What are the best cities to live in? Rating of Russian cities

Looking for an answer where Rus' lives best of all, the best cities in Russia for living were determined - read about the top ten in the 2019 ranking.

Top Russian cities for life

The top best cities in Russia for living were compiled based on the feedback of their residents by Rosgosstrakh, and when forming the rating, assessments of key areas of life were taken into account:

    quality of service of housing and communal services;

    level cultural development and organization of leisure;

    medical service;

    accessibility and quality of education;

    transport network: condition of roads, development of infrastructure, etc.;

    the work of the authorities and the effectiveness of solving urban problems;

    corruption element.

10. Kemerovo

Kemerovo is on the tenth line of the rating of Russian cities for living - 90% of respondents are satisfied with life in it. Many of them love the park named after V. Voloshina, the embankment and the Miracle Park. Watchmen note that for several decades Kemerovo was dangerous and dull. Today, it has been landscaped - well-groomed parks, flower beds, original lighting of buildings, new microdistricts, kindergartens and clinics.

And everything would be fine, that's just medicine in the fiftieth area Russian city obviously lame - only 31% of respondents are satisfied with it, although this is not the worst indicator in the country.


92% of Voronezh residents live with pleasure in their hometown. They like to walk along the Admiralteyskaya embankment in the evenings or spend time in one of the many parks. Theaters and museums, the Philharmonic and the circus, all kinds of exhibitions and film screenings - there are plenty of opportunities to organize leisure. And there are swimming pools, a large stadium and an ice palace. It is natural that athletes from Voronezh often find themselves in the Russian Olympic team.

Popular love does not dry out, despite the fact that the quality of medical care is far from perfect (only 25% of satisfied patients leave Voronezh hospitals), and anti-corruption programs, apparently, do not work very well in the city (41% rated the level of corruption as high) .

8. St. Petersburg

Residents of the northern capital are satisfied with their city no less than Voronezh residents (92%), but 43% of patients are already satisfied with the level of medical care. The cultural and educational sphere received the highest praise from Petersburgers, which, however, is not surprising - the status cultural capital obliges. But the inhabitants of St. Petersburg are the least satisfied with their own power - only 46% spoke flatteringly about local officials, while 24% of respondents emphasized the high level of corruption.

However, according to visitors, such assessments are too harsh. How can one not love St. Petersburg with its endless squares and quiet benches, with its cozy cafes and measured life. There is no Moscow fuss here, and the richest historical heritage you can enjoy it for the rest of your life.

7. Penza

Even when Penza residents are called Penzyuks, they are not too upset, because 96% of citizens like to live in their favorite city. Half of the respondents are satisfied with the transport and the authorities, although the other part also notes broken roads and flourishing bribery.

The residents themselves do not hesitate to confess their love to Penza, calling it "the cleanest and most cultured" city. Penza is developing and building up new neighborhoods, where life will be both better and more fun. They also say that in the city “everyone knows each other before they meet” and it is in it that the best people live.

Only medicine becomes a drop of tar in a barrel of honey. Only 37% of residents were able to receive proper quality care from doctors.


Only 4% of respondents do not like living in Tomsk. Dissatisfied cultural sphere- 11%, but medicine - as much as 64%. But Tomsk residents prefer to get an education in their native city, speaking flatteringly about the locals. educational institutions in 96% of cases.

And transport here works well (48% of those who approved), and the authorities more or less cope with the tasks set, although they have only 48% of supporters. Corruption in the city is not allowed to flourish - only 19% of Tomsk residents found its manifestations.

And love the pearl Western Siberia not only for the cheapest Internet, but also for the special atmosphere created by numerous students. By the way, they also stir up interest in the main urban legends - secret dungeons and the figure of the mysterious old man Fyodor Kuzmich (a clever swindler or Emperor Alexander I who became a hermit).


90% of Orenburg residents, wrapping themselves in downy shawls, enjoy life in their beloved city. The cultural environment looks quite decent against the background of most cities - its level suits 80% of the inhabitants.

One of the main attractions of Orenburg can be considered a bridge connecting Europe and Asia. The locals love the beach on the Urals and the beautiful embankment. And many of them are surprised how the southern border of Russia, forgotten by God, being a place of exile for convicts, could first become a large industrial center, giving thousands of jobs, and then please with prosperity.

However, as in any other settlement, Orenburg has enough shortcomings. Although only 26% of the respondents were able to find fault with education, medicine and government received only 40% of laudable marks each. Yes, and with corruption in the city, something needs to be addressed - 29% of the survey participants could not pass it by, but, as they say, Moscow was not built right away.


On the fourth line of the rating of Russian cities in terms of convenience of living is Krasnodar. They are satisfied not only with the majority local residents(98%), but also many Russians who would like to change their place of residence. Negativity is added by base medicine (it suits only 44%) and corruption blooming in a stormy color (37%). But, despite this, the city manages to be both the industrial center of the south of Russia, and one of the most environmentally friendly and comfortable.

Due to the large number of operating enterprises in Krasnodar, the unemployment rate is very low, and given that the city has been confidently entering the chat of the most investment-attractive businesses for the past five years, you need to try very hard not to find a job in it. And by the way, on average, each resident receives a salary of 35,000 rubles.

3.Naberezhnye Chelny

With a rather high level of corruption (22%) and a very low quality of medicine (42%), 88% of the population of Naberezhnye Chelny manage to live happily ever after. Such patriotism brought the city to the third line of the national hit parade. But other indicators here are not too high: a little more than half (55%) are satisfied with the cultural component, 67% are satisfied with education, 70% are transport, and only 42% are satisfied with the authorities.

The residents themselves joke that their city is great for claustrophobes. It is very spacious on wide streets and modern highways, although such a scale may seem uncomfortable to some. Here they know how to have fun and bake the largest pies in Russia, and in general, they love to cook delicious food. There are many places for walking and recreation, for example, the local Arbat (Entuziastov Boulevard). Clean, green and enough attractions that attract tourists.


Only 3% of citizens are dissatisfied with life in the first Siberian city in Russia - and this is almost an absolute record. The majority assures that Tyumen is the best city in the world! Residents like the level of culture (80%), the quality of education (92%), and the work of transport (92%). And even the policy of the authorities was supported by 79% of the respondents.

A beautiful embankment, new parks, neighborhoods, developed infrastructure have turned the "capital of villages" into a modern metropolis. And what is surprising: even those who are not native Tyumen, having lived in the city for several years, become its fans.

Medicine smeared the ideal portrait of the “best city” again. Although the Tyumen residents tried not to lose face, but only 58% were able to give her marks “good” and “very good”.


If you want to live in a fairy tale, come to Kazan. Or at least chat with its hospitable residents. They will tell you how good the capital of Tatarstan is (that's exactly what the vast majority - 89%) will do and what a wonderful education you can get here (91%) by entering and graduating, for example, one of the oldest universities in the country.

Residents also like how smoothly transport works (83%), and that many new roads are being built no worse than in Europe. And another 78% of respondents noticed how the authorities, tirelessly and without closing their eyes, take care of every citizen, putting into practice various programs to improve the welfare of citizens.

So what if only 47% of the population is satisfied with the quality of medical care, and 19% of the respondents had to face corruption. Do not get sick, stay away from power, and live happily for yourself! Apparently, the inhabitants were guided by just such a motto, deriving hometown in the leaders of the rating of favorable cities in Russia for living.

Not enough love

Interestingly, in terms of quality of life, Moscow in the eyes of its residents was able to rise only to the 20th line, having received mediocre reviews in all respects. Perfect happiness from life in Russian capital receive 83% of respondents, the same number are satisfied cultural aspect, - probably because both life itself and entertainment in the capital are not cheap. Medicine received high marks only from 42% of respondents, but the achievements of the authorities were noted by 61% of the survey participants. Transport and education also received very high marks - 73 and 76% respectively.

The closing five of the national top-25 looks like this:

    21st place - Saratov;

    22 - Chelyabinsk;

    23 - Togliatti;

    24 - Omsk;

    25 - Volgograd.

Breathe deeply

It should be noted that in the aforementioned rating the environmental component was not given paramount importance. Otherwise, the environmentally friendly cities of Russia for living would have made a completely different rating. For example, the one that in the spring of 2018 was presented by public organization"Green Patrol".

In the "green" top:

    in the first place was the Tambov region;

    on the second - Altai;

    on the third - the Altai Territory.

go round

Earlier, we talked about the worst cities in Russia for living according to the 2019 rating compiled by the Ministry of Natural Resources. Norilsk turned out to be the dirtiest, Lipetsk and Cherepovets were a little better, and Novokuznetsk and Nizhny Tagil rounded out the top five dirty cities. And, by the way, Omsk, which was included in the list of the best cities for living, was recognized as the 8th in terms of environmental pollution.

Note that the list of the Ministry of Natural Resources was compiled not according to the subjective assessments of residents, but according to scientific research and observations. In particular, such a key indicator as the quality of emissions and the content of harmful substances in air and water was measured. Popular charts are probably compiled more to develop a sense of patriotism, and how much to trust them, decide for yourself.

The welfare of the country is growing along with its economic situation. Today, many regions of Russia lag far behind in terms of living standards, while others, on the contrary, occupy a leading position in terms of the quality of living.

1. Tyumen- the most favorable settlement in Russia for living, for the third time in a row it occupies a leading position in the rating. According to statistics, this Siberian city is the best in road construction and education.

Main characteristics:

  • The locality has a high level of salaries.
  • The city is equipped with many places for the leisure of the population and children.
  • In Tyumen, healthcare is at a high level, which makes it the best place to live.
  • The work of housing and communal services is marked by coherence and interaction with the population.
  • The urban environment is perfectly landscaped and allows you to find something for a person of any age.

2. Moscow- the capital ranks second in terms of quality of life in the expanses of the motherland. One of the beautiful settlements, accommodation here is characterized by high prices. There is a small number of poor people here, since the city occupies the 2nd position in terms of the well-being of Russian settlements.

Main characteristics:

  • Among the respondents, 70% of Muscovites believe that their hometown is the best place for life.
  • Developing sectors of the national economy are noted in Moscow.
  • The pace of reconstruction and development of the Moscow region is characterized by high rates.
  • Moscow has many interesting places and high income levels.
  • Compared to Tyumen, the weather conditions of this settlement are much better and more favorable for life.

3. Kazan continues the list of the best places suitable for a comfortable stay. The capital of Tatarstan is proud of a decent level of education and maintenance of the housing stock.

Main characteristics:

  • The activities of the authorities in the field of road construction cannot but please drivers - the tracks are clean, smooth and well-groomed.
  • The city is the sixth largest in Russia by population, characterized by the presence of major attractions and interesting places.
  • The government implements many state programs to improve the well-being of this locality.
  • Considerable attention is paid to the development of the culture of the national majority.
  • In general, the indigenous people are 96% satisfied with the state of Kazan.

4. Krasnodar- Sunny conditions for living are combined with a favorable climate. Despite this, Krasnodar is named the leader among drinking cities according to the latest data: it is here that lovers of strong drinks live.

Main characteristics:

  • It is considered a major industrial center in the south of Russia.
  • In recent years, there has been a high percentage of people moving to live here from all regions of the country.
  • Krasnodar is considered good place to start a business.
  • The city has a low unemployment rate.
  • The advantageous location of the point near the resort points makes it visited.

5. St. Petersburg- the second among the millionaires, recognized as favorable for living.

Main characteristics:

  • It is considered the best of the megacities, where the level of healthcare is at its best.
  • The city is not on the lists of criminal settlements, which makes it safe.
  • Leningrad is a major tourist center with a large number of historical sites and attractions.
  • The city has a unique climate that not everyone will like, but local residents and visitors note that St. Petersburg is the best place on Earth.
  • The beauty of this metropolis is able to conquer anyone, and the infrastructure is comparable to Moscow.

As can be seen, the best settlements in Russia for living are characterized by a high level of salaries, a cultural sphere, and a developed housing and communal services fund.

Environment Rating

Living in a clean city, where the air is not polluted by emissions, is much more beneficial than in industrial cities.

We propose to consider the top three settlements in Russia, recognized as the cleanest:

  1. Sarapul from Udmurtia- the leader among the cleanest cities of the average size. Sarapul is characterized by a low amount of emissions, which leads to favorable living on its territory.
  2. Derbent from Dagestan- ranks first among large settlements in Russia. Ecological, livable Derbent, as the amount of emissions is small.
  3. Taganrog- a large city in terms of population, has 18,000 tons of emissions per year and takes the lead in cleanliness among large settlements.

The dirtiest cities in Russia

It is a well-known fact that the death rate of citizens is increasing due to poor ecology, below are the settlements - leaders among the worst in terms of ecology.

  1. Norilsk- the main of the polluted regions of Russia. It is here that it is widely developed metallurgical industry, which emits nitrogen dioxide, sulfur, lead and carbon disulfide into the atmosphere in large volumes.
  2. Moscow- ranks second among dirty habitats. About a million harmful substances enter the air every year, most of which are exhaust from cars.
  3. Saint Petersburg- has a well-deserved 3rd place, the number of emissions in percentage terms is growing every year.

You can live in these regions, but ecological situation does not improve human health.

Ranking by population

All cities by the number of inhabitants can be divided into several categories, each of which will have its own top three:

  1. Millionaires. The first three places are occupied by Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. It is on the territory of these settlements that a huge number of people live, increasing every year.
  2. Big cities. The top three was occupied by Krasnodar, Saratov and Tyumen - it is here that the number of people living is approaching a million.
  3. Medium cities. The first three positions were firmly occupied by Kirov, Tula and Cheboksary, characterized by a population of more than 400 thousand people.
  4. small towns. Among the settlements with a population of up to 250 thousand, Syktyvkar, Khimki and Nalchik took the lead.

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The Russian Federation is a country with a huge area, on the territory of which there are more than 1000 cities and towns.

Many Russians and foreign citizens are interested in the standard of living in Russia, in which city it is the highest. The answer to it can be found in the results of research conducted by an organization called the Center for Strategic Studies, belonging to the Russian State Insurance Company.

Sociological studies and surveys of Russians living in various cities of the Russian Federation have shown which regions are most in demand among the inhabitants of Russia, and which are less in demand for life.

To understand which region is better to live in, the staff of the Center for Strategic Studies asked residents of each of the regions and cities below about how satisfied they are with the level and quality of life in them.

City name

Share of respondents who confirmed that their city is the most acceptable and convenient place to live in regions and regions of Russia (in %)
Naberezhnye Chelny95
Saint Petersburg90
Nizhny Novgorod83

The table shows the general standard of living and satisfaction of Russian citizens with their regions and cities.
But in addition to such a survey, the research center conducted social surveys about whether Russians are satisfied with the quality of the urban environment. The surveys were conducted according to the following selected criteria:

  1. Department of Housing and Utilities.
  2. cultural level of the city.
  3. Medical service.
  4. Educational area.
  5. Transport.
  6. The level of corruption.

Department of Housing and Utilities

When studying the situation with housing and communal services, many Russian citizens had to answer the question, are they satisfied with the quality of service provided by housing and communal services and housing prices?

Residents of Grozny, Ufa, Vladivostok, Astrakhan and Volgograd are the least satisfied with housing and communal services.

Cultural Level

  1. Kazan;
  2. Grozny;
  3. Ekaterinburg;
  4. Novosibirsk;
  5. Rostov-on-Don;
  6. Saint Petersburg;
  7. Krasnodar;
  8. Penza;
  9. Moscow;
  10. Khabarovsk.

Medical service

List of cities with the highest level of medical care:

  1. Grozny;
  2. Tyumen;
  3. Kazan;
  4. Barnaul;
  5. Naberezhnye Chelny;
  6. Orenburg;
  7. Penza;
  8. Saint Petersburg;
  9. Ulyanovsk;
  10. Krasnodar.

Educational sphere

The share of residents satisfied with the educational sphere Russian Federation in your city (in % of total respondents)
Nizhny Novgorod90
Saint Petersburg87


List of cities and regions with the highest rate of corruption:

Transport sector

List of regions with the most developed transport systems:

  1. Grozny;
  2. Tyumen;
  3. Kazan;
  4. Moscow;
  5. Saint Petersburg;
  6. Tolyatti;
  7. Izhevsk;
  8. Novokuznetsk;
  9. Tomsk;
  10. Penza.


Many will agree that the statistics of the standard of living of the population largely depends on the average wage of a person. According to statistics, people in Russia receive the highest wages in the following districts and cities:

  1. The Chukotka Autonomous Okrug ranks first in the Russian Federation in the top 10 regions with the highest salaries. According to statistics, in the territory of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the average wage equal to 71,000 rubles. The economy of this district is built on the mining industry.
  2. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The average salary, according to statistics, is 69,000 rubles per month. Such high wages are due to the extraction of gas and oil in the territory of this district.
  3. Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The average salary in this district is 68,000 rubles. Basically, most of the workers of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug are involved in the forestry, food and fishing industries.
  4. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug has an average monthly salary of 67,000 rubles. The fact that this region occupies the 4th place in the top is not at all surprising. According to statistics, more than 60% of the total oil production in Russia is produced in this region.
  5. Magadan Region. In this area, there is an annual increase in the average monthly wage. In 2017, residents of the Magadan Region earned an average of 66,000 rubles. This level of payment is determined by the main field of activity of the Magadan region and high labor productivity. It's no secret that this area produces gold in large quantities. But in addition to the extraction of this precious metal, the region makes good money from the fishing industry.
  6. The Tyumen region has taken one of the leading positions in the top due to the developed real estate market. In the Tyumen region, realtors and drivers are in great demand trucks. On average, residents of this region earn 65,000 rubles each.
  7. Moscow. The capital of the Russian Federation is known not only for its developed infrastructure and population of many millions, but also for its very high levels of wages. In the capital, on average, they receive 60,000 rubles each.
  8. Sakhalin region. The lowest salary in Sakhalin is 16,000 rubles. But less than 20% of the population receives such a salary. On average, residents of the Sakhalin Region earn 59,000 rubles a month.
  9. The Kamchatka Territory is known for its highly developed fishing industry. And also in this region, the financial and mining industries are well developed. The average salary, according to statistics, is 54,000 rubles per person per month.
  10. Yakutia (officially: the Republic of Sakha) is able to provide an average salary of 54,000 rubles for people living and working in this area.
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The conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine influenced the decline in GDP

The first reason for the low standard of living in Russia is the decline in GDP. This is one of the main indicators of the level of quality of life and the market value of all final goods and services.

Dynamics of changes in the level of the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years

YearGDP indicator (in USD per capita)
1998 2739
1999 1837
2000 1333
2001 1775
2002 2100
2003 2380
2004 2980
2005 4100
2006 5353
2007 6930
2008 9100
2009 11 635
2010 8561
2011 10 670
2012 13 320
2013 14 070
2014 14 480
2015 12 717
2016 8447
2017 8664

Based on the data in the table, one can note a sharp drop in the standard of living in Russia and its GDP. Many political scientists argue that the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine influenced the sharp decline in GDP. Recall that in 2014 the Crimean peninsula seceded, after which the Ukrainian authorities officially announced the presence of the Russian military on the territory of Ukraine.

This statement was the subject of the imposition of sanctions against Russia by the European Union. Due to many sanctions, Russia was not fully able to carry out trade turnover, the indicators of product exports decreased significantly, which led to a decline in the level of gross domestic product.

According to statistics, Russia ranks 10th in the world in terms of GDP.

It's no secret that the level of GDP is affected by production volumes, and the country has very low labor productivity. This is the second reason for the low standard of living in Russia.

Low labor productivity was the result of worn-out infrastructure and old production equipment.

The third, but not least, reason for the decline in the quality of life of Russian citizens is corruption, which flourishes in almost every city in the country.

The international consulting company in the field of human resources Mercer annually ranks the world's cities in terms of quality of life. To do this, the organization's analysts rate large settlements according to 39 criteria: economic indicators, social environment, the degree of freedom (lack of censorship and other restrictions), personal security, the development of health care, the transport system, and so on.

Rating 2018 2018 City Ranking year looks like this:

1. Vienna, Austria

Advantages: infrastructure, public transport, banking and finance, security, culture and leisure.

Vienna has been the undisputed leader of the Mercer rating over the past years. The city is located at the foot of the Alps near the borders with Slovakia and Hungary. A strong economy, the headquarters of OPEC and the OSCE, the seat of the UN, many universities make Vienna attractive in terms of work and study. Extensive and recreational opportunities: Vienna Opera, the world's oldest zoo, museums, galleries, squares and palaces for years.

2. Zurich, Switzerland

Advantages: security, banking and finance, infrastructure, education.

Zurich is one of the most important European financial centers. This industry provides a fourth of the jobs in the city. Together with innovative, industrial and IT enterprises, this provides many employment opportunities.

Zurich is considered a safe city with good ecology. It is relatively small: the population is only 400 thousand people. However, everything that is usually expected from a metropolis is available here: universities, cultural objects. The headquarters of the International Federation of Football Associations and the International Ice Hockey Federation are located in Zurich.

3–4. Auckland, New Zealand

Advantages: high index human development, life expectancy, gross per capita income.

Auckland - The largest city New Zealand, which is home to a third of the country's population. There is a labor migration system in place, under which you can find a job even before you leave your country. developed in Auckland Agriculture, processing and food industry, tourism industry.

This city is the warmest and sunniest in New Zealand, and issues are a priority for the whole country.

3-4. Munich, Germany

Advantages: infrastructure, public transport, culture.

Munich is a major industrial and research center. The city is clean and green, with well-developed public transport, rich historical and cultural heritage. It also has such qualities characteristic of German cities as a developed system of health care and social security, predominantly free education and a low crime rate.

5. Vancouver, Canada

Advantages: economy, transport system, ecology.

Vancouver is consistently ranked among the top livable cities in the world. For example, he occupies a high position in the ranking Vancouver is the most third livable city in the world: the Economist of the best cities in the world British The Economist. This is the industrial center of the country with a port, logging, mining enterprises, IT companies.

In Vancouver, both native trees grow in this area, as well as trees imported from different parts of the continent. The transport system includes not only traditional ground transportation methods, but also ferries. Separately, it is worth noting the bike paths penetrating the city.

6. Dusseldorf, Germany

Advantages: economy, transport, culture, education.

Düsseldorf is home to the headquarters of many large companies. For example, Henkel, Vodafone, Degussa, Metro AG, WestLB, which are quite willing to hire qualified specialists from other countries. A significant contribution to the development of the economy is made by the presence of a large international airport and exhibition center.

As pluses, one can also note a developed infrastructure, many museums, theaters and galleries, as well as a mild climate.

7. Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Advantages: infrastructure, economy, transport.

The quality of life in Frankfurt am Main differs little from other major cities. It is clean, infrastructure, health care and social support systems are developed. It is a center of commerce, culture, education and tourism. And the overwhelming number of international companies makes it possible for a qualified specialist to find a highly paid job.

In 2001, Frankfurt was the richest European cities outperform their English counterparts European city in terms of GDP per capita. According to a 2016 survey, 65% Bindungen an die Stadt und Zufriedenheit mit Lebensbereichen residents are happy with it.

8. Geneva, Switzerland

Advantages: economy, climate, ecology, transport.

In 2014, the Global Liveable Cities Index surveyed Geneva as Geneva ranked as best city in the world the best city to live in, ahead of Singapore, German and Scandinavian cities. It has a maritime temperate climate, nearby are ski resorts developed land and water passenger transport.

The city has a positive attitude towards foreigners. They buy 44% of real estate in Geneva. This is also explained by the fact that many headquarters of international organizations are located here.

9. Copenhagen, Denmark

Advantages: security, economy, social support, infrastructure.

In 2016, Copenhagen became the second in the ranking of cities whose inhabitants. 67% of respondents were very satisfied with their lives, and only 5% were absolutely dissatisfied. This is due to the temperate maritime climate, developed economy, high incomes, cleanliness on the streets, good ecology, and extensive infrastructure for recreation.

10–11. Basel, Switzerland

Advantages: ecology, transport, industry, culture.

Not Big city in the north-west of the country - the center of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries with the headquarters of Novartis and Hoffmann-La Roche. Local trams are international and can take passengers to France or Germany. Basel is a green city in direct and figuratively: there is a lot of vegetation and great attention is paid to ecology.

10–11. Sydney, Australia

Advantages: economy, infrastructure, climate.

Australia's largest city is best known for its local opera house. But cultural sites are not the only thing that makes life here comfortable. More than 90 bank headquarters and more than 500 regional offices of international companies are located in the city. Every year, the population of Sydney is replenished due to, so it is a multicultural city with a high level of tolerance.

Since ancient times, people have been interested in how someone lives. They strive to show the dignity of their lives and prove that their motherland the best. Competitions are held around the world, and ratings of cities and living conditions are compiled annually. Similar studies are also being carried out in Russia. Competitions are held for an objective assessment of the standard of living and an objective rating. All this is done in order to find out which city in Russia is better to live in.

Best city to live

Not so long ago, a project was launched to study the quality of life of the population. Sociologists of the Financial University under the Government of Russia are conducting a study in thirty-eight settlements to rank the best cities based on living standards. For a qualitative assessment, it was decided to assign points calculated using coefficients. There are three approaches to summing up.

Where do they get more, better treat and teach?

The first approach implies that the quality of life is primarily a high level of well-being of citizens who have equal access to education and quality medical services. Accordingly, to form the first coefficient, the following are measured:

  • the level of material security;
  • providing medical services that meet modern standards;
  • equal access to education, a real opportunity to get this education, and not just a document.

The calculations were made taking into account Rosstat data, which can be viewed on the official website. A large number of surveys were also conducted in order to obtain information on points of interest locally. An index is assigned to each indicator of the three studied, its weight is determined, and then it is displayed general meaning by city from the average sum of the three indexes.

Factors affecting the score

For example, the level of well-being was determined by such indicators as:

  • average monthly salary;
  • opportunity to buy a new car.

By a wide margin, of course, Moscow is in the lead here, the incomes of its residents are incomparably higher than those of the outsiders of Barnaul, Sevastopol and Volgograd. After Moscow come Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk and Yekaterinburg.

Medical services were evaluated:

  • in relation to the number of deaths to the number of pensioners;
  • by how satisfied residents are with the quality of services;
  • by the number of people with low incomes using paid services.

Moscow again ranks first among all cities, followed by the second capital, St. Petersburg, then Naberezhnye Chelny and Tyumen. Tolyatti, Irkutsk, Grozny and Sevastopol became anti-leaders.

The availability of education and its level were assessed by the following factors:

  • the number of children provided with places in kindergartens;
  • the level of salaries of employees of educational institutions in relation to the level of the average salary in the city;
  • the number of residents who believe good level education in their city.

The city of St. Petersburg ranks first in this indicator, followed by Tomsk, Tyumen and Chelyabinsk. Lipetsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tolyatti and Makhachkala close the list.

According to the calculations, applying the first approach, we can conclude that the best city to live in Russia is Moscow, the rest are arranged in the following order:

  1. Moscow.
  2. Saint Petersburg.
  3. Tyumen.
  4. Ekaterinburg.
  5. Krasnoyarsk.

36. Tolyatti.
35. Lipetsk.
37. Makhachkala.
38. Sevastopol.

Where are the best houses, roads and parks?

For the second approach, factors were chosen that affect the convenience of life in a particular city. How well it is landscaped, what is the quality of the roads and walking paths, how often the housing is renovated, and what is the condition of the housing stock. All these are important issues in our life. For efficient assessment, these factors were also divided into three groups. Housing stock, landscaping and roads.

Calculations were carried out similarly to the previous approach, based on objective and subjective indicators.

Housing and communal services in cities and work to improve the quality of the housing stock was assessed by:

  • the number of dilapidated and dilapidated housing;
  • satisfaction of residents with the services provided by housing and communal services, and the condition of houses.

Here in the first positions were: Naberezhnye Chelny, Grozny, Tyumen and Moscow. The lowest quality of the housing stock and the low level of housing and communal services turned out to be in Samara, Saratov, Sevastopol and Makhachkala.

Only the votes of the surveyed residents influenced the assessment of the urban amenities. The largest number happy people was in Grozny, Kazan, Tyumen and Naberezhnye Chelny. The most dissatisfied residents were in Tolyatti, Omsk, Volgograd and Makhachkala.

The biggest trouble in Russia, according to the proverb, is the roads. This criterion was assessed by the number of transport routes that do not meet the standards, and by the number of residents who are satisfied with the road infrastructure of their city. The cities of Tyumen, Naberezhnye Chelny, Novokuznetsk and Grozny took the first places in the ranking. On last places were Omsk, Perm, Ryazan and Yaroslavl.

Summing up the results of the study on the second approach, you can make a rating:

  1. Tyumen.
  2. Grozny.
  3. Kazan.
  4. Moscow.

34. Omsk.
35. Astrakhan.
36. Saratov.
37. Makhachkala.
38. Volgograd.

Where is everyone going?

The best cities of Russia have always been attractive to the inhabitants of our country. The possibility of development and career growth, a higher standard of living and access to education and medicine - this is what pushes people to change their place of residence. The indicators of population migration clearly show where they want to go to live in order to get better.

The third study assessed indicators of the balance of migration in relation to the number of inhabitants, the number of citizens who want to leave their city, and their satisfaction with their lives.

  1. Krasnodar.
  2. Kazan.
  3. Tyumen.
  4. Grozny.

34. Saratov.
35. Novokuznetsk.
36. Omsk.
37. Tolyatti.
38. Volgograd.

Competition Winners

Who became the winner? So, according to the results of 2015, based on a study of three approaches, the rating of the best cities in Russia looks like this:

  1. Tyumen.
  2. Moscow.
  3. Kazan.
  4. Krasnodar.
  5. Grozny.

34. Tolyatti.
35. Saratov.
36. Makhachkala.
37. Omsk.
38. Volgograd.

In a study conducted in 2014, the best cities to live in Russia are still the same. St. Petersburg was in fifth place, while Grozny did not participate in the ranking. These were the best cities in Russia for living. Rating and calculations were published in official publications.

Internet voting for the best city in Russia

Voting for the best city is a nationwide election of the most symbolic and recognizable place in our country. The purpose of this project is to increase public interest in cultural property his small homeland and the whole country as a whole. And the city that wins the vote will undoubtedly receive an incentive for even greater economic growth and improvement in all areas of life.

The cities on the list are the centers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there are 83 contenders in total. The winner receives the title " Best City Russia".

Voting for your city is very simple, just go to the site and click the button. Registration is not required. But there is a limit on the number of votes from one IP address (computer, phone, tablet), it is possible to vote no more than once a day. This, of course, will not allow fraudsters to greatly influence the result, but experts do not expect especially objective results.

  1. Sevastopol.
  2. Khabarovsk.
  3. Kostroma.
  4. Penza.
  5. Khanty-Mansiysk.
  6. Yoshkar-Ola;
  7. Magas.
  8. Irkutsk.
  9. Nalchik.

The most comfortable city in Russia

Which are the best cities in Russia, and where it is more comfortable to live, can also be suggested by the annual competition among all cities and municipalities.

This is the most objective comparison, because it covers the entire geography of our country and focuses on a large number of criteria. The city of Saransk became the repeated winner of the competition, as many as eight times. The cities of Khabarovsk and Novorossiysk won seven times. Tyumen, mentioned in the previous rating as the winner, won the competition "The most comfortable city in Russia" five times, as well as Almetyevsk and Leninogorsk.

The purpose of the competition is to stimulate the municipal authorities. As conceived by the organizer, local authorities should strive to improve the quality of life of the population. As a result of the competition, cities and towns will be identified that are most successful in this by reforming the housing and communal services sector, reducing losses and bringing the budget and business sphere to modern economic realities.

Which cities are participating?

More than 4,000 cities and urban-type settlements have participated in the competition, held throughout the country. For convenience, a classification into categories has been adopted.

The first includes cities-administrative centers, as in the "City of Russia" voting.

During the first month of the year, the participants of the competition submit a report on the work carried out to a specially formed commission, and during February the commission makes a decision and compiles a rating.

Criteria by which achievements are judged

The best cities in Russia are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • implement social and economic development programs in the best possible way and in full;
  • perform the specified volumes of construction and overhaul of the housing stock;
  • have a positive trend in the improvement of residential buildings;
  • carry out overhaul road surfaces and laying new roads, sidewalks and storm sewers;
  • ensure road safety and an appropriate level of transport services;
  • landscaping and ennobling the territory of the city;
  • take measures to culturalize the population and preserve the historical, cultural and natural heritage;
  • replace dilapidated engineering structures and keep them in good condition;
  • reduce the number of unfinished square meters of housing under construction.

Also included in the competition are:

  • availability of car garages and parking lots;
  • the appearance of the city, compliance with the general style of new buildings;
  • completeness of the architectural composition of the facades;
  • maintaining cleanliness in the city;
  • the level of ecology and its maintenance.

Prizes for the winners

Participants of the competition, who won first, second and third prizes, are awarded commemorative diplomas and cash awards. The funds received as a bonus are spent on the development of the municipal economy (90%) and on bonuses to employees of enterprises who have shown high results, which have affected the level of improvement. Participation in the competition, in fact, is accepted by the whole of Russia.

What is the best city?

What is the result? Who is the winner? Based on research, competitions and voting, you can find out which is the best city in Russia:

  1. Tyumen.
  2. Moscow.
  3. Kazan.
  4. Krasnodar.
  5. Saint Petersburg.
  6. Chelyabinsk.
  7. Ekaterinburg.
  8. Krasnoyarsk.
  9. Novosibirsk.
  10. Orenburg.


In Russia, there are several major competitions to determine the best city, and each of them takes into account different criteria. Undoubtedly, the satisfaction of residents is one of the most significant indicators, however, it should be noted that surveys are conducted selectively and do not cover all segments of the population. Where it is good for one person with a high income, it can be difficult for another with an average income. This factor should also be taken into account when deciding to move, for example.

And, of course, every city in our vast country has its own unusual, unique atmosphere that can make you happy. The best city is the one in which a person lives well. And it depends on many factors, including personal ones.
