How to learn to dance a tango wedding dance on your own: video lessons. How to dance tango? Is it possible and for whom is it suitable? Music for tango

Tango appeared in Argentina at the end XIX century. It was born from a mixture of local milonga rhythms and the music of European immigrants, which sounded in the port taverns of Buenos Aires. At first XX century, tango came to Europe, where it made a splash in fashionable salons. At the same time, this dance was declared obscene by the Catholic Church and banned by the Archbishop of Paris.

No other dance has such a distinct rhythm. In addition, the alternating slow-fast rhythm of the tango allows the dancer to control his body and therefore elegantly move the center of gravity. To dance tango well, count the steps as follows: the slow part lasts two measures, the fast one - one.

Forward movement

Moving forward is the main figure of tango. The movement of the legs is easy to learn, under the only condition: it is good to count - slowly, slowly, quickly, quickly, slowly. Count aloud, the slow part should be twice as long as the fast part. As you move forward, step off your heels. Remember that you should not lean on the leg shaded in the diagram.


1. Take a step forward with your left foot (slowly).

2. Take a step forward with your right foot (slowly).

3. Take a step forward with your left foot (quickly).

4. Take a step to the right with your right foot (quickly).

5. Bring your left foot close to your right foot, keeping your weight off your left foot, and pause (slowly).


1. Take a step back with your right foot (slowly).

2. Take a step back with your left foot (slowly).

3. Take a step back with your right foot (quickly).

4. Take a step to the left with your left foot (quickly).

I love dancing and have always wanted to learn how to dance the tango.

In those distant times, when I went to ballroom dancing, it seemed to me that tango is a very, very difficult dance. We taught at what angle to place the feet, steps diagonally, patterns of steps like “slow, slow, fast fast slow, fast fast”. In general, the impression was that to dance the tango in ordinary life It is simply unrealistic and only professionals can do it.

How is tango different from other dances?

Samba, mamba, salsa are pretty fast dances. This is already a certain difficulty. There is a work of the hips, what you need to learn. In samba, the steps are springy, and this is a certain load on the knees. In jive, you have to jump really well. Waltz beautiful dance, but it is hardly possible to take it and dance without preliminary preparation. Cha-cha-cha, rumba - a complex pattern of steps (in rumba for 4, 2 and 3), the work of the hips ... And any of these dances requires a certain physical form.

Whether business tango! Tango can be danced as slowly as you like. The steps can be performed in much the same way as you walk in life (only hitting “one, two, three, four”, of course)). There is no special work for the hips. No matter how you put your hands - everything is correct. The main thing is to perform movements with charisma))

The only catch is that if you don’t have this very charisma, then there is nothing to demonstrate. Tango is not for you)) It's better to just trample as usual under the lingering.

Watching dances from films, I understood the following about tango:

1. There are no mistakes in tango! If you dance with this setup, then the task does not seem difficult at first. Tango is a game.

2. Forget slow, slow, fast fast slow patterns. If you are able to count “one, two, three, four” to the music and are able to rearrange your legs to this count, then you are no longer lost to society))

3. There is no need to rush anywhere in tango. You can step through the account - one, and three. You can generally meaningfully stand still for a whole measure.

4. It’s very good if there is a flower that you can take in your teeth :) and pass it to each other or with which a man can hold it across his partner’s face. Or around the décolleté...

What is required of a man in dance:

1. Look directly at your partner, tilting your head in her direction. Demonstrate your male charisma - women like it))

2. Significantly stand still, supporting the partner while she lunges or turns))

3. Let go of the partner and pull back to you - gently or with a sharper movement.

4. Help to turn.

5. Tilt in different directions (and while tilting, you can lean towards her neckline))

6. Throw the partner's leg over yourself and drag it along her dance floor.

7. Move your feet to the music))

For advanced: it's great if you let the woman feel in which direction you are going to lead her further. So she will be more relaxed and your dance will look very harmonious.

What is required of a woman:

1. Relax, completely submit to your partner and rearrange your legs in the direction in which he leads.

2. Lean, turn, lunge to the side and back.

3. Leave and return.

The easiest steps

1. The easiest way to start is to learn to move side by side face to face. So the legs of the partners do not interfere with each other))

2. Steps forward, backward, sideways, facing each other or looking in the same direction (woman with her back to the man).

Turn on the music, relax and close your eyes. As you count the beats, start moving in place for each major beat. After feeling the natural movement of the body in this rhythm, open your eyes and walk around the perimeter of the room, stepping on each main beat of the music. Learn this rhythm for a few minutes. It will be the basis for the rhythm of the tango.

Now go counterclockwise around the room. This is called the "line dance". By learning to move in the opposite direction, you will prevent collisions with other couples. Try moving in a table or chair, cross the center of the room and return to the starting line again. Do it all smoothly and naturally.

Now learn the basic steps of tango. To do this, first walk around the room. Be sure to start your step from the front of the foot. Imagine yourself as a predatory panther that sneaks through the jungle. This image will help to make your body more plastic, the movements will become smooth and elegant.

After that, move back along the same line. Turn your head to the side so you can always see where you are going. Usually, women always look to the right, and men - to the left. Straighten your leg a little more than usual when walking. Move your body back a little further too - at first it will seem unnatural to you, but over time you will get used to it. This way you will avoid collisions with your partner with your knees.

Always keep your weight over the front of your foot, whether you're walking backwards or forwards. To develop your finger muscles, try walking on your toes. This will help develop the habit of dancing with the body forward. But do not get too carried away, because walking on tiptoes will tire your legs too much, it is better to use heels right away.

Try dancing with a partner (real or imaginary) with your hands in the right position. Lower left hand from above the partner's arm over his biceps. Stretch the other hand to the side, as is done in all ballroom dances.

Turn on the music and slowly move to its rhythm. Don't stress too much. Try to enjoy the movements - this will help you learn to dance tango faster.

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Perhaps this is the most passionate and exciting dance. There are many legends about its origin and many varieties of this dance. With the help of our instructions, you will start learning to dance the tango from the European Ballroom Dancing Program. But remember, ballroom and Argentine tango are two completely different things. different dance!


Initial position
Get very close to each other. In, as in any other, posture is important. Make sure your backs are straight.
The partner's right hand should be slightly below the lady's right shoulder blade.
The partner should slightly tilt the body back, and put the left hand on the right partner. The partner places her right hand in the partner's left hand. The combined brushes are raised, slightly above the shoulder. Bend your elbows so that the angle is slightly less than 90 degrees.

Basic step
The step in tango should be wide enough, from the hip. Place your foot on the entire surface of the foot, and not just on the toe or heel. Relax your knees a little. Give your step softness, rhythm without slipping. Work out the step one by one, then only in pairs.

Forward side step
The forward side step is one of the most characteristic movements in tango. It consists of 2 small fast steps and 1 long slow step.
Scheme for a partner:

Step 1 - Put your left foot forward.

2nd step - the right leg diagonally (to the side or forward).

Step 3 - With your left foot, move forward and slightly to the right.
Scheme for a partner:

Follow the same movements, only take steps back and start with the right foot.
The progressive side step is most often combined with the main step.

While learning the movements, count to yourself: "Slow, fast, fast, slow."

Korte is usually used at the end of a figure or variation. This movement includes 2 fast steps and 1 slow step. Corte takes one measure. Count to yourself: fast, fast, slow.
Scheme for a partner

Step 1 - Move your left leg forward.

2nd step - right foot to the right.

Step 3 - Put your left foot to the right.
Scheme for a partner

Follow the same movements, but start with the right foot and move back.

Closed promenade.
The closed promenade is played at 1.5 measures. Stretch your joined hands forward a little more. The partner with his right hand should grasp his partner more deeply.

The rhythm of the steps performed: slowly (step, pause) fast, fast, slow.

Scheme for a partner

Step 1 - Move your left foot forward along the line of dance.

Step 2 - Move your right foot forward, slightly crossing your left foot.

3rd step - move your left foot forward,

4th step - put the right foot with the left.

Do not change the body position.
Scheme for a partner

Follow the same steps, but start with the right leg.
Perform the promenade, and on last step turn to face each other, taking the starting position.

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Argentine tango is an ancient dance. This beautiful ballroom dance developed in Argentina and spread throughout the world. Today, more and more people are striving to learn how to perform this energetic spellbinding pair dance.

You will need

  • - mirror;
  • - music;
  • - comfortable clothes.


Wear athletic clothing that does not restrict movement. Stand in front of a tall mirror and turn on the right music. Don't forget that Argentine tango is an improvisational dance. Its main elements are steps, turns, stops and decorations. Better learn to dance this dance directly with a partner.

Start with the simplest steps. To do this, stand opposite each other. Legs together. Step back with your right foot, then step back with your left. Partner () takes a step forward with the left foot, then again forward with the right. After finishing the steps, leave the weight on one leg so that you can continue the dance.

Vary this step. To do this, you can take one step back, and the other in place. You can do both steps in place, or step aside with the second step. These are all different tango steps. Improvise with the number, direction, and sequence of steps. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Rehearse the beginning of the dance or the Salida. To do this, stand straight, connect your feet so that the weight is on both legs. Take a step back against the line of dance. The girl takes a step forward with her left foot, the partner - back with her right. Bring your free leg to the other leg. Next, step to the side with your right foot, bring your left foot to your right, and step back with your left. The partner must take a step to the side with the left foot, bring the right foot to the left and step forward with the right.

Take breaks in the dance. This an important part Argentine tango. Pauses allow you to take a quick or long look at your partner and express various emotions - tenderness, anger, passion, sadness, peace, etc. In this way, you will make the dance more "alive".

Don't forget about the various decorations that can be done during the stops. Try to twist the body to the left a little, using the spine as an axis, then to the right and complete the movement in a straight position. Do this twist at a different pace and a different number of times.

Tap your toe on the floor. This movement is also one of the ornaments of tango. As you step, when your free foot slides across the floor, tilt your foot and tap the floor with the toe of your shoe. Vary the force of the impact and the height your leg bounces after it, but at the same time watch your hip. It shouldn't bounce.

Rehearse the basic figure using turns in tango. It's called a zigzag. You are moving backward, your partner is moving forward. Do a 45 degree turn, step back with your right foot and turn left 90 degrees. Then take a step back with your left and turn right 45 degrees. Pull your right leg towards you. Straighten up. The partner performs this movement in a mirror. Thus, at the end of the movement, you will be deployed in the same way as at the beginning.

Practice all the moves. Do not be afraid to experiment and feel free to show your emotions in dance.

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It is more comfortable to dance the tango in boots with leather soles that sit comfortably on your feet.

Helpful advice

Don't worry if you can't find a partner to learn Argentine tango. You can do just fine without it. Listen to the music and clearly follow the movements, imagining that you are dancing in a couple.

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Tango is a dance of passion and love. Even a beginner can master it. This dance does not tolerate haste, but slowness is inappropriate here. To perform tango, as in love, it is enough to listen to your body and completely obey your partner. All movements must be performed charismatically, playfully, assertively - as if this is the last moment in your life!

Tango just for two

Argentine dance cannot be performed without a partner. The man plays the role of leader. He should not take his eyes off his partner until the very last chords, showing her his admiration and adoration. The man supports the woman throughout the performance, directs her, leads her in the dance, helps her turn around and spin, supports her in tilts and turns, throws her up and lowers her to the floor. A woman, no matter how experienced in dancing, must trust her partner, obey him, feel his movements and desires. She should radiate femininity, be supple.

You can start exercising without a partner / partner. You should work out the male / female technique in front of a mirror, you can use the tutorial or contact the instructor. At the final stage, when mastering the dance, it is impossible to do without a couple, and even more so, you cannot perform tango alone.

First steps

Steps are the main element of all tango movements. A step should be done for each strong chord of the melody (usually they alternate with quiet beats with an interval of 1-2 seconds). Practice in slow pace one-two, then go to the standard tango movement: two fast steps on strong melody chords and one slow step.

The direction of movement in this dance does not really matter. You can go clockwise along the perimeter of the hall, counterclockwise, along the room or along its edge. If you're not alone on the floor, learn how to quickly change direction so you don't run into other dancers. When walking backwards, the head can be turned to the side so that there is an overview of what is happening behind. The woman should look to the right, the man to the left.

The technique of moving the legs is quite simple: first put the foot on the toe, then on the full foot, as if imitating sliding on the surface. The body should be shifted slightly forward, the step begins with the toe and front half of the foot. The legs should be straightened more than usual, springy, but smoothly.

To master all the tango figures, fix no more than 2-3 elements in one lesson. During training, enjoy every movement, have fun and recharge your emotions.

dance figures

Having mastered the basic step, proceed to penetrations, turns, movements. You can combine tango figures at your discretion, it is not necessary to follow a strict algorithm.

La Cadencia - take two steps without moving.
La Caza - the second step after the first, without moving.
Las Cunitas - steps forward, backward or sideways with a slight turn in any direction. This figure allows you to gracefully go around obstacles or bypass other pairs.
El Circulo - moving around big circle with a gradual twist. This figure also helps to beautifully avoid approaching other couples.
Salida - a figure of steps, forming the letter U. The second option is a figure of tango from steps along a large letter L.

More complex elements is just an alternation of several simple figures. To perform a beautiful and vibrant dance, feel free to combine and combine the mastered elements.

Experiment with steps, movements, attribute. The most popular tango symbol is a scarlet rose held in the partner's teeth.
For example, start with a step in place, then take a series of steps in one direction, turn sharply 180 degrees, make a deep backbend and move again now in a circle, changing the length of the steps.

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Tango is a passionate, mesmerizing, soul-stirring dance. Penetrating music and movements permeated with sensuality leave few people indifferent. Therefore, there are so many who want to learn how to dance tango.

A man leads the tango. Therefore, the key to success in learning this dance is to find a like-minded partner. Relax and be positive. The most important thing that a beginner dancer should remember is that there are no mistakes in tango. You can move faster or slower than planned, you can skip the movement and forgive on the spot. The main thing is facial expressions, a straight back, a raised chin and eye contact with a partner.

Remember that tango is not just a dance, it is a wordless communication between a man and a woman participating in it. Therefore, it is important to feel the partner, understand him and help. A woman needs to completely relax and allow herself to be led. But the young man should not be shy to show all the charisma and passion towards the lady.

Basic movements

Most importantly, choose music. Listen to it with a partner and learn how to count the beat by separating four counts. Try walking around the room to the music, changing directions. It is important that the man and woman walk at the same speed, falling into the tempo of the chosen composition.

When moving in the rhythm of a tango, a woman should feel like a panther, smoothly and gracefully sneaking in the right direction. The head is turned to the right. The head of the man is directed to the left.

Be aware of where you are shifting your body weight. It should be in front of the foot. Straighten your leg more than with normal walking.

To start the dance, stand facing each other. The right hand is extended to the side along with the man's hand, and the left one rests on his shoulder. Look into each other's eyes for a few seconds. Then, slightly bending your knees and sharply turning your head, start moving.

A woman can throw one leg over her partner's leg. But you need to do it gracefully and beautifully. Make turns and beautiful lunges to the sides.

Hands can also change position. The partner can run his hand along the woman's neck, can grab her around the waist, or run his hand from the shoulder down the lady's arm.

To create playfulness and intrigue in the dance, a woman can quickly leave in the opposite direction from her partner, and then return. A man, from time to time, lets go of his lady, and then gently, and sometimes even rudely attracts him to himself, showing the fullness of feelings and passion for the chosen one. The audience should feel all the emotionality and penetration of the movements.

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Relationships in couples are often destroyed not so much because of the incompatibility of people (especially those who have lived together for many years), but because of the accumulating negativity. Frequent stresses make a person irritable, intolerant, make him unfair not only with colleagues and subordinates or clients, but also with friends and loved ones. negative emotions accumulate, anger breaks out from time to time, and now the relationship in a couple becomes cool, feelings cool down, and love is replaced by resentment. You can avoid this with the help of many "medicines", moreover, one of the most effective methods"therapy" in this case will attend classes in Argentine tango.

In everyday life, we are often forced to wear masks, and sometimes hide discontent, then venting anger on loved ones. Argentine tango is a passionate and at the same time very gentle and sincere dance that will help you drop the mask and open up. “Communicating” with your partner without words during the dance, you can “say” a lot to each other, demonstrate the depth of your feelings, show what you used to hide without fear of condemnation or misunderstanding.

The reward for you will be an amazing new sensation and the possibility of an emotional outburst that often has to be contained in everyday life. By opening up, strengthening and demonstrating your emotions, you will shed negativity, get rid of irritation and anger. Regular classes will help you and your partner to better understand each other and get rid of the habit of transferring extraneous problems and worries into your personal life.

Argentine tango is an amazing opportunity to learn how to get negative thoughts out of your head. If, while communicating with your soulmate, you painfully remember a quarrel on public transport or a problematic project at work, this can adversely affect your relationship. At Argentine tango trainings you will learn how to increase your resistance to stress. Thanks to the classes, you will learn to quickly get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. Moreover, do not forget that while dancing, the level of serotonin and endorphin increases, which means that a person becomes happier and feels joy. Be sure that soon this will favorably affect your relationship, make them more harmonious, pleasant and durable.

Tangotherapy is an excellent tool that helps to cope with depression, fears, self-doubt, which often spoil relationships between lovers. Learning Argentine tango gives a quick and very bright result. It helps partners open up, begin to perceive themselves and their soul mate differently, teaches them to communicate without words, appreciate the love and closeness of another person and be tolerant of other people's mistakes. Thanks to Argentine tango, people take off their “protective shell” and learn to make their relationships with loved ones more honest, sincere, gentle and harmonious.

Tip 7: Argentine tango is a dance for real men

Alas, in modern society There is a very strong stereotype that dancing is a female occupation, while it is much more appropriate for men, if they do sports, then do it exclusively in the gym or in football and hockey training. In fact, a man who refuses to learn such a luxurious dance as the Argentine tango loses a lot. Not to mention the fact that he loses an additional opportunity to improve relations with a partner or get to know beautiful girls he refuses even to improve his own health.

Argentine tango provides an excellent physical activity for different groups muscles. It allows you to develop endurance and strength of the whole body, and not just the arms or legs. At the same time, this dance has minimal restrictions, unlike many sports and classes on most simulators. This means that to increase strength and endurance with the help of argentine tango almost all men can, regardless of their physical fitness and age.

Unlike gym workouts and running, Argentine tango is not monotonous. Thanks to this, it does not get bored and does not develop only a certain muscle group. Young people who cannot stand monotonous classes will surely like this dance. It should also be noted that due to training, the muscles gain elasticity and tone, and the figure gradually improves, which is also important for men who want to look attractive.

There is another reason to take up Argentine tango. The fact is that this dance stimulates blood circulation and serves as an excellent preventive measure that saves from purely male health problems and intimate life. By dancing Argentine tango, you will not only learn to reveal your sensuality, behave more passionately and tenderly with women, but also protect your own potential, avoiding both annoying accidents and more serious problems in intimate life.

The Argentine tango dancer attracts women not only beautiful figure, gait and posture. He has another important advantage: he knows how to understand his partners without words, guess their desires, correctly respond to their gestures and views. This is a man who understands what women want. In a word, this is a real dream come true for many girls. Do not hesitate, your soulmate will certainly appreciate this dignity.

If you haven't found your one yet, sign up for an Argentine tango training anyway, and the teachers themselves will select a partner for you. Through classes, you can become much more attractive to women, and - who knows - you may find your sweetheart and win her heart. As you can see, Argentine tango is very useful for men, moreover, it helps to improve not only well-being, but also relationships with women, and even character!

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Tip 8: Argentine tango and development male character

Classes of Argentine tango in many ways affect the character, help a person to open up, strengthen his best features, get rid of complexes. By participating in trainings, you will soon notice that not only your posture and gait are changing, but even your very view of the world, character, and ability to present yourself.

Argentine tango classes affect not only a woman, but also a man. First of all, they increase in him self-confidence, which is so important for successful people. At the same time, an experienced dancer is not arrogant or arrogant - his confidence inspires respect and trust, not fear or anger.

Argentine tango helps a man become more reliable, learn to take responsibility for his words and deeds. good dancer leads his partner calmly and confidently, he clearly shows her what the next movement will be, and does not shift the responsibility onto her fragile shoulders. This is also necessary in business: become more reliable, more responsible, and colleagues, subordinates and business partners will begin to trust you much more and will appreciate you as a person of word and deed.

People are often greeted by their clothes and judged by their appearance, posture, gestures, gait. The Argentine tango dancer is at his best here too: he is always fit, his figure looks attractive, his gait is distinguished by refined movements, his posture is impeccable. Moreover, he carefully looks after himself and dresses well.

A man in a dance should be pleasant to a woman, which means that the smell of sweat and untidy clothes are excluded. Having learned the art of Argentine tango, you will be able to create an image of a successful, stylish person who you can rely on, and he is sure to make the most favorable impression on your colleagues, business partners and subordinates.

An experienced Argentine tango dancer always keeps calm and poise. He does not seek to stand out in the crowd, delight others, or, even more so, belittle the merits of other people. Moreover, he does not complain, does not blame those who are close to him for his mistakes. Such behavior inspires respect and lets people know that in front of them is a man with his unique style and solid life position, a man you can rely on, who will not let you down even in an important matter.

By learning Argentine tango, you can also develop leadership skills. You will learn to lead and inspire other people and increase their motivation. Man, dancing tango, feels his partner well and knows what movements should be chosen so that she easily and naturally performs the dance and is satisfied and self-confident. This is also necessary in communication with colleagues and subordinates: an experienced manager knows what tasks should be given so that employees are proud of their success and want to do their job better and better. He easily leads, inspires even shy, indecisive people with faith in the success of the enterprise. Finally, training in Argentine tango will teach a man to take other people's mistakes calmly and respond to them correctly, and for a leader, such an ability is truly priceless.

Speaking of tango, many people mean ballroom dance, which partners rehearse in advance and then demonstrate at performances. However, Argentine tango differs from ballroom tango in many ways. It can even be said that there are much more differences between these two dances than common features.

The most important difference between Argentine tango and ballroom tango is that it involves constant, every second improvisation. You can think of dance as a mosaic of many small parts. Partners collect it, creating a unique dance pattern. They combine walks, turns, stops, complement the tango with decorations. Of course, there are certain rules that should be followed during the dance, but they do not hold back the fantasy of the partners.

Interestingly, it is the opportunity to create something unique every time, to improvise, to present surprises to a partner and receive them in return during the dance, so attracts many people that they begin to devote a lot of time to Argentine tango, dreaming of becoming professionals.

Over time, dancers even get used to transferring the art of improvisation to everyday life: it becomes much easier for them to carry out business meeting, communicate with "difficult" clients, choose the right tone in a conversation with friends and loved ones, quickly, and most importantly, correctly respond to the words and actions of other people. In part, this is precisely the unique charm of the Argentine tango.

The differences between this dance and ballroom tango, which many people are already used to, are huge. That is why, if you have studied ballroom tango and even performed, you will have to perceive Argentine tango lessons as something completely new, and not as an addition to what you already know. The difference between Argentinean and ballroom tango becomes noticeable already when learning the basics: music, steps, movements, the nature of the hugs in these dances are different. If you often watch dance performances on TV, then by comparing them with the dance of teachers in the classroom, you will immediately notice the difference.

It is also worth mentioning the stage version of the Argentine tango. It is more common than classic version, since it is it that is used during performances that everyone can admire.

Firstly, the stage dance, as a rule, is composed and rehearsed in advance, so the element of improvisation in it is very weak. Still we are talking about about a prepared performance that should pleasantly surprise the audience. Secondly, the movements in such a dance are exaggerated and overly pronounced. This is due to the fact that even people sitting far from the stage should easily capture the essence of the dance and see the steps well. Stage tango is always theatrical, while classical Argentine tango does not have this feature.

First of all, the peculiarity of the Argentine tango is that it is not only a dance, but also a peculiar way of communication. Thanks to him, people learn how to find mutual language with others, and to understand other people's thoughts and feelings. Other social dances, including ballroom tango, do not give such results. The fact is that Argentine tango is based on improvisation. It is very difficult to dance beautifully without opening up to your partner and not listening to him. Thanks to this, even the most shy people, who are used to hiding their feelings from others, can become more liberated, courageous, self-confident.

Argentine tango is a great option for those who want to make new friends and maybe even strengthen their ties. In a few hours you can dance with many people, go through the experience several times pleasant meetings and parting, to create a few short "romances". People who lack pleasant communication will certainly like this way of "carrying on a conversation."

Thanks to the Argentine tango, you can throw out emotions, which is far from always possible in everyday life. Constantly holding back your feelings, a person can experience a lot of stress, but thanks to the dance, he will be able to get rid of such a problem. Moreover, this great way“feel alive”, experience something bright and unforgettable, which in boring everyday days filled with usual things, often there is simply no place.

Another one salient feature Argentine tango is that this dance does not require any special physical form, no special training. You don’t have to stand on your toes, quickly hit the steps with your feet, perform very complex movements that require flexibility, which require a lot of strength, etc.

Of course, for the beautiful professional dance it will take experience and preparation, but if you want to dance for yourself, and not perform in front of the audience, there will be no problems. By the way, Argentine tango is great for people different ages. It's never too late to start dancing: try it and you'll love it.

It is also worth noting that the Argentine tango is one of the most gendered dances. It clearly separates the roles of men and women, which is not typical for many other options. social dancing. Moreover, it helps to develop the necessary traits so that each partner knows and plays his role without difficulty. This is a very rewarding experience for many. modern people.

Tip 11: Argentine tango: from loneliness to mutual understanding

Argentine tango gives a person a truly invaluable experience. Thanks to it, you will not only learn more about the culture and technique of dance, but also learn to open up, better understand yourself, see and realize your problems. Moreover, you will be able to solve some difficulties, work on your character and even come to an understanding with other people, which, alas, many of us do not find either at work, or among friends, or in the family circle.

Dancing the Argentine tango, a person begins to understand more easily and quickly why he is unable to improve relations in a team or family. The dance helps to reveal and clearly emphasize the problems that hinder the establishment of mutual understanding: incredulity, excessive modesty and even painful shyness, the habit of wearing a mask, unwillingness to get along with other people, obsession with oneself, etc. Thanks to Argentine tango trainings, you will be able to see and appreciate all these difficulties. Next, you will have a choice: either fight problems, in which, again, training will help you a lot, or leave everything as it is.

If you decide to deal with what is holding you back and learn how to establish good relationships with other people, including work colleagues, Argentine tango teachers will help you with this. It is widely believed that in order to achieve such a result, it is enough to choose any social dances, but in reality this is not the case. Argentine tango requires much more effort in establishing contact with a partner and allows you to achieve a deeper mutual understanding.

The fact is that this is required by the very technique of dance. Argentine tango, unlike many other social dances, does not provide ready-made solutions. This means that you will not need to repeat the previously learned movements one after another, knowing exactly what will be next, but choosing each step, trying to feel the partner’s desires and understand exactly how he prefers to dance. The weaker the contact between the dancers, the higher the risk that they will start to make mistakes, get confused, and eventually the dance will be ruined.

Argentine tango is excellent for developing empathy. If you are not able to understand another person, feel his mood, understand what is hidden behind his words, you will gradually learn this at the trainings. Such a skill will certainly come in handy when communicating not only with loved ones, but also with colleagues, business partners, and superiors. You will also learn to focus on other people without thinking only about yourself.

The establishment of contact is also facilitated by the fact that a person, wanting to feel another, must open himself. Alas, this is seriously frightening for many beginners, because they find themselves defenseless without the usual mask. In fact, thanks to trainings, people learn to open up without harming themselves, to be honest, to give others the opportunity to feel them.

Tip 12: How to talk and be silent with your loved one: what tango will teach you

Of course, communication in a couple is necessary, because without it a man and a woman cannot understand each other and get an idea about the character, actions, thoughts of their soulmate. However, Argentine tango teaches us an even more important and valuable skill - how to be silent, while feeling comfortable and fully understanding.

During the dance, it is not customary to conduct a conversation. This applies even to comments and apologies. If you did something wrong, a glance or a short “Sorry” is enough. If your partner makes a mistake during the dance, you can tell him about it later. It is not at all necessary to interrupt the dance for this, unless it is a question of early stages learning.

Remember: the more you talk, the more difficult it is for you to feel the movements of your partner, to understand him, to establish contact with him, which will allow you to create a beautiful and refined dance. Only by learning non-verbal communication and by starting to talk through hugs and touch, you can improve your dancing skills. Moreover, it will give you a very important skill - to understand your partner even in everyday life, to pay attention to his body language and gestures, to guess his emotions. You can be silent with each other, and at the same time both of you will be easy and comfortable. No doubt, this will have a beneficial effect on relationships.

Argentine tango will teach you one more thing that the couple needs to get used to: all comments should be made after the dance, and not during it, and you can’t publicly scold your partner. If you are used to arranging a showdown in the presence of other people, you will have to urgently get rid of this habit. This is one of the secrets of a successful partnership - both in dance and in life. In addition, it must be remembered that "debriefing" requires sensitivity from both partners, the desire to understand, the ability to choose expressions and speak only about specific shortcomings, and not about the appearance or character of a person. This is necessary so that a person’s self-esteem remains high enough, and so that unnecessary grievances do not appear in a couple that can seriously spoil the relationship.

Argentine tango finally gives you the opportunity to please your partner with pleasant words. Couples who have lived together for a long time should think about how often compliments sound in their daily lives. Often people who have lived together enough for a long time, just forget about how important it is to praise each other, and stop saying nice things. However, this can be offensive, because sometimes it seems that the partner has simply stopped appreciating his soul mate or even just paying attention to her merits. After each dance, you will learn to thank your partner. To do this, you can use not a banal thank you, but a good compliment. It is very pleasant to hear: “You dance wonderfully”, “You have an amazing talent”, “I was very pleased.” By transferring the habit of complimenting into everyday life, you will soon notice that the relationship in the couple began to build better.

Learning to dance tango is not easy, and for this you need good teacher. However, you can learn the basics on your own. If you are ready, then soon you will be dancing this sensual, romantic, elegant dance.



    Listen to music. The essence of tango is feelings, not actions. Any master of this art form will tell you that to really learn how to dance the tango, the music has to flow through you. So start listening! Listen in the car while washing dishes; learn to feel how the music "flows" through the body. And as you dance, you will discover something unexpected!

    • What musicians should you listen to? Di Sarli, Canaro, Pugliese, D'Arienzo and Laurenz are five artists that are really worth listening to. Drive them into YouTube - you have everything at your fingertips!
  1. Start with hugs. In tango, hugs are numero uno. Yes, hugging is easy, but hugging should be sensual, light, and strong at the same time. Simply put, both partners must be mirror image each other.

    • The partner raises his left hand and grabs the partner with his right hand, placing his hand on her back slightly below her shoulder blades. The partner puts her right hand on the partner's left hand, and wraps her left hand around him, placing it also in the middle of his back.
  2. Maintain perfect posture. Tango originated in the poorest parts of Argentina, but that doesn't mean it hasn't developed since then. To dance the tango correctly, you must maintain perfect posture. That is, the head should be up, the back is straight, the lower back and stomach are extended, the chest is raised - your whole body exudes confidence.

    • Not only will you look a little ridiculous if you don't keep the correct posture, but you also risk hitting or injuring your partner. Imagine a hunched partner who leans on his partner, forcing her to arch her back and mince around his clumsy steps, trying not to touch his legs. So you can generally be left without partners!
  3. Practice alone first. Before dancing in pairs, especially if you are leading, it is important to learn how to do basic steps. Imagine going to the gym in a miniskirt and high heels! Well, I do not. First you need to prepare.

    • Both partners must remember this rhythm: slow, slow, fast, fast, slow. Leader steps:
      • Left foot forward
      • Right foot forward
      • Forward left
      • Right foot right
      • Connect the legs, moving the left to the right. Like this! Again!
    • For the slave (reflection of the actions of the master):
      • Back with right foot
      • Back with left foot
      • Back with right foot
      • To the left with the left foot
      • Place your right foot in front of your left. That's all! Now again!
  4. When you're ready, dance with a partner. Of course, tango is not only slow-slow-fast-fast-slow, and that's the beauty of it. Once you learn this rhythm and can dance it counterclockwise in a circle, find yourself a partner. Whether you are leading or being led, feel your partner's presence and spin with him. Otherwise, you will be dancing next to each other, and not with each other.

    • Dance with different partners. Some will be easier than others. Same styles work better than different styles. And of course, if you find someone who dances better than you, don't miss this chance and learn from them!

    Add fire moves

    1. Add wiggles. This is an American tango style move where you don't take a step, but sway back and forth, transferring your body weight from one foot to the other. That is, if you take the step that we talked about earlier, then instead of two steps in quick-quick, you take one step and sway with the transfer of body weight. It is clear that nothing is clear, right?

      • With a normal step, when you are leading, then on the count of fast-quickly you take two steps forward. Now, instead, take one step and shift your body weight onto your back foot (without moving it). If you are a follower, then you move in a mirror way: a step back quickly, and instead of a second step, you move your body forward.
    2. Korte. Korte and rocking can be combined into one movement. Corte is the same as rocking, only it is done in the first two steps (slowly slowly). To make the court look more spectacular, the steps should be long and smooth.

      Add twists and turns. Stand with a partner in a promenade position where your bodies are facing each other and your heads are turned to the side. Now instead of moving forward and backward, you can move left or right. And now you can perform twists and turns. In most tango figures, the partner does most of the hard work, but the men can get it too!

      • Imagine that you are a follower in a pair and take two steps to the right (slowly slowly). Immediately after the second step (before the third), turn the body to the left. And keep moving back in relation to the original direction. It was a swivel.
      • To make a turn, the leader must turn around the partner 180 degrees on the first quick step and the next. Let's rock!
    3. As a leader, plan ahead. It may seem that being the leader is easier, because he does not have to try to guess the partner's movements. But the leader has his own difficulties. The leader always needs to plan ahead and understand how the dance should develop. Therefore, in order not to stomp in a circle, think over the dance a few steps ahead.

      If you are a follower, you should feel the partner's weight. The follower has less worries: he just needs to follow the flow. But it's not easy and can sometimes be confusing if you don't trust your partner. The easiest way to know what to expect is to feel your partner's weight. Feel where it's going. Feel where it shifts between figures. Balance with it. He will take you with him.

    4. Everything ingenious is simple. You can make very complex movements, but if there is not this synchronicity between you and your partner, this smooth flow, which tango really is, then none of this matters. Don't chase after the outside, but follow your feelings. Keep things simple, master that simplicity, and the rest will come by itself.

      • Have you ever seen how an elderly couple moves in a simple dance? It's so touching because they Just are dancing. It is this, this very simplicity that should be your goal.

    Dance school lessons

    1. Find a teacher who cares about technique rather than cramming steps and figures. The teacher must be able to dance both as a leader and as a follower in order to teach you how to dance in both roles and feel the partner. Try to find a small group of about 10 people so that you have a choice of partners and the teacher can work with each one individually.

      • There are three types of tango: Argentine tango, ballroom tango and American tango. Argentine tango has become very popular due to its varied figures, impromptu movements, and greater emphasis on the woman. There are many schools for beginners teaching this type of tango.
    2. Circle movement. Whether you're dancing at school or at a party, tango usually moves in circles. So there are a couple of important things to keep in mind:

      • Movement counterclockwise. This does not apply to turns, swivels and other movements. Watch to general direction dance went counterclockwise.
      • More experienced tango dancers take longer steps and take up more space. Less confident dancers, pushed aside by more daring couples, close in the center of the circle. Don't repeat their mistakes!
    3. Go to milonga and tango nights and show off. If you are walking alone, then find a partner with the help of cabeceo (Spanish for "nod" - a signal of invitation or consent to dance). No need to ask, agree with your eyes. Make eye contact - smile or nod. If the person does not answer you, look for another. This method is not so intrusive and does not put pressure on a person.

      • One dance set, or tanda, includes 4 dances. Therefore, if you are not sure that you want to dance all 4 dances with this person, then invite him during the 2nd or 3rd set.
    4. Be patient. Tango requires balance and a willingness to learn. It will be extremely difficult at first, but trust that it will pass. You will master the steps. But first, crush someone's toes. It's okay - they will heal. If you practice, you will get better and better.

      • Tango is not a dance that can be mastered in an evening or in one lesson. This is what makes it so mesmerizing! There is much to be learned; it can take a lifetime to learn how to dance and understand tango. But don't let this fact put you off, let it inspire you. By learning to dance the tango, you will master the art.
    • Learn from different instructors. Don't limit yourself to one teacher. Before you pay him, visit a trial lesson. It may turn out that you do not like his character or style at all.
    • Choose instructors who teach in pairs. He will be better able to teach you. Yes, a man can teach you how to lead, but only a woman can teach you how to be the perfect leader. And vice versa.
    • Wear comfortable, loose clothing.
    • If you decide to practice Argentine tango, then figure out what is the difference between Apilado, Salon and staged (Fantasy tango) tango.
    • Your instructor must be experienced in all three styles of Argentine tango: Salon, Apilado (or Milonguero) and Tango Nuevo. If he's only into one style, better find another one. Why should they decide which style you will dance in if you yourself have not yet figured out which one you like best?


    • If your instructor is not a great dancer, stay away from him. You need to learn only from the best, and not from amateurs who do not dance, but only teach, or who do not create ease and fun from learning.

Jul 17 2015

Tango is a sensual, dynamic ballroom dance that originated in Argentina. However, tango has been danced in ballrooms all over the world and is a completely different dance from the Argentinean tango! This is due to the fact that Arthur Murray wanted to change the dance, made it easier and taught this variation in his ballroom dance studio.

For the American style of tango, the characteristic movements are performed in an open as well as a closed position. There are many twists and turns and jerky movements and poses, along with slow, sensual movements that create a contrasting effect. Although some people prefer to dance the tango in one place, most dancers move around as they dance. Change-of-position dances, such as the tango, must always be danced in an anti-clockwise direction, the so-called "line of dance", to avoid collision between the dancing couples.

Initial dance steps in tango they alternate in this way: slow, slow, fast, fast, slow. There are two hits per slow step musical rhythm, for fast - one. The steps should be performed in a staccato technique, that is, they should be quick hits of the foot on the floor, as opposed to smooth rearranged ones. The only exception is the final dance step, during which you should slowly move the active leg. The knees should remain bent for most of the dance, with a few exceptions.

The couple usually starts the tango from a position where the bodies are close to each other. The right hand of the lady lies on the left hand of the man, they should be approximately at eye level, the arms should be slightly bent at the elbows. The man's right hand should be placed on the middle part of the partner's back. The lady encloses her left elbow on the man's right elbow, her left thumb should lie under the partner's right triceps. The lady during the dance should deviate slightly to the right, while taking a position, as she looks at her left wrist. Tango is usually danced in close contact, in which chests and hips collide, but beginners can keep their distance until they gain enough experience. You can learn how to dance tango and other styles of dancing in dance studio D-FUSION. Where professional choreographers will make you a real dancer.

Numerous dance steps can be used in tango, from very simple and unpretentious to very difficult and difficult to perform. The more musical steps you learn, the better you can combine them to make your dance even more interesting. Over time, gaining practical experience, you will be able to dance as if you put the dance to a certain music. There are a lot of dance steps, it is impossible to list them here, so let's focus on the main ones.

Basic musical steps of a man in tango

At the expense of "one-two", bring the straight left leg forward.

On the count of "three-four", bring the right leg forward.

On the count of five, take a step forward with your left foot.

On the count of six, take a step to the right with your right foot.

On the count of "seven-eight", slowly put your left foot to the right, not transferring weight to it.

Basic dance steps of a woman in tango

At the expense of "one-two" take a step back with your right foot.

On the count of three-four, slowly bring your left leg back.

On the count of five, take a step back with your right foot.

On the count of six, take a step to the left with your left foot.

On the count of "seven-eight", slowly put your right foot to the left, not transferring weight to it.
