Where does the expression “fight and seek, find and not give up” come from? “Fight and seek, find and not give up” (“If to be, then to be the best”) The life mottos of the heroes of the novel are two captains.

All journeys, when travelers are eleven or twelve years old, when they ride under cars and do not wash for months, are similar to one another. It is easy to be convinced of this by leafing through several books from the life of homeless children. That is why I will not describe our journey from Ensk to Moscow.

The Seven Commandments of Aunt Dasha were soon forgotten. We swore, fought, smoked - sometimes dung to keep warm. We lied: either the aunt, who went to Orenburg for salt, lost us on the way, or we were refugees and went to our grandmother in Moscow. We pretended to be brothers - it made a touching impression. We didn't know how to sing, but I read a letter from a long-distance navigator on trains. I remember how, at Vyshny Volochok station, some youthful, gray-haired sailor made me repeat this letter twice.

“Very strange,” he said, looking me straight in the face with stern gray eyes, “the expedition of Lieutenant Sedov? Very strange.

And yet we were not homeless. Like Captain Hatteras (Petka told me about him in such details that Jules Verne himself did not suspect), we went on and on. We moved forward not only because there was bread in Turkestan, but here it was no longer there. We went to open new countrysunny cities, free gardens. We made a vow to each other.

How this oath has helped us!

Once, approaching Staraya Russa, we lost our way and got lost in the forest. I lay down on the snow and closed my eyes. Petka scared me with wolves, swore, even beat me - it was all in vain. I couldn't take another step. Then he took off his hat and threw it on the snow.

“You swore an oath, Sanka,” he said, “to fight and seek, find and not give up. So you're a perjurer now? He himself said - the perjurer will not receive mercy.

I cried but got up. Late at night we reached the village. The village was Old Believer, but one old woman nevertheless received us, fed us and even washed us in a bathhouse.

So from village to village, from station to station, we finally got to Moscow. On the way, we sold, traded and ate almost everything that was taken with us from Ensk. Even Petkin's dagger in a sheath made from an old boot was sold, I remember, for two pieces of jelly.

Only our oath papers, signed with the blood of “P.S.”, remained unsold. and "A.G.", and the address of Petka's uncle.

Uncle! How often have we spoken of him! In the end, he began to appear to me as some kind of locomotive lord: a beard in the wind, smoke from a chimney, steam from under a boiler ...

And finally - Moscow! On a frosty February night, we climbed out of the latrine window in which we spent the last stage and jumped onto the tracks. Moscow could not be seen, it was dark, and we were not interested in it. It was just Moscow, and my uncle lived in Moscow-Tovarnaya, the seventh depot, a repair shop. For two hours we wandered along the sleepers, tangled up among converging and diverging rails. It was beginning to dawn when the seventh depot appeared before us - a gloomy building with dark oval windows, with a high oval door on which a lock hung. There was no uncle. There was no one to even ask about my uncle. In the morning at the Committee of the Seventh Depot, we learned that my uncle had gone to the front.

Everything is over! We got out and sat on the overpass.

Goodbye orange streets, goodbye nights under open sky, farewell, a knife behind a belt and a crooked checker in silver!

Just in case, Petka returned to the committee to ask if his uncle was married? No, my uncle was single. He lived, it turns out, in some kind of carriage, and so in this carriage he went to the front.

It was completely dawn, and Moscow was now visible: houses, houses (it seemed to me that all these were railway stations), huge piles of snow, rare trams. And again at home and at home. What to do?

And so the bad days began. What have we not been doing! We were in line. We were hired by the bourgeois to shovel snow from the panels in front of the houses: "labor service" was declared. We shoveled manure out of the circus stable. We spent the night in porches, in cemeteries, in attics.

And suddenly everything changed...

We walked, I remember, along Bozhedomka, dreaming of only one thing: to meet a fire somewhere; then it happened that bonfires were lit on Kuznetsk too. No, you can't see! Snow, darkness, silence! Cold night. The doors are closed wherever you look. Trembling, we walked and were silent. I'm afraid Petka would have had to hit the ground with his hat again, but at that moment drunken voices came from the doorway we had just passed. Petka went into the yard, I sat down on the pedestal, chattering my teeth and putting my trembling fingers into my mouth. Petka is back.

I remember how, as a child, I read the exciting novel by V. A. Kaverin (Zilber) "Two Captains".
The last part of this novel was published in 1944 and he was immediately awarded the Stalin Prize! The novel has had several television adaptations. But the motto thundered throughout the vast country at that time: "Fight and seek, find and not give up!"

How many boys rushed under the influence of what they read to the sea, research and discoveries! Even if I, a snotty girl then, dreamed with my older brothers about how we would someday ..... ah!)) And these lines - "Fight and seek, find and not give up!"

And only when she was a student of the history department did she find out that this motto, these lines were not invented by Kaverin, but Alfred Tennyson(_en. Alfred Lord Tennyson) - the most talented English poet! A descendant of the Plantagenets themselves!
Here is the poem:

There is no use in the fact that, the king is idle,
At the hearth, worn out among the rocks,
With my old wife, I would give
The laws are strict among these savages,
That they sleep, eat, graze, not knowing me.
I will not seek rest from wandering; drink up
Life to the end; everything that happened to me was complete,
Did you suffer - strongly, rejoiced - strongly, alone
And with those who loved me; on the shore
And in the sea, when through the waves of foamy Hades
In us, a shower of methyl; I have become a name;
Eternal wanderer with a greedy soul
I have seen a lot, I know a lot;
Human cities, climates, manners,
Soviets, states, and myself
He was honored among them;
I drank the joy of fighting among friends
Far away on the plains of sonorous Troy.
I became a part of everything that I met;
But each meeting is just an arch; through it
Shines through an unfamiliar path, whose horizon
Moves away and melts into infinity.
How boring it would be to stop
Rusting in the scabbard does not shine in business!
As if life is in the breath! Life after life
Everything would be small; me and from one
There is not much left; but every hour
Saved from the silence of the ages
Brings the new; and it was mean
Almost three summers to bury myself
And the gray spirit that burns with desire
Follow knowledge like a fallen star
Overstepping the limits of our thought.
And here is my son, good Telemachus,
To whom will I leave the scepter and the island -
He, my beloved, seeks to complete
Work this, slow patience
Soften people harsh, gradually
By taming them to useful work.
He does his duty flawlessly.
Public; can i rely
For tender care and honor,
With which he will surround the gods
Homemade when I leave here.
He has his job, I have mine.
And here is the port; the ship's sail was inflated;
Dark seas lie in darkness.
Sailors, you worked and thought with me,
You greeted the thunder with equal joy
And the sun is bright, exposing the meeting
Free hearts - and you and I are old;
Old age has honor and duty.
Death will hide everything; but we'll make it to the end
We are a noble feat to accomplish,
People who fought with the gods, worthy.
On the rocks, the reflection fades little by little; day
leaves; the moon creeps slowly; polyphonic
The depths groan. On the road, friends
Not too late new world search.
Sit down and push off boldly
From the raging waves; goal - sunset
And further, to where the stars sink
West until I die.
Perhaps the currents will drown us;
Maybe we'll swim to the Islands
Happy, where we meet Achilles again.
Much goes, but much remains;
Although we do not have the strength that played
In the old days and heaven and earth,
We remained ourselves; heroes hearts
Worn out by years and fate,
But the will inexorably calls us
Fight and seek, find and never give up.

Alexander Grigoriev and Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov. Those two captains. They say that in the image of Tatarinov three real person, three captains, three heads of Russian naval expeditions - Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov, Georgy Lvovich Brusilov and Vladimir Aleksandrovich Rusanov.
Sedov dreamed of hoisting the Russian flag at the North Pole, he died on Franz Josef Land .... Brusilov wanted to go through the North by sea, died in the ice, Rusanov, who devoted himself to the development of the Arctic ... died.
And therefore the tombstone inscription on the grave of Tatarinov:

“Here lies the body of Captain I. L. Tatarinov, who made one of the most courageous journeys and died on his way back from Severnaya Zemlya discovered by him in June 1915.

Fight and seek, find and don't give up».

Robert Falcon Scott, Roald Amundsen- December 16, 1911, exactly one month before Scott, the Norwegian Amundsen reached the South Pole! First! And Scott died while returning from the Pole ... And on his grave there is a tombstone inscription:
“Struggle and seek, find and not give up” (“To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield”).

They aspired, fought, went forward, not despairing, who found; who did not reach, but showed the way; who was late, but sought and did not give up! Pathetics?! No! Thirst for life, accomplishments, discoveries, a thirst that is so natural to a person and so dangerous!

It is interesting that Tennyson's biographers put the poem "Ulysses" only "in a series of poems that pay tribute to neoclassicism ("Eden", "Ulysses", "Lucretius", etc.). That's it!

And how these lines sounded in the once vast country! Became the motto for many and many!

P.S. Where are the books of today's childhood called?...

You go, do not turn and do not fall,
Fall down - get up.
And you will be rewarded
The goals of the cherished height!
Evgeny Karelov.

This year marks 115 years since birth Soviet writer, playwright and screenwriter, laureate Stalin second class award Veniamin Alexandrovich Kaverin (real nameZilber). Veniamin Kaverin- the author of about two dozen novels and short stories, he wrote stories, fairy tales, dramatic works, essays and literary articles.

The book was written over the course of six years. 1938 By 1944 of the year. Kaverin recalled that the creation of the novel " Two captains began with his meeting with a young geneticist Mikhail Lobashev in a sanatorium near Leningrad in the mid-thirties. “He was a man in whom ardor was combined with straightforwardness, and perseverance - with amazing definiteness of purpose,” the writer recalled. “He knew how to achieve success in any business.”

Lobashev told Kaverina about his childhood, a strange muteness in his early years, orphanhood, homelessness, a commune school in Tashkent and about how he later managed to enter the university and become a scientist.

“It was the story of a boy who had a difficult childhood and was raised Soviet society- people who became family to him and supported his dream, with early years kindled in his ardent and just heart"(IN. Kaverin).

Another prototype of the protagonist was a military fighter pilot Samuil Klebano who died heroically 1942 year. He initiated the writer into the secrets of flying.

The image of the captain Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov recalls several historical analogies. IN 1912 year, three Russian polar expeditions set sail: on the ship " St. Fock"under the command of Georgy Sedov, on the schooner" St. Anna" under the direction of George Brusilov and on the bot Hercules" with Vladimir Rusanov.

Expedition on a schooner St. Mary" in the novel actually repeats the timing of the journey and the route " Saint Anna". Appearance, character and views of the captain Tatarinov relate him to Georgy Sedov. The Search for the Captain's Expedition Tatarinov reminiscent of the search for the expedition Rusanova. The fate of the character of the navigator novel "St. Mary" by Ivan Klimov resonates with the true fate of the navigator Saint Anna by Valerian Albanov.

By the way, the motto of the novel is the words " Fight and seek, find and don't give up” is the final line from the textbook poem of Lord Tennyson "Ulysses". This line is also engraved on the cross in memory of the lost expedition. R. Scott to the South Pole, on a hill Observation.

It's for the novel "Two Captains" Veniamin Kaverin He was awarded the Stalin Prize of the second degree in 1946.

The novel went through more than a hundred reprints, was translated into many foreign languages, twice filmed (1955 - director Vladimir Vengerov,1976 - director Evgeny Karelov). In 2001, based on the novel, the musical " Nord-Ost».

The heroes of the novel Two captains» in 1995, a monument was erected in hometown author, Pskov(displayed in a book called Ensk).

April 18, 2002 in the Pskov regional children's library The museum of the novel was opened Two captains».

In 2003 the main square of the city Polar Murmansk region is called the area of ​​Two Captains. It was from here that the expedition set sail Vladimir Rusanov and Georgy Brusilov.

"My Captains"

Veniamin Kaverin finished writing the book in 1944, and it reached me fifty years later. I was eleven, the book was on the shelf, absolutely nondescript, without bright pictures, quite voluminous ... I still don’t understand what prompted me to pick it up.

Most likely, after all, it was not without incitement from my mother, who has always been my main "helmsman" in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bbooks. Be that as it may, at first I took the book with some doubt, I thought, I'll look through a little and close it. I started reading ... and drowned, failed, disappeared. I don’t know how else to explain the state in which this novel plunged me.

No other book has evoked such emotions and feelings in me before: anger, resentment, compassion, joy, inspiration. The book was read quickly. I was literally stunned by the impressions and at the same time I felt some kind of melancholy, emptiness, as if I had been deprived of something dear. And without thinking twice, I again took up the novel, this time reading more thoughtfully, peering into the characters, analyzing the actions.

I don't know how many times I've read it two captains”, but some phrases still clearly pop up in memory: "Sticks must be popindicular"(writing lessons from Gaera Kuliya), “I can’t bring the third lemon home”(dearest Nina Kapitonovna I always dreamed of seeing my grandmother) "Sick G., dumbness without deafness", "Mongotimo Hawkclaw", “I beg you one thing: do not trust this man!”(phrase from the captain's letter Tatarinov who played fatal role in his family life).

And of course I like Sanya Grigoriev, tried to memorize the navigator's letters. Now almost everything has been forgotten, but I still remember the first lines: “Dear Maria Vasilievna! I hasten to inform you that Ivan Lvovich alive and well. Four months ago, in accordance with his instructions, I left the schooner, and with me thirteen crew members ... ".

The heroes of the book taught me patience and endurance, friendship and fidelity. But I also realized that in life there is cruelty and betrayal, hatred and envy. I was so struck by the confrontation Sani Grigorieva And Mikhail Romashev ("Daisies") that when we were first given the task at school to write an essay on any topic, I dedicated it to what worried me the most at that time, naming my work The story of friendship and betrayal in the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains".

I was frightened and repelled by this very Chamomile, it was frightening that meanness and bitterness could be hidden behind outward decency and politeness. How I wanted to scream "Do not trust him!" when he told Katya about how he tried to save Sanya! And how I rejoiced, reading the exposure scene Romashova! Forgive me actor Yuri Bogatyrev, but I couldn't get rid of a somewhat prejudiced attitude towards him because of his undoubtedly brilliant performance of the role Daisies.

By the way, about the movie. This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the premiere of the director's six-episode film Evgeniya Karelova « Two captains". For me personally, the film was the second gift after the book itself. In general, many readers have a rather complicated relationship with film adaptations: very rarely the screen embodiment coincides with what they imagined and saw while reading this or that work.

But the movie Evgeniya Karelova became a rare exception for me, thus hitting the very point. It was what I wanted to see. Due to the fact that the film was filmed in several series, it reproduced the plot of the book quite fully. There were, of course, some differences, but for me they didn’t really matter, and at one point I would even be glad to leave the film version: unlike the book, in the film, Sani’s sister does not die after childbirth, but safely gives birth and leaves with young son to evacuate.

And, of course, the music of the most talented composer plays a huge role in the film. Evgenia Ptichkina. Overture and ending song written to the words of the director Evgeniya Karelova, in and of themselves evoke a whole gamut of emotions.

Not having the opportunity to download music from the Internet at that time, I put a small tape recorder close to the TV. Legend” and, having waited for the right moment, turned on the recording. The quality, of course, left much to be desired, but I was already happy that, by pressing the button, I could listen to the music again and again, which captivated me so much, called me somewhere; listen to the final song, in which the sonorous voice of the boy, as if from the face Sani Grigorieva sings such important words. Very often, at the same time, tears came to my eyes - they were tears of pride, admiration for people who are capable of Actions, who know how to make friends and know how to love, for whom duty and honor are not empty words.

Many years have passed since my first meeting with the two captains, but the book still occupies a worthy place on the bookshelf. Now it already has a somewhat worn and shabby look, but this is not my fault, I handled the book very carefully. Just once a classmate asked me to let her read it (assigned for the summer). I did not want to give away the book at all, but it was also undesirable to pass for a greedy person.

As a result, at the end of the summer, the book returned in a terrible state, with a torn cover ... and, what is most offensive, it was never read. best use, which they found for her - to be a stand for a frying pan. To say I was upset is an understatement. I sobbed over the spoiled book from resentment and some incomprehensible feeling of guilt before it, as if I had not saved it.

I was offered to replace, buy a new, beautiful one. But I refused. Although this book is already old, shabby, with yellowed pages, but it is mine, dear, beloved. When I want to reread an episode, I know exactly what page it is on. And then, it seemed to me that having bought new book, I will betray the old one, offend her - then something will collapse, some thin ties between me and the book will break. That's what I thought as a child, and now my thoughts have not changed.

To this day they live next to me Sanya And Petka, Kate And Sasha, Ivan Ivanovich And Ivan Pavlovich, Nina Kapitonovna and aunt Dasha. They live and help in difficult times, because they are faithful, because they are real!

“Where did my captains go?
Look at the tracks of their sleigh in the dazzling white snow!
This is the railroad track of science that looks ahead.
Remember that there is nothing more beautiful
than this hard way.
Remember that the most powerful powers of the soul are patience,
courage and love for one's country, for one's cause"

Veniamin Kaverin

Sections: Literature

The purpose of the lesson:

  1. Learn to work with text.
  2. Develop presentation and Internet skills. Develop the skills of writing essays, essays, reports.
  3. Cultivate indifference, purposefulness, show ways of self-education. The development of interest in the history of their region and its inhabitants.


  1. The text of the novel by V. Kaverin “Two Captains”.
  2. Computer with a projector, presentation, Internet access.

During the classes

1. Organizing moment.

2. Declaring the goal of the lesson ( Presentation . Slide #1).

3. Biography of V. Kaverin (2 people) (Appendix No. 1). (Presentation . slide number 2).

4. Student's message about the history of the creation of the novel ( Appendix No. 2).

5. Conversation on the work. Answers on slides (Presentation. Slides No. 3-15).

When did Sanya first encounter injustice?

- The unjustly convicted father is the first victim of meanness that Sanya faced. The whole novel is a restoration of justice.

What was the significance of the meeting with Ivan Ivanovich?

- The meeting with Ivan Ivanovich showed that a person should do himself.

Later, Sanya became convinced of the correctness of this idea at the OSOVIAKHIM school.

What role did Gayer Kuliy play in Sanya's fate?

– The meeting with Gaer Kuliy showed that there are a lot of vile people in life, for whom the main thing is to grab a tasty morsel.

When were the words “Weak but brave” spoken to Sanya? How did they influence him?

- The words “Weak but brave” were said to Sanya in the camp when he beat Styopa

Ivanov, the chairman of the commune, for eating the most from the common plate. After that, Sanya thought: “In general, what am I?”

After what incident did Sanya decide to cultivate the will?

- After the story about the advice, leaving home, illness and Korablev's words “You have a weak will,” Sanya decided to take up self-education.

Where did education begin? His stages.

- Stages of education: 1. Reading "Notes of a hunter". 2. Chamomile cuts the hand. 3.Rules of life. 4. Reading Amundsen's books. 5. Speech at the Komsomol meeting. 6.Charging. 7. Studying at OSOVIAKHIM. 8. Calmness in love. 9. I read the diary.

What was Sanya's goal?

- Sanya had a goal - to find the expedition of Captain Tatarinov.

When did he first think of the sky?

- For the first time he thought about the sky when he was lying with Petka in Ensk on the river bank and wanted to see the stars and the moon during the day.

Why did Sanya become a polar pilot?

- Sanka became a polar pilot, because it was the time of the Chelyuskinites and Chkalov.

What qualities did the profession of a polar pilot require?

- This profession required endurance, courage, love for one's country and one's work, and it was these qualities that Sanka wanted to cultivate in himself.

What role did Ch. play in Sanya's fate? Who did Sanya look up to in life?

- Sanya wanted to be like Chkalov and Captain Tatarinov, "who had a long-distance ticket."

What happened in the aspen grove and how did Romashov tell Katya about this?

- In the aspen grove, Romashov left Sanya to die, then presenting himself to Katya as a hero. Sanya survived and proved to Katya his love and meanness of Chamomile. He found traces of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov.

How did Sanya understand the word HONOR?

- The honor for Sanya is to find the expedition of Captain Tatarinov, to restore the truth about the perpetrator of the death of the expedition - Nikolai Antonych, to show the meanness of Romashov.

Why is Nicholas called a terrible person? What makes him related to Romashov?

- Nikolai Antonych and Romashka are two terrible people. In dishonest ways, they wanted to win the love of women and destroy their loved ones.

Why did Sanya search for and find Captain Tatarinov's expedition?

“His search was the restoration of truth in life and the restoration of the honor of an honest man.

Why is the novel called "Two Captains"?

- Two captains - these are two "leaders in life" - captain Tatarinov and captain Sanya


6. The student's story about the monument to the heroes of Kaverin in Pskov (Presentation).

slide number 16).

Swiftly moving forward towards a goal that is completely clear to him, Sanya Grigoriev and the romantic, sublime, raised on a pedestal captain Tatarinov, who is very similar to the famous explorer of the North O. Schmidt, daily greet residents and guests of the city of Pskov. Here, at home, in front of the building of the regional library for children and youth, a monument to the heroes of Kaverin was erected.

7. The teacher's story about the production of the musical "Nord-Ost" (Presentation. Slides No. 17,18).

"Nord-Ost" is the first world-class Russian musical. It premiered on October 19, 2001. In 2003 he received the national award “ golden mask" in nomination " Best Musical". The secret of its success was that the libretto was based on the novel of many generations of teenagers in the Soviet Union “Two Captains” by Veniamin Kaverin. The musical is based on caring attitude to our history. The Russian spirit of the performance was supported by finely stylized music, in which echoes of the works of great Russian composers are heard. Traditional special effects, dynamic scenery, a live symphony orchestra gave the performance an extraordinary spectacle. Unfortunately, the fate of the performance was not only a triumph, but also a tragedy: it was captured by militants on October 23-26, 2002, many people died.

The performance was restored, passed through 17 cities of Russia and completed its work in 2004.

Video “Nord-Ost 1” on www.nordost.ru)

8. Students talk about the possessed


1 option. A story about an obsessed man, a wartime photographer, Viktor Temin, whose exhibition of works is presented in the Balashikha Museum of Local Lore

(Presentation. slide number 19).

Are there such obsessed people not in literature, but in life? Of course have.

I want to tell you about wonderful person famous photographer Viktor Mikhailovich Temin. His photographs and memorabilia was donated to our local history museum by his stepdaughter Svetlana, who lived last years in Balashikha. Temin is famous, first of all, for the fact that he captured the victorious banners of the Great

Patriotic, and was a very brave and risky person. The first exhibition of his works was in our museum in 1995, and in January 2009, in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the exhibits were exhibited for the second time.

Victor Temin was a participant in four wars. He, the only one of the photographers, was lucky enough to capture the battle victorious banners: near Lake Khasan, near the Khalkhin-Gol River, on the blown-up pillboxes of the Mannerheim Line, on the Electric Cliff in Port Arthur.

Together with the tank corps of Lieutenant General Krivoshein, he entered Berlin, filmed the last battle in Tiergarden Park, two hundred meters from the Reichstag, and together with Roman Karmen, despite the shooting, captured the Victory Banner. But how to deliver pictures to Moscow? Ever since the alarming events on Far East he knew Zhukov well, who always had a PO-2 aircraft at the ready. With great difficulty, Temin got to the plane and, together with the pilot Veshtak, flew to the front headquarters. Immediately upon arrival, he called Zhukov directly, asking him to send the plane as soon as possible. “Wait for the call,” the marshal said. And ten minutes later he called himself: “All instructions have been given. Fly."

By order of the command in Poland, Temin had to transfer to a night bomber and follow it to Moscow. But Temin knew that time would be lost. At his request, the pilot asked his command over the radio for permission to fly to Moscow. The answer is silence. Then Temin took responsibility and ordered the pilot to fly straight to Moscow. He obeyed, although he did not know the daily changing password for the flight of the USSR border. I had to give a radiogram to the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and ask for a plane pass. There was no answer. They tried to fly at random, but the anti-aircraft gunners took the car into such blinders that upon arrival it turned out to have 62 holes. Half an hour later, an order came and a request from the ground: “Where are you?” Temin estimated that the closest airfield to the editorial office was Central. But air defense did not land. I had to give new radiograms. When they nevertheless landed on the runway of the Central Airfield, Temin saw many generals meeting the plane. He jumped out onto the ladder, ran along it, dropping as if by chance: “It will be released now,” and he himself found the editorial car and at 3:10 entered the office of the editor-in-chief of Pravda.

On May 3, 1945, Pravda printed the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to take Berlin and three photographs by Viktor Temin “Victory Banner over the Reichstag”, “Meeting of General Krivoshein’s Tankers at the Victory Column” and “Prisoner Germans through the Brandenburg Gate returning back to Berlin”. And on the same day, May 3, at seven in the morning, Temin flew to defeated Berlin, taking with him several thousand issues of Pravda. In the German capital, he immediately rushed to Zhukov to explain himself. Zhukov took the newspaper and unfolded it. His furrowed brows parted. He even smiled.

For your work, you are worthy of the title of Hero, - said the marshal. - But because you hijacked the plane...

These words hung in the air, and Zhukov suddenly rapped out:

You will receive the Order of the Red Star.

And shook Temin's hand.

Temin's military adventures did not end there. He went to Manchuria, and then, after the defeat of the Kwantung Army, he received an order to fly to Tokyo to sign the act of surrender. On September 2, 1945, about 200 journalists gathered in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Missouri. Our Soviets were placed about 70 meters from the table where the act of surrender was to be signed. Temin was in despair. He didn't have a telephoto lens, which meant the shoot was doomed to failure. Meanwhile, three chains of American guards, hand in hand, blocked the way for the pushing crowd of correspondents. Temin immediately handed the Americans two jars of black caviar and joined their chain. Then he suddenly broke free and ran up. They did not pursue him, because the guards had to close the chain again and restrain the pressure of the brutal photo press. In short, Temin made his way to the square, which was occupied by the largest US news agencies. He pulled out the last supply of caviar and vodka from his bag, indicating that after the shooting it would be nice to drink to victory. American photo correspondents greeted him friendly, but at that moment officers appeared and showed Temin that if he did not obey them, they would throw him overboard. And it had to happen that at the time of the dispute, delegations from the allied countries passed by, including the representative of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant General Derevyanko, who knew Temin well. He understood everything and said quietly: "Follow me," and when Admiral MacArthur came out to meet him, he introduced Temin: "This is Stalin's personal photographer." For these shootings, Temin was awarded the Order of the Red Star. The whole world published exactly his pictures.

Option 2. Story a student about the polar pilot Viktor Mikhailovich Perov, whose family lives in the Balashikha region, and whose great-grandchildren study at our lyceum . (Presentation. Slide number 20).

Teacher's word. Are there such obsessed people not in literature, but in life? Of course have. We will tell you about a remarkable person, thanks to whom the Cold War was stopped, polar pilot Viktor Mikhailovich Perov, whose family lives in the Balashikha region, and whose great-grandchildren study at our lyceum.

Student's story. For a speech at the city local history conference, I wrote an essay called “A Man in Love with the Sky”. In it, I talk about my great-grandfather Viktor Mikhailovich Perov. Even as a child, I became interested in why they called me Mikhail and why in our family boys are called Viktors and Mikhails. Dad told me that this was in honor of our ancestor, who was a famous pilot, a very strong and courageous person, and this tradition should be maintained in the family. When I visited my great-grandfather, he told me about himself, and on the posters that hung in his room, I saw my great-grandfather, a pilot. My great-grandfather gave me airplane models made with his own hands. He liked that I listened with interest. When I learned to read, I decided to find out from books what my great-grandfather became famous for. In my work, I briefly talk about his childhood and youth and in more detail about his exploits in the Arctic and Antarctic. When writing the work, I relied on the stories of my father, my great-grandfather's book “From the Arctic to the Antarctic”, articles from newspapers and magazines.

I learned that my great-grandfather was born in 1917 in Chardzhou, Turkmen SSR. In 1920, the family of Mikhail Grigoryevich Perov, a trade representative of the republic, moved to Tashkent, in 1924 to Iran, and in 1927 to Moscow. The Perovs lived in Nikolskoye on line 2, building 9. In Nikolskoye, he completed 7 classes, and then continued to study in Moscow. In 1936, the Communist Party announced a call to train 100,000 pilots. And Perov, after the factory shift, began to study at the OSOVIAKHIM school. Great-grandfather in the first days of the war went to the front. In one of the battles, the plane crashed and after the hospital, Viktor was sent to polar aviation. My dad told me about this.

I began to study the life of my great-grandfather from the book “From the Arctic to the Antarctic”. After all, in it he talks about the most interesting things for us boys - about his flights in the Arctic and Antarctic, about saving people, about famous pilots P. Moskalenko, I. Mazuruk, G.V. Sorokin.

First, I found out why he received his first Order of Lenin. It was like that. In the summer of 1956, within the framework of the Third International Geophysical Year, a high-latitude Arctic expedition was carried out to explore the strait between Greenland and Svalbard by scientists from the USSR, Sweden and Norway. The program of work provided for the landing of an international group of scientists on the ice dome of Northern Spitsbergen, and for this task a MI-4 helicopter was assigned, commanded by test pilot R.I. Kaprelyan. When all the work was completed, the helicopter crashed on the way to the icebreaker, and five scientists remained on the dome of northern Svalbard. Perov saved the polar explorers and for this he was awarded the Order of Lenin.

I also learned why he received the second Order of Lenin. In the summer of 1957, an aviation detachment of the Third Complex Antarctic Expedition was formed. The plans of the Third AAE were grandiose: it was necessary to fly to the Pole of relative inaccessibility and drop the state flag of the USSR. Aviators were supposed to help scientists and builders in the creation of two new stations "Vostok" and "Sovetskaya", 1100-1200 km away from Mirny inland, and provide tractor trains with fuel all the way from the village of Mirny. My great-grandfather kept a diary on the way, which I read. In it, he described places he had never seen before, the customs of people, the habits of fish and the sky he loved.

The pilots had to overcome many difficulties. When they approached Mirny, they began to unload the planes, but not in the way Perov had planned, but at the same time both Li-2 and Il-12 did not even have time by nightfall, and in the morning a strong gusty wind blew and it was not possible to assemble the plane in such weather. But all these difficulties were overcome. I talk about this in my work.

In Antarctica, the pilots carried out an important government assignment. They went to the pole of relative inaccessibility. First, the State Flag of the Soviet Union was dropped at low altitude at Sovietskaya station. After another 3 hours, we approached the pole of relative inaccessibility and also dropped the national flag, testifying to our superiority.

And the great-grandfather received the Order of Lenin for this. On September 11, a telegram was received in Mirny from the Muson Arctic station stating that a plane had taken off from the Belgian station King Baudouin in an unknown direction and disappeared. Attempts by the Belgians to find the missing on their own did not lead to anything. At that moment, a blizzard was raging in Mirny, and in the afternoon they promised a temporary improvement in the weather. Without waiting for the order of the head of the Arctic expedition, Tolstikov, Perov decided to take advantage of the improved weather and flew to rescue the Belgians, who were 3,100 kilometers away. First they found an abandoned helicopter, then one of the polar explorers, then they began to look for the rest. I talk about this in detail in my work. We decided, like a comb, to comb every 10 kilometers. 7 hours of unsuccessful searches. We refueled the last supply of fuel, it remained only for the return trip. Each had his own field of view, which he followed tirelessly. Finally, after a few hours of flight, somewhere between the Sphinx and Mount Trilingen, they noticed a dark spot-tent. We started to land. The polar explorers were saved. The Belgian government awarded the entire crew, the commander of the ship and the head of the expedition with the highest award of the Kingdom of Belgium - the Order of Leopold II. The Soviet government - the Second Order of Lenin. Belgian scientists, wishing to perpetuate this feat, gave one of the peaks in the “Mountains of Belgium”, discovered by the Belgians, the name of Perov and marked it on the map. Under the influence of the heroic events in Antarctica, a children's book by the writer Sergei Alekseev and Bogdan Chaly "The plane flies from Mirny" was written. The same authors wrote the script for the feature film "The Law of Antarctica", leading role played by actor Vsevolod Safonov.

Many books and articles have been written about my great-grandfather and his friends. But I really want to see the picture of the artist Igor Ruban "Perov's crew rescues members of the Belgian Antarctic expedition", which is now in the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic in St. Petersburg. In the reserves of the Manege there is a bust of Perov by the Polish sculptor Zberzhitsky.

After Antarctica, Perov is again on the northern route, flying the Il-12, the new Il-18, mastering the An-12. Participates in the equipment of the expedition "North-12". In 1972 V.M. Perov retired for health reasons. During his service, he did not crash a single aircraft, but he saved the lives of many. He is engaged in the geographical society, the committee "Alaska - Siberia". My great-grandfather died in 2005. In May we will go as a class to St. Petersburg. I want to visit the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic. Then I will supplement my work with new materials.

9. The word of the teacher.

There are many poems about such obsessed people, poems are dedicated to them.

Reading prepared in advance student of Sergei Ostrovoy's poem "Reflection".

Happened when I went on the road,
People told me:
“Who is destined to drown,
He will not burn in the fire!”
Then they asked me to remember in the future:
“If trouble comes -
Who is destined to burn
The water won't take it!"
And I, a simpleton, lived and lived.
Walked straight ahead.
Overcoming the pass on the way,
Desperately used to live.
And I threw myself into the fire more than once,
Worried about the water.
So are they in my alarm hour
Will they leave me in trouble?
I fell off my horse. I was on a horse.
In no way spared the soul.
Still, it's better to burn in the fire
Than to vegetate in silence!


  1. www.nordost.ru
  2. www.rg-rb.de/2005/19/tem.shtml
  3. www.journalist-virt.ru/mag.php?
  4. ia-bal.mosoblonline.ru/news/1362.html
  5. The program of the personal exhibition of V. Temin “Reporting of the era” in Kazan, 1968.
  6. Perov V. From the Arctic to the Antarctic. - M .: Bulletin of the Air Fleet, 2003.

Literature lesson in grade 8 based on the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" (after reading the story by A. S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter»)

“Fight and seek, find and not give up” (“If to be then be the best”) Take care of honor from a young age. I introduction teachers. (Write down a topic, an epigraph to the lesson. Keep a record of character traits) II The main content of the lesson. Pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson. In what work that we studied did these words (such as an epigraph) occur? What are we going to talk about today? (About honor and dishonor). The era shown in The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin is very distant, but does this mean that modern people should not think about the problems of morality! Before us is the book of Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" What is the genre of this work? (The novel is a great epic work that reflects a wide range of life phenomena, covers the fate of a number of characters) So, let's follow the fate of our heroes, from their childhood to the days when they became adults. Let's observe their actions and respond to main question lesson - IS IT EASY TO BE A MAN OF HONOR? A novel by V. Kaverin in two books. Whose perspective is the story in the first book? Why? Tell us about Sanya Grigoriev's childhood. How to characterize Sanya, an eleven-year-old boy, such words (after the arrest of his father): “The more I thought, the harder it became in my soul. So, it was my fault that my father was arrested, and it is my fault that we are now starving. 2

Through my fault, a new drape coat was sold, for which the mother whole year saved up. Through my fault, she must walk into the presence and speak in such an unfamiliar voice and bow humbly…” What is the purpose of repeating the expression “through my fault” so often? Guilt, self-criticism Tell us how Sanya learned to speak? Why did he manage to overcome his dumbness? "I was persistent" Why did Sanya decide to run away from Ensk with Petka? At what point in his life did this happen? “Aunt Dasha and Skovorodnikov decided to give me and Sanya to an orphanage ... And now I will become a prisoner!” Pride. Aunt Dasha, who sincerely loved children and wished them well, “took” a “solemn promise” from Sanya. It consisted of several negative verbs. Let's think, remember - in what? Do not steal Do not smoke Do not be rude Do not be lazy Do not drink Do not swear Do not fight Was it easy for a boy who was left without a home, without parents, to fulfill his promise? But Petka Skovorodnikov came up with an oath, the words of which Sanya remembered for the rest of his life and kept faithful to her from childhood. Remember the most important words of this oath. (Fight and seek, find and never give up). "The Seven Commandments of Aunt Dasha were soon forgotten." But the oath helped the guys many times. How? Despite any difficulties, the boys made it to Moscow. “We spent the night in porches, in cemeteries, in attics.” But still, neither Sanya nor Petya became homeless children. What happened to them? (Sanya ended up in a school - a commune) 3

“Until the first warm day, I didn’t think otherwise. The frosts will subside - and goodbye, only they saw me in orphanage! But it turned out differently. I didn’t run away…” What kept Sanya in the orphanage? Reading. A thirst for knowledge. Of course, Sanya made new friends in the orphanage. Here is one of them: “He was skinny, with a large head, on which cat's yellow plaits grew in disorder. His nose was flattened, his eyes were unnaturally round, his chin was square - a rather terrible and unsympathetic muzzle. We became friends with him for puzzles. I solved puzzles well, it bribed him. (Romashov) And the second: “... a lazy boy with many plans. Either he was going to enter the Zoological Garden to study as a lion tamer, then he was drawn to the fire business. In the bakery he wanted to be a baker; he left the theater with the firm intention of becoming an actor ... ”(Valka Zhukov) Name Sanya's friends. Which of them does Sanya have more sympathy for? Why? Why does the author introduce these characters into the novel? (Romashov - villain, dishonorable, vile. V. Zhukov is a true friend, a decent, honest person). Tell us about the actions of the boys that would characterize them. The fate of Sanya Grigoriev was very closely intertwined with the fate of members of the Tatarinov family. How did the acquaintance happen? (Sanya helped Nina Kapitonovna carry the bags) Desire to help. Why did the old woman, who was afraid of homeless children, invite Sanya to the house? How did it happen that Sanya became a frequent visitor to the Tatarinovs' house? “Katerina Ivanovna was 12 years old - no more than me. But where is it! I wish I could perform like she did, throw my head back so proudly, look so straight into the face with dark, lively eyes. She had pigtails with rings and the same rings on her forehead. She was ruddy, but strict ... In general, she was pretty, but she was terribly asked ... ”And yet Sanya and Katya became friends. Why? 4

Love of reading Let's remember the story of the lactometer. What trait of Sanya's character manifested itself in this story? Honesty, determination. “... Katya caught up with me at the gate. _ Hey you, Nikolai Antonych! she called. - Where did you go? Complain?" How will Sanya react? What will Katya do? How do children describe their actions? Listen to an excerpt from the novel (book 1, part 2, chapter 4 with the words “For the first time I felt respect for myself ...”) Why did they begin to respect Sanya? For the ability to fight? Courage, justice. Once, in the house of Nikolai Antonovich, Sanya became an unwitting witness to a "strange teachers' council." School teachers, together with the director, decided the fate of Ivan Pavlovich Korablev. "They wanted to drive Korablev out of school." How will Sanya react? Decency. How did Sani Nikolai Antonovich react to this act? “Ungrateful scammer, scoundrel, spy! Don't let your foot be here! Do you hear? With one hand, Nikolai Antonych opened the doors, and with the other he threw me onto the stairs like a kitten. Who betrayed Sanya? For what? Time passed. Sanya tirelessly worked on himself. Let's remember his "rules for the development of the will": 1. Do not express your feelings outwardly. 2. Don't care about the opinions of people you despise. 3. Sleep as little as possible. 4. In the morning, determine the order of the day. 5. Remember the purpose of your existence. 6. What is decided - do it. How do these rules characterize Sanya? Which of them particularly appeal to you? Sanya dreamed of becoming a pilot. Why was he sure that he would be accepted? Willpower, perseverance. Sanya decided to become a pilot back in Ensk. But the more he got to know Katya and her family, the stronger this desire was. - Why? 5

Listen to an excerpt from the novel (book 1, part 2, chapter 14 “Date in the Cathedral Garden” Evaluate Sanya’s act. What events followed after this? (Marya Vasilyevna committed suicide. Nikolai Antonovich blamed Sanya for everything, Katya turned away from him "). Sanya again goes to Nikolai Antonovich's house. Why? Was it easy for him to do this? "Nikolai Antonovich threw these letters in my face, then spat in my face ... The old Bubenchikovs attacked me and hit me in the back with something painful. I waved my hand and left." Did Sanya resign? What did he decide to do? For what? (Find the expedition) did he find out about the fate of Captain Tatarinov's expedition? Was the search for Sanya successful? That Loyalty, patriotism. How did the relationship between Sanya and Katya develop? Why turning away from him at her mother's funeral, did Katya continue to love Sanya? meet Romashov. Tell me, what incident from his life speaks of the complete moral decay of this person? And what is Why And yet the novel ends light pages, the triumph of kindness, decency of such people as Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, Aunt Dasha, Judge Skovorodnikov, their son Petya, teacher Korablev, like Katya Tatarinova and Sanya Grigoriev. Learning to be a real man of honor in early years, the hero of the novel did not stain his conscience even in the most difficult moments own life. What character traits should each child cultivate in himself in order to become a real PERSON? To answer this question, let's read the notes made during our conversation. Why did V. Kaverin call his novel "Two Captains"? What is the meaning of the name? What is the connection between A. S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter" and V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains"? Why is there a bribe for the lesson on the novel? 6
