Draw edible mushrooms for children. How to draw a mushroom, mushrooms with a pencil step by step? Let's mark the legs of the mushroom

Ceps ... This is only a small part of their variety. If you decide to tell children about mushrooms, we recommend depicting a mushroom with them, telling in the process everything you know about this natural creation. Believe me, this type of presentation of information is much more effective and interesting than a regular story. If you follow our updates, then we have already drawn some types of mushrooms. Today we present step by step instructions how to draw edible White mushroom. This is one of the most delicious (if cooked correctly) and beautiful mushrooms. So get everything ready. necessary tools and start drawing.

You will need:

As usual, in order to simplify the drawing process as much as possible, we draw two cross lines in the center of the sheet. Draw straight lines with a ruler long and straight. They will help to evenly draw the details of the mushroom, and indicate its location on the sheet.

The leg of the mushroom is large and voluminous in size. Rounded below, gradually tapering towards the top. Let's draw it in two parts.

Stepping back about 2 cm from the edge of the bottom line, draw an arc that should intersect the left side of the horizontal auxiliary line, but do not attach it to the vertical one. Follow as shown in the picture.
Repeat the same manipulations with a pencil on the right side. The other part of the stem of the mushroom should be a mirror image.

The cap of the white fungus has an oval, slightly rounded shape. To make it easier to depict it, draw a curved line, indicating the bottom of the hat.
Starting from the edge of the line, draw an arc, attaching it to the top of the vertical auxiliary line.
Repeat the same action in mirror image. Two arcs should join at one point, and together form a round white mushroom cap.

Auxiliary lines fulfilled their purpose. All the details of the mushroom are in the picture. It's time to remove the straight lines. Do this carefully with an eraser.

To make the drawing look complete, it needs to be colored. But, since the stem and hat are round, it is necessary to draw shadows. Only in this way we will visually convey the form. Following the instructions, mark the places in the picture where the colors will change.

To paint, you only need a few shades, ranging from light beige to dark brown.

Mushrooms are not plants or animals. These are representatives of a separate kingdom of living organisms on Earth. They combine just the features of both plants and animals. You and I will draw in stages with a pencil edible mushrooms- champignons, which consist of a cap and a leg. Mushrooms usually grow in forests where it is dark, at the roots of various trees. They often hide under leaves and grass. To find mushrooms, you need to show skill and patience. You also need to learn how to separate edible and poisonous mushrooms. Mushrooms are very tasty. They are fried, stewed, baked. There are many types of meals that contain proteins. They are comparable to meat in terms of nutritional value.

Stage 1. Draw a circle and three ovals - large, medium and small. We circle a large oval and a circle. These are mushroom caps.

Stage 2. Now, from a circle and an oval, draw the legs of the mushrooms. They look like rectangles. We also circle the last two ovals with the contours of mushrooms cut into halves with legs.

Stage 3. Now we add volume to the mushrooms with additional features. We make lines on the legs of mushrooms, on hats. Various dashes show irregularities on the surface of the mushrooms.

Stage 4. We make strokes on the legs, showing the layering. On the hats we will show holes in the section.

Stage 5. Let's color our drawing in pink color. Let's circle all the contours with black again and show the shadows. Well, how did you get the mushrooms?


Today we will touch on the mushroom topic, because it is autumn in the yard, which is already coming to an end. Below I suggest that you familiarize yourself with two pictures that will help you and your children draw a mushroom with a pencil in stages. The first is white, the most common and beloved by many people, the second is an inedible, but beautiful and bright fly agaric. I hope everything works out for you.

How to draw an edible porcini mushroom

In fact, there will be three mushrooms. At the first stage, we depict their outlines, then slowly bring the drawing to a finished look: using an additional line, draw a hat, add grass. At the very end, we color the picture: hats in Brown color, legs - in white, grass - in green.

How to draw an inedible fly agaric mushroom

It seems to me that drawing a fly agaric with a pencil, following the step-by-step instructions in the picture below, is even easier than white. At the first stage, you must make the outlines of the drawing: a line for the legs and a semi-oval for the hat. Then, exactly following the recommendations, add it little friend. Color both fly agarics bright red.

I hope that by following the instructions step by step, you have succeeded beautiful drawings! And if not, try again. The second or third time, your picture will be much prettier than the first.


The conditional division of mushrooms by species was made by me for the convenience of searching and comparing mushrooms as appearance and taste qualities that determine culinary suitability for different kind cooking and harvesting mushrooms for the future..
From the whole variety of forms of species and colors, I decided to single out separate groups according to my own understanding. It may not seem very convenient for you, but the encyclopedic search is always at your service.

What types of mushrooms did I identify first of all:
Boletus mushrooms - I include all mushrooms with a stocky thick stem and a tubular hat to this species.
OBBKI - porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus and similar large mushrooms, including Tsarsky obabok (Far Eastern obabok).
OIL - small tubular mushrooms and the like, usually with a thin stem and soft cap.
BRUMS - here I placed agaric white mushrooms, mushrooms, pigs of all stripes and of course milk mushrooms.
Russula - in addition to the red, blue and green russula themselves, here you will find Valui, caesari and similar agaric mushrooms that are brittle and not as dense as milk mushrooms.
ANIMIA - in my understanding, all these tree mushrooms and similar toadstools, but, if desired, they can also be collected and cooked.
Oyster mushrooms are tree mushrooms of very different shapes growing on living trees, ilmaks, mushroom noodles and the like.
CORALS - starting with deer horns and mushroom cabbage, here you will see horned bugs and similar mushrooms.
MORELS - strange jelly-like mushrooms growing on wood and their relatives lines growing on the soil.
CHANTERELLES - hedgehogs and several types of chanterelles are here together due to the similarity in taste and cooking methods.
RAINCOATS - strange white balls, picherichki, champignons, truffles and ... and - all this is collected here.

Division according to the appearance of mushrooms

WHITE - All tubular mushrooms look like mushrooms and butterflies.
MUSSILS - All agaric mushrooms of the classical type such as volnushki, milk mushrooms, russula and the like in appearance.
Toadstools - Mushrooms of various shapes and colors. Corals, oyster mushrooms, cabbage, noodles, horns, morels and the like.
DANGEROUS SIMILARITY - All poisonous and conditionally edible mushrooms, including those that are not tasty.
The grouping of mushrooms is for convenience and has no scientific explanation.

Division by type of culinary suitability.

DELICIOUS - Mushrooms that are recognized by the vast majority of mushroom pickers and lovers of mushroom cooking.
EDIBLE - Mushrooms suitable for traditional cooking without much frills.
NOT DELICIOUS - These mushrooms can be eaten if there are simply no other mushrooms.
CONDITIONALLY EDIBLE - Mushrooms that are prepared for food or other use of the unit. However, the risk of poisoning remains.
POISONOUS - Mushrooms that are simply not worth eating.
DANGEROUS - These mushrooms are dangerous in that they are easily confused with good edible mushrooms in appearance. It is precisely such pairs of edible-poisonous, I think, that you should pay special attention to. This knowledge can cost the health of those who neglect it.

Mine, as I mentioned, I was not designing for a science or mushroom edition, my short and complete classification is based only on my own views on mushrooms and their similarities. So, for example, I do not share the shape of volushki, valuev and russula, but I attribute them (according to the shape of the mushroom body) to milk mushrooms.
To agree with my classification or to criticize it is your own business as right as eating or not eating mushrooms.
I use my classifier and it's convenient for me, I'm not interested in arguing in vain, but if you offer your classifier, it will be interesting.

All mushrooms are divided into two categories: edible and inedible. How to draw a mushroom? The form largely depends on its variety. A mushroom is not always a familiar leg with a hat attached on top, because they come in the form of a fan, hoof, star, ball, bowl, and even coral. Among the edible most often found: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, boletus and white. A prominent representative fly agaric and pale grebe are considered poisonous.



Children's example

fly agaric




Let's try to consider the technology of how to draw mushrooms in stages. Let's take a pencil and with a slight movement of the hand make the boundaries of the earth, using curves and lines for this. In the middle of the sheet, we begin to draw a leg. It consists of two parts: the lower one is wide, which expands slightly towards the root, and the upper one with a skirt narrows upwards. The leg should take up one third of the sheet. Let's move on to the hat: the upper part resembles the outlines of an umbrella, but with jagged edges, and closer to the foreground you need to make two notches.

Now you need to take a pencil with a harder lead and draw all the lines, adding individual strokes. So, you will have to draw a few grains of sand on the ground, and draw three small and two large circles on the hat. We make notches in the form of a cracked part of the mushroom, shading it in the middle.

To give volume to the image, it is necessary to add chiaroscuro in the right places. So, in front of the mushroom, to the left and a little behind, we make out a small shadow zone, since the main part will be located to the right of the mushroom. We darken the leg with horizontal strokes (they are parallel, but slightly beveled at an angle) to the left and in front of the border of the skirt and hat. In the upper part, chiaroscuro is needed on the left and along the edges of the hat skirt.

inedible mushrooms

Having practiced on a simple and familiar image of a mushroom, you can move on to group composition and consider how to draw a mushroom with a pencil in a complex and step-by-step technology. We conditionally divide the worksheet into three parts, and start drawing from the middle one. We draw two vertical lines, which are located slightly at an angle so that the straight lines diverge upward. Under these skeletons of future mushrooms we draw small horizontal lines. All movements should be smooth so that the pattern is barely visible.

We set the borders of the caps: for the larger line we make a wide surface, and for the smaller one - a rounded one.

We draw up all the elements in more detail. For this, the movements must be smooth and zigzag.

Let's move on to the design of the surface of the earth. Near the legs we finish the blades of grass, and in front of the large mushroom we lower the leaf.

Now we change the pencil to a harder one and draw boundaries, increasing the number of blades of grass.

Let's move on to the hats: on each you need to make a lot of circles (correct and irregular shape) to cover the entire surface.

After that, you need to draw the legs of the mushrooms: add two or three vertical strokes to the left and right of the border, not forgetting to draw a few in the center. Draw the veins of the leaf.

We work with grass. It is necessary to make it voluminous and increase the number of small elements.

The next step is the volume of the hat. To do this, it is necessary to circle each circle along the contour again, adding chiaroscuro in different places.

The last step is coloring. Using the fine hatching technique, go through all the elements of the composition and shade. It should be remembered that the hat should be the darkest zone, the grass a little lighter and the lightest - the lower part and leaf.

Children's version of the mushroom

Not everyone will immediately be able to repeat the complex technology, so parents need to be told how to draw a mushroom for a child. We start with the hat. It should be wide and high.

From the middle part of the bottom of the cap we draw two borders of a thick leg.

In the background, add the border of the hat skirt.

To the left of the mushroom, draw the bottom of a small mushroom, directing the curves to the left.

We do the same on the other side of the mushroom, drawing the lines a little longer.

We put on the left the same hat as that of a large mushroom.

For the right element, we draw only half of the surface, since it is hidden behind a large mushroom.

On foreground we make out the border of tooth-like grass.

It remains to decorate the drawing. The grass is green, the legs are pale yellow, the hats are red, but with white circles. A family of fly agaric came out.

Trio of poisonous fly agarics

Now you can carefully study how to draw a fly agaric. We start work with two mushrooms different sizes, tilting them in opposite directions so that there is an empty space between them. Thin legs with skirts and hats in the shape of triangles.

In the background between them we draw a long leg, bringing it high above them. Almost near the hat itself, we finish drawing the skirt. The top of the mushroom looks like a flat plate.

For a large fly agaric, you need to make a high hat, pulling it up in the form of a triangle.

Coloring the composition. It is better to do this with colored pencils: we make the edges of the mushroom brown, the middle of the legs and the bottom of the skirt of a large hat are light brown, the hats are red with white circles. Draw long and narrow grass at the bottom.

yellow fox

It's time to consider the technology of creating a completely different mushroom, the cap of which has a different shape. So, how to draw a fox? With a slight movement of the pencil, draw the outlines of the future mushroom. At first horizontal line, in the middle of which the leg skeleton passes in the form of a curve. Now it needs to be limited on both sides by two more oblique lines, which will show the size of the bottom element. Further, from the last element we take aside two curves that create the shape of a bowl. We finish the upper rim of the hat in the form of a compressed circle.

Near the root we draw a piece of grass with sharp teeth. From the end of the leg, we draw several curves along the bottom of the cap to its border.

Outline the mushroom with a dark brown pencil, painting over it brown tint, leaving in some places areas for a light shade. We paint over the grass with green, framing it with a dark tint, and let separate highlights of light green color over the blades of grass.

White mushroom (difficult option)

The next master class will tell you how to draw a white mushroom with a pencil in the most realistic way. We start with the skeleton: the horizontal line is the surface of the earth, the vertical line is the middle of the leg, half the circle is the hat.

We draw a leg, keeping the vertical strictly in the center. It should be wider at the bottom, tapering at the top. We make the top of the hat with humps, lengthening the lower part.

On the hat we draw circles of different sizes. We make out the lower part of the skirt in the form of notches, duplicating one more layer a little lower. We make a few strokes on the stem, and near the root we draw the borders of blades of grass.

We draw lines, leaving small strokes intact.

All over the mushroom we add groups of strokes, on the stem we draw only vertical single ones. We draw blades of grass in more detail.

To create a realistic hat, draw horizontal semicircles over its entire surface, interrupting them in the central part.

We do the same with the leg, but the lines should not be directed horizontally, but vertically.

Using the technology of small hatching at different angles, we draw the area of ​​​​grass and leaves.

Now we need to add small dots all over the surface.

The last step is hatching in the opposite direction. On the hat we draw it vertically, and on the leg horizontally.
