In which lottery gosloto win more often. The biggest lottery winnings in Russia: list and interesting facts

No one can know for sure when fortune will turn to him. Therefore, some buy lottery tickets year after year so as not to miss THAT day, others prefer not to spend money. However, Russian lotteries continue to flourish and delight their fans with winnings.

Domestic lotteries, of course, are inferior in terms of the size of the jackpot to their foreign counterparts. But this does not mean that you do not need to believe in fate, especially since buying Russian ticket everyone can do it, it's cheap. Works in our country big network points of sale and launched the possibility of buying online. In addition, PR companies continue to advertise the chance to win big.

Where can I buy a ticket

It is hardly possible to meet a person who does not want to get rich in an instant. Help in solving financial problems is offered at every step. You can see a large number of offers on Internet advertising banners. But is it worth trusting tempting offers? Experienced players are advised to purchase tickets only at official points. To really win, give preference to trusted dealers and sites, for example, the Russian Stoloto lottery has been tested for years.

Sales points:

  • newsstands;
  • branches of Sberbank;
  • shopping centers.

Of course, these are not all available options, but try to buy tickets at trusted points with a decent reputation and great experience.

Lottery 6/45

Significantly named 6 out of 45 ticket is the Russian lottery with the biggest jackpot on this moment. This is confirmed by the monitoring commission, which held large-scale study all lotteries that operate on the territory of our country. To become a winner, you need to guess a combination of 6 numbers that fall out during the live broadcast. You can watch the game and try your luck every day at 10 pm Moscow time. The Russian lottery "Gosloto" in 2014 made it possible for a resident of Omsk to start new life. The man hit the jackpot with a face value of 184 million rubles.

Lottery 5/36

The Commission ruled that 5/36 has the most fair rules if we consider Russian lotteries. The winner is the one who guesses 5 numbers out of 36 options. This ticket is worth keeping an eye on for the impatient who can't wait for the draw to start, as they delight their viewers twice a day by holding a draw at live.

Lottery 7/49

After analyzing the situation, we can understand that 7/49 ranks second place of honor in the rating "Russian lotteries with the most big win". The principle of this option is no different from the previous ones. It is necessary to guess 7 numbers out of 49 offered. An additional advantage is the ability to continue the game by expanding the boundaries to a combination of twelve numbers. If the player managed to guess at least three, four, five or six numbers, he receives a prize. The organizers spend about 50% of all money from bets on the game for payments for these combinations.

Golden Key

We continue to consider popular Russian lotteries. Russian loto or, as the official name says, "Golden Key" will be remembered by all viewers for many years. Especially the mustachioed, good-natured uncle, who has been handing out apartments right and left for 12 years now.

Central channels are happy to host broadcasts of draws. At first, the program was shown by ORT, then I had to make room and change Channel One to RTR. In addition to apartments, players have the opportunity to win cash prizes or cars. The meaning of the game is similar to regular lotto. It is necessary to cross out one of the rows faster than the rest. If we consider the best Russian lotteries, then the Golden Key is considered the oldest one that exists today. According to unconfirmed media reports, the organizer and main sponsor of the game is the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation.

Lotto "Million"

All Russian lotteries take the idea from similar overseas ones. It was no exception and he managed to gain a foothold in the domestic market due to an interesting system. Buying one lottery ticket, you can try your luck for several rounds of the draw. If fortune is really on your side today, and you won in two rounds, the amount of winnings is summed up. This system, although complex, is very loved by the audience and allows you to be in blissful tension throughout the game. To become the owner of the jackpot, you must cross out all 25 numbers in 25 moves in both fields.

First National Lottery

The Russian lotteries with the biggest winnings were headed by the First national lottery. According to 2016 data, it occupies a leading position in people's trust. This is not surprising, since this program was created specifically to restore confidence in the draws that the state arranged in the early 2000s. According to official statistics, the First National Lottery allows 25 thousand people to win in just one round of the game. The organizers spend 60 percent of the bets on payments, which is 10 percent more than in the rest. Established rules for increasing payouts increase the chances of winning.

housing lottery

You can even try your luck online, on the Stoloto website. State Russian lotteries allow you to win an apartment or a large amount of money. The housing lottery is ideal for those who dream of owning their own living space. The tickets show two fields, each of which has three rows of five digits each. By playing this lottery, you get the opportunity to become the owner of a one-, two- or three-room apartment. More recently, the organizers have experienced unfavorable times, but today the situation on the housing market has stabilized.

Winning combinations:

  • collect a combination of the dropped numbers in one line the fastest;
  • collect all the numbers of one field first;
  • collect all the numbers in two fields.

Everyone whose tickets contain at least one missing number loses. Most often, there are three to four uncovered digits in the card.

Lottery "Golden Horseshoe"

Another lottery that has government support is " golden horseshoe”, it is broadcast on the NTV channel on Sundays at 8:15 Moscow time. Having enlisted the support of the Ministry of Sports, she has a large number of fans of the Russian loto, which is similar in terms of rules and principles.

The well-known presenter maintains the image and is already remembered by the audience with his good-natured smile and catchphrases. Please note that tickets must be purchased before 16:00 Moscow time one day before the TV broadcast, more precisely until Saturday. The intrigue lies in the ever-growing jackpot. Golden Horseshoe leads the Russian lotteries with a large prize fund, because the number of ticket buyers is a record. Simple Rules games and propaganda on television are doing their job.

If we consider the rules of the game, we can see a striking resemblance to the usual Russian loto. One line must be crossed out to receive the minimum prize. Then one completely crossed out field wins, then the winner is the one who crossed out all the numbers of two fields before the others.

If you carefully study the reviews about the "Golden Horseshoe", then you can note their positive orientation. A large advantage in favor of buying this ticket plays low price- about 50 rubles. The second significant factor is the transparency of tours. Russian lotteries, reviews of which are carefully studied by the organizers, are usually held online to eliminate the possibility of fraud and prevent rumors of dishonest tours. Analysts argue that there is no reason to manipulate the results of this lottery, the fact is that the Ministry of Sports receives 50 percent of the sale of all tickets, which is an impressive amount. The remaining 50 percent goes to the prize pool.

However, you can also find a negative note in the reviews, for example, the issuance of winnings can be difficult and take a long time. In some cases, the winners had to wait up to two weeks. The organizers reassure the players that everyone will receive the winnings, the problem lies in the accounting delays when transferring large amounts of money. Public funding requires a certain amount of time, which is already limited. Preparing reports, transferring money to the organizer and delivering prizes to distribution points - all this takes from one to two weeks. If you become the owner of a prize of one million rubles, you will have to visit the central office, the rest can pick up prizes at points of sale.

Instant lottery from Sberbank

For thrill seekers, there is another way to test your luck. The Russians allow you to look into the eyes of fortune without leaving their department. The only thing you need to do is buy a ticket at one of the ticket offices of any branch, regardless of the region of your residence. The ticket price is indicated on its front side, on the back you can find the rules for holding and issuing prizes.

Choose any ticket you like and remove the protective film to find out how much you won. In the event that you become the owner of an amount less than a thousand, then you will receive it instantly at the same bank branch, if more, then read on reverse side information on where to apply for winnings, detailed description work and action. If you have any questions, you can contact the operators at the phone numbers and e-mail indicated on the back.

The advantage of this lottery is real chance to receive a prize. After all, the option of fraud is excluded, you yourself choose a ticket that can bring you good luck. For the formation prize fund betting funds are used. The representative office of the Ministry of Finance assures that a certain part of the money received from the sale goes to charitable and social funds, and socially significant projects are supported. One of them was the Olympics held in Sochi and ticket prices range from 20 to 100 rubles. Buying a ticket, you can count on becoming richer in the amount of twenty rubles to ten million.

Sometimes Sberbank holds draws under its own name. So, in honor of Victory Day, a lottery was created under the leadership of Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The money received was transferred to support veterans of the Great Patriotic War and on the installation of monuments that will remind of the Great Victory of our people. The ticket price ranged from thirty to winnings - from 30 rubles to 400 thousand.

A similar idea was supported by another lottery, which was held to develop society and help nature. To support the environment, you could buy a ticket for 50 rubles, and for the sake of recreation cultural heritage and youth development could be spent 20 rubles. And get the opportunity to win up to five hundred and two hundred thousand rubles, respectively.

The most winning Russian lotteries

Russian lotteries with a large prize fund allow you to win large sums, but, of course, with a certain amount of luck. Experienced players carefully monitor the draws, where the chance of getting the coveted amount is higher. The leader in terms of winnings is Gosloto. There is a lot of intrigue here until the very end. In addition, the number of winners is a record for all existing official lotteries in Russia. Officially confirmed information says that already three players (since 2009) have taken the jackpot with a total amount of about 140 million rubles.

The second largest number of winning players - "Bingo". This lottery allows you to justify the purchased ticket, and sometimes brings stunning amounts. Most a prime example- an unemployed resident of Ufa, who managed to take about 30 million Russian rubles from the game fund.

Third place is given to Russian Lotto, which has one of the largest prize pools. However, it is worth noting that the biggest win ever is 29.5 million. But this does not exclude the possibility of breaking this record and getting into the history of the development of Russian Lotto.

Despite the large number negative reviews about the Russian Lottery Railways she made it to the top winning lotteries. It played a significant role that, in fact, no knowledge is required, waiting morning air and search for a point of sale. By purchasing tickets on the train, you can only look forward to the draw that takes place at the end of each month. The biggest win was 11.5 million. Interestingly, the lucky one completely forgot about his purchase. They searched for him for two weeks, but still they were able to find and hand over the coveted fortune. The second largest prize went to a resident of Kemerovo. By an incredible coincidence, the winner had to be searched for longer - about two months.

The most famous winners and their fate

Not everyone can rationally manage the wealth that has accidentally fallen on their heads. A family from Ufa who spontaneously bought a lottery ticket became the winner and received 29 million rubles. It would seem that now their life will change in better side and will start from clean slate. However, wealth turned the heads of the lucky ones, and they decided to celebrate this event. The spree dragged on for five years. True, they did not use all the funds for drinking, they bought two apartments in the city center for part. The rest was given to friends, paid off their loans and squandered. In 2006, a woman died of poverty and undermined by alcohol health.

The Moscow locksmith Yevgeny Sidorov managed to spend wisely the received winnings of 35 million. Once he bought for only 560 rubles. The man admits that he never had high hopes for Russian state lotteries. With this money, he went to his native village and opened a carp farm. With the rest of the money, he repaired the road, built a house and now lives for his own pleasure.

In 2013, a lucky man from Voronezh was able to ruin Russian lotteries by 47 million 300 thousand. Interestingly, the rate did not exceed 120 rubles. The man decided to fulfill the wishes of his family and friends. He fulfilled dreams until all the money ran out. With the remaining amount, he made repairs in his apartment. When asked why he did not radically change his life, the man replied that he believed in a second chance and would certainly win again.

In 2009, a resident Leningrad region hit the jackpot by guessing a combination of 6 numbers out of 45 options. Gosloto 6/45 changed the life of the lucky one. At that moment, when fortune turned to face him, he lived in a rented apartment and kept several food stalls.

After he was given a legitimate winnings, the man bought several apartments in the central part of St. Petersburg, an expensive premium car and invested in the construction of a hotel in Krasnodar Territory. In addition, he carved out more than 10 million for friends and acquaintances. To date, travel abroad is closed for him, since he did not pay taxes on the winnings, amounting to almost 4.5 million. Part of the property was arrested by bailiffs, but the man does not give up his position and is not going to pay money. From a conversation with him, it is clear that he regrets such a distribution of the budget. If he could turn back time, he would have left for the United States with his family.

The name of another lucky winner was never found out. In 2014, a resident of Omsk became the owner of the amount of 184.5 million rubles. He spent about 800 on tickets and did not expect to win. His for a long time could not find to give the winnings. Later it turned out that from such a shock, the man had stress, as a result of which he locked himself at home and did not talk to anyone. Surprisingly, the lucky man turned out to be very modest and asked not to publish his name. He plans to spend the winnings on a house by the sea.

Fabulous jackpots in Russian lotteries are rare, but the most big score managed to break Michael out Nizhny Novgorod at the end of 2014. He managed to take over 200 million rubles. He paid about 700 rubles for the tickets. He successfully manages to hide his millionaire status from friends and family. Only his name and city are known; no other information about him has been reported in the media.

They are in great demand among ordinary citizens. In the Soviet Union, playing the lottery was a ritual. Families of people gathered at the TV screens to check their tickets against the numbers that had been drawn. After the draw, the results of the game were heatedly discussed with friends and relatives. Today, lotteries have not lost their popularity. Many Russians still continue to try their luck. Of course, before purchasing a ticket, many players are interested in which loto is better to play.

What are the most winning lotteries in Russia?

It is possible to identify several Russian lotteries which are the most profitable. Large cash prizes are often played here, so the number of millionaires in Russia increases weekly.

In Gosloto "6 out of 45" more than 10.4 billion rubles were raffled off.

One of the most profitable lotteries is considered to be "". It is chosen by players who dream of winning a large amount. The minimum bet here is 100 rubles, for which you can choose six numbers. The ticket contains 6 playing fields, so you can fill in each of them. This increases the chances of winning. If desired, you can fill out a ticket so that it takes part in several draws.

To get a small win, it is enough to match at least two numbers of the same playing field. The more numbers you guess, the bigger the win will be. The jackpot is awarded to the participant who has matched six numbers in one field. The main prize here can be hundreds of millions of rubles. Biggest win amounted to more than 358 million rubles. Today this amount is . The minimum jackpot is 50 million rubles. The prize draw in this lottery is held twice a week. You can follow it on the official website of this lottery operator.

Gosloto "5 out of 36" - Play every day!

In the second position of the best Russian lotteries is the game "". As in the first lottery, there are six playing fields. However, in this game you need to cross out 5 numbers in each field. The minimum bet here is 60 rubles. The participant has the opportunity to cross out up to 12 numbers in each field. Increasing the crossed out numbers increases the chances of winning. Also, a participant can use one ticket to play in several draws.

By guessing only two numbers, the player receives a prize of 60 rubles. As the number of matches increases, so does the amount of winnings. The main prize is received by the player whose ticket matches 5 numbers of the same row in the playing field. The jackpot may vary from draw to draw. Its amount can range from one to several tens of millions of rubles. To date, the largest jackpot that has been won in this lottery is almost 47 million rubles. This lottery attracts the attention of players because it draws five times a day. Twenty minutes before the start of the draw, ticket sales stop.

Russian Lotto pleases its fans not only large sums

It must be said that this lottery is preferred by people different ages. The first draw took place in 1994. Since then, the lottery has only grown in popularity. For many, it is a pleasant childhood memory. It was then that the whole family gathered near the TV to watch the numbers that fell out. The prize went to the player who first crossed out the numbers in his card. For more than twenty years, the lottery has pleased its fans not only with large sums, but also with country houses, apartments, travel and cars.

Attracts lottery and enough simple rules games. After purchasing a ticket, it is enough to turn on the NTV channel at a certain time. If you believe in luck, she will definitely smile at you sometime. When buying a ticket, you have the opportunity to choose a game card yourself.

Housing Lottery - Helps improve your living conditions

This lottery was created specifically for those who wish to improve their living conditions. The game is the best option realize your old dream quickly enough. To date, "" has already played more than 700 houses, apartments and other real estate. It should also be noted that there is an opportunity to win large cash prizes.

Most big prize, recorded in this game, amounted to more than 17 million rubles. Draws are broadcast on Saturdays. The minimum cost of a game ticket is one hundred rubles.

The Golden Horseshoe is the only lottery in Russia, the game of which lasts up to 87 moves

This lottery boasts a considerable number of large winnings. I must say that today this is the only lottery in Russia, the game of which lasts up to 87 moves. The lottery attracts with large cash prizes. The game differs from other lotteries in that it is held in three stages, each of which raffles a certain cash prize. In addition, there is an opportunity to become the owner of the main prize. If the first five numbers drawn from the lottery drum match the five numbers in one line of the game ticket, then you are lucky. Minimum size The jackpot in this lottery is three million rubles. If the main prize is not drawn, its size is increased and transferred to next draw. You can follow the draw every Sunday. The broadcast is on the NTV channel.

Lottery as an income

Of course, every person, by purchasing a lottery ticket, seeks to improve their financial situation. However, you must understand that in the pursuit of easy money, you run the risk of being left with nothing. Of course, we all look forward to the draw, hoping to become the next millionaire. But experienced players recommend to treat the game easier. There is no need to consider the lottery as a way to earn money, because after all it is entertainment. Such a game makes it possible to diversify your leisure time, have fun, try your luck. This is how you should treat various draws. This will allow you not to be upset if you didn’t win anything.

Never buy Stoloto tickets. You will not win more than 50 rubles, but spend your money. It's a shame that they write that state lottery and so on. They take advantage of the weakness of people who hope for a miracle. There you can't win 100 percent! This is a divorce!

Review of the branch at

Review of the branch at

I am very grateful to the developers of Stoloto for a convenient application, it really saves time and simplifies the process of buying / checking a ticket for a win. There are also SMS notifications, super!

So much money spent, and the winnings are not more than 100 rubles! It's impossible to win! They have their cockroaches! A real scammer! And the sugary presenters are enraged, especially the man is terribly nasty, he talks more nonsense. Enough to pay them! They run, they run. A terrible program spoils the mood from it, disgusting!

Good morning, I’ll tell you about the stoloto, I’ve been playing for a long time, but like many somewhere in my heart I thought a scammer, but nevertheless I played, because you always have to believe in the good and now it’s good luck in early January I won a big win today they contacted me to process the winnings and they said what you need to bring with you from the documents. I want to say this is a lottery and everyone cannot win, but believe me, luck smiles at everyone, you have to believe and play good luck to everyone.

Look carefully at 4 out of 20 on 12/23/18 10:00 pm How the balls fell out. This is a video montage, a real hoax!

They banned the casino, but left the Russian Lotto. I live in the Moscow region, I have been buying Russian Lotto tickets for several years and the ticket numbers always start with 0000, and they always win from 124 or 999. I understand that this is a hoax, but I hope that the state will finally put things in order, as in other countries. After all, the Russian Lotto was already closed. But, probably, these lotteries have hairy hands that need to rob people to the skin, and only words, the state is fighting scammers. In fact, the government does not care about us.

I played the lottery for a long time, as a child. I am by nature not a risk taker. And here I sat with my husband and remembered different stories childhood and under nostalgic feelings wandered to Stoloto, chose a ticket for 100 rubles, paid, not counting on anything especially, noted the numbers, and won 5,000 rubles! How pleasant and unexpected! Class! And we thought that was it! Now we know for sure that it is not!

Almost every weekend I participate in the draw, I like Stoloto. I almost always win 100-200 rubles, it happened that I shot several thousand. Money can be withdrawn to a card or left for the next game, I usually leave it if it’s a small amount, if it’s more, I take it off and make the kids happy with gifts) They already know that dad gambler) They are also following the game with interest.

In the lottery 6 out of 45 in draw 3775 the numbers 29 39 40 41 fell out, in parallel there was a draw 7 out of 49 number 7515, where these numbers also fell out. Coincidence or lottery machine settings? In my opinion the answer is obvious.

Review of the branch at

I bought two different tickets 7 out of 49. It came to the post office that I bought only one ticket. I went into my tickets and saw that one ticket was bought twice. In short, I was sold one ticket twice, although the second ticket I bought was completely different. According to the receipt, it was written off, allegedly for one ticket, but in fact they wrote off as for two. It is not known where the second ticket went and why the purchase ended up with the same ticket twice. Lie everywhere! The online consultant didn't explain anything to me. In short, a mess and a lie!

I can’t say that I’m particularly lucky, but from time to time they indulge in winnings. Of course, whatever you say, you want a bigger prize, but the game itself also attracts. I play Russian Lotto, sometimes I watch the broadcast, and sometimes not, good to know winning numbers not difficult. I like the lottery, tickets are cheap, and you can win a good amount.

Everyone has played the lottery at least once. But very few win. Most people think that winning the lottery is something unrealistic. Their opinion is very biased, as in most cases the experience was sad.

Why are some people lucky and others not?

There are people who bet on the same sets of numbers and don't win for several years! Meanwhile, there are exceptions - lucky ones who hit the jackpot¹ almost immediately. Although there are very few of them on earth.

However, despite the statistics, there are ways to significantly increase the chances of winning the lottery.

They will be discussed in this article. First you need to understand and accept the fact that luck in the game is somewhere between a good strategy, intuition, patience, perseverance and a positive attitude.

There are a lot of ingredients, but with the right approach, you will learn how to stop worrying about your lottery win because you will act for sure. A powerful course will help you tune in to the energy of money and abundance and attract wealth into your life.

"Valuable" Lottery Winning Strategies

Before buying lottery tickets, remember this rule:

Never buy more lottery tickets than the minimum winnings in a given lottery!

So, if the minimum amount that can be won in the draw is 100 rubles, then you can spend no more than 100 rubles per game. Buying more tickets will not increase your chance of winning the lottery.

In fact, overspending on a game has quite the opposite effect. Stress, anxiety and worries only waste your energy and put a strong barrier to your intuition.

As the sages say: "only in calm water can one see the reflection of the starry sky."

If your feelings and emotions are calm, then you will be able to see the clues of your intuition. Do the right thing from the very beginning, wisely distributing your financial investments. This is how you increase your chance of success, because good mood and peace is the foundation of your success.

There are two methods used by lottery players. What are their features?

Method one. elemental luck

You take randomly selected numbers each time and constantly change them, trying new numbers and hoping only for elemental luck. One of the advantages of randomly chosen numbers is that they are different every game, but your success depends entirely on the randomness of fate.

Using this method, you are powerless to do anything. This is a highly controversial method of winning the lottery based on random selection.

Method two. Persistent sequence

You are picking up a static (unchanging) set of numbers that can be chosen from dates, ages, addresses, and so on. In any case, you always completely rely on the luck of only these numbers, obsessing over them.

But this is the psychological trap of static numbers. Some people are attracted to a strange superstition associated with numbers. Someone has favorite numbers, someone has significant ones, marked by something in fate. Therefore, people try to take only them. They believe that these numbers should win, and not some others.

Often such players from year to year bet on the same numbers. They get trapped in their mind and fear, thinking that as soon as they stop betting these numbers, they will immediately win.

There are, of course, exceptions - people who received numbers in a dream, or they have strong intuition. , in fact, very an important part strategies for playing the lottery. She is like a beacon that illuminates the numbers and guides your ship to victory.

How to play the lottery correctly?

You can choose one of the three methods below. All of them are based on a certain choice of numbers and drawing up a game plan. Based on these methods, you will be able to develop your own strategy that will work for you.

Studying the regularity of numbers, you understand that pure randomness does not really exist. It's about about balance and equilibrium in the universe. To be lucky in the lottery, you need to observe how certain numbers behave. Then you need to draw conclusions and find the right numbers for your winnings.

Of course, there are exceptions to any strategy, however, by observing the statistics, you can see patterns and use them to make money. Winnings may be small at first, but as you hone your skills, you will be able to win more often and more.

The essence of strategies is based on the study of the history of the game. This means that if an event happened at least once, then it will definitely repeat itself, and you will be able to foresee and calculate when it will happen.

What do these strategies guarantee?

  • Make the game more enjoyable and predictable.
  • Help understand how numbers behave over time.
  • Inspire you to develop and improve your own strategy for picking numbers.

Yes, on initial stage it will require your patience. You will also need a history of the game, at least for the last few dozen draws. No matter which lottery it is, you can even play lotteries online. You will be able to download the history of winning numbers directly on the lottery website. The history of the games you need to develop your personal successful strategy.

Strategy #1. Combinations of the most frequently winning numbers

A selection of frequently winning numbers will give you the opportunity to win from time to time. It can even lead you to the jackpot. To do this, you write out the winning numbers, if some fall out several times, put this number in front of it.

The list with the most frequently winning numbers needs to be updated from time to time, since after some time the numbers tend to be replaced by other numbers.

Looking at such a list, you can clearly see the frequency of "good" numbers and use them in your game. Do not forget to note the history of the samples.

In addition to this method, use your intuition - " Green color". Looking at the entire list of numbers, ask that the winning number in this lottery be colored green. You can intuitively see this color on some numbers - write them out separately. This will increase your chances of winning the lottery.

Strategy #2. Eliminate numbers that are out of play

This strategy won't take long either. It is easy to calculate - you will need to conduct statistics on the participation of numbers in the game. For this you need:

1. Write down all the numbers that participated in the lottery for a certain time.

2. Put numbers next to each of the numbers - how many times this figure was out of the game, and how many in the game.

3. Enter the average value in the table. For example, if the number "2" fell out in games 3 times, and did not fall out 1 time, then as a result, the number 2 should be entered in the table. If it is a draw, it is zero.

5. After each drawing, the data table must be updated in order to have up-to-date information on the participation of numbers in the game.

So you can keep track of which numbers are playing, how many times they fall out, which ones win. After such an analysis, try to make your numerical winning series. Use the "Green Color" technique described above.

Strategy number 3. Select numbers between the dropdowns

You probably noticed that, for example, the numbers 8 and 10 fell out in one game, and the number 9 in the next. Whenever you notice the adjacent numbers participating in the intermediate game, you observe their pattern.

This way you can predict what number will come up in the next game if, for example, you see 8 and 10 in this game. Based on these three strategies, you can create your own method, and be sure to get your winnings in the lottery!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Jackpot - the prize fund in some slots, lotteries and others gambling(Wikipedia). How to win

One of the most frequently asked questions to us is: “What is the probability of winning the lottery?” It's easy to answer, because number lotteries are carried out according to certain formulas and each of them can be subjected to mathematical calculation. So, let's get down to calculating luck along with the most popular Russian state lotteries.

We win at Gosloto 4 out of 20

The youngest of the Gosloto lotteries - the "four" - has already managed to acquire fans. And all thanks to its remarkable features: a huge, multi-million dollar super prize, 20 other winning categories and an increased prize pool - 67% of the proceeds from each ticket sold are sent to it.
The chances of winning a super prize in Gosloto 4 out of 20 are 1 to 23,474,025. The overall probability of winning is estimated at 1 to 3.4.

Table of distribution of winnings in Gosloto "4 out of 20":

Matched numbers in field 1 Matched numbers in field 2 Prize pool distribution
4 4 23.36% + accumulated Super Prize
4 3 2,56%
3 4 2,56%
4 2 0,58%
2 4 0,58%
4 1 0,89%
1 4 0,89%
4 0 1,02%
0 4 1,02%
3 3 0,98%
3 2 3,68%
2 3 3,68%
3 1 4,59%
1 3 4,59%
3 0 4,66%
0 3 4,66%
2 2 12,44%
2 0 13,63%
0 2 13,63%
2 1 100 rubles**
1 2 100 rubles**

To win the super prize, you need to match 4 numbers in the first field and 4 numbers in the second in your ticket. In the premiere draw of the "four", which will be held on December 31 at 20:00 live on the NTV channel, it will amount to 1 billion rubles!

To increase your chances of winning, take advantage of features such as the expanded and multi-draw bet.

*The distribution of the prize fund, taken as 100% after the accrual of fixed winnings.
**Fixed winnings per winning ticket.

We win at Gosloto 6 out of 45

The queen of the Gosloto lotteries - the "six" - regularly sets records for the amount of super prizes. Perhaps every fan of lotteries dreams of winning millions of rubles in it. In this case, the chances of guessing two or more numbers are quite high. The main thing is to bet regularly and think like a winner!

How to increase your chances of winning the lottery? Firstly, the more bets you make, the higher the chance of winning a prize. Secondly, deployed and multi-circulation rates have a significant impact on the balance of power. Using this method, some Gosloto 6 out of 45 fans have already become millionaires. Read more about the multi-circulation rate in ours. Thirdly, it is important to believe in your luck! If you are sure of victory, it will not be long in coming.

We win at Gosloto 5 out of 36

As you know, most often millions of winnings go to the participants of Gosloto 5 out of 36. The probability of winning a super prize in this lottery is indeed much higher than, for example, in Gosloto 6 out of 45. That is why, on average, every week we celebrate new Russian millionaires. Now there are already 250 lucky people in this club!

Have you already noticed how tempting the Gosloto 5 out of 36 statistics look? It makes me want to place a bet! Regular participants know that they can participate in the “five” draws in any convenient way: by buying a ticket at one of the lottery kiosks or Euroset and Svyaznoy salons, at the Russian Post office, at the lottery online supermarket, using mobile application Stoloto or placing a bet via SMS. All resources are good!

We win at Gosloto 7 out of 49

Another notable lottery with many fans. First of all, Gosloto 7 out of 49 attracts the largest guaranteed super prize - 50,000,000 rubles for 7 guessed numbers. His win is a real stroke of luck! The probability of triumph, of course, is less than in other lotteries, but the greater will be your joy from winning! Distribution draws of the "seven" regularly increase the number of lottery millionaires in Russia.

We win in "Sporloto 6 out of 49"

The legendary lottery, which came to us from Soviet times and is celebrating its 45th anniversary this year, still looks tempting. Not only because of the low cost minimum rate(only 20 rubles) and an impressive super prize, but also thanks to the introduction of a bonus ball into the game. This type of lotteries is popular abroad and, as we see, successfully lives in Russia. Guessing the number on the bonus ball is the desired goal of many, whose 5 numbers marked in the coupon have already matched the main combination. But the most persistent and lucky participants reach it. And the more interesting it is to live, play and win!

The principle of dropping numbers

For determining winning combinations generator is used random numbers. This is the most modern technology, which is responsible for dropping numbers in the world's leading lotteries. In this case, the human factor is absolutely excluded, which means that the whole process of drawing can be unconditionally trusted.
How do you choose numbers when placing bets? Do you mark your favorite numbers that you consider lucky, or do you use the Auto Bet feature? Do you keep track of dropdown combinations? For those who keep strict strategic calculations or just want to know which numbers win more often and which ones less often, statistics for each lottery are regularly updated on the Stoloto website.

The most unusual combination of numbers

The imagination of experienced lottery strategists was struck on April 5, 2015, when in the 17053rd draw quick play"Rapido" super prize of 4,269,583 rubles brought a beautiful combination: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - in the first part of the field, 4 - in the second part. Indicate the first eight numbers on the ticket, pay 30 rubles (that's how much the lucky bet cost) and thus become a millionaire - great luck! This victory has already entered the history of lotteries. And not only because of such a rare combination of numbers, but also because the win was a record for Rapido.

Winning the bingo lottery

The most popular state bingo lotteries in Russia are Russian Lotto and Housing Lottery. They raffle apartments, country houses, cars and large cash prizes.

The chances of winning the bingo lottery increase noticeably when the game is played up to the 87th move. This means that Mikhail Borisov, the host of the Russian Lotto, has three barrels in his bag (instead of the usual four), and three balls in the Housing Lottery machine. And if you don't find these numbers on your ticket, then you've won!
Winning in Russian Lotto and housing lottery depends entirely on your luck, because here you will not be able to make a detailed bet or use a multiplier. These are lotteries for those who prefer to surrender to the will of fate and give fortune the opportunity to choose a favorite on Sunday morning during the draw (broadcast is held on Sundays at 8:15, on the NTV channel, in the Russian Lotto Plus program). There are several ways to influence the balance of power. Choose a ticket with your favorite numbers printed in the playing field. Buy multiple tickets to increase your chances of winning. Or become the owner of block tickets, in which all 90 numbers are marked. Such tickets are issued for the main holidays of the country and other important dates.
If you are already impatient to test the theory of the probability of winning in practice, hurry up to purchase lottery tickets or place a bet at the lottery kiosk closest to you, the Euroset communication store, the Svyaznoy store, the Russian Post office or on the website of the Russian lottery Internet supermarket Stoloto. in the Stoloto mobile application or via SMS.
May fortune smile upon you!

The most convenient way to buy lottery tickets

All life on the run and no time to go to the lottery kiosk? With our mobile application "Stoloto" all problems will disappear overnight. After downloading it, you can at any time purchase a ticket, find out the results of previous draws, replenish your Stoloto wallet and read about breaking news world of lotteries. The Stoloto app is available in two versions: for Android and iOS. Choose the version that suits your smartphone and use the most convenient and fast way buying lottery tickets.
