Is it possible to remove the evil eye from yourself. List of what to take for the rite of getting rid of damage to illness

When in life there are troubles or frequent illnesses that are difficult to find logical explanation, a person begins to think about the influence of otherworldly forces. If you are faced with a similar situation and want to stop the series of misfortunes, you should undergo a diagnosis of damage.

In this article, I want to focus your attention on the rituals and rituals that helped our ancestors get rid of such witchcraft and are still used today.

How our ancestors got rid of damage and the evil eye

For our ancestors, the health of the body and spirit were inseparable concepts. They strictly observed all the prescriptions of the Bible and the Gospel. And observation and attention to detail made it possible to develop effective ways to combat witchcraft in its initial stage of development:

  • ablution in open reservoirs with running water. For residents of apartment buildings, taking a contrast shower can serve as an alternative;
  • a real Russian bath and water after each exit from the steam room;
  • positive emotions and a benevolent attitude towards everything around prevent harmful energy entities from attaching to a person.

If you make the above tips your way of life, you can easily protect yourself from negative energy programs of weak impact. In order to get rid of stronger witchcraft, it is better to use prayers, rites and rituals that have been tested by more than one generation. Some of them I will share with you.

Universal Salt Ritual

The ritual can be performed on a cloudless night, after midnight. It will help not only to diagnose witchcraft, but also to get rid of it.

Prepare in advance:

  • large frying pan;
  • 3 handfuls of salt;
  • paper bag.

To perform the ritual, you will need a source of open fire (gas stove, gas burner, barbecue, or any other device where you can make a fire and place a frying pan steadily).

Place a frying pan on a source of open fire and pour the prepared salt into it. Holding the pan with salt with your left hand, hold it over the fire for 20 minutes. At the same time, salt should not be touched.

While the salt is heating up, ask her to tell you if there is a negative on you. If you hear a strong crackle and observe the rapid darkening of the salt crystals, then you are having a strong magical effect.

If the performed ritual confirmed that you have damage, a purification ritual should be performed. For him, you need the salt that you used to diagnose witchcraft. Take the pan with salt outside or on the balcony. Holding this burden in your hands, look up to your right and count the stars. As soon as you count 21 stars, being baptized, say the words of the conspiracy three times:

Star queens, return the evil to the one who sent it. From where evil is sent, there it is sent. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Then you need to pour the salt from the pan into a paper bag, which should be buried under a tree in a deserted place.

During the day after the ritual, you can not give or lend anything to people who make a similar request or on their own initiative.

Removing damage at the crossroads

This ritual should be used for personal cleansing of negativity. You can't do it for another person.

Prepare 4 white coins of medium denomination and find the crossroads for the ritual itself.

You need to come to the place of the ritual at dawn, having prepared coins and the text of the conspiracy rewritten on paper. Choose any road, stand facing it and say a conspiracy. After reading the text to the end, throw one of the coins on the road:

I read a conspiracy from damage and the evil eye, on each side. Black devils take everything bad from me, take it away, into dark forests, into deep rivers, far away.

So that health and strength return, good luck and luck return.

I didn’t come to you empty-handed, take the coins, but help me.


All this must be repeated for each road. After such a morning "walk" you need to take a contrast shower and put on clean clothes.

Bread Conspiracy

I suggest you conduct one very interesting ritual, which will require a small piece of black bread

Take a piece of black bread and say a conspiracy over it three times:

The sky is my father, the earth is my mother, bread is the breadwinner and the main helper. Help, take the evil eye away from me. Give me wisdom and not on cunning. Amen!

Eat the spelled bread. The ritual can be repeated as many times as needed to obtain the desired effect.

Removing damage to the earth

The land (especially the cemetery) is used for magical rituals. There are rituals where this ingredient is used to remove witchcraft effects. One of them I offer you for review.


  • land that you need to collect near your doorstep;
  • 2 new knives. It is important to give the seller an amount equal to the purchase price or leave change on the counter;
  • cup. Necessarily faceted;
  • clean, and preferably new, tablecloth;
  • a candle bought in a church or temple, with a candlestick;
  • a piece of fabric and a black cord.

Fill a glass with earth that you have gathered near your doorstep.

With the onset of dawn, lay a tablecloth on the table. Place a candle in a candlestick in the center of the table, and place the earth in a glass next to it. Determine the west side of the room and face in that direction. Light a candle, pick up knives and read the words of the conspiracy. At the same time, pronouncing cherished words, you should sharpen the blades of the knives against each other:

From the hour of the evil dark ebb, what was done and by whom, flew off to the true West! What was brought to the red West was referred, what flew in, flew away to the gray West, sat down under the black unsteady Mother Earth, sat down and died there. True!

Say the spell three times. Connect the knives in the form of a cross and bring their blades to the candle fire. Stay like this for 5 minutes. At the end of the time, place the knives vertically in the prepared ground. They must be parallel to each other. Next, turn the knives: the right one is clockwise, and the left one is in reverse side. This action must be accompanied by the words:

Three times according to this my business. True!

Saying last phrase, extinguish the candle with your fingers and wrap all the ingredients (everything except the tablecloth) in black cloth and tie with a cord.

Take the bundle out of the house and bury it in a deserted place.

From the moment you leave the house until you return back (after you bury the black bundle), you cannot say a word. On the way home, don't turn around so you don't hear.

For three days after the ritual, nothing should be loaned or given from home.

Precautionary measures

As you can see, damage can be removed easily at home. But I want to draw your attention to one point that is inherent in getting rid of this type of witchcraft, regardless of the ritual.

The fact is that witchcraft cannot simply disappear. She either:

  • remains near the victim in anticipation of the right moment for re-sharing;
  • looking for a new victim next to the victim;
  • returns to the owner.

In the first two options, almost nothing threatens you. You just need to follow certain recommendations to prevent damage from returning. But the last option is very dangerous for the victim. Why? Yes, there is simply such a thing as “self-damnation” - a person mentally inoculates himself with a negative program, which grows on the fertile soil of self-abasement and turns a person’s life into a real hell.

So, if your damage did not arise due to extraneous witchcraft, but because you yourself called it, then, when negative energy is eliminated, you will receive an additional blow to the biofield, which is capable of destroying it. Only a very strong magician can eliminate these consequences. But this will take a lot of time, which the victim may no longer have.

Therefore, before you independently carry out rituals to remove damage, contact a specialist for a diagnosis. This will help not only to test your fears, but also to determine the nature of the negative. After the diagnosis, the magician will suggest rituals and rituals that can be used in your particular case.

You can get such advice from me if you leave your question at the coordinates indicated on the site.

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you about how to remove the evil eye at home, how to remove damage, how to get rid of magical negativity. If you know how, then you can completely remove damage from yourself at home. There are many rituals that allow you to eliminate the negativity induced by someone in the practices of black magic. And how did our great-grandfathers do it? Yes, that's right, at home, having melted the stove hot, using water, wax, salt, yarn, reading witchcraft conspiracies to the Fire Father. They could remove damage and the evil eye from themselves at home, and drive out all the evil eye and ailments from a small child, and remove quarrels, love spells from their husband and pacify his violent temper.

So, it won’t hurt you, modern people living in a technological world, to know the secrets of our grandmothers. And here is a strong home ritual for the treatment of spoilage in humans.

How to get rid of spoilage yourself at home - remove negativity from a person

A home ritual for getting rid of spoilage has in general good feedback those who did it themselves. Of course, the old deadly damage cannot be removed by this magical ritual, other methods are needed there. But you can remove the evil eye, witchcraft-induced diseases, mild damage, fear and stuttering in a child. In general, this is a wax casting of spoilage with the return of spoilage. But, if the return of the negative is secondary for you, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, can say that in itself this is a good wax casting, which allows remove the evil eye at home and other interference of magic in human life.

You can do it when your witch's intuition tells you that something bad, something disturbing and disturbing you has started. But, you can, if you know exactly why, think about what exactly needs to be cleaned. And you can throw everything at once. Suitable for removing energy negativity both from oneself and from another person. For the witchcraft ritual of removing the evil eye at home, you will need:

  • spring water
  • natural wax

On the water, read 9 times the words of a home conspiracy to remove the evil eye:

“Like water flows past the steep banks, past the dense grass. You clean and wash everything, you wash away all the dirt. So wash away the impurities from (name), remove the famously from him, take away the ailments from him, take away his pains. Make, pure water, (name) sound, make (name) sound. Amen".

If the one from whom you decided to remove the evil eye on your own at home with water and wax sits next to him, then above his head, counterclockwise, drive a bowl of spring water, and read the text of a home conspiracy to get rid of damage. And if he is not nearby, then you can use the photo, and pronounce the name of the patient. Then melt the wax, and pour it into the water with a conspiracy:

“Gryazyushko, as it fell into the water, so the water (name) washed away from dashing. He will no longer be in ailment, he will not be in sorrow. Do not clog his temple with impurities anymore, do not weaken him. To be (name) healthy and well-informed, pure water (name) washed, famously took with her. Amen".

Read defensive plot, having cleansed himself or a close relative from energy dirt, and from damage at home, the wax casting must be burned. You can throw a flaming furnace into the oven, or you can take it out of the house, and burn it at the stake. And you can do otherwise. If you want to punish someone who wished you evil, who throws a curse at you with a black eye, or who conjures under the cover of darkness, damages and quarrels on you, you can return all this “good” back to him. You can do it like this. Take the wax casting and take it to the crossroads.

Leave there, read the words of the conspiracy to return damage to the sorcerer:

“He took it away, tore it off, famously removed it from (name). Return, brothers devils, to the one who brought it. Give, damn it, brothers, to the one who brought it. Return to him what is due, return to him on (name) everything he has imposed. This thing is not to break, not to turn, not to remove. Amen".

Leave an odd number of coins for the devil brothers, and vodka for work. Leave without looking back. The devils know their business, they will run to fulfill your order. So the one who envies, who wished you evil, will wash himself out of his evil. Rite tested, working. Negative cleans up well. Maybe remove damage from a person at home by intercepting in the initial stage.

If you work with the ritual of casting on wax, according to the photo of the patient, you can add rune cleaning. Wax castings of the evil eye from a photograph of a person work less well than in the presence of a patient, so the runes will help to clean up the negative caused by magic. And here is another strong rite, very useful when you need to remove severe damage and the evil eye at home. Here comes the work with salt.

Self-removal of spoilage at home for salt

If a person close to you is sick, loses vitality, if his gaze has gone out, and there is no desire to live and enjoy life, then most likely he is corrupted. Make a magical diagnosis of the presence of damage on a person. Establish the reasons for bad changes, and remove all induced witchcraft from the patient, all. To remove damage at home, try to conduct the rite of removing black witchcraft on your own through salt water and a cemetery. Perform a witchcraft rite of removing damage and the evil eye at home on the 13th day from the full moon.

For a magical way to get rid of damage at home, you need:

  • wax candle
  • mug with water
  • piece of natural tissue

Take 7 pinches of salt, pour into a mug of water. Matter is laid on the floor, and the one who needs to stand on this matter with bare feet get rid of spoilage at home. Give in left hand candle, light. Stand behind the person who has been damaged and read in the back, touching while reading strong conspiracy to the patient's body. Do in this order: head, arms, legs, and finally touch the floor beyond the edge of the matter.

“Mount Avramova, the strength of Azdamov, I turn to you, I know the Dark Force. Do not refuse me, (name of the corrupted one) heal, turn away, expel, bring convulsions and damage to Azdmaz in return. Amen".

Take a mug of salt water, go around the patient, sprinkle water and read the words of the conspiracy in order to remove negativity at home with your own strength:

“As the snake throws the skin, so it will throw off (the name of the spoiled one) all the twigs, all diseases. Catch, the wind, take the guilty person of damage to all the disease and writhe, so that the guilty person is troubled and twisted, so that the disease (the name of the spoiled one) is released. Amen".

Wipe a person with that flap, read the words of the conspiracy to get rid of the evil eye at home:

“Let go (touch) from your head, let go (touch) from your hands, let go (touch) from your feet, go to the ground from your eyes. Take revenge on all enemies at once. Amen".

The magical ritual of cleansing from spoilage at home, repeat three times. Extinguish the candle for the third time. The water that remains, pour out the threshold. And take a candle cinder and a piece of cloth to the cemetery, and there, in the nominal grave of the patient, dig in. Commemoration of the deceased is obligatory. Gifts to the owner of the cemetery are also obligatory. Leave the cemetery land silently and without looking back.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Removing damage from a photograph at home - annealing the negative with a candle

The witchcraft rite of purification from the evil eye and damage at home can be used to rid oneself, and is also good for another person suffering from a negative magical program, or from a strong energy defeat with the help of the forces of magic. Old generic damage cannot be removed in this way. Other rituals are applied there, such as the removal ancestral curse through the blood of a pig, for example. So, the witchcraft ritual for photo damage removal at home.

To independently conduct a magical ritual of cleansing a person from corruption, you need:

Place a photograph of a person with damage vertically. Light the candle and hold it with your right hand. Move the candle counterclockwise so that the flame is always close to the photo.

Read the plot 12 times to get rid of damage at home:

"Unclean spirits! Devilry! Get rid of (the name of the spoiled one), do not torment him, do not torment him either early in the morning or in the middle white day nor the dark night. They came from the forest, go all into the forest. From water to water. From a white-haired girl, from a black-haired girl, from a white-haired woman, from a black-haired woman, from a peasant, from a riverman, from an envious, from a child. Salt is there. go

So, leading a candle, a conspiracy, you need to read the text of the conspiracy to rid a person of the evil eye 12 times. Leave the candle on the table, let it burn to the end. This annealing with fire according to the photo removes the evil eye, anneals and expels the clinging evil spirits that feed on life force person.

The witchcraft ritual you are doing has two parts. In addition to being able to remove damage and evil eye at home, you can still put protection. The second part of the ceremony is performed on the next day. You will also need a wax candle and a photo. The photo must be vertical. To the right, place and light a candle.

Sitting at the table in front of a candle, read the plot three times to remove damage from a person at home:

“I lock and seal your (name) body, your heart, mind and mind from evil deeds, from evil people, from the sorcerer and from the sorceress, from the sorcerer and from the sorceress, from the serpent of the speedy, from the creeping snake, from the seething fire, from the sharp sickle, from the flame, so that you (name) be, and in all ways, and on all roads, in open field, in a green meadow, in dense forest both in your home and in someone else's home. My words are strong and sculpted, stronger than a strong stone, harder than solid damask steel, now and forever. Exactly".

Leave the candle on the table to burn out. A photo of a person who was treated at home for spoilage, wrapped in a piece of white natural matter and stored. You can from time to time do a repetition of the witchcraft rite. How often, see after diagnosis.

How to remove damage yourself: signs of damage + 5 tips to avoid damage + 4 ways to remove damage.

IN modern world knowledge of magic again becomes relevant for people. Many residents of megacities, and not just villages, where, according to outdated opinion, sorcerers and witches live, resort to conspiracies and spells for help.

Corruption is a negative program aimed at a specific person. Most often, it is induced for a specific reason, with some purpose.

Not all "victims" have the opportunity to get an appointment with a psychic and ask for help from knowledgeable people. That is why it is so important to know how to remove damage yourself.

Signs that it's time for you to learn how to remove damage yourself

Before you decide to deal with damage, you need to learn to recognize it. With a person in whose biofield a negative intervention was made, certain changes occur both at the psychological and emotional, and at the physical level.

Changes in character:

  • nervousness, constant irritability and discontent;
  • depression, depression;
  • increased excitability and aggressiveness;
  • the emergence of addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling);
  • panic attacks.

Changes in sensations and feelings:

  1. the appearance of suicidal thoughts, the desire to die;
  2. inexplicable feeling of anxiety, fear;
  3. suddenly appeared attraction to a person who was not of particular interest before (a love spell is a negative intervention not only in the biofield, but also in the fate of a person);

Physiological changes:

  • prostration;
  • change in biorhythm, sleep problems (either insomnia or constant drowsiness);
  • often have nightmares;
  • persistent headache;
  • sharp fluctuations and changes in weight in any direction (unexplained weight loss or, conversely, weight gain);
  • the appearance of symptoms and diseases that are not confirmed during a medical examination;
  • the inability to determine a clear diagnosis (sometimes even when a person feels incredibly ill, according to all medical criteria and indicators, he turns out to be healthy);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

For many, a fairly clear indicator of the presence of spoilage is kidney problems, which are very sensitive to any negative program in the body.

Damage diagnostics

Before you start cleansing from the negative, and try to find out how to remove the damage on your own, you should make sure that the energy intervention has taken place. This does not require a large amount of additional funds.

Consider three the simplest option checking the biofield for the presence negative program:

  1. Light a church candle. Reading the prayer "Our Father", draw it around the whole body. If the fire began to crackle, smoke - you need to try to remove the damage.

    Depending on the location of the greatest crackling during the burning of a candle, it is possible to determine which organ (according to the chakras - the sphere of life) was affected.

  2. Fill a glass with spring water. Take 7 matches. While reading a prayer, throw burned-out matches into the water. If more than half went to the bottom - it's time to learn how to remove damage at home on your own.
  3. Take a fresh egg. Without lifting the object from your body, run it through all parts and organs. At the same time, do not forget to whisper holy texts that will enhance the effect of an independent ritual from corruption.
  4. Crack an egg into a glass of water and by examining the presence of black and red blotches, threads and other patterns, one can determine the presence of spoilage. Moreover, sometimes you can even see the face of the customer of damage.

Preparing for how to remove damage at home on your own

It is worth noting that before starting the rites of purification, you should carefully check your house for the presence of linings (things with negative energy). These can be needles, pins, bags of earth, hair, and in general a variety of items that should not normally be present in the house.

Destructive programs are usually placed in linings, which suck out everything positive in the house, replacing it with negativity. Sometimes a gift can become a lining, after which the state of health and the state of affairs began to deteriorate.

Having identified such objects in your house, it is better not to touch them with your hands, but carefully brush them with paper into a bag and either burn them away from home or bury them in the ground.

Ways to remove damage yourself at home

If, after the diagnosis, fears about the presence of damage were confirmed, the best option will refer to a person who has psychic abilities who can help. If it is not possible to contact a specialist, you will have to act on your own.

Below, for this, we will give ways on how to remove damage yourself at home.

Method 1. How to remove the program yourself, taking a regular pack of salt?

You will need:

  • new package of salt;
  • an old frying pan that you will not be sorry to throw away.

This ceremony is best done in the evening. Pour salt into the pan. Next, start heating it on fire and wait for the moment when the salt starts to crack.

Then you need to say the following slanderous words that will help remove damage:

“What went with the wind, went with the wind. What went out of the forest - went into the forest. What has gone to the people has gone to the people. What came from the earth - went to the earth.

After pouring the rest from the pan into a bowl, place the bowl in front of the photo of the one from whom you yourself are trying to remove the damage. The ceremony is carried out for a week and all the salt is poured into a bowl in front of the photo. At the end of all procedures, all used and remaining salt, along with a frying pan, is buried away from home.

Method 2. Remove spoilage with an egg.

To remove the negative in this way, you will need:

  1. egg;
  2. icon;
  3. church candle.

The first step is to set yourself up from the inside that the ceremony will be performed. Next, you need to put an icon in front of you and light a candle next to it. You take the prepared face in your right hand and, while reading a prayer, you need to, without taking it off the surface, pass this object over your body.

So, making circular movements, you need to start rolling yourself out from the top of your head and finish with your feet. First, they clean the left side of the body, and then, shifting the egg to the other hand, they clean the right.

At the end of the ritual, the egg with which you tried to remove the damage yourself must be disposed of - either broken into the toilet, or sent to the ground away from home.

It can take a whole week to completely get rid of damage. You can find out exactly whether you need to continue the ceremony by diagnosing an egg.

The actions are the same as when cleaning from spoilage, but the egg is broken into a bowl of water, where its structure is studied. If with each cleaning there are fewer white threads and inclusions, everything is done correctly.

Method 3. With the help of a candle, we get rid of damage on our own.

To carry out this ritual, only church candles are needed.

Tip: to enhance the effect, stand in front of the icon. But if this is not possible, you can conduct the ceremony and so.

If you do not know any cleansing prayers, there is no time to learn them, it is enough to read “Our Father” and cross the places of accumulation of negativity three times with candles.

This ritual is carried out until the moment when the damage can be completely removed, and it ceases to remind of itself. Most often, such a complex of procedures takes about a week.

How to remove damage yourself

Method 4. How to remove damage yourself at home with water?

To carry out a procedure that will help say goodbye to damage, you need:

  • Holy water;
  • regular matches.

In order to remove damage, you need to draw holy water into a glass (or any other vessel) and whisper a conspiracy over it:

“Voditsa came from heaven, flowed on the earth, it will take away damage from me, wash away all misfortunes. Amen!"

The victim of spoilage or the evil eye should wash himself with charmed water every day until the symptoms of spoilage subside. It is better to pour the rest of the water away from people in order to remove the negative completely.

Knowing how to remove damage on your own will be useful to everyone, because it will allow you to solve your life troubles without asking for help from third parties, clearing yourself and your family of negativity.

Items that are in every home can come to the aid of the victim of damage, therefore the procedure for cleansing the biofield will not be difficult even for a person far from magic.

But it is important to remember that not every damage can be removed independently! Therefore, if the symptoms of damage do not disappear even after a weekly cycle of procedures, you should go in search of a professional sorcerer.

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Faced with constant failure in life, chronic bad luck, unexplained health problems, many people find that they have become victims of the evil eye, corruption or curse. Now there are many effective methods get rid of these problems at home. But it is important to remember that the longer a person is exposed to the negative energy of an envious or ill-wisher, the stronger it becomes.

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      The most popular ways

      If the evil eye is an unconscious impact on the energy field of another person in order to harm him, then damage is a conscious magical action. Both of these negatively affect the aura of a person, it weakens, loses the ability to cope with life's trials, which is why it is very important to identify damage or the evil eye in time and get rid of them.

      • The simplest ways to cleanse yourself of the evil eye or spoilage involve the use of water:

        • Read a plot or prayer over clean water in a container, and then douse yourself with it.
        • Take a transparent glass, pour water into it (spring or tap water is suitable), put it in a corner at the threshold. And the person who has become a victim of the evil eye stands in the corner under the icons and reads a prayer to himself. Bowing three times, he must blow on the water in the glass in the direction of "crosswise". The procedure is repeated twice. Then you need to read a prayer and sprinkle yourself with water from a glass. Then, during the day, wash yourself with this energetically charged liquid three times. When performed correctly, the method is very effective. So you can remove the evil eye and damage at home from your son or husband.
        • Water - The best way removing the evil eye from babies. To do this, sprinkle holy water on the baby and cross three times.
        • The evil eye can be removed by a simple visit to the bath.

        Believers can use prayer as a means of combating corruption. Reading “Our Father” to yourself, you should pick up a burning church candle and drive it around your body, as if fumigating yourself with smoke. It is important to fully cover the entire body, not forgetting the legs, arms, back. The same method can be used when removing damage from another person.

        If a person has become a victim of damage, that is, conscious actions, one should search the home to find a “lining” - an object (perhaps a small piece of fabric, a needle, a bag of hair) charged with the negative energy of an envious person or an enemy.

        If no stranger had access to the apartment, you should look at the front door - the lining can be placed under the rug.

        Having discovered the cause of the misfortunes, you should get rid of the lining - the bag or flap can simply be taken away from home and burned, but it is advisable to break the needle and throw it away.


        A very effective method of getting rid of evil spells with the help of a wax doll, which allows you to get rid of damage yourself or save loved one.It is necessary to prepare everything necessary for the ritual:

        • Church wax candle;
        • Photo of the victim of damage;
        • Gold jewelry: ring and chain;
        • A small piece of black fabric.

        To perform the ritual, it is necessary to light a candle, burn the photograph completely on its flame, collecting the ashes in a separate vessel. Then you should wait for the candle to burn out completely and mix the remaining wax with the ashes from the photo, mold a small doll from the resulting mass, put a ring on her head. Cross three times and name the victim of the evil eye. Now you should wrap the “waist” of the doll with a gold chain, while reading a conspiracy or prayer, smear her face with blood and saliva. Last step- wrap in a black flap and hide securely.

        As soon as the victim of the evil eye feels the weakening of the magical spell, the wax doll will need to be burned and the gold consecrated in the church.

        The method is not easy to implement, but very effective.

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        The method with a chicken egg has proven itself well, which is very simple to perform and at the same time very effective. An ordinary egg (but preferably fresh, rustic) must be rolled over the naked body of the victim of the evil eye or damage. So the egg will absorb negative energy. To enhance the positive impact during rolling, it is recommended to read the prayer "Our Father". After the procedure, the egg is buried in the ground, this place should be left without turning around, otherwise the evil spell will return. The method is well suited for removing damage from a child, since it is very simple and will not cause horror and panic in the baby.

        With the help of fresh chicken egg damage can also be removed from a full-length photograph of the victim. To do this, the photo is carefully rolled over with an egg in any direction at least 3 and no more than 12 times. If the egg is heavy from the absorbed negative energy should take another. If the magical effect was very serious, up to 10 such procedures may be required.

        Best time to remove spoilage - Thursday, but if the situation does not allow you to wait, you can clean up on other days of the week.

        Prayers help in the fight against corruption and the evil eye, you can read both “Our Father” and nominal prayers. To protect yourself or your child from evil eye, you can pin an ordinary safety pin to the inside of the clothes.

        Ritual with matches

        It is necessary to take matches (they will need 9), a vessel with water. Each match is set on fire, while each subsequent one is lit from the flame of the previous one. After waiting for it to completely burn out, they throw it into the vessel, saying “not the ninth” in relation to the first match, “not the eighth” - the second, and so on until “not the first” - the ninth burnt match. After following what the burnt matches do in the vessel - go to the bottom or float on the surface, we can conclude whether there is damage on the person or not:

        • All matches float - the aura is clear;
        • At least one drowned - damage is present.

        In this case, you should dip your fingers into the water and cross your chest, elbows, forehead and shoulders, drink the liquid, taking three sips, pour out the rest.

        In a similar way, damage to money can be removed, for this a box of seven matches is taken, they should be burned one by one while reading the plot. Burnt matches are thrown into the water.

        Removal of damage to celibacy

        Salt is required for the ritual. Golden ring a girl who is under a spell. The time for the event is after midnight. You should pour salt in a saucer, light a church candle and place it in the center of the container. Say a conspiracy or prayer three times, take the ring and draw an imaginary circle around the saucer with it.

        After the ritual, salt is poured into a glass of water and poured out at the crossroads in the morning. And the owner should always have a gold product with him.

        Removal of damage to death

        Most effective method getting rid of negative energy that promises the victim a death, with the help of table salt, which should first be consecrated in the church. Also, for the ritual, you must purchase seven candles. The time of the cleansing is at night, in a deserted place outside the house.

        You should arrange the candles in a circle and light the flame. Sprinkling salt on yourself, the victim of corruption should read the prayer "Our Father". After completing the ritual, you must return home.

        How to remove damage from a home?

        There are two main methods for removing the negative impact from an apartment or house:

        • With the help of salt. Dissolve a pack of table salt in a bucket of water, wash the front door with the resulting liquid, reading a conspiracy to yourself. Then cross the door three times.
        • With the help of a church candle. Put a burning candle in the central part of the apartment. Taking the second lit candle in your hands, go around the room, reading a prayer to yourself.

        These simple methods help to get rid of problems in the house and family quarrels. And a small bunch of St. John's wort or thistle, placed above front door.

        Ritual with salt

        To get rid of the curse that lies on the whole family will allow and simple ritual using regular table salt. It must be purchased for this purpose; you cannot take a pack that has already been used for cooking. The contents of the pack are poured into the pan in seven steps, needles are added according to the number of family members, then the salt must be calcined over low heat, making circular stirring clockwise. After waiting for the contents of the pan to darken, you should take it by the handle and go around the apartment or house, moving from left to right. Then again put the salt on the fire, draw nine crosses on its surface, using a wooden twig, reading a prayer or a conspiracy. This will help rid the family of the curse by redirecting the spell to the ill-wisher who cast it.

        After completing the ritual, the salt is washed into the sink, the pan and hands are thoroughly washed, rinsed with holy water. Also used salt can be poured under a tree. To enhance the action, you should count 21 stars in the night sky and turn to them with a request to get rid of evil. Then you should go to bed, in a dream the person who imposed the curse will appear. For the next few days, it is worth limiting communication with people, it is forbidden to borrow or lend.

        Removing the Curse from the Family

        There are several ways to rid the family of evil spells, the simplest ones for doing at home are presented in the table:

        Way Description
        With a broomIn the forest, located near the place of residence, you should break branches and make a broom out of them. With its help, it is necessary to sweep the floor in the dwelling. Take the used broom to the crossroads, where you can leave it or burn it
        With the help of saltAsk neighbors for salt, the number of neighbors visited should equal the number of family members. Mix the resulting salt in a container, read a plot over it, use it in cooking any dish
        With Apples and the BiblePhotos of cursed family members should be included in the Bible. Light a church candle and read a prayer. It is necessary to go to church and pray there when you come home - bake an apple pie, which must be divided among all family members. After a week, the photo from the book can be removed

        If you cannot remove the damage, the evil eye or the curse on your own, then perhaps the person has become a victim of the spell of a strong magician. Therefore, you should turn to professionals - healers or white sorcerers.

Anyone can fall under the influence of damage. It is important to know its signs in order to remove the impact of negative energy from yourself in a timely manner or to protect the family. Damage happens different kind. Sometimes they are generic, and are retribution for the sins of older family members, but more often they have a fresh history, and become envious. Real damage is always associated with demonic possession. Not all people are ready to take into account the fact that damage really happens. It is especially hard to agree with the presence of a negative program for people who have received an atheistic upbringing. You can think about the fact that failures are caused by magical actions involving the Lower Forces, when in childhood and young age autoimmune diseases appear and the reproductive system does not function fully, which is expressed by the inability to become pregnant.

Signs of spoilage

A person's well-being is directly related to the energy field that surrounds him. This fact is confirmed by scientists involved in biophysical research. If a person has been spoiled, then he will definitely feel its symptoms or signs. Among them are:

  • Bad taste in food. It seems to a person that he is eating something vile and disgusting, similar to rotten food.
  • There are attacks of morning sickness, despite the fact that the reasons for its occurrence are not found.
  • When a demon summoned by a magician from the Underworld approaches, the smell of damp earth appears.
  • When a demon takes possession of a person, he may have contact with the settler, and the victim will see the essence.
  • When the entity is located in the shell, nightmares will begin.
  • Then depression develops.
  • Failures begin to follow in all areas of life.
  • Depending on the type of spoilage, harmful addictions can develop.
  • With love spoilage, the reproductive system is affected.
  • Man begins to lose his beauty. He is showing signs of early aging.
  • When the hangman's demon is planted, thoughts of suicide appear.
  • Going to church is an uncomfortable experience. A corrupted person develops dizziness while attending church, unpleasant feelings arising from the smell of incense. This is explained by the fact that the planted demon is worried that he will have to leave his familiar place right in the church, and then he will immediately die.

The main sign of fresh spoilage is the appearance of acute symptoms of poisoning, damage to the heart and difficulty breathing. Symptoms of damage to the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus may develop. Doctors with spoilage cannot make a correct diagnosis and prescribe maintenance hormone therapy, which destroys the body. All this threatens oncological diseases and early death.

Such symptoms should make it clear that something has gone wrong in your life, and you need to take action to restore the normal state of mind and body. Is it possible to determine damage if it is directed not at you, but at your loved ones? Yes, you can. In this case, you need to pay attention to such signs:

  • constant conflicts between relatives, at a time when they were previously on good terms;
  • frequent illnesses that haunt family members;
  • financial difficulties, out of which it is not possible with all diligence;
  • naughty children, teenagers' attempts to leave home with positive parents;
  • incomprehensible behavior of pets;
  • ongoing problems in personal life;
  • a series of deaths in the same family or suicide attempts.

If you have found several symptoms of damage, then you need to check with folk methods that you or your relatives have alien negative energy. How to determine damage? There are several simple but effective magical rites.

How to confirm the presence of damage

From ancient times a raw egg used in magical rituals to determine damage. The information field of the embryo under the shell is very receptive to the external biofield. It is able to absorb part of it, which will necessarily affect the structure of the physical contents of the egg and show whether you have damage or not.

To get a reliable result, it is best to take a fresh egg from a domestic chicken or from a small farm where hens are covered with roosters. The next steps will be:

  • Choose a day for the waxing moon.
  • in a large glass or a simple jar pour cold water. You can take it from the faucet. Put the dishes in a dark place for three hours.
  • Take the egg in your hands and warm it with the warmth of your body. Be sure to hold it at the heart, press it to the forehead, to the crown of the head. The way the contents of the egg will fall under the influence of your energy.
  • Take a knife and carefully break the egg over the vessel so that the protein and yolk pour into the water. In doing so, care must be taken not to damage the yolk.
  • Sit comfortably and place a glass or jar of egg on the parietal area of ​​​​the head. Sit quietly for five minutes.

On this, this rite will be completed, you can analyze the contents of the vessel. If the water remains clean, and the contents of the egg do not spread and turn into a shapeless mass, then there is no damage to you. The presence of negative energy will be confirmed when:

  • The yolk darkened, sank under water, acquired a “scalded” appearance.
  • Threads spread from the protein, small flakes separated.
  • Air bubbles appeared in the contents of the egg.
  • Dark inclusions are noticeable in the protein or yolk.

If the water has become a little noticeably cloudy or very thin threads come from the protein, but you can remove the negative damage on your own without resorting to the help of a magician. The ritual with matches will help both determine the presence of damage at home for free, and show what type of damage was used. To diagnose spoilage, select any Friday. Best time, sunrise or sunset. Take a glass cup, be sure to have no edges. Pour water into it so that it does not reach the edge of the thickness of a finger. Hold the glass in your palms for a few minutes. During this time, he will recharge your energy. Then put some salt in the water.

  • All cinders float on the surface of the water, then you are all right;
  • Burnt matches have sunk to the bottom or are floating in an upright position, then negative energy is present in your biofield. And the more matches drowned, the stronger the damage.
  • Everyone drowned, one swims, standing up like a stake, which means that damage is done to loneliness, poverty, loss of housing.

When you want to know the presence of a negative program for a person, they make a diagnosis with a church candle. To do this, they take a church candle in their hand, set fire to it and look at the fire, reading “Father. Our". Then they bring the candle to the forehead, neck, chest, solar plexus, to the stomach, holding it just below the navel, and complete the diagnosis in the intimate area. A candle is held at each point for up to 15 seconds, while noting how the fire behaves. When the chakra is damaged, the candle smokes and smokes. This is a mild form of damage. With medium and severe damage, black melted drops of wax collect on the candle. Such simple ways you can confirm or deny the existence of damage.

How to determine who caused damage?

You can find out who caused the damage with the help of Black and White Magic. Exist magical rituals, allowing you to indicate the person who is involved in bringing damage to you or your family. Why do you need to know who caused the damage? When you know who is doing the damage, it is easier to put up protection, protecting yourself from contact with him as much as possible. Some believe that the discovery of the culprit of damage is necessary in order to take revenge on the enemy. This is an invalid setting. It is necessary to put up mirror protection, and then evil will be punished according to the principle of a boomerang. The desire for revenge leads to a protracted magical war where there are no winners, because everyone will be punished with illness and accidents.

You can find out who brought damage to me with the help of wax. For this ritual, you need to prepare a wax candle and a container of water in advance. A paraffin candle is not suitable for such actions. Next, we perform such manipulations. First, melt some wax in a water bath. Then we pour it in a small, even stream into the prepared dishes, during the ritual we pronounce the following spell:

I pour natural wax into cold water, I recognize the appearance of my enemy.

Then we proceed to the analysis of the wax figure, which was formed on the surface of the water. Take a closer look at what the clot of wax reminds you of. If this is a flower or the moon, then a woman brought damage to you. If you see in the water geometric figure, a bird or a bear, then the negative charge comes from the man.

Very often, melted and cooled wax resembles the image of a particular person whom you intuitively recognize. In cases where there is no damage, and the cause of trouble lies in the natural aging of the body or in hidden pathologies of the endocrine system, then you will not be able to distinguish anything in wax.

You can conduct a ceremony aimed at attracting the person who made the damage. To meet with the one who brought damage to you, you need to do the following ritual. At sunset, put a pot of water on the fire, throw seven old keys into boiling water and say the spell:

Who is my Servant (s) of God (s) ( given name) intends to cause harm, he will call evil spirits into his dwelling. There will be no rest for my evil enemy, evil spirits will be driven out of his own house. Amen.

The next day, you will definitely meet with a person who deliberately or not knowingly brought damage to you.

How to cleanse yourself of damage yourself

If you find yourself affected by negative energy, then, of course, you will be interested in the question of how to remove damage. You can do this:

  • in the church, inviting for the work of the priest - the exerciser;
  • with the help of a master of White and Black Magic;
  • using cleaning with rune staves;
  • independent reading and listening to church cleansing prayers;
  • with the use of esoteric practices;
  • with complex treatment.

The easiest way to leave is a forty-day fast, with the reading of cleansing prayers, bathing in consecrated water. If we add here the daily listening to video recordings of cleaning the premises, then the essence will leave, and the person will recover, even if the damage is old, done to death. But for this, the person himself must want to go under the protection of the Christian Egregore.

In the beginning, in order to strengthen your faith in the Power of God, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” and the “Symbol of Faith”. Then, with a candle bought in a church shop, walk through your home and see how much energy dirt has accumulated in it.

Do general cleaning. All found things that look like linings are covered with consecrated salt, then they are swept away on a scoop from themselves and taken to the nearest intersection. Everyone pours out there, it is advisable to take it at night, so that without witnesses, they turn their backs, throw a handful of coins and say: Pay off.

Silently they go home. When you get home, light a candle and cross over yourself. At this time, read the prayer "Our Father". If the candle begins to smoke and crackle, then cross the place where this happened seven times, saying:

In the name of our Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Perform this ritual not only from the front, but also from the back with the help of a loved one. The next day, begin your forty-day demon resistance. Every morning before sunrise, get up and read 3 times a block of 5 prayers. It includes:

  • Our Father
  • Prayer to the Cross
  • 90 psalm
  • Prayer to the Mother of God
  • Prayer to Saint Panteleimon.

After a few days, the essence will not stand it and will begin to leave the body. At this time, a person will scream in a bad voice, squeal, his head, arms and legs will involuntarily move. If this does not happen, one must strengthen the ritual by listening to the reading of prayers from the cycle of exorcism. These are time-tested prayers aimed at expelling demons or other subtle entities from a person.

What helper methods can be used

As auxiliary cleaning methods, consecrated salt is used, which is used for food, consecrated water, icons that are hung at home. Every 9 days purges go to the church. They put candles there for their health. In prayers, they ask forgiveness for themselves and all their enemies.

There are also auxiliary methods that speed up the cleansing of spoilage. This may be reading conspiracies of White Magic with rituals. Here is one of them.

For the ritual, they take the icon of the Holy Trinity, Mother of God, an icon of his patron and a vessel of water. They put everything on the table. First, they read the Our Father, then an appeal to the Mother of God, then a prayer to the patron, which is written on the back. Cross yourself three times and overshadow the prepared water with a cross. Then they read the plot:

Under me, the Triple Power-God's servant (name) preserved, turned back all witchcraft, closed the road to all evil and defeated all evil. Read only after sunset, when it is dark. The shield not only protects, but also removes almost any witchcraft. Amen.

Sprinkle yourself with water, drink some holy water and wash yourself with it three times during the day. Thus, the water will wash away some of the spoilage. The following ritual involves the use church candle, personal photo, gold ring and chain.

Choose midnight for a full moon. Light a candle and light your photo with its flame. It is important that only you are in the photo. Collect the ashes in a bowl. As soon as the candle is completely burned out, collect the still warm wax and mix it with the ashes. From the resulting mixture, blind a simple doll, on the head of which place a golden ring. It will symbolize your protection from negative energy.

This golden belt is saturated with the light of the moon, it will remove damage, drive away evil.

Now you need to smear the wax face of the doll with your saliva and blood. Place the doll in a piece of black cloth and hide it in a place where no one can find it. The symptoms of spoilage should pass with time. As this happens, the doll must be destroyed, and the gold jewelry should be consecrated in the church.

To carry out this ritual, you need a new pack of edible salt. It must be consecrated in the church. Then your actions are:

  • at night, go away from home, where no one will disturb you;
  • put 7 candles around and light them;
  • undress and sit in the center of the circle formed by the candles;
  • start reading the prayer "Our Father" and at the same time sprinkle yourself with salt;
  • when the salt runs out, get dressed and go home.
  • candles do not need to be extinguished and taken away.

All these rituals can remove damage if you completely go under the protection of the Christian Egregor and then attend church weekly. If the demons overpower, and you abandon the purge after you feel better, the damage will remain inside the body and will be there, destroying the body. It is best to find a master who will lead to the bitter end. After the cleaning is finished, when the doctors confirm that you are completely healthy, you need to pay him a ransom for the work done. unique work which no one but him could do.
