;
  • the use of diesel fuel of dubious quality;
  • extreme driving style and so on.

All these factors reduce the life of the filter, lead to its premature wear, and it is necessary to change the specified device more often.

An unscheduled replacement of the fuel filter is carried out, noticing the following symptoms in a car:

  • "troit" motor;
  • while driving, the car loses power sharply;
  • the car is slowly gaining momentum;
  • increased fuel consumption.

Having noticed these problems, look at the condition of the filtering device, perhaps the reason is precisely in it.

Why in winter?

Harmful effect of paraffin on the filter element

In winter, at a certain temperature in poor quality diesel fuel paraffin is formed, which can clog the fuel filter. Therefore, experienced drivers carry a spare filter device if the machine is operated in a region with a temperature of -20 0 C and below. In this case, if the filter becomes clogged, it can be replaced with another one.

There are drivers who prefer to install heated filters or use anti-gel. When heating the fuel liquid, paraffin does not crystallize, the need to carry additional element filtering is lost. The use of special liquids that prevent the formation of paraffin crystals also solves the problem of unscheduled filter replacement due to low temperatures.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: it is necessary to change the filter device of a diesel car according to the recommendations of the car manufacturer, and not only when low temperatures occur.

Many novice motorists are often interested in the question of when to change the fuel filter. It is important to know what it is. This element cleans gasoline before it enters the engine cylinders. Clean fuel is the reliable operation of the machine.

What does the filter protect against?

It's no secret that the fuel at our gas stations is no different high quality. Gasoline contains sand, rust, metal scale - all this settles on the filter. If these substances get into the motor, the main parts will wear out much faster.

As a result, the owner will receive the need for major repairs. In addition, oxidized sulfur, or rather sulfuric acid, which is formed during the combustion of fuel, has a detrimental effect on metal surfaces. A normally operating fuel filter completely captures various dirt and dust, condensate, rust, and paraffin inclusions. You cannot use a dirty element. And if the car owner is thinking about whether to change the fuel filter or clean the old one, it definitely needs to be changed. If you ignore the regulations, problems with the car will not be long in coming. The stable start of the engine will be disturbed, various elements of the injection system may be damaged. A clogged element entails clogging of the carburetor, a drop in engine power.


The period when you need to change the fuel filter also depends on the characteristics of a particular part. Some elements have a long service life, while others have to be changed very often. All existing filters in the automotive market can be divided into two types. These are submersible and trunk. The submersible element is often located in the fuel pump housing and, together with the sediment, is placed in the tank. There are models where the possibility of replacing the filter is completely absent. The main cleaning element is located on the section of the fuel line between the power unit and the gas tank. In addition to the installation location, filters also differ in the type of fasteners. On most models, in order to perform the replacement, you need to use standard set from wrenches and screwdrivers. Some elements can be dismantled by hand without the need for tools. And sometimes manufacturers mount it on special fasteners.

Then the same special tool is required for dismantling. Because of this, car owners need to contact professional service stations more often.

When is a change obvious?

The fuel filtration system has two levels of purification. One of them is coarse (to remove large particles), and the second is fine. This thin element is most often located between the motor and the tank. Experts, answering the question of when to change the fuel filter, insist that the replacement should be carried out every 60,000 km of the car run. Clogged cleaning elements, as already noted, can lead to disastrous consequences. For example, as a result of filter clogging, there is a significant load on the fuel pump. It can fail faster, namely, burn out, working “dry”.

The car may troit, stall or refuse to start at all. In addition, a dirty filter affects the operation of the automatic transmission - electronic system automatic box incorrectly interprets motor commands. Switching occurs out of time or the automatic transmission does not switch at all. You can test the condition of the fuel filter at low speed. At hard pressing on gas, the car must pick up speed. If jerks appear instead of acceleration or the engine refuses to gain momentum, then it is urgent to replace the filter. Often, at the very beginning of the appearance of a problem, the car does not show any signs of its presence. And only when the fuel completely stops being supplied to the power unit, the owners think about the problem and intensively look for the cause. How often to change the fuel filter? For each car, this regulation is different and is indicated in the instructions.

Replacement terms

All modern automakers for their cars set fairly accurate replacement schedules for consumables. So, on average, it is recommended to replace cleaning elements every 40-50 thousand km. These figures are relevant for gasoline engines. On diesel engines, filter replacement periods are shorter.

Submersible filters for Ford cars can be changed less frequently - every 70 thousand km. On Ford Focus replacement may not be carried out at all. The manufacturer completes the car with a maintenance-free element that can work without replacement during the entire period of operation. But it's all about foreign cars. But in the case of domestic cars, the timing is slightly different. Information for those who do not know how much to change the fuel filter on our cars: this must be done every 10-30 thousand kilometers. The reason for this is the low quality of fuel. But not everything is so simple here either. If you use the official recommendations of domestic automakers, you can simply not get to the MOT. Owners on specialized forums often say that with low mileage, the filter element looks like it was not gasoline that passed through it, but at least oil. Experienced specialists and motorists with experience recommend not looking at the instructions, but listening to your own car. The engine will tell you how often to change the fuel filter.

Replacement terms for popular cars

For VAZ-2114, 2107 and other classic models, the replacement frequency is 30 thousand km. The same period for Renault Logan. Renault Megane has a more durable filter - it can operate as much as 120,000 km.

On the Duster and Kengo with diesel engines, the period is short - only 10,000 km. On the Toyota Camry, the element resource is 80,000 km. Nissan Almera is equipped with a filter designed for the entire service life. And for those who do not know how long it takes to change the fuel filter when refueling with Russian gasoline, these figures must be divided by 2.

Consequences of driving a car with a clogged fuel filter

Many car owners do not think and do not see anything wrong with operating a car with dirty cleaning elements. However, this is very dangerous. Worth Considering possible faults in details. And then everyone will decide for himself whether it is necessary to change the fuel filter or you can do without it. First of all, a dirty filter element can no longer cope with fuel cleaning. So, part of the pollution goes further along the fuel system. Further, the fuel lines are most often clogged, and with them the injectors. As a result of this, the engine cannot be fed normally, and a large load is placed on it. Fuel that has not been cleaned well enough will not burn completely. The products of combustion that settle on the walls of the combustion chambers will accumulate on the valves.

This increases the risk of overheating and leads to incorrect operation of the engine, and ultimately leads to a major overhaul. Fuel consumption is associated with the psychology of drivers. With a dirty filter, the motor noticeably loses its power. The car does not want to go, but the driver presses the gas harder and harder. The injector will inject even more fuel into the cylinders, but nothing will change, only the consumption will increase. That is why it is so important to know when to change the fuel filter. After all, even replacing nozzles (and this is the least) is much more expensive than a new cleaning element.

Fuel filter for diesel engine and its features

Diesel and petrol are very different. Diesel fuel contains water condensate, and it is he who has various contaminants. Therefore, the main difference between such a filter is the ability to retain water. It has a detrimental effect on the operation of the motor. IN best case only efficiency and power will drop. At worst, a water hammer will occur - this is already overhaul.

How often to change the diesel filter

With regard to the service life of the cleaning elements for such power units, then they are lower when compared with analogues for gasoline.

Automakers officially recommend replacing every 30 thousand kilometers for imported engines, and even then, subject to high-quality fuel. And in the case of domestic fuel, this period can be divided into three. By and large, the car itself will tell by its behavior when to change the fuel filter. This will be the most correct frequency.


The engine needs high-quality and clean power to work efficiently. If gasoline with sand or metal scale enters the cylinders, a major overhaul is provided. It is necessary to change all filters in time, and then the car will serve its owner for a long time.

Every modern car today is equipped with 5 different filters: cabin, fuel, air, oil and particulate. Each of them has its own purpose, which they are able to cope with only if they are regularly replaced in a timely manner (except for). How this replacement is carried out and when - for each filter separately - the topics of separate articles (you will also find them on our portal), now we will focus only on how often to change the fuel filter and why it is important to do it in a timely manner.

Why does a car need a fuel filter?

The main purpose of the fuel filter is additional purification of fuel before it enters the fuel line of the engine. It can be installed directly into this line, or it can be immersed into the fuel tank together with the gasoline pump.

Be that as it may, in order to successfully cope with the tasks assigned to it, the filter must have a certain throughput, which directly depends on its purity. And since it is not possible to clean it, you just need to change it in time.

So, how often should the fuel filter be changed?

According to the recommendations of manufacturers, the fuel filter should be replaced every 20-30 thousand kilometers. However, given the quality of gasoline in our country, it is better to do this much more often - every 15 thousand kilometers.

Why is it important to do it on time?

As a result, the car will begin to noticeably lose its power, there is a lot of “eat”, the course will become uneven and the engine, in the end, may stop starting altogether.


It is necessary to monitor the condition of the filters in the car at each maintenance, since the operation of the engine and transmission, as well as the health of the driver and passengers, directly depends on their condition. Untimely replacement can lead to serious consequences and it is enough expensive repairs. There are several ways to independently determine the need to replace certain types of filters.

What is the filter used for?

A car filter is a device designed to clean the engine and transmission oils, as well as the air used during engine operation and. Quite strict requirements are imposed on filters: compact dimensions, reliability of operation in critical conditions (high pressure, cold start, etc.), reduced resistance to oil or air flow, maximum possible removal of harmful substances.

Five types of filters are used in a modern car: oil, fuel, air, cabin and particulate. All, except for soot, have their own service life and must be replaced

Five types of filters are used in modern automotive industry: oil, fuel, air, cabin and particulate filters. All filters, with the exception of particulate filters, have their own service life and must be replaced. It depends directly on the operating conditions of the car, and replacement is usually regulated by the manufacturer.

The bypass valve provides oil to the engine in cases where it does not pass the filter element. This happens when the element is dirty or when sharp increase revolutions of the crankshaft, as well as when the oil thickens in the cold. The purpose of the non-return valve is to keep the oil in the filter when the engine is not running to ensure that the pressure in the system rises quickly when the engine is started.

The filter check valve is made in the form of a rubber ring of variable cross section, the elastic properties of which are lost over time. In this case, the oil from the filter is drained after the engine is stopped, and at the next start, there will be no pressure in the lubrication system until the filter is filled with oil again. Such a delay entails increased engine wear. There are filters in which the check valve is made in the form of a thin rubber disk. Its tight fit to the surface of the cover is provided by a metal spring. This design is more reliable and durable. For the same model, you can find filters with different designs of the check valve. Special paper with high porosity is used as a filter material. To make the filter element water resistant, the paper is impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde resins. You need to change it. Typically, the service interval is 10-15 thousand kilometers - this is an average figure calculated by the manufacturer, which must be followed. Now on the market, along with recognized leaders (such as Mann, Union, Knecht), there are filters from unknown manufacturers. Picking up several different oil filters from different manufacturers, it is impossible to find differences between them, they are so similar to each other. The consequences of using a low-quality oil filter are far from harmless. A faulty emergency valve will allow oil to bypass the filter, creating conditions for increased engine wear. Or it can jam so that the filter housing bursts, the oil will leak out and the engine will be left without oil at all. Such cases occur, especially in winter, at temperatures below -30 degrees. also have an oil filter, which is located in the crankcase. It is replaced every 30 thousand kilometers. On gearboxes in cars over early years iron filters are installed, they are usually washed when changing the oil.

serves to clean atmospheric air entering the engine, and is an "accordion" of filter material with seals along the edges, which prevent air from entering the engine bypassing the filter element. It usually changes during maintenance on the recommendation of the manufacturer. But when driving on dusty roads, the need for replacement may come faster, and if you miss this moment, you can ruin the engine. Fortunately, you don’t have to go to the service to check the air filter, just open the hood, pull out the filter and see its condition. The filter housing cover in almost any machine is mounted on latches that are easy to remove. And if it is very dirty, it is better to put in a new one without waiting for maintenance. By the way, experienced drivers who open the hood of their car not only at a car service, along with checking the oil level in the engine, look at the condition of the air filter, and sometimes even blow it with air from the pump

Air Filter sports competitions, or for tuning. Installing such a filter on an ordinary car is meaningless, since its price is high, and it does not give advantages to the engine without special forcing. The manufacturer recommends changing it, like a regular one, after 10 thousand kilometers. It is curious that athletes change such a filter after one or two races.

Filter Some drivers try to save money: instead of replacing, they wash the filter with water and install it back. There is no point in this, since the absorbed dirt cannot be removed in this way. But the fibers of the filter element after "washing" lose their throughput.

necessary to clean the air entering the car interior. The filter element is made of activated carbon and filters the air like a gas mask. But it should be remembered that the absorbing capacity of activated carbon is not unlimited and its resource is limited. If it is not replaced in time, it will work like a regular filter, retaining only mechanical impurities.

Cabin filter In addition, it has one more function. The cabin filter protects the air conditioner evaporator (a small “radiator” located in the same place as the heater radiator) from clogging with debris. major cities cabin filters clog much faster than what is written in the instruction manual, so they are changed as needed. This measure can be determined by the following features. If in humid weather or the stove fan is turned on at maximum speed, and the air barely enters the cabin, this is a sure sign that it is time to change the cabin filter. Manufacturers recommend replacing them together with an oil change - once every 10 thousand kilometers.

is designed for additional purification of fuel before it is fed into the fuel line of the engine. IN modern cars there are two types of fuel filters: main (installed directly into the fuel line) and submersible (which are installed in the fuel tank along with the fuel pump). The quality of fuel, even in large cities of Russia, leaves much to be desired, so you need to change the filter strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations specified in the instructions. The consequences of driving with a dirty fuel filter are clogging of the fuel system and fuel injection nozzles, which will lead to uneven engine operation and loss of power. In the worst case, the engine will not start at all. Manufacturers recommend changing fuel filters once every 20-25 thousand kilometers.

Particulate filters

are installed only to comply with their Euro-5 standards and above. They serve to trap soot and particulates in automotive exhaust gases and do not need to be replaced, as they are designed for the entire life of the engine. They are cleaned independently by the post-injection process (fuel is injected into the cylinder during the stroke of the stroke) on command. It happens that computers fail and particulate filters become clogged. The light on the control panel lights up, and the computer issues an engine malfunction error. In such cases, the filter must be cleaned. This can be done in two ways. The first is by electrochemical method on a special stand. This is exactly what official dealers offer, this procedure costs about 8-10 thousand rubles. But there is no need to rush, as there is a second method, which is called “forced post-injection”. This mode is set from the diagnostic computer, and within 20 minutes the filter becomes operational again. This method is much cheaper and costs a little more than a thousand rubles.

Particulate filter The condition of car filters must be carefully monitored, but more than one manufacturer does not give exact recommendations for replacing filters. Such decisions are made on the basis of the recommendations of service books and vehicle operating instructions, dealer center specialists, experienced drivers with a long history. But when to do this - each car owner decides for himself.

The fuel filter is one of the elements of the car's fuel system. Without this element, the engine will exhaust its resource many times faster. In turn, a clogged filter does not perform its functions properly. Therefore, it is very important to know how much to change the car's fuel filter.

Gasoline or diesel fuel are far from ideal liquids in terms of purity. A sufficiently large amount of suspended particles remain in the fuel, which are not visible even upon careful examination of the fuel. However, they are. And if all these particles start to get into the engine, bypassing the filtering procedure, they will gradually begin to settle on the surfaces inside the engine.

In addition, solid particles that may be in the fuel are not burned during the processes taking place in the combustion chambers. And this means that they will be on the walls of the cylinders and on the surface of the pistons. And each unburned solid particle will collect around itself the remains of combustion products, intensifying the process of deposits on the working surfaces of the engine.

In addition, with improperly filtered fuel, dirt and debris will begin to clog and disable other elements of the fuel system: carburetor, injectors, fuel lines, etc. That's why it's so important to understand when to change your fuel filter and what can happen if you don't.

How do you change the fuel filter?

Automotive manufacturers often claim that the life of a quality fuel filter is equal to that of a car. However, these statements have nothing to do with real life. The fuel filter, by definition, cannot perform its functions for such a long time to ensure the smooth operation of the car engine. This is possible only under ideal conditions with ideal fuel. But in reality, fuel is not such a pure substance.

In addition, certain deposits appear in the fuel tank itself, deposits appear in the fuel line, deposits can appear in the fuel pump. And all these particles will gradually accumulate in the fuel filter. Therefore, there is an established driver's opinion that the fuel filter needs to be changed after approximately 20-30 thousand kilometers.

Although any driver can make their own adjustments to these figures. It all depends on many factors, first of all, on which filling stations fuel is poured. And if it's the same gas station all the time, certain statistics may appear on the frequency of replacing the fuel filter.

But it is completely incomprehensible when to change the fuel filter if, for certain reasons, you have to refuel at completely different gas stations. It is not clear what quality the fuel is at these filling stations, and whether this fuel will not contribute to the fact that those deposits that exist in greater or lesser quantities on the surfaces in contact with the fuel will not, relatively speaking, be washed away by the new fuel.

Therefore, as soon as the first signs appear that the fuel filter is clogged, you should not wait until the car has passed the prescribed mileage, but proceed to replace the fuel filter. In addition, at different filling stations in the fuel there may be different proportions of additives, which are not always a boon for the engine and in particular for the fuel filter.

Signs of a clogged fuel filter

A clogged fuel filter can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, which, however, are similar to signs of malfunctions of another origin.

Often, when the fuel filter is clogged, the car engine does not produce the same power that was in the normal condition of the filter. The loss of power first appears on the climbs, and then begins to manifest itself everywhere. The engine starts to run unevenly, a tripling effect appears, the engine starts to sneeze.

If the fuel filter is severely clogged, problems may occur during start-up as well. The engine may not start at all or start only on a short time and immediately shut down. The engine becomes unstable idling. The engine may start, but at idle, pops and other extraneous sounds will be heard in the engine.

What threatens untimely replacement of the fuel filter?

If you do not change the fuel filter in due time, the engine starts to wear out. Moreover, not only the components and parts that are directly involved in the fuel system or in the injection system wear out, but also the units that are responsible for starting the engine.

For example, starter parts will suffer and wear out. At the time of launch, the combustion chambers will not have as much fuel as needed to start the engine normally. The filter is clogged, so the fuel will not flow in the right amount. And the starter will spin idle without starting the engine. At the same time, the engine battery will run down. In addition, a working starter with insufficient fuel will force the parts to move. piston group in dry mode. This means extreme wear of the mating surfaces.

When the fuel filter is clogged, serious problems occur with the fuel pump, which is forced to supply fuel under high pressure, and, accordingly, experience serious overloads that lead to wear of the components and parts of this vehicle unit.

For diesel engines a malfunctioning fuel filter leads to the fact that moisture begins to appear in diesel fuel, which must be cut off by a fuel filter operating in diesel engines, also as a separator. But even when draining the condensate, which is provided in the filter-separators for diesel engines, complete removal of moisture, if the filter is out of order, cannot be avoided. And the condensate will continue to travel through the fuel system, causing new problems.

Thus, it is important to know how often to change the fuel filter, and to do this without waiting until fuel filter problems begin to affect the operation of all other engine components.
