Publications on model libraries in the local press (2004). What is a model library? Ideology determines design

First of all , the activity of the model library is close tointernational standards adopted by IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations, established under the auspices of UNESCO) and the “Model Standard for the public library”, developed by the Russian Library Association. They define the library as a public information center that provides residents with free and equal access to information in the field of education, culture, art, law, domestic and global library resources. Such a library uses traditional paper and the latest information technologies, its resources include a wide range of documents: books, audio-video cassettes, periodicals, CDs and e-books, databases, Internet resources. In addition, against the general background of libraries that traditionally provide only printed documents, it is considered as a benchmark (model) for the activities of other public libraries.

It is known that not a single library is able to collect and store all the information within its walls, especially a rural one. But digitized information is economical in storage and extremely capacious in content. Network technologies being introduced in rural libraries allow remote use of information collected by larger and more authoritative information centers. Children of the Chuvash hinterland already today have the opportunity to make virtual tours through the halls of the Hermitage, the Louvre, any villager can see legislative act, presidential decrees, government decrees, heads of district and village administrations, can write a letter and send it by e-mail, scan Required documents, request literature from Russian libraries.

In the process of modernization, all work, information resources of libraries, technologies are rebuilt, premises are reconstructed. Rural twin libraries, as a rule, duplicating each other, define their social niche and functions in a new way. Each of the model libraries has its own "zest": specialized local history and environmental libraries have opened, libraries - centers of education, leisure, family reading. They make their own contribution to the development of a new socio-cultural situation in the region, become the organizers of events that are generally significant for the local community, and contribute to the development of the information culture of the population. Today in the library you can learn how to use a computer, electronic documents, Internet resources. Elderly people are especially surprised when they are seated at a computer and after a while they search the databases themselves. In model libraries, children's computer clubs, youth excursion and local history services are being created, and information support is being provided to rural producers. An important activity of model libraries is the creation of a Consolidated full-text base of normative documents of local governments of the Chuvash Republic. As of January 1, 2004, its information resource comprised over 15.3 thousand bibliographic records and over 1.5 thousand full-text documents. Own electronic resources create all the central district libraries. They form electronic catalogs of local lore, keep chronicles of villages, databases of famous countrymen, and their own sites on the Internet. Teachers were the first to positively assess the new possibilities of model libraries and expressed their desire to acquire and distribute local history databases to all schools in the district: "they are very helpful in conducting local history classes with schoolchildren."

The library has always been a favorite meeting place for the villagers. Today, the rural library has changed beyond recognition: it appeared before its former and new readers as an island of comfort and well-being, surprisingly modern and beautiful. A year ago, none of the villagers could even dream that their library would turn into a modern, not inferior to the metropolitan, computerized library . However, you can't go far on external luxury; you had to fill it with no less attractive content. E yesterday, readers could only be offered books, magazines, newspapers, today the range of library services has expanded greatly: users are offered computer tutors, training programs, e-mail, search for information from databases and the Internet, video screening. The quality of the work of rural libraries is gradually changing, users like easy fast and easy access to information. Previously, teachers say, in order to help children acquire knowledge, they had to travel to Cheboksary or Kazan. Today, everyone, regardless of age and financial situation, can take advantage of innovations. Residents of other villages kindly envy their countrymen.

The model library is an exemplary library located in a well-maintained building, with a well-stocked, diversified fund, equipped with modern computer equipment, using the latest information technologies in its work.

In 2002, the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the Interregional Association of Business Libraries at the expense of the Regional public organization « Open Russia”, as well as regional and local authorities and sponsors, the project “Creating model public libraries in the countryside” began to be implemented. Since 2006, the project has been included in the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia".

Since 2009, with the support of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2006-2011)" National Library The Udmurt Republic is implementing the project "Creation of Model Libraries in the Udmurt Republic". Within the framework of the project in 2009, 2 rural libraries received the status of model libraries. Ministry of Culture Russian Federation provided for each of the libraries computer equipment and office equipment in the amount of 140 thousand rubles, paid for the training of library staff in working with information technologies, completed the funds with new printed and electronic publications in the amount of 250 thousand rubles. Repair of library premises and ensuring fire and security safety was carried out at the expense of municipal budgets.

In 2011, with the support of the Republican target program"Culture of Udmurtia (2010-2014)" within the framework of the project "Creation of Model Rural Libraries in the Udmurt Republic" on the basis of rural libraries was opened 1 model library. The library received computer equipment worth 75,000 rubles. and replenished the fund with printed and electronic publications for 225 thousand rubles.

In 2012, 2 more model libraries were opened. Each received computer equipment and office equipment worth 75,000 rubles. and replenished the fund with printed and electronic publications for 100 thousand rubles.

In 2013, 2 model libraries were opened - in Kiyasovsky and Yarsky districts. Each library received 175,000 rubles from RCP funds, including 61,000 rubles. to equip the library with office equipment and 114 thousand rubles. to replenish the fund with printed and electronic publications.


[N.T. Chuprina, candidate pedagogical sciences, Director of the Belgorod State Universal scientific library ]

Speaking of model libraries, we must clearly understand what libraries we are talking about.
Model Library what is it? A new kind or type of library? We came to the conclusion that a model library is a library that has an optimal standard set material and information resources, which is a kind of platform for effective and high-quality services to the population.
Considering the library as a system consisting of 4 main elements: material and technical base, information resources, personnel, users, let's analyze the impact of the project on these components of the library.
At the first stage, he radically changed the material and technical base. The most obvious, noticeable for the population and authorities, is the appearance of computer equipment in the library. Availability modern technology required the modernization of the library space: new furniture was purchased, repairs were made, and conditions were created for the preservation of the received equipment. The interiors of the libraries were transformed, the territories of the libraries were landscaped.
Thus, the transformation of the material and technical base as the most visible part of the library was an important and most noticeable result for the population and the authorities.
The project has transformed funds. At a time when 70% of the library collections consisted of obsolete publications (and therefore did not meet the needs of users), the receipt by the library of almost 1000 copies of books on relevant topics, videos, audio cassettes, CD-ROMs attracted to libraries those readers who, in last years not found in libraries necessary literature, and new users. In each model library, the number of users increased by 30-40% during the year. The negotiability of books, cassettes, disks received under the project was 5.6 times.
And the very fact that a rural librarian, for whom the district library was the main methodological center, was invited to study in Moscow, and then teachers from Moscow taught him on the spot, laid the population and authorities in the subconscious A New Look to the library profession and the library.
Technical and resource support became the basis for changing the quality of library services and, ultimately, changed the very concept of library services. The library, having such opportunities, becomes attractive, necessary not only for readers, but for the entire population.
Having qualitatively transformed services, expanding their range, the library has become in demand by agro-industrial complex specialists, municipal employees, teachers, correspondence students, farmers, and private entrepreneurs.
In addition, the library has become useful for solving many social, everyday problems (issues), and therefore the circle of its users has expanded due to non-reading groups of the population.
The model library has become a center of legal, social and everyday information, a center of information support for authorities, and specialists in the agro-industrial complex.
What previously could not be found in the library collections can now be found using the Internet. About 60% of all requests are made using electronic technology in remote mode.
For example, information about the procedure for holding the inauguration of the head of the district administration was found in the Velikomikhaylovskaya library for the district administration. To a farmer who asked where to buy winter wheat seeds, the library offered the addresses of farms that are engaged in breeding.
Correspondence students living in rural areas have always been deprived of the opportunity to study at home, since there was simply no literature in the fund of the rural library. Now, with the help of electronic delivery of documents, they can order the necessary literature from the collections of the Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. For half a year, the MBA department of our library sent more than 40 documents in the electronic version to the model libraries.
Increasingly, teachers in local schools began to use the library as a platform for training sessions in biology, history, music and other subjects, using video editions and CD-ROMs. So, for example, a biology teacher at Novotavolzhanskaya high school uses CD-ROMs “Encyclopedia of Animals”, “Biology Tutor”, video publications on ecology (“Ecology. Nature Conservation”, “Ecological Systems”, “Secrets of Nature”, “Fascinating Nature”, etc.) at the lessons.
Thus, the library became a video educational center.
Model libraries have become centers for teaching the population how to work with information technology.
Today, on average, 12% of users freely, independently work with a text editor, spreadsheets, deal with multimedia encyclopedias, search for information on the Internet, etc.
Libraries, using the available technology, create their own electronic databases. So, in the Gostischevskaya model library in in electronic format the history and modern chronicles of the village are recorded.
The library began to work not only for readers, but also for the entire population, became a multifunctional social institution necessary for the entire local community.
New features of the library have increased its authority in society and changed the priorities of the municipal social policy, since the library became the first rural institution to equalize the opportunities of rural residents with urban ones, in particular, in obtaining information.
Work on the implementation of the project made it possible to build new model social partnership of libraries and authorities. The proposal to create model libraries did not sound like a request to improve the material and technical base of libraries, but as an invitation to participate in joint project The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Regional Public Organization "Open Russia", the Interregional Association of Business Libraries and forced local governments to look at the library as a business partner, and not as a petitioner.
The work on the project influenced the regional cultural policy. It is very important that the project "Creation of model public libraries in the countryside" became known to all the heads of district administrations, the leadership of the sectoral departments of culture and the governor of the region. The idea of ​​creating model libraries found support on his part, as a result of which the regional target program "Development rural culture in the Belgorod Region for 2003-2005” provides for the creation of at least 3 model libraries in each district.
Even earlier, before the appearance of this program, a model library in our region was created in the village. Skorodnoye, Gubkinsky district. More recently, such libraries have been opened in the Prokhorovsky district in the village. Zhuravka and Yakovlevsky district in the village. Yakovlevo.
Thus, the creation of 5 model libraries served as a kind of catalyst accelerating the process of opening similar libraries in other districts of the region.
The project itself, we believe, is only at the beginning of its journey. He has many prospects.
The opening of a model library in Grayvoronsky district received further development. A project to create a territorial information and library network is being implemented here. Today it includes 11 objects. In 2004, 15 institutions are planned to be connected to the network.
Thus, model libraries demonstrated the importance of libraries by practical deeds, opened up opportunities for partnerships, thereby securing a development prospect for themselves.
And by and large, from the point of view of studying the library as social institution, the implementation of the project provides an opportunity to reconsider the very concept and philosophy of librarianship.

Comparison of performance indicators of the Bessonov Model Rural Library for 2001-2003



The Model Rural Library is a multifunctional information, cultural and educational center that meets the norms and requirements of the "Model Public Library Standard" adopted by the Russian Library Association in 2001. In the context of ongoing socio-economic and demographic changes in Russia, the modernization of library technologies and resources, taking into account the comments and suggestions received in the course of a wide professional discussion of the document, on May 22, 2008, the "Model Standard for Public Library Activities. New Edition" was adopted.

The model library is not just a sign change. These are completely new areas of work that will qualitatively change the life of the villagers, their psychology. First of all, this is the reorientation of the library's activities to the interests of the local community. It is necessary to learn how to be useful not only to your immediate readers, but to the entire population. Villager should have wide access to information, regardless of whether he lives in a small village or in a large settlement.

The purpose of creating model libraries: a qualitative increase in the level of information provision of the rural population.

- introduction of new information technologies and strengthening the resource base of the rural library
- activation of human resources, advanced training of library workers and their adaptation to new requirements
- creating a positive image of the library.

The main provisions of the model standard for the activities of a public library:

1. The presence of a model library in each settlement of the territory ( municipality) is required.

2. The public library is publicly accessible to all categories and groups of citizens, ensures and protects their rights to access knowledge, information and culture, is one of the main prerequisites for lifelong education and self-education and cultural development.

3. One of the most important activities of the library is to provide users with all kinds of information to support education and self-education, for competent participation in the discussion of important problems and decision-making.

4. The library participates in the organization of meaningful leisure of citizens, contributes to the development of their creativity, attaches to the cultural heritage. Independently or jointly with other organizations, the library implements educational, informational and other programs and projects, holds cultural events (evenings, meetings, concerts, lectures, festivals, competitions, etc.).

5. In the absence of local local history museum the public library acts as an initiator in collecting material items (works of folk crafts, household items, photographs, etc.), which become the basis museum expositions at the library.

6. The volume of the public library fund is guided by the average book supply of one resident of the Russian Federation, including 5-7 volumes in the city; in the countryside 7–9 volumes. However, the average volume of the fund can be adjusted depending on the needs local residents, the specifics of a particular library, the proximity of other libraries, access to external resources, financial opportunities.

7. In the universal fund of the public library (in the absence of a specialized children's library in the service area), literature for children under the age of 14 inclusive makes up at least 30% of the total library fund and contains documents in various media, including educational and developing programs, games, etc.

8. The library stock should contain special formats for the blind: books in embossed font, “talking” books, audio books, embossed manuals, tactile handicraft publications, digital publications, as well as audiovisual materials with sign language translation or accompanied by printed text for the deaf and hearing impaired.

9. In any accessible form, the library provides services to those who, for one reason or another, cannot visit it as usual, socially excluded groups of citizens or those at risk of such exclusion: visually impaired, hearing impaired, with lesions of the musculoskeletal system , disabled people of other categories; elderly people; persons with poor command of the Russian language; patients of hospitals and special medical institutions; children kept in orphanages; prisoners.

In these cases, together with special libraries, various forms services: literature lending points, home service, remote access service, interlibrary loan lending, etc.

10. Each public library is located taking into account its maximum accessibility (in terms of time no more than 15–20 minutes, during which a local resident can reach the library).

11. A public library may be located in a separate building, in a cluster-type building under the same roof with other institutions and organizations, as well as in a special annex to another building (residential or public).

12. With any option for locating a public library, a convenient and free approach for the public and an entrance for the production purposes of the library itself and fire transport should be provided.

13. The public library should also be accessible to those part of the local population who are at risk of social exclusion, primarily, people with limited mobility: disabled people with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, visually and hearing impaired people, elderly people, as well as people with strollers, pregnant women, etc.

14. Children need a library space that they can feel like their own. The children's area of ​​a public library should be an easily recognizable, friendly, attractive and comfortable place for children, distinguished by its functionality and unusualness: special furniture, color and decoration and etc.

15. All employees of the public library must clearly understand the goals and objectives, problems and prospects for the development of their library. Every staff member should be able to participate in the development of their library strategy, project activities to come up with proactive proposals to improve library services.

You can download and read the document in full.

Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the countryside 2008 (according to the GIVC of the Ministry of Culture of Russia) The population living in rural areas is .8 thousand people. The population living in rural areas is .8 thousand people. Number of libraries - (average serving 1,100 people) Number of libraries - (averaging serving 1,100 people) % library service coverage of the population - 51% % library service coverage of the population - 51%

Libraries of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in the countryside 2008 (according to the GIVC of the Ministry of Culture of Russia) Number of libraries with: Number of libraries with: personal computers - 6431 libraries (17.8%); personal computers - 6431 libraries (17.8%); Internet access - 2099 libraries (5.8%); email– 1600 libraries (4.6%)

The goals of the program are the formation of a single cultural and information space, the creation of conditions for ensuring equal access to cultural property and information resources of various groups of citizens creation of conditions for ensuring equalization of access to cultural values ​​and information resources of various groups of citizens

Municipal budget repair and decoration of the premises; installation of security and fire alarms; connection to a dedicated telephone line; connection to the INTERNET network; purchase of library and computer furniture to accommodate equipment, books and CDs.

Federal budget Set of equipment: two computers with monitors; two computers with monitors; multifunctional peripheral device (printer, scanner, copier, HP LaserJet fax); multifunctional peripheral device (printer, scanner, copier, HP LaserJet fax); uninterruptible power supply, modem; uninterruptible power supply, modem; consumables: cartridges, CD-RW, DVD+RW, paper consumables: cartridges, CD-RW, DVD+RW, paper multimedia projector multimedia projector

Leaders Chuvash Republic* 500 libraries Belgorod region 116 libraries Kursk region 43 libraries Chelyabinsk region 33 libraries Stavropol Territory 31 libraries Tambov Region 28 libraries _____________________________ * Were not included in the processing

professional retraining and methodological support Organization of annual seminars in Moscow for the participants of the project "Model Rural Libraries" of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia"
