Famous actors who never received the title of "People's Artist of the USSR. Difference between folk and honored artist Difference between honored and folk artist

Also in Ancient Rome There was a saying "The people demand bread and circuses." Spectacles these days mean not only the entertainment that show business gives people, but also the real great art, preserved and developed in museums and art galleries, puppet and drama theaters, V art schools and even the smallest choirs.
Any crisis in the country begins not with the economy, but with education and art. Artists are constantly fighting a spiritual crisis.

Artists are not made, they are born

However, you can work all your life in the theater or the Philharmonic, and for 35-50 years creative activity do nothing significant, do not give people pure art, do not make every phrase or note a revelation. You can get a specialized education - music, acting or directing, art or dramaturgy and not excite the public at the same time, or you can be self-taught and gather full halls of spectators in love with art.

In a word, not all talented musicians, actors, directors and dancers become famous in their field, because one talent is not enough: diligence is also needed, the ability to read between the lines and hear others, to be sensitive and firm. In a word, a true artist is a gifted person who knows how to tell people the most important dance or music, a role or a staged performance. Such people are noticed and celebrated.

What awards and titles are usually bestowed on the most talented and outstanding artists?

There are a lot of awards, often they are awarded not only and not so much by state leaders or the people, but by various editorial offices of magazines and newspapers, masters of art and special commissions.

When a person really means something in culture and art, he is noticed not only by the audience, but also by the leadership of the region and even the state, because art and bright personalities it has always played and is playing a paramount role in educating the younger generation, preserving the best cultural traditions states, elevation spiritual level each person.

There are only two honorary titles in the field of art and culture, and each of them is very important. It's about about the titles of Honored and People's Artist Russian Federation.

Both of these titles are equally important and honorable, and yet there is a certain difference between them.

A person can become an honored artist:

  1. Having worked in one or another sphere of culture and art for at least ten years.
  2. Achieved significant creative success in his field.
  3. Achieved fame and wide public outcry.
  4. Recognized by viewers (readers, listeners, and so on).
  5. Award-winning leadership of the city, region and country.
  6. Taking an active civic position.

Once a year, the head of an institution of culture and art (theater, philharmonic society, museum, gallery) or the head of the city submits to the Ministry of Culture a petition for conferring the title of Honored Artist to a particular person.

The application is accompanied by a collegial decision of the collective or its members (the arts council of the theater, for example) on the nomination of a professional for the title of Honored Artist and an award list, as well as a list of the most significant achievements of the candidate. The decision to award the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation is made by the President of the State.

The highest rank for creative personPeople's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Of course, actors, singers and musicians not always beloved by the people officially receive the title of people's artists, but most often the award still finds its hero. What is needed for this?

The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded to a person:

  • Not less than five years after receiving the title of Honored Artist of the country.
  • Achieved public recognition.
  • He made a significant contribution to the development of the culture and art of the country.

The artist receives this title once and for all. The title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation is awarded by the President of the country, and every year on the same day - on the eve of the Day of the Worker of Culture. This most important holiday for all artists of the country is celebrated on March 25.

Perhaps this is the only day when actors, singers, composers and ballet dancers not only give themselves to the audience and work for others, but also become the heroes of the day themselves and receive the most stormy applause.

As in any other activity, the merits of cultural workers have always been marked by state awards. Why did they receive them? For contribution to the development of culture and personal investment in the development of art. And what is higher - an honored artist or a folk artist? Let's figure it out.

Who can apply for state-level awards?

People often ask themselves: "Which is higher - the people's or honored artist of Russia?". But in order to answer it, you first need to understand who can claim this title. First of all, of course, these are the people who can be seen on the screens of cinemas. These are actors. They are more likely than others to receive government incentives. But after all, no film can be made without those who remain behind the scenes. Directors, screenwriters, playwrights - these are the people who make a significant contribution to the development of cinema. And they also often receive state awards. The work of artists who do not act in films, but often appear on television, is also noted. These are singers and TV presenters. The state also supports various other areas of culture. For example, circus, theater and philharmonic. People who long years working on creating spectacular programs, whether it be circus show or concerts of operatic music, may rightly be marked with state privileges.

What can you get an award for in the arts?

Before you understand what is higher - an honored artist or a folk artist, you need to decide what he generally encourages people for.

  • First of all, of course, for the creation of cult programs and films. For setting such creative projects takes more than one year. But they become part of the life of the people. Cult films broadcast annually on TV, and theatrical performances staged in theaters across the country.
  • State awards encourage people who, thanks to their talent and personal charisma, enrich this or that role. And it will not always be those who act as the main actors. Sometimes state awards are given to supporting actors who did an excellent job and were able to outshine everyone else with the art of acting.
  • An honorary title can be obtained for a breakthrough in any of the fields of art. How to make this breakthrough? Come up with a program by which the actors will be trained, write an unexpected scenario twist that has never been used anywhere before. In general, to make an innovation, thanks to which the culture of the country will be enriched.
  • Teaching is a noble profession. And sometimes creative personalities, who brought up more than one generation of great actors, musicians, conductors, etc., become owners of state awards.

Honored Artist

Thanks to their talent and charisma, some people become the favorites of the public. To understand what is higher - an honored artist or a folk one, you need to analyze these titles separately, and then compare them. Throughout his life, a cultural figure receives many awards. First, he is awarded city, then regional, and only then state insignia. A person who claims to be an honored artist must have worked in culture for at least 20 years. Moreover, during this time he must go through all the stages of development, from the very bottom, to the heights of his career, and, accordingly, to fame. After all, not everyone becomes an honored artist, but only those people who not only work in culture, but also enrich it through their talent and diligence. Sometimes they have to live with work, and therefore at work. This hard labour appreciated by the government. The award is most often timed to coincide with March 25 - the Day of the Cultural Worker.

National artist

After a person contributes to the development of art, the government awards him the first title. An honored artist is a figure who, through his creative work, has contributed to the promotion of his chosen field for 30 years. If this person does not lose his potential and does not stop there, the next government award awaits him. A cultural figure becomes a people's artist. But only those who have given their profession 20 years of their lives can receive this title. The only exceptions are ballet dancers. After all, as you know, ballerinas, in their 30s, are already considered pensioners. Therefore, as an exception, the title folk artists Awarded for 20 years of outstanding creative work. Like all other state awards, the order for the appointment of a new rank is drawn up by the government and signed by the president. Therefore, answering the question which is higher - an honored artist or a folk one, we can safely say that it's a folk one. After all, to achieve this honorary award, you need to give most of your life to the service of art.


We have already understood which rank is higher - National artist or deserving. Now you need to summarize and organize the information.

  • Both titles are state, appointed by the government.
  • The status of "People's Artist" is awarded to a person for 30 years of service to art. But to become an honored artist, you need to work in culture for at least 20 years. The only exceptions are ballerinas.
  • What is the difference between a people's artist and an honored artist? In the order of obtaining titles. It is impossible to become a people's artist if there is no honored artist award in the arsenal of achievements.

What title is valued by cultural figures?

What is higher - people's artist or honored - the reader has already understood. But how do cultural figures themselves relate to these titles? Naturally, both government awards are important for people.

But in culture, as well as in the military branch, that soldier is bad who does not dream of becoming a general. Therefore, artists who have already reached the title of honored artists try not to lose face and work hard to get the coveted award. Honored Artist is not just a title, it is something more. Confession, folk love and reaching the pinnacle of a career - that's what the decree and the badge that goes with it mean to an artist. Therefore, without a doubt, every person who works in the field of culture and wants to achieve something in this life hopes to have the honorary title of people's artist at the end of his brilliant career.

On TV we often hear "Honored Artist of Russia", "People's Artist of Russia". What do these titles mean? What privileges and benefits are due to the holders of these titles? How is the work of the honored and the people evaluated? Let's figure it out.

The title of "Honored Artist": the nuances of the award

The title of honored is awarded for special achievements in such arts as circus, theater, cinema, ballet, music, etc. The owner of the award can be either a performer (for example, an actor or a singer) or hold some responsible position (for example, a director or playwright). To receive an award, you must:

  • make a personal contribution to the development of Russian culture and art;
  • to participate in the creation of works that were highly appreciated both by the public and by critics and experts.
  • take an active part in significant cultural events - concerts, performances;
  • promote the spread of Russian culture outside the country;
  • participate in projects that adequately represent Russia at international festivals;
  • to be recognized and loved by the people as a cultural worker.

Honorary titles are given to representatives creative professions, which have state-level awards in the industry area. Previously, awards were given only after twenty years of successful creative activity. The only exceptions were ballet dancers. They received titles after a dozen years of work on stage. These deadlines are currently not met.

What is the title "People's" for?

The title of "People's" is an order of magnitude higher than the title of "Honored". It is also issued for special merits in the field of national culture and art. It is awarded only after the master of the stage has worked for at least ten years after receiving the title of honored.

Both titles are state and are awarded on the basis of the relevant decree of the President of the country.

The procedure for awarding this state award governed by Presidential Decree No. 1099 of September 7, 2010.

How to get a reward?

A star needs to have connections in order to receive an award. Any organization petitions for the award of the title: a trade union, a theater, a cinema studio. Then the applicants are considered by a commission specially designed for these purposes under the Ministry of Culture of Russia. The committee currently consists of thirty-four members. The committee includes many famous figures cultures such as Nikita Mikhalkov or Zurab Tsereteli.

Each candidate for a high rank is considered separately. Materials are being studied that can give an idea of ​​the talent of the artist:

  • excerpts from films;
  • videos;
  • recordings of concerts or performances;
  • text materials.

The Council meets once a year. About one hundred candidates can be considered for one meeting. The decision is made by voting, the vast majority - refusals. The committee recommends approximately ten people for approval. The final decision rests with the employees of the Ministry of Culture.

The selection criteria are not always clear. The council rarely tells why this or that artist was denied. Sometimes the reasons become known and they are sometimes absurd. For example, one famous actor was denied the title only because he had not paid a traffic fine.

Who didn't get the title?

Many prominent and indeed talented people not awarded the title for decades. For example, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, well-known throughout the country, was awarded the title of national only at the age of eighty. Some well-known and honored by Russians stars do not wait for state-level awards. Vladimir Vysotsky did not wait for the title of the people, and received the “deserved” title only after his death.

Nowadays, many actors, singers and other celebrities beloved by the people do not have any honorary awards. These include Ivan Okhlobystin (star of the series "Interns") or Alexander Baluev ("Peacemaker", "Hero", " Turkish gambit"). Some celebrities themselves reject awards. For example, they wanted to award the title of people's title to Leonid Yarmolnik, bypassing the well-deserved one. Famous actor theater and cinema refused.

How is the award going?

Titles are issued in the very heart of Moscow - the Kremlin, in the Dome Hall. The ceremony is scheduled before the professional holiday of cultural workers (March 25). Before the award, the artists are called from the presidential administration and informed about the need to come at the set time. You must arrive in formal attire: a black suit and tie. Artists get to the place of awarding on their own.

What are the benefits for "People's Artists"?

At times Soviet Union first, the artist received the title of honored, and after at least ten years he was awarded the title of people. The holders of these titles had special privileges: they were paid a double pension, they were taken to and from the performance on the then elite black Volga. They were given additional meters of living space, served in elite medical institutions, settled in luxury hotel rooms. Now there is none of that.

Today, having the titles of "Honored" and "People's" is simply an honor. The title practically does not change anything in the life of an artist, celebrities do not receive any special benefits.

Video - People's Artists of the USSR who did not receive the title of "People's"

How are star salaries calculated?

The legislation of Russia does not specify how much representatives of creative professions with the title "People's" or "Honored" should receive. Celebrities receive such earnings, prescribed in their contract with the theater, film studio or television channel. There is no single tariff for all. The income of the stage masters depends on many nuances - on the place of work, the number of performances, etc. The existing titles can also be taken into account in the accruals, but this remains at the discretion of the employer. For example, titled artists living in the capital are entitled to incentive bonuses to their basic salary. According to the order of the Moscow Department of Culture No. 963 dated November 26, 2014, additional payments are:

  • 15% of the salary for the title of "Honored Artist";
  • 20% of the salary for the title of "People's Artist".

Retirement of famous artists

All pensioners in Russia have almost the same pension. According to the newspaper " TVNZ”, even artists who had huge popularity, albums sold in millions of copies, and films dearly loved by the people, receive ridiculous money.

Like when the prima donna Russian stage in 2004 she retired, she was assigned only two thousand rubles. Now, thanks to indexation, this figure has grown to 10,000 rubles. Iosif Kobzon receives even less - about four thousand rubles. Such a low pension is due to the fact that he is a deputy and he is charged wages. When he leaves his post, Kobzon's pension will increase.

Valery Leontiev receives a "high" pension compared to the rest - about eight thousand rubles. This is due to the fact that the celebrity is listed as a ballet dancer. They always get more.

Many famous artists live from the income from the money that was earned at the peak of their popularity. Some successful representatives of creative professions do not even spend their penny pension, but transfer money to charity. For example, Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokurov provide material support orphanage. The rest of the artists, even after the onset of retirement age, are forced to work.

Table. Pensions famous artists(according to the cultural figures themselves and their relatives).

Star namePension amount
Joseph Kobzon4 thousand 300 rubles
Edita Piekha7 thousand rubles
Vladimir Vinokur8.5 thousand rubles
Ilya Reznik10 thousand rubles
Yuri Antonov11 thousand rubles
Lev Leshchenko12 thousand rubles
Stanislav Sadalsky15 thousand rubles
Valentin Gaft15 thousand rubles
Sofia Rotaru4.5 thousand rubles
Tatyana Dogileva9 thousand rubles

Many celebrities live in poverty. According to producer Isaakov, pride does not allow some artists to report their plight. Artists simply cannot survive on a beggarly pension, so many continue to work. Stanislav Sadalsky works as a presenter. To retire 11 thousand to lead a decent life in Moscow is unrealistic. Churikova, Basilashvili, Kostolevsky continue to play in the theater and cinema. Edita Piekha still takes part in various concerts.

Some artists, due to life circumstances or medical reasons, cannot work. Such celebrities include Alexander Pankratov-Cherny.

Famous artists receive a beggarly pension. Some worked for 30-40 years, they were known and loved by the whole country. Many believe that the people who have made such a significant contribution to Russian culture should receive a much higher pension or personal benefits. For example, Alla Pugacheva at one time brought huge incomes. She collected full houses, her albums were sold in millions of copies. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about Alla Borisovna’s financial situation. Her fortune is about 100 million rubles.

There is also an opinion that artists have a small but fair pension. Now all pensioners receive about the same. And popularity should not affect the income of a pensioner. After all, the glory and love of the people is a gift in itself.

"People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is the highest honorary title of the Russian Federation, which is included in the state award system of the Russian Federation. Awarded for outstanding achievements in theatrical, musical, circus, variety and cinema arts.

AiF.ru tells how to get the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

How to get the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation?

The title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is awarded to those who have made an outstanding contribution to the development and preservation of the national artistic culture, formation younger generation artists and received wide recognition from the public and the professional community. The title can be given to:

  • artists;
  • choreographers,
  • conductors;
  • playwrights;
  • composers;
  • directors;
  • choirmasters;
  • musical performers.

According to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 7, 2010 N 1099 "On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation", the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" is awarded, as a rule, no earlier than 10 years after the award honorary title"Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" or "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" (for ballet dancers performing the first roles - not earlier than after 5 years).

People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Photo: Public Domain

When is the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation awarded?

The President of the Russian Federation issues a decree conferring the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" once a year on the eve of the celebration of Cultural Worker's Day (March 25).

What is the badge of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation?

Chest sign has a uniform for honorary titles of the Russian Federation form 40 mm high and 30 mm wide and is made of silver. It has the shape of an oval wreath formed by laurel and oak branches. The ends of the branches crossed at the bottom are tied with a bow. On the top of the wreath is the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. On the front side, in the central part, a cartouche with an inscription - the name of the honorary title - is superimposed on the wreath.

On the reverse side there is a pin for attaching the badge to clothing. The badge is worn on the right side of the chest.

Badges of the honorary title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation", issued after September 7, 2010, are gilded.
