Why dream about pepper? Dream interpretation pepper: Bulgarian, black, red. Full interpretation of sleep pepper

What is the dream of pepper? This symbol in a dream often portends quarrels, deceit, a difficult situation, slanderers, losses. However, sometimes he promises success at work, mutual understanding at home, a successful course of affairs, well-being, says the dream book.

What pepper did you dream about?

Pay attention to what it was:

  • Bulgarian - a pleasant surprise lies ahead;
  • acute - material losses;
  • red salad - success at work, a large reward;
  • yellow - categorically defend your beliefs, but you should listen to the arguments of others;
  • green - well-being at home.

Also green bell pepper promises harmony in relationships with loved ones. In addition, a green vegetable portends a comfortable, calm period of prosperity.

Acute warns of the likely loss of something dear to you.

Miller's dream book: possible quarrels, deceit

Did you grind black pepper in a dream? You may suffer from sophisticated deception. Have you seen the scattered black? A dream promises a quarrel or reproaches.

Successfully realize your plans

Why dream sweet? The dream book promises: there will be a chance to change your life. Do not miss a rare opportunity - even if you do not achieve success, you will still get a good experience.

Dreamed of sweet pepper? There will be a successful implementation of plans and joy in the house.

Cutting sweet means: the sleeper will be in a difficult position from which he will not be able to get out. Do not be shy to ask for help from friends, relatives - they will always support.

Success at work

Buying it is ahead, according to the dream book, success in the professional field. The larger this vegetable, the greater the achievements will be.

Why dream of collecting it on a bush? The dreamer will receive a good reward for his work. The plot is especially favorable for passionate people or entrepreneurs.

Eat sweet peppers in a dream - good sign for sick people. They are waiting for a speedy recovery.

You can give new meaning to life

Did you dream fresh? In reality, the sleeping person is waiting for material well-being, a warm, cozy home environment.

Stuff it - fill life with new meaning. Discover new horizons and life will sparkle with bright colors. The main thing is to listen to your intuition.

Also stuffing a pepper means changing life, achieving material well-being, prosperity.

Ahead of difficulties, conflicts

Why dream of eating stuffed? The dream interpretation explains: difficulties are coming, to overcome which you will have to ask for help from loved ones.

Did you dream of eating a lot of pepper and salt? In reality, there will be sharp disputes, quarrels, conflicts.

There is pepper - spiteful critics want to slander the dreamer out of envy. It should be remembered: worthy behavior characterizes better than malicious slander.

Friends can deceive, but a loved one can disappoint

Seeing a growing red pepper in a dream - painful experiences are coming.

Struchkovy - you will have to defend your rights.

Why dream of scattered ground pepper? The dream interpretation reports: quarrels, a decline in business are possible.

Did the girl in a dream season food with ground pepper? This means that her friends can deceive her.

Dreamed of being rotten? The dream interpretation warns: the person you trusted will greatly disappoint. Perhaps this will not happen intentionally, but the offense will be serious.

Relationships will be too tiring

Seeing bitter in a dream - difficulties are coming business area, conflicts with management, the consequences of which will be serious.

Red bitter indicates excessive sexual activity, a mismatch of temperament with a partner, which can lead to complications.

Seeing Bulgarian pepper in a dream is a sign of excellent health and well-being. What this vegetable is dreaming of is interpreted by the dream book in an extremely positive way. For a sick person, a dream promises a speedy recovery; for a depressed person, it portends a gift of fate, joyful emotions.


In a dream, red bell pepper prophesies to a sleeping person positive changes in life associated with prosperity at work and domestic joys.

To see a young girl growing red or orange pods on this plant portends a dream book of a kind and economic spouse with a good financial condition.

Yellow pepper symbolizes wisdom and right deeds. A dream that has occurred acts as a hint in the event that in real life the dreamer's words are questioned by others.

I dreamed of a green bell pepper - I will soon be able to play the role of a student. You may have to learn a new specialty or start your own business from scratch.

Another explanation of what a green vegetable is dreaming of is in the General Dream Book. According to the interpreter, unripe fruits in a dream are considered from the position of the character's unpreparedness (moral, physical, financial) to carry out his plan. Seeing ripe green peppercorns - to an increase in income and material well-being.

Appetizing, fleshy fruits of this shrub predict the successful implementation of plans and joy in the family. Probably, some events will cause a revival in the dreamer's family circle and have a beneficial effect on his relationship with loved ones.


Seeing huge and bright pods of bell pepper on the bushes promises unexpected joy. For farmers, a dreamed vision symbolizes a rich harvest or offspring.

Seeing red pepper lying on a plate in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, portends a man an economical and thrifty hostess. Another explanation of why such a plot is dreaming is your hard labour bring success and prosperity.


Juicy, sweet and extraordinarily tasty bell pepper pulp represents happy moments in the family of a sleeping person, the realization of old ideas. Also, such a vision indicates that next to the character is a kind and reliable person who is trying with all his might to bring him good.

Dreams are an attempt to process daytime information, which is necessary to unload the psyche. Of particular importance are dreams with spicy foods, such as peppers.

What pepper dreams about depends on its type, on the dreamer's possible personal associations, and also on how he was in a dream (stuffed, ground or fresh).
Pepper is generally included in the dream book as a symbol of sharpness, brightness, something valuable and rare. Naturally, this value was fixed due to the characteristics of the vegetable, its ability to burn a person’s tongue, but at the same time diversify the diet, because the taste of many dishes improves from adding pepper. For a more accurate answer to the question “What is pepper dreaming of?” let's look at the details of the dream.

Pepper can be planted, cared for, bought, sold or stuffed. Depending on these actions, the meaning of the dream will also change.

If the dreamer cared for the plant in a dream, contributing to its growth, then in order to gain well-being, you need to be patient and be prepared to make significant efforts. Buying symbolizes good health, and selling - the need to think about wasting your strength on trifles. Cooking dishes with pepper is a symbol of well-being.


The dream interpretation of pepper seen in a dream is interpreted depending on the type of pepper. So, black, spicy or Bulgarian are usually harbingers of thrills, pleasant experiences and life ups. Sweet and green are symbols of health, new hobbies and lightness. Let's take a closer look at each type.

  • A sharp red pepper growing in a dream in a house is a symbol of hindsight, a reckless game. Try to be more vigilant and prudent.
  • Sweet pepper portends joy and the implementation of plans. If sweet fruit looks beautiful and appetizing, then soon unexpected pleasant events will improve the atmosphere in the family.
  • A green unripe fruit is often a symbol of hasty and ill-considered decisions. However, green bell pepper is a harbinger of apprenticeship. And ripe green is a sign of development and financial well-being.

Most wanted peppers

Red chili, bell pepper or black pepper dreamed in a dream have many interpretations depending on the details. This is due to the fact that they are in very wide use and most often leave some kind of emotional memory due to their sharpness.

If you had to grind black pepper in a dream, then you should not be deceived by any adventurous offers. In addition, black pepper poured into a dish indicates the sharpness of the language of others, so be careful when talking about yourself or your loved ones with unfamiliar people.

The plot of a dream is not uncommon, in which the dreamer wanted to pepper the dish and sprinkled ground pepper. In this case, the dreamer needs to think more about his words so as not to inadvertently offend others.

Red Bulgarian - symbol positive change. And yellow means man goes on the right path and his judgments are correct. If the fruit was very bitter, then in reality you should be more careful with unpleasant people. If the fruit was sweet and juicy, then it is time for a person to think about putting their plans into practice.

It is important in what form a person observed peppers in a dream. If there are a lot of fruits on the bushes and they are very bright, then you should expect a big return on your actions (moral or material). If the red fruit was in a plate, then the person’s efforts will be crowned with success.

Red pepper is a symbol of sharp collisions, increased emotionality and bright events. So, chili, seen in a dream, portends a collision with one's own dreams, realized in reality, and the rethinking caused by this.

Buying it means good health, and growing it means creating comfort and a warm atmosphere in the family. If you only had to plant a red pepper, then in reality it is better to think over any decision for a long time and in detail.

Sometimes people wonder if all dreams are equally important and whether they all carry significant meaning. Such a question may arise due to the fact that the plots of dreams are so different, some carry bright, unforgettable and strong emotions with them, others are so simple and ordinary that attention is not focused on them. But all the amazingness and mysticism of the kingdom of dreams lies in the fact that each dream is individual and carries important signs for the one who sees the dream. And sometimes a vivid dream that for a long time does not get out of my head has not such an important interpretation as the simplest dream. For example, you saw a pepper in a dream. Where is it even easier? We use it all the time, for salads, dinners, preserves and more. And why does this vegetable appear in a dream? It would be worth paying special attention to such a seemingly insignificant dream, because dream books give important interpretations to it. First of all, try to remember all the nuances of your dream, because each scenario has a different interpretation from the dream books. (mass media )

Autumn dream book

Why dream of stuffed peppers - stuffing pepper yourself in a dream suggests that you will be able to fill your life with bright colors and new emotions.

Summer dream book

Why do pepper seedlings dream - sprouting pepper means that gloomy events will occur in your life that will sadden you.

Women's dream book

Old Russian dream book

Why pepper is dreaming - be prepared for something unpleasant to happen in your life.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

Why do bell peppers dream - such a dream is a dream for troubles, disappointment, sorrows.

Ukrainian dream book

Dream Interpretation "hot pepper" - how bitter the pepper was, how sad you will have in life.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation "pepper" - to adversity and troubles, such a dream is dreamed.
  • Why dream of peppercorns - black unground pepper in a dream indicates that your life will be filled with sad events in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation "red pepper" - you will be enveloped in anxiety and sadness because of your own promiscuity.

Spring dream book

Why sweet peppers are dreaming - an unpleasant conversation awaits you in which you will be teased and reproached every now and then.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Why do you dream of red bell pepper - something will soon happen in your life from which you will go berserk, there will be quarrels and squabbles.
  • Why do green peppers dream - you will plunge into the abyss of passion and vices, this will not lead you to good.

Lunar dream book

Dream Interpretation "Bulgarian Pepper" - such a dream portends the dreamer of troubles and misfortunes threatening him.

Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation “bitter pepper” - if in a dream you eat hot pepper, this means that soon you will get tired of your partner’s insatiability, you will get tired of the relationship, this will cause confusion for your partner.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation "there is sweet pepper" - such a dream suggests that you will get involved in someone else's quarrel.
  • Why dream of sweet red pepper - to see red pepper in a dream promises you sorrows and frustrations.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream interpretation "green pepper pods" - this dream promises you soon fun, joy and happiness.
  • Dream Interpretation "pepper, ground" - you will find yourself in an extreme, but very fun situation, from which you will have a lot of positive emotions.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon Kananit

Dream Interpretation "gather pepper" - harvesting pepper means that you will fall into difficult situation from which it will be quite difficult to get out.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Dream Interpretation "black pepper" - someone, thanks to cunning and flattery, is trying to deceive you or impose his point of view, be more attentive to others. You should not take part in dubious affairs and believe the promises of "golden mountains".

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation "red bell pepper" - if you saw pepper in a dream - this may mean that you are too passive and your life is monotonous, add extreme and thrill to it.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller

  • Dream Interpretation "red chili" - because of their habit of talking without thinking, even friends will treat you with disdain.
  • Miller's dream book "red pepper" - capsicum red pepper indicates that your partner will be a greedy and economical person.

Dream Interpretation of Health

  • Why do green bell peppers dream - you will find yourself in a difficult, controversial situation, make an informed decision.
  • Dream interpretation "sweet red pepper" - to minor sorrows or health problems due to lack of vitamins.


Having received an interpretation from the dream book, compare it with what is happening in your life, then you will be able to understand what you should expect or fear. Having received a pleasant interpretation, you need to believe in it, and then everything that you have planned will surely come true. And if the prediction was sad, then it is in your power to change it, because our fate is in our hands. Pleasant and good dreams to you.

What is the dream of Bulgarian Pepper in a dream from a dream book?

Bell pepper is dreaming - expect a pleasant surprise, fate will present a generous gift that will evoke joyful emotions.

Bulgarian stuffed pepper is a guarantee of a comfortable life, in prosperity and wealth. You will be surrounded by various benefits, you will not need anything.

Who dreamed of bell pepper? What color bell pepper did you dream about? What did you do with bell pepper in a dream?

Who dreamed of bell pepper?

Woman dreaming of bell pepper

Bulgarian pepper for a woman is interpreted by the dream book as an ambulance meeting with interesting personality. This prudent, thrifty and enterprising person will become your life partner.

What color bell pepper did you dream about?

Why dream of red bell pepper

I dreamed of a red bell pepper - you will be able to successfully complete all your affairs, joy and happiness will reign in the house. Upcoming Events cause a revival in the family circle, will positive influence on your relationship with your family.

I dreamed of a green bell pepper

What is the dream of green bell pepper? Prosperity, joy will reign in the house, financial well-being. In relations with households, complete mutual understanding will reign.

Dreaming of yellow bell pepper

A yellow bell pepper seen in a dream is a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. Vision is usually those who try to convince others that they are right.

What did you do with bell pepper in a dream?

Collect bell pepper in a dream

A dream about picking bell pepper is a reflection of a warm attitude towards relatives and friends in reality. He promises that soon the calm home environment will become even better.

Cut bell pepper in a dream

She dreams about how you cut bell pepper - in reality you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation. But fear not, you will not be alone in your problems. One of my friends will come to the rescue.

Eat bell pepper in a dream

Dream Interpretation Felomena considers eating bell pepper as a prudent spouse for a man. The vision also suggests that hard work will soon bear fruit.

Buy bell pepper in a dream

I dreamed about buying bell pepper - in reality, current affairs will progress remarkably. The more pepper you buy, the more success awaits the dreamer.

How do other dream books interpret?

Miller's dream book


Dream Interpretation Pepper, why dream of Pepper in a dream to see

Autumn dream book What does Pepper dream about in a dream book:

Pepper - Stuff pepper in a dream - fill life with new meaning.

Summer dream book What does Pepper dream about in a dream book:

Pepper - Growing pepper in a dream - to a bitter life, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book What does Pepper dream about in a dream book:

Pepper - If in a dream you grind black pepper, this is a warning that you may become a victim of a sophisticated deception. Scattered black pepper portends sharp reproaches leading to a quarrel. If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, her friends will deceive her. Growing red pepper portends the appearance of a thrifty and independent companion in married life. A bunch of red capsicum means that you will aggressively defend your rights. If in a dream you burned your tongue with pepper, talk less about others, otherwise your environment will turn away from you.

Old Russian dream book What does it mean when Pepper dreams:

Interpretation of the dream book: Pepper - Seeing means an unpleasant incident.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Pepper what does it mean

Pepper - Misfortune, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Pepper:

Pepper - Dream of capsicum - it will be bitter, you will not want to eat; sadness, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is Pepper dreaming?

See in a dream

Pepper - Seeing pepper in a dream - to trouble, black pepper - to persecution, sadness, annoyance, red - to unpleasant experiences due to one's own incontinence.

Spring dream book What does Pepper dream about in a dream book:

Pepper - To a caustic conversation.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Red pepper - Anger, aggression, scandal.

What does it mean when Pepper dreams - Passions, vices, anger.

Lunar dream book Why is Pepper dreaming?

As interpreted by the dream book: Pepper - Misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What does Pepper dream about in a dream:

Pepper - If you dream that you burned your tongue with pepper, it means. Your environment will turn away from you, condemning your addiction to gossip. Growing red pepper promises you a thrifty and independent companion in married life. A bunch of red capsicum heralds that you will aggressively defend your rights. A dream in which you grind black pepper warns you that you may become a victim of a sophisticated deception. Scattered black pepper portends a sharp rebuke or quarrel. If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, it means that her friends will deceive her.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Pepper in a dream:

Pepper - The dream in which you swallowed hot pepper predicts that soon the caresses and irrepressible desire of your sexual partner (partner) will become unbearable for you, cause fatigue, which will lead your partner into a state of bewilderment and irritation.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Pepper in a dream

Pepper - Eat - bickering.

Pepper - Red - grief.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Pepper:

Pepper - In pods for fun. Ground or in grains for a sharp positive sensation.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Pepper in a Dream

In a dream, why Pepper is dreaming - To see or eat is a difficult matter, a situation

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is Pepper dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream. To see Black Pepper in a dream - If in your dream you ground black PEPPER, then there is a real danger for you to soon become a victim of a sophisticated deception. So in no case do not get involved in dubious scams such as buying shares of some “well, very reliable bank”, and also postpone the currency exchange, the sale of land and other movable and immovable property for a while. In addition, if a girl adds black pepper to her food in a dream, it means that her friends will deceive her soon.


Dream Interpretation Sweet Pepper

What is the dream of sweet Pepper in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing sweet peppers in a dream - in the near future, luck will turn to face you, in any business you can expect absolute luck.

Circumstances will develop in your favor, things will go uphill, and harmony and mutual understanding will reign at home.

What color sweet pepper did you dream about? What did you do with sweet pepper in a dream? Where did you see sweet pepper in a dream?

What color sweet pepper did you dream about?

Dreamed of red sweet pepper

A dream about red sweet pepper warns of an unpleasant conversation. The interlocutor will constantly interrupt and will never want to listen to your remark to the end.

What did you do with sweet pepper in a dream?

Buy sweet pepper in a dream

Dreaming about how you buy sweet peppers - carefully monitor your words and deeds. Otherwise, you can greatly upset your beloved, she will be disappointed in you.

Where did you see sweet pepper in a dream?

I dreamed of sweet pepper on a tree

The dream interpretation interprets sweet pepper growing on a tree as a rare luck. This will not be an isolated incident, but a long-term success. Don't miss out on emerging opportunities.


There are stuffed bell peppers

Dream Interpretation There are stuffed bell peppers dreamed of why in a dream there are stuffed bell peppers? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream there are stuffed bell peppers by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Scattered black pepper portends a sharp rebuke or quarrel.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Black Pepper


Bulgarian pepper see on

Dream Interpretation Bulgarian pepper see on dreamed of why in a dream Bulgarian pepper is seen on? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bulgarian pepper in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Canned bell pepper in a dream and put it in jars - to a prosperous life.

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

There is a bell pepper in a dream - to health.

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Seeing large ripe bell pepper pods on the bushes is an unexpected joy.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Burned your tongue with pepper in a dream - get ready for the fact that your love of gossip will collide with the condemnation of others.

We saw a growing red pepper - meet a good life partner. I dreamed of a bunch of red capsicum - you will persistently defend your rights.

Grind black pepper - try not to become a victim of sophisticated deception.

Scattered black pepper portends a sharp rebuke or quarrel.

If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, her friends will certainly deceive her.

The dream in which you swallowed hot pepper predicts that you will soon lose interest in your partner. His irrepressible desire will begin to annoy and tire you.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If you dream that you burned your tongue with pepper, it means. Your environment will turn away from you, condemning your addiction to gossip.

Growing red pepper promises you a thrifty and independent companion in married life.

A bunch of red capsicum heralds that you will aggressively defend your rights.

A dream in which you grind black pepper warns you that you may become a victim of a sophisticated deception.

Scattered black pepper portends a sharp rebuke or quarrel.

If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, it means that her friends will deceive her.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If in a dream you grow sweet peppers, then in reality you will experience annoyance when talking with a person who is not able to listen to the interlocutor and interrupts you at every word.

Bitter red pepper growing at home means that you are in danger of losing your job or some values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you value very much.

Using pepper when preparing a spicy dish is a sign of your failure due to your impatient desire to get ahead of events. Burn your tongue with pepper - in reality you will meet a person whose heart will melt when meeting you.

Grinding pepper in a dream portends hardships and hardships, after overcoming which the annoying little things in life will stop pissing you off and you will simply stop taking them seriously.

To make pepper for alcohol in a dream or drink it - this means that you should be more energetic and active if you want to really make progress in business.

Putting a pepper plaster on your chest in a dream portends conflict situation in the family because of your irritability.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Hot pepper in a dream: portends resentment.

At the same time, red pepper: this is a sign of quarrel and irritation, black if you add pepper to food: a dream suggests that your own harshness or negligence may be the cause of your troubles. After such a dream, you should avoid conflicts, and if the conflict did occur, then try not to dwell on your own experiences, otherwise your negative emotions will further aggravate the situation.

Sweet Peppers: Appetizing, fleshy fruit of sweet peppers.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If in a dream you grind black pepper, this is a warning that you may become a victim of a sophisticated deception. Scattered black pepper portends sharp reproaches leading to a quarrel. If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, her friends will deceive her.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Pepper - dream of capsicum - it will be bitter, you will not want to eat; sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Black Pepper

If in your dream you ground black pepper, then there is a real danger for you to soon become a victim of a sophisticated deception. So, in no case do not get involved in dubious scams such as buying shares of some “well, very reliable bank”, and also postpone the currency exchange, the sale of land and other movable and immovable property for a while. In addition, if a girl adds black pepper to her food in a dream, it means that her friends will deceive her soon.


what is the dream of red bell pepper



growing, with ripe fruits- to well-being in the family, a thrifty life partner; red fruits in a bunch - you will have to persistently defend your rights;

Alexander Pogorelov

Differently. At different people. People are not robots. And fates are different.


pepper will burn.

bell pepper seedling

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Pepper - dream of capsicum - it will be bitter, you will not want to eat; sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Black Pepper

If in your dream you ground black pepper, then there is a real danger for you to soon become a victim of a sophisticated deception. So, in no case do not get involved in dubious scams such as buying shares of some “well, very reliable bank”, and also postpone the currency exchange, the sale of land and other movable and immovable property for a while. In addition, if a girl adds black pepper to her food in a dream, it means that her friends will deceive her soon.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If you dream that you burned your tongue with pepper, this means that your chosen one will condemn you for your love of gossip.

Red pepper in the beds portends the girl of a thrifty and rich husband.

A girl who dreamed that she added black pepper to food will be deceived by a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

The meaning of sleep depends on what kind of pepper you dreamed about. Sweet pepper dreams of health, bitter - to chagrin, allspice - to exotic adventures.

Imagine that you are seasoning a fatty meat dish with hot pepper. Add both sweet and allspice there.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

To trouble.

Black pepper - to persecution, sadness, annoyance.

Red pepper - to unpleasant experiences due to their own incontinence.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Capsicum - you have to defend your rights.

Sweet pepper - your life partner will be thrifty, prudent and enterprising.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Pepper - In pods - for fun. Ground or in grains - to sharp positive sensations.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

The dream in which you swallowed hot pepper predicts that soon the caresses and irrepressible desire of your sexual partner (partner) will become unbearable for you, cause fatigue, which will lead your partner into a state of bewilderment and irritation.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

A dream about pepper portends grief, tears, misfortune or disputes. If you dream that your mouth is burning from pepper, then you will have to be responsible for your actions.

A bunch of red pepper is a harbinger of great experiences and sorrows. The dream symbolizes the beginning of a period, which can be said to be a streak of bad luck and failure. The longer the bundle, the longer your misfortunes will last. Grinding pepper in a dream is a sign that you will endure the insults and insults inflicted on you for a long time. If in a dream you are served food with pepper, then be prepared to learn about the deceit or betrayal of the people you used to believe.


Why dream: 1. Raspberry2. Bulgarian pepper.




Olenka Olenka

to the fact that someone really wanted to eat)

*** Oksana ***

you need to score in the internet (dream book) specifically these words - and you will get the exact answer, and compare what it was for, you will have a picture of your dream in front of you, so to speak, good luck to you!


maybe you were hungry in a dream ?!

mila aidinova

eat berries and pick very well, but Bulgarian is something in between, neither fish nor meat!


A dream about raspberries portends complications that you will find interesting and that you will be able to overcome.
A dream that she is eating raspberries predicts to a woman that some very common incident or circumstance will cause gossip about her.

If you dreamed that you burned your tongue with pepper, then you will suffer from your love of gossip.
Growing red pepper predicts you an independent and economical partner in marriage.
Piles of red pepper pods indicate that you will persistently defend your rights.
Ground black pepper means that the intrigues of insidious men or women await you.
Pepper on the table - to sharp disputes and quarrels.
A young woman's dream that she puts pepper in her food warns of a possible deception by her close friends.

plant bell pepper

Dream Interpretation Bulgarian pepper to plant had a dream, why dream of planting bell pepper in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to plant Bulgarian pepper in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Canned bell pepper in a dream and put it in jars - to a prosperous life.

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

There is a bell pepper in a dream - to health.

Dream Interpretation - Bulgarian Pepper

Seeing large ripe bell pepper pods on the bushes is an unexpected joy.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Burned your tongue with pepper in a dream - get ready for the fact that your love of gossip will collide with the condemnation of others.

We saw a growing red pepper - meet a good life partner. I dreamed of a bunch of red capsicum - you will persistently defend your rights.

Grind black pepper - try not to become a victim of sophisticated deception.

Scattered black pepper portends a sharp rebuke or quarrel.

If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, her friends will certainly deceive her.

The dream in which you swallowed hot pepper predicts that you will soon lose interest in your partner. His irrepressible desire will begin to annoy and tire you.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If you dream that you burned your tongue with pepper, it means. Your environment will turn away from you, condemning your addiction to gossip.

Growing red pepper promises you a thrifty and independent companion in married life.

A bunch of red capsicum heralds that you will aggressively defend your rights.

A dream in which you grind black pepper warns you that you may become a victim of a sophisticated deception.

Scattered black pepper portends a sharp rebuke or quarrel.

If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, it means that her friends will deceive her.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If in a dream you grow sweet peppers, then in reality you will experience annoyance when talking with a person who is not able to listen to the interlocutor and interrupts you at every word.

Bitter red pepper growing at home means that you are in danger of losing your job or some values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you value very much.

Using pepper when preparing a spicy dish is a sign of your failure due to your impatient desire to get ahead of events. Burn your tongue with pepper - in reality you will meet a person whose heart will melt when meeting you.

Grinding pepper in a dream portends hardships and hardships, after overcoming which the annoying little things in life will stop pissing you off and you will simply stop taking them seriously.

To make pepper for alcohol in a dream or drink it - this means that you should be more energetic and active if you want to really make progress in business.

Putting a pepper patch on your chest in a dream portends a conflict situation in the family because of your irritability.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Hot pepper in a dream: portends resentment.

At the same time, red pepper: this is a sign of quarrel and irritation, black if you add pepper to food: a dream suggests that your own harshness or negligence may be the cause of your troubles. After such a dream, you should avoid conflicts, and if the conflict did occur, then try not to dwell on your own experiences, otherwise your negative emotions will further aggravate the situation.

Sweet Peppers: Appetizing, fleshy fruit of sweet peppers.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

If in a dream you grind black pepper, this is a warning that you may become a victim of a sophisticated deception. Scattered black pepper portends sharp reproaches leading to a quarrel. If a girl in a dream adds black pepper to her food, her friends will deceive her.

Dream Interpretation - Pepper

Pepper - dream of capsicum - it will be bitter, you will not want to eat; sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Black Pepper

If in your dream you ground black pepper, then there is a real danger for you to soon become a victim of a sophisticated deception. So, in no case do not get involved in dubious scams such as buying shares of some “well, very reliable bank”, and also postpone the currency exchange, the sale of land and other movable and immovable property for a while. In addition, if a girl adds black pepper to her food in a dream, it means that her friends will deceive her soon.




Good afternoon I had a dream: I go into the bathroom without turning on the light in it and I feel that the rug under my feet is wet. I see how water flows very quietly from the tap and the sink, and the bathtub is full of water, the water is clean and warm. Around cleanliness and order, only some kind of glass tank hangs from the ceiling, supposedly a reservoir for a shower. It's just empty and dirty. I call my son to see what kind of tank it is and why there are dirty streaks in it. The bathroom has access to the attic and he climbs up the stairs there. In the attic there are boxes with huge, beautiful, juicy yellow and red peppers. I ask him to drop me one. He starts to throw me, but not one but many. I say that I do not need so much and I throw them back to him. Through the opening to the attic, I see that the roof is dilapidated, knocked together from boards and shines through it daylight. The alarm rang and I woke up.
P.S. I love sweet peppers. I don't remember the day of the week, but it seems like last Thursday. At lunchtime I lay down for an hour to rest.
P.SS We live in an apartment on the second floor and naturally there is no access to the attic and there is no reservoir either.
What can this dream mean? Although I myself am sure that it is not good. I very rarely see dreams and as a rule they always dream of some events that will certainly take place.


Oh, how long I waited for the disclosure of a dream. It can be seen that my dream is not developed enough. Yes, it doesn't matter anymore. Events unfold according to the number of dropped peppers. I knew actors, but I just couldn’t understand what this same pepper means in my dream. Thank you for your attention.


I am on the seashore. I'm standing on a steep bank, that is, I'm standing on it, but in fact - the bank is vertical and I don't understand how I don't fall. As soon as I think about why I do not fall, I begin to understand that the coast is sheer. THEN I get on all fours, lie down and crawl up to the sunbed in a layer. I calm down and still want to go see where my son and husband are in the sea. The husband downstairs is just doing something. I’m not going to the sea, but to the boarding house there, and I buy stuffed peppers from a woman I know, such a big one, beautiful and juicy. Three jokes. Yellow, red and green. (But I don’t see that I paid off and took it). The amount to be paid is 56 or 65. The seller is a Venetian and the owner of the cafe. She picks up a stuffed pumpkin and throws out its contents, which can be seen that it has “bloomed”. I wanted to tell her to tell me, if something is not for sale, then let me offer to buy, because we still live with her like a neighbor. I won’t cook dinner, I bought it and that’s it. But she didn’t say. The thought that I might not be able to bear the costs stopped. I went to the cash register to pay - there is a box of something in the elbow height and width and full of money - hryvnia. (I'm from Ukraine). I looked but didn't take them. Not a thief, really. (On this moment in real life, a debt of 900 USD - a loan and no way to cover it - a terrible state, but I'm trying to get out of it). While I am writing a dream to you, I don’t know why, I have been deciphering them all by myself for 30 years. You may need it for research))) all my dreams come true and I dream in color every day. Sometimes I make them for myself or other people. They also come true. Three days later, they dream, on order))). Sorry, I'm writing out of interest, to compare my opinion with yours.
Let's continue. I returned to the shore and the sea is some kind of bluish-gray with greenery and a deep green-brown color, as if dirty water in a glass of paint. A steep bank, but I stand on it as if on a level one. Below is my son, he is now 20, and there he is only 5 years old. It is light against this background - the sea caused me anxiety and deep fear, and the algae in the water are dark. I wanted to swim, but common sense overcame the cravings. There was nowhere even to go down. The parapet was very high. Some woman swam to the shore and began to climb out, my son helped her, I also pulled up and then turned around and left. A thought flashed through my head - what kind of mother are you that you are leaving your son THERE, but then the second thought: he is not himself, with a woman, and an adult is already there and his father is there and went up the coast)). Just before the sunbed, I realized that the shore was vertically sheer, I crawled and climbed up. The sunbed was under a forked tree and hung like a hammock now, I buried my face in it, hugged the tree, there was a light bark, and woke up.
I'm sorry, you're most likely here for commercial purposes, and I'm out of pure interest - if so, ignore the letter. I have now and so .... I don’t even want to write. I will be glad if my dreams become interesting.
Sincerely, Lilia.


I have big garden where green bell peppers grow and I collect them to sell and earn a lot of money


I dreamed that I was crying and talking to someone on the phone, when I lowered my head I saw a pregnancy test with a positive result in my hands. I had a dream from Thursday to Friday


A very large fleshy red pepper was preserved by the former husband for the winter. but he became dim. I laid it out on the stove in different banks. At the moment, the division of property is underway.


I saw sitting at a table in the kitchen how there was a saucer on the windowsill with 2 large and several small spicy red peppercorns lying on it .. since I like to eat spicy, this made me happy in a dream .. what did I dream about ?? ????


I dreamed that a neighbor in a huge cauldron was stuffing green bell peppers, then she treated me to a whole cauldron.


Somewhere in the market or in the store, I can’t say for sure, there is a big mountain of green bell pepper and I choose it, but I don’t cook and don’t eat it, but I choose only myself and someone else. The impression of sleep is positive))


I walked around the market and chose peppers to put in jars for the winter. I walked and walked, and there were red and yellow peppers around, no matter how I chose, these are not the same, in the end I went home empty-handed.
Thanks, here is my email:
[email protected]


I treat a lot of people, mostly guys, including my husband’s relatives, with stuffed peppers, I cooked it myself


I dreamed that my brother was hungry and asked him to put stuffing peppers, 2 pieces. And I gave him more, and also salted ram. My brother is now serving in the army, and came to visit for 2 hours


I saw red pepper, but I tried it so sweet, but I asked with anger, I would like hot pepper and woke up from sweetness, but I don’t remember who gave me this pepper


I dreamed of my MCH, with whom we parted yesterday. He was in the kitchen cutting and peeling bell peppers - one red and one green. And the green one was a little spoiled. Why such a dream?


bo sne mne prisnilos shtomi s mujom s derevo sabiraem bolshie joltie bolgarskie perci i joltie slivi na dache i tam sidel pakoyni dedushka


i dreamed of a flowerpot in which there was one huge head of cabbage, eggplant and parets) what could it mean? I'm not pregnant?


dreamed of my ex-fiance and his new girlfriend ..
as if I came to his house, to his mother's house
I am looking for some of my things .. I ask about hooks, a toothbrush, something else ..
He is there to help..
and she sits at the table and eats stuffed peppers .. and everyone looks at me .. she put her legs on a chair, pulled her knees up to her ..
invites me to eat
i smile at her
I ask the attendant how they are doing

and then the night
I sleep in his bed .. he comes to me under the covers .. hugs .. tells something .. and we don’t sleep for half the night .. it’s already dawn ..


they brought me a package of pepper due to uselessness, but I say that I will treat them to my pickled pepper and they will find out how delicious it is, but I don’t take the package in my hands, I just look at it and that’s it


there was a bowl of soup on the table, I almost started eating when I saw a pepper box in front of me and decided to add it to the soup. I didn’t want to pour out a lot, but it turned out that I poured out more than I planned.


I am everywhere at my mother’s house, in almost every room I find large transparent bags with bell peppers (green and red) in some bags it is completely rotten and it all flows ... in some bags it is more or less normal. And in one place the wall was leaking, I started picking off the wallpaper to see where it was dripping, and there was a bag of rotten pepper in the wall, the whole wall was wet, there was a huge puddle of this pepper on the floor. In general, this makes sense


I came with my son-in-law to a clairvoyant. son-in-law went to the reception. and I stayed in the yard. and the clairvoyant’s husband treated me to peppers stuffed with some small worms, they are lighter than a match head, he also ate them. Then the clairvoyant came out and said that it was useful, she also eats them.


There were green and red pepper patches in the market, bright and summery. I chose peppers. I collected them in a package. The weather is sunny, summer.


A work colleague treated me to red bell pepper, picking them from a tree in front of me (for some reason) and I immediately tried one, Sweet, delicious pepper.


Good evening Tatyana!
Dream - on a light plate, three capsicum red peppers lie parallel to each other. The structure of the peppers is smooth, the color is saturated, there are small tails, green in color, there is no damage to the shape and structure, the size of the peppers is medium length, thin.
Thank you.


street near mom's house, a lot of trees, namely apples. Mom and I collect apples and peppers (large juicy, bright, red and yellow) in a bag or something like a basket. There are so many of them, I want to collect more, but there is no place. It is interesting that we collect apples and peppers


Hello! I had a dream that I eat hot capsicum and I ate it with great pleasure and the rest
I vaguely remember.


I'm in someone else's apartment, but in a dream it's mine. I come, and in the kitchen the same women fry a lot of meat, and the second grinds black pepper, and it is everywhere scattered on the floor a lot, a lot. Then they leave, I uniquely ask how you got here, and they smile and I understand that they opened the lock. And I start to get hysterical that I need to change the locks to super reliable ones and I tell my husband.


I dreamed that I was looking at Bulgarian pepper. It was of three colors: yellow, red, orange. And it was not my pepper. I wanted to steal it


instead of a board, there was a box on the floor, when he lifted it up, it turned out to be a box of pepper, obviously bitter, but I'm not sure. the pepper was green and red


I was in the bath, washing. The bathhouse was clean, light and warm. There was bread on the table - white and black with peeled sunflower seeds. On the windowsill was my pot with live hot red pepper, next to it in the same pot was a persimmon sprout. This pepper with this shoot is actually on my windowsill. And some male hand slightly hairy suddenly cut off my pepper. Leaving only about 10 cm from the roots. I began to resent why he cut it off, in response to this he cut it off in such a way that there weren’t even any stems left, and all the cut off tops disappeared somewhere. I woke up


Hello, I dreamed that I was eating green salted peppers at the table just pulled out of a jar ... how to understand such a dream?


a bunch of growing red peppers on sprigs of two sizes. I tried hot peppers like chili in a dream.


All this happens for a start, it seems like in my village, in my own house, we arrived, why I don’t know and with whom I don’t remember either, I remember that there were 6 of us, in pairs, and then suddenly when we go outside we see 6 dogs who can pass through the walls, my boyfriend and I are the only ones left in the house, but they didn’t touch us, then we go into the room, but not in my house anymore, but in some other one, and he hugs me, I look out the window and I see a huge dog and very angry, she ran to the door and started to bite them, we locked ourselves in the room, but then it turned out that the room was open, and then it’s as if I’m sitting in my house with my parents and grandmother, I ask grandmothers to find black ground pepper, but it’s not there, and I go into the room I see a friend’s boyfriend, he’s lying with his ex, and then I ask my mother something, and my mother says that my boyfriend is cheating on me, but I didn’t believe it. Thank you.


It happens in nature, I’m mom, dad, uncle (mother’s brother) and some kind of young guy, but in a dream I really like him, we looked somewhere with our parents, we turn our heads and see how our uncle is drowning, and this young guy, we they pulled them out, dad picked me up and I broke the glass in the car with my feet, and my uncle sat in the front seat and his whole face was in pieces, we went somewhere, then I’m only with my mother, and my mother tells me that this guy is bad, don’t mess with it with him, he always cheats, and my mother says that I love him very much and that's it. Thank you


my sister bought white peppers in the market like Bulgarian ones, and I bought dark green peppers and dark purple eggplants


She ate red pepper in a dream, slightly dried. It tasted and smelled like rose hips, sweet with a slight sourness. In a dream, I realized that I was trying it for the first time.


i dreamed of a pod of red non-bitter pepper, which I bit off, and a pod of red hot pepper remained untouched in my hand


I dreamed that I was in the house of a deceased neighbor and on the window on the table and in the closet there was a lot of green Bulgarian pepper


my friend had this dream, he says that he had a red pepper and not a bush one, but on a tree and he picks it and eats it and stuffs it in his pockets. pluck..


I went into the kitchen and saw my brother eating a small hot pepper. Before him was a plateful of peppers, but the plate contained not only red peppers, but also green ones. He ate it with pleasure and did not even wince from the sharpness. I asked a person standing next to me (I didn’t see who it was), how could he not be spicy, and that person replied that he really likes pepper.


Good afternoon I was watering a flower bed and accidentally saw a pepper bush. there were a few pieces, then I saw a beautiful red pepper similar to Bulgarian and cut it off. Although I was sure it was bitter.
