Vanga's prediction: "America will go under water." Vanga about the USA - what will happen to America in the future

06/12/2014 18:51


As our regular readers are well aware, ARI has always paid a lot of attention to the analysis of various kinds of prophecies - both the predictions of ancient prophets and the words of modern prophets - futurologists, contactees, mystics and others. Unlike most (if not all) analysts, we build versions not within the framework of "official paradigms of the generally accepted", but taking into account the whole variety of facts and circumstances in the analysis.

For example, in Ancient Rome, according to Cicero, fortune-telling before the battle was the first point of disposition: before the troops were built, the augurs watched the flight of birds, the haruspeaks divined from the insides of sacrificial animals. How justified this was shown by the map of the ancient Roman Empire.

Times have changed today. "Official paradigms" are quite different. Naturally, in NASA, in the Pentagon, most likely all presidents have full-time magicians and astrologers, but this is not officially advertised. Therefore, analysts working in "official paradigms" most often hit the sky with their finger, because they model the future on the basis of a linear movement, while the world develops differently, with kinks. If this were not so, the Roman Empire would still exist and Golden Horde. These breaks are seen by the prophets and soothsayers.

However, it is impossible not to notice that the prophecies we analyzed were very one-sided - focusing on Russian readers, we studied only predictions that, one way or another, relate to Russia, almost without affecting forecasts for other countries. And at the same time, there are forecasts, and very interesting ones. In particular, predictions for the USA. Given the global influence of this state on the whole world, they are of particular interest.

Of course, when getting acquainted with these predictions, you need to make some allowance for the tendency of all predictors to some kind of apocalyptic. You can even clarify - predictors in general most often like to predict all sorts of cataclysms. Also, a request to our readers, do not take this information as ARI journalism, this is a selection. We would like to preface the reproaches of the unreliability of some predictions, or distortion - we use different sources and perhaps these come across. Speculation with prophecies has always taken place in the history of mankind. However, in general, I think the predictions included in the selection are quite authentic and belong to quite recognized predictors.

The public often heard about the 44th President of the United States, that this number marks a certain turning point in the history of this state, however, the predictions themselves were somehow forgotten.

In the early 1930s, during one of the trances, Edgar Cayce (the American "sleeping prophet") saw himself aboard a ship that could move through time. The creatures who controlled it showed Casey the Earth early XXI century. Casey saw American and Japanese coastal cities, as well as Northern Europe lying in ruins and half-flooded. The time travelers explained to Casey that these were not the consequences of the war, but a gigantic natural cataclysm - the movements of the bottom oceanic tectonic plates. The aliens did not name the exact date of the disaster, but made it clear to the prophet that it occurred during the reign of the 44th US President.

The United States has known about this for a long time, but in Russia, Casey's prophecy became known only after the fall of the Iron Curtain, that is, in the early 90s of the last century. But the human psyche is arranged simply: who is interested in the astrological forecast for 2034 today? Nobody. Much more interesting is what will happen soon. Therefore, in the 1990s, the 44th President of the United States was talked about a little - and forgotten. At the same time, the reign of this man seemed so significant to the prophets of antiquity, and it is surprising that he was mentioned long before Cayce.

The European prophet of the 15th century, Federico Martelli, also known as Rano Nero, compiled a book of prophecies of the development of our civilization until 6323 (the so-called "Eternal Book"). There is this quote:

Power on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest on Earth. It will be ruled by rulers for four years, the 44th of which will be the last.

Often quoted by Pavel Globa, the medieval Russian prophet Vasily Nemchin also wrote the following:

Big problems will come from across the ocean when the “black man” is in power.

Finally, Vanga also has hints of the black president of the United States, as the last one:

When the black man wins, America will freeze and fall into the abyss of the biggest crisis. It may even break up into southern and northern states

This prophecy was made by Vanga in 1978, when only science fiction writers could imagine an African American as president of the United States.

The topic of the future of the United States is covered in sufficient detail in the American press, thousands of volumes have been written on them alone, but the Russian reader is almost unfamiliar with these prophecies, and many have not heard anything about the American prophets at all. Therefore, we decided to somewhat fill the information vacuum by offering our readers some of the prophecies regarding the future of the United States. Preference will naturally be given to the American prophets, although other people will be represented.

We want to clarify something right now. Some part of the public that has a negative attitude towards the United States may express some gloating in connection with apocalyptic predictions. By no means do we share this approach.

There are over 300,000 million people in the US, most of them good, good people which have nothing to do with the decisions of some representatives of the US elites.

Finally, let's not forget that the United States today is the financial, industrial, technological and other leader of modern civilization, along with being the largest global military-political player. If tomorrow, according to the above prophecies, for some reason the United States either disappears from the world map, or plunges into the abyss of its internal problems, forgetting about the rest of the world, a lot of things can happen in this world that will somehow affect everyone and few like it.

Therefore, together with everyone, we continue to hope that no particularly terrible cataclysms will happen in the United States, at least in the coming years. But, nevertheless, we consider it necessary to give the word to the prophets.


David Wilkerson (American clairvoyant):.... In the not too distant future, the United States will experience the strongest earthquake in history. The day is approaching when the media in this country will report the terrible news - the most powerful and destructive earthquake in history. This message will cause widespread panic and fear. All television broadcasts will be interrupted, day after day they will only talk about this catastrophe. It will be preceded by a very strong quake in Japan… I am not entirely sure that the future quake will be in California, but I know that it will be where it is least expected, ie. not in the earthquake zone...

Dannion Brinkley(an American prophet who gained worldwide fame after predicting the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant):

The end of America as a world power will come with two monstrous earthquakes, during which houses swayed and fell to the ground like children's toys. I knew that earthquakes would happen at the end or beginning of the century, but I could not determine where they occur. I remember seeing a large body of water - perhaps a river. The costs of rebuilding the destroyed cities should be last straw for a state whose finances are exhausted to such an extent that it is no longer able to support itself. The screen showed hungry Americans queuing for food. There were scenes of war in the desert. I have seen armies fighting in clouds of dust kicked up by tank treads. The gunfire and explosions were like flashes of lightning. The earth shook. But suddenly there was silence, and I, like a bird, took off above the arches of sand, littered with fragments of military equipment.

Joe Brandt (American clairvoyant):.... Looking at a huge map of the world, I could see what was happening on Earth and with people. Hollywood and Los Angeles...they were rocked by the earthquake. I could see mountains coming together - Sierra Nevada, San Andreas and Garlock. I knew what was going to happen in San Francisco – it would be turned upside down… much faster than Hollywood…

Joan Schmidt from Lakeland (American clairvoyant): .... I saw myself rummaging through a trash bag. This surprised me so much that I said: “God, what am I doing, digging in a garbage bag?”. The man appeared in front of me. He was skin and bones, with sunken eyes. The Lord said to my soul: “Hunger.” The next vision is the street. The air was so dark, but I could see the people who had gathered on the corner. At that moment I realized that there was a war and big crisis. The Lord told my soul that many would die by the sword and starvation... a large map of the United States appeared. As I continued to watch and listen, my attention was drawn to the West, where the earthquakes began and were accompanied by enormous destruction. I heard the Lord say, "The earth will wobble back and forth on its axis"..... My attention was drawn to California and the regions surrounding it. The entire area was under water. It looked as if the water had come out of California and flowed down around the Earth, across the Florida peninsula, which was covered in water except for one small area. Water continued to flow to the East Coast. It was then that I saw something like a giant wall that stood off the coast of New York. As I watched the giant waves, I wondered what it was. Then the Lord opened my understanding, and I realized that it was a tidal wave. As I watched the giant wave, it grew in height and swept over the skyscrapers. It was then that I cried out, “Lord, your people, your people!” Then he replied: "The peoples of the Earth must be united on one common land - Survival."

Vision of a Romanian prophet DumitarADudumanA(1984):........I stopped in front of our apartment and sat down on a large rock. Suddenly, a bright light shone towards me. I jumped to my feet, as it seemed to me that a car was rushing right at me with the intention of running me over! I thought that the Romanian Secret Police tracked me down in America and are trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car. Approaching, the light surrounded me on all sides. From it, I heard that voice that I had heard so many times in prison. He said: "Dumitru, why are you so desperate?"

I said, “Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? Now I have nowhere to lay my head. I don't understand anyone."

He said, “Dumitru, didn't I tell you that I would also be here with you? I brought you to this country because this country will burn.”

I said, “So why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my country? You should have let me die in prison in Romania!"

He said: “Dumitru, have patience, let me tell you. Get up here." I stood on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I didn't sleep. It wasn't a dream. And it wasn't a vision. I was fully conscious, like now. He showed me all of California and said, “This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All this, in one day will burn! Her sin reached the Holy God."

Then he took me to Las Vegas. “This is Sodom and Gomorrah. One day it will burn down."

Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what it is?" - he asked. I said "No". He said, “This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! One day it will burn down."

Then he showed me around Florida. “This is Florida,” he said, “this is Sodom and Gomorrah! One day it will burn down."

Then he carried me back home to the rock that started it all. "Everything that I showed you - IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN!". I said, "How will it burn?" He said, “Remember everything I tell you, for you will go to television, radio and church. You must shout with a loud voice. Don't be afraid, for I will be with you."

I said, 'How can America burn? America is the most powerful country in the world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you let us at least die where all the dead Duduman lie?"

He said: “Remember, Dumitru. Russian intelligence officers found out where the nuclear warehouses are located in America. When Americans think they live in peace and security, some people in the middle of the country itself will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico (he told me two more countries, but I did not remember their names) will attack! The Russians will bomb nuclear silos in America. America will burn."

Vision GeorgeAWashingtonA (First President of the United States):....I don't know if it's because of my soul's restlessness or something else, but this afternoon as I was sitting at the table, I saw an extraordinarily beautiful woman standing in front of me. I was very surprised because I gave strict orders not to be disturbed. Therefore, for only a few moments I could ask the reason for her visit. For the second, third, and even fourth time, I repeated my question, but received no answer from my mysterious petitioner. She just opened her eyes wide. This time I felt something strange. I wanted to get up, but the sight of this creature made my intention impossible. I tried to address her again, but my tongue seemed to go numb. Even the thought itself was, as it were, paralyzed. Something unfamiliar - mysterious, irresistible, powerful - took possession of me. All I could do was stare at my unknown visitor. Gradually, the surrounding atmosphere began, as it were, to be filled with strength and radiant light. Everything around me began to discharge, the mysterious guest herself became more airy and, however, more distinct to my vision than before. I began to feel like a dying person, or rather the sensations that I sometimes imagine accompanying the end of life. I do not think. Didn't argue. Didn't move. All this was equally impossible. I was only aware that I was looking at her intently and perplexedly.

Then I heard a voice: "Son of the Republic, watch and learn." And my visitor raised her hand to the east. I saw heavy white steam rising in puffs at some distance from me. This steam gradually dissipated, and I saw a strange scene. In front of me lay on a vast plane all parts of the world - Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw how worried, raged between Europe and America, the ramparts Atlantic Ocean. Between Asia and America lay the Pacific Ocean. “Son of the Republic,” repeated the same mysterious voice, “watch and learn.”

At that moment I saw the shadow of an angel-like being standing or rather hovering in the air between Europe and America. Scooping water from the ocean into the palm of each hand, the creature splashed some water on America from its right hand, and from its left hand onto Europe. Immediately, a cloud rose from these continents and united in the middle of the ocean. For some time it remained unchanged and then slowly covered everything with its dark puffs. Sometimes lightning flashed sharply in it, and I heard the suppressed groans and screams of the Americans. The angel scooped up water from the ocean a second time and sprinkled it as before. The dark cloud moved back to the ocean and disappeared from view in its billowing waves. The third time I heard a mysterious voice: "Son of the Republic, watch and learn."

I looked out over America and saw villages and towns springing up one after the other until the whole country from the Atlantic to the Pacific became dotted with them. And again I heard a voice: "Son of the Republic, the end of the century is coming, watch and learn."

And I saw that an ominous ghost was approaching our country. He slowly moved from Africa to every small and Big city. The inhabitants lined up in battle rows against each other; I continued to look and saw a bright angel, over whose forehead rested a crown of light, on which the word "union" was inscribed. This angel held an American flag that he placed between a divided nation and said, "Remember that we are brothers." And instantly people, throwing away their weapons, became friends and united around the banner.

Again I heard the mysterious voice: "Son of the Republic, watch and learn." At the same time, a dark, shadow-like angel put a trumpet to his mouth and blew three times; scooping up water from the ocean, he sprinkled it on Europe, Asia and America. Then a terrible sight opened before my eyes: thick black clouds rose from each of these continents, which soon merged into one. A dark red light came on and I saw hordes of armed men moving with the cloud, walking the land and sailing across the seas towards America. And through the veil of fog, I saw that these huge armies were devastating the whole country, burning villages, small and big cities which have only recently emerged. Through the thunder of cannons, the clash of swords, the cries and cries of millions of people in mortal combat, I again heard a mysterious voice: "Son of the Republic, watch and learn." Then again, dark, like a shadow, the angel put the trumpet to his mouth and blew it long and terribly.

Instantly a light, like a thousand suns, shone in front of me and pierced and tore to shreds the dark cloud that enveloped America. At the same instant, an angel, over whose head the word "alliance" still shone, and who carried the national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from heaven, surrounded by legions of white spirits. They joined the inhabitants of America, whom I saw almost defeated, but who perked up, united their torn ranks and resumed the battle. And again, amidst the terrible noise, I heard a mysterious voice: "Son of the Republic, look and learn." An angel like a shadow last time scooped up water from the ocean and sprinkled it on America. The dark cloud disappeared along with the armies of enemies it brought, leaving the people of the country victorious.

Again I saw villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while a white angel, setting up an azure banner, exclaimed with a loud voice: continue the union. And removing from his forehead the crown on which the word "union" was inscribed, he placed it on the banner, and the people, kneeling down, said "amen."

The picture began to fade and gradually disappear, and, in the end, I could no longer see anything, except for the rising and swirling steam, as at the very beginning. When he also disappeared, the mysterious visitor appeared before me again. In the same voice as before, she said: “Son of the Republic, what you have seen is interpreted as follows: three great dangers await the Republic. The third one will be the worst. Even when united, the world will not be able to overcome it. Let every child of the republic learn to live for his God, his country and union.”

With those words, everything was gone. I jumped up from my chair and realized that this was a vision in which I was shown the birth, development and destiny of the United States ....

Grigory Rasputin (Russian mystic, psychic and prophet):..... Two bloodthirsty princes will take over the Earth: Blizzard (as Rasputin called the USSR) will come from the east and enslave a person with poverty, Grayug (as Rasputin called the USA) will come from the west and enslave a person with wealth. The princes will challenge each other's earth and sky (Cold War?). And the great battlefield will be in the land of the four demons. Both princes will be victorious and both princes will be defeated. But Grayug will enter the house of the Blizzard and sow his ancient words there, which will grow and destroy the earth. This is how the Vyuga empire will end (the collapse of the USSR). But the day will come when the empire of Grayug (that is, the USA) will also collapse, for both laws were erroneous and both brought death. Even their ashes cannot be used to fertilize the earth, on which a new plant of the third light will grow.

Jean Dixon (american soothsayer):... Where there is now water, there will be earth, and where there is earth today, violent streams will rush there with whirlwinds, sweeping away everything in its path ... We will all be eyewitnesses of the shadow of the cross, the trembling of the earth and three days of darkness

Thomas Descartes (American prophet): .... I saw a large piece of California fall off into the ocean due to a massive earthquake. The Lord said it was because of sin, mostly homosexuality, that He would judge California. I saw another devastating earthquake in the Midwest [America] destroying bridges and completely cutting off interstate highway transportation.

Ellen White(American clairvoyant, one of the organizers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) : ..... The storm is coming, and we must prepare for its fury, repent before God and believe in our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord will appear and crush the earth. We will see problems from all sides. Thousands of ships will be sunk in the deep sea. War will come and millions human lives will be sacrificed. Fires will break out unexpectedly, which cannot be extinguished by human effort. The palaces and the earth will be destroyed by the fury of fire...At the end of this earth's history, war will rage. Then there will be pestilence, plague and famine. The waters will overflow. Fires and floods, destruction of property and life. We must prepare that Christ will come and love Him....

Ziyad Silvadi (Palestinian prophet):... States will be washed away by a powerful tsunami. Water death will fall on America simultaneously from the Pacific and Atlantic oceans ...

Keith F. Marston(young American prophet, our contemporary): .... I stood in the ruins of a ruined city. It was a big city, its skyscrapers were on fire. The ground was covered in ash, and when I looked up, the sky was crimson as blood. In the ruins of the city, I saw a flag, torn and burned. When I approached him, I noticed that he was familiar to me. The stars and stripes were the American flag. In horror, I suddenly heard the voice of the Lord. It sounded throughout the country, loud and powerful: “Babylon the Great has fallen! Mother of all harlots and abominations on earth!

Michael Gordon Scallion (American prophet): ... during an earthquake, the earth's crust will split along a line connecting Eureka and Bakersfield, and then turning from Bakersfield to the Gulf of California. A giant gap in the ground will cross the San Joaquin Valley and the Sacramento Valley. The area to the west of the split, a long segment of the California coastline, will begin to move independently of the main body. North America. It will move relative to the North-South axis and form an angle with respect to the split line. The western edge of the breakaway segment will begin to sink. As it sinks, the Pacific Ocean will move further and further until it reaches the split line. Thus, the entire segment will go under water. An earthquake of this magnitude would have several simultaneous consequences. Giant tidal waves will sweep across the Pacific Ocean. The sound shock wave will spread to the east of North America. The shock wave will cause vibrations of sedimentary rocks under the mountain systems of the Sierra Nevada and rocky mountains, which will reduce their height and cause major destruction. While the western regions of the United States will begin to split, the eastern regions will also undergo significant changes. Parts of New York will be submerged, Manhattan will lose approximately 50% of its territory, a third of the coast of Maine will be flooded, most of Rhode Island will disappear under water, Connecticut will be more than half submerged, Long Island will completely disappear, Florida will be half flooded. The Midwest will also experience significant cataclysms. The main change will be the transformation of the Great Lakes into one huge continental sea, and the Mississippi will become a giant sea strait. All of these events will be followed by a shift in the Earth's poles.

Global changes on the territory of the United States will begin with faults and separation of parts of the North American platform, which will turn into 150 California islands. The waters of the Pacific Ocean will flood the faults and form a new coastline, and the west coast will move east. All the Great Lakes will merge and unite with the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the overflowing Mississippi will connect them with the Gulf of Mexico. Rising sea levels will push the entire east coast from Maine to Florida many kilometers inland.

Huge territories on the coasts of the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico will be flooded. The California Peninsula will become an island, and the Yucatan Peninsula will disappear underwater. Hudson Bay and Fox Basin form a vast inland sea. The centers of survival and migration of the population of Alaska and British Columbia will be Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.

In the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the former west coast of the United States, a new land will appear .....

Clairvoyant prophecy Norwegian nun, 1968:

In this country, everything will be destroyed and the destruction will be great, and the fall will be great, and they will say: “Babylon has fallen, fallen and there is no one to help, because this country has corrupted all countries with its wealth and brought it closer to the fall ....."

Ross Peterson (American clairvoyant):.... Georgia, the Carolinas and the entire West Coast of the United States will suffer as a result of a nightmarish tectonic cataclysm. California will be flooded and New York will sink into the ocean.

Robert Wolf Ghost (Indian shaman):....Darkness and gloom will descend on the Pacific coast of the United States at the beginning of the new millennium, for several months it will be as dark as it happens only during the long polar nights. This will happen because dozens of volcanoes will erupt almost simultaneously, ash and smoke will cover the entire western part of America for a long time. And the eruption of volcanoes at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean will cause a sharp rise in coastal waters to almost a hundred meters ....

Ruth Montgomery(American clairvoyant):...Shortly before the actual movement of the poles, two special events will occur. Ancient volcanic eruptions in the Mediterranean islands, South America and California will cause epidemics, and shortly thereafter, powerful aftershocks affecting northern Europe, Asia and South America, giant tsunamis of hitherto unknown scale are formed. New York will disappear. Florida will hardly survive. The southern states overlooking the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, including Texas, will change beyond recognition. To the west, the remnants of California will disappear into the boiling sea. Canada will be in warm latitudes and relatively safe from the tsunami, it seems like a good place to survive. Washington will be devastated, but not completely destroyed...

Prophecy Hopi Indians: ... The end of all Hopi rituals will come when Kachina (a dancer depicting a deity), during a national dance, takes off his mask in front of children (uninitiated). After that, there will be no rituals for some time, there will be no faith (Hopi). Then, Oraibi (the oldest Hopi village) will be renewed with its (traditional) faith and rituals. Third World War will be started by those peoples who were the first to receive the Light (Iraq, Iran, other countries of the Middle East, China, India). The United States - land and people - will be destroyed by atomic bombs. Only the Hopi and their homeland will be saved as a refuge for refugees. Bomb shelters are a myth. Only materialists seek to build bomb shelters. Those who have peace in their hearts already (dwell) in the great refuge of life. Evil, however, has no refuge. Those who do not participate in the dismemberment of the world according to ideologies are already ready to resume (their) life in another world. Whoever they are - Black, White, Red or Yellow, they are brothers of the same Kin...

Sarah Hoffman (attempted suicide in 1979and during her clinical death she experienced a vision that was talked about even in the Vatican):....As the Earth got closer, I saw the whole world, and then different countries. I don't know the countries of the world well enough, but when I looked at the Earth, I instinctively knew which countries they were....

Soon after that there was no trading, no one was buying anything. The country's economy is completely destroyed ... I saw sick and dying people, in particular, in four cities: New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake. The disease was accompanied by white blisters, some appearing on the hands and face, the size of a dime. This quickly turned into white swollen sores and blisters. People stumbled and fell, and then many of them died within a short time, maybe 24 hours later. I also saw other people, blood flowing from the nose, mouth, eyes and ears. The disease began as a flu virus and it spread very quickly, faster than the white blistering plague. People who got sick from it died even faster. This disease has spread throughout the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by these diseases. I knew that there were several diseases different types, but at first two came out of small containers that were imported into the United States. These containers looked like a jar. I was surprised that the people who delivered them simply put the cans on the ground, where there was a large crowd of people. People got infected without realizing it.

Then huge, thick and dark clouds of smoke appeared... An earthquake occurred. It started in winter. It seemed to take a very long time. The chaos went on for almost whole year until next winter. The quakes appear to have started in the West, around Idaho and Wyoming, and then spread to the rest of the world.

I saw the strongest earthquake in Utah, and then in California. Earthquake in all of California, but especially devastating they were in Los Angeles and San Francisco. These earthquakes caused volcanic eruptions throughout the west. They began to throw huge amounts of ash and smoke into the air. The air became very dark and dirty. The sun was darkened by smoke and ash that rained everywhere. I also saw huge tsunami waves hit the West Coast. Then I realized that this happened in all coastal cities around the world. Los Angeles was almost completely swept away. The waves were huge.

I saw a great wall of water, taller than many buildings, maybe 20 feet high, that appeared over Salt Lake City. I thought it was strange because it is so far from the ocean. Wondered how an ocean wave can reach Salt Lake City? I realized that she was not from the ocean, but from underground. Large cracks in the ground opened up around the city and water just gushed out of it. I believe that there is a huge amount of water very deep underground, and earthquakes forced it to come to the surface. When the water swept over the city, there were almost no buildings left, huge destruction everywhere, only a few buildings remained. The water also came out in Idaho, all the way to Cedar City, where it was also very bad.

There is huge destruction in the cities, most of the buildings were destroyed, there was only a lot of garbage left. Although earthquakes, diseases, floods, volcanoes, tidal waves killed many people, most of them died from gangs and everyone killed each other ... A terrible tragedy. I thought that the Earth itself had reacted and created these terrible disasters. The Earth wanted to be cleansed of the most terrible chaos and evil that had overwhelmed people.

Then I saw four visions. The strongest earthquake in the central part of the United States of America. It was devastating, it seemed that the earthquake broke the country into two halves in the Mississippi River area. The cracks that appeared in the ground were huge and completely swallowed up this area. Cracks a mile wide open and the earth caves in. Everything seemed to be swallowed up.

Then water poured out of the Gulf of Mexico, sweeping away everything in its path to the Great Lakes. Only they were no longer lakes, they became part of the inland sea.

Chuck Jungbrandt (American clairvoyant): ... the shaking, the earth breaking will be so violent that there will be destruction in Des Moines, Iowa, which is 316 miles from Chicago. During an earthquake in Chicago, people will be knocked down. Trees will be uprooted in Detroit, and in St. Louis, Missouri, 269 miles from Chicago. The sound of the concussion will be heard in Denver, Colorado. Literally, the entire continent will tremble. I heard a loud roar and movement of the earth, noticed that this movement was in the direction from east to northwest ... The water in Lake O "Hara splashed out in a heavy wave, and then rolled back into its bed ...

Above the treetops, I was a long way from them huge wave water moved west. She did not seem to come to this place, but moved west from the south. Yes, the wall of water was definitely from the south. My location is Des Place, Illinois. The wall of water from Lake Michigan roared loudly, so ominously that it made me tremble. It was at that moment that I realized that I had witnessed the destruction of Chicago by a monstrous earthquake, after which it was destroyed by a huge wall of water.

After the earthquake, the waters of Lake Michigan quickly calmed down and rested in a strange ghostly silence. The calm waters seemed to begin to tremble and vibrate. I watched as the water level began to drop rapidly. There was a “whistling” of water, and it literally disappeared in a northeasterly direction, leaving behind only large puddles, here and there ...

Later, I got a bird's eye view of downtown Chicago when the wall of water from Lake Michigan returned. The flow of water crashed into the city with incredible force, but most of the skyscrapers are still standing. They withstood the flow for a minute, slowly fell apart and disappeared forever in the foaming water.

The wall of water swept away the city completely. I noticed that the endless flow of water was steadily moving west... the roar of the water continued for several days. I've lost track of time, how long it's been going... Farther from the city, to the west, I've seen areas that were above the water, and weren't affected, except for damage from the earthquake.

I also saw the bodies of dead people and animals floating around. The dismembered are scattered in the disaster area, fortunately, most of them were buried in layers of mud carried by water. When the water subsided, I saw corpses in the rubble and roots of uprooted trees. The smell of rotting flesh, the stench of decaying plants in the stagnant water, the hot and humid weather, were unbearable.

I observed other survivors, whom I later identified as "Marauders". These people, hoping for enrichment, rummaged among the corpses, removing rings, gold and other jewelry, and even gold fillings in their teeth. They were armed and when they came to the surviving community, they seized them by force, raped, tortured and killed as they wanted ... I realized then that Christians must be ready to defend themselves. I knew that it was almost a year before the troops arrived. When they finally arrived, tired, dirty, hungry, and ragged, they quickly disarmed the male marauders, killed them all on the spot, and then moved on. This event puzzled me at the moment of the vision. I did not understand why the American soldiers came on foot, why they were so ragged, why they shot the marauders right away, without a hint of a trial.

Chet B. snow (Andfamous American psychic, while under hypnosisl): ....Recently there have been volcanic eruptions, terrible storms and subsidence that have led to severe floods along the west coast. This resulted in atmospheric disturbances and rather severe destruction throughout the entire Pacific region.

What kind of volcano was it? Where did it all start?

Where? Tell me the name of this volcano again. Your voice sounds crisp and clear as you pass the whole scene through your mind, just like in a dream...

It was Fujiyama, I think. Anyway, a volcano in Japan. Its eruption set off a chain reaction powerful earthquakes and subsequent volcanic eruptions in the Pacific region, up to Alaska. The newspapers called it "the flash of the ring of fire."

When did it start?

Around the beginning of March, I think. I did not know the exact date, because there were only small shocks in our area before Fuji exploded.

And what about California? Did something happen there?

Yes, strong storms broke out there, big floods ... perhaps even what is called a small tsunami happened. I think there were subsequent tremors, even perhaps one large earthquake. This led to terrible floods. Part of the coast simply went under water, and as a result sea ​​waters penetrated into the central valleys of the country and flooded the lowlands. Worst of all in southern California, where a huge part of the earth's surface subjected to tremors simply collapsed ...

Edgar Cayce (world famousamerican soothsayer, known as the "sleeping prophet"):

Most of Japan must go under water. In the western part of America, the earth will begin to crack." California and southern Nevada will make a “somersault” into the waters of the Pacific Ocean…

Look at New York, Connecticut and the like. Many areas on the East Coast will shake, as will the central United States. Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed even before New York.

The East Coast areas near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live; as for the southern parts of Carolina, Georgia, they will disappear. And it will happen sooner...

Edward Albert Meyer (Swiss prophet):....Civil wars and anarchy in America and suffering on Earth will continue. Two terrible civil wars, one after the other, will break out in America. After that, the United States of America will fall apart, deadly hostility will prevail there. Civil strife will lead to its division into five different territories. This is inevitable, as sectarian fanatics will play the role of a dictator.

Analytical department of ARI

As we have already noted above, it is not at all necessary that every prophecy necessarily come true. Even such prophets as Vanga can make mistakes, at least with dates and years. Nevertheless: if a mass of completely different people, and people who lived in completely different eras, suddenly begins to say almost the same thing, then there is a serious reason to think.

The second reason to think is the collective unconscious.

Hundreds of films and dozens of television series are shot in Russia every year. Very often, but rather, as a rule, the idea, or even the entire script, is bought (or stolen) in the West and re-shot in Russia by local shit directors. But even in the shitty version, post-apocalyptic films are not of interest to either the public or the directors. For the main theme in it is life after the Apocalypse. Our viewer does not like this because it is somehow far away.

Producers, as a rule, know the needs of the public and therefore do not invest money in such projects and apparently never will. Good example- disputes around the book about "Metro 2034" on the topic of post-apocalypse in Moscow. The book even has some kind of audience for which even the game was made. But it didn't go any further. The excitement of the players is not observed, let alone imagine that people went in droves to look at life in Moscow after the End of the World.

The same can be said about China. In Europe, however, from time to time something is filmed. Filmed in Australia. But they get money from this after shows in ... the USA. That's where the audience is ... the word "loves" here does not even reflect the essence of the situation. The public in the United States is simply dragged from the post-apocalypse. Below are only the most sensational films and series of recent years on this topic:

Mad Max, The Postman, Divergent, Judge Dredd 3D, Priest, The Divide, The Book of Eli ( The Book of Eli), I Am Legend, The Postman, Waterworld, The Road, The Day After, Jericho

The general plot is the same - this or that global ass happens to America (an earthquake, a nuclear war, a tsunami, a virus breaks out of the laboratory, aliens attack) - and the people begin to survive, dealing with each other along the way.

In the United States, in movie and television premieres, a global flood ends - an earthquake begins, an earthquake ends - zombies crawl out of the laboratories. We didn’t have time to kill everyone - here you have a pole shift, electricity is gone, frost hit 70 degrees - and new adventures.

After the appearance of nuclear weapons in the world and the beginning of the Cold War, in the United States the public was massively nervous about this topic and several films were made about the exchange of nuclear strikes with the USSR. But on that topic died out. The post-apocalypse came to the fore. In the same Terminator, the plot is based on a nuclear strike on the United States, provoked by Skynet. But this is so, it is mentioned in passing. The main video sequence from the future is how skinned Americans sit in holes, a fire burns and rat meat is fried for dinner. They like it. Why?

To complete the picture of American interest, you can look at the site dedicated to the Apocalypse and survival after it. There are many such resources in the USA. Visitors number in the millions. But if someone thinks that these are just "forum woodpeckers" - he is greatly mistaken. These are specific people who are quite specifically preparing for the End of the World: they buy weapons, a supply of food, fortify houses, dig cellars. Moreover, they are not preparing for an attack on Moscow or China's atomic bombs - people are preparing for an attack on their own compatriots, which will inevitably begin when US state institutions collapse. And on this preparation there is a whole business - shops, publications, websites, consultants, and so on, the main idea of ​​​​which is the sale of goods necessary after the apocalypse - weapons, generators, food, seedlings, books on how to equip a shelter. The business is so big that it makes a significant contribution to the US GDP.

There is such a thing as the Collective Unconscious. Prophets are people who can see the ongoing processes in the future directly. But all the rest - they do not see it, but someone, as they say, feel it backwards. And this subconscious irrational feeling is precisely manifested by interest in the post-apocalyptic theme, it stimulates preparations. What we see in the US. Of course, there are people who are turned on such films and such preparations everywhere - both in Russia and in China. But there are very few of them. Statistical error and nothing more. And in the USA it is a whole society.

It is impossible to say for sure and unequivocally that this will be the case. But the reason to think - agree, very serious.

In contact with


"For the strong, the weak is always to blame." And the United States is considered so strong all over the world today. On the other hand, with their boorish behavior and shameless lies, the American military and politicians seem to attract all the world's negativity to their country.

United Islands of America

American seer doctor Lindsey predicted in the 1960s of the last century a giant "cramp" that would sweep across the United States. And the first victim state will be California - it will fall apart exactly along the 1300 km long San Andreas transform fault, which runs between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. At the same time, the southwestern piece will gradually sink into the abyss of the ocean. Only a few islands will remain of the USA. In turn, this earthquake will cause a tsunami with waves of 50 meters, which will swallow the coastal cities. But this is only part of Dr. Lindsey's predictions: it is noteworthy that as soon as he began to voice his terrible pictures that he saw through time and space, the special services immediately shut his mouth, and the visions themselves were classified "in order to avoid panic among the population."

Another very well-known American clairvoyant in the USA echoes him. Edgar Cayce, prophesying the destruction of not only many states on both coasts, which will go to the bottom of the ocean, but also - territories in the middle of America. Megacities such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles will disappear from the face of the earth. The same will happen with Georgia, the Carolinas and many other states that will become the seabed.

“I see huge waves that swallowed up New York and break skyscrapers like straws,” another American clairvoyant admitted. John Schmidt. “Florida, California and many other coastal states will go under water.”

In the photo: frame of the film "2012"

Bible prophecy

You will say - these are just people, they can dream of anything. Then we turn to other, more authoritative predictions. So, John the Evangelist in his "Revelation" he spoke about the death of the most powerful, rich and influential country in the world, which spreads everywhere the ideology of sin and war. To her, he prophesies the collapse into three islands. True, he called it "Babylon". However, one does not need to be an extremely perceptive person to understand what kind of empire he had in mind.

Prophecies of the abbess and abbess Hildegard of Bingen, who lived 900 years ago and was revered as a saint, also speak of the unenviable fate of a distant nation. Even the American continent itself was not discovered, and even then she predicted to the great people living across the ocean, and the land inhabited by different tribes with different skin colors, a terrible earthquake, tidal waves and hurricanes that would ruin everything in their path. “This people,” says the Teacher of the Church (such an honorary title was awarded to Hildegard), “great misfortunes are coming at sea - after all, almost all of this land will go under water.”

This fate was predicted by America and our monk Gilaron: "Due to a devastating earthquake and flood, the great empire beyond the sea will come to an end - only islands will remain of it."

“The American nation has long since gone from being simply stupid to a real stench in the nostrils of God and a disgusting monster. The Lord told me that America is destined to fall on its knees: it will be a terrible sight - a fallen superpower, - the American predicts Thomas Descartes. “The streets of America will be filled with riots and blood. And the people of the United States themselves will watch their children and loved ones die of starvation.”

In the photo: image of Abatiss Hildegard of Bingen / wikimedia

"The Yankees will turn into real animals"

The American seer also speaks of terrible riots Dannion Brickley: “The Yankees will turn into real animals and begin to live according to the laws of the wolf packs, having lost faith in their country and American ideals. Endless racial conflicts and civil wars of all against all will begin. Riots will become commonplace. Chaos will come to the land of America."

There were terrible visions and the American clairvoyant Valdes Jr., who talked about "flocks" of hundreds of flying people, whom the hurricane wind lifted up like locusts and smashed and flattened against skyscrapers, about mountains of corpses and just pieces of bodies without legs, arms, heads.

In general, out of dozens of disastrous predictions widely known in the world regarding global catastrophes and cataclysms, 80 percent fall on the fate of America. In second place are prophecies related to Great Britain. On the third - the Apennine Peninsula. And here's what is remarkable: in the predictions related to the fate of America, the positive is completely absent. If other countries, judging by the prophecies, at the very least, but still "recover", get out of the abyss and eventually continue to exist. What about the United States, the forecast of prophets, clairvoyants, soothsayers and psychics is the same - inevitable death. It will simply be swept off the face of the earth into the sea. Moreover, the picture of what will happen to America often coincides with those who are completely unfamiliar with each other and live in different times people down to the smallest detail - and this says a lot.

It is impossible to dismiss one more fact that speaks for itself: among the predictors promising the United States a deplorable fate, there are a lot of Americans - they seem to feel on a subtle level what will happen in the future with the land on which a person was born and with which he is connected by an invisible umbilical cord . This also confirms the high probability of the predictions made by the Americans themselves. Although there is a large percentage of those of us who, perhaps, rightly believe that the future is not known to anyone. It is not for nothing that (sometimes not without reason) they say: if you want to make the Lord laugh, tell him about your plans. Here you have to wait. So let's wait and see.

Hope for the world will come again from Russia. Guided by what? Friendship with the people, on whose money it is written: In God we believe. Edgar Casey...

Prophecies of the American Dannion Brinkley about the future fate of the United States.

He "received" his unusual abilities in the summer of 1975 after clinical death, which occurred as a result of a lightning discharge passing through his body, while talking on the phone. After the injury, Dannion's spirit flew through a dark tunnel to an angel who escorted him to the "crystal city". There Brinkley visited the "Temple of Knowledge" and received 13 visions contained in certain "boxes". The angel showed him 117 pictures of possible future events, 95 of which were fulfilled before 1998. Dannion was resuscitated 28 minutes after being declared dead. He later described his visions in Saved by the Light.

I saw, writes Brinkley, that the black stain of a century of debt has descended on America. Scenes of spiritual regression flashed before me. People became “empty” inside - living shells stuffed with ambitions, selfish desires and passions”; “I watched these images, in many ways similar to modern movies, and cried in pain for the old values. People turned into animals. They adopted the laws of the wolf pack.

I saw transparent people, absolutely hollow inside. This emptiness, I was told, was the result of a loss of faith in America and its ideals. War combined with inflation and distrust of our state system created a spiritual vacuum, which was exacerbated by the loss of faith in God.

The soothsayer Vera Lion is called the "Kazakh Vanga". On her official website, Vera Lyon periodically posts her divinations and answers questions from readers of her spiritual blog who ask her about the future and the political situation in the world.

In 2014, Vera Lyon predicted an appreciation of the ruble. At the end of this year and the beginning of 2015, Russia and several other countries will completely abandon the dollar, which will significantly undermine the US economy. America will be hit by a major financial crisis, likely leading to popular unrest or even revolution.

“What is the spirit of America? Most people will proudly say "free". Freedom from what? When you restrict people's hearts and minds in various ways and ways, does that give them freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from want?"

These words are more relevant than ever now, when US policy towards the weak and developing countries- bombing of civilians, financing of color revolutions, etc. cause indignation among many people, including in the same America.

2015, according to most clairvoyants, will be the last year for the US dollar and the euro of the "United Europe". The sharp intensification of the New Great Depression will actually break up the United States into several state entities and de facto abolish the European Union.

The United States will formally remain a single state for another 2 years, and the EU will begin to turn into something similar to the CIS.

The disappearance of the dollar, and hence the US $100 trillion debt, will return to the Western economy as a real destructive boomerang that will sweep away the remnants of hopes for economic stabilization, both in the West and in the East.

Only Russia with its satellites from among the former republics of the USSR will have a normal economy. However, Russia will have to actually re-create its currency system, relying on its vast reserves of precious metals.

Whereas in the West, and especially in the United States, the cult of money and individualism has always reigned, in Russia the people have always been the “peace”—i.e. community, acted together.

The 44th President of the United States will be the last

In 2007, the outstanding American soothsayer Edgar Cayce turned 130 years old. He was born in 1877. He died in 1945. With his predictions, Casey surprised the whole world. And especially the USA. At the beginning of his journey, he was more involved in healing. Having no medical education, he made accurate diagnoses and prescribed treatment, using medical terminology, sometimes known only to a narrow circle of specialists. He did this by plunging into self-hypnosis, and everything he said during self-hypnotic sleep was recorded by a stenographer. His fame was enormous. In 1910, the New York Times devoted a long article to him, which was called "An illiterate person under self-hypnosis becomes a doctor."

Later, Casey became famous for his predictions, which he also made in a state of self-hypnotic sleep. The stenographer wrote down everything that the predictor said in a dream, because, when he woke up, he, as a rule, did not remember anything from what he said in a dream. That's why he got the name: the sleeping prophet.

Another circumstance that aroused special confidence in him on the part of Catholic Christians was that Casey periodically showed "stigmata" - self-arising and bleeding wounds on the body in the places where they were located with Christ during his crucifixion. For Christians, stigmatism is practically a "lifetime manifestation of holiness."

What came true from Cayce's predictions?

In his prophecies, Casey predicted the dates of the beginning and end of the 1st World War, then just as accurately predicted the beginning and end of the 2nd World War. They predicted and named the years of the "Great American Depression": 1929-1933. He even described in detail the panic on the stock exchanges.

He made a lot of predictions global character that have already been fulfilled. Therefore, his prophecies in the West enjoy special confidence.

But he did not prophesy anything good for the future of the United States. Maybe that's why they try not to remember it. Casey predicted a giant global cataclysm. As for America, he predicted, in particular, that New York, Connecticut and the entire east coast of the United States would shake so that they would simply disappear from the face of the earth.

The waters of the great lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico. Volcanoes will wake up in the USA and in Hawaii, and such a huge wave will sweep that the southern coast of California will disappear under water. South America will shake from top to bottom

By the way, Edgar Cayce predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be the last

Everyone is scratching their heads, why did the US provoke the global financial crisis? Or maybe they believe in Cayce's predictions? After all, the newly elected US President Barack Obama is exactly the 44th in a row. Yes, and the world is “shaking” more and more.

Prophecies about the USA.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, most of these cities will be destroyed, even before New York.

The East Coast areas near New York, and possibly New York itself, will practically disappear from the face of the earth. Here, however, another generation will live; as for the southern parts of Carolina, Georgia, they will disappear. And it will happen sooner.

The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico.

As a result of a nightmarish tectonic cataclysm, the axis of rotation of the Earth will shift relative to the plane of the ecliptic. The Prophet claimed that as a result of this, the climate on the planet would change significantly.

With terrible natural disasters, the territory of Russia, as predicted by E. Casey, will suffer less than other countries. The huge continental plate on which our country is located will remain almost untouched. The region from the Urals to Baikal will become modern analogue Noah's Ark.

The first signs of an approaching catastrophe, according to E. Casey, will be an increase in seismic activity in the Pacific Ocean: When there will be the first fluctuations in the South Sea and the lowering or raising of what is almost opposite, or in the Mediterranean, and in the Aetna region will be noticeable. Then we will know that it has begun.


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Casey and Vanga are by far the two most respected clairvoyants and soothsayers. They had a lot of predictions that actually came true. What did they predict for America?

Casey predicted: exact time the beginning and end of the First World War, the beginning and end of the Second World War, the time of the "Great American Depression" from 1929 to 1933, he even described in detail the panic on the American stock exchanges. Shortly before his death in 1945, when our army was smashing the Germans, Casey said: "The twentieth century will not have time to end, when the collapse of communism comes, and Russia, freed from communism, is waiting for a crisis from which it will safely emerge." He made many more global predictions that came true. His prophecies are trusted in the West. What did he say to America? He said that New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco would be destroyed, geophysical changes would occur that would transform the North Atlantic coast. In the 34th year, Edgar Cayce said: “The earth will break in many places, first the west coast of America will change, then the east. Open waters will appear in the north of Greenland, new lands will appear in the Caribbean Sea, South America will shake strongly, seismic and climatic disasters will affect the entire planet, because of which it will change. Russia will suffer the least and will lead a new civilization centered in Siberia. America - as a state in its usual form for us will be under the 44th president. That is, under the 45th president, some changes in the state may begin, which will change the face of the United States. Maybe it will be a secession of a state, a split into two states, or the natural disasters described above - Casey does not specify this, it only indicates that under the 45th President of the United States, the face of America will become different than under the previous president.

Vanga predicted: The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, the exact date of the death of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris 3rd, the catastrophe of the nuclear submarineboats "Kursk", the death of Princess Diana, the prosperity of Russia will begin in the 21st century. For the United States, Vanga absolutely accurately and unambiguously predicted the victory of the black president in 2008: “The 44th president of the United States will be black, and this president will be the last for the United States, since already under the next, 45th president, America will fall apart into North and South states ”Wang does not say in any source what will serve as an impetus for this collapse.

Another, though less well-known, prophet who directly points to the 44th president is Ragno Nero, he wrote 500 years before the emergence of the United States: “The country on the shores of two oceans will be the strongest, rulers will rule it for 4 years, the 44th of which will be the last successful, because under subsequent rulers, this country will begin to "fade" and eventually end its existence "

What is the result? Completely different people different eras, on different continents, to whose predictions there is confidence, clearly point to the 44th President of the United States, under which America will have the last happy years. Because under the next 45th president, the US borders will change, the state will fall apart. But no one directly indicates whether the United States will collapse due to internal political contradictions between the elites, the discontent of the people, or a natural disaster. The rest of the predictions of these people “do not intersect”, that is, each prophesied something of his own, and only this one episode turned out to be common. Everything coincided on the 44th president and the collapse of the United States under the 45th president.

But why would America suddenly fall apart into Northern and Southern states? Everything is fine with their economy, about 2% GDP growth, unlike many other countries, and the economic crisis is unlikely to lead to the collapse of a country like the United States, a conspiracy within the country is also unlikely, although it is possible. One can only guess about what can begin with the sudden death or assassination of Donald Trump, mass clashes between his supporters and supporters of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the exit from the control of individual states, such as California, the split of American society. Although all this can happen without a conspiracy against the 45th president, nevertheless, the actual collapse of the United States due to a conspiracy against Trump is still unlikely. Remains strong external influence- disaster.

Then, of all the most likely scenarios, Yellowstone comes first - it is a giant supervolcano located on the territory of three states (Wyoming, Montana, Idaho). The length of which from north to south is 102 kilometers, and from west to east 87 kilometers. There are more than 3,000 geysers on the territory of the Yullonstone Reserve.

What is happening with the supervolcano now? According to the latest data, the temperature in some geyser lakes has already risen to 20 degrees Celsius, since the beginning of 2014, about 60 tremors have been recorded, the strongest of which was 4.8 points on March 30, 2014. The well-known journal Science published research data showing that the soil in Yellowstone Park is rising at a fantastic rate. Over the past four years, the speed has been 180 centimeters, although in previous years this figure did not exceed 3-6 centimeters per year. And over the past century, the volcano has "grown" by 70 centimeters. In the caldera of the volcano, seething lava flows are already observed, magma has risen to the very mouth of the volcano. All this indicates that the eruption is about to begin. According to scientists, it should begin in the period from 2018 to 2020. Note that the reign of the 45th President of the United States. Already, there is an exodus from the reserve of whole herds of bison, deer and other less noticeable animals, which directly indicates an impending catastrophe.

In the American media, preoccupied with the current situation, they published a number of forecasts of possible scenarios. Panic began to rise. But the US authorities found a way out - they imposed censorship on publications about Yellowstone.

The explosion scenario is as follows: the pressure of magma on the Earth's surface will begin to increase, on the territory national park there will be a "hump" with a diameter of 15-20 km., a height of 5-10 meters, along which numerous cracks will go. At the same time, the earth will heat up to 65-75 ° C, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and helium-4 will greatly increase in the atmosphere. The pressure that has been building up for 630 thousand years will break out, and magma will be thrown out to a height of about 50 kilometers. The consequences of such an explosion would be catastrophic. Within a radius of 1 thousand kilometers, literally all life will perish under the lava and ash. Then a cloud of volcanic ash will spread to the sides. Within a few days, it will cover most of the US and Canada. Volcanic ash will cover a 15-centimeter layer and areas remote from the national park, such as the Gulf of Mexico and Florida.

After such an explosion, the number of victims could approach 100 million people, the consequences for industry and the economy are absolutely irreparable. This explosion will end the existence of the United States as a state. It is possible that other territorial entities in the form of state-states will subsequently arise on this territory. But the United States and most likely Canada will no longer exist.

The red area is a volcanic caldera.

Yellow - ash covering from a volcanic eruption 2.2 million years ago.

Blue - 1.3 million years ago

Green - 640 thousand years ago.

The future of the United States has always been an area that Russians are keenly interested in. In the end, one of the political hegemons of the world and the largest player in the economic field has a significant impact on the development of any world relations, be it politics, economics, the emergence of supranational organizations or the social movement of society.

It is not surprising that many are trying to see what changes the fate of this country has prepared. This issue becomes especially relevant in our days, when the coming to power of Donald Trump stirred up alarming forebodings of the world community. Let's find out what forecasts for the US can take place in 2018!

Forecasts from Pavel Globa

Globa promises the United States the deepest crisis and the complete collapse of the economy

The main ones are based on the interpretation of the prophecies of Vasily Nemchin, who described his visions for a thousand years in advance. Alas, the Russian astrologer could not accurately name the winner of the election race in the United States. According to him, Nemchin's predictions only indicated that the new president would be fundamentally different from his predecessors. It fits both Hillary, who could have become the first woman president, and Trump, who has unconventional roots in American politics.

Pavel Globa failed to clarify the information on the stars, since he did not have information about the exact hour of birth of the two main candidates. Now Globa predicts that the United States will plunge into the abyss of crisis and economic recession, which will manifest itself in 2017. The next year will only exacerbate the negative phenomena that will gradually spread to the entire economy of the world, forming a new financial crisis lasting until 2020.

It is for the United States that the astrologer predicts the most unenviable fate - the depreciation of the dollar, the final collapse of the North Atlantic Alliance, the growth of unemployment and the intensification of social conflicts will finally shift the United States from the first places in world leadership. The interpretation of Nemchin's predictions gave Globa the opportunity to make shocking statements that this president would lead America to a complete collapse, the consequences of which would be corrected by many more subsequent rulers.

Nevertheless, much in the words of Pavel Globa is doubtful - the fact is that Nemchin's life and predictions are known only from the words of an astrologer. Documentary sources describing such a person were never found, and the book, to which Pavel Globa constantly refers, was allegedly lost immediately after he copied the information from there.

Predictions from Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce predicted the US coup and the overthrow of the current government

Not too optimistic are the forecasts made at the time by the American mystic and medium Edgar Cayce. After his death, he left thousands of transcripts dictated by him in a state of trance, in which, in particular, the followers of the teachings of the Sleeping Prophet saw predictions regarding the fate of the United States and world civilization as a whole.

The exact date of the onset of the events predicted by Casey is unknown, but it is believed that they will come true just in the 21st century. The prophet foretold that a coup could take place in America after an unexpected change of power. This event will be preceded by an active phase of social conflicts, so those in power should pay great attention to people who do not have social privileges and wealth.

Predictions from the Palm Libraries

The creators of the Palm Libraries promise a quick depreciation of money

Under this name, ancient information sources in Sanskrit, written by the great sages on palm leaves, are known. At one time, the information was streamlined by Thomas Ritter and published as a separate book, telling on its pages about the future of various countries of the world, including the United States. The compiler of the book says that the ancient sages predicted the world's largest economy a gradual decline due to ill-conceived policies in the field of economics and foreign relations.

Since the end of the second decade of the 2000s, crisis phenomena will be increasingly observed, accompanied by a slowdown in industrial and financial growth. It is quite possible that in order to divert the attention of citizens from negative phenomena within the country, the United States will unleash a protracted military conflict, hiding behind the desire to ensure peace and freedom. However, the rulers will have to face significant internal problems up to the armed actions of citizens.

Predictions from Vlad Ross

Vlad Ross sees an opportunity to aggravate the situation in the Middle East

One of the most popular astrologers of our time - Vlad Ross - managed to see that Trump's victory was ensured by massive fraud. In this he was helped by reading the position of the Moon, which on the day of the election was in the constellation of Pisces. Ross calls the president himself a person unpredictable for astrological science. The predictor refers to the fact that Uranus in Trump's horoscope is combined with the ascending node of the moon's orbit, and this speaks of both the possibility of transformation and change and destruction.

At the same time, the astrologer claims that even ancient prophecies contain information about the apocalyptic consequences of the reign of the 44th President of the States, and Donald Trump was born at a time when an eclipse of the moon was observed, which indicates his destructive mission (the serial number was assigned to Trump without taking into account the dual reign Grover Cleveland).

The astrologer also predicts the apogee of the Middle East conflicts, as Uranus, passing in Aries in 2017, provided the world with destructive trends for a long time. However, at the end of 2018, when the warlike planet changes its position, it will be possible to hope for a gradual establishment of peace.

Visions of Kaede Uber

According to Kaede Uber, the United States is threatened by a terrible terrorist attack

This schoolgirl, who lives in France, has already been called by some journalists "Vanga's successor." According to information posted on the network, a seriously ill French woman can see many pictures in the fog of the future, predicting terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics and military conflicts. Literally in 2016, Uber announced the likelihood of a terrible terrorist attack that would occur in the coming years in the United States, taking with it a huge number of human lives.

Relatives of the young soothsayer noted in an interview that the girl is very frightened by the presence of representatives of the Muslim world, which makes it possible to suspect an Islamist threat. However, many doubt the gift of Uber, because before the US elections, she predicted that a woman would become president. As already known, this did not happen, so the authority of the young soothsayer was seriously shaken.

Predictions of other clairvoyants

Many predictors threaten the United States with a series of natural disasters
  • Predictions from Vera Lyon. A clairvoyant from Kazakhstan expresses confidence that the main problem of the coming years will be the fight against natural disasters. The Americans will not be able to avoid this fate either, for whom the melting of ice in the Arctic region will bring catastrophic storms and breaks in the earth's crust in the ocean regions. Flooding of territories will provoke the activation of epidemiological diseases, mass exodus and evacuation of the population, which will be forced to huddle in cities unaffected by the elements. In the political sphere, the fortuneteller sees destructive processes in NATO and even a possible conflict between the States and Germany, which will lead not only to a cooling of relations, but also to negative economic processes, both in the United States and in the European Union.
  • Prophecies from Orson Pratt. A well-known Mormon soothsayer maintains a negative vision of the American future in his predictions. He also sees a sharp social stratification and social injustice. And it will turn into something like civil war in which the neighbor will oppose the neighbor, the population of some cities will oppose others, and the states will fight against the states. There is no mention of any specific years in the prophecy, however, followers are inclined to think that the beginning of the process, the result of which will be the death of people and the decline of industry, can be laid in 2018-2020. Therefore, the authorities should take a close look at the issues social policy and less conflict in remote regions of the world.
  • Predictions from David Wilkerson. The forecasts of the American clairvoyant David Wilkerson, who predicts the impact of natural disasters on the United States, are not too optimistic. Unfortunately, the soothsayer did not indicate the exact period in which one should expect the embodiment of visions into reality. However, Wilkerson said that to precede this phenomenon there will be a strong earthquake that will take the lives of many Japanese. As we already know given event happened, as evidenced by the tragedy at Fukushima. For America, the prophet predicted an equally terrifying catastrophe that would entail panic, fear, sacrifice and destruction.
  • Forecast from Dannion Brinkley. A well-known American predictor secured his credibility and authority after he managed to predict the Chernobyl disaster. His visions of the United States are distinguished by the darkest moods, because in his forecasts Brinkley speaks of monstrous cataclysms at the beginning of the new century. The costs associated with restoring infrastructure, arranging temporary housing, medical care, extinguishing numerous fires and protecting cities from marauders will completely ruin the US budget. The country is seized by hunger and numerous armed skirmishes, which can eventually completely destroy the United States as a state.

Forecasts for the USA from political scientists and economists

Of course, it should be borne in mind that the predictions of psychics often do not come true. Among astrologers and clairvoyants there is also a place for the inherent bias of people - otherwise how to explain the fact that Russian mystics from year to year talk about the imminent collapse of the States, even when the situation does not favor this? That is why I would like to know the forecasts made by people who are far from mysticism and other worlds, but who are very well versed in the alignment of political forces and economic phenomena.

Analytical forecasts from Saxo Bank experts

Saxo Bank Predicts Softening of U.S.-Russia Sanctions Debate

Brokers from the Danish corporation Saxo Bank have long earned a reputation for being very accurate forecasters in the financial field. The company publishes forecasts every year that can fundamentally affect the global economic order. For example, it was its experts who were able to foresee the depreciation of the Chinese currency in 2014, and also calculated and predicted sharp negative changes in the price of “black gold”.

Throughout 2017, specialists from Saxo Bank published calculations that speak of a gradual change in relations between Russia and the United States. Today, given the election victory of the Donald Trump team, whose position towards the Russians is considered much more friendly than that of Hillary Clinton, this forecast has every chance of becoming a reality. Experts suggest that already in 2018, Russia will gradually begin to free itself from the oppression of Western sanctions restrictions.

The dollar positions cause alarm among analysts - it is quite possible that the US currency will start to lose value little by little. A further fall in oil prices is not ruled out. All this, coupled with the intention of the Federal Reserve to raise rates, could trigger a slowdown in the economy and job cuts. As a result, experts consider it quite likely that the scenario will come true, in which they see the intensification of social protests and radical changes in US policy.

Calculations from financier Andrey Dirgin

Deargin predicts an early stabilization of financial processes in the United States

The Russian financial market began to gradually move into a phase of recovery. This happened after the news about the victory of Donald Trump, whom experts believe is a figure much more preferable for Russia than the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. Andrey Dirgin, head of the analytical department at Alfa-Forex, says that one should not believe rumors about too much high degree impulsiveness and unpredictability of Trump's decisions.

The expert believes that the new head of the White House has a very clear plan, which he will follow with all possible care. From point of view domestic policy States measures will be to intensify state incentives for economic processes and the gradual reduction of the tax burden.

The analyst believes that Trump's proposed policy and plan of action looks better than Hillary Clinton's program. Despite the fact that the news of the election of the Republican caused a subsidence of the global financial market, this consequence can only be considered a sharp manifestation of the surprise effect. In 2018, he predicts greater stability in the economic world, and also counts on a gradual reduction of US and European sanctions against the Russian economy.

Analytics from the Financial Times

Experts from the Financial Times expect Donald Trump to focus on domestic rather than foreign problems of the States in the near future

The authoritative British publication always tries to keep abreast of financial events, so it is not surprising that economic and political reviews regularly appear on its pages, and the authors try to extrapolate current trends to the possible development of the situation in the future. Experts from the Financial Times suggest that Donald Trump will systematically adhere to a carefully calibrated course and will certainly make everything that he promised in the election race a reality.

The British believe that the matter will concern not only tightening the screws on migrants, but will also result in the gradual establishment of partnerships with the Russian Federation. In other media, the idea also slips that during 2017-2018 Trump will not make any sudden movements on the world stage. He will direct his efforts to solving internal problems and establishing intra-party relations. It is for this reason that a certain lull in world politics is expected during this period of time.

Forecast from political scientist Mikhail Pavliv

Mikhail Pavliv believes that Trump's uncertainty could exacerbate problems between the Russian Federation and Ukraine

Ukrainian society took the news of Trump's victory in the American elections with a great deal of apprehension and anxiety for the future, believing that an unpredictable change of power in the United States could significantly worsen the position of their country. The situation is also heated up by the statements of the Republican, who is very ambiguous in his attitude towards Russia and Ukraine.

In one speech, he can say that he will protect Ukrainians from Putin in every possible way, in another he can express absolute indifference to Ukraine's entry into the North Atlantic Alliance, and the new president's position on the Crimean issue remains rather vague. Political scientist Mikhail Pavliv believes that Trump is a dark horse in the global political sphere.

He believes that it was extremely short-sighted on the part of Ukrainian politicians to speak out so sharply in favor of Trump during the election race. The expert advises not to count on shifts in the military conflicts taking place in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Only when the elections for the French and Germans are over, it will be possible to talk about some development of this issue. The picture will become clearer by the second half of 2018, when new representatives of power in the leading EU countries will sort out appointments and visits.
