The hero of our time is the relationship between Mary and Pechorin. Composition on the topic: Pechorin, Princess Mary and Grushnitsky, a love triangle in the novel by M. Yu

The hero of Lermontov is a young officer, moving in the secular circles of St. Petersburg society, conquering young aristocrats. Gregory himself sincerely falls in love and knows how to make girls fall in love with him. Most of his lovers belong to his circle, although there are exceptions, for example, the "savage" Bela.

The pages of the novel describe more than one love story. The brightest among Pechorin's passions are Vera and Mary, and it is they who attract attention in the work.

Pechorin met Vera before his trip to the Caucasus. Their meeting took place in St. Petersburg. The young man loved Vera, and she reciprocated. The lovers met secretly, since Vera was married. Over time, the passion subsided a little and this relationship ended in a break.
In Pyatigorsk, Grigory met Vera again, their meetings continued. At the same time, on the eve of this meeting, Pechorin was courting Mary, whom he met right there. His relationship with the princess is not as unambiguous as it was with Vera.

But already before the duel, he admits that from relations with women he took out only ideas, not feelings, that he has not felt any passions for a long time. He has been analyzing his actions and passions in his thoughts for a long time without any participation.

Sometimes he feels carried away, he blames himself for being excited. His actions sometimes speak of a tough game with Mary, not love. He drags after the princess, trying to dispel boredom. And the princess had serious feelings for Pechorin. Pechorin is tired of playing in love, he admits that he does not want to marry Mary, condemning himself for this. On this note, the connection between the princess and Pechorin ceases.

He is not the same as he was before, when he first met Vera. His second meeting with her does not have the same romanticism as before. If it were not for the description of the history of the affair with this girl, one could say that the young officer is soulless, incapable of love. But the story with Vera indicates that Pechorin can act insanely.

The appearance of the girl for the second time reminds of Grigory's youth. The deep, calm look of a secular girl who is familiar with feelings and suffering differs from the look of an inexperienced princess. Vera has sincere feelings for Pechorin, and although the young man believes that he has not been a slave to women, he himself is surprised at the thrill of dating a woman of his first passion.

Pechorin wrote in his diary: “She entrusted herself to me again with her former carelessness, and I did not deceive her: she is the only woman in the world whom I would not be able to deceive.” Pechorin also recognized the depth of Vera's feelings and character. She is insightful, intelligent, well sees all the shortcomings of Pechorin's nature.

The loss of Faith for Pechorin was another blow after the loss of Grushnitsky. And parting with Mary did not leave the same deep imprint in his soul. The princess was another fun for him. Disappointment, the lost harmony of relations with people led to the fact that Pechorin surrendered to the harmony of the majestic natural harmony, once again stepping over the human feelings of others, trampling their love for himself.

In the novel “A Hero of Our Time”, Lermontov set it as his task to comprehensively and multifacetedly reveal the personality of a contemporary, to show a portrait of a “hero of our time”, “composed of our entire generation, in their full development, as the author said in the preface to the novel. All storylines are reduced to central image: Pechorin and Grushnitsky, Pechorin and Werner, Pechorin and Vulich, Pechorin and Maxim Maksimych, Pechorin and mountaineers, Pechorin and smugglers, Pechorin and " water society". At the same time, a special line is love stories present in almost every part of the novel. After all, one of the main features of a contemporary, according to Lermontov, is "premature old age of the soul", in which "... some kind of secret cold reigns in the soul, / When the fire boils in the blood." Such is Pechorin: he is not able to love selflessly and devotedly, selfishness destroys his best and kindest feelings. This is precisely what is manifested in his relationship with all the heroines of the novel - Bela, Vera and, of course, Princess Mary.

The story of how Pechorin achieves the location and love of this girl forms the plot basis of the Princess Mary part. It is here that, with deep psychologism, Lermontov shows the secret motives of Pechorin's actions, who strives to rule always and in everything, while maintaining his own freedom. He makes people toys in his hands, forcing him to play by his own rules. And as a result - broken hearts, suffering and death of those who met on his way. He really is like "the executioner in the fifth act of the tragedy." This is precisely his role in the fate of Mary. A girl who, like Pechorin, belongs to high society, Princess Mary absorbed from childhood a lot of the morals and customs of her environment. She is beautiful, proud, impregnable, but at the same time she loves worship and attention to herself. Sometimes, she seems spoiled and capricious, and therefore the plan developed by Pechorin for her “seduction” at first does not cause strong condemnation from the reader.

But we also notice other qualities of Mary, hiding behind the appearance of a secular beauty. She is attentive to Grushnitsky, whom she considers a poor, suffering young man. She cannot stand the ostentatious bragging and vulgarity of the officers who make up the "water society". Princess Mary shows a strong character when Pechorin begins to carry out his "plan" to win her heart. But the trouble is - Pechorin admits that he does not like "women with character." He does everything to break them, to subdue him. And, unfortunately, Mary fell victim to it, like the others. Is she guilty of this? In order to understand this, one must look at what Pechorin "plays" on, winning her favor. key scene- this is Pechorin's conversation with Mary on a walk by the failure. “Having taken a deeply touched look,” the hero “confesses” to an inexperienced girl. He tells her about how everyone saw vices in him since childhood, and as a result, he became " moral cripple". Of course, there is a particle of truth in these words. But the main task of Pechorin is to arouse the sympathy of the girl. And indeed, her kind soul was touched by these stories, and as a result, she fell in love with Pechorin for his "suffering". And this feeling turned out to be deep and serious, without the edge of coquetry and narcissism. And Pechorin - he achieved his goal: "... After all, there is immense pleasure in the possession of a young, barely blossoming soul!" - the hero cynically remarks. The last scene of Pechorin and Mary's explanation evokes keen sympathy for the unfortunate girl. Even Pechorin himself "felt sorry for her." But the verdict is merciless, the cards are revealed: the hero declares that he only laughed at her. And the princess can only suffer and hate him, and the reader can think about how cruel a person can be, consumed by selfishness and a thirst to achieve his goals, no matter what.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov is considered one of the the best works classical Russian literature. You can talk about it for a very long time - interesting topics more than enough to discuss. Today we will focus on one of them - we will try to understand what Pechorin's attitude towards Mary was.

The character of Pechorin

First you need to understand the character of the main character. It is impossible not to admit that this is a man, in his development higher than the society surrounding him. However, he failed to find application for his talents and abilities. 1830s - a difficult period in Russian history. The future of young people of that time was either "empty or dark." Lermontov in Pechorin captured the features younger generation those years. The portrait of his hero is made up of the vices of all time. It looks like there are two people in it. The first of them acts, and the second observes his actions and discusses them, or rather condemns them.

Negative character traits of Pechorin

In Pechorin you can see a lot negative traits including selfishness. Although Belinsky could not agree with this. He said that egoism "does not blame itself", "does not suffer." Indeed, Pechorin suffers because he is bored among people belonging to the "water society". The desire to break out of it lies in the fact that the hero wastes himself on various petty things. Pechorin risks his life, seeking oblivion in love, substituting Chechen bullets for himself. He suffers greatly from boredom and realizes that it is wrong to live the way he lives. The hero is ambitious and vindictive. Wherever he appears, misfortunes happen everywhere.

Why did the hero deceive Mary?

This hero inflicted a deep spiritual wound on Princess Mary. He deceived this girl, betrayed her love for him. What was his goal? Exceptional satisfaction. In this, Pechorin and Princess Mary were completely different. The relationship between the characters is characterized by the fact that the princess seeks to make her lover happy, and he thinks only of himself. However, Pechorin is well aware of the ungrateful role he played in the life of this girl.

The development of relations between Pechorin and Mary

To understand what it was true attitude Pechorin to Mary, let us briefly trace the history of the development of their very unusual novel. Mary is the young and beautiful daughter of Princess Ligovskaya. However, she is too naive, and also overly trusting of other people, including Pechorin. At first, the girl did not pay attention to the main character, but he did everything to interest her. He lured Mary's admirers over to him by telling them funny stories. After Pechorin won her attention, he tried to make a good impression on the princess with stories and stories from his life. His goal was for the girl to begin to see him as an extraordinary person, and he achieved his goal. Pechorin gradually conquered the girl. During the ball, he "saved" the princess from a drunken impudent molester who molested her. Pechorin's caring attitude towards Princess Mary did not go unnoticed by the girl. She believed that the hero is sincere in his actions. However, the girl was cruelly mistaken. He just wanted to conquer her, she was just another toy for him. One evening, Pechorin and Mary went for a walk. Their relationship by that time had already developed enough for what happened during it. The princess felt ill as she crossed the river. Pechorin hugged her, the girl leaned on him, and then he kissed her.

Was Pechorin in love with Mary?

Pechorin argued and tried to convince himself that Mary's passion for him did not mean anything to him, that he was seeking the love of this girl only for his own pleasure. However, in reality, Pechorin's attitude towards Mary was somewhat different. The hero's soul yearned true love. Pechorin begins to doubt: "Have I really fallen in love?" However, he immediately catches himself thinking that attachment to this girl is "a miserable habit of the heart." Pechorin's love for Mary died in the bud, because the hero did not allow her to develop. It's a pity - perhaps he would have found happiness by falling in love.

Thus, Pechorin's attitude towards Mary is contradictory. The hero assures himself that he does not love her. Before the duel, he tells Werner that he took out only a few ideas from the storm of life, but did not take out a single feeling. He admits that he has long lived with his head, and not with his heart. He weighs his own actions and passions, analyzes them "with strict curiosity", but "without participation". At first glance, the way Pechorin treats Mary confirms this idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main character about himself, which testifies to the cruelty, ruthless coldness of his game. However, the main character is not as impassive as he tries to appear. Several times he feels carried away, even becomes agitated. Main character reproaches himself for the ability to feel: after all, he assured himself that for him happiness lies not in love, but in "saturated pride." His nature is distorted by the inability to find a high goal in life and eternal discord with others. However, Pechorin vainly believes that this "saturated pride" will bring him happiness. Both Mary and Vera love him, but this does not bring him satisfaction. And relations with these heroines develop not only at the behest of Pechorin.

While the hero sees in the princess spoiled by worship secular young lady, he takes pleasure in insulting the girl's pride. However, after the soul emerges in it, the ability to sincerely suffer, and not just play love, comes to light, the main character changes his mind. However, the author does not complete the story happy ending- Pechorin and Princess Mary remain lonely. The relationship between these two characters did not lead to anything. It is fear, not indifference, that makes him reject Mary's feelings.

How should one treat Pechorin?

Probably Pechorin ruined the life of this girl forever. He disappointed her in love. Now Mary will not trust anyone. Pechorin can be treated differently. Of course, he is a scoundrel, unworthy of the love of another person and even respect for himself. However, he is justified by the fact that he is a product of society. He was brought up in an environment where it was customary to hide true feelings under the guise of indifference.

Did Mary deserve her fate?

And what about Mary? It can also be treated differently. The girl saw the perseverance of the protagonist. And from this she concluded that he loves her. Mary heard what strange speeches this hero made, and realized that this was an extraordinary person. And she fell in love with him, ignoring the laws of society. After all, Mary was the first to dare to speak about her love. This means that she believed that the hero would reciprocate her feelings. However, he was silent.

What was Mary's fault?

We can assume that Mary herself is to blame for everything, since she was both naive and arrogant, self-confident and blind. There is no reckless devotion inherent in the Faith in it, there is no sincerity and passionate power of Bela's love. But the main thing is that she does not understand Pechorin. The girl did not fall in love with him at all, but with a fashionable hero. Her feeling for him can be compared with the feeling for Grushnitsky - Mary sees in such different people the same thing: the tragedy of Pechorin's disappointment does not differ for her from the mask of Grushnitsky's disappointment. If the main character had not come to the waters, most likely, the girl would have fallen in love with Grushnitsky, married him, despite the resistance of her mother, and would have been happy with him.

What justifies Mary

However, is it possible to blame the heroine so unconditionally? After all, it is not her fault that she is young, that she is looking for a hero and is ready to find him in the first person she meets. Like any woman, Mary dreams of being loved by a lonely and strong man for whom she is ready to become the whole world, to warm him and console him, to bring him peace and joy. In this sense, Pechorin and Princess Mary were products of their environment and time. The relationship between them is characterized by the fact that each played a role. And if the hero invented it himself, then the heroine played natural role a woman whose purpose is to love.

Perhaps if Pechorin had not appeared in her life, she would have found her happiness. The girl would live her whole life with the illusion that Grushnitsky is a special being, that she saved him from loneliness and misfortune with her love.

The complexity of human relationships

The complexity of human relationships lies in the fact that even in love, which is the greatest spiritual intimacy, people are often unable to fully understand each other. In order to maintain calm and confidence, illusions are needed. Mary and Grushnitsky could have retained the illusion of the need for a loved one, and that would have been enough for a quiet home, love and devotion of the princess. Something similar might have happened if Pechorin and Mary had not parted. The relationship between them, of course, would hardly have lasted for a long time due to the nature of the protagonist, but misunderstanding in this pair, of course, would also have taken place.

Many writers use the technique of opposition in their works in order to most fully reveal the characters of the main characters.

Features of the image of Grushnitsky

Grigory Pechorin - the main thing actor novel "A Hero of Our Time". M. Yu. Lermontov introduces Grushnitsky to use literary device oppositions. The characters meet at a water resort in the city of Pyatigorsk. They do not experience special friendly feelings, but this does not prevent them from spending quite a lot of time together.

Grushnitsky tirelessly plays the role romantic hero. He tries to tie love relationship trying to exalt imaginary feelings. The pretense of his behavior borders on caricature.

In reality, Grushnitsky was never truly happy, the feelings of true joy and love are also completely unknown to him, this is the reason for his attempts to portray them. Even the way he portrays resentment, disappointment or deep suffering looks completely false and ridiculous.

The development of relations between Pechorin, Grushnitsky and Princess Mary

Unlike a friend, Pechorin actually experienced true disappointment in his life. He is fed up with adventures and victories on the love front. Grigory is well aware that the character of Grushnitsky is deceitful, and his actions are stupid and ridiculous. He sees in his friend both falsehood and inner emptiness. These character traits of Grushnitsky irritate Pechorin.

Despite this, the two characters communicate a lot, the range of topics for conversation is very wide, they spend time together free time. At the same time, they are carried away by Princess Mary. Grushnitsky liked the young beauty, and Pechorin decided to pass the time and win the heart of the young coquette. Grushnitsky completely goes into romantic relationship with a girl, and then looks helplessly at how Grigory Alexandrovich entices the windy princess with enviable perseverance and spontaneity. In addition, the main character enjoys the failure of a friend, he tried to test his strength.

Flirting with Princess Mary is another game Pechorin, the prize in which is the delight of a beautiful and young soul of a girl. He easily captured the attention of the princess, showing mystery and wit. Grushnitsky against the background of the main character is just a dummy with ornate, but completely empty words. Therefore, how quickly the girl became interested in the personality of Grigory Alexandrovich is absolutely not surprising. Moreover, she is the first to talk about her feelings.

Duel as the denouement of a love story

The pride of Comrade Pechorin suffers a crushing blow. Drawing up an insidious conspiracy against Grigory Alexandrovich shows his cowardice, meanness and baseness, which were not too noticeable before. Junker Grushnitsky challenges the protagonist to a duel and tries to leave him to defend his honor with an unloaded pistol.

Pechorin becomes aware of this plan, he gives his former friend the opportunity to apologize, but to no avail. Anger, hatred and the desire to disgrace the protagonist filled the whole being of Grushnitsky. Self-esteem and resentment inflated to incredible proportions are most important.

Pechorin receives only a small abrasion in a duel, and Grushnitsky loses his life. It's getting final chord relationship between Mary and Gregory. But the duel does not cause a break, just the game started by Pechorin ended, albeit not in the way he expected. The protagonist did not love Mary, she became a victim of his little passion.

The plot of the story "Princess Mary", based on a love triangle, deeply reveals the personality of Pechorin, his inner world. Therefore, the images of Junker Grushnitsky and Princess Mary are extremely important, as they set off and show significant character traits of Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin.

The novel "A Hero of Our Time" shows a portrait of not one person, but a whole generation, made up of vices. the main role assigned to Pechorin, but it is the other characters of the novel, with whom he had to intersect in life, that make it possible to better understand the inner world of this person, the depth of the soul.

The relationship between Pechorin and Princess Mary is one of the brightest storylines novel. They began at ease, ending swiftly and tragically. IN Once again, showing Pechorin as a man with a callous soul and a cold heart.


The first meeting between Pechorin and Princess Mary took place in Pyatigorsk, where Grigory was sent after completing another military assignment. The princess, together with her mother, underwent a course of treatment with the mineral waters of Pyatigorsk.

Princess and Pechorin constantly rotated in secular society. General circle friends brought them together at one of the meetings. Grigory stirred up interest in his person, deliberately teasing the girl, ignoring her presence. He saw that she paid attention to him, but Pechorin is much more interested in watching how she behaves further. He knew women very well and could calculate a few steps ahead of how the acquaintance would end.

He took the first step. Pechorin invited Mary to dance, and then everything had to go according to the scenario he had developed. It gave him unprecedented pleasure to lure another victim, allowing her to get carried away. The girls fell in love with a handsome military man, but quickly got bored and he, pleased with himself, with a feeling of complete self-satisfaction, put one more tick in track record love affairs, safely forgetting about them.


Mary fell in love for real. The girl did not understand that the toy was in his hands. Part of an insidious heartthrob's plan. It was beneficial for Pechorin to get to know her. New emotions, sensations, a reason to distract the public from the affair with Vera, married woman. He loved faith, but they could not be together. Another reason to hit Mary, to make Grushnitsky jealous. He was in love with the girl for real, but the feelings remained unanswered. Mary did not love him and could hardly love him. In the current love triangle, he is clearly superfluous. In retaliation for unrequited feelings, Grushnitsky spread dirty rumors about the affair of Pechorin and Mary, ruining her reputation. He soon paid the price for his wicked deed. Pechorin challenged him to a duel, where the bullet hit the target, killing the liar on the spot.

The final

After what happened, Mary began to love Pechorin even more. She believed that his act was noble. After all, he defended her honor, making it clear that she was slandered. The girl was waiting for confessions from Gregory, tormented by love and the feelings that gripped her. Instead, he hears the bitter truth that he never loved her, much less intended to marry her. He achieved his goal by breaking the heart of another victim of his love charms. She hated him. Last phrase heard from her was

"…I hate you…".

Once again, Pechorin acted cruelly towards loved ones, stepping over their feelings and trampling on love.
