Characteristics of Ivan from the Humpbacked Horse 4. Characteristics of the heroes

The popular children's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", written by the writer P. P. Ershov, is a very bright and beautiful poetic poem, which is divided into three plot parts. The first tells how the younger brother Ivan got a magnificent trophy of two golden-maned horses and the awkward Humpbacked Horse, and how Ivan became the royal groom. In the second part, you can find out how the main character, on the orders of the king, lures the Firebird, and then the Tsar Maiden. In the final part, Ivan will visit the Sun and the Moon and get from the bottom of the mighty ocean magic ring, as a result, he will become a king, and he will receive a Tsar Maiden as his wife.

P. P. Ershov "The Little Humpbacked Horse": analysis and heroes

The central characters of the work were Ivan the Fool and the Little Humpbacked Horse. Ivan, out of his kindness and responsiveness, treats any request of his father or king responsibly and seriously. His brothers, one out of laziness, the other out of cowardice, did not hunt down the one who tramples their fields. And Ivan did not sleep at night, but tracked down and caught a golden-maned mare, who, in return, gave him two beautiful foals and a third, the Humpbacked Horse, an unsightly but kind assistant. If not for him, Ivan's life could have ended very badly. To serve an absurd and stupid couch potato king - oh, how difficult it is. However, Ivan completely submits to any of his whims, showing his humility and devotion, but the tsar did not appreciate these qualities, but only got more and more into the taste after each order executed by Ivan. Now give him the Firebird, then the Tsar Maiden.

Description of the Humpbacked Horse from the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

The style of this wonderful tale is ironic and satirical, it ridicules those who are rich or dream of becoming rich at the expense of others. Their passions and desires are so great that in the end they are left with nothing. But Ivan, who was honest and generous, not hoping for any praise, and even more so for a reward, without cunning and pretense, was always ready to sacrifice his life for the happiness of another person. That is why he has such a wise friend as the magical Humpbacked Horse.

The description of the Little Humpbacked Horse from the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" boils down to the fact that the author of the fairy tale opposes him and Ivan to each other, but in general they form one whole. Ivan is a passionate, lively, curious and very self-confident hero, always ready for any adventure, and the Little Humpbacked Horse acts as a guardian angel, a wise, generous and compassionate comrade. The description of the main characters of The Little Humpbacked Horse essentially shows two sides of the broad Russian soul.

Russian soul

And, surprisingly, there is a similarity between the characters. Both thirds in the family and both with defects, one is called a fool because of his innocence and the generally accepted point of view, and the other, because of a defect, was called a "humpback", a freak in his own way. So they became heroes, dialectically complementary and mutually exclusive. However, the image of the Little Humpbacked Horse became the most beloved and most memorable for children.

The description of the Humpbacked Horse from the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" is very funny. Small, but daring, three inches tall, with arshin ears and two humps, the Little Humpbacked Horse is so sweet and charming that it was impossible not to fall in love with him.


Ivan and the Humpbacked Horse became the antipodes of exemplary older brothers. But in many ways they are better and more worthy. Luck itself goes into their hands, and they are not one of those who miss it because of laziness or stupidity. Their actions, deeds and speeches in Once again affirm and demonstrate the people's ideal of diligence, courage and justice. The Little Humpbacked Horse is not just an obliging slave or servant who agrees and obeys everything, he, first of all, became Ivan's friend and always told him, though bitter, but the truth.

These two heroes are somewhat naive and spontaneous, which makes them look like children, there is no guile and lies - that's the most important thing.

If we take into account the description of the Humpbacked Horse from the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse", then this miracle horse was no larger than a cat, with long ears, like a donkey's. And so these two friends fall into amazing Adventures, which usually do not occur at the whim of the heroes. However, a free and cheerful disposition allows them to perform unprecedented feats and get out of the most difficult situations.

In the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", the description of the characters suggests that Ivan, thanks to his kindness, dexterity and childish naivety, was able to see the unprecedented and get it, as it turned out, not for the tsar - stupid and funny, but for himself. All because the truth triumphed, the tsar boiled in boiling water, and Ivan became handsome, received the kingdom, the beautiful princess and, fortunately, a faithful magical friend and indispensable assistant to the Little Humpbacked Horse.


A very happy ending to his fairy tale came up with the writer P. P. Ershov. The Little Humpbacked Horse was written in the 1830s. The style of writing is very similar to the manner of Pushkin in his fairy tales. So it is: the author really imitated his idol. However, the explicit satire of the kings was met with harsh censorship, and therefore in 1843 the work was banned. It went into oblivion for 13 years. But to late XIX century, this tale has become a children's classic.

Ershov P. fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

Genre: literary fairy tale in verse

The main characters of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" and their characteristics

  1. Ivan, the youngest son of a peasant. Not very smart, naughty, capricious, but kind and honest. He was on his mind, but he became a king.
  2. King girl. Girl 15 years old, very beautiful and smart. Daughter of the Moon, sister of the Sun
  3. Tsar. The old man is toothless and gray-haired. Greedy and capricious, tyrant.
  4. Ivan's brothers. Greedy, cowardly, stupid.
  5. The Little Humpbacked Horse. Faithful friend and helper. Loyal, smart, powerful, cunning. Knows everything, can do everything.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"
  1. Peasant and his three sons
  2. Someone is trampling the wheat
  3. Watch of older brothers
  4. Mare
  5. horse theft
  6. Forgiveness
  7. firebird feather
  8. Ivan in the service of the Tsar
  9. The machinations of a sleeping bag
  10. Catching the firebird
  11. Ivan the stirrup king
  12. New machinations
  13. Catching the Tsar Maiden
  14. Difficult errand
  15. Whale
  16. Month Mesyatsovich
  17. Forgiveness of the whale
  18. Ruff and chest
  19. The condition of the king-maiden
  20. bathing in cauldrons
  21. Wedding and feast.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The peasant had three sons, and the younger Ivan catches a mare who gave him two beautiful horses and a little humpbacked horse.
  2. Ivan in the field finds the feather of the Firebird, the king buys horses and takes Ivan into service
  3. The tsar sends Ivan after the firebird and he catches it with the help of a skate.
  4. The tsar sends Ivan for the tsar-maiden and Ivan brings the beauty
  5. The tsar sends Ivan for the ring, Ivan visits the tower of the Month, frees the whale and brings the ring.
  6. Ivan bathes in three cauldrons, the tsar dies, and Ivan, having married the tsar-maiden, becomes the new tsar.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"
It is easy for him to live in the world who has a faithful, reliable friend.

What does the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" teach
This story teaches friendship. It teaches that a true friend is more valuable than any wealth, that together with a friend you can overcome any difficulties, complete any tasks. Teaches to be honest and kind, teaches to help others. It teaches you to soberly assess your strengths and abilities, to desire only what you really need.

Review of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"
Extraordinarily beautiful and interesting tale was written by Peter Ershov. It is read in one breath, easy to remember. The plot of the tale is unusual, it contains many miracles and at the same time a lot of funny things, it makes the reader smile more than once. She especially likes the Little Humpbacked Horse, a devoted, faithful friend, whom every person would like to have.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"
A faithful friend is better than a hundred servants.
Looking for help - help others yourself.
Every bride will be born for her groom.

Summary, brief retelling parts of the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"
Part 1.
In one village there lived a peasant and he had three sons, the youngest, as usual, a fool. The brothers sowed wheat and sold it in the capital. But then some thief got into the habit of trampling wheat and the brothers decided to watch at night to catch the thief.
However, both the older and middle brothers were frightened and spent the night either at the neighbor's fence, or in the sennik.
Ivan did not want to go at all, but they promised him to buy gifts, and he also went on patrol. At night, a mare galloped onto the field, and Ivan ran up to her and jumped on her backwards. The mare could not throw him off and promised to give birth to three horses. Two beautiful and one Hunchback, who will be Ivan's faithful comrade.
Two years have passed. The elder brother Danilo saw two beautiful horses in the booth and decided, together with Gavrila, to take the horses away and sell them in the capital.
Ivan discovers the missing horses and is heartbroken. He sits on the hunchback and instantly catches up with the brothers. The brothers blame him and Ivan agrees to sell the horses.
Night falls and Danila notices a fire in the distance. Ivan goes to the fire and finds the Firebird's feather. Despite the hunchback's admonitions, Ivan takes the pen for himself.
The brothers arrive in the capital and lead the horses to bargain. The mayor sees them and reports to the king. The tsar hurries to look at the horses and buys them for ten caps of silver and five rubles.
The horses won't let anyone near them, and the tsar takes Ivan into his service.
Part 2.
Ivan got a good job in the service of the king, but the sleeping bag, his boss, began to envy him. The sleeper noticed that Ivan did not take care of the horses, but they were still clean. Therefore, the sleeping bag decided to find out what was the matter, and hid in the stable.
He saw how Ivan takes out a feather of a fire bird, admires it, and then begins to take care of the horses.
The stolnik reports to the tsar about the pen and says that Ivan boasted of getting the Firebird itself.
The tsar gets angry, calls Ivan and demands the Firebird, promising otherwise to impale him.
Sad Ivan returns, but Konyok consoles him and advises him to ask for overseas wine and millet. Ivan receives everything and sets off.
On the eighth day, Ivan arrives at the glade on the hunchback. Konyok advises Ivan to mix millet and wine and hide under a trough.
At night, many firebirds arrive and Ivan, putting on a mitten, catches one of them. He throws the bird into a bag and brings it to the king. The Tsar makes Ivan stirrup.
Five weeks later, the stolnik hears a story about the Tsar Maiden, a relative of the Moon and the sun, and reports to the Tsar that Ivan boasted of getting her.
The king is angry again and calls Ivan. He demands to deliver the Tsar Maiden to him, again promising to put him on a stake.
Ivan is sad again, but even here Konyok comforts him. He advises asking for a golden tent, a dinner set and various sweets.
Having received the required, Ivan sets off again.
On the eighth day, Ivan arrives at the ocean and pitches his tent. At noon, the Tsar Maiden sails from the ocean, sits at the tent, eats and plays the harp. Ivan criticizes the appearance of the Tsar Maiden, and after listening to the songs, falls asleep. He will be Konyok and scolds. Ivan is crying.
In the morning the Tsar Maiden sails again, but Ivan is on the alert. He runs into the tent, grabs the maiden by the scythe, and calls out to the skate.
Ivan brings the Tsar Maiden to the Tsar and he proposes to the girl to marry him. But the Tsar Maiden turns away. The king insists and the Tsar Maiden demands to get a ring from the bottom of the ocean. The Tsar sends Ivan to work, and the Tsar Maiden asks her to visit her mother, the Moon, and her brother, the Sun.
Horse consoles Ivan and in the morning they set off.
Part 3
Horse waved a hundred thousand miles and delivered Ivan to the ocean. He warned that a whale fish lies across there, which will ask for forgiveness from the Sun.
Ivan sees, indeed, a whale fish lies across the ocean, and the village stands on its back and the forest makes noise. He rode on the back of the whale. Keith, having learned that they are going as ambassadors to the Sun, asks to put in a good word for him, and Ivan promises this.
Horse reached the places where the sky converges with the earth and Ivan was in the sky. He drove up to the tower of the Tsar Maiden, admires its beauty and Orthodox cross from the stars.
Ivan meets with Month Mesyatsovich and says that her daughter asks why she hides her face from her for three days, and why the brother of the sun does not send her a ray.
The month rejoices that the Tsar Maiden has been found, hugs Ivan, and explains that he and the Sun were sad because they lost the Tsar Maiden.
Ivan conveys the request of the whale to the Month and the Month answers that he swallowed thirty ships and when he gives them freedom, his torment will end.
Ivan says goodbye to the Month, and sets off on his way back. Horse warns the villagers to run away and tells the whale about the words of the Moon.
The whale releases the ships and, pleased, promises to fulfill any request from Ivan. Ivan asks the whale to get the Tsar Maiden's ring.
The whale sends sturgeons to look for them, but they return with nothing, and they say that only a ruff can fulfill this order.
The whale gives the order to deliver the ruff to him and the dolphins are looking everywhere for the ruff. They hardly find it at the bottom, where Ruff fights with crucian carp. Dolphins deliver the ruff to the whale.
The whale orders the ruff to find the Tsar Maiden's ring. Ruff quickly finds the chest, but it weighs a hundred pounds and he calls the herring for help. But the herring could not lift the chest either. Then the ruff calls the sturgeons and delivers the chest to the whale.
At this time, Ivan is waiting for a whale on the shore and swears. But at dawn the whale brings the chest and swims away. Ivan cannot lift the chest, but the Humpbacked Bunny easily throws it over his shoulders.
Four days later, Ivan is already arriving in the capital.
The pleased king runs with the ring to the Tsar Maiden, but she again refuses. She says that she is only 15 years old and demands that the king rejuvenate himself. To do this, you need to swim in three boilers, in the first there will be icy water, in the second boiled, in the third boiling milk.
The Tsar demands from Ivan that he be the first to try out the Tsar Maiden's recipe. Ivan refuses. but the king threatens to tear him to pieces.
Konyok consoles Ivan and tells him what he must do.
Ivan comes to the square, asks permission to say goodbye to the skate. The horse wags its tail, dunks its muzzle and whistles.
Ivan jumps into milk, then into boiled water, and finally into icy water. It comes out of the water very beautiful.
The king dived after him and boiled.
The Tsar Maiden proclaims herself Tsarina and declares Ivan her husband and Tsar. General fun.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse"

The Humpbacked Horse is a wonderful creature folk art who settled in tale of the same name. A talented Tobolyak described the character as follows: a horse in miniature "only three inches tall, on its back with two humps and arshin ears." An excellent comrade and helper came out of the Hunchback, Konyok sees a way out of any difficult situation, which the main character manages to hit.

History of creation

The legendary fairy tale, included in the golden fund of Russian literature, was written by a 19-year-old boy. Pyotr Ershov, a student of St. Petersburg University, who came from the Siberian hinterland, conceived a work for adults, but it was loved first of all by children.

The inspiration for the novice writer was fairy tales, while the plot is completely folk, taken from the folklore of the Scandinavians and Slavs who lived in the Baltic. The author only lined up wonderful stories in a harmonious row, in some places replenishing them with details “from the head”. The result is a work that captivates with simplicity, perky jokes and rich, melodic language. Not without reason, after reading a fairy tale, Pushkin said:

"Now this kind of writing can be left to me."

The great Russian writer was so imbued with the skill of the young storyteller that he expressed the hope of printing it as a cheap edition in pictures, so that it would certainly reach the common people. Among Yershov's admirers was also the master of fairy tales.

For the first time, episodes of the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" were published in the "Library for Reading" magazine. The work was published as a separate edition in 1834, but the censorship did not spare it, cutting out significant pieces relating to the greed of the officers and the stupidity of the cruel tsar. Plus, the censors were outraged by the common people's verses, from which it smelled of insolence. But that was only the beginning.

A decade later, a lively witty tale about a tiny horse was completely banned, for 13 years it was in oblivion. Then Ershov edited the chapters, returned the pieces crossed out by censorship, and the book continued its glorious path to readers, having firmly established itself in children's libraries since the end of the 19th century.

Image and plot

In the center of the work lies a typical fairy tale plot based on a trinity: there are three sons in a peasant family - two are smart, and the third did not come out with intellect. Ivan the Fool caught a beautiful mare trampling wheat in her family lands at night. For freedom, the horse promised to give birth to three horses - two polished stallions for sale and a miniature hunchback with long ears who will become a true friend.

Main character with their magical Humpbacked Horse they get involved in amazing adventures. Ivan accidentally finds the feather of the Firebird and takes over as a groom in the service of the king. By order of the ruler, the young man found a wonderful bird, for which he was awarded a promotion. The next desire of the king is almost impossible to fulfill - to deliver to the court the Tsar Maiden, the daughter of the Moon and the sister of the Sun, who lives on the ocean. Desperate Ivan is again supported by the Little Humpbacked Horse, assuring that the impossible is possible.

And indeed, the Tsar Maiden managed to be caught. Seeing the beauty, the sovereign's husband immediately burned with love for her. But the chosen one set a condition - she agrees to get married only if the king gets a sea ring from the bottom. And again Ivan and the Hunchback had to take the rap. A miracle whale, saved by the main characters, helped to complete the difficult task.

Precious jewelry did not help the king win the beauty's heart. The tsar-maiden wanted to see a young man in her husbands, and for this you need to bathe in three boilers - with hot milk, cold water and boiling water. Of course, at first Ivan had to try the method on himself, but even here the Little Humpbacked Horse applied his magical gift - a hand-written handsome man appeared from the cauldrons alive and unharmed. And the tsar, inspired by the transformation of Ivan, boiled. So Ivan the Fool married a beautiful girl and took the throne.

The tale is full of characters, among which there are only two goodies- Ivanushka the Fool and his wise comrade the Little Humpbacked Horse. The rest are neutral or negative.

To understand the idea, the images of the brothers and the ruler are important. Ershov characterizes Ivan's brothers: fellows similar to each other are cowardly deceivers, ready to cheat for profit native person. The characterization of the king is also textbook, in creating the character the author used satirical notes: a stupid sovereign believes gossip and rumors, out of envy and greed, he uses his royal position with might and main.

The youngest peasant son is the complete opposite of his brothers, and even more so of the king. He knows how to make friends, does not appreciate material wealth, kind and courageous. The characterization of Ivan as a fool is deceptive, in fact the young man turns out to be dexterous, savvy, "he is not simple", and can "saddle the devil."

Like any fairy tale, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" does not carry a special moral, only reminding that the outcome of a case is not always in the hands of a person - there are more powerful forces. However, this work teaches strong friendship, thanks to which it is possible to pass trials, endure adversity and achieve success.

Screen adaptations

Based on poetic work Ershov "Humpbacked Horse" the Russians removed Feature Film and a cartoon, and even recorded the creation in the format of an audio fairy tale, where the text reads.

The peculiarity of the colorful cartoon is that it was released in two versions - in 1947 and 1975. The second one is simply supplemented with new plots, and the color scheme of some of the characters has also been changed.

For example, at first the Firebird is yellow, later orange and red shades appear in its color. Both (Ivan) and (Tsar), Alik Kachanov and Svetlana Kharlap (Humpbacked Horse) worked on the voice acting of the cartoon.

The Soviet cartoon came to taste. American artist and the director showed him as an example of cartoon skill to his colleagues.

A black and white fairy tale in the first year of the Great Patriotic War the director gave the kids. In a wonderful film, he tried on the image of Ivanushka. 40 years later, after the death of the author, the picture received gold medal at the Quito Children's Film Festival.

The plot of the fairy tale was also embodied in the ballets of the composers Caesar Pugni and. Alla Shcherbinina, Anatoly Sapogov, Gennady Yanin, Ilya Petrov did an excellent job with the role of the Little Humpbacked Horse in productions.

At the end of the 20th century in literary circles the version began to strengthen that in fact the fairy tale was written by Alexander Pushkin. Allegedly, such a young author as Pyotr Ershov, from whose pen nothing talented came out before The Little Humpbacked Horse, would not have been able to compose such a brilliant work. In addition, the melodiousness of the language is reminiscent of The Tale of Tsar Saltan. It is impossible to confirm or disprove the theory, because personal diaries and Ershov destroyed the drafts of the tale.

Pyotr Ershov didn't invent the wheel. Before him, works of oral folk art with a similar plot were already walking in the world. Similar tales are found among Ukrainians, Belarusians, Norwegians. For example, "Seven Foals" tells the story of three shepherd sons guarding the royal horses. The younger brother befriends a talking foal who helps him get the princess to wife. At the beginning of the 20th century, a similar plot was discovered in Chuvash folklore - the tale is called "Ivan and the Waterman's Daughter".

Entertained the children of the 80s slot machine"The Little Humpbacked Horse". For 15 kopecks, the kids tried to win a Firebird feather, a princess, a chest of jewels.


“The older one was smart,
Middle son and so and so
The younger one was an idiot."
“The trouble is great, I do not argue;
But I can help, I'm burning.
That's why your trouble
That didn't listen to me."
“... And rather I myself will perish,
Than I will leave you, Ivan ... "
"Two horses, if you like, sell,
But don't give up the horse
Not for a belt, not for a hat,
Not for black, listen, grandma.
On the ground and underground
He will be your friend."

The image of Ivan in the fairy tale Horse - the Humpbacked

One of the main characters in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" by Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov is Ivan, the youngest son of an elderly peasant. As is often the case in Russian folk tales:

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Average so and so

The youngest was an idiot...

The image of Ivan is in many ways similar to the image of Emelya from the fairy tale “By - pike command”, - after all, he also likes to lie on the stove singing songs for days on end, and doing nothing. Surrounding people call him Ivan - a fool - he is simple-hearted, stupid, on his own mind. But in a fairy tale, he turns out to be the most honest, courageous and resourceful; he just conscientiously and without fear stood on guard and caught the thief, unlike his brothers, who slept all night in the straw, and in the morning, returning home, they played tired, frozen, supposedly not sleeping all night guards.

Having caught the mare, Ivan did not say a word about her to his father and brothers: he showed ingenuity, talking about her as if about the devil:

Suddenly the devil comes

With a beard and mustache;

Erysipelas like a cat

And the eyes are what those bowls are!

So the devil began to say

And knock down the grain with a tail.

Knowing that the mare would no longer trample the field, Ivan told his family that he had taken a promise from the devil not to trample the wheat for a whole year.

Ivan is sober about his surroundings, he perceives any miracle as a natural phenomenon, because he was not at all embarrassed by a wonderful talking mare, who would later give him two beautiful golden-maned horses and true friend Horse - Humpbacked.

He correctly assesses the behavior of others and directly tells them about it. Catching up with his brothers who stole his horses, he shouts to them:

It's a shame, brothers, to steal!

Even though you are smarter Ivana,

Yes, Ivan is more honest than you:

He didn't steal your horses!

But Ivan is simple-hearted, trusting and naive: although the brothers take him to the city to sell horses, they do not miss the moment to get rid of him, sending their younger brother to get fire in the deep forest at night, knowing that certain death awaits him. And Ivan, fulfilling their order, meanwhile finds a wonderful firebird feather.

He does not hesitate to express his opinion, does not lose his self-esteem.

He speaks the same way ordinary people, and with the king himself:

Wonderful thing! So be it

I will, king, serve you ...

Just, mind you, don't fight me

And let me sleep

Otherwise, I was like that!

He addresses the king without titles, without epithets, but simply as an equal; agreeing to enter the royal service, Ivan dictates his terms.

Ivan acts as a carrier everywhere best features people: honest, direct, not discouraged, able to find a way out of any situation.

Courage, courage, independence, honesty, the ability to appreciate friendship, help Ivan overcome all obstacles and win:

For your sake of talent

We recognize Tsar Ivan!

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