Symbols of the Slavic palaces. Halls of the welding circle by date of birth

The Slavic horoscope about the halls was compiled back in pagan times. Many scientists believe that it was the ideas of the horoscope according to the halls that formed the basis of modern astrology.

The essence of the Slavic astrological calendar is the division of periods into halls that patronize a person from the moment of birth. The horoscope is distinguished by high accuracy and correct descriptions.

Heavenly halls - the habitat of the constellations. There are 16 of them in total. The ancient Slavs did not have the concept of a “year”. Their life was divided into “summers”, there were 40 (41) days in a month, and a week consisted of nine days. 41 days fell once every 16 years, it was the "holy summer".

Halls by date of birth
Hall of the Virgin: patronage by dates August 30-September 22.
Protection of the goddess Jiva, the talisman tree is an apple tree.
People are stubborn, independent, successful. Good leaders, wayward, often act contrary to fate.

Hall of the Boar: patronage by dates September 23 - October 14.
Protection of the god Ramhat, the talisman tree is a pear.
People under Boar don't know the word "impossible" but are often lethargic and lazy. They are used to fighting, they can work in a calm environment only with strict discipline.

Hall of the Pike: patronage by dates October 14 - November 6.
Protection of the goddess Rozhana, the talisman tree is a plum.
People with high adaptability feel like fish in water in any situation. They prefer not to solve problems, but to adapt to them and even lead a comfortable lifestyle.

Hall of the Swan: patronage by dates November 6 - November 27
Protection of the goddess Mokosh, tree-amulet - pine.
Swans often suffer from pride, are vain, love to be in the center. They exalt their victories, which are often really very grandiose. They are prone to prophecy and mysticism, therefore they are successful in their affairs.

Hall of the Serpent: patronage by dates November 27 - December 16.
Protection of the god Semargl, talisman tree - linden.
Snakes can be selfish and love flattery, but self-sacrifice and sincere empathy are not alien to them. They use every good situation to their advantage. They are not tolerant of criticism that causes rage or resentment in them.

Hall of the Raven: patronage by dates December 19 - January 10.
Protection of the god Kolyada, tree talisman - larch.
During this period, healers, healers are often born. People are funny, inquisitive, wise. They are prone to amorousness, therefore they are unreliable. They settle down with age, but the tendency to get carried away often interferes with their personal lives.

Hall of the Bear: patronage January 10 - February 3.
Protection of the god Svarog, the main deity. Sacred trees are beech and raspberry.
People under the hall of the Bear are creators, prone to restoring relationships after a strong quarrel. Courageous, able to find a way out of the most difficult situations. Good leaders, kind but strict. Great family people.

Hall of Busla (Stork): patronage February 3-28.
Protection of the god Rod, tree - willow.
Storks are calm, balanced people, sociable, not vindictive. They often reassure others, have a strong family, where all household members feel stable and comfortable.

Hall of the Wolf: patronage February 28 - March 25.
Protection of the god Veles, tree - willow.
Tough to the point of cruelty, purposeful, cautious. They are demanding of people, but often idealize them, which leads to disappointment in human infidelity.

Hall of the Fox: patronage March 28 - April 17.
Protection of the goddess Marena, trees - hornbeam and currant.
People resemble their palace, cunning and curious, which often interferes with them despite the natural ability to get out of bad situations. Brave, wise and purposeful. They like to work with people and are successful in such work, but often have financial problems.

Hall of Tours: patronage April 17 - May 9.
God's protection Roof, tree - aspen.
Hardy, hardworking, purposeful. They have business acumen and diligence. They can be good leaders if there are no serious obstacles in front of them.

Hall of the Elk: patronage May 9 - June 1.
Protection of the goddess Lada, the tree is a birch.
Open, kind and carefree people, Moose are often found mutual language with most people. They often fall for the trick of scammers and deceivers because of their naivety. They strive for the ideal, they are too demanding of themselves.

Hall of Finist: patronage June 1 - June 23.
Protection of the god Vyshenya, amulet - cherry.
People under Finist are sharp-sighted, realists, rarely disappointed, analyzing and drawing conclusions from their own mistakes. Difficulties often pass them by due to innate caution and foresight.

Hall of the Horse: patronage June 23 - July 16.
Protection of the god Kupala, plants - fern and elm.
Optimism, striving for something new - these are the hallmarks of horses. Often they ignore small things, then they have big problems. Swift, ready for conquest, but often miss secondary tasks.

Hall of the Eagle: patronage July 16 - August 7.
Protection of the god Perun, the tree is a sacred oak.
Solid character, warlike disposition, determination and strength. However, the eagles have a rich fantasy, which helps them to be optimistic and get close to people.

Hall of Ras: patronage August 7 - August 30.
Protection of the god Tarh, patron tree - ash.
People under this hall are good-natured, they know how to work and relax. Persistent, reasonable and balanced. Altruists, ready for selfless help. are full life force so you can rely on them.

Svarog Circle is a site starry sky, along which the Yarilo-Sun (the modern Zodiac, or ecliptic) moves in one Summer. The Svarog Circle is divided into 16 Halls: the Hall of the Virgin, Boar, Pike, Swans, Snake, Crow, Bear, Busl, Wolf, Fox, Tour, Elk, Finist, Horse, Eagle, Race.

Each Hall has a certain patron from among and endows a person with a certain range of qualities given to him when he appeared in the Explicit World. At the same time, the Svarog circle differs from the Zodiac not only in the number of constellations. This is a much more complex and curious structure, which covers almost all facets of being, and should be considered (and used) in conjunction with the Da'Aryan Circle of Numberbog.

The shield of the number god, on which Krugolet is inscribed.

How to find out your Hall in the Svarog Circle by date of birth and their meaning?

We bring to your attention data that will help a person who knows his date of birth according to Chislobog's Krugolet to get closer to the essence of his birth on Midgard-Earth. Enter your date of birth and click the "translate" button at the bottom of the clock and you will recognize your palace. In order to purchase a palace, go to the section.

Sacred Plants on Krugolet.

Numerogog - Keeper of Time.

Svarogia Circle and the essence of man

The essence of the Heavenly Halls was united by our Ancestors in pairs, for the neighboring Halls have some common properties.

Halls of the Maiden and Boar.They give a person the desire to know the world around him in all its diversity. People born in these Halls do not recognize pressure on themselves when making decisions and strive to be leaders themselves in order to independently resolve all issues.

Halls of Pike and Swan. People born in these Halls strive for a calm, measured Life, for a traditional way of life filled with sensual empathy. For them, the most difficult task is making an important decision.

Halls of the Serpent and the Raven.People born in these Halls are very active by nature. The hardest thing for them is loneliness. They are very amorous and believe that only Love (Obvious, physical, carnal) should be at the forefront, and then everything else.

Halls of the Bear and Busl.People born in these Halls are kind-hearted by nature. Their constant desire is to ennoble everything around them. They create for the benefit of their Family and, with the created prosperity in their Family, they try to have rich offspring.

Halls of the Wolf and the Fox.People born in these Halls are seekers by nature. In Love, they seek the essence and meaning. They love to experiment on themselves. The feeling of curiosity in people born in these Halls, stronger than fear in front of the unknown and it is interesting for them to see the whole world around them.

Halls of Tur and Elk.People born in these Halls are hardworking, constantly busy with some kind of work, even if this work is monotonous. Their inner essence, as it were, awakens to life with the beginning of spring, and when the New Year comes, their creative approach to Life falls into hibernation.

Hall of Finist and the Horse.People born in these Halls, due to their unbridled immensity, try to do several things at once. From childhood, they are restless and therefore they can take on the same thing during the day, starting it and leaving it, but then bring it to the end. By their nature, they are maximalists, therefore, when performing any deeds, their mind tries to solve global universal issues.

Hall of the Eagle and Race.People born in these Halls are good-natured and benevolent. They have a very developed sense of patronage, but sometimes this feeling can develop into importunity and imposing their opinions on others. Education and knowledge of these people is easy, but great laziness prevents them from learning the surrounding World and the essence of Nature. To calm themselves and the people around them, they came up with an excuse: “why learn now, in time everything will come and fall into place”, and they were told: “under a lying stone, water does not flow.”

Character traits determined by the Heavenly Halls of the Svarog Circle

Hall of the Virgin:gives stubbornness, independence, the ability to achieve the goal.

Hall of the Boar:gives self-will, determination, skillful performance of the task, provided that there is no choice.

Hall of the Pike:gives the ability to adapt to any environment and feel like a fish in water everywhere.

Hall of the Swan:gives frivolity, willfulness and self-will, and sometimes, excessive pride and self-aggrandizement.

Hall of the Serpent:gives a cold, undisguised selfishness, narcissism, sometimes turning into love, as well as rejection of criticism addressed to him.

Hall of the Raven:gives a good-natured, open character, amorousness and love of love, sometimes reaching frivolity. By the age of 40 gives a person Wise Life Experience.

Hall of the Bear:gives courage, stamina, patronage, the ability to understand any business and the ability to find a way out in any confusing situation.

Hall of Busla:openness, mutual respect, Sincerity, the ability to choose the most convenient and favorable place for Life in order to grow healthy offspring.

Hall of the Wolf:militancy, alertness, the desire to restore order at any cost. According to the type of character, such people can be called “orderlies of Life”.

Hall of the Fox:gives cunning, the ability to flatter, a tendency to experiment and experience in order to check everything on oneself and use it for a calm, comfortable Life.

Hall of Tours:gives a person perseverance, diligence and business aspiration even in routine conditions, perseverance in achieving the goal, provided that the person has determined this goal for himself.

Hall of the Elk:cheerful, loving, open character, carefree and serene lifestyle, striving for limitless ideals.

Hall of Finist:gives prudence, a tendency to experiment in order to know different aspects of Life, the ability not to lose heart in case of failure. Ability to take action to achieve goals.

Hall of the Horse:gives a person impetuosity and an all-encompassing thirst for Life, but very often, in the rapid movement towards some ideal, he flies past more majestic and valuable ideals.

Hall of the Eagle:gives power, decisiveness in actions, a flight of thought and fantasy.

Hall of Ras:gives prudence, calmness when thinking about a problem and, at the same time, fun and serenity during times of rest.

All of the above characteristics are common to the Halls and the strengthening or weakening of any characteristics or qualities depends on which Hall of the Hall any Moon, Earth, Sun or Star will stand in.

Next, you can find out on your own Slavic day Birth, what qualities did the Heavenly Gods endow you with, exactly on the day of your appearance in the Light of God (all data are adapted to the modern worldview of a person).

First you need to find, in the characteristics below, your month of birth. By your date of Birth, see what quarter of the month your Birth fell on and find out the necessary data. Then, in the table of days of the quarter, you get Additional information, which becomes defining, for your data specified earlier.

To get the most complete information, you need to know your Slavic time of birth. And knowing it, you can get additional data that a person receives at a time determined by the Gods. For additional features.

Human Character by Quarters of the Month

Ramhat, I quarter (1-10):These days give the born willpower, determination, a mystical mindset, the inability to perceive criticism addressed to him, because criticism causes him a feeling of aggression, especially if it is unfair. People born on these days are very curious and try to figure everything out with their own mind. IN free time they like to read books, listen to music, grow flowers, play with animals.

II quarter (11-20):People born on these days go only along the path known to them. The most difficult thing for them is to choose between several the right things, ideas or goals. They "may remain hungry in front of a richly laid table," for they will not know where to start eating. In addition, these people prefer the team, rather than loneliness. They do not like independent reading: they like to listen and watch more. They will gladly accept the answer to any question, rather than think for themselves to achieve an answer.

III quarter (21-30):People born in this quarter are endowed with bright, original character. They try to delve into the essence of all things, even outwardly trying to be as if out of work. They constantly calculate the specific situation, because they have the mind of an analyst and an experimenter. Such a person is always a leader by nature and, even in a family, he tries to take the lead, which leads to conflicts in the family.

IV quarter (31-40):These people are endowed with a philosophical and analytical mindset from birth. Sometimes they surround themselves so deeply with philosophy and philosophical reflections that can chat up any business. They say about such people that they "no matter who they talk to, just to talk." Such people often have a difficult family life due to their excessive verbosity.

Day 41: Very impulsive, loving people are born on this day. Such people are often called the soul of society. They easily master various professions, as their analytical mind helps to understand the essence of any profession and any work.

Aylet, I quarter (1-10):In this quarter, people are born who cannot stand loneliness. They cannot exist without Love and courtship. Being the center of attention is their constant goal. At the same time, they are too lazy to waste energy on attracting attention, believing that everyone should admire them themselves. They use their excellent memory to remember more conversations, gossip, fables, anecdotes, so that they can always keep up the conversation in any company. Sometimes they find themselves very successfully in the service sector.

II quarter (11-20):People born in this quarter are endowed with love and hard work. They are homely, trying to do everything for the home and family. At the same time, they often fall under the influence of materialism and retain old things that have gone out of use. They constantly keep grandma's and grandfather's old things and there is an accumulation of new things, while a person does not even think about whether his descendants will need them. Such people often like to visit other people's holidays, and not spend their own, as this is for them, as they consider, a waste of money.

III quarter (21-30):People are incredibly hardworking and efficient. They work all their Life not for themselves, but for their Family and for others: they raise children, then they help children raise grandchildren, grandchildren - great-grandchildren. They have a pure, bright, mystical-realistic mind. They cannot stand lies and falsehood. They strive for prosperity, harmony and peace in relationships to reign around them. From childhood, they instill in their children diligence and self-esteem.

IV quarter (31-40): People are impulsive, loving, love to be the center of attention, often interfere in conversations in which they do not understand anything, which causes a negative attitude towards themselves. Their natural curiosity knows no bounds. Their desires very often do not coincide with their capabilities, so they try to find a patron who would help them fulfill their desires. With all their independent lifestyle, which they constantly talk about, these people constantly honor their parents, and in any state they try to help them with something; especially try to help them in difficult situations.

41 days:People born on this day are endowed with internal contradictions. Throughout their lives, they face all sorts of problems that they have to overcome. From birth, they are endowed with a clear, bright mind and pragmatism. When reality does not match their plans, they get depressed, which can lead them to a nervous breakdown, or to the use of chemical or Natural drugs to escape from reality (tobacco, alcohol, drugs).

Beylet, I quarter (1-10): People born in this quarter are endowed with a craving for knowledge, as well as great cunning. They try to turn any situation in their favor and benefit from it. They are very narcissistic, they love when they are given signs of attention, when they are looked after, listen to their opinion, but they are also cognitive and love to learn about the world around them.

II quarter (11-20): People are changeable. They live by the principle: now I need this, in a minute - another. They are in constant confusion and do not know what they specifically need, so they are in constant search. These are great experimenters who are trying to create something, therefore in their Life there is a constant change of scenery, but their whole Life goes on with constant changes: now a white stripe, now a black one. They feel great in a Religious-Spiritual atmosphere.

III quarter (21-30):From birth, these people are stubborn to the point of impossibility. They are accustomed to reckon only with themselves and recognize the instructions only of the Parents and Gods. They love and help their parents very much, because they see in them support and shelter in dark days, because they remember from childhood that Parents will never refuse help and shelter. And in the same vein, they raise their children. These people from birth are endowed with cunning and a philosophical mindset, so they often become preachers, clergy or artists.

IV quarter (31-40):In this quarter, people are born with a cheerful character, hardworking. They love idleness in a noisy company and the usual family daily routine. They like to work on the land (garden, garden, cottage), or with the release of items necessary for family production. They are very friendly and love children. Life without children seems improbable to them, because from birth they have a sense of Duty to the Family.

41 days:People born on this day are endowed with determination, Willpower, stubbornness. Subconsciously, they consider their decision to be the ultimate truth. They willingly listen to all advice and agree with those who give them, but in the end everyone will do it their own way. And in case of failure, they blame the advisers for giving them wrong advice.

Gaylet, I quarter (1-10): People born in this quarter are cheerful, often extravagant, they are considered the Soul of any company and decent people. They know how to have fun and work hard as well. The desire for hard work is given to them from birth. Due to the fact that from birth they were given a sense of justice and a desire for order, such people choose the path of serving society (law enforcement, protection of society and justice).

II quarter (11-20):People born in this quarter have a philosophical and cognitive mindset. Their whole life is continuous experiments, which they put not so much on others as on themselves. And everything that they have experienced on themselves they introduce into the rank of an unshakable truth that does not tolerate discussion. They say about them that they defend their beliefs "with foam at the mouth." They prove their rightness, if not by facts, then by swift manifestations of their Will.

III quarter (21-30): People born in this quarter are endowed with a sense of rhythm, musical abilities. They often make excellent creators of works of art (music, literature, architecture, etc.) They are in constant search and exploration of new sensations. They are full of love, but even in Love they are in constant search for new sensations. They rarely have family happiness, as they are constantly striving for a change of scenery in order to see the World with their own eyes.

IV quarter (31-40): In this quarter, people are born with a soft, good-natured character. They are endowed with suspiciousness, feelings, compassion. These people have a materialistic rather than an idealistic mindset, and therefore they try to reach everything with their own mind. For them, it is important that there is a chain of logical reasoning or mathematical calculations to get an answer to any question. Even to know the essence of God, they can derive special mathematical formulas, and if these mathematical expressions confirm the existence of God, then these people begin to believe in him without limit. If they cannot mathematically confirm the existence of God, they begin to live according to the principle: "There is a God - it's good, if not - we will live without him."

41 days:People born on this day are influenced by various religious teachings. They try to learn all the teachings that come across to them on the Life Path. They sincerely believe in the doctrine that is on this moment they study, but as soon as they become disillusioned with the given teaching, they move on to the new one. And so their whole life passes in constant search.

Daylet, I quarter (1-10): People born in this quarter are trying to find themselves in the usefulness of their deeds for the world around them. Their soft, gentle nature is influenced by various teachings of both religious and social trends. Their kind, gentle, suspicious nature helps to adapt to any situation. The feeling of Love and empathy helps them build a family Life, but the pitfalls during Life create many problems for such a person, and he begins to panic in front of an allegedly insoluble problem, although after a while it resolves itself.

II quarter (11-20):In this quarter, people with a controversial character are born. Their mood is constantly changing and they tend to absolute everything. Small internal victories can turn into a grand celebration, and small failures can turn into the greatest tragedy. The reason for everything lies in suspiciousness, caution and distrust, but at the same time, people born in this quarter are endowed with love that transforms not only themselves, but also everyone around them, and when they feel the support of other people, they can move mountains.

III quarter (21-30):People born in this quarter are naturally good-natured and soft-bodied. They strive to achieve everything only on their own and with their own work, while the purpose of their work is aimed at helping other people. The slightest setbacks and problems plunge such a person into a state of depression and longing. It begins to seem to him that the whole world has turned away from him, that world for which he tried his best. This depressive state can take a person away from his usual society and he becomes a hermit. In the modern world, such man goes into some religious community or begins to seek oblivion in alcohol and drugs in order to get into another World where his problems do not exist.

IV quarter (31-40):Strong-willed and purposeful people are born in this quarter. Any act literally boils in their hands. They are endowed with a sense of beauty and devote a lot of free time to art. In the modern world, they often become antiquarians, archaeologists, collectors of antiquity, not in order to have ancient rarities, but in order to touch Ancient Wisdom and Life that existed in past times through them. But Nature has deprived them of a powerful nervous system, and they are very often nervous over trifles. Because of the nervous state, many diseases appear in them, which they will attribute to any reason, but not to their nervousness.

41 days:On this day, people are born with a mystical and philosophical and moral mindset. Their whole life is a complete mystery and a riddle that they do not seek to make public. They are many-sided. At work they are alone, in the family - others, in the company - the third, and in their own World they do not allow anyone, even the closest person.

Elet, I quarter (1-10):This quarter people are born who love to be in the spotlight. Their gullibility often gives them many problems in life. They are very fond of the surrounding World of Nature and cannot imagine human life without any connection with animals. Their Life always develops in such a way that they constantly remember their childhood and, being small, they do not want to grow up, because childhood seems to them the most magnificent time in Life. All their subsequent Life is like an echo of childhood.

II quarter (11-20):This quarter people are born with an adventurous mindset. They aspire to new goal regardless of any obstacles and often achieve their goal, although a lot of strength is spent, and sometimes the blood of the people around them, because they go to their goal over their heads. At the same time, they also love Nature, the world around them, they constantly get cats and dogs for themselves, they constantly like to collect and collect old things.

III quarter (21-30):In this quarter, people are born who achieve everything on their own, despite the many problems that appear on their way. Their main goal in earthly Life is to create family comfort and achieve prosperity for their Family. Therefore, they usually achieve the greatest results as merchants or industrialists.

IV quarter (31-40):In this quarter, people are born endowed with a philosophical and mystical mindset. They strive to achieve recognition in the life of society. Because of this, they spend very little time with their families. Therefore, the family life of these people is not always successful. They constantly need psychological relief, which they can only find when they find themselves in Nature. In the case of separation from Nature, their Life is short-lived and their departure from Life, as a rule, is associated with nervous exhaustion.

41 days:People born on this day are endowed with unusual abilities that help them adapt to any environment. That is, being in the forest, they will not get lost, in the water they will not drown. If this person is at a party where there are many animals, then the animals cling to them, as people sometimes do. They have an excellent memory. They are well trained and love to study the ancient sciences and arts.

Valet, I quarter (1-10):In this quarter, people with a windy character are born. They find it difficult to plan their daily routine. They live as if by chance: the day has passed and all right. Therefore, it is difficult for them to exist in a society where there is a daily routine. They are not good with calculus. They always hope for luck and constantly take risks by taking any action. In case of danger, they always hope for a Russian chance. They are always very reckless and love all kinds of games. They participate in them with absolutely no thought of whether they will be lucky or they will fail. In the game, as in Life, the process itself is important for them. But, despite the fact that they have problems with mathematical calculations, their excellent memory helps to remember certain standard situations, so chess very often becomes their favorite game.

II quarter (11-20):This quarter people are born with great love to the earth. Their favorite pastime is gardening, floriculture, gardening. From birth, these people get used to calculating their Life for many years ahead and work to ensure prosperity in Life not only for themselves, but also for all their loved ones. These are straightforward people who have few friends in their Life, because they always say what they think. Therefore, if they have friends, then they trust them 100% and these friends are next to them both in sorrow and in joy. They say about them that they "lay down their stomachs for their friends."

III quarter (21-30):This quarter people are born, endowed with the ability to find a common language with all people and create with them a good relationship. They are usually sociable and good-natured. The People say about such people: "a tender calf that sucks seven mothers." From any knowledge they take only what they need, and sometimes it is beneficial. But in communication, they can pass off even a particle of knowledge as an absolute whole truth, and people will take their words to heart. Often they resort to cunning and flattery in order to avoid conflicts or reach a certain agreement. They often become ambassadors and diplomats. In ordinary Life, they are very homely, they love family comfort, but at the same time they love noisy companies outside the family circle.

IV quarter (31-40):In this quarter, people are born who are distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity. They always adapt to any environment. They like to show their "I" to be the center of attention. Everyone finds a common language. From childhood, they do not like to read and study, especially in childhood, but they like to listen carefully and remember what is beneficial to them. Natural windiness and inner independence does not prevent them from creating a strong and reliable family. After 40 years, all their activities are aimed at the prosperity and creation of their Family.

41 days:On this day, self-willed people are born, living according to the principle: “I keep the Generic Law, but in everything else I turn whatever I want.” They very often take on many cases, but do not always bring them to the end. Therefore, they very often do not develop relationships with people around them, which very often leads to the fact that people born on a given day change their place of residence. Popular rumor calls such people "tumbleweeds."

Haylet, I quarter (1-10):People born in this quarter are endowed with a bright mind. They try to provide for themselves and their family wealth at the beginning of life. And only after they turn 40, they begin to think about Soul and Spirit. But this rarely happens, since the material part of their Life prevails over the Spiritual.

II quarter (11-20):In this quarter, people are born who strive to live for their own pleasure and in a big way. They don't think about tomorrow and live only for today. At the same time, they strive for Life to flow in entertainment and enjoyment. For such people, material goods are higher than spiritual ones. But among these people there are exceptions, that is, their complete opposite, who devote themselves to the Spiritual Life. But even from this Spiritual Life they receive great joy and pleasure.

III quarter (21-30):People born in this quarter are endowed with a sense of justice. For them, truth and justice are not an empty phrase. Such people are ready to die for a just cause. They are constantly fighting for justice. They have a sense of self-worth. They are ready to help in any circumstances. Injustice in the world must be eradicated. These people strive to build a society of justice and begin to build it from their family and their clan.

IV quarter (31-40):People born in this quarter do not think Life without labor. They are used to doing everything on their own. They do not accept an idle Life and try to accustom their children to work. Therefore, they are called the greatest workers. They achieve success in any profession, no matter what they undertake. Special luck awaits them in their creative work for the good of the State, for their creations will be called monuments of history and culture by their descendants.

41 days:On this day, people with psychic and mystical abilities are born. They do not recognize any power over themselves, except for the Spiritual power of those people who give them Wisdom and Knowledge. They turn this Knowledge to help if they live in a bright society (in a society that lives according to Conscience and the Laws of the Family) and to harm if they live in totalitarian state(monarchy, empire, democracy, communism, religious state, etc.).

Taillet, I quarter (1-10):In this quarter, people are born who are accustomed to bring their affairs to the end. These are independent, self-willed and strong-willed individuals. They always act at their own discretion and at their own peril and risk. At the same time, they are very inquisitive and are drawn to knowledge. Their seemingly external restlessness and quarrelsomeness do not prevent them from studying everything to the smallest detail in order to be aware of all the cases.

II quarter (11-20):In this quarter, people are born with a kind, melancholy character. Their desire for knowledge different areas, especially Spiritual Life, is connected not so much with obtaining material benefits, but with showing their power over the elements, thereby causing fear and surprise among people, and therefore, as they think, respect, because their logic of Life is based on the following: "they are afraid - it means they respect."

III quarter (21-30):People with a figurative-analytical (volumetric-analytical) mind. In their earthly Life they achieve everything themselves. These are great experimenters who do not take words for faith and try to prove everything through experiments or experiments in order to be convinced of the statement from their own experience.

IV quarter (31-40):In this quarter, people are born with a traditional analytical mindset, which helps them to know the Ancient Wisdom of all Human Clans. Learning various Spiritual teachings, they reach the very essence and find in these teachings the initial points of events. By their nature, they are very sociable people who are in front of everyone. But, despite the fact that they say that “everyone knows about them”, these are people of mystery. These people are only seemingly simple. They have their own huge inner world, into which they do not let anyone, even close people.

41 days: On this day, people are born endowed with special Spiritual and mystical abilities: suggestion, hypnosis, levitation, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, etc. They easily learn various Vedic and religious teachings. From birth, they know the main keys and secrets of the Universe, but, due to the fact that they devote most of their time to the Spiritual World, in the World of Reveal these people are considered hermits, because they do not develop either family life or social life. The people around them are not able to understand the depth and power of their inner world.


1 day- gives a person a special form of Life and activity, and this always helps to come to a victorious crown.

2 day- gives a person the opportunity to connect various forms Wisdom.

3 day- gives a person a reasonable form of reproduction of Knowledge and Law.

Day 4- endows a person with mercy and compassion.

Day 5- gives a person the opportunity to acquire other Knowledge and immediately gives fear of it.

Day 6- gives a person success in all his affairs and beauty.

Day 7- endows a person with a desire for the victory of Truth.

Day 8- gives a person the honors of Fate when he achieves his goal.

Day 9- gives a person the basis for the beginning of any knowledge.

Day 10- gives a person the ability to know and the ability to use the Ancient Wisdom in creation.

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The ancient Slavic horoscope was created on the basis of a circle of welders, which personified the firmament with constellations (hall). Each of them strictly corresponded to its own month, of which there were sixteen pieces in a year. No wonder. After all, the ancient Slavs did not have the concept of "year". It was customary for them to calculate their lives in years. There were nine days in a week, not seven as it is now. Time was also perceived differently: the Slavs equated the beginning of the night with the moment when the sun went down on the day of the equinox. This happened at about 7:30 p.m. Such a hint can be used to determine your chamber. Each constellation is assigned a patron god, an animal sign and a sacred tree. A horoscope was drawn up Slavic calendar) by date of birth.

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      • Virgo (August 30 - September 22)

        Personalities born at this time are protected by the Goddess Jiva and the apple tree. Virgos are practical, stubborn and from childhood aimed at success. They have a special independence, which inevitably leads them to success.

        Often, Virgos go against fate, as if they know in advance that the ultimate goal will be achieved. Among them are many lawyers, economists and specialists in electronic technology.

        Vepr (September 23 - October 14)

        Those born on these days are patronized by the god Ramhat and the pear tree. The main enemies of these personalities are laziness and apathy. But patrons always give them motivation and strength to move forward. These are leaders who are accustomed to constant struggle.

        Boar people often have talent as a lawyer or police officer. They tend to rely on their own strength and have a keen sense of justice. Sometimes they feel insecure. But after a while they come to their senses and amaze those around them with their non-standard thinking.

        Pike (October 14 - November 6)

        The protector of these individuals are the goddess Rzhana and the plum tree. Pikes have an amazing ability to adapt to any situation and society. They resemble chameleons, who can fit into any environment and feel at home everywhere.

        Despite this, Pike are distinguished by their mercy, sensitivity, empathy and inner harmony. They pay great attention to their home and loved ones. Women of this sign are endowed with extraordinary femininity, and men with strength and reliability.

        Swan (November 6 - November 27)

        These personalities are under the amulet of the goddess Makosh and the pine tree. Esotericists attribute to the Swans a natural pride, vanity and a desire to be in the spotlight. At the same time, they have such qualities of character as prudence, calmness and concentration.

        Despite the fact that the Swans love to revel in their victories for show, they are nevertheless recognized as patriots of their homeland. After all, they have a sense of duty in the first place. It is noticed that representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to unconscious prophecy.

        Serpent (November 27 - December 16)

        God Semargl and linden act as protectors for individuals born during this period. Snake people are dynamic and easy-going. But they often succumb to flattery and are prone to selfishness. But this does not prevent them from possessing valuable qualities: honesty and readiness for selflessness.

        Snakes are more amorous than other signs of the zodiac. Love rolls over them like a fiery avalanche, distorting reality and dulling the voice of reason. Snakes require the same emotions from their partner. Despite the contradictions of character, the people of this symbol are conservatives by nature, whose life passes under the motto: "Movement is life!"

        Raven (December 19 - January 10)

        The patron of this winter time is Kolyada. Totem tree - larch. Esotericists note that under this symbol a large number of healers are born who can heal both physical and mental injuries.

        Crow people have a penchant for mystical teachings and do not like to sit in one place. There are many different plans in their head. They are full of life and successfully alternate loneliness with fun. Ravens are wise and often choose the sphere of mentorship.

        Busl (Feb 3 - Feb 28)

        These individuals live their lives under the protection of the god Rod and the willow tree. Storks are friendly and calm people who stand steadily on their feet. They are endowed with the ability to balance the feelings of people, causing a feeling of peace and harmony.

        The people of this constellation are monogamous. They strive to create a strong family, which they will provide with financial means, taking care of the emotional mood of their loved ones. Astrologers note in their character an iron will and an inquisitive mind. Storks are incredibly hardworking and often create large families.

        Wolf (February 28 - March 25)

        The personalities of this symbol are protected by the god Veles and the poplar tree. Wolf people usually shy away from people and do not always find a common language with them. Despite the fact that the representatives of this hall have few close friends, they will always find something to do with themselves. Wolves love to absorb various information and are able to find something interesting even in the simplest things. They tend to be adventurous. Therefore, those born during this period often choose the activities of a reporter, writer, scientist or lawyer.

        Wolves are belligerent and aggressive. They have a clear understanding of the value system and will not tolerate insults. Wisdom comes to them with age. Wolves are sure that everyone should be responsible for their actions. Therefore, they are in no hurry to help the people around them. The Wolf Man takes the choice of a life partner seriously. He will choose his soul mate for a long time, which he will subsequently love for the rest of his life.

        Fox (from March 28 - April 17)

        The goddess Marena and the hornbeam tree give protective forces to individuals born during this period. The totem beast Fox endows them with cunning, resourcefulness and lightning-fast reaction. Representatives of this hall will find a way to overcome all obstacles in their path in order to get "dry out of the water."

        However, they periodically face serious financial problems. Most often, Foxes find their calling in working with people. They are excellent psychologists and know how to find an approach to each individual. They make excellent social workers and TV presenters.

        Tour (April 17 - May 9)

        The representatives of this constellation are patronized by the god Kryshen and the aspen tree. It is noticed that all Tours have endurance and diligence. They are characterized by authority, liveliness of mind and perseverance. The combination of these personal qualities leads Tour to good results and allows you to occupy a solid niche in society.

        In personal relationships, representatives of this constellation are picky. They value suppleness, comfort and coziness in a life partner and strive to come to a mutual agreement.

        Elk (May 9 - June 1)

        Personalities who were born in the last months of spring are under the protection of the goddess Lada and the birch tree. They are distinguished by kindness and openness to the outside world. Some Elks are so gullible that they fall into the networks of scammers more often than other signs.

        Representatives of this symbol evoke the impression of "darling of fate." Often they become owners big wins or a solid legacy. But they lack practicality and sober calculation. Therefore, he should connect his life with a pragmatic partner.

        Finist (June 1 - June 23)

        God Vyshen and the cherry tree are amulets for this symbol. The main character traits of Finists flying in the sky are realism and a sharp look at real events. If they happen to be disappointed in something, then they quickly recover from the shock and try to achieve what they were striving for.

        Finists are able to show flexibility in character. They try to circumvent difficulties, not overcome them. Therefore, they manage to keep their energy in balance and give the impression of those people who find everything easy. The most successful season for them is summer.

        Horse (June 23 - July 16)

        Personalities born at this time are patronized by God Kupala and ferns. For most of their lives, horses exude cheerfulness and an optimistic attitude. These people are often in search of something new, sometimes extravagant. Horses prefer not to waste their energy on ordinary things.

        Sometimes this damages their reputation, as in the eyes of many people they look irresponsible. In fact, motivation is important for representatives of this symbol. If it is, then Horses are able to rapidly conquer unconquered peaks. In their personal lives, they are distinguished by inconstancy and every time they plunge into another love with violent force.

        Eagle (July 16 - August 7)

        The patron Perun rewarded these people with militancy, and the oak with endurance. The character of the Eagles is as if carved from red-hot iron. They are distinguished by determination, stamina and versatility of nature.

        In society, they often draw attention to their interesting appearance or eloquent manner of speaking. Eagles have a rich imagination and the ability to quickly find a common language with people.

        Race (August 7 - August 30)

        These people are assisted by the god Tarkh and ash. The Hall of Ras endows its representatives with good nature, pleasant disposition and prudence. They are able to find a balance between hard work and relaxation. Races are prone to deep analysis. They make excellent warriors, philosophers and politicians.

        Sometimes the representatives of this sign show excessive egoism, which can turn many people against them. However, the Race man is smart enough to change his behavior in society in time. In addition, they have a special charm and desire to learn new things. Therefore, people are ready to show indulgence to their negative traits character.

        Hall Compatibility

        Before choosing a life partner, the Slavs turned to the circle of welders. The prediction helped them find a suitable couple for themselves and create a strong family, where long years mutual understanding and love reigned. The most successful couples were considered:

        • Home neighborliness - the ability to build professions, teaching. Ability to masterfully manage life and household. Love for animals and plants.
        • Military prowess - patriotism and love of truth. Birth of brave warriors, defenders of the country. Propensity for martial arts, foreign languages.
        • Creation is a creative gift. Distinctive features person: a penchant for charitable activities, a pronounced artistic taste.
        • Mercy is the birth of a person with the makings of a healer.
        • Irination - a tendency to mercy, self-sacrifice. Willingness to support in difficult times. Responsiveness to another's grief.
        • Wisdom and death - empathy, the ability to mystical teachings. Spirituality, supernatural abilities.
        • Arbiters of fate - the birth of people with unique abilities. The gift of dominion over the elements.
        • Hall of Fate - heavy life path. Working off karma, purification and a worthy end.
        • Wisdom is the birth of the Vedas. Honoring the memory of their ancestors, new knowledge and discoveries.

        An ancient legend says that in each of these halls there are two benches. One is intended for 72 male souls, the other, in the same number - for female souls. The Vedas believe that the hall is necessary for the human spirit to pass the circle and end up on earth in a bodily shell, saturated with the power of a certain hall. Sometimes a person is born on the border of two constellations. In this case, the character of a person is influenced by two houses.

        Deciphering the welding circle

        In order to calculate the Slavic-Aryan horoscope, you need to have certain knowledge. Otherwise, it is recommended to contact an experienced astrologer who studied the reading and writing of the circle of welders. It contains 6 circles. In the first, the names of the constellations are dispersed, in the second - the runes of time.

        The third circle contains runic signs corresponding to the halls. The fourth circle is divided into nine sections according to the elements: earth, fire, sun, moon, god, stars, tree, ocean, heaven. Each element represents a specific day of the week and month of the year. Thanks to this circle, you can determine what the next year will be like.

        The penultimate circle characterizes the day of the week, the patron and the ruling planet. The sixth circle has a star symbol bordered by nine rays. Each of them symbolizes the energy center (chakra) of a person.

        In order to get an accurate description, you need to study all the nuances of the Slavic-Aryan horoscope. In addition, data are required: the date of birth of a person, the exact time and geographical location. As a result, you can get an individual forecast.

        Focusing on the ancient pagan horoscope, distant ancestors tried to characterize people, assess their compatibility according to their multifaceted system of signs. All this knowledge has been gained through long study, observation and empirical experience. Experts believe that a colossal work has been done in order to create the Slavic-Aryan horoscope. From ancient times, sages and elders of the tribes turned to him in order to get an answer to a disturbing question.

The Hall of the Virgin and the Boar gives a person the desire to know the world around him in all its diversity. People born in this Hall do not recognize pressure on themselves when making decisions and strive to be leaders themselves in order to independently resolve all issues.

The Hall of the Virgin gives stubbornness, independence, the ability to achieve the goal.

GODDESS JIVA (Virgo Alive, Diva, Siva)- Goddess of Eternal Universal Life, Goddess of the young and pure souls Human.

The Goddess Jiva gives each person from the Great Race, or a descendant of the Heavenly Clan, at birth in the World of Reveal a pure and bright Soul, and after a righteous earthly life, she gives a person to drink the Divine Suritsa from the Chalice of Eternal Life.

Goddess JIVA is the personification of the fruitful power of Life, eternal youth, youth and love, as well as the highest Beauty of all Nature and man.

The Patron Goddess of the Hall of the Virgin in the Svarog Circle. It is believed that when the Yarilo-Sun is in the Heavenly Hall of the Virgin, children are born endowed with special feelings, such as: the prediction of great changes in people's lives and the prediction of formidable natural phenomena, the ability to understand any confusing situation.

Goddess Jiva is the kind-hearted wife and savior of Tarkh Dazhdbog. She also gives tenderness, kindness, cordiality and attentiveness to pregnant women and nursing mothers from the Clans of the Great Race, who observe ancient family traditions and the centuries-old clan way.

2. Ramhat, Hall of the Boar, Sacred Tree - Pear.

The Hall of the Virgin and the Boar gives a person the desire to know the world around him in all its diversity. People born in this Hall do not recognize pressure on themselves when making decisions and strive to be leaders themselves in order to independently resolve all issues.

The Hall of the Boar gives self-will, determination, skillful completion of the task, provided that there is no choice.

GOD RAMHAT (Pa, Ras, Brahma, Ramh, Rama)- The Great God of a fair Heavenly court and the Universal Law and Order. He is the Heavenly Judge, who makes sure that the Peoples of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan do not violate the blood commandments and laws of RITA, as well as any forbidden, bloody sacrifices, not to mention human sacrifices.

God Ramhat observes that the life of people from the ancient Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan living on Midgard-Earth is in accordance with the Laws of RITA.

God Ramhat reminds with his wise Commandments to all the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan that they live only according to the Heavenly Laws of Love and Justice, which are written in the Heavenly Book of Laws RITA for our entire Universe, i.e. Heavenly Laws on the purity of Kin and Blood.

This Heavenly Book of Laws RITA always rests on the lap of God Ramhat, for He is the Eternal Guardian of it, and is also the Patron God of the Hall of the Heavenly Boar in the Svarog Circle.

Those people who violate the Laws of RITA and the Commandments of Ramhat, the Patron God of the Hall of the Heavenly Boar declares outside the Law and reduces them to the untouchable caste, and the Clans of those people degenerate without having healthy offspring.

3. Rozhana, Hall of Pike, Sacred tree - Plum.

The Hall of Pike gives the ability to adapt to any environment and feel like a fish in water everywhere.

MOTHER OF GOD OF ROZHANA - (Mother Rodikha, Rozhanitsa). Forever young Heavenly Mother of God.

Goddess of family wealth, spiritual wealth and comfort. Mother of God Rozhana made special food sacrifices: pancakes, pancakes, breads, cereals, honey and honey kvass.

The ancient Slavic-Aryan cult of the Virgin Rozhana, like other cults dedicated to the Virgins and Goddesses, is associated with female ideas about the continuation of the Family and the fate of a newborn baby, to whom the Fate is determined.

The Heavenly Mother of God Rozhana at all times patronized not only pregnant women, but also young girls, until they passed the rites of coming of age and naming at the age of twelve.

The age of 12 years was chosen by our Ancestors not by chance, it is a period of growing up and gaining initial life experience. In addition, the growth of a child by this age reached 124 cm, or, as they said in ancient times: seven spans in the forehead. Before the passage of the Rites, any child, regardless of gender, was called a child and was under the protective protection of his parents, who were responsible for him. After going through the Rites of Age and Naming at the age of 12, the child became a full member of the Community and was responsible for all his words and deeds.

The Patron Goddess of the Hall of the Pike in the Svarog Circle. It is believed that when the Yarilo-Sun is in the Heavenly Hall of the Pike, people are born who feel everywhere like a fish in water.

4. Makosh, Hall of the Swan, Sacred tree - Pine.

People born in the Hall of Pike and Swan strive for a calm, measured Life, for a traditional way of life filled with sensual empathy. For them, the most difficult task is making an important decision.

The Hall of the Swan gives windiness, waywardness and self-will, and sometimes, excessive pride and self-aggrandizement.

MOTHER OF GOD MAKOSH - Heavenly (Sva) Mother of God, Fair Goddess of happy lot and Fate.

Together with his daughters, Share and Nedolya, he determines the Fates of the Heavenly Gods, as well as the fate of all people from the Great Race and all the descendants of the Heavenly Clan living on our Midgard-Earth and on all other beautiful Lands of Svarga the Most Pure, weaving for each of them the Threads of Fate .

Therefore, many people turned to the Goddess Makoshi to entrust her to weave the Thread of Fate into a ball of her youngest daughter, the Goddess Dole.

Goddess Makosh at all times was a very attentive and caring Patron of weaving and all kinds of needlework, and also made sure that a good harvest grew in the fields where orachi (peasants) put their Soul into their hard work.

It should be remembered that the great Heavenly Goddess Makosh is not only the Patron Goddess of growth and fertility, as many might think, but the Goddess who gives hardworking and diligent people a good harvest.

To those Clans from the Great Race and to all the descendants of the Heavenly Clan who were not lazy, but worked in the fields, in gardens and gardens in the sweat of their brow, putting their Soul into their hard work, the Goddess Makosh sent her youngest daughter - the blond Goddess Share.

The same people who worked poorly and negligently in their fields (no matter what kind he was from), got a bad harvest. Therefore, the people said that "from Makosh Dolya came to measure the harvest" or "Makosh Nedolya sent the harvest to measure."

For hardworking people, the Goddess Makosh is the giver of all blessings, therefore, on the Images and Kummirs of the Goddess Makosh, she was very often depicted with the Horn of Plenty or its symbolic image in the form of a Heavenly Bucket of Seven Stars (in the Slavic-Aryan cosmogonic system, the constellation Ursa Major is called Makosh, i.e. Makosh). e. Mother Bucket).

Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, invariably following all the instructions of the Goddess Makosh, strive for a calm and measured life, for a historically traditional way of life, for sensual empathy and hard work.

Goddess Makosh controls the Hall of the Heavenly Swan in the Svarog Circle. Therefore, the Goddess Makosh is very often depicted as a White Swan floating on the endless Sea-Ocean, i.e. in the sky.

In honor of the Wise Heavenly Mother of God, the Slavs and Arias erected the Great Kummirni and the Temple, for the Goddess Makosh personified not only fate, luck, prosperity in the Slavic Clans that observe the Laws and commandments of the Ancient Light Gods, people also turned to her with a request to increase their Ancient Family, t .e. asked for more children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

5. Semargl, Hall of the Serpent, Sacred Tree - Linden.

The Hall of the Serpent gives a cold, undisguised selfishness, narcissism, sometimes turning into love, as well as rejection of criticism addressed to oneself.

GOD SEMARGL (Fire god)- The Highest God, the keeper of the Eternally Living Fire and the guardian of the exact observance of all the Fiery Rites and Fiery Purifications.

Semargl accepts Fiery Gifts, Trebs and bloodless Sacrifices on the ancient Slavic and Aryan holidays, especially on Krasnogor, on the Day of God Kupala and on the Supreme Day of God Perun, being an intermediary between people and all the Heavenly Gods.

The Fire God Semargl is the Patron God of the Hall of the Heavenly Serpent in the Svarog Circle.

The Fire God gladly blesses all people from the Clans of the Great Race, who, with a pure Soul and Spirit, observe all Heavenly Laws and the Many Wise Commandments of the Light Gods and Ancestors.

Semargl is also called upon in the treatment of sick animals and people, in order to save the sick from various ailments and diseases. When a person's temperature rose, they said that the Fire God settled in the Soul of the sick person. For Semargl, like a Fire Dog, fiercely fights against ailments and diseases, which, like enemies, have made their way into the body or Soul of the sick person. Therefore, it is considered unacceptable to bring down the patient's elevated temperature. The best place for cleansing from ailments is considered to be a bath.

6. Varuna, Hall of the Raven, Sacred tree - Larch.

People born in the Hall of the Serpent and the Raven are very active by nature. The hardest thing for them is loneliness. They are very amorous and believe that only Love (Obvious, physical, carnal) should be at the forefront, and then everything else.

The Hall of the Raven gives a good-natured, open character, amorousness and love of love, sometimes reaching windiness. By the age of 40 gives a person Wise Life Experience.

GOD VARUNA - God, who controls the elements of the movement of the Starry sky and observes the sacred paths that connect the Gates of the Interworld in different chambers of Svarga the Most Pure,

Varuna - God, who controls the roads of Human Destinies. Only God Varuna can determine the power of the Spiritual Formation and the completeness of the fulfillment of the Life Purpose by a person.

Raven - a prophetic bird, faithful companion God-Controller Varuna. He accompanies the Souls of the dead to the Gates of Vyriya in the Great Svarga the Most Pure and informs the Navyam Souls about what lofty goals they have achieved in their Spiritual and Soul development and in fulfilling their Life Purpose on Midgard-Earth.

If God Varuna decides that a person needs to be given the opportunity to complete the started deed, which he did not have time to complete due to a sudden death, then he sends his assistant, Raven, to the Soul of the deceased person.

Raven - the keeper of Living and Dead water, gives the opportunity for the Soul of the deceased to return to his own body, so that a person, returning to the World of Reveal, could complete his unfinished business. In the world of Reveal, they say about such a person: "He survived clinical death" or "He returned from the next world." Oddly enough, but after the return of the God-Controller Varuna of a person to his former life, a person changes his behavior, neither burns his life in vain and completes the work that he did not have time to finish.

If a person cannot be returned to his own body due to its complete destruction, then the Heavenly God Varuna is simple for the Goddess Karna to find a suitable body for this Soul-Naviya.

7. Svarog, Hall of the Bear, Sacred Trees - Beech, Raspberry.

The Hall of the Bear gives courage, stamina, patronage, the ability to figure out any business and the ability to find a way out in any confusing situation.

GOD SVAROG - the Supreme Heavenly God, who controls the course of our Life and the entire World Order of the Universe in the Explicit World.

The Great God Svarog is the Father for many ancient Light Gods and Goddesses, therefore we, the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings, call all of them Svarozhichs, i.e. Children of God Svarog.

God Svarog as loving father, cares not only about his Heavenly children and grandchildren, but also about people from all the Clans of the Great Race, who are the descendants of the Ancient Svarozhichs, the Light Heavenly Gods on Midgard-Earth.

But our Great and wise Ancestors, in addition to the Children and Grandchildren of the Supreme God Svarog, also called the Heavenly Luminaries - the Suns and Stars, as well as any Heavenly body that appeared in the Sky and sometimes fell from Heaven to Earth (meteorites, fireballs, etc.) .). Suns and Stars - among the Slavs and Aryans, these two concepts were different. The Suns were called Luminaries, around which more than 7 Earths (planets) revolved in their orbits, and Stars were called Luminaries, around which no more than 7 Earths (planets) or small Luminaries (dwarf Stars) revolved in their orbits.

The Supreme God Svarog loves very much living nature and protects various plants and the most beautiful, rare flowers.

God Svarog is the Guardian and Patron of the Heavenly Vyriya (Slavic-Aryan Garden of Eden), planted around the Heavenly Asgard (City of the Gods), in which all kinds of trees, plants and the most beautiful, rarest flowers from all the Universe under his control are collected from all the Light Worlds.

But Svarog cares not only about Heavenly Vyriya, and about Heavenly Asgard, but also takes care of the Nature of Midgard-Earth and other Light Lands similar to it, located at the Boundary between the Light and Dark Worlds, on which He created beautiful Gardens similar to Heavenly Vyriya.

The fruitful power of the rays of the Yarila-Sun and rain showers sent by Svarog to Midgard-Earth warms and nourishes the vegetable and animal world earthly Garden-Vyriya near Asgard of Iria, and also warms and nourishes the flora and fauna of the entire Midgard.

The Supreme God Svarog gives the necessary plant food to birds and animals. He pointed out to people what food they need to grow to feed their Clans and what food they need to feed tamed birds and animals.

Vyriy Sad adjoins the Heavenly Asgard (City of the Gods), in the center of which are the Majestic Mansions of Svarog.

The Great God Svarog is the permanent Keeper of the Heavenly Hall of the Bear in the Svarog Circle.

The Supreme God Svarog established the Heavenly Laws of ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. These Laws are followed by all Light Harmonious Worlds.

8. Rod, Hall of Busla (Stork), Sacred Tree - Willow.

People born in the Hall of the Bear and Busl are kind-hearted by nature. Their constant desire is to ennoble everything around them. They create for the benefit of their Family and, with the created prosperity in their Family, they try to have rich offspring.

The Hall of Busla gives openness, mutual respect, sincerity, the ability to choose the most convenient and favorable place for Life in order to raise healthy offspring.

GOD ROD - the personification of the multitude of all the Light Gods and our many-wise Ancestors.

The Supreme God Rod is One and Many at the same time.

When we talk about all the Ancient Gods and our Great and Wise Ancestors: Ancestors, Great-Grandfathers, Grandfathers and Fathers, - we say - this is my KIND.

We turn to him when the Spiritual and Soul support of the Light Gods and Ancestors is needed, for our Gods are our Fathers, and we are their children.

The Supreme God Rod is the eternal symbol of consanguinity, the embodiment of the inviolability of all Slavic and Aryan Clans and Tribes, their constant interaction and mutual assistance to each other.

At the birth on Midgard-Earth of a person from the Great Race or a descendant of the Heavenly Clan, his future destiny is recorded in the Santii or Harati of the God of Clan, also called the Book of Clan.

Therefore, in all Clans of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings they say: "What is written in the Family, no one can escape!" or "What is written in the Haratya of the God of the Kind with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an ax"

The Supreme God Rod is the Patron God of the Hall of Busla (Stork) in the Svarog Circle. This served to create a folk allegorical Image that Busel (Stork) from Svarga the Most Pure brings children, to prolong our Slavic and Aryan births.

9. Veles, Hall of the Wolf, Sacred Tree - Poplar.

The Hall of the Wolf gives militancy, alertness, the desire to restore order at any cost. According to the type of character, such people can be called "orderlies of Life."

GOD VELES is the patron God of cattle breeders and livestock breeders, as well as the Family Patron of the Western Slavs - the Scotts (Scots), which is why they told everyone from time immemorial that "Veles the cattle God", but not cattle, as historians translated.

Having moved to the British Isles, the ancient Clans of the Slavs-Scotts named all the inhabited provinces - the Land of the Scotts - Scotland (Scotland), and in honor of their Ancestral Patron God Veles they named the lands with the best pastures after him - Wales (Wales, i.e. Veles ).

Since Veles is the Patron God and Ruler of the Heavenly Hall of the Wolf in the Svarog Circle, which is located next to the Heavenly Boundary that separates the Worlds of Light and Darkness, the Higher Gods entrusted Veles to be the supreme Guardian of the Heavenly Gates of the Interworld. These Heavenly Gates are located on the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, which leads to the Heavenly Asgard, as well as to the Heavenly Vyry and the Light Halls of Volhalla. God Veles always personifies all-round caring, painstaking creative diligence, honesty and determination, perseverance, constancy and master's wisdom, the ability to be responsible for all his deeds, spoken words and perfect deeds. God Veles, guarding the Heavenly Gates of the Interworld, lets only those deceased into Svarga, the Most Pure Souls, who did not spare their lives in defense of their Clans, in defense of the lands of the Fathers and Grandfathers, in defense of the ancient Faith; who worked diligently and creatively for the prosperity of their Clans and who, from the bottom of their hearts, fulfilled the Two Great Principles: to honor their Gods and Ancestors sacredly and live according to Conscience in harmony with Mother Nature.

10. Madder, Hall of the Fox, Sacred Trees - Hornbeam, Currant.

People born in the Hall of the Wolf and the Fox are seekers by nature. In Love, they seek the essence and meaning. They love to experiment on themselves. The feeling of curiosity in people born in this Hall is stronger than fear of the unknown and they are interested in seeing the whole world around them.

The Hall of the Fox gives cunning, the ability to flatter, a tendency to experiment and experience in order to check everything on yourself and use it for a calm, comfortable Life.

GODDESS MARENA (Mara is the mother of RA, i.e. the mother of radiance, and in winter the snow is very blinding in the sun)- The Great Goddess of Winter, peace, night, natural Sleep and Eternal Life.

Goddess Marena, or Marena Svarogovna, one of the three named sisters of the Wise God Perun. Very often she is called the Goddess of Death, terminating the earthly life of a person in the Explicit World, but this is not entirely true.

Goddess Marena does not stop human life, but gives people Races Eternal Life in the World of Glory.

It is believed that the Great Goddess Marena has on far north Midgard-Earth Ice Halls, in which She likes to rest after wandering around Svarga the Most Pure. When the Goddess Madder comes to Midgard-Earth, all Nature falls asleep, goes to rest, plunging into a long three-month sleep, for it is said in the Santias of the Veda of Perun:

"The Great Cold snap will bring the wind yes" Aryan to this land, and Marena will cover it with his White Cloak for a third of Summer "(Santia 5, sloka 3).

And when Marena Svarogovna leaves for her Ice Halls, on the second day after the day of the Spring Equinox, Nature and diverse life awaken. In honor of the seeing off of the Goddess Madder to the North, the Krasnogor holiday, the Day of Maslenitsa-Marena, is also celebrated annually, also called the Seeing of the Goddess of Winter (the modern name is Seeing the Russian Winter).

On this day, a doll made of straw is burned, symbolizing not the Goddess Marena, as many people think, but the snowy Winter. After the ritual of burning a straw doll, a handful of ashes were scattered over a field, garden or vegetable garden so that a good, rich harvest would grow. For, as our Ancestors said, "The Goddess Vesta came to Midgard-Earth, to Krasnogor new life brought, lit the fire and melted the winter snows, gave the whole earth to drink with living power and woke Marena from sleep. Mother Earth Cheese will give life-giving power to our fields, there will be selected grain in our fields to sprout, so that all our Clans will have a good harvest.

But the Goddess Marena, in addition to observing the rest of Nature on Midgard-Earth, when Mother Nature is gaining life-giving forces for the spring awakening and the life of plants and animals, also observes the life of people. And when the time comes for people from the Clans of the Great Race to go to long way along the Golden Path, the Goddess Marena gives instructions to each deceased person in accordance with his earthly Spiritual and worldly life, as well as in accordance with the creative experience gained, in which direction he should continue his posthumous Path, to the World of Navi or to the World of Glory.

The Goddess Marena is the Patroness of the Hall of the Fox in the Svarog Circle.

11. Roof, Hall of the Tour, Sacred tree - Aspen.

The Hall of Tour gives a person perseverance, diligence and business aspiration even in routine conditions, perseverance in achieving the goal, provided that the person has determined this goal for himself.

GOD OF THE ROOF - Heavenly Patron God of Ancient Wisdom. He is the God who manages the performance of ancient Rites, Rituals and Holidays, observing that during the offerings of bloodless Treasures and Gifts for burnt offerings there were no bloody sacrifices.

IN peacetime The roof preaches the Ancient Wisdom in various Lands of the Most Pure Svarga, and in difficult for the Clans of the Race great times He takes up arms and acts as God the Warrior, protecting women, the elderly, children, as well as all the weak and destitute.

Since the Roof is the Patron God of the Hall of the Tour in the Svarog Circle, He is called the Heavenly Shepherd, who herds the herds of Heavenly Cows and Tours.

Aspen takes sickness. And she is good at finishing bathhouses.

12. Lada, Hall of the Elk, Sacred Tree - Birch.

People born in the Hall of Tur and Elk are hardworking, constantly busy with some kind of work, even if this work is monotonous. Their inner essence, as it were, awakens to life with the beginning of spring, and when the New Year comes, their creative approach to Life falls into hibernation.

The Hall of the Elk gives a cheerful, loving, open character, a carefree and serene lifestyle, the pursuit of limitless ideals.

LADA-MATUSHKA (Mother Swa)- Great Heavenly Mother, Mother of God.

Loving and tender Mother of the Most of the Light Gods of the Great Race, the Mother of God-Patron of all the Peoples of the Great Rasseniya (territories in which the Great Race settled, i.e. Slavic and Aryan tribes and peoples) and the Hall of the Elk in the Svarog Circle.

The Heavenly Mother of God Lada-Mother is the Goddess of Beauty and Love, protecting the Family Unions of the Clans of the Great Race and the Families of all the descendants of the Heavenly Clan.

In order to receive constant care and heartfelt attention from Mother Lada, each couple of newlyweds brings the brightest and fragrant flowers, honey and various wild berries as a gift to the Heavenly Mother of God, and also young spouses bake pancakes with berry filling, honey pancakes for Lada and lay before Kummir or Her Image.

The Supreme Mother of God Lada always grants young spouses everything they ask for to start a happy life together.

It brings home comfort, friendliness, mutual understanding, love, continuation of the Family, many children, mutual assistance, family life, mutual respect and mutual reverence into people's lives. Therefore, they said about such Unions that only Concord and Love reign in them.

13. Vyshen, Finist's Hall, Sacred Tree - Cherry.

The Hall of Finist gives prudence, a penchant for experiments in order to know various aspects of Life, the ability not to lose heart in case of failure. Ability to take action to achieve goals.

GOD ABOVE - God-patron of our Universe in the Light Worlds of Navi, i.e. in the Worlds of Glory. Caring and mighty Father of God Svarog. A fair judge, resolving any disputes that arise between the Gods of different Worlds or between people.

He patronized our Many Wise Ancestors in their desire to advance along the Path of Spiritual Development and Perfection, and also patronizes all Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings when they follow in the footsteps of their Great Ancestors.

God Vyshen is the patron God of the Hall of Finist in the Svarog Circle.

The Higher is strict towards those who seek to distort the Ways of Spiritual Development and Perfection, towards those who pass off Falsehood as the Truth, vile for the Divine and black for white. But at the same time, He is kind to those who observe the Heavenly Laws of the Universe and do not allow others to violate them. It helps the steadfast to win in the fight against the dark forces that bring evil and ignorance, flattery and deceit, the desire of someone else and the humiliation of one living being by another to all the Worlds.

God the Highest endows people advancing along the Path of Spiritual Development and Perfection with the ability to reflect on various aspects of Life, both Earthly and subsequent, and draw the correct appropriate conclusions, feel when people speak insincerely or intentionally, pursuing some selfish interests, lie .

14. Kupala, Hall of the Horse, Sacred Trees - Elm, Fern.

People born in the Hall of the Finist and the Horse, due to their unbridled immensity, try to do several things at once. From childhood, they are restless and therefore they can take on the same thing during the day, starting it and leaving it, but then bring it to the end. By their nature, they are maximalists, therefore, performing any deeds, their mind tries to solve global universal issues.

The Hall of the Horse gives a person impetuosity and an all-encompassing thirst for Life, but very often, in the rapid movement towards some ideal, he flies past more majestic and valuable ideals.

GOD KUPALA (Kupalo)- God, who gives a person the opportunity to perform all kinds of Ablutions and performs the Rites of Purification of the Teles, Soul and Spirit from various ailments and diseases. God guides to a joyful and happy life.

Kupala is a cheerful and beautiful God, dressed in light white robes decorated with flowers. On the head of God Kupala there is a wreath of beautiful flowers.

Kupala was revered as the God of the warm time of Summer, wild flowers and wild fruits.

Many Slavic-Aryan Clans engaged in field cultivation revered God Kupala along with the Goddess Makosh and Goddess Tara, as well as the Gods - Perun and Veles.

Before the start of the harvest and the harvest of field fruits, in honor of God Kupala, a holiday was celebrated at which bloodless sacrifices were made to God Kupala, as well as to all the Ancient Gods and Ancestors.

On the holiday, the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings throw their bloodless sacrifices and trebs into the fire of the Sacred Swastika Altar so that everything sacrificed appears on the festive tables of the Gods and Ancestors.

After bringing bloodless sacrifices from the living fire of the Sacred Swastika Altar, the Community members light candles and fires, which they fix on wreaths and rafts and send them along the rivers.

At the same time, on a candle or firelight, Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings from various Communities slander their innermost desire or request for deliverance from ailments, illnesses, all sorts of failures, various problems, etc. This rite can be explained as follows.

A burning candle or firelight illuminates the request or desire of the Community, the water of the river remembers them and, evaporating, rises to Heaven, conveying to the Gods all the requests and desires of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings.

At the feast, each of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings must undergo a complete purification in order to fully cleansed begin to collect field fruits and begin the field harvest. The complete cleansing of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings consists of three parts:

First Cleansing (Purification of the Body). Everyone present at the celebration on the Day of God Kupala must wash his body in sacred waters (rivers, lakes, ponds, etc.) to wash away fatigue and dirt.

The second cleansing (Cleansing of the Soul). In order for those present at the celebration on the Day of God Kupala to be able to purify their Soul, they light large bonfires, and everyone who wants to jump over these bonfires, because Fire burns all negativity and purifies the aura and Soul of a person.

Third Purification (Purification of the Spirit). Each Community Old Believer present at the celebration on the Day of God Kupala, as well as those who wish, can purify and strengthen their Spirit. To do this, a Fiery Circle is created from the burning coals of a large fire, along which the Old Believers-Ynglings from various Tribal, Slavic and Aryan Communities walk barefoot. Those wishing, who for the first time decided to walk on the coals in order to purify and strengthen their Spirit, the Community members lead by the hand through the Fiery Circle.

This holiday is inextricably linked with another event of antiquity. In ancient times, God Perun freed his sisters from captivity in the Caucasus and sent them to purify themselves in the waters of the Sacred Iriy (Irtysh) and in the Sour Cream Clean Lake (Zaisan Island). This event is also narrated in the fifth ball of Songs of the Gamayun Bird.

Due to the fact that Kupala is the Patron God of the Heavenly Hall of the Horse in the Svarog Circle, on this day it is customary to bathe horses, braid colorful ribbons into their manes and decorate them with wildflowers.

15. Perun, Hall of the Eagle, Sacred Tree - Oak.

People born in the Hall of the Eagle and the Race are good-natured and benevolent. They have a very developed sense of patronage, but sometimes this feeling can develop into importunity and imposing their opinions on others. Education and knowledge of these people is easy, but great laziness prevents them from learning the surrounding World and the essence of Nature. To reassure themselves and the people around them, they came up with a saying: “why learn now, in time everything will come and fall into place”, and they were told: “under a lying stone, water does not flow”.

The Hall of the Eagle gives power, decisiveness in action, the flight of thought and fantasy.

GOD PERUN (Perkunas, Perkon, Perk, Purusha)- Patron God of all warriors and many Clans from the Great Race, Defender of the Lands and the Svyatorus Clan (Russians, Belarusians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Lats, Latgals, Zemgals, Glades, Serbs, etc.) from the Dark Forces, God the Thunderer, who controls Lightning , the son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God, the grandson of God Vyshen. Patron God of the Hall of the Eagle in the Svarog Circle. God Perun has already arrived to Midgard-Earth three times to protect it and the Clans of the Great Race from the dark forces of the Hellish World.

Dark forces come from different Halls of the Hellish World in order to deceive, flatter and cunning to lure people from the Clans of the Great Race to their place, and if this does not help, then they kidnap people in order to turn them all into obedient slaves in their dark World and not give opportunities to develop spiritually and advance along the Golden Path, as established by God Svarog.

Dark forces penetrate not only to Midgard-Earth, but also to other Light Earths in Svarga the Most Pure. And then there is a battle between the forces of Light and Darkness. Perun, already once, freed our Ancestors from hellish captivity and filled up the Gates of the Interworld, leading to Hell, on Midgard-Earth with the Caucasus Mountains.

These battles of Light and Darkness took place at certain intervals of time: "after the Svarog Circle and Ninety-Nine Circles of Life", i.e. after 40176 years.

After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and about what awaits the Earth in the future, about the onset of dark times and the upcoming Great Asses, t .e. Heavenly Battles.

Fluctuations in time between the Third and the upcoming decisive Fourth Battle of Light and Darkness can be, in addition to the time mentioned by Perun, only one Circle of Life, i.e. 144 Years.

There are also Traditions that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several more times in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, how to prepare for the dark, difficult times, when the Arm of our swastika galaxy will pass through the spaces subject to the forces from Dark Worlds of Hell.

The dark forces that secretly penetrated Midgard-Earth create all kinds of false religious Cults and specifically try to destroy or denigrate the Cult of God Perun, erase it from the memory of peoples, so that by the time of the Fourth, decisive battle between Light and Darkness, when Perun arrives on Midgard-Earth , people did not know who He was and for what purpose He came.

In our time, a large number of "true" prophecies about the End of the World or the End of Times have appeared, especially in Lunar Cults, about the coming to Midgard-Earth of the Supreme God the Savior. Followers of one world religion call him Christ, and other religions - the Messiah, Mosheah, Buddha, Matreya, etc. All this is done so that during the coming of Perun to Earth, white people do not recognize in Him their Supreme God and reject His help, and thereby doom themselves to complete humiliation and death.

During his Third visit to Midgard-Earth, about 40,000 years ago, Perun told people from various Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan in Asgard of Iriysk the Sacred Wisdom about the future, which the Priests of Belovodye wrote down x "Aryan Runes and preserved for posterity in the Nine Circles" Santii of the Vedas of Perun" (in nine "Books of the Wisdom of God Perun

16. Dazhdbog, Hall of the Race, Sacred Trees - Ash, Ygg.

People born in the Hall of Race and Eagle are good-natured and benevolent. They have a very developed sense of patronage, but sometimes this feeling can develop into importunity and imposing their opinions on others. Education and knowledge of these people is easy, but great laziness prevents them from learning the surrounding World and the essence of Nature. To reassure themselves and the people around them, they came up with a saying: “why learn now, in time everything will come and fall into place”, and they were told: “under a lying stone, water does not flow”.

The Hall of Ras gives prudence, calmness when thinking about a problem and, at the same time, fun and serenity during times of rest.

DAZHDBOG - God Tarkh Perunovich, God-Keeper of ancient Great Wisdom.

He was named Dazhdbog (the giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan Nine Santi (Books).

These Santias, written down by ancient Runes, contain the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions. There are various Kummirs and Images depicting God Tarkh.

On many Images, he holds a gaitan with a Swastika in his hand.

Tarkh is very often called the wise son of God Perun, the grandson of God Svarog, the great-grandson of God Vyshen, which is true. Although there is misconception: Tarkh Dazhdbog in many ancient sources is very often called Svarozhich, i.e. Heavenly God, and many researchers of antiquity interpret this in such a way that Dazhdbog is the son of God Svarog.

Dazhdbog is the giver of all blessings, happiness and prosperity. Tarkh Dazhdbog was glorified in sacred and folk chants and hymns not only for the happy and dignified life of the Clans of the Great Race, but also for getting rid of the forces of the Dark World. Tarkh did not allow the dark forces from the Hellish World, which Koshchei gathered on the nearest Moon - Lele, to capture Midgard-Earth to win.

Tarkh Dazhdbog destroyed the Moon along with all the dark forces that were on it. This is reported by the "Santii of the Vedas of Perun. The First Circle": "You, on Midgard, live calmly, from ancient times, when the world was established ... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of Koshcheev, which were on the nearest moon .. Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya... These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, perished along with the Moon in the half-life... But Midgard paid for the freedom, Daaria hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, on They fell to the Earth from Heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon was split into pieces and an army of welders descended to Midgard "(Santia. 9, slokas. 11-12). In memory of this event, a kind of Rite with a deep meaning appeared, performed by all Orthodox people, and not only the Old Believers-Ynglings every Summer, on the great spring Slavic-Aryan holiday - Easter. On Paskhet (Easter), colored eggs hit each other, checking whose egg is stronger. A broken egg was called - Koshcheev's Egg, i.e. the destroyed Moon (Lelei), and the whole egg was called Dazhdbog's Tapxa Force.

Very often in various ancient Vedic Texts, Tapxa Perunovich asks his beautiful sister, the golden-haired Goddess Tara, to help people from the Clans of the Great Race. Together they performed good deeds, helped people settle in the endless expanses of Midgard-Earth. God Tarkh indicated where it would be best to place a settlement and build a Temple or Sanctuary, and his sister, the Goddess Tara, told people from the Great Race which trees should be used for construction. In addition, she taught people to plant new forest plantations in place of cut down trees, so that new trees needed for construction would grow for their descendants. Subsequently, many Clans began to call themselves the grandchildren of Tapxa and Tara, and the territories in which these Clans settled were called Great Tartaria, i.e. the land of Tapxa and Tara.

Today, many people use horoscopes based on the zodiac circle, but in ancient times the Slavs used its analogue - the Svarog circle. It includes 16 halls, which have their own name, patrons and talismans. It is worth understanding the Slavic symbolism of the halls and its meaning for a person. It is important to note that Svarozhy and the zodiac circle have much in common in terms of the traits and qualities of the character of people.

How to find out your palace in the Slavic chronology?

There are several ways to define your slavic sign, but the easiest and most affordable option is to use the date of birth.

How to find out your hall Slavic zodiac sign:

  1. From September 20 to October 12 - the chamber of the Boar. The patron is the god Ramhat, and the amulet tree is a pear. Such people perfectly cope with various problems, having a decisive character, while they are apathetic.
  2. From October 12 to November 3 - Pike's chamber. The patron is the goddess Razhana, and the amulet tree is a plum. People with this sign feel great in any environment, but it is quite difficult to interest them in some business.
  3. From November 3 to November 24 - the chamber of the Swan. The patron is the goddess Makosh, and the tree-amulet is a pine. Describing the Slavic palaces and their meaning, it is worth saying that such people suffer from their own pride. They strive to the top, not paying attention to the opinions of others.
  4. From November 24 to December 17 - the Serpent's chamber. The patron is the god Semargl, and the amulet tree is a linden. Such people can often be called selfish, but at the same time they are capable of self-sacrifice. For them, criticism is unacceptable.
  5. From December 17 to January 8 - the hall of the Raven. The patron is the god Kolyada, and the amulet tree is larch. In a person with such a hall, curiosity and wisdom are combined, which allows them to be called reliable.
  6. From January 8 to February 1 - the palace of the Bear. The patron is the god Svarog, and the tree-amulet is a beech. Such people easily cope with difficult situations, while being the guardians of the family hearth.
  7. From February 1 to February 25 - the palace of Busla. The patron is the god of the Family, and the tree-amulet is the willow. A person with such a hall is calm and easily manages to find his place in life.
  8. From February 25 to March 22 - the hall of the Wolf. The patron is the god Veles, and the tree-amulet is a poplar. This Slavic palace endows a person with stamina and rigidity.
  9. From March 22 to April 15 - the hall of the Fox. The patron is the god Marena, and the amulet tree is the hornbeam. Due to their innate cunning, such people often achieve tremendous success. Excessive curiosity sometimes leads to problems.
  10. From April 15 to May 7 - the chamber of Tura. The patron is the god Kryshen, and the amulet tree is aspen. Such people have excellent business acumen, so they develop 100% in work and business.
  11. From May 7 to May 30 - the hall of the Elk. The patron is the goddess Lada, and the tree-amulet is a birch. A person with such a hall is sociable, and all thanks to openness and good.
  12. From May 30 to June 21 - the hall of Finist. The patron is the god Vyshen, and the tree-amulet is cherry. Finists have an inquisitive nature, but at the same time they are prudent.
  13. From June 21 to July 13 - Hall of the Horse. The patron is the god Kupala, and the amulet tree is the elm. It is the optimists who are imprudent, which causes problems.
  14. From July 13 to August 4 - the hall of the Eagle. The patron is, and the tree-amulet is an oak. Eagles are strong and determined natures, but at the same time they are characterized by dreaminess.
  15. From August 4 to August 28 - the chamber of Ras. The patron is the god Tarkh, and the amulet tree is ash. Such people are kind and reasonable, but this does not prevent them from having fun.
  16. From August 28 to September 20 - the chamber of the Virgin. The patron is the goddess Zhiva, and the tree-amulet is an apple tree. For Virgos, it is important to be independent in life, and it is also worth noting the stubborn nature.
