Who is Jamie Dornan dating now? Mean Girl: What We Know About Dakota Johnson

On the occasion of Valentine's Day, the creators of the Fifty Shades of Gray franchise have prepared a hot sequel for loyal fans. The writers of the "dark" sequel promised that erotic scenes there will not be as much as in the previous part, but there is more than enough psychologism and intensity of passions.

However, it is not surprising, since the first film left the audience with a wide open mouth and intrigue in the eyes. It is still unknown how Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey's relationship will develop. So much controversy and ulterior motives that fans of the franchise can only guess about.

As for the personal life of the actors who played the main roles in the film Fifty Shades Darker, the question still remains open. Dakota Jones shared with reporters a few days ago how it is sometimes difficult for her to put up with her current role. According to the plot, the events around the key characters unfold around the world of eroticism and forbidden pleasure, so without sex scenes it's simply impossible to get by.

Men do not want to see Anastasia Steele in Dakota Johnson

Since this film was the debut for the Hollywood actress, it is not surprising that such images will be attributed to her. According to the celebrity, she would not want to end her career on such a note or go to similar roles. The girl is tired of moments of a sexual nature, as well as constant questions on such topics. It's not that Dakota Johnson doesn't like to shoot such scenes, but she is annoyed by their post-effects. socialite stated that she could embody herself in other roles, since her possibilities and desire are not limited by anything.

Due to her non-standard image, Dakota Johnson has absolutely no relationship with members of the opposite sex. The famous actress said that men are afraid of Anastasia Steele. Or the celebrity is faced with excessive adoration and worship. She meets the first much more often than she would like.

As for her relationship with Jamie Dornan, they are connected by nothing more than a friendly bond. Young people understand each other well, so there are no prohibitions regarding creativity between them. creative union site partners are built on honesty and trust.

In relations with her famous parents, Dakota Johnson also has problems. According to the Hollywood actress, Melanie Griffith and Joe Johnson, despite their familiarity with the world of cinema, it is difficult to watch their daughter's first scandalous films. There is still some awkwardness between the relatives and the girl. Friends of Dakota Johnson are more relaxed about the erotic role of a celebrity, but not in the way they would like.

Meanwhile, Hollywood actress finds positive aspects of his debut role. The film "Fifty Shades of Grey" gave the girl the opportunity to find herself in the world that she had dreamed of for so long. In addition, she likes even the most controversial aspects of the profession, so she is ready to develop and move on.

- Jamie, looking back, how do you evaluate your long “journey” of almost four years?

Indeed, the film "Fifty Shades of Grey" was released in 2015, and it was filmed in 2014. During this time, I gained invaluable experience and, of course, grew as an actor. And, of course, it's nice to be involved in what many people like.

- Fifty Shades of Grey, directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson. What do you think director James Foley brought to the picture that was new compared to the first film?

It certainly wasn't easy for James to jump on a train that had already left the station. Nevertheless, he succeeded: he respected what his predecessor did, and at the same time made his own movie. In a situation where you pick up the work of another person, you have to be extremely delicate, and James handled it perfectly.

- In the first two films, the relationship between the main characters - Christian Gray and Anastasia Steele - was very difficult. How do they develop in the new film?

It can be said that they are entering a more positive direction. Since our characters with Dakota Johnson are now married, they are more and more like an ordinary married couple. But this does not mean that their life becomes more boring. As you might guess, the love of the heroes is once again being tested.

Firstly, marriage itself is no small test for lovers - I think people who are married understand what I'm talking about. And secondly, the feelings of the characters are repeatedly tested for strength thanks to the author of the script. (laughs) For example, when Anastacia's former boss Jack Hyde comes on the scene, romantic plot clearly turns towards the thriller.

- That is, the viewer is waiting for a lot of action?

Exactly. Although the shooting of the second and third films was carried out in parallel, working on the film "Fifty Shades Freed" was more interesting for me. In it, the action develops more rapidly, there are scenes of car races, fights ... It cannot be said that I had so many fights and chases, but I threw my fellow actors around me with pleasure and did various tricks.

- In the film "Fifty Shades of Grey" Christian tried to control Anastacia in everything, in the film "Fifty Shades Darker" she already dictates her conditions to him. Who owns the situation in the third picture?

It can be said that the heroes converged in the middle and are balancing, trying to reach a compromise that family life requires from lovers. Roughly speaking, they are trying to work in one team, and not fight for dominance.

- If there was no special chemistry between Dakota and me, we would not be able to play those special relationships that connect our heroes. A scene from the movie Fifty Shades Freed. Photo courtesy of UPI Russia

- Is your character different from the Christian we saw in the first two films?

I would say that he became more understanding, more human, or something ... Compared to the first picture, where Christian's thoughts and actions were difficult to understand, now we have an open book before us.

For any actor, such a role is a kind of challenge. The difficulty was that, on the one hand, it was necessary to play a sort of detached and cold type, accustomed to controlling everything around, and on the other hand, a charming guy who is liked by others.

- And what can you say about the heroine - Anastasia has changed a lot since the time of the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey"?

She finally grew up, found her voice and turned into a strong one, independent woman who makes her own decisions. It becomes clear that Anastasia really loves Christian. In a word, she is now not the unrequited sheep that she used to be, and Christian accepts this, because he also truly loves.

- What else interesting characters appear in Fifty Shades Freed?

One of the main ones is Jack Hyde. The audience met him in the movie Fifty Shades Darker, but in new painting he gives a real shake-up to the main characters, becomes a source of drama and action. Eric Johnson is very good in this role, and he is also taller than me, which can not but annoy. (Laughs.)

Another character is Gia Matteo (played by Ariel Kebbel), a designer who works on the interior of Christian's new home. She openly flirts with my hero, which causes outbreaks of jealousy in Anastacia. But Christian reacts calmly to this situation - he is really happy with Anastasia.

- I heard that you became very good friends with the performer of the role of Anastacia. This is true?

We adore each other. If there wasn’t a special chemistry between Dakota and me, we wouldn’t be able to play those special relationships that connect our heroes. We have come all this way together, and now that the shooting has come to an end, we remain great friends. I am sure that we will continue to support each other. After all, this work greatly influenced not only our career, but also ourselves. The thread that binds us cannot be broken so easily. It's forever.

With wife and daughter Dulce (London, 2015). Photo: Legion Media

- Did such a warm relationship help you during the filming of erotic scenes?

And how! The passion that literally burned Christian and Anastacia in the first two films does not subside. On the contrary, it becomes even stronger. It seems that these guys are insatiable, they can not live a day without sex.

Erotic scenes are very difficult for actors - acting in them, you feel very vulnerable. Here you need absolute trust in your partner. And if in the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey" Dakota and I were just getting to know each other, our relationship was only gaining momentum, but then we already felt each other well. Even sometimes managed to laugh, which greatly facilitated the work.

In general, there were many moments on the site that caused laughter. I remember we couldn't stop laughing during the filming of the wedding scene. We suddenly realized that the guy who was in the elevator with us in the first movie was now sitting in the front row at the wedding ceremony. For some reason we thought it was very funny. Dakota and I often made each other laugh.

And that's great: it's hard to work when everything around is too serious. Life is short and you have to enjoy it. Of course, work should be approached with all responsibility, but it would be nice to enjoy it. We are actors, and our main task is to entertain people. And how do you do it if you don't treat yourself with humor? In principle, this applies to any profession. My father, for example, is a surgeon, but he is one of the most funny people that I have met.

Was there anything on the set that stood out in particular?

First of all, as I said, we shot two films at the same time. In my opinion, it made life much easier for the entire film crew. You know that for six months you need to drop everything and concentrate entirely on work. This helps to save not only time and money, but also energy.

Another bonus is a trip to France, where the heroes go to Honeymoon. The shooting schedule was not very tight, so we had enough free time. Dakota and I and other actors used it to wander around Paris and Nice, swim in the sea and even go water skiing. Those were great days.

Jamie Dornan

wife - Amelia Warner, actress; daughters - Dalsie (4 years old) and Elva (2 years old)

model, musician, actor. He worked as a model for famous brands, played in British group Sons of Jim. How the actor made his film debut in Sofia Coppola's film
"Marie Antoinette" (2006). He starred in the series Once Upon a Time, The Fall, the films Anthropoid, etc. He became famous for the role of rich Christian Gray in the films Fifty Shades of Gray and Fifty Shades Darker

At first it was a literary phenomenon. "Fifty Shades of Grey" was published in France in 2012 and became a bestseller even before it went on sale. E.L. James managed to transform the harlequin-like love story in an ode to sensuality. Alas, it has nothing to do with de Sade, Houellebecq and the vicious erotic literature of the eighteenth century... The peculiarity of this saga is that it again brought people to bookstores, then, when the film was released on February 11, 2015, to cinemas. Since Hollywood has always been good at turning popular stories into blockbusters, this film was a success, as expected, while cementing hopes for future films along the way. It was thanks to this factor that Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan met with journalists from all over the world in the huge, gloomy premises of Universal Studios during the promotion of the film Fifty Shades Darker. She is just like her character, cold and reserved. He is a charming Englishman with good manners.

The first film is built on sex, humor and domination. In the second, perhaps, Anastasia already takes power into her own hands.

Dakota Johnson: Given the end of the first film, it's important for her to take control of their relationship. If Christian wants to be with her, it will be on her terms. But, of course, their relationship will develop. Anastasia will not only compromise, but also sacrifice her beliefs for him. As is he, in fact.

Is it a love story or a fight between two egos?

Jamie Dornan: Love! It is the essence of the films and the novel. "Fifty Shades" is not about two "I's" fighting, it's about two people who are trying to build their love. in the best way. The films do justice to the books and remain fairly close to them in content.

Movies are a little more fun. Anastasia on the movie screen is much more entertaining than on the pages of a book, isn't it?

Dakota Johnson: She's a pretty strong character.

Jamie Dornan: However, perhaps it was you who gave her this strength, firmness of character, sense of humor.

Dakota Johnson: Perhaps ... I find her quite funny, but not everyone in her finds it.

Jamie Dornan: Well, in the second film, this aspect of her character will be revealed even more. [laughs]

How does each of you see your characters?

Jamie Dornan: Ha, if only we knew! We constantly discuss it among ourselves and with the director. But I don't feel like a big brother giving advice to my little sister. We just try to stay on the same wavelength.

These roles imply real intimacy. You had to become friends in real life to make this possible?

Dakota Johnson: We have a special relationship. I am very close with Jamie's wife, with his children, she wonderful person. There are a lot of franchises in Hollywood, but I think this one is the only one where the actors became real friends. On the other hand, if it wasn't, it would complicate things...

You made friends outside film set?

Jamie Dornan: I wouldn't say that. We work together thirteen hours a day, so we had time to get to know each other better! [Laughs] It brings you closer, creates shared memories. Many will say that this is all a movie, but we quickly became friends. We have the same approaches to the roles, we do not mind laughing, especially after the most intense scenes. We are now deeply connected. The success that we experienced together is also quite a test.

You were filming in Nice when the terrorist attack happened.

Jamie Dornan: I was there with my family, the crew was in Monaco at the time. During the attack, we were sleeping because I have small children, so we go to bed early. But at night they called me a lot, asking if everything was in order.

Dakota Johnson:
And I didn't sleep. I did not go to bed until I found out if everything was in order with all the members of the team. I collected information drop by drop... It was a very difficult event. We wanted to stay to help France. And even more so, I didn’t want to shock people with the view of a film crew from Hollywood, who came only for work. As a young American, I have never been so close to the epicenter of an attack. I watched TV for hours, read newspapers.

The next day, Mr. Gray and Miss Steele couldn't tell if something had happened?

Dakota Johnson: But it happened. We asked the French people who worked on our team if we should stop filming - out of respect. But they asked us in chorus to continue, to return to work, not wanting to dance to the tune of the terrorists.

How do you see the continuation of your career? There is always a risk that you will be constantly identified with your characters.

Dakota Johnson: Personally, it doesn't bother me. I can’t believe that I will always see Anastasia for someone.

Jamie Dornan: Agree. I think I can distance myself from my character. How many actors before me had iconic roles and which of them went on to act in other films? The real problem here is just not being able to portray the character with the same recoil. The challenge is to keep working, to look for good projects the ones that people would like to see.

Jamie, you cast amazing roles. You just starred in a movie French director Alexandra Azha, The Ninth Life of Louis Drax. Pretty small project...

Jamie Dornan: It's definitely different from the Hollywood franchises. The budget is completely different, but the stakes are the same, and I just need this balance between such "personal" projects and high-profile films. I also really want to do a TV show that allows a lot more in terms of script than a classic movie. Although in a sense, the freedom that I now have, I owe to Christian Grey.

Dakota Johnson: Fifty Shades is a real platform for us to work on. Films allow us to open up. Instead of locking us into one role, as you think, they open up new horizons.

Now you are around the clock under the sights of the paparazzi. It's like the proverb: no pain - no result?

Jamie Dornan: I don't care, I just pretend they don't exist. I have never been interested in other people's lives, so I live as usual. When people gather in Paris near the Opéra Garnier because we're filming there, it's just a certain moment in my life. The next day, something else awaits me. My everyday life doesn't involve filming a movie in Paris. It's only a few days... Moreover, such "incidents" are extremely rare.

Dakota Johnson: I try to live like this normal life, as much as possible. Of course, I have famous parents, but I also have many friends who do not belong to the world of cinema. Of course, going to the premiere, I always think about what I should wear. But when I go shopping, I don't really care. [Laughs.]

Jamie Dornan: The more you think about it, the more you go crazy. Better try to live ordinary life.

Dakota Johnson: Yes, and it would be boring every day to think over what you should do, what you should say ...

So fame and recognition is not a problem for you?

Jamie Dornan: Yes, it is. Maybe we're just better at it than other people. We live in the countryside, where few people are interested in Mr. Grey. I would attract more attention if I spent five days a week in New York clubs. It was fun when I was twenty. Now I'm thirty-four and it's not.

Jamie, in England you were a member of a rock band. Was it the success that pushed you into a film career?

Jamie Dornan: [Laughs] We were friends, we started when we were seventeen, without any ulterior motive. A lot of people wanted us to finally break up. But the adventure had an abrupt ending.

Dakota Johnson: I can't imagine you in a rock band. [Laughs.]

Some critics call "Fifty Shades" a mixture of "Cinderella" and "Life of Adele". What do you think of it?

Dakota Johnson: Oh, I like it. But how many people actually say that? Either way, I find it flattering. This is great!

Jamie Dornan: I like these films, so I don't mind either. In this particular case.

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Full interview Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan for "Paris Match" (2017)

Despite the fact that in the movie "50 shades of gray" there are many juicy moments, Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan are not a couple at all. Moreover, Dakota Johnson herself announced the news: “after such spicy eroticism in the picture, we will always remain friends.”

Photo Jakota Johnson from the movie "50 shades of gray" with Jamie Dornan

It is known that Jamie Dornan worked for a long time as a model for fashion brands Armani, Dior, Calvin Klein and Boss. But real popularity, as reported in breaking news, came to him after the role of Christian Gray in an erotic trilogy with Dakota Johnson.

About the personal life of Jamie Dornan, it is known that for a long time he was known as a womanizer. He briefly dated actress Keira Knightley. Next was an affair with Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss, with whom he broke up due to close attention press, according to the latest news.

Photo by Keira Knightley and Jamie Dornan

In 2013, Jamie Dornan tied the knot with Colin Farrell's ex-wife, singer Amelia Warner, who are still together today. The couple already has two daughters, 5-year-old Dulce and 2-year-old Amelia. They don't share often. personal photos and tell news about their family life. It is now known that the actor is acting in the image of Robin Hood and in 2018 he will delight fans with participation in 4 films.

Photo of Jamie Dornan with his wife and children

Judging by the latest news, 27-year-old Dakona Johnson, daughter of Melanie Griffith, is not yet married. At the age of 17, she became the face of MANGO, long time played supporting roles. It is noteworthy that by nature Dakota Johnson is blonde, but for the film "50 Shades of Grey" she had to dye her hair brunette.

Pictured is a naturally blonde Dakota Johnson

Looking at how Dakota Johnson looks now, it’s hard to believe the news that in her almost 20 years she underwent compulsory treatment for alcohol and drug addiction. In 2012, the actress dated Jordie Masterson, but after participating in an erotic film, they broke up, according to the latest news. For two years, Dakota Johnson met with musician Matthew Hitt, but this union was not long either. It is known that now the star of the erotic film is dating Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin.

Photo Dakota Johnson with a guy

Instagram Dakota Johnson: https://www.instagram.com/officialdakotajohnson/

Instagram Jamie Dornan: https://www.instagram.com/_jamie_dornan_/

Went on a tour of evening show, answering tricky questions from Jimmy Kimmel and James Corden.

Kimmel asked Jamie what relationship he has with the actress after all explicit scenes in which the partners happened to star.

“This will sound inappropriate, but we are almost like brother and sister. Because I'm married, and she ... changed quite a lot of guys while we were filming. Everyone has their own life, and we just show love and respect for each other. It seems to me that we already know each other very well, even to some extent in an intimate sense..

When asked about what Jamie covered his genitals during explicit scenes, the actor was embarrassed:

“Well, I put on such a tiny bag. Well, that is, this expression is, in fact, he is not so tiny. Yes, a normal big bag. On the set of the first film, I was given whole line these bags to choose from, well, I took one, turned it inside out, and there was such a strange inscription: “Prisoner number 3”.

Jamie confirmed that 50 Shades Freed was filmed back-to-back and filming ended about 2 years ago.

"I have seen last film. They make us watch… oh, I mean, anyway, we had to brush up on the movie before the premiere anyway, since shooting ended a long time ago. So I went to the Universal studios in London, where they have something like their own cinema. But they don't let you watch this movie alone, in case you want to copy it to your phone... Nonsense, of course. As if I would do it... So I watched it with a security guard. With such a big guy. Just the two of us. But before that I drank beer and periodically went to the toilet, so I spent part of the film there. But all those sex scenes… towards the end, I was already burning with shame. And when the movie ended, the guard told me, “Cool, dude, high five!”.

In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Jamie admitted that his wife has not watched a single movie about Anastacia and Christian.

“I don’t want to pay her tickets for these films”- joked the actor.

In an interview with James Corden, Jamie spoke about who, at the beginning of his career, was still unknown to anyone. famous actor his roommate.

“Eddie was desperate then. We both were. There wasn't much work to do, we didn't really have to choose, we went to the same auditions, we both had the same agent. And I remember… it seems to have been in 2008, on the second day after we moved in together, a courier from our agency arrived with a huge stack of scripts, there were about 25 of them. And Eddie and I immediately began to fuss about who this was all intended for. It was all meant for me, and Eddie took it to heart. He called the agent to find out why "Jamie just got a hefty stack of scripts." An hour later, the courier arrived with exactly the same size stack of the same scripts for him..
