What is the name of the year in the Slavic calendar. Personal life in the year of the Eagle

People are used to the fact that every year, according to Eastern calendar, is controlled by a certain animal, which has its own character and preferences, which must be catered to on New Year's Eve.

Nowadays, the eastern calendar is simply wildly popular, but no one thinks that there are other calendars in the world that can be used to characterize the coming year. Our ancestors of the Slavs also had a similar calendar.

The ancient Slavs worshiped pagan gods, giving each of them special qualities. Their life was very strongly connected with nature and all its manifestations. It is no coincidence that the Slavic calendar was based on long-term observations of changes in nature and the entire animal world. Each year passed under the sign of a certain totem animal with special qualities. According to beliefs, they influenced not only environment but also per person.

All calculations of the old calendar continue to be relevant in modern times. Knowing which animal Slavic calendar 2019, it will be possible to more carefully plan affairs and relationships for the coming period.

The characteristics of the patron sign correspond to the natural manifestations of one of the deities, their strength and influence on everything around. ancient horoscope was compiled according to the dates of birth of a person and years in the hexadecimal number system.

The year of which animal will be in 2019 according to the Slavic calendar?

Before talking about this year, it is necessary to understand what the Slavic calendar is in general. First, the Slavic calendar has interesting feature- if in eastern horoscope every year he names some animal, then in Slavic this animal is also credited with a certain action, which adds even more mysticism.

Interestingly, the animals in the Eastern and Slavic calendars are strikingly different and only some of them are similar. So, in both calendars there is a Rooster. Most of the animals of the Slavic calendar are quite common and common, but there are also those that existed only in Slavic legends. The annual circle, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, consists of the following signs:

  • Dark Soh;
  • Stinging Hornet;
  • The lurking Lute;
  • Fiery Veksha;
  • Pearl Pike;
  • Bearded Toad;
  • Wild Boar;
  • White Owl;
  • Hissing Already;
  • Crouching Fox;
  • Curled Hedgehog;
  • Soaring Eagle;
  • Spinning Mizgir;
  • Screaming Rooster;
  • Tour Golden Horns;
  • Fire Horse.

The Slavic calendar is already more than a few centuries old, so many of its names may seem rather strange and unknown to modern people. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people called animals completely differently. Also, many animals simply have not survived to our times. However, most of them can be found even now, but we call them differently.

So, the mysterious Totem Sokh is a moose familiar to everyone, and Lut is a wolf common in the forests. In ancient times, veksha was called a squirrel, and mizgir - a forest spider-cross.

Having understood the Slavic calendar, you can go directly to the current year. According to the eastern calendar, it is now Last year in a cycle, however, there are 16 animals in the Slavic calendar, so 2019 a year will pass ruled by the Soaring Eagle.

Characteristics of the Soaring Eagle and 2019

According to Slavic mythology, The Soaring Eagle appeared as a free, freedom-loving bird that does not like to obey anyone and does only what it pleases. The Soaring Eagle thinks about himself and his possessions all the time, so 2019 will be a great time for self-discovery and discovering new talents. However, astrologers warn that in 2019 you need to carefully monitor the people around you and your good.

As you know, eagles are constantly monitoring the situation in their grounds, so people should carefully monitor their surroundings. It may happen that your friend turns out to be completely not a friend, or an old work colleague turns out to be your destiny. People tend not to notice what is happening right under their noses, but in 2019 there will be a chance to dot the i's and learn something new about your life.

Also, astrologers assure that attentive people in 2019 receive a good reward. So, having noticed a seemingly minor mistake in the documents, you can not only avoid a reprimand from the authorities, but also get a good fee. In 2019, you should be curious about everything that surrounds you, because you can discover in yourself new talent Or pick up a new hobby.

Throughout the year, you can not be lazy and mess around. Perhaps it seemed to you a good idea in 2019 to drop all your business and spend it just watching TV? If so, then you can consider that your year has already failed. The Soaring Eagle does not like lazy people and encourages only active and hardworking people.

In 2019, wasting time will negatively affect not only your earnings, but also your health. From idleness, you will not know what to do with yourself, so apathy or even severe depression may occur. But it is worth remembering that rest in 2019 is not only possible, but also necessary. However, it should be some kind of unusual and unusual vacation for you - go to the mountains or rush to another city. Changing your occupation will help you stay in a good mood.


First of all, a calendar is needed to measure time. Among the ancient Slavs, he had a special interpretation of the chronology, helped to determine patterns, streamlined people's lives. The calendar was built on the calendar and was divided into 12 periods in connection with weather conditions and natural gifts, works and holidays accepted for this period. IN Slavic culture important natural signs were noted by which they judged what to expect. Years were combined into 16-year cycles. It was believed that each year has a patron animal that has a direct impact on the coming period. Knowing whose year according to the Slavic calendar will be next, you can predict the future in advance.

Each new year for the ancient Slavs began on March 20 on the day of the vernal equinox. It was big Slavic holiday– Komoyeditsa, dedicated to the god of spring and vitality Sun-Yarile.

Those born in 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 and 2019, according to Slavic beliefs, are patronized by the strong and wise Soaring Eagle.

What will the New Year 2019 be like (summer7527) according to the Old Slavonic calendar. Forecast for 2019 Soaring Eagle

Forecast from Lyudmila Malyuta 🙂

Soaring Eagle- the king of birds, a representative of the air element, the personification of courage, pride and freedom. Soaring under the clouds and peering vigilantly into the distance from a height of flight is the lifestyle of a predatory hunter. Noble and merciless, bold and fearless even before deadly danger, he will not miss his sacrifice. Those who are guilty will be severely punished, that's what the king is for!

Eagles value freedom, know their worth, set high goals. They deeply respect the circle of their communication. Aristocratic. Representatives of the totem are always ready to help loved ones. For a soaring eagle, obstacles rarely arise in striving for its goal. They often make excellent pioneers, scientists, artists, military men, surgeons.

What is the year supposed to be? What can I say here ... There will be no war and peace too ... The eagle is a bird, although proud, predatory, but you cannot call it peace-loving, it will not miss its own and will defend itself to the last breath. The personification of flight and a swift fall down after the victim - so fickle and promises to be a year. We all have new challenges ahead of us...

Periods of spiritual eagle soaring will alternate with victims, unpredictable natural disasters, global disputes-sanctions and showdowns. March-April promises to be especially exciting.

But in general, everything will be fine. Everything depends on each of us.

What will 2019 be like for Russia

Political, economic and military strife, unfortunately, will continue. Although the realization will come: the upcoming 2019 is the time to correct the tactics of the restraining prickliness of the Rolled Hedgehog - the totem of 2018, to demonstrate Eagle importance and, most importantly, wisdom. And from the height of the flight, to be able to prove who is still the “master” in the world, not by force, but by spirituality and its significance. I think Russia will succeed!

Indeed, in the state emblem of Russia, the Eagle is not only a symbol of power, imperial greatness, dominance, but also pride, courage, inspiration, and spiritual uplift. So this year promises recognition for the country on the world stage and a little more respect than it has been so far.

Although special global changes both in foreign-political and in inner life do not have to hope. But in order not to lose the tit from the hands, we all have to change a little, become more accommodating. And of course, to work in full, maybe two or even three times more than before. The eagle is a hardworking bird.

Today, more than ever, the country has a high chance to soar above the world in its ratings, demonstrating true greatness and dignity. And continue the course of strengthening and creation.

Health in the Year of the Soaring Eagle

The eagle is a long-liver among birds and is distinguished by enviable health. A lover of mountains and air spaces is alien to hustle, stress, depression in well-being. He is a connoisseur of clean air, better ecology, peace and quiet. So everyone in the coming year should try to avoid stress, unnecessary unrest, resolve disputes peacefully, avoiding explosions. All this, at least, will help to maintain health. Work is important, but rest must not be forgotten.

2019 is a spiritual year

The transitional period of the Age of Aquarius continues. This is the era of spiritual growth, unity, purification of consciousness and worldview, knowledge and discoveries.

Everyone who sets as his goal to soar high in thoughts and actions - success is guaranteed. People who strive for personal changes in life this year will seem to gain wings and receive the desired romantic relationship, career take-off, solving financial and housing problems, and even "come true" of the most unrealizable "dreams". The main thing, as everyone has long mastered, is desire and striving for a goal. And the totem of the year will take care of the most worthy from the height of its flight and will reward them to the fullest.

Welcome to the coming year leisure, travel (air and water transport) sports that will promote spiritual growth and improve health. And of course everything free time we spend in the family, with children, on vacation.

I urge: let's all open ourselves to the Wind of Change!

Forecast for 2019 by totems (by year of birth)

As you know, the cycle in the Old Slavonic calendar is not 12 years, as in the eastern one, but 16 years. Each totem is endowed with the character of its beast.

people born in the year Soaring Eagle have a strong, purposeful character, great willpower. Often these are true and devoted friends who are always ready to help. They value their social circle. Love for them is everything, they are devoted to their loved ones. If the eagle falls in love, then it will be sacred to cherish this feeling. They have intuition, are capable of predicting the future. This is their year, which will certainly turn out to be the most successful for them.

Born under other totems:

people born in summer Dark Sokh (Moose). They have a strong and courageous character. They are curious and constantly moving forward. For people around the elk, its behavior is often a mystery. Not everyone understands their aspirations and ambitions. Therefore, loneliness is very often the lot of representatives of this sign. Dark Sokhs can achieve a lot in life if they try.

An excellent alliance between the Dark Plow and the Eagle, if their goals are the same. Soaring Eagle can appreciate his bold nature. In the year of the Eagle, he can achieve a lot if he makes an effort to overcome his doubts.

Stinging Hornet- active and inquisitive people. They have excellent memory and intuition. However, the nature of the hornets cannot be called simple; to find with him mutual language it gets hard. Hornets can caustically communicate with people and prove their point in a rude manner. They are always ready to take on any new business and are ready to go to any tricks in order to succeed. All those born under the auspices of the Hornet in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in all financial affairs. However, it should be noted that the causticity and sharpness inherent in them from birth can become a hindrance here.

Lurking Lut. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by strength and fearlessness, while they have a soft and secretive character. They skillfully pretend and may not show their real temper for a long time. Lut will never let people manipulate him. In everyday life, they are demanding, it can be difficult to please them. They themselves easily forgive small mistakes. hallmark character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves. In the year of the Eagle, they will be successful in business, provided that they are not unnecessarily demanding of others.

Fiery Veksha (Squirrel)- crafty, dexterous, always relying only on himself. As a rule, representatives of the sign create families early and expect sincerity, care and reliability from the second half. People born in the years of the Fiery Veksha can instantly concentrate and find a way out of difficult situation. A weak feature is mood swings, often leading to depression. In 2019, they can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are more comfortable with failures.

Pearl Pike- people are straightforward, devoid of hypocrisy, confident in their rightness. They rarely get into awkward situations. They have a calm, balanced character. One of the most conservative signs. They begin to feel independent early, start a family early. In 2019, prosperity and stability await all Pikes. Bachelors can have a strong family.

bearded toad is the patron saint of wise, humble people who know exactly what they want from life. Good housewives and hosts are distinguished by frugality and accuracy. Hospitality is inherent in them and they are always glad to any guest. They have the ability to appreciate what they have. They do not like change, and in the year of the Eagle they will have no small successes.

Wild (Boar) Boar- a totem for the fearless and smart people who can be called maximalists and perfectionists. If they get involved in a fight, they always come out victorious. If interested, we are ready to achieve great success in business and career. The most suitable professions are military science and medicine. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve stunning results if they set goals and priorities correctly.

White Owl- a beautiful and graceful nocturnal resident. He loves freedom and is not used to obey. White owls make excellent journalists and writers, those who prefer a free work schedule. The eagle owl is calm and withdrawn, often possesses psychic abilities. With the help of a strong assistant and a faithful reliable friend, the eagle will be able to achieve good results. There are many surprises in store for them in 2019.

Hissing Already knows and owns the mystery of world harmony. They are distinguished by an analytical mindset. They like to work hard, and slowly but surely go to the goal. They often stay late at work. Sometimes they are defenseless, so if there is a person nearby who will take care of them, they build a harmonious space. This year, they will be successful in any area if they do not relax and act strictly with a previously drawn up plan.

crouching fox- representatives are cunning, crafty, capable of weaving intrigues. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve their goal if they give up these unflattering habits of theirs. Do not provoke them in vain, they are always ready to fight back. Foxes never get bored, in their life there are many interesting events that quickly replace each other. You won't be bored in 2019 either.

Curled Hedgehog. Representatives of the sign are true and reliable friends, good workers. Despite the noisy and fussy nature, they are kind to any business they undertake, and always bring it to the end. Under the auspices of the Eagle, they can succeed in love.

Spinning (Evil Spider) Mizgir. People of this totem are terribly afraid of loneliness, they just need the warmth and support of loved ones. Spinning Mizgir easily unites people into large groups and skillfully leads them. In 2019, representatives will be able to achieve a promotion if they do not refuse the help of loved ones.

Screaming rooster. A sharp, fussy and hasty nature does not prevent them from taking leadership positions and achieving success in their careers. They love children and always consider their family to be the main value. Many pleasant surprises await them this year. If they are not guided by emotions, but accept useful advice from loved one will be able to realize their most daring plan.

Golden Horned Bull (Tour)- those born this year, as a rule, are kind, bright people in whom a romantic and a sharp, dangerous pragmatist coexist harmoniously. They are very kind to their family and friends. They are capable of rage, which is why it is so important to observe diplomacy when dealing with them. Tour will be rewarded in 2019 if he has the determination and wisdom to compromise.

Representatives of the Fireman Horse- courageous, brave and active people. Not at all domestic, they like to take all the best from life, therefore they do not stay at home. Among them are many travelers and athletes, brave rescuers and firefighters. Under the sign of the Eagle, they will finally be able to achieve the goal towards which they have been going for a long time.

In general, 2019, although it does not promise to be calm, does not promise any drastic bad changes. The soaring eagle will favor all who move forward. It's time to fulfill your most incredible dreams, even if it takes a lot of effort.

And most importantly, that our plans coincide with the plans of the Universe! Happy New Year, Slavs!!!

Our distant ancestors lived according to the Slavic calendar in harmony with nature and endowed every year with their totem animal. Slavic" New Year falls on the vernal equinox, March 21st.
According to the Slavic or Aryan horoscope, the Soaring Eagle will become the patron of 2019. A strong, brave and noble bird will replace the Curled Hedgehog and we are waiting for change. The eagle is the king of birds, is a symbol of freedom. Since the time ancient rome the eagle was used in the heraldic system of many peoples, a double-headed eagle is depicted on the state emblem of the Russian Federation.
The soaring eagle will rule wisely and justly, will positive influence to all areas of life. The totemic qualities of the Eagle will give strength to remain unperturbed in any situation of the coming year, help to look beyond the world and see the spiritual component in all events. The tree of this bird is considered to be oak, any little thing from this tree will be your amulet.
According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 will be the year of the Yellow (earth) Pig, but we are the descendants of the Slavs and our totem animals help us. Copy or draw yourself an eagle and make an assistant out of it for 2019. To do this, hold the drawing for a couple of hours on a sunny windowsill, and then press it to your chest and say: “Share the soaring eagle with me with strength, luck and courage! Take with you to the shining heights! My talisman is with you, I will fly high, I will not miss rich prey, let everything be on my shoulder! Let it be so!" Hang the talisman at the entrance to the house or carry it with you. GOOD LUCK!

Slavic horoscope for 2019
Dark Sokh (Moose) 1912 1928 1944 1960 1976 1992 2008
Dark Sokh is a pioneer, leading others, who is patronized by the Higher Forces. The totem of a restless person, impetuous and proud, not stopping at the top, often misunderstood and incomprehensible to his inner circle. The less he thinks, the more he can give to the world.
The Dark Soh rarely finds like-minded people, and only the Soaring Eagle can truly appreciate his bold character. In the year of the Eagle, he can achieve a lot if he makes an effort and overcomes his doubts.

Stinging Hornet (Wasp) 1913 1929 1945 1961 1977 1993 2009
Stinging Hornet - people born in this period are very active, fuss a lot and like to make noise, have strong intuition and determination, do not wrap up morality, have an excellent memory, thrifty and jealous. Leaders by nature love to put others in their place by being caustic.
All those who were born under the auspices of the Hornet in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in financial matters. However, it should be noted that their causticity and sharpness can become a hindrance.

Lurking Lut (Wolf) 1914 1930 1946 1962 1978 1994 2010
Lurking Lut (element Earth) - people of great strength, natural grace and the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation. They have feline habits, with external softness, they can manifest themselves very sharply and instantly show their claws. Possessing generosity, patience and kindness of character, but they will not let you sit on your neck, for them there are only those limits that they set for themselves. A distinctive feature of character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves.
The wolf in 2019 will be successful in business, provided that he is not unnecessarily demanding of others.

Fiery Veksha (Squirrel) 1915 1931 1947 1963 1979 1995 2011
Fiery Veksha is a sign of a person who has the Highest protection. Those born this year are extremely dexterous and mobile, they grasp everything on the fly and instantly delve into the situation, finding the best way out. The character is nervous, prone to mood swings. In life, they rely only on themselves.
Those born in the years of Belka in 2019, when the Eagle is the patron, can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are calm about failures.

Pearl Pike 1916 1932 1948 1964 1980 1996 2012
Pearl Pike - people born this year are under the protection of their deceased ancestors. These are conservatives and orthodox people, endowed with inner peace and self-righteousness, in communication they are direct and frank.
In 2019, prosperity and stability await all Pikes. Bachelors can have a strong family.

Bearded Toad 1917 1933 1949 1965 1981 1997 2013
Bearded Toad - a person with natural wisdom, appreciates what he has, very economic, thrifty, modest and neat. A wonderful family man, not pretentious about his surroundings, a conservative who does not like change, adores his "swamp", and clearly knows what he wants from life
Bearded Toad in the year of the Eagle can get everything he wants.

Wild Boar (Boar) 1918 1934 1950 1966 1982 1998 2014
The Wild Boar are fearless people, ready to repulse everyone who is considered an enemy, striving for superiority in any business. In their calm state, Vepri are very intelligent. People of this type usually ask the price for a long time and sway, gaining momentum, rush to the goal, sweeping away everything in their path.
Those born in the year of the Boar in 2019 will be able to achieve stunning results if they set the right goal.

White Owl 1919 1935 1951 1967 1983 1999 2015
White Owl - these are people who live according to their own regime, prefer closed image life, suspicious and superstitious, have psychic talents. In a friendly environment, they are able to move mountains.
Those born in the year of Owl in 2019 will have many surprises.

Sizzling Already 1920 1936 1952 1968 1984 2000 2016
Hissing Already - these are people who have the gift to harmonize the space around them. They have a philosophical mindset, do not like to talk a lot, are practical, efficient, thrifty, go to the goal persistently, when obstacles arise, they change their skin.
In the coming year, those born in the year of Uzh will succeed in any endeavors if they act according to the previously abandoned plan.

Crouching Fox 1921 1937 1953 1969 1985 2001 2017
Crouching Foxes are people of mysterious fate and life full of adventures. They are dexterous, inventive, mocking, cunning, mocking, cautious and prudent, preferring to do everything on the sly. These are skillful intriguers who take life seriously and know how to achieve their goals.
The crouching Fox is inherent in cunning and cunning, these qualities in 2019 can do harm.

Curled Hedgehog 1922 1938 1954 1970 1986 2002 2018
Curled Hedgehog - unpredictable, prickly, fussy, noisy, possess wonderful memory and pedantry, reliable friends and faithful spouses.
A hedgehog under the auspices of the Eagle will be able to succeed in love.

Soaring Eagle 1923 1939 1955 1971 1987 2003 2019
The Soaring Eagle are missionaries and reformers obsessed with ideals and ideas. They have a bold, changeable and proud character, they do not tolerate manipulation and dictate, they live according to their own laws, they are aristocratic, scrupulous, faithful in friendship and love. They can foresee impending troubles.
Those born in the years of the Soaring Eagle, in the year of their totem, will be lucky in everything, they will be the favorites of the year.

Spinning Mizgir (Spider) 1924 1940 1956 1972 1988 2004 2020
Spinning Mizgir is a man of the clan, he needs the support of relatives and friends like air. They know how to unite groups of people and create organizations, they are power-hungry, sensitive, achieve their goals. These are the keepers of traditions, a reliable support of the family and society.
Those born in the year of the Spider do not like being alone. In the year of the Soaring Eagle, they can achieve a promotion if they do not refuse help.

Screaming Rooster 1925 1941 1957 1973 1989 2005 2021
Screaming Rooster - people born during this period are sharp and hasty in their judgments and actions, very active, fearless, try to be in sight and have their own original opinion on everything, love their home and children.
Those born in the year of the Rooster in 2019 are in for a lot of pleasant surprises.
If they are not guided by emotions, but are guided by practical advice, they will be able to realize their wildest plans.

Golden-horned Tur (Bull) 1926 1942 1958 1974 1990 2006 2022
Golden-horned Tur - people of this year harmoniously combine good nature and rage in character, they like to patronize the weak, they are hardy, stubborn, patient, and in case of danger they show courage and aggression.
Tour will be rewarded in 2019 if he manages to compromise.

Fireman Horse 1927 1943 1959 1975 1991 2007 2023
The Fireman Horse is the year of active and courageous, honest and diligent people. They are very talented, romantic; resilient and purposeful. Horses love traveling and extreme sports, they are constantly in a hurry somewhere.
The Fireman Horse in 2019 will be successful in all matters.

In the photo, the totem of 2019 Soaring Eagle

I begin my traditional narrative in advance about the New Year 2019 according to the Old Slavonic calendar or the New 7527 Summer. The soaring eagle has been declared the totem of the coming year/summer.

Symbol of 2019 according to the Old Slavonic calendar

Who is not in the subject - I will explain, who is already in the know - just a reminder. Every year, starting from 2016, in contrast to the Eastern calendar, I post articles on the totems of the Old Slavonic Calendar-Letoslov in my blog. Totem,

The cycle in the Old Slavonic calendar has a period of 16 years, in contrast to the Chinese 12-year one. Each totem is endowed with the character of a certain beast. Begins Slavic year on the day of the New Year - 1 kveten (March 22) and ends on March 15/16 before Christmas time, which do not fall under any of the Totems - for this is the period of InterTime. Beginning in 1492, Summer changed in autumn on September 21, then the New Year was celebrated on September 1.

In fact, the fashion for Chinese symbols came to us quite recently, before that we just celebrated the New Year's Eve and there were no other symbols of the year except Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and the Christmas tree. And somewhere since the end of the 70s of the last century, they first started talking about the eastern calendar and its symbols, and with the restructuring of the 90s, all this very quickly broke into our lives and completely captured the minds.

Meanwhile, the Slavic calendar is more ancient, at least two and a half thousand years older than the Eastern calendar. We have already talked about the assumptions why he was forgotten and left our lives, I will not repeat every year, you can read.

Have you read it? And I am everyone who feels in the soul Slavic roots, who, like me, at least once in my life thought about why we honor Chinese animals, completely unaware and not particularly delving into their history, to no avail accepting a foreign culture, please join and celebrate 2019 with the totem of the Slavic calendar.

Agree, the Soaring Eagle is still larger and more solid than the Yellow Pig. Although, I also love lard 😀

What will the New Year 2019 be like (summer7527) according to the Old Slavonic calendar. Forecast for 2019 Soaring Eagle

Forecast from Lyudmila Malyuta 🙂

Soaring Eagle- the king of birds, a representative of the air element, the personification of courage, pride and freedom. Soaring under the clouds and peering vigilantly into the distance from a height of flight is the lifestyle of a predatory hunter. Noble and merciless, brave and fearless even in the face of mortal danger, he will not miss his sacrifice. Those who are guilty will be severely punished, that's what the king is for!

Eagles value freedom, know their worth, set high goals. They deeply respect the circle of their communication. Aristocratic. Representatives of the totem are always ready to help loved ones. For a soaring eagle, obstacles rarely arise in striving for its goal. They often make excellent pioneers, scientists, artists, military men, surgeons.

What is the year supposed to be? What can I say here ... There will be no war, and there will be no peace either ... The eagle is a bird, although proud, predatory, but you cannot call it peace-loving, it will not miss its own and will defend itself to the last breath. The personification of flight and a swift fall down after the victim is so fickle and promises to be a year. New challenges await us all...

Periods of spiritual eagle soaring will alternate with victims, unpredictable natural disasters, global disputes-sanctions and showdowns. March-April promises to be especially exciting.

But in general, everything will be fine. Everything depends on each of us.

What will 2019 be like for Russia

Political, economic and military strife, unfortunately, will continue. Although the realization will come: the upcoming 2019 is the time to correct the tactics of restraining pricklyness - the totem of 2018 to demonstrate Eagle importance and, most importantly, wisdom. And from a height of flight, to be able to prove who is still the "master" in the world, not by force, but by spirituality and its significance. I think Russia will succeed!

Indeed, in the state emblem of Russia, the Eagle is not only a symbol of power, imperial greatness, dominance, but also pride, courage, inspiration, and spiritual uplift. So this year promises recognition for the country on the world stage and a little more respect than it has been so far.

Although one cannot hope for special global changes both in foreign-political and domestic life. But in order not to lose the tit from the hands, we all have to change a little, become more accommodating. And of course, to work in full, maybe two or even three times more than before. The eagle is a hardworking bird.

Today, more than ever, the country has a high chance to soar above the world, demonstrating true greatness and dignity. And continue the course of strengthening and creation.

Health in the Year of the Soaring Eagle

The eagle is a long-liver among birds and is distinguished by enviable health. A lover of mountains and air spaces is alien to hustle, stress, depression in well-being. He is a connoisseur of clean air, better ecology, peace and quiet. So everyone in the coming year should try to avoid stress, unnecessary unrest, resolve disputes peacefully, avoiding explosions. All this, at least, will help to maintain health. Work is important, but rest must not be forgotten.

2019 is the year of spiritual uplift

The transitional period of the Age of Aquarius continues. This is the era of spiritual growth, unity, purification of consciousness and worldview, knowledge and discoveries.

Everyone who sets as his goal to soar high in thoughts and actions - success is guaranteed. People seeking personal changes in their lives this year will seem to gain wings and get the desired romantic relationships, career take-off, financial and housing solutions, and even the "come true" of the most unrealizable "dreams". The main thing, as everyone has long mastered, is desire and striving for a goal. And the totem of the year will take care of the most worthy from the height of its flight and will reward them to the fullest.

In the coming year, active recreation, travel (air and water transport), sports are welcome, which will contribute to spiritual growth and improve health. And of course, we spend all our free time in the family, with children, on vacation.

I urge: let's all open ourselves to the Wind of Change!

Forecast for 2019 by totems (by year of birth)

As you know, the cycle in the Old Slavonic calendar is not 12 years, as in the eastern one, but 16 years. Each totem is endowed with the character of its beast.

people born in the year Soaring Eagle have a strong, purposeful character, great willpower. Often these are loyal and devoted friends, always ready to help. They value their social circle. Love for them is everything, they are devoted to their loved ones. If the eagle falls in love, then it will be sacred to cherish this feeling. They have intuition, are capable of predicting the future. This is their year, which will certainly turn out to be the most successful for them.

Born under other totems:

people born in summer Dark Sokh (Moose). They have a strong and courageous character. They are curious and constantly moving forward. For people around the elk, its behavior is often a mystery. Not everyone understands their aspirations and ambitions. Therefore, loneliness is very often the lot of representatives of this sign. Dark Sokhs can achieve a lot in life if they try.

An excellent alliance between the Dark Plow and the Eagle, if their goals are the same. Soaring Eagle can appreciate his bold nature. In the year of the Eagle, he can achieve a lot if he makes an effort to overcome his doubts.

Stinging Hornet- active and inquisitive people. They have excellent memory and intuition. However, the nature of the hornets cannot be called simple; it can be difficult to find a common language with him. Hornets can caustically communicate with people and prove their point in a rude manner. They are always ready to take on any new business and are ready to go to any tricks in order to succeed. All those born under the auspices of the Hornet in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in all financial matters. However, it should be noted that the causticity and sharpness inherent in them from birth can become a hindrance here.

Lurking Lut. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by strength and fearlessness, while they have a soft and secretive character. They skillfully pretend and may not show their real temper for a long time. Lut will never let people manipulate him. In everyday life, they are demanding, it can be difficult to please them. They themselves easily forgive small mistakes. A distinctive feature of character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves. In the year of the Eagle, they will be successful in business, provided that they are not unnecessarily demanding of others.

Fiery Veksha (Squirrel)- crafty, dexterous, always relying only on himself. As a rule, representatives of the sign create families early and expect sincerity, care and reliability from the second half. People born in the years of Fiery Veksha can instantly concentrate and find a way out of a difficult situation. A weak feature is mood swings, often leading to depression. In 2019, they can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are more comfortable with failures.

Pearl Pike- people are straightforward, devoid of hypocrisy, confident in their rightness. They rarely get into awkward situations. They have a calm, balanced character. One of the most conservative signs. They begin to feel independent early, start a family early. In 2019, prosperity and stability await all Pikes. Bachelors can have a strong family.

bearded toad is the patron saint of wise, humble people who know exactly what they want from life. Good housewives and hosts are distinguished by frugality and accuracy. Hospitality is inherent in them and they are always glad to any guest. They have the ability to appreciate what they have. They do not like change, and in the year of the Eagle they will have no small successes.

Wild (Boar) Boar- a totem for fearless and smart people who can be called maximalists and perfectionists. If they get involved in a fight, they always come out victorious. If interested, we are ready to achieve great success in business and career. The most suitable professions are military science and medicine. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve stunning results if they set goals and priorities correctly.

White Owl- a beautiful and graceful night dweller. He loves freedom and is not used to obey. White owls make excellent journalists and writers, those who prefer a free work schedule. Owl is calm and withdrawn, often possesses psychic abilities. With the help of a strong assistant and a faithful reliable friend, the eagle will be able to achieve good results. There are many surprises in store for them in 2019.

Hissing Already knows and owns the mystery of world harmony. They are distinguished by an analytical mindset. They like to work hard, and slowly but surely go to the goal. They often stay late at work. Sometimes they are defenseless, so if there is a person nearby who will take care of them, they build a harmonious space. This year, they will be successful in any area if they do not relax and act strictly with a previously drawn up plan.

crouching fox- representatives are cunning, crafty, capable of weaving intrigues. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve their goal if they give up these unflattering habits of theirs. Do not provoke them in vain, they are always ready to fight back. Foxes never get bored, in their life there are many interesting events that quickly replace each other. You won't be bored in 2019 either.

Curled Hedgehog. Representatives of the sign are true and reliable friends, good workers. Despite the noisy and fussy nature, they are kind to any business they undertake, and always bring it to the end. Under the auspices of the Eagle, they can succeed in love.

Spinning (Evil Spider) Mizgir. People of this totem are terribly afraid of loneliness, they just need the warmth and support of loved ones. Spinning Mizgir easily unites people into large groups and skillfully leads them. In 2019, representatives will be able to achieve a promotion if they do not refuse the help of loved ones.

Screaming rooster. A sharp, fussy and hasty nature does not prevent them from taking leadership positions and achieving success in their careers. They love children and always consider their family to be the main value. Many pleasant surprises await them this year. If they are not guided by emotions, but take good advice from a loved one, they will be able to realize their most daring plan.

Golden Horned Bull (Tour)- those born this year, as a rule, are kind, bright people in whom a romantic and a sharp, dangerous pragmatist coexist harmoniously. They are very kind to their family and friends. They are capable of rage, which is why it is so important to observe diplomacy when dealing with them. Tour will be rewarded in 2019 if he has the determination and wisdom to compromise.

Representatives of the Fireman Horse- courageous, brave and active people. Not at all domestic, they like to take all the best from life, therefore they do not stay at home. Among them are many travelers and athletes, brave rescuers and firefighters. Under the sign of the Eagle, they will finally be able to achieve the goal towards which they have been going for a long time.

In general, 2019, although it does not promise to be calm, does not promise any drastic bad changes. The soaring eagle will favor all who move forward. It's time to fulfill your most incredible dreams, even if it takes a lot of effort.

And most importantly, that our plans coincide with the plans of the Universe! Happy New Year, Slavs!!!

firmly entered our lives oriental symbols and horoscopes, which practically replaced the original Russian traditions and customs. It has already become the norm to associate every year with some representative of the animal world, according to the Chinese calendar. But it was not always so. Our distant ancestors lived according to the Slavic calendar. The basis for its compilation were astronomical objects and periodically repeating natural phenomena, such as a frozen river in the jelly, blooming foliage in flowering or a ripe harvest in a sickle.

The life of the Slavs was based on harmony with nature, and each year had its own totem patron in the form of an animal. The totem was endowed with special strength and abilities, which were reflected in legends, rituals and the Slavic calendar. Under the sign of what animal will 2019 come to us?

New Year 2019 is coming very soon. According to the Eastern calendar, it will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. But according to the Slavic calendar, the New Year 2019 will be the year of the Soaring Eagle.

The soaring eagle is the embodiment of wisdom, freedom and good luck. The ancient Slavs believed that the year patronized by the Soaring Eagle is very important. life stage for every person. They tried to get the most out of this year's experience.

Experts have made a forecast for the New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle. Thanks to this forecast, you can already find out what this year promises you in the main areas of life.

New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar - financial sphere

It is the financial sector that promises to be the most productive in 2019. At the same time, it is extremely important to remember that, first of all, you need to rely only on your own strength. It will also be important to be able to correctly assess the situation and your capabilities. Under these conditions, you can achieve great heights and career development in the year of the Soaring Eagle.

2019 is favorable for finding a job or changing the type of activity. If you feel that something does not suit you, do not be afraid of change, look for new sources of income.

Also, the New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle is great for large investments and expensive acquisitions. You can safely buy or change a car or property, repair.

The Soaring Eagle loves life and movement, so do not stay in one place, act. After all, even folk wisdom says that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, if you want to achieve financial success in 2019, be active and dynamic.

New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar - love and relationships

It may seem a little strange, but in the year of the Soaring Eagle, it will be much easier and easier for single people to achieve their desires. This is due to the fact that free people do not need to listen and take into account the opinion of their soulmate, no one distracts them, and they purposefully move forward. But, as already known, the Soaring Eagle is a symbol of wisdom. And if you have the wisdom to properly allocate time and listen to the opinion of your loved one, then you will succeed. After all, the year of the Soaring Eagle is unique in that it is a time when you can do everything and everyone.

Experts note that in the New Year 2019 it will be difficult for people to make contact and rapprochement. Everyone will have an irresistible desire to maintain self-sufficiency and independence, because the Eagle represents complete freedom. Therefore, if it seems to you that the people around you are trying to drive you into some kind of framework or impose stereotypes, feel free to get rid of these relationships. Don't let anyone instill self-doubt in you. But if you are lucky enough to meet a congenial person, try not to miss your luck. Relationships started in the year of the Soaring Eagle will be strong and long lasting.

New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar - health

The most important thing is positive attitude And positive thinking in the year of the Soaring Eagle. In this case, you will be able to avoid many health problems. After all, as you know, many diseases are caused by anger, envy, hatred and others. negative traits character.

The mood in the New Year of the Soaring Eagle 2019 will be quite stable. Positive emotions can be drawn through hobbies, sports, creativity and other hobbies. Also great sources positive emotions are hiking, cycling, rest outside the city.

In order for long-distance trips to be successful and help you recharge with positive, it is better to plan them starting from the middle of the New Year 2019. At the beginning of the year, you should not go far. If you want changes, you can change the situation in the apartment, look for new work, update your wardrobe, but do not leave your usual place.

The influence of the Soaring Eagle on human life

Our ancestors believed that a totem animal, becoming a companion of a person, protects, influences fate and character throughout life path- from birth to death.

Characteristics of the sign

Born under this sign talented people with an extremely strong and proud character. They are ambitious, self-confident, obsessed with ideas and achieve their goals by all means. Eagle people are innovators and reformers who are not afraid to go on the most seemingly insane experiments, although decisions are always made deliberately. As a result, they clearly know what they want to receive and never miss the opportunities that life provides them.

Such people are able to show diplomatic flexibility, although they do not tolerate dictatorships and manipulations, but they themselves are not at all averse to disposing of them. Eagles are born logicians with a cold mind and excellent memory. They make authoritative leaders and managers, especially in such areas as business, science, and politics. By their example, they demonstrate to others that with the desire and effort, brilliant results can always be achieved. Eagles are good and faithful friends, and with opponents they always “fight” openly.

Although the eagle is free-spirited, the family always comes first. Indeed, in nature, eagle pairs remain faithful for for long years and only death separates them. They will never refuse to help their loved ones. Often, eagle people have the ability to foresee.

What to expect in 2019

All year the Soaring Eagle will rule wisely and justly. Its influence will favorably affect all spheres of life, especially business and personal. Many may feel the urge to move forward in spite of the obstacles. If you distribute forces correctly, you can get the maximum benefit, and many doors will open for the most purposeful and hardworking. This period is favorable for creating a family and fulfilling the most cherished desires.

Of course, the eagle totem can only patronize - show the way, suggest what to beware of, give you the opportunity to prove yourself, but how 2019 will turn out depends only on us.

Forecast for 2019

Eagle- a wise and kind bird that is ready to help all those in need. The patron gives additional strength and determination in any actions to everyone born in his year, as well as to other signs. He will always come to the rescue or, without hesitation, will punish for an offense. Those who were born under the auspices of other totems will face many changes:

  • People born in 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 and 2008 are under the patronage Dark Sokh (Moose). They have a strong and courageous character. They are curious and constantly moving forward. An excellent alliance with the Eagle, if their goals are the same. The Dark Soh rarely finds like-minded people, and only the Soaring Eagle can truly appreciate his bold character. In the year of the Eagle, he can achieve a lot if he makes an effort to overcome his doubts.
  • Stinging Hornet- active and inquisitive people. They have excellent memory and intuition. They are always ready to take on any new business and are ready to go to any tricks in order to succeed. All those who were born under the auspices of the Hornet (1929-1945-1961-1977-1993) in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in all financial matters. However, it should be noted that the causticity and sharpness inherent in them from birth can become a hindrance.
  • Lurking Lute(Earth element) is the patron of people born in 1930-1946-1962-1978-1994. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by strength and fearlessness, while they have a soft and secretive character. They skillfully pretend and may not show their real temper for a long time. If this happens, they are sharp and do not give anyone a descent. A distinctive feature of character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves. In the year of the Eagle, they will be successful in business, provided that they are not unnecessarily demanding of others.
  • Fiery Veksha (Squirrel)- crafty, always relying only on himself. People born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995 can instantly focus and find a way out of a difficult situation. A weak feature is mood swings, often leading to depression. In 2019, when the Eagle is the patron, they can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are more relaxed about failures.
  • Pearl Pike- the patron of all people who were born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995. They rarely get into awkward situations. They have a calm, balanced character, they are always frank in communication and do not hide anything. One of the most conservative signs. In 2019, prosperity and stability await all Pikes. Bachelors can have a strong family.
  • bearded toad is the patron saint of naturally wise and neat people born in 1933-1949-1965-1981-1997. They are meticulous and meticulous. The most hospitable hosts who will be glad to any guest. A distinctive feature of character is the desire for stability, not the desire for change and love for one's own comfort. They always know what they want from life, and in the year of the Eagle they can easily accomplish this.
  • Wild (Boar) Boar- a totem for fearless and smart people who were born in 1934-1950-1966-1982-1998. They are always ready to help and fight back the enemy. If interested, we are ready to achieve great success in business and career. The most suitable professions are: military science and medicine. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve stunning results if they set the right goal.
  • White Owl (air element, years: 1935-1951-1967-1983-1999). People of this sign prefer to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They make excellent journalists and writers, as well as those who prefer a free work schedule. Owl is calm and withdrawn, often possesses psychic abilities. With the help of a strong assistant and a faithful reliable friend, they will be able to achieve good results. In the year of the Eagle, many surprises await them.
  • Hissing Already knows and owns the mystery of world harmony. That is why people born in 1936-1952-1968-1984-2000 have an analytical mindset. This year they will be successful in any endeavors, if they do not relax and act according to the previously abandoned plan.
  • crouching fox- people born 1937-1953-1969-1985-2001. In the year of the Eagle, he will be able to achieve his goal if he gives up his habit of weaving intrigues. The cunning and cunning inherent in this sign can do harm.
  • Curled Hedgehog- loyal and reliable friend. Under the auspices of the Eagle, he will be able to succeed in love. Despite the noisy and fussy nature, people born in 1938-1954-1970-1986-2002 are very reverent about any business they undertake and always bring it to the end.
  • Spinning (Evil Spider) Mizgir. Born in 1940-1956-1972-1988-2004, they do not like being alone. In the year of the Soaring Eagle, they can achieve a promotion if they do not refuse help.
  • Screaming rooster patronizes people born in 1941-1957-1973-1989-2005. A sharp, fussy and hasty nature does not prevent them from taking leadership positions and achieving career success. They love children and always consider their family to be the main value. Many pleasant surprises await them this year. If they are not guided by emotions, but take good advice from a loved one, they will be able to realize their most daring plan.
  • Golden Horned Bull (Tour)- a sign of those who were lucky enough to be born in 1942-1958-1974-1990-2006. Kind and bright people in whom a romantic and a sharp, dangerous pragmatist coexist harmoniously. Tour will be rewarded in 2019 if he manages to compromise.
  • Fireman Horse patronized in 1943-1959-1975-1991-2007 Very brave, brave and active people. They love to take the best out of life. Among them are many travelers and athletes, brave rescuers and firefighters. Under the sign of the Eagle, they will finally be able to achieve the goal towards which they have been going for a long time.

In general, 2019 promises to be calm and does not promise any drastic changes. The soaring eagle will be favorable to all who move forward. It's time to fulfill your most incredible dreams, even if it takes a lot of effort.

A port of the Railroad Rifle from Fallout 3. The weapon schematic is in Goodsprings on a workbench next to the bar. Railroad crutches are scattered throughout the game world and are sold at merchants for 3 caps each. Damage - Chance of inflicting critical damage - 45%. For example, in Fallout 3, she had 30 damage, and a critical hit chance of 40%. Ammunition can also be collected at a workbench.

Saved the firing sound of the original Railroad Rifle. Downloading requires authorization. Screenshots | images (more). For me, the best weapon in Fallout 3 is the Railroad. Sniper rifle! Very big! Very powerful! Very heavy! You can buy an assembly scheme in Paradise Falls. Note: This mod requires CRAFT v The archive also contains the Millenia patch, in case you have the mm PP retexture installed from this author. The assembly scheme can also be found almost at the very beginning of the game, in Megaton (although it will need to be stolen), but if you have already managed to blow up this town, then you will have to walk all the way to the Technical Museum.

Note: This mod also requires CRAFT v Installation: unzip the contents of the archive into the Data folder, connect the plugin to LauncherFOMM. Scheme Railway Rifle (Scheme Railway Rifle) Fallout 3: Schemes / Drawings of homemade weapons

Scheme Railway Rifle Description: "Firing out railroad crutches, which are easy to find in industrial areas, the railroad rifle is able to stop the enemy in place and pin their limbs to the walls." # Ingredients: Crutch # Manometer # Nuclear battery # Pressure cooker. I didn’t really check why you have a railway rifle in only two locations, I found 5 of them.

By the way, what site did you download this from? I could at least remove the "Write a comment or a question.". Fallout 3. Homemade weapon schematics. Where to find and components. 21 Feb Tweet. Tags: diagrams. Where to find schemes: Racket scheme.

Can be bought from Moira in Megaton. Can be bought from the caravaneer Crazy Wolfgang. In Rivet City Armory, on the floor. In the safe-picture, Sanctuary Shish-Kebab Schema: Can be bought from the caravaneer Lucky Harith. Vance, head of the Family. Remove from the corpse or receive at the reconciliation of the Family and Arefa. West of the SatCom station NNd in the barn on the table. Railroad Rifle Schematic: Can be bought from Tulip in Historical Museum. Get for the quest with the Declaration of Independence from Avra.

Where to find schematics: Racket Schematic: Can be bought from Moira in Megaton. Can be bought from the caravaneer Crazy Wolfgang.

Schematic (blueprint) for a dart launcher: Schematic is given by Hannibal Hamlin as a reward for helping the slaves in the Head of State quest. The schematic is sold at the Chic Boutique in Tenpenny Tower, and if the Lone Wanderer sides with the ghouls in the Tenpenny Tower quest, it can be purchased twice. Railroad Rifle: Can be bought from Tulip in the Dungeon. Control room (on a workbench) in the MDPL Power Plant Building Reward from Abraham Washington for the quest "Stolen Independence". Railroad Rifle.

Fallout 3 RJ Circuits September 6 0. Components: Crutch. Pressure gauge. Nuclear battery. Pressure cooker. Fallout 3. Release date. October 28 Genre. Role-playing game, Action. Series. fallout. Railroad Rifle

Railway rifle) is a homemade pneumatic (steam) weapon in Fallout 3. The role of the working fluid of the rifle is performed by water vapor, which allows you to refuel it from any puddle (this process is omitted in the game). The water poured into the pressure cooker is converted by energy from a nuclear battery into steam, creating high pressure.

Having slightly opened the exhaust valve, the shooter allows part of the water vapor to escape from the internal volume of the pressure cooker, pushing forward the metal rod inserted into the chamber. Pressure gauge.

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