How to dance bachata: the basics of technique. Basic Steps and Elements in Bachata How to Slide in Closed Position in Bachata

- beautiful and sensual pair dance, which appeared in the distant Dominican Republic. Only in a hot country of snow-white sand, azure sea and heavenly landscapes could an equally hot and passionate dance be born. Bachata is smoothness of movements, flexibility and plasticity of bodies, hugs and a romantic mood. If you look at a couple performing this dance, there is a feeling of complete unity and harmony of the partners, as if they are driven by one common wave of bewitching music. Today, bachata is gaining more and more fans, and the main role in this trend is played by the simplicity of the movements performed, but this is an erroneous assumption that may arise when first visually introduced to the dance technique.

Bachata - how to dance correctly?

Bachata lessons should be held in pairs with a dance partner, while such an emotional contact should be established between the partners, thanks to which the dance will be performed lively and organically. It is very important for dancers to open up and make contact with a partner, and if for people with a South American temperament this is quite natural, then for reserved Europeans it is very difficult. Despite its apparent simplicity, bachata is a whole complex of complex movements that should look natural. And for this, lesson after lesson should be honed technique: here the most important thing is the synchronism of the partners and the correct course of each part of the body. In the classroom, dancers will have to master many wave-like movements and deflections, and this requires hours of training.

A few rules for beginners

Those who are captivated by this extraordinary dance, which combines the contradictions of passion, tenderness and unpredictability, should definitely learn bachata. They will be helped dance classes with experienced trainers who will explain the dance technique in practice. But not always and not everyone has the opportunity to visit dance school, and basic skills will never become redundant. Here are some of the main and most important rules bachata.

  • Firstly, the leader in the pair is the man, and the woman is the follower. As if obeying her partner, she dutifully follows him, and each new step is certainly accompanied by a smooth rotation of her hips.
  • Secondly, good stretching is required for bachata lessons, especially some of the thigh and psoas muscles. However, this is not a stretch in its classical sense, when the main goal is to bend the body at a maximum angle. The plasticity of the muscles is important here, due to which the rotation of the hips will, as it were, give a wave throughout the body. For pre-workout the best way simple tilts and circular rotations of the torso are suitable.
  • Thirdly, the main element of the dance is the kick, without which bachata is inconceivable. This is a smooth rotational movement that women should perform with their hips, and men with their entire body. The one who managed to comprehend this element of dance, one can say, comprehended the very essence of bachata.
  • Finally, each step in the dance consists of 3 small steps, which should be performed at ease, while maintaining the visual lightness and playfulness of the movements.

And most importantly: in order to master bachata, it is not enough just to learn the basic movements and ligaments. It is important here to be able to improvise, because bachata is improvisation, full of passion and emotions, like the temper of South Americans.

There are only two fundamental moments in the technique: work with the body and "kick" to the 4th and 8th counts. The easiest, most effective, reliable and at the same time the cheapest way to master these elements is to learn them in, where they will tell you everything about the details of how muscles and joints work.

Friends, people regularly come to us with the words “we studied at parties / on the bridge / at master classes in the Tiki bar, we know the whole base, take us to the continuing group.” We are not sorry, we take it, but as a rule, after 5 minutes of class, these people realize that they have overestimated their level. Not because it is so difficult with us, but simply at master classes and during parties it is impossible to learn: the format is different.

Body work requires mobile and stretched muscles of the back, abs and lower back. If you are not used to working with them, you should start with simple back stretches and tilts from side to side, familiar to everyone from school.

In general, the deficit physical form is perhaps the most common obstacle in the growth of dance skills. And here it is important to understand that what is important for dancing is not your ability to pull weights, throw balls or run fast, but something completely different: plastic, mobile and stretched muscles, ready to work.

Plastic is not flexibility!

The difference here is in the anatomy. Flexibility is ligaments and tendons. Plastic is primarily muscles and work in the joints. If you stretch the ligaments of the inguinal region, you can sit on the twine. Can you beautifully and quickly work with your feet? No. Stretching is necessary for plasticity, but a stretched body is not necessarily plastic.

For the development of plasticity you will need:

  • "insulation",
  • stretching and

We were lucky to learn from the wonderful master of movement, Alexei Aleksentsev, on the right in the video his plastic class. If you decide to take dancing seriously, save the video to your computer, watch and review. This is a mandatory and, unfortunately, the only textbook no one else in Russia knows how to teach like that.

But back to bachata. Here, for a beautiful and full-fledged dance, you do not need to perform miracles of self-control, it will be enough for 15 minutes 3 times a week to warm up your body and then stretch it in the area from the middle of the thigh to the ribs / shoulders.

Everyone knows these trivial exercises from school and is quite capable of doing them at home, so we do not waste valuable class time on them at school.

And the second necessary technical element of bachata is "kick".

There’s nothing to even describe here, it’s important to just remember your gender: girls kick from the hip, boys from the body, and don’t mix it up!

Elizabeth Rumyantseva

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible.


A bright, dynamic and sensual dance - bachata, originated at the beginning of the twentieth century, but is experiencing the peak of its popularity only now. The birthplace of the lyrical but incendiary dance is the Dominican Republic, and character traits he acquired in the Caribbean. This musical style received recognition all over the world, to a greater extent thanks to performers - immigrants from Latin America.

History of bachata dance

It is known that the dance originated in the thirties of the twentieth century, and a little later bachata became folk way get away from problems, relax, become happier. In the 60s, the Dominican Republic was going through difficult times - the republic was in a state of cold war with Washington due to rampant corruption and obvious election fraud. The people had a hard time while the politicians fought for power. Bachata was danced to raise the mood in bars, on the streets, on the path near the house. The dance came from the "bottom" and was considered vulgar - its performance was not encouraged on social events.

A major role in the popularization and development of the style was played by singers and composers from the Dominican Republic, who achieved world fame. One of them, Juan Luis Guerra, released the album Bachata rosa, which was recognized by the high society of the Dominican Republic, which paved the way for world recognition for a sensual musical style. The compositions from the album were rotated on radio, television, played at weddings, parties. By the end of the century, bachata began to win the hearts of admirers Latin American music Worldwide. It is danced at salsotheques, clubs, discos dedicated to the Dominican theme.


Bachata is an original, memorable, but not difficult dance. It is performed at a moderate, even melancholic tempo, and the rhythmic pattern is 4/4. The finished measure is three steps, and on the count of "four" - the movement of the hip and the step with the straightened leg. The dance is characterized by the closeness of partners on the verge of eroticism and passion, as well as measured, sensual music. The dance is concentrated in smooth body movements, swaying the hips and moving with springy legs. At the same time, the hands of the partners perform simple movements, complementing the overall pattern of the composition.

What is the difference between salsa and bachata

Bachata is very similar to salsa - both dances are built on a 4/4 time signature, great importance given to smooth movements of the hips. At the same time, salsa has many varieties, in some styles of dance the first step is performed on a strong beat, in others - on a weak one. There are lyrical, and there are incendiary compositions. Salsa is danced alone, in pairs, in threes or fours.

Bachata is less diverse, it is gentle, sensuality and frankness are expressed in it. This is an erotic dance, it symbolizes passion, it is danced in pairs. Salsa is more energetic, the music is more complex, there are various figures. It takes time to learn how to dance it. Professionals advise starting with bachata and then moving on to salsa. Almost all salseros and amateurs Latin American dances able to dance both dances.


Bachata is a characteristic musical style that tells about unrequited love, the difficulties that lovers experience on the way to their happiness. Music is a mixture of two directions - Cuban son and Spanish dance bolero. At the same time, in bachata there is no rhythm inherent in many areas of Afro-Cuban styles, but there is an invariable melody - addictive, sexy. The main core of the melody is a sad melancholic motive, with notes of nostalgia, longing for lost love.

The key instrument is the acoustic guitar, its enumeration is combined with requinto. This instrument is the closest relative of the guitar, but the sounds extracted from it have a metallic timbre and are reminiscent of African motifs. The rhythm is set by Cuban double drums, which the musician holds with his feet. In combination with percussion instruments maracas or guinos perform, brightening up the monotonous melody and giving it an expressive sensual coloring.

In the 90s, the style of music began to change, thanks to its popularizers. Manuel Tejada adorned the arrangement of his songs with the sound of a synthesizer and accordion, and Antoni Santos changed the rhythm of the music, sped it up due to tempo variations. Bachata-Cabaret and techno suggest the presence of rhyme in the words of the songs, which have a double meaning, balancing on the verge of erotica and vulgarity.


Bachata dance has no great variety styles, but there are three main ones. Among them are the following areas:

  • Dominican variety or classic version. This style of bachata dance is traditional for the islands, it is romantic and soulful, but not widely used in the world. The center of attention is the movement of the dancers' legs, complex figures that are performed with the participation of the hips and waist.
  • Urban or European bachata is a popular form of dance. The main emphasis is on the work of the body and the movement of the partner's hips. Suitable for beginners - the dance consists of simple steps and a minimum complex figures.
  • Modern. Style modern interspersed with hip-hop and other specific movements popular dances. This is a club genre of bachata - it is dynamic, incendiary, which is still developing.

How to dance bachata

This dance is designed to work in pairs, but basic movements study one by one. Key elements bachata:

  • Basic step. Bend the right knee, shift the body weight to the left. Take a step to the right, transfer the weight to the same side, put the left foot, repeat. Perform all movements on the account of "one, two, three, four." Take two steps to the other side.
  • Back and forth. The left leg is motionless, the right one needs to take a step forward, attach the leg, then take a step back and attach again. Follow the steps with the movements of the hips, transferring the weight of the body from the right leg to the left, and vice versa.
  • Turn. Stand straight, looking ahead. At the expense of "one" with the right foot, you need to take a step to the side, while turning the body to the right. On the count of two, turn 90 degrees on your right foot, placing your left foot shoulder-width apart. Raise the left thigh and place the foot on the toe. Continue to describe the circle with the body, turning on the left leg. Return to starting position, finish with an accent by lifting the right thigh and bending the knee. Repeat on the other side.
  • Moving forward with the "eight" hips. Take a step forward, transfer the weight of the body to the right thigh, put the left leg, bending both knees. Simultaneously with the step, load the left thigh, then the right again. Try to describe the “eight” with your hips, lying in a horizontal plane.
  • Crossing steps. Take a step to the side with your right foot, transfer your body weight to your right thigh. Pull up the left leg, placing it in front of the right so that you get a cross. On the count of "three" take another step with your right foot to the side, and on the count of "four" - pull up the left, bending your knees. Each step involves transferring weight to the thigh, relaxing it along the way. On the count of "four" it is necessary to lift the left thigh up due to the contraction of the lateral muscles of the waist.

During the dance, the arms can be bent at the elbows, and the hands held in front of you. Moving your hips, make circular movements with your hands, trying not to focus on them. The task of the beginner is to learn how to step correctly and move the hips to the beat, catching the lyrical rhythm of bachata. Over time, you can try to connect your hands, but when working in pairs, they are under the partner's shoulder blades.

How to learn to dance

It is quite possible to master the principles of dance on your own - you can hone your skills by dancing in front of a mirror. It is possible to learn how to dance bachata at home on initial stage. When moving to the next level, when a partner is required, it is better to take courses or pay individual sessions with a trainer. There are several dance schools in Moscow where they will teach you how to dance, and the first lesson will be free. These are GallaDance, dance schools "Bachata", "Spicy Salsa" and "Keep the rhythm". Starting to study, you should take into account the following features of the dance:

  • Bachata involves close contact between dancers - physical and emotional. Sometimes the need for intimacy becomes an obstacle to learning dance.
  • Dance requires a sense of rhythm from the dancer, you need to listen to music and strive to get in time. This will help to achieve synchronization with the movements of the partner.
  • In parallel with training on the dance floor, flexibility should be developed - this quality is necessary for the qualitative development of dance.
  • Homework is carried out to music in front of a mirror in order to see the erroneous execution of movements.
  • In order for the dancer to feel confident in clothes and shoes, it is advisable to wear a tracksuit and comfortable shoes or sandals with heels.


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Bachata video watch you can repeat and learn even at home, we advise you to watch bachata videos in series, learning from one dancer. However, it should be noted that from the lessons of bachata it is necessary to take only the most necessary and be careful about the technique being performed! It is not difficult to master it, but you need to be quite attentive to which foot you start the move with (this can be quite unusual), how you hold your back, which hand you will lean on your partner / partner.

Bachata videos are useful to watch and for those who want to improve their technique, you will see a couple of tricks in the lessons that you will definitely want to transfer to the dance floor, practice with a partner and make your dance more spectacular. It is for this purpose that it is worth coming to our lessons at the best bachata dance school in Moscow!


VIDEO: Bachata Basic Steps

VIDEO: basic steps + female turn

VIDEO: male twist in bachata

VIDEO: basic steps in open and closed position

VIDEO: Bachata Bundle for Beginners

VIDEO: bachata link for confident dancers

In this dance it is very important to feel the general mood, to get positive emotions and set fire to your partner. After all, without it, nowhere! That is why watching a bachata video is useful for a dancer of any level in order to understand the general atmosphere, enjoy beautiful dance and dream about how you will dance if you continue your studies. To look at the technique of professional dancers, at the beauty of their numbers and incendiary mood is always a great temptation and temptation!

Bachata video tutorials

Bachata dance is a manifestation of maximum trust between partners! And it's so easy to learn! We confidently say that you can learn the basic steps of bachata, even if you watch video tutorials . But at the same time, any technique requires practice! So we are looking forward to salsero of any level in our trainings in best school Moscow. Special practices are organized in our school, where you can master those signature stylish features of dancers, try out new movements, practice polishing basic equipment and/or just having a great time with a partner!


We remind you that you should not be afraid to come without a partner! Salsa and bachata are both good because partners change, so you should not be embarrassed by either your physical preparation, or height, or your solo desire to dance!

To dance with pleasure and be relaxed, you need to feel the atmosphere of the dance, so we suggest you watch videos from our and foreign dance masters. Incendiary numbers, refined technique, ease of movement, smooth lines, and most importantly mood - all this will make you start dancing right now. Get ready for it!

It's also nice that lessons can be found for all levels of choreography: from basic steps to complex transitions. And one more thing, today video lessons are presented literally in all languages. So you can practice your Spanish or English at the same time if you feel the need!

Bachata dance tutorials are also suitable for those who are often embarrassed to go to the dance floor and come to our lesson completely unprepared. Watch the lesson and practice basic steps, turns, to already imagine in advance what awaits you and feel that you do not stand out among others! We advise you not to be afraid of anything, and feel free to come for real pleasure to the bachata school, where there are fully equipped

Bachata is one of the most popular and passionate dances, which is extremely common among people who are fond of dance art. Using this video showing the main steps and elements this dance, both a person who already has dance experience and an absolute beginner can achieve success. It is worth remembering that in bachata everything is of paramount importance: both the technical savvy of the dancer, and his passion, and even how well the outfit for the dance is chosen.

Video lesson "Basic steps and elements in bachata"

Basic element of bachata

Experts often say that the basic meaning of bachata is in the nature of the movements that underlies it. dance art. Having seen bachata once, it is difficult to confuse it with something else. It must be remembered that the basic step in bachata consists of the following sequence:

  • left leg;
  • right leg;
  • left leg;
  • tap (weight on the leg is not transferred).

When performing this basic movement in place, start moving with your left foot. After learning the basic step in place, move on to learning side steps.

Basic steps of bachata

Recall that there are such basic patterns of movements in bachata:

  • basic step in place;
  • basic step with advancing to the side;
  • basic step with a partner (paired).

Remember that almost always the basic movement begins with the left foot.

Using this video lesson, you can effectively dance bachata both on your own and with a dance partner. Pick up suitable music, which could bring out the individuality of the dancers as much as possible.
