Class hour (Grade 3) on the topic: Class hour "September 1. Safety lesson"

Safety must be taken into account in all cases of life, including in the learning process. Everyone should know the safety rules, so it is important to conduct safety lessons at school. Having knowledge about security will allow you to ensure your own safety, and not threaten the safety of others. By following the safety rules, you can save life and health, which is very important, so safety knowledge cannot be neglected.



KSU "Sokolovskaya secondary school"

Speech at the methodological association of class teachers

on this topic

« School Safety Lessons»

Head of the MO: Gorevich O.A.

School Safety Lessons

Safety must be taken into account in all cases of life, including in the learning process. Everyone should know the safety rules, so it is important to conduct safety lessons at school. Having knowledge about security will allow you to ensure your own safety, and not threaten the safety of others. By following the safety rules, you can save life and health, which is very important, so safety knowledge cannot be neglected.

Parents should be concerned about the safety of their children first and foremost. But since parents do not always have the opportunity to be near their children, it is important that the children themselves have knowledge of safety. The same task falls on the shoulders of kindergarten teachers and teachers. Every year a child should acquire more and more knowledge, including in the field of safety.

Everyone class teacher safety lessons should be taught, which should deal with such important topics How:

Fire safety

Actions during terrorist attacks

Compliance with traffic rules

Vacation safety

Winter safety

Safety in emergency situations, etc.

In order for safety lessons to be more effective, it is important to use materials such as stands, video materials (thematic videos, educational films), etc. This will consolidate and improve the quality of knowledge. Security lessons should also touch on the discussion of such important and life themes like behavior at school and on the street, using electrical appliances, playing in the playground, etc. The safety of everyone is in their own hands and it is necessary to exclude situations in which something threatens safety. Parents should take an active interest in the safety of their child and monitor this, and not place all responsibility on teachers or on the child himself. This will significantly reduce the number of accidents.

Professional security solutions make you feel comfortable at home or at work. Psychological comfort and a sense of security is the key to a full and happy life.

In life, you really need to learn everything, including safety. Safety is something that preserves our life and health, and there is nothing more valuable than this. Everyone can and should master the rules of safety. One must learn to keep oneself safe, and not put others in the safety. Security must be manifested in all spheres of life.

It is necessary to conduct special lessons on safety, with special emphasis on fire safety.

Studying the rules of fire safety, it will be necessary to find out what isfire box for sand and what types they are, as well as what is their use and application. In fact, there are a lot of nuances that you have to learn in order to know how to behave in certain situations. Safety education should be done from childhood so that children understand how to protect their own health and the health of others, as well as the environment.

The best way to conduct training is to combine it with practice, so that the necessary knowledge is consolidated not at the level of theoretical knowledge, but at the level of practical skills. A variety of trainings and simulation of dangerous situations allows not only to learn how to act correctly, but also to do it under conditions of increased stress.

In the process of safety training, a psychologist should also be involved, so that he can help deal with the problem on a psychological level. In such situations, it is very important not to panic and react intelligently. It's easy to do if you keep your composure. This can be achieved with special trainings of various kinds. Learning to live a safe life is easy, especially if you understand the importance of the learning process and follow all the necessary rules. Children should learn in a calm atmosphere, not to be frightened by dangers, but only to instill confidence in them so that they can behave accordingly in emergency situations.


Security Lessons

Dear Parents!

From year to year, child injuries are growing, children are dying and maimed, as before, for the most part in the immediate vicinity of their homes. School teachers conduct classes with children on the rules of the road, publishing houses prepare brochures for children about the rules of the road, but the situation does not change for the better.

Children, due to their age characteristics, are not always able to correctly assess the traffic situation and recognize the danger. Do whatever it takes to keep your family out of harm's way.

For you - the advice of educators, psychologists, road safety experts ...

Five lessons for road safety for you

First lesson

The main teacher of safe behavior for children will not be the school, but YOU.

It is common knowledge that "children are taught in school". However, when teaching children about safe behavior on the street, this slogan is, to put it mildly, controversial. The child, having come to school, already has a huge experience of traveling independently and together with his parents along the streets and roads, including hundreds, thousands of crossings across the road. He has already developed certain skills of "transport" behavior - both correct and incorrect. Unfortunately, there are more of the latter. This and running across the road, instead of crossing at a measured pace, watching the movement to the right and left. This and the constant crossing of the street along the shortest path - obliquely. But the worst thing is the mass of skills to safely, for the time being, run out from behind standing cars and other obstructions to the view: bushes, fences, trees, from around the corners of houses, from arches, etc. It is necessary to teach a child safe behavior as early as possible, literally from the first steps by the hand down the street. And the family plays a key role in this.

School can only reinforce the skills and sustainable road safety habits you develop as a family.

Psychologist's advice . If parents consider it possible to violate the rules of the road, then children will behave the same way. They just repeat everything mom and dad do.

Lesson two

The main thing in educating a child's skills of safe behavior on the road for parents should be the principle "Do as I do."

In order for a child not to violate the rules of the road, he must not only know them - he must get into the habit of observing them. Even if you are late, still cross the road only where it is allowed by the rules; fasten your seat belts and do not allow a child under the age of 12 to sit in the front seat.

Psychologist advice.Your example will be much more illustrative than hundreds of times repeated words "do not go to the red light."

Lesson Three

Traffic begins not from the carriageway of the street, but from the first steps from the threshold or entrance of the house.

Walk with your child all the way to school, draw it and pay attention to the most dangerous areas - an unregulated intersection, a narrow sidewalk, a truck access to a store, etc. Be sure to pay attention to the dangers that arise when getting on and off public transport. In no case should you bypass a standing bus or trolleybus. You need to wait until the transport has left, and only then cross the road at the pedestrian crossing. Talk about why it's important to walk the same path.

Psychologist advice.Ask the child how he crosses the street, what he does if he is late. Communicate with your child and never refuse help and support.

Lesson Four

It is not necessary to instill in children an excessive sense of fear of traffic, moving cars. Let the child associate everything connected with school, including the road, with bright and kind. At the same time, you need to teach him to be attentive, and this is not an easy thing. The processes of perception, attention and reaction in a child and in an adult are completely different. Experienced drivers know, for example, what to serve sound signal at the sight of a child running across the roadway is dangerous. The child may act unpredictably - instead of stopping, he may rush without looking back under the wheels of another car.

Psychologist advice.Even those children who know the rules of the road sometimes break them. Do not take the trouble to help children. You may have to stop a child who doesn't want to wait for a traffic light. Do it kindly.

Lesson five

One of the great people said that "a real teacher should study all his life". In our case, this applies to parents as well. Don't hesitate to look at workbook or your child's textbook, be sure to get acquainted with the new rules of the road, look through other literature.

Only by yourself, having mastered the knowledge, you can develop in your children the habit of doing the right thing.

Transportation of children in a car

The person behind the wheel, no matter how trite it sounds, feels responsible not only for himself, but also for the passengers who entrusted him with their plans, route and, of course, their safety. This is serious. What can we say about the person with whom the child is in the car! Protecting this fragile creature not only from the dangers associated with the road, but simply from discomfort and overwork is an exciting and responsible task.

Child safety in the car is a subject for serious discussion.

Traffic regulations prohibit children under 12 from sitting in the front seat of a moving vehicle. Obedient and caring parents put the kids in the back seat. Very young travel on their mother's lap. Unfortunately, this is usually the end of the precautions.

Let's turn to the dry data of official statistics, and we will see that 10% of young passengers who get into an accident die, the rest get severe injuries and injury. In this case, children under 10 years of age are most often fatally injured.

How to protect a child in a car?

There is nothing supernatural in this, you just need to be a little more attentive and prudent.

Of course, when traveling with children, in principle, you can limit yourself to those protection systems that are intended for adults. But nevertheless, these devices are being developed for passengers who, in comparison with children, have greater height, weight, and better developed muscles. For example, standard airbags can harm a small passenger rather than protect him from injury. Therefore, safety experts strongly advise you to observe the following rules when transporting children:

Never (!) carry a child on your lap, no matter where you sit. The risk is too great that at a critical moment you will not hold the baby or crush him with you.

When going with a child even on the shortest trip, make sure that there are no loose items in the car. In the event of a collision, they may represent great danger. Never put things on the rear shelf or place luggage on the back seat without securing it.

Do not allow a child to sit in the back seat with their back in the direction of travel of the car without special restraints. In the event of sudden braking, the child will fall forward with his back and the back of his head, which is very dangerous.

For the little ones, the main and most effective protective device is a special car seat, designed taking into account all the characteristics of the child's body, individually selected for the height and weight of the child and, finally, correctly installed in the car. Experts insist on the use of car seats for children under the age of 8, even on trips over the smallest distances.

Dear parents!

Timely teach children the ability to navigate in a traffic situation, bring up the need to be disciplined on the street, careful and prudent!

Remember, if you break the Rules, your child will do the same!

Teach your kids how to safely cross the road!

Discuss the most safe ways movement, daily remind your child:


Explain to the child that it is impossible to stop the car immediately!

Forbid children to cross the road because of standing vehicles - it is life threatening!

Learn to anticipate hidden danger!

Discuss the safest routes together!


An analysis of traffic accidents with children shows that it is not enough to teach a child to look to the left before crossing the street and to the right when they reach the middle of the road. Too many unforeseen situations await children on the road. 95% of accidents are due to the situational illiteracy of children, parents and drivers. There are several dozens of repeating road situations - "traps". It is very important to teach the child to navigate them well.

Analyze with him typical dangerous traffic situations, explain why at the first moment it seemed to him that the situation was safe, what he was wrong about. Consolidate knowledge with drawings, play out situations on a model with toys. Remember, explanations alone are not enough.

Strong skills of transport behavior of children are formed only by daily systematic training! During every walk with children, trips with them on business, on a visit, out of town, etc. teach them to observe the street and traffic, analyze the traffic situations encountered, see dangerous elements in them, and act accurately in various circumstances.


Teach your child to be especially careful in this situation.


“The car is moving slowly, I will have time to run across,” the child thinks ... and gets hit by a car. Show your child similar situations, explain to him on the street why a slowly approaching car can hide dangerous things!


Where is it most dangerous to cross the street: in the stop zone or at the intersection? Ask this question to your child. Usually children say: "It's more dangerous at the crossroads." This is wrong. Three times more children are hit by a car in a stop zone than at an intersection.


In the first moments, a car that has just passed often covers an oncoming car with itself. A child can get under it if, having missed the first car, he immediately runs across the road. Show a child on the road how a car that has just passed has obscured another going in the opposite direction, and explain to him how he should behave in such circumstances.


Settling on center line, children usually follow only those cars that drive up to them from the right, and do not think about the cars coming behind them. Frightened, the child can take a step back - right under the wheels of the car that drove up to him from the left. Show your child on the road that if you stand on the center line, cars approach from both sides, and explain to him how he should behave.


How dangerous can a parked car be? Your child does not know the correct answer. Behind standing car it often happens that another, moving, is hidden. Watch with your child the cars standing at the edge of the roadway and fix his attention on the moment when another car suddenly appears from behind the standing one.

slide 1

Security Lesson You need to know!
Completed by the primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 40 of Belgorod Ryapolova Marina Viktorovna

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Goals and objectives: ensuring the safety of life and life of students of an educational institution; informing and warning about the risk and necessary security measures; preservation, strengthening and protection of the health of school students in dangerous and emergency situations; organizing the protection of students, the formation of skills and abilities of safe behavior at home and at school.

slide 3

Rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protection from emergency situations.
Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to protection of life, health and personal property in case of emergencies. In accordance with the legislation, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to be informed about the risks to which they may be exposed in everyday life and about the necessary security measures. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to compensation for damage caused to their health and property as a result of emergency situations. It is necessary to know and follow the laws, safety measures and a number of general rules of conduct in Everyday life contributing to the safety of citizens.

slide 4

Rules for safe behavior in life and at home.
Every person should know and follow general rules in everyday life, so that emergencies are not taken by surprise. Each dangerous and emergency situation has its own specifics and requires specific human actions, taking into account the current situation.

slide 5

Why are electrical appliances dangerous?
Under certain conditions, when using well-known equipment and devices, dangerous situations can arise for you, for your loved ones and for your home. In the first case, you yourself can create a dangerous situation by violating the rules for using equipment and household appliances. In another case, a dangerous situation may arise independently of you: the electrical voltage in the network has sharply increased.

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Rules for the use of electrical appliances:
Electric current passing through human body cause it to heat up and could cause burns. Electrical burns can seriously damage the internal tissues of the human body. In addition, electrical shock can cause cardiac arrest or respiratory arrest.

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do not use faulty electrical appliances, never leave the switched on electrical appliance unattended; do not plug several electrical appliances into one outlet; follow the procedure for connecting the appliance to the network: first, the cord is connected to the appliance, and then the cord to the network;

Slide 8

General rules for the safe handling of electricity.
the device is turned off in the reverse order; do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands; remember: do not use electrical devices while in the water; immediately inform parents or elders about detected malfunctions in electrical appliances, about bare and poorly insulated wires.

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Remember and know!

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Household gas and its properties.
Gas used for domestic purposes can be of two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas. Household gas has neither color nor smell, but in order to be able to detect its leakage, special substances with a specific smell are added to it.

slide 11

Rules for the safe handling of gas appliances.
A gas leak can lead to poisoning of a person and an explosion of the room. To prevent this, you must follow the safety rules when using household gas. Basic rules: to light a gas burner, first bring a lit match, and then slowly and carefully open the gas valve; do not leave the included gas burners unattended; make sure that the liquid heated on the gas stove does not flood the burner flame; if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to light it again - this can lead to an explosion. Turn off the gas supply, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen properly. Report the incident to an adult.

slide 12

What should you do if you smell gas?

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When an ignition source is found:
1. Do not be afraid to call adults for help, even if you are the culprit of the fire. 2. Immediately leave the burning room, checking to see if those who cannot get out on their own (small children, sick old people) have remained in the apartment. 3. Call the fire and rescue service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations by calling "01". At the same time, inform the exact address, what and where is on fire, your last name and phone number.

Slide 14

Observe fire safety rules!

slide 15

Rules for the use of the water supply system.
Do not throw foreign objects into the sewer. Do not clog the sink with food waste. When you leave home, make sure all the faucets are closed. Monitor the condition of the pipes for the timely elimination of leaks in them.

slide 16

If you find a leak:
Immediately inform your parents at work or call the neighbors. Call the control room, tell them what happened, and ask them to send a plumber. Turn off the electricity and turn off the water. Place basins, buckets, pots or other containers in places of leaks, rather remove the water that has accumulated on the floor.

Slide 17

Rules for working with a computer:
position yourself at the computer so that the distance to the display is at least 50 cm; watch your posture: do not slouch and do not lean strongly towards the screen, keyboard; the duration of the student's work at the computer should not exceed 25 minutes;

Slide 18

Internet safety rules:
when you register on sites, try not to indicate personal information(number mobile phone, address Email, your picture); unwanted emails from strangers are called "Spam", if you receive such a letter, do not reply to it; if you received a message from an unknown address, it is better not to open it, such letters may contain viruses; if there are no adults near you, do not meet in real life with people you meet online.

Safety Lesson.

Subject : Home dangers.

Target: teach children safe behavior at home.

During the classes:

  1. - When a person was tired of living in a cave without comfort, he came up with many different things that would help him. He did not want to go to a stream or a well, and he forced the stream to flow into his house. This is how plumbing was born.

It was very inconvenient to fry mammoths on a fire, and a man came up with a gas stove. And how many electrical appliances man invented! It is impossible to imagine a modern home without a TV, an iron, a tape recorder, a vacuum cleaner... Only with time it turned out that things made by man for his own convenience can not only help. Very often in our house something goes out of order, breaks. Then the person is in danger.

Danger one. Electrical devices. They may cause electric shock or cause a fire.

Rule 1. When leaving the house and even from the room, be sure to turn off the TV, tape recorder, iron and other electrical appliances.

Rule 2. Never pull on an electric wire with your hands.

Rule 3. Never approach or touch bare wires.

Danger two. Washing machine.

Rule 1. You can not put your hand in washing machine during work. The hand can be pulled inward and maimed. Never open the side door. You can be scalded with boiling water.

Danger three. Sharp, piercing and cutting objects.

Rule 1. All sharp, piercing and cutting objects must be put in their places. Order in the house is not only for beauty, but also for safety

  1. Crossword guessing:

Horizontally :

1. Runs without legs,
burns without fire

no teeth, but bites.

(Electricity) 7. An ember fell on the floor,

The wooden floor is on fire.
Don't yawn and don't stand

And pour it ... (Water)

8. Hisses and gets angry,
afraid of water

With the tongue, not barking, 9. Look at me -

No teeth, but bites. (Fire) I'm full of holes

But I'm smart

I rub you a carrot. (Grater)

11. What is dangerous in me,
If there is no soup at the bottom?
Only if the soup is hot -
Hide me from the children!


13. This is a cramped, cramped house,

One hundred sisters live in it,

And any of the sisters

Can flare up like a fire!

Don't mess with your sisters

Thin ... (Matches)

15. Strokes everything he touches,

And if you touch it, it bites.


16. Tit went to work,
Everyone heard.

He himself is thin, his head is a pood,

When it hits, it will become strong.



2. As he starts talking - talking,

I need to make tea soon.

Yes, take care of your fingers - do not scald. (Boiling water)

3. Sharp wire,

Hollow head.

sharp tooth -

Take care of your eye. (Needle)

4. I am pot-bellied and puffing,

Rotozeev is intolerant.

If I only want

I'll douse everyone with boiling water. (Samovar)

5.If well sharpened,

Everything is easy, he cuts very -

Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,

Fish, apples and butter. (Knife)

6. It's hot in my belly,
And there is a hole in my nose.
When everything boils in me
Steam pours out of her. (Kettle)

10. Only me, only me,

I'm in charge of the kitchen.

Without me, no matter how hard you work,

Sit without lunch. (Plate)

12. He rang in the forest all day

Thick, whitish from hoarfrost.

And at night, going up to the fire,

Fell asleep, buried in a log

nose. (Axe) 14. They beat the boy on the cap,

So that he lived in a piece of wood.


Danger Four. Medicines and household chemicals.

Rule 1. Never try any medicine. Firstly, it is not tasty, and secondly, an incorrectly taken medicine can turn out to be poison.

Here is what happened to Alice from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland:

“There was a glass vial on the table. "He wasn't here before," Alice recalled. A piece of paper was tied to the neck of the vial, and on it were large block letters was deduced: "Drink."

This, of course, was very nice, but reasonable Alice was in no hurry. “First,” she decided, “let's see if it says "POISON" somewhere here. Alice had already read in children's books how some children are burned alive in fires, while others are devoured by bloodthirsty animals, and other amusing cautionary tales. And they happened because these children did not obey their elders and did not want to remember in any way that if you cut your finger with a saw, then they will bleed, that if you hold on to a hot iron for a long time, you can get burned, and so on. That's why Alice never forgot: if you drink from a bottle that says "POISON" on it, it is possible that your stomach will hurt.

The vial did not say "POISON", and Alice decided to try what was in it. It turned out to be so tasty - like cherry syrup with buttercream, pineapple, bread and butter, toffee and fried chicken - that Alice immediately drank it down to the last drop.

Help! she screamed. - I'm folding! Like a telescope!

So it was…”

See what happened to the heroine of the book.

Rule 2. Never open any packages of household chemicals.

Danger Five (invisible and inaudible). Gas.

The gas can be very dangerous. First, accumulated in the kitchen, the gas can explode. Secondly, they can be poisoned. Therefore, if you smell gas, observe the following rules:

Rule 1. Urgently tell an adult about this.

Rule 2. You must immediately open the windows and ventilate the apartment.

Rule 3. Check if the taps on the stove are closed.

Rule 4: Call 04 immediately.

Rule 5. In no case do not turn on the light and do not light matches.

Rule 6. Do not take matches without asking.

What do the signs mean?

"Dangerous situation".

Imagine that your apartment is on fire, namely, the ignition occurred in a large room from the TV. You need to report this to the fire department. Before you have the opportunity, review the plan or the questions you will need to answer on your call.


Object (what is on fire - an apartment, a warehouse, a school ...).

What is burning (what exactly is burning in the apartment, school ...).

House number.

Is there a danger to people.



3) Solving riddles.

1. The red cow ate all the straw. (Fire)

2. In a small barn there is a fire on fire. (Matchbox and matches)

3. Bury - it will not rot, throw it into the water - it will float. (Coal)

4. The red bull is standing, trembling, the black one is running to the sky. (Fire and smoke)

5. Small, remote, but brings big trouble. (Spark)

6. I come from fire, and I die from fire. (Coal)

7. To avoid fire, do not play me. I am a fire sister, little ... (Match)

8. I saw the smoke - do not yawn, call us rather. (Firefighters)

9. Where people are careless with fire, it will definitely be. (Fire) You can't get rid of fire from a little me. (Spark)

10. Whoever does not take care of me will burn himself so soon. (Fire)

11. On the table, in a cap, and in a glass vial, a friend settled - a cheerful light. (Bulb)

12. A hundred fires are kept in a small barn. (box of matches)

13. Hisses and gets angry, afraid of water, with a tongue, but barks, without teeth, but bites. (Fire)

14. He is dangerous for all of us, they call him ... (Gas)

And if trouble happens, you need to contact the rescue services.

In case of fire, we do not sit, we dial ... (01)

You see, there was a problem on the road -

Call Now...(02)

Man got sick

Don't hesitate, don't cry.

After all, you can help him,

Call by dialing...(03)

Kohl felt the smell of gas in the apartment,

Run to the phone and call ... (04).

Stay safe guys and stay healthy.


1.Kazakova O.V., Sboeva N.A., Gavrilkina N.I. Universal lesson developments for the course "The world around us".

2. Gorbunova N.A. Fundamentals of life safety.

3. Pronin I., Kud I. 1000 riddles.

Security lesson.

Class time course:


Today is a big holiday - the Day of Knowledge. Dear parents, dear children! I'm glad to meet you.

Summer days are gone

It's time for you to go to school

Again, you are all students,

Study is not a game!

I am glad to see you matured, wiser now in the 3rd grade. I congratulate you on the start of the new academic year and wish you great success. The third class is quite difficult, but we will certainly overcome all difficulties together.

WITH tomorrow we begin serious work, workdays. And may this academic year be kind, fruitful, and creative for you.

There are 25 students in our class - 13 girls and 12 boys.

Let's say the most necessary words to each other, and at the same time remember the letters. So, I show a letter, and you name words that begin with this letter, which answer the questions “What? Which? Which?". Parents help.

All the boys in our class are the most…(The teacher shows the letter "C". Strong, cute, fair, funny, athletic).

- All the girls in our class are the most…(letter "K". Beautiful, cultured, flirtatious, cool).

And the parents in our class are the most...(letter "B". Adults, tall, attentive, polite, cheerful).

And the lessons are... (letter "D". Long, kind, friendly, trusting).

I want to say good things to our parents.

It's hard to raise your children

There is a lot to know for this.

I would like to wish my parents

Always help children in everything,

Pick up the child for school in the morning.

Give good parting words in time,

Don't forget to take a walk on the weekend.

To avoid all diseases,

We need to get more kids.

Meetings also all attend,

Help the school as much as you can.

And most importantly, without a doubt,

I wish you a lot of patience!

Guys, look at your parents, they are really worried about you. And so that you have a holiday today, they prepared our class in advance: during summer holidays cleaned it up and made it comfortable. Thank them for this!

Today, at the first lesson of this academic year, we will study the ABC of Security with you. We live in a society, and a lot of our behavior is determined by rules. There are rules of behavior on the street and at school, transport, rules of etiquette. They must be fulfilled.

The first page in our ABC is called "How to behave in case of fire."

(children's answers, joint compilation of a memo).


If you see a fire, you must report the following information by calling 01:

  1. Address.
  2. Object (apartment, warehouse, school)
  3. What is on fire (what exactly is on fire in the apartment, school).
  4. House number.
  5. Entrance number.
  6. Apartment number.
  7. Floor. How many floors are in the building.
  8. Is there a danger to people.
  9. Surname.
  10. Telephone.

I know that you are competent people in matters of fire safety. Do you want to confirm it? Then I bring to your attention puzzles .

1. Fell on an ember,

The wooden floor is on fire.

Don't look, don't wait, don't stand

And fill it with ... (water).

2. Hisses and gets angry,

Afraid of water.

With tongue, not barking.

No teeth, but bites.(Fire).

3. It tight - tight house:

One hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

Might flare up like a fire!(Box of matches).

4. I saw the smoke - do not yawn, call us soon!(Firefighters).



To avoid fires

Everyone needs to know the rules.

Of course, there are a lot of them -

Learn at least five!

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire!

Might be a big problem

For buildings and people.

And in the forest the fire is dangerous -

For trees, birds, animals.

The forest will be beautiful for everyone

Without fires and coals.

So that the fire does not run away

So that he knows his place

You create a barrier for him:

From stones, earth fence.

Leaving, cover with earth

Or fill it with water.

For wheat to grow

It takes a lot of work-

You don't light a fire

Where the harvest is.

Suddenly the clothes caught fire -

Immediately on the floor you fell

Roll on the floor right away

Turn into a blanket.

It's time for everyone to understand:

Matches are not a game for children!

Let it be clear to adults...

It's dangerous to play with fire!

The second page of our alphabet is called "School of traffic lights"

Quiz "Do you know?"

  1. Can I cross the street on a yellow traffic light?(You can’t. A yellow traffic light means “Attention!”. It turns on when the traffic lights change. To cross the street, you must wait for the green signal.)
  2. How to cross the street if there is no traffic light?(Before you start crossing the street, you must first look left and right and let the approaching traffic pass. When you reach the middle, look right and left and, if there are no cars, finish the crossing.)
  3. What signs are on the board?
  4. In what sequence are the signals in a three-section traffic light? (From top to bottom - red, yellow, green).

Physical education minute

The teacher conducts the game "Traffic Light": if he shows a red card - the children stand still, if it is yellow - they clap their hands, green - they walk in place.

The third page of the "ABC of Safety" is called "Beware of troubles while they are not."

Dangers lie in wait for us everywhere, even objects that we use every day can be dangerous. Let's play. I will name the object, and you say how it is useful and when it can be dangerous for a person.

Pebble. (In the game "12 pebbles, hopscotch", for drainage in flower pot, but throwing it can cause injury to someone or break a window).

Let's finish the lesson by reading the ABC of safety.(each student has leaflets with the text of the alphabet. Children read in a chain).

The ABC of Security.

A car is dangerous.

B- be careful.

B- always remember your address and phone number.

Shout out loud if you need help.

Share all your fears and suspicions with your parents.

Complain to your parents if someone hurts you.

C-call home if you're going to be late.

And play only in safe places.

K-stealing is not good!

You can't climb trees and fences!

M-mother should know everything!

Don't go anywhere with strangers.

Open the door only to people you know well.

P-wastelands and construction sites - not a place to play.

R- ask about everything that seems strange to you.

C- obey the law.

T-darkness is a friend of criminals, not youth.

An animal bite is dangerous.

The safety formula is your reliable friend.

X - firecrackers, firecrackers are dangerous.

C- the chain on the door is your friend.

H - often reservoirs are insidious.

Highway: be careful.

Do not leave electrical appliances unattended.

Yu-young friend, remember the rules!

I-I believe in you!

This concludes our first lesson. Do not forget the safety rules that we have repeated with you today.

Target: discuss with students the dangerous situations in which the child may find himself; learn how to act in a dangerous situation.

Equipment: Presentation , memo, phone.

Conduct form: group work.

1. Goal setting.

- Today we will spend our class hour (Slide 1) at the "School of Safety" and learn (Slide 2) how to behave in dangerous situations.
– What is danger? (Slide 3)
Danger is a situation where something or someone threatens a person.

2. Introduction to the topic

– In the old days, when there were no textbooks yet, children learned how to behave in a dangerous situation from fairy tales. Let's recall some of them:

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"(Slide 4)

Why are the goats in trouble?
– What should have been done?

"Three piglets"(Slide 5)

What lesson can be learned from this tale?

A sweet girl was walking through the forest. (Slide 6)
Nice, kind, brave.
And towards her a dark personality,
Gray in every way.

- Who is that girl? Who did she meet?
Why is Little Red Riding Hood in trouble?

Take a lesson right here: (Slide 7)
And don't talk to strangers at all.

3. Work on the topic

- Let's remember the rules of behavior with strangers: What do you know? (Slide 8)

Never talk to a stranger.
Never get into a car with a stranger.
Don't play on your way home from school.
Don't play after dark.

What can happen if these rules are not followed? (Slide 9)
- Now imagine what you will do if a stranger rings the bell at the door of your apartment?
“Even an adult has to make sure it's not an intruder.
- What do I need to do? (Look through the peephole or ask "Who's there?")
For some reason, some people are embarrassed to ask: “Who is there?” and even look through the peephole. And very sorry. Because there is no point in putting up locks and iron doors if you yourself open them for just anyone.

Therefore, remember the rules: (Slide 10)

But there are times when a stranger introduces himself and says that he is on behalf of his mother. Remember! Do not let strangers in under any pretext.
Well, in order not to make it easier for thieves to commit their dark deeds -
2. Do not leave the key to the apartment in a "safe place" (somewhere under the rug or in another secluded place).

Why do you think this should not be done?

4. Discussion of situations in groups(Slide 11)

Target: now we will check in practice how you will act in a given situation.
Each group is given a situation. You read it, discuss it. Let everyone express their opinion. But before making decisions in a dangerous situation, follow these steps: (Slide 12)

1. Stop
2. Think
3. Choose
4. Praise yourself

Situation 1.(Slide 13)

A friend or girlfriend came to your house, and you watch TV together. There is no one in the apartment except you. But then the doorbell rang for you. Describe what you will do?

Situation 2.

You play outside. Suddenly, a well-dressed man approached you and offered to drive his car. What will you answer him?

Situation 3.

You hid the key to the apartment in a “safe place” - and rather go outside to play. When he returned, he did not find the key in place. How will you act and what should adults do after that?

Situation 4.

Mom and dad are at work, and you are alone in the house. Doorbell. You looked through the peephole and asked: “Who is there?”. The man introduced himself as a family friend and said that he left an umbrella in your house, asking him to return it. Your actions?

Conclusion(slide 14)

1. Only a well-known person can open the door.
2. Do not leave the key to the apartment in a "safe place"
3. And if you have lost the key, tell your parents immediately.
4. Never brag about new things and family wealth, either in the yard or at school.

5. You and the phone.(Slide 15)

- Let's talk about whether you can talk on the phone if adults are not at home. Talking on the phone is very easy, everyone knows that. But there is also important rule A: You should only talk to people you know. And who you don’t know is to apologize, say goodbye and hang up. Whoever the caller calls himself, remember: (Slide 16)

1. Do not give the address or apartment number.
2. Never give out your phone number.
3. Don't get into conversations with strangers.

- And now we will conduct a master class on how to talk on the phone correctly (two students are playing a conversation on the phone). (Appendix, slide 17)

1st conversation

- Hello.
– Who is speaking?
- And who do you need?

2nd conversation

- What apartment is this?
- This is my apartment. What do you need?

3rd conversation

- What number is that?
- Tell me what you need. I will say this one or not.

4th conversation

Are there adults at home?
“Now no one can come. Call back later.

5th conversation

- Now the police officer will come, open the door for him.
- I can not open. Contact your neighbors.

Phone (slide 18) - a good thing if you know how to use it. And if you stay in the house alone, the phone is a must. You can always call and ask your grandmother, mom, dad about something, call neighbors or the police for help. Maybe even call the fire department. But for this you need to know the numbers:

If we call 01, we will get ... (slide 19)

You can't fight the fire on your own
This work is not for children.
Wasting no time,
"01" call soon.

If we call 02, we will get ... (slide 20)

I was left alone at home.
Someone tried to open the door
I then dialed "02"
And he called the police.

If we call 03, we will get ... (slide 21)

If mom gets sick
Don't worry and don't cry.
Dial "03" soon
And the doctor will come to my mother.
If anything happens
Help is coming soon.

If we call 04, we will get ... (slide 22)

If you came from a walk
He took off his hat and suddenly in the apartment
Smell of gas
Dial you 04 -
And they will help you right away.

6. Bottom line

“Our lesson at the Safety School is over. We have learned some rules of conduct that will help you avoid dangerous situations. (Slide 23). Dangerous situations can be prevented! I hope this lesson is helpful to you. And now you will sum up the result yourself, continuing my phrases in rhyme:

If we are called to swim, to act on TV, (Slide 24)
They promise to give sweets, answer firmly ... (No).

If you are on the phone
Someone unknown is calling...
Silently listening, restrain yourself,
Saying goodbye… (sorry).

Of course, this happens in fairy tales (Slide 25)
That everything ends well in them,
And so that we can live in peace,
With safety rules... (be friends)
